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在铁路新线建设和既有线扩建改造中,新征用地的手续完备及形成时间的早晚,不仅关系到工程进度,而且对工程竣工验交后铁路用地管理及使用都至关重要。因此,铁路用地管理部门超前介入铁路新线建设和既有线扩建改造,参与铁路建设项目建设新征用地的全过程,已成为铁路用地管理部门需要研究的课题。  相似文献   

外力 《河南地质》2008,(4):10-11
铁路是国家的重要基础设施,是国民经济的重要基础产业部门,是国民经济的大动脉,在国家综合交通体系中起着重要的骨干作用。而铁路用地,是铁路运输生产的重要基础,是维护铁路运输安全的重要条件,是铁路经营的重要资产,是铁路改革发展的重要资本。铁路用地资产量庞大等特点,决定了铁路用地管理工作是铁路改革发展的重要组成部分,因此,加强铁路用地管理,推行铁路局内部土地使用证,是有效发挥土地管理为铁路改革和发展提供保障和服务的有益探索。  相似文献   

铁路用地是铁路运输生产的物质基础和运输设施的组成部分,直接关系着铁路运输安全和改革发展的大局。随着铁路生产力布局的调整和管理关系的转变,尤其是铁路新干线、新网络的快速发展,对铁路用地管理提出了更高的要求。如何加强新形势下铁路用地管理,是摆在我们面前的新课题。  相似文献   

王涛 《山东地质》2013,(10):133-136
随着地籍管理科技发展,铁路用地地籍管理在引入国家大地统一坐标系的测量技术手段的同时,为满足铁路用地线状分布特点和Et常管理的需要,仍然保留了独立坐标系统。而铁路运营设备的不断更新和技术装备的不断提高,铁路线路设备发生了较多拨移、变线或改道,作为确认铁路地界线位置的基准线,铁路线路的变化,对快速准确地查找铁路地界线产生了直接影响。为此,针对铁路用地参照坐标的变化情况及调整方法进行了深入调查研究,提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的深入、市场经济地位的确立,全国铁路也正在进行着跨越式的发展:列车提速、高铁建设、主辅分离、社会化职能移交、铁路公检法的属地化管理等等。在改革进程中,也出现了一些新的问题与矛盾,对当前铁路用地管理体制提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

1月21日,上海至杭州铁路客运专项项目获国土资源部建设用地预审批复,为该项目顺利完成可研批复和初步设计批复提供了用地依据,并为确保该项目及时开工完备了用地前期手续。上海至杭州铁路客运专线属于我省与铁道部重点建设的“三线一枢纽”铁路工程。也是我省落实中央扩大内需、加快基础设施建设的重要建设项目之一。原计划在今年初开工建设,为保证按时完成用地报批任务,规划处及早行动、加班加点、主动服务,落实多项举措加快用地预审报批:一是立即部署加快预审进程。  相似文献   

关键词 铁路建设将实施土地综合开发 铁路建设土地综合开发 近日,国务院办公厅印发了《关于支持铁路建设实施土地综合开发的意见》(以下简称《意见》),要求按照改革铁路投融资体制、加快推进铁路建设的要求,实施铁路用地及站场毗邻区域土地综合开发利用政策,支持铁路建设,促进新型城镇化发展。  相似文献   

为深入推进“双保双服务”行动,积极主动服务保障重点项目建设用地.省厅于3月29日在杭州召开重点项目建设用地服务保障工作座谈会,了解当前重点项目建设情况,以及今年拟上项目的具体安排和用地需求,与重点企业共同协商重点项目用地服务保障大计。会议邀请了昆沪铁路客运专线浙江公司、华润浙江分公司、  相似文献   

基本特点 扩大内需项目用地得到有力保障 今年,全省启动了16条高速公路、6条铁路等一大批重大基础设施项目,用地保障任务重、压力大。为确保项目顺利落地,湖南省国土资源厅加强规划计划调控,  相似文献   

保发展保红线成效明显 发展用地得到有力保障。全省共审批用地10678公顷,与去年基本持平。杭长客运专线等5条铁路、永顺一吉首等2条高速,以及桃源水电站、攸县电厂、芷江机场等重大项目获得国务院批准用地。落实徐守盛省长指示,及时调度解决湘煤集团18个棚户区改造项目问题。武冈、望城、泪罗、临澧获评全国国土资源节约集约模范县市。  相似文献   

The demands and needs of our presently increasing population require that the social decisions for land use must be based on the best and most reliable information that the decision-makers can obtain. Growing mass of natural resource information should be presented in a concise and practical form which the planners and public administrators can readily use without a need to learn about natural resources in detail. One of the means to present this information is a resource evaluation system which consists of four levels of maps: basic resource maps, single-factor maps, limiting-factor maps and final land suitability maps. The basic process used in the system is developing a series of individual maps showing specific kinds of information and superimposing them to identify a degree of suitability for a specific land use. The authors provide an overview of the use of land suitability maps in land use planning in the United States; show what natural resource data planners can require and put to use; outline the way in which earth scientists can evaluate and present the data needed; and finally demonstrate the land suitability analysis by case studies. Also briefly discussed is the need for information other than earth-science data. Land use planning and decision-making process is an intricate mixture of scientific, engineering, ecological, sociological, economic, cultural and political factors and forces. Obvious as it may seem this fact is nevertheless often ignored in practice resulting in misunderstandings and mutual disbelief of parties involved.  相似文献   

青藏铁路旱桥的三维温度特性分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
根据带相变瞬态温度场问题的热量平衡控制微分方程, 应用有限元法对青藏铁路旱桥的温度特性进行了三维数值分析.结果表明: 修建于高温极不稳定冻土地段的旱桥在将来运行20 a的过程中对冻土有很好的制冷作用, 能很好地保护冻土, 保证铁路的运行安全, 并且分析和说明了在建的青藏铁路在高温极不稳定冻土地段的采用旱桥的形式是可行的和必要的.  相似文献   

赵静 《山东地质》2011,(1):29-32
阐述了地学信息图谱的内涵及其概念模式,以山东省龙口市为例,在RS和GIS技术支持下,利用1989年和2003年数字遥感图像、土地利用图及自然、社会经济统计数据,建立了龙口市土地利用动态变化信息图谱。根据信息图谱从空间和时间两方面分析了龙口市土地利用动态变化过程,推测出其土地利用变化的主要驱动力。  相似文献   

To accomplish integrated watershed management and land use planning, it is necessary to study the dynamic spatial pattern of land use and cover change related to socioeconomical and physical parameters. In this study, land use and cover change detection was applied to the Lajimrood Drainage Basin in northern parts of Iran, an area characterized by rich and diversified agricultural and forest mosaic. The main of changes in the study area were forest–arable land transformation, which was only considered in this study. In order to detect these changes, at first, based on 1:25,000 digital topographic maps dated 1967 and 1994 and ETM+ satellite image dated 2002, land use map in these three dates were prepared. The results showed that the area with forest land use decreased about 3.2% in transition 1967–2002. Also, arable land increased about 36.9%. We suggested a method to analyze the driving forces and the spatial distribution of land use change. The maps of elevation, slope, and aspect were derived and classified by using digital elevation model (DEM). Also, the maps of distance from road, drainage network, and building area were selected as socioeconomical factors. These maps were overlaid and crossed with land use change map and land use change area ratio was computed. The results showed that the elevation, slope, and aspect were physical effective factors in land use changing. Also, by increasing the distance from building area and roads, deforestation rate was reduced.  相似文献   

During the last decades, numerous methodologies for the construction of both susceptibility and risk maps have been developed in order to identify and mitigate geohazards such as landslides and secondarily land subsidence phenomena caused by the collapse of natural or man-made underground cavities. According to literature review, the conducted research concerning the assessment of land subsidence risk due to the overexploitation of the aquifer is still at an early stage. This study focuses οn the land subsidence phenomenon due to the overexploitation of the aquifer occurring in the Amyntaio basin in West Macedonia, hosting the active Amyntaio open-pit coal mine. This phenomenon has caused significant damage to settlements, farmlands and infrastructure. In order to construct susceptibility and risk maps knowledge of the geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and tectonic settings of the study area is required. The proposed methodology for the production of a susceptibility and a risk map of land subsidence was based on the semi-quantitative method Weighted Linear Combination (WLC). The results were evaluated with an extensive field survey action recording, besides the above-mentioned settings, the spatial distribution of surface ruptures. The excellent agreement between the produced maps and the findings of the field survey, proved the added value of the maps, assigning them as crucial tools for the management of land subsidence phenomena.  相似文献   

为及时破解泛亚铁路西段云南大理至瑞丽沿线的工程地质难题,早日打通中国通往东南亚的重要战略通道,“泛亚铁路大理至瑞丽沿线地质构造综合研究”项目组在部署实施的铁路沿线22幅1 ∶5万区域地质调查基础上,综合编制了铁路沿线的1 ∶2.5万地质图和工程地质图,并从多学科的角度,系统查明和评价了铁路建设区的基础地质与工程地质条件、地质灾害类型与分布、重要断裂带的活动性及其工程影响和高黎贡山越岭段的工程稳定性等,为铁路选线、设计与施工提供了重要的地质支撑,减少了工程设计与施工方面的盲目性,并为未来铁路建设提供了重要的地质保障。此项工作开创了基础地质调查与重大工程建设需求紧密结合的新模式,被誉为地质工作服务于国家重大工程建设的典型范例。  相似文献   

北京平原区快速发展的地面沉降对高速铁路的发展构成了威胁,地面沉降与过量开采地下水造成的水位下降关系密切,为此有针对性地开展基于高速铁路的地下水动态与地面沉降相关关系研究对于高铁安全运行意义重大,特别是对于制定高铁沿线地下水开采方案、地面沉降减缓措施和工程措施至关重要。基于其对高速铁路的影响模式,本文将地面沉降分为区域沉降和局部沉降两种类型。针对区域沉降,利用Logistic方程,使用天竺、望京及王四营分层地面沉降和地下水位数据,构建了不同层位地下水水位变化与地面沉降之间的相关关系模型,通过ABAQUS计算局部地区,对于6m高路堤和15m CFG桩处理深度的地基而言,当渗透系数k=2m/d,距离线路边缘25m处浅层地下水下降10m将产生约61—85mm的沉降。  相似文献   

Digital national land information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
H. Matsuda 《GeoJournal》1980,4(4):313-318
The digital land data maintained in the Geographic Survey Institute are listed in Tab 1. They are computerized for the digital national land information to establish a geographical data bank of land information.The digital national land information contains many kinds of land data, which have been maintained mainly as maps, aerial photos and statistics, and is stored as magnetic tape.The smallest geographical unit is either the standard mesh, geodetic coordinate or dots, according to accuracy of the original data.The digital national land information can be used in the various fields of geographical researches and in national or local land planning.In this paper, as an example of application, the housing land selection method is introduced, using the natural land data and the land use data.  相似文献   

本文阐述了评估区地理环境、地质特征。在地质灾害危险性现状评估和预测评估基础上,对评估区地质灾害危险性进行了综合评估,确定了崩塌、滑坡、泥石流和冻融冻胀地段并描述了它们的特征,最后得出评估区适宜工程建设的结论。  相似文献   

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