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George T.F. Wong 《Marine Chemistry》1981,10(5):461-463
The oxidation state diagram provides additional information that cannot be readily discerned from an activity ratio—pE diagram. A theoretical framework for explaining the existence of thermodynamically unstable species becomes available. 相似文献
George T.F. Wong 《Marine Chemistry》1980,9(1):1-12
With minor modifications, the oxidation state diagram may be used to study the redox chemistry of elements in marine waters. In addition to indicating the most stable oxidation state of an element, the diagram also shows the possible existence of metastable species. Oxidation state diagrams of the nitrogen and the manganese systems are presented. The inferences drawn from these diagrams are consistent with our present understanding of the marine geochemistry of these elements. 相似文献
M. Dileep Kumar 《Marine Chemistry》1981,10(6):475-486
Oxidation state diagrams have been constructed for different sulphur species. Sulphur oxyacids are stressed with respect to their key role in the cycling of inorganic sulphur species, besides sulphides and elemental sulphur. Following the stable sulphate species in seawater, metastable species are S4O62−, S2O32− and S0. Stability of different species found from these diagrams were compared with the earlier literature. A case study, from Solar Lake (Sinai) is inconcurrent with the results of the present diagrams. 相似文献
This paper addresses the question of the eventual control of barium concentration in seawater by an equilibrium with barite. For this, we have used a new thermodynamic model to compute the barite saturation index of ocean waters, mainly from GEOSECS data. Our results show that equilibrium between barite and seawater is reached in a number of places: cold surface waters of the Southern Ocean, waters at intermediate depths (2000–3500 m) in the Pacific, deep waters (2000–3500 m) of the Gulf of Bengal. The only samples for which a slight barite supersaturation is found are the surface waters at GEOSECS station G89 in the Weddell Gyre. Besides these locations, the rest of the world's oceans is undersaturated, as was established by Church and Wolgemuth [Church, T.M., Wolgemuth, K., 1972. Marine barite saturation, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 15 35–44.]. There is a return to undersaturation of the water column at depths of about 3500 m in the Pacific and of about 2500 m in the Southern Ocean. The reverse is found for GEOSECS station 446 in the Gulf of Bengal for which the highest Ba concentrations can be found at depth: surface waters are undersaturated and equilibrium is reached below 2000 m. Finally, we briefly discuss the role of biogenic and inorganic processes on barite formation in the ocean as well as the influence of strontium substitution in marine barites. 相似文献
多样性指数在海洋浮游植物研究中的应用 总被引:97,自引:12,他引:97
对海洋浮游植物群落分析中常用的多样性指数进行了比较研究.对物种丰富度依赖型、丰度依赖型和实测浮游植物群落中物种丰富度、Shannon指数(以2或e为底)、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson指数(1-D或1/D形式)、Margalef指数、Berger-Parker指数、McIntosh指数、McIntosh均匀度指数、Brillouin指数、Brillouin均匀度指数、Fisher α指数和Q统计指数等不同多样性指数计算结果进行了比较,发现不同多样性指数对浮游植物群落多样性的分析存在明显差异.对于一般情况下浮游植物群落多样性的研究,物种丰富度、Margalef指数、Fisher α指数、Shannon指数、Simpson相遇指数和Pielou指数的综合使用是较合适的,但对Margalef指数和Fisherα指数的结果要谨慎解释.并在综合应用各指数的基础上提出了浮游植物群落多样性分析的一般步骤. 相似文献
Shiro Gohda 《Journal of Oceanography》1974,30(4):163-167
The content and the oxidation state of arsenic and antimony in coastal seawater were determined coupled with chemical separation and neutron activation method. The contents of arsenic and antimony in coastal seawater were estimated to be 1.56–2.73g As/l, 0.25–0.57g Sb/l. Most parts of these elements exist as soluble ionic species, passing through 0.45 pore-size membrane filter, and at surface, 80–97% of arsenic occurs as arsenate and 70–94 % of antimony may occurs as antimonate. The vertical distribution of arsenite and arsenate is almost constant from the surface to 1,200 m depth. However the distribution of Sb(III) and Sb(V) is much more complicated with depth. 相似文献
Lime migration studies in marine clays 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Weak marine clay deposits are present in several regions of the world and they are imposing severe problems for structures founded in these deposits. The use of lime to improve the properties of these soft deposits is not new. In the present investigation, a test programme was carried out to study the migration of lime into the marine clay from the installed lime columns and lime slurry injected points. The formation of various cementation compounds due to soil-lime reactions were identified by X-ray diffraction studies and the attributed changes occurring in the engineering properties of the soil systems were studied. The test results indicate that a sufficient amount of lime is diffused into the soil systems with time and the presence of excessive sodium ions in sea water does not retard the effective penetration of lime into the soil. It is suggested that both the lime-column and lime-injection techniques can be conveniently used to improve the behaviour of soft marine clayey deposits. For weak marine clays under large depths of water, the lime-injection technique is better suited. 相似文献
《Marine Chemistry》1986,20(1):73-89
The chemistry of plutonium in natural waters is among the most complex of any element. Much of this complexity is due to the fact that Pu can exist in up to four oxidation states (III, IV, V, VI) at one time under conditions encountered in the marine environment. The chemical properties of Pu in these different oxidation states differ dramatically. Our examination of thermodynamic and environmental data indicates that speciation of Pu in natural waters is primarily governed by kinetic factors, and that interactions with organic compounds, such as humates, are important.Pu is primarily removed from oceanic waters by adsorption on particle surfaces. Adsorption processes are also governed by reaction kinetics. A major aspect of the adsorption chemistry of Pu on metal oxide surfaces is their ability to promote redox reactions which change the oxidation state of the adsorbed Pu. 相似文献
Despite the successful establishment of marine protected areas in the Netherlands Antilles, such as Saba and Bonaire, government-led protection of the reefs surrounding Curacao has repeatedly failed. In the absence of effective state regulation, dive operations have taken de facto control over dive sites, establishing conservation through a range of private initiatives akin to what have been referred to as entrepreneurial marine protected areas (EMPAs). The paper analyses the potential of these EMPAs to regulate access and control to dive sites and good diver practices. Using data from interviews with key actors in the dive industry and a survey of tourist divers the paper shows that achieving an island wide system of EMPAs is dependent on issues related to ownership over the reef, geographical location, and market competition. The paper concludes that the viability of such a system is not only dependent on the dynamics of the local and international dive market, in which all actors pursue their own interests, but also on the establishment of meta-governance arrangements that can provide incentive-based oversight to the entrepreneurial conservation practices of dive operations. 相似文献
海洋生物固氮作用研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
近年来,海洋生物固氮作用研究已成为海洋氮循环研究热点之一,因为它补充了海洋中的结合态氮,影响着海洋氮储库的收支平衡,进而调控海洋的初级生产力,并因此与海洋颗粒有机碳的迁出以及海洋对大气CO2的吸收密切相关.海洋生物固氮作用的研究主要是在近30a开展起来的,现有观点认为全球海洋生物固氮速率为100~200 Tg/a.15↑N2示踪法和乙炔还原法是最重要的生物固氮速率实测方法,而硝酸盐异常指数法、15↑N同位素收支平衡法、卫星遥测法等则是重要的间接估测方法.束毛藻曾被认为是全球海洋最重要的固氮生物,但近年来也发现了固氮生物在微微(pi-co)级和微(nano)级的分布,表明以往基于束毛藻的固氮速率可能是被低估的.海洋生物固氮作用营养盐限制的研究主要集中在铁和磷这2个元素的作用,但目前尚无定论.在中国边缘海生物固氮作用的研究还很匮乏,少数研究表明除黑潮区外,由束毛藻所支持的固氮速率并不高.就海洋固氮作用研究的未来发展,指出今后必须在更大时空尺度上开展海洋生物固氮作用研究,以弥补现有实测数据的不足,并获取固氮微生物种类组成的准确信息,在确定海洋生物固氮作用控制因素的同时,追踪新固定氮的流向,进而为海洋氮循环提供准确信息. 相似文献
Prediction of the performance of systems designed to discharge municipal and industrial wastes into the marine environment, and of the effects of these discharges on the environment, requires an understanding of the dynamic behavior of the system. Such an understanding can be achieved only by extensive measurement of a variety of parameters of both the marine system and of the waste materials to be discharged. Techniques for the measurement of waste characteristics are well developed. In this area, the primary problem is quantification of the variability of the waste characteristics. This problem is not so much one of instrumentation as of achieving statistical reliability, applicability, and interpretability. This is due, in part, to the variety of instruments and measurement techniques available in nearshore oceanographic work, and in part, due to the complexities of the dynamic processes in the marine environment. This paper examines and discusses a number of these and related problems. The subjects discussed will include: the types of data needed for marine outfall design, types and extent of data required for determination of environmental effects, suitability of various types of instrumentation, techniques for maximizing the reliability of data acquisition, needs for new types of instrumentation, and the interpretation of data. The paper also discusses the tradeoffs which must be made between the needs and desire for information and the costs of acquiring it. 相似文献
《African Journal of Marine Science》2013,35(4):409-422
The number of scientific papers resulting from biologging instruments deployed on marine mammals is increasing as improved technologies result in smaller devices and improved sensor-, storage- and transmission capabilities. I undertook a comprehensive review of papers resulting from biologging deployments on free-ranging marine mammals between 1965 and 2013 (n = 620) to summarise where (e.g. on which species, as well as in which geographic areas) deployment efforts were focused, the impacts of the resulting papers, and where there are shortcomings in the literature. Species-, sex- and age-class biases were evident in terms of animals instrumented. Also, large proportions of the papers resulted from deployments on a small number of species (particularly among the pinnipeds) and were more often on adult females than other demographic classes. The mean impact of papers (as assessed using journal impact factors and numbers of citations) was consistent over time, and was influenced by the number of species studied, sample sizes and instrument capabilities. I found a paucity of papers addressing device influences on animals, as well as studies with explicit conservation and/or management implications. This review aims to increase awareness of marine mammal biologging data already collected, stimulate appropriate further studies, and encourage the reuse of existing data. 相似文献
The historical-genetic method developed at the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the assessment of the petroleum resource potential is discussed with consideration of its main tasks and the successive procedures in its application. Such studies are crowned by a compilation of separate maps demonstrating scales of oil and gas generation and maps of hydrocarbon genesis zoning of basins with outlining centers of oil and gas generation and defining different-phase hydrocarbon-generation zones. The method was tested in over twenty continental-marginal and intracontinental basins studied to a different extent. The sedimentary basins of the Atlantic continental margin off Africa and the Caspian and Black seas were used as objects for applying the historical-genetic method for assessing their petroleum resource potential. 相似文献
厌氧氨氧化是细菌在厌氧条件下将氨氮氧化成氮气的过程,主要应用在污水处理反应器中,最近几年发现在海洋环境中也广泛存在,并在海洋氮循环过程中发挥了重要作用,代表了海洋中一个巨大的氮汇,对碳循环和全球气候变化也有重要影响。梯烷膜脂结构独特,是厌氧氨氧化细菌的化学生物标志物,具有化学分类与古海洋学应用潜力。厌氧氨氧化作用及厌氧氨氧化细菌已成为海洋生物地球化学、微生物学、有机地球化学等研究领域的热点。 相似文献
根据2007-2011 年青岛市近岸海域环境质量监测结果,分析和评价了该区域海水、沉积物、陆源入海污染物、海洋
境改善的相应建议。 相似文献
<正>俄罗斯具有丰富的海洋大陆架油气资源,为与俄罗斯建立良好的油气资源战略合作关系,作者对俄罗斯大陆架海洋油气资源量的分布、勘探程度、开发及投资趋势进行研究,发现俄罗斯海洋大陆架蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,其油气储量达1 000亿t油当量,其中石油占13%、天然气占87%,但分布明显 相似文献
通过对比研究中美海洋灾害预报机制和管理体制,表明在中国很有必要建立海洋环境监测预报的专业化、国际化机制和法制化管理体制,并建议对赤潮预报实行专项监控和预警,明确限定各涉海部门海洋监测预报的职责,监测预报的信息共享由国家海洋局进行管理与协调、各涉海部门所进行的海洋环境监测和预报的内容和范围进行准确的界定并实行分级分类的标准化监测和预报、积极参与海洋环境监测预报国际合作。 相似文献