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徐金芳  王鹤立 《山东地质》1997,13(1):103-105
1997年2月15日23时,一场损石雨降落在中国山东省鄄城县董口乡。陨石的主要组成矿物的橄榄石、古铜辉石和金属矿物。金属矿物为损硫铁和铁纹石。副矿物有磷灰石和铬铁矿。球粒结构,定名为橄榄石-古铜辉石球粒损石。  相似文献   

宁强碳质球粒陨石的结构复杂,有粒状、斑状和炉条状等结构。球粒分为玻璃质和晶质两种。聚合体含量丰富、形态各异,有钢性和塑性两种聚合体。目前已查明的矿物有20余种,主要是镁橄榄石、贵橄榄石、烦火辉石、普通辉石和黄长石类矿物等。在宁强陨石中出现罕见的方解石、白云石。不透明矿物有陨硫铁、铁纹石—镍纹石、镍铁矿、磁铁矿和非晶质碳质。Fe/SiO_2为0.71—0.72,SiO_2/MgO为1.37—1.40。根据化学及矿物特征,该陨石应属C_2群。  相似文献   

1984年10月25日15时,在黑龙江省肇东县境内坠落了两颗陨石,一颗落地后即碎成多块,另一颗形貌保持完整,重约14公斤。陨石基体部分呈灰色,表面有厚约1毫米的黑色熔壳。经研究,陨石的化学成分,主要化学参数,稀土元素,主要矿物成分和结构特征等与吉林陨石和普通H型球粒陨石大体相同,但局部特征也有某些变化。在陨石中见有26种矿物,主要硅酸盐矿物为贯橄榄石和古铜辉石;主要金属矿物为铁纹石、镍纹石和陨硫铁等。陨石具有典型而复杂的球粒结构,如全晶球粒、玻晶球粒、隐晶球粒和玻璃球粒等。球粒轮廓清晰,大小不等,最大者达5毫米,一般0.2至1毫米。球粒含量约占44%。陨石具显著的热变质(重结晶,脱歧化、金属扩散等)和冲击形变(晶体碎裂、弯曲、玻状消光等)现象。稳定同位素分析,δO~(18)值为 6.3(?);δS~(34)值为 0.31(?)。氧、硫同位素没有分馏现象。陨石稳定同位素成分与月岩和地球玄武岩大体相同,表明它们同来源于太阳系的星云物质。陨石中不相容矿物(如橄榄石与石英)的共生,复杂的原生、次生结构特征,以及矿物形成顺序的复杂性和矛盾性,反映了陨石的形成与演化历经了复杂而特殊的物理化学环境,是多种复杂因素长期作用的结果。  相似文献   

吉林陨石的岩石学、矿物学、化学组成及球粒结构的研究表明,陨石主要由橄榄石、古铜辉石、铁纹石、陨硫铁、斜长石及少量的铬铁矿、钛铁矿、斜古铜辉石、白磷钙矿及玻璃等近40种矿物组成。橄榄石(Fa18.7%)及古铜辉石(En81.8 Fs15.3 Wo2.9)的成分比较稳定。球粒比较发育,约占20%,但大多球粒的轮廓模糊,有的球粒与基质难以分辨,球粒结构类型多样,组成球粒和基质的矿物成分基本一致。按W.R.范施穆斯(VanSchmus)的分类,吉林陨石应属于H_5球粒陨石。根据同位素地质年龄的测定结果,吉  相似文献   

该陨石于1977年lO月20日下午2时30分左右降落于安徽亳县张沃公社吝子门大队,两块陨石分别重5.5公斤与2公斤,其外形分别为锥体和椭球体,表面灰黑色,有0.5mm厚的烧蚀层,新鲜面为浅灰色,均具明显的球粒结构,比重分别为3.426和3.419。 1.矿物学研究初步查明该陨石的透明矿物有镁橄榄石、贵橄榄石、透铁橄揽石、古铜辉石、顽火辉石、斜顽辉石、顽火透辉石、易变辉石、斜长石、正长石、自磷钙矿、石英、黑云母、白云石、方解石、刚玉等;不透明矿物有陨硫铁、铁纹石、镍纹石、铬铁矿、镁铁尖晶石、钛铁矿、镍黄铁矿、石墨、磁铁矿、方铁矿、自然铜和张衡矿等。  相似文献   

我国第16次南极考察队回收到6块稀少种类陨石-L3型,GRV99001,GRV99019,GRV99020,GRV99021, GRV99022,GRV99026。本文对其中3块陨石进行研究,研究它们的球粒结构和矿物化学成分.它们虽然都属于非平衡普通球粒陨石(L3),但它们的亚类不同,GRV 99001为L3.4,GRV99026为L3.5,GRV99019为L3.6.它们的球粒结构和球粒内的矿物晶体完整性和矿物组合变化比较大,橄榄石和辉石以高镁为特征.这三块陨石的球粒结构种类比较多,有班状的、炉条状的、扇形的和隐晶质的等.在GRV99001陨石中班状结构的球粒内能见到一个或两个以上完整的单晶橄榄石构成的球粒,也能见到多个细小的或是破碎橄榄石,被包裹在辉石晶体内.而在GRV99019和GRV99026陨石中只能见到多个细小单晶体或是破碎的橄榄石晶体.GRV99001陨石的炉条状结构,好象是由一条带状长石矿物,穿插在单个橄榄石晶体中构成.扇形和伞形结构的球粒,以一个点为中心,向外放射呈扇形.如GRV99019陨石中扇形结构球粒,它们是以辉石为主,陨硫铁充填在低钙辉石缝隙中,形成扇形.另一种是以多个点为中心,如GRV99001陨石,它们是由橄榄石、低钙辉石和长石质的玻璃,构成多个小伞形,形状类似三维立体的球,裂缝中也充填有金属矿物.隐晶质的球粒在GRV99026陨石中有两种,一种是在一厘米等于 100un时呈现隐晶质矿物,而放大到一厘米等于5un时,就可以清楚看到两种低钙辉石矿物,在低钙辉石中还有金属矿物.另一种隐晶质结构球粒由极细小破碎的橄榄石和辉石矿物构成.这三块陨石中的橄榄石和辉石都以高镁为特征.班状结构球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石的MgO-33.37-51.21,辉石为35.9-36.61;GRV99019陨石中橄榄石23.33-56.58,辉石 21.38-33.07;GRV99026陨石中橄榄石45.91-52.63,辉石34.48-37.35.扇形结构球粒,在GRV99001陨石中橄榄石29.94 -46.22,辉石28.17-30.36;GRV99019陨石中橄榄石29.17-34.38,辉石23.11-27.79.炉条状结构的球粒,在GRV99001 陨石中橄榄石51.84-56.03.隐晶质结构球粒,在GRV99026陨石中辉石20.17-21.54,橄榄石30.84-32.66.由此看出矿物晶体完整性越好镁的含量越高.  相似文献   

庐江陨石中的不透明矿物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庐江陨石是一化学岩石类型为LL6的球粒石陨石。研究表明该陨石中不透明矿物有铁纹石,镍纹石,陨硫铁,铬铁矿,钛铁矿和赤铁矿等。本文对它们的产状,成分和结构进行了研究。  相似文献   

本文研究了2个富钙长石-橄榄石型包体和2个富黄长石-尖晶石型和富尖晶石-辉石型包体(分别来自宁强和南极格罗夫山碳质球粒陨石)的矿物岩石学特征,并对它们进行了对比。富钙长石-橄榄石型包体的矿物模式组成具有富橄榄石和缺失黄长石的特征,其可能是球粒和典型难熔包体之间的中间产物,是认识它们之间相互关系的钥匙。矿物岩石学特征表明富黄长石-尖晶石型和富尖晶石-辉石型包体可能是星云直接凝聚的产物,而富钙长石-橄榄石型包体经历过熔融结晶过程。富钙长石-橄榄石型包体的初始物质可能是富Al的球粒或含难熔组分的蠕虫状橄榄石集合体。矿物化学组成对比研究发现,GRV 022459-RI6中的尖晶石具有最富FeO的特征,表明包体的蚀变可能发生在高氧逸度的星云环境。  相似文献   

普通球粒陨石是目前发现数量最多的陨石,对认识早期太阳星云演化和太阳系物质成分具有重要的意义。Northwest Africa (NWA) 15004是一块非洲西北部新发现的普通球粒陨石。本次研究使用光学显微镜、电子探针以及扫描电镜等分析仪器对该陨石进行详细的岩石学、矿物学及球粒特征研究。结果表明该陨石球粒轮廓较为模糊,基质重结晶明显,橄榄石平均Fa值为25.4 mol%(PMD为2.65%),低钙辉石的平均Fs值21.3 mol%(PMD为3.95%),硅酸盐矿物化学成分较为均一,根据岩相学及矿物学特征将其划分为L5型普通球粒陨石。橄榄石和辉石颗粒发育波状消光和面状破裂,且观察到有熔融囊的出现,表明该陨石受到S3以上的冲击变质作用。球粒的成因和形成的星云环境需要准确的球粒类型划分,球粒按结构类型分类较多,但其化学成分均一,该陨石所有球粒的橄榄石辉石的Mg#约为74.5,均为Ⅱ型富铁球粒,结合“CIPW标准”计算基质化学成分均为A5型球粒。利用共生单斜辉石和斜方辉石矿物对成分特征计算得到NWA 15004陨石热变质平衡温度为814℃,说明该陨石母体经历了较高程度热变...  相似文献   

吉林陨石中的球粒分为正常快速冷却和过冷冷却球粒两种。前一类球粒中的橄榄石和辉石的化学成份相对稳定,代表了平衡球粒陨石的特征。后一类球粒中的橄榄石和辉石不仅在总的化学成份上有别于前者,而且矿物本身成份不稳定,反映了平衡球粒陨石中存在着不平衡性。  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition of Kargapole meteorite, which was found in Kurgan oblast in 1961, are presented. It has been established that the meteoritic material is represented by olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (oligoclase), chromite, Fe and Ni metal particles (kamacite, taenite, tetrataenite), sulfides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. For the first time, diopside, tetrataenite, pentlandite, chlorapatite, and merrillite were identified in the Kargapole meteorite. The chemical compositions of all minerals studied are given in Table 1. In terms of petrology, the meteorite is classified a common H4 chondrite.  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition of the Ozernoye meteorite, found in the Kurgan region in 1983, are presented. It has been found that that the meteorite’s matter is composed of olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (augite), maskelynite, chromite, ilmenite, metals Fe and Ni (kamasite, taenite), sulfides (troilite, pentlandite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. Augite, taenite, pentlandite, and merrillite were identified in the Ozernoye meteorite for the first time. The chemical compositions are given for all these minerals. The meteorite itself is an ordinary chondrite stone belonging to petrological type L5.  相似文献   

New data on the mineral composition of the Severny Kolchim meteorite, found in Perm Region in 1965, are presented. It has been found that that the meteorite matter is composed of olivine (chrysolite), orthopyroxene (bronzite), clinopyroxene (diopside), plagioclase (oligoclase, bytownite), glass, chromite, magnetite, ilmenite, rutile, metals Fe and Ni (kamasite, taenite, tetrataenite), copper, sulfides (troilite, pentlandite, covellite), chlorapatite, and merrillite. Diopside, tetrataenite, chlorapatite, and merrillite were identified in the Severny Kolchim meteorite for the first time. The chemical compositions are given for all these minerals. The meteorite itself is a nonequilibrium ordinary chondrite stone belonging to petrological type H3.  相似文献   

1977年12月1日18时57分(北京时间),在河南信阳县肖王公社陨落了一次陨石。这是我国目击陨落并保存的又一次大的石陨石。收集到的两块,其中1号重48公斤,2号重27.5公斤。它们陨落的地理坐标分别为:1号东经114°19′22″,北纬32°19′38″;2号东经114°18′12″,北纬32°20′31″。1号陨石坑口椭圆形,长轴方向280°。长轴长约70厘米,短轴约50厘米,坑深约48厘米。在坑口西边几米处,同时获得两小块陨石碎屑。2号陨石坑保存完好,坑口亦椭圆形,长轴方向260°。长轴长53厘米,短轴32厘米,坑深37厘米左右,东浅西深。落地擦痕不明显,坑口东壁倾角53°,陨落角较陡。  相似文献   

安徽亳县陨石不透明矿物研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
毫县陨石的不透明矿物有陨硫铁、铁纹石、镍纹石、镍黄铁矿、镁铁尖晶石、自然铜、石墨、方铁矿、铬铁矿、钛铁矿、磁铁矿、张衡矿及x矿物等。本文对它们进行了反光显微镜鉴定、X射线分析、反射率测定和电子探针分析。总结了不同化学群的球粒陨石中FeO和MgO的含量变化规律。  相似文献   

Metallic spherules selected from the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16 sites were studied by optical techniques as well as the electron probe and scanning electron microscope. In addition, metallic spherules of similar composition were produced experimentally. The structure of the metallic lunar spherules indicates an origin by solidification of molten globules of metal. The experimentally produced spherules have external morphologies, metallographic structures and solidification rates (7 × 102 to 106 ° C/sec) similar to the lunar spherules which have rapidly solidified. The majority of the lunar spherules are, however, either more slowly cooled or have been reheated in place with the lunar fragmental rocks, glass or soil. The heavy meteorite bombardment of the highlands is strongly reflected by the evidence of reheating and/or slow cooling of a majority of Apollo 14 and 16 spherules.The metallic spherules are probably produced from both lunar and meteoritic sources. Impact processes cause localized shock melting of metallic (and non-metallic) constituents at metal-sulfide phase interfaces in surface rocks and in the meteoritic projectile. The major source of metallic spherules is the metal phase present in the lunar rocks and soil. The large variation in spherule bulk compositions is attributed to the different meteoritic projectiles bombarding the Moon, metal phases of differing compositions in the lunar soils and rocks and to the experimental results which indicate that high S, high P alloys form two immiscible liquids when melted.  相似文献   

The metallic phases in six bronzite and six hypersthene chondrites were studied metallographically and by electron microprobe. All of the chondrites studied contain zoned taenite. In bronzite chondrites, only about 5 per cent of the zoned taenite abuts on kamacite (the rest being apparently isolated from it) whereas in hypersthene chondrites an average of over 20 per cent abuts on kamacite. The compositions of the centers of zoned taenite can be used to obtain cooling rates by Wood's method. Including Wood's results, 14 out of 18 ordinary chondrites have cooling rates between 1 and 10°C/m.y.  相似文献   

As previously found for a chondritic inclusion of unknown affinity, mineralogic and petrologic properties of 9 inclusions in the Cumberland Falls enstatitc achondrite are primitive members of the forsterite (F) chondrite group, hitherto defined by 4 meteorites of similar redox state. The inclusions define a primitive suite with properties indicating 8 as F3 and one of even lower petrologic type. The abundant minerals include: low-Ca pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, kamacite, taenite, schreibersite, troilite, ferroan alabandite and daubreelite. Diopside, oldhamite and a Ti-rich sulfide are present in one or two inclusions. Petrologic textures and jadeitic pyroxene, hitherto unidentified in meteorites, indicate substantial degree of shock. The inclusions acquired their chemical characteristics during nebular condensation and accretion over a broad redox range (metal-silicate trends in them verify Prior's Rules): their parent body later impacted the enstatite meteorite parent body. During impact, the inclusions were shocked and incorporated with enstatite achondrite host as a breccia that would become Cumberland Falls.  相似文献   

The fragments of the Chelyabinsk meteorite studied are represented by light-gray granular rock of chondritic structure. The chondrules and their cementing matter are mainly constituted by olivine and orthopyroxene. The matrix consists of a pyroxene-olivine aggregate with plagioclase, apatite, melted glass, and the inclusions of ore minerals: taenite, kamacite, troilite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite (more rarely), and individual grains of chromite and ilmenite. The comparison of the composition of the Chelyabinsk meteorite to the average composition of LL chondrites had shown their complete convergence. The concentrations of sidero- and chalcophile rare elements in the meteorite, normalized to CI chondrites, are much close to the values for LL chondrites and almost reproduce the character of their distribution in the spider diagram. However, some high-charged and lithophile elements (Nb, Zr, Hf, Sr, Ba, Th, and U) not belonging to the mentioned groups are characterized by somewhat increased contents. The enrichment of the samples of the Chelyabinsk meteorite in rare-earth elements compared to LL chondrite (5.18 against 3.58 ppm) is also revealed. This is related to the higher concentrations of light lanthanides in the meteorite samples, which is seen from the increased La/Yb ratio compared to the value for LL chondrite (1.9–2.3 and 1.4, respectively). Iron-nickel alloys are the main magnetism carriers in the Chelyabinsk meteorite. The compositions of kamacite, taenite, chromite, and Fe-sulfides are not much different. The optical and microprobe data are confirmed by the thermomagnetic parameters as well: (1) The specific magnetization of 4–6 Am2/kg points to small variations in the concentrations of magnetic minerals. (2) The M(T) curves for all the samples nearly repeat each other, and the Curie temperatures of 490–520 and 740–770°C are registered in the curves of the first and second heating, hence, these curves correspond to kamacite of various composition, right up to pure iron. (3) The monocline ferrimagnetic pyrrhotite of TC = 320–340°C is registered in the treated fragments in both the M(T) curves of heating and cooling. (4) The concentrations by thermomagnetic analysis amount to 0.6–1.6% (0.9% average) for kamacite, 0.7–1.5% (1.1% average) for taenite, and 0–1.5% (0.4% average) for monocline pyrrhotite. (5) No magnetite was found in the M(T) curve during the first heating of the samples. Hence, the content of magnetite is much below 0.1.  相似文献   

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