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Miloš Pick 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》1994,38(4):352-358
郑江蓉 《地震地磁观测与研究》1995,16(2):67-71
该软件主要用于地震台站的大量数据处理及行政管理,全部用关系式数据库DBASEⅢ编写,在主菜单的控制下,根据各个工作性质及需要选择适合自己的子菜单。它主要包括两大部分:(1)台站行政管理系统,(2)观测资料管理系统,以及每部分下相应的分支。 相似文献
本文利用CryoSat-2测高数据与Landsat 8光学数据,针对南极Amery冰架区域开展接地线提取研究.首先通过Landsat 8光学影像三次Hermite多项式插值处理,在坡度分析的基础上利用表面曲率改进方法获取接地线特征点;同时对CryoSat-2测高数据进行坡度分析和表面曲率计算,通过沿轨梯度分析方法提取接地点;最后将Landsat 8与CryoSat-2数据获取的接地点进行最小二乘融合得到融合接地线.实验结果表明,融合结果利用高空间分辨率光学数据不仅能保证接地线提取精度,同时测高数据还能够弥补光学数据受云遮挡导致的数据空缺,保持接地线的完整性.与MOA产品比较可以看出,融合数据点与MOA接地线平均距离为367 m,标准差为601 m,所有数据点中距离小于1 km的点占总数的93.19%,与MOA产品具有较好一致.本文提出的融合算法可以实现空间连续的接地线提取结果,对后续研究南极物质平衡、冰流速计算等具有重要的意义. 相似文献
By comparing the hydrocarbons of benthic invertebrates from two Antarctic sites, Clarke & Law (1981) concluded that for one of their locations the source was local. In doing so, they questioned our suggestion that a world-wide dissemination of pyrolysis products was partly responsible (Platt & Mackie, 1979). However, we argue here that in fact their results confirm our contention. We also present some new data on the aromatic hydrocarbons of a South Georgia starfish. 相似文献
基于Oracle的地震数据共享方案设计及数据库实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对地震科学数据共享工程,面向地震系统工作机制,讨论存数据生产、处理以及保存为不同单位的情况下,如何能够在不影响数据的产出与处理过程而进行数据完整准确保存的动态汇聚方法,以及作为数据共享支撑的基于 Oracle的数据库的设计与建设方式. 相似文献
J. Noilhan J. C. André P. Bougeault J. P. Goutorbe P. Lacarrere 《Surveys in Geophysics》1991,12(1-3):31-61
The main thrust of the HAPEX-MOBILHY experiment was towards investigating techniques involved in integrating the turbulent surface fluxes measured at local sites to a larger scale approaching that used in general circulation models.Some aspects of the field data collected at various times and spatial scales are presented. Annual cycle of the soil moisture at many sites is discussed in relation with outputs of a large scale hydrological model. At shorter time scales, the spatial variability of surface energy partition is examined with regard to spatial contrasts in albedo, surface roughness and plant properties related to the two main vegetation classes found in the HAPEX square: A pine forest and the nearby agricultural area.Finally, examples of daily spatial integration with an atmospheric mesoscale model including a comprehensive treatment of land surface processes are presented. 相似文献
Debra J. Enzenbacher 《Marine pollution bulletin》1992,25(9-12):258-265
Increasing numbers of tourists are visiting the Antarctic. Totals from the past three seasons (1989–1990, 1990–1991, 1991–1992) were 2581, 4842, and 6495 respectively (Enzenbacher, 1992). Some environmental issues arising from Antarctic tourist activity include: wildlife tolerance, waste disposal, passenger education, tour operator management practices, personnel experience, frequency of visits and ship design. Current guidelines provide a practical approach to tourism, but do not address all issues arising from tourist activity. Antarctic Treaty Parties agreed to examine the question of a comprehensive regulation of tourist activities in the Antarctic Treaty Area and policies are under review. Some issues may prove difficult to resolve. Compliance with existing guidelines is to be encouraged, at least until more is known about the environmental effects of tourism. A management plan for tourism is needed along with more research on how tourism is conducted and the effects visits have on Antarctica's marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Cooperation between Treaty Parties and tour operators is important for the development of appropriate tourism regulations. 相似文献
An26Al survey by non-destructive gamma ray spectrometry was conducted as part of the preliminary examination effort for Antarctic meteorites. A total of 220 samples were studied. The majority of the samples were from the Allan Hills area; however, samples from several other sites, including the Yamato Mountains, were studied. Compared to worldwide falls and finds, the Antarctic group shows a clear trend toward lower26Al levels. At leasr 10% of the samples studied were clearly undersaturated in26Al. The frequency of undersaturated samples suggests that terrestrial ages of several hundred thousand years are common among the Antarctic meteorite collection. The absence of samples with extremely low26Al implies that the upper limit for terrestrial ages in the Antarctic is on the order of 1 million years. 相似文献
The toxic effects of crude oil, the dispersant, Corexit 7664, and mixtures of these on the respiration and mortality of two species of bivalve have been examined. A light Arabian crude is most toxic to one, Corexit is most toxic to the other. The susceptibility to oil of the mussel Brachidontes is also reflected in a significant depression of respiration rate at sub-lethal concentrations. 相似文献
将地形数据经过坡度计算,利用坡度与vS30相关关系,计算宝鸡地区场地近似vS30。为了得到接近实际的波速分布,借助宝鸡地区钻孔资料,研究选定区域内vS30近似值与实测结果的差异,并对差异的空间变化趋势进行分析,在此基础上,对模型估算的vS30进行修正,进而得到接近实际的vS30分布,并给出基于NEHRP的宝鸡地区场地分类。 相似文献