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Summary A suite of 19 rutiles form a wide range of geological environments shows a distinct variability in the OH concentrations. The analytical H2O+ content determined by IR spectroscopy varies from 0.04 to 0.21 wt.% with the greatest amounts occurring in amphibolite facies rutiles. The main feature of the IR spectra in the region of the OH stretching fundamental is a single narrow band centered at 3280 cm–1; some of the spectra show an additional band, centered either at 3360 or at 3320 cm–1. Varying OH concentrations in rutiles are probably a function of the activity of hydrous components during crystallization and are weakly correlated to a minor content of tri- and pentavalent elements.
Die Variation in der OH Konzentration von Rutilen unterschiedlicher geologischer Vorkommen
Zusammenfassung Eine Serie von 19 Rutilen aus unterschiedlichen geologischen Vorkommen zeigt eine deutliche Variabilität in den OH Konzentrationen. Der IR spektroskopisch bestimmte analytische H2O+-Gehalt variiert von 0.04 bis 0.21 Gew.%, wobei die höchsten Gehalte in Rutilen der Amphibolitfacies auftreten. Das wesentliche Merkmal der IR Spektren im Bereich der OH Streckschwingung ist eine einzelne schmale Bande bei 3280 cm–1; einige der Spektren zeigen entweder bei 3360 oder bei 3320 cm–1 eine zusätzliche Bande. Wahrscheinlich stellen die variierenden OH Konzentrationen, die mit einem geringen Gehalt an drei- und fünfwertigen Elementen schwach korreliert sind, eine Funktion der Wasser-Aktivitäten bei der Kristallisation dar.

目前,利用航磁数据圈定磁性地质体边界的方法主要有航磁ΔT化极法、航磁ΔT化极垂向一阶导数法、总梯度模法和斜导数法等4种。云南宣威—贵州赫章地区火山岩分布面积广泛,下二叠统峨眉山玄武岩具有强磁性,而其他地层岩石磁性很低;为了圈定研究区内磁性地质体的目的,利用该区1∶5万航磁测量数据,阐述了ΔT化极法、化极垂向一阶导数法、斜导数法和总梯度模法等4种数据处理方法的地质应用效果,认为应根据有效磁化方向与地磁场方向是否一致来选用不同的航磁数据处理方法,以达到有效圈定地质的目的。  相似文献   

Angularity is an important parameter in the characterization of particle morphology that is used to interpret the transport history of particles in sedimentary deposits. In the past, visual classification using silhouette charts was widely used to determine particle angularity, but this approach is subjective and time‐consuming. With advances in modern image analysis techniques and low‐cost software packages, it is possible to rapidly quantify particle angularity more objectively than using visual classification methods. This study re‐examines the performance of three existing image analysis methods and one new image analysis procedure, applied to six rock and sediment samples that were visually different in angularity. To facilitate comparison between the angularity results, measurements were reduced to rankings for each aggregate sample. These results show that the four image analysis methods rank the angularity of the samples differently, and that none rank the mean angularity index in the same order as the angularity ranking using visual classification. Therefore, further research is needed to develop an image analysis method that can quantify the angularity of sedimentary particles more precisely.  相似文献   

The smectite-to-chlorite conversion is investigated through long-duration experiments (up to 9 years) conducted at 300 °C. The starting products were the Wyoming bentonite MX80 (79 % smectite), metallic iron and magnetite in contact with a Na–Ca chloride solution. The predominant minerals in the run products were an iron-rich chlorite (chamosite like) and interstratified clays interpreted to be chlorite/smectite and/or corrensite/smectite, accompanied by euhedral crystals of quartz, albite and zeolite. The formation of pure corrensite was not observed in the long-duration experiments. The conversion of smectite into chlorite over time appears to take place in several steps and through several successive mechanisms: a solid-state transformation, significant dissolution of the smectite and direct precipitation from the solution, which is over-saturated with respect to chlorite, allowing the formation of a chamosite-like mineral. The reaction mechanisms are confirmed by X-ray patterns and data obtained on the experimental solutions (pH, contents of Si, Mg, Na and Ca). Because of the availability of some nutrients in the solution, total dissolution of the starting smectite does not lead to 100 % crystallization of chlorite but to a mixture of two dominant clays: chamosite and interstratified chlorite/smectite and/or corrensite/smectite poor in smectite. The role of Fe/(Fe + Mg) in the experimental medium is highlighted by chemical data obtained on newly formed clay particles alongside previously published data. The newly formed iron-rich chlorite has the same composition as that predicted by the geothermometer for diagenetic to low-grade metamorphic conditions, and the quartz + Fe-chlorite + albite experimental assemblage in the 9-year experiment is close to that fixed by water–rock equilibrium.  相似文献   

膨胀土裂隙图像处理及特征提取方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黎伟  刘观仕  姚婷 《岩土力学》2014,35(12):3619-3626
裂隙特征作为膨胀土裂隙研究的基础,其定量化描述有助于进一步研究裂隙对膨胀土工程性质的影响。以膨胀土平面裂隙为研究对象,使用数码摄影获取膨胀土裂隙图像,通过优化和改进裂隙图像处理方法及裂隙特征提取方法,获得膨胀土裂隙的各特征参数。对于裂隙图像处理方法,采用改进的局部阈值二值化方法,相比大津法能更好地将裂隙和背景区分开来,而通过标记连通区域的方法有效去除了裂隙二值图像中全局分布的细小杂点,同时,利用闭运算填充了裂隙图像中细小的孔洞和缺口,上述处理方法使裂隙二值图像更清晰可靠。对于裂隙特征提取方法,基于对裂隙端点和交点的快捷识别能力,选择了查找表方法作为裂隙条数统计的基础;改进了端点识别算法以去除毛刺,提高了裂隙长度统计的精度;采用改进的最小外接矩形算法进行裂隙宽度的统计,提高了计算精度,节省了计算时间;尝试采用玫瑰花图进行裂隙方向统计,更直观明了地分析裂隙方向及条数的变化规律。  相似文献   

An appraisal of the 1977–1978 regional reconnaissance geochemical data obtained under the Central Belt Project indicated that the Boundary Range Granite, the Senting Granite, and the Benom Igneous Complex appear to constitute favourable uranium exploration targets. Results of the airborne survey subsequently flown within the Project area in 1980 showed high radiometric responses over these and other granitoids. Recent follow-up of a multi-element geochemical anomaly over the Boundary Range Granite has resulted in the discovery of some uraninite-bearing boulders and an abnormally radioactive ironstained quartz vein containing uranium-bearing rhabdophane and florencite. Yet another potential target appears to be the Main Range Granite. Although not within the Project area, it has the distinction of hosting the first recorded uranium occurrence in Peninsular Malaysia.Contrary to earlier belief, the importance of the continental Mesozoic Tembeling and Gagau Groups as possible uranium hosts has been reduced, judging from the poor airborne radiometric response and the overall low geochemical results. On the other hand the Tertiary basins, not previously accorded attention, should be assessed.  相似文献   

Traditionally, iridium has been considered an element of low mobility, but its behavior is still debated. Ir concentration in a soil affected by a catastrophic mining spill in 1998 that covered the soil with a layer of tailings offers the opportunity to analyse an exceptional Ir-bearing horizon 10 years after deposition. This has enabled comparisons with the values of past Ir-bearing horizons associated to impact-related mass-extinction events. Iridium concentration in the tailings (0.349 ppm) was 5-fold higher than the anomaly in the K-Pg at The Moody Creek Mine section (the highest values obtained from terrestrial sections). The oxidative weathering of the tailings caused the release of Ir and infiltration into the soil. Iridium distribution in depth indicates redistribution throughout the profile in relation to the change in the physico-chemical properties of the soil. With regard to the background concentration in the soil (0.056 ppm), anomalous values of Ir (0.129 ppm) can be detected to 11 cm below the layer of tailings. The correlation analysis between the Ir concentration and the main properties and constituents of the soils indicated a significant correlation with sulfur, iron, clay content, and pH. Selective extractions were made to study the forms in which Ir can be mobilized in the soil. The residual/insoluble fraction was >90% of the total Ir concentration in soil. Soluble-in-water concentration of Ir (1.5% of total) was detected in the uppermost 2-3 cm of the soil, which were directly affected by the leaching of acidic waters coming from the oxidation of the pyrite tailings. Iridium retention in the affected part of the soil reached 9% of the total Ir concentration; this retention could be related to the amorphous iron forms dissolved by the oxalic-oxalate extraction. However, according to our research, original Ir abundance could be secondarily modified, and then a direct analysis of the iridium values recorded in sediments could induce misinterpretations. The comparison between the actual example and the fossil record belonging to terrestrial settings, can be considered as a valuable approach, especially when Iridium data were used by researchers to interpret the impact-related mass-extinction events in the past.  相似文献   

A water resources database was developed and used to characterize the geological and hydrogeological settings of groundwater aquifers in the northern part of the United Arab Emirates. An intensive 2D Earth Resistivity Imaging (ERI) survey was conducted in selected areas to assess the available groundwater resources and delineate the salt-water intrusion. Drilling information of the existing monitoring wells as well as their records of water table elevations and groundwater salinity were used to measure the horizontal and vertical variations in lithology, degree of saturation, and groundwater salinity and thus to improve the interpretation of ERI data. The results of the chemical analyses of water samples collected from the wells along with the 2D ERI survey profiles were used to obtain an empirical relationship between the inferred earth resistivity and the amount of total dissolved solids. This relationship was used along with the true resistivity sections resulting from the inversion of 2D ERI data to identify and map three zones of water-bearing formation (fresh, brackish, and salt-water zones) in the coastal areas. The results indicated that the depth to the fresh-brackish interface exceeded 50 m at the upstream of the wadies and was in the order of 10 m or less in the vicinity of shoreline. Because of the high resistivity contrast between dry and water saturated fractured rocks; this method was very successful in detecting water-filled fractures and cavities in the carbonate aquifer. The application of this method was unsuccessful in clayey aquifers as it was not possible to isolate lenses of gravel and/or saturated with saline or brackish water from the surrounding clayey materials.  相似文献   

We studied the methods of wastewater treatment of hydrophilic cotton producing industries. Several major cotton producing countries, such as India, have provided very stringent environmental standards for these industries, and it is expected that these standards are becoming more stringent day by day. This is necessary for monitoring and control facilities, in order to minimize problems and difficulties associated with treated wastewater disposal. Unit processes of these industries are: pretreatment, dyeing, printing and other complementary processes. In this industry, aside from considerable amounts of energy and water consumption, considerable quantity of wastewater is also produced. This article discusses all types of waste producing hydrophilic cotton processes; we have also advanced wastewater treatment methods, such as electrical oxidation, membrane processes, biological and photochemical treatments. Results showed that traditional methods of wastewater treatment are compound methods including physical–chemical and biological methods, and requires substantial investment and operational costs. Compared to traditional methods, membrane systems are very effective methods and are a good substitute. Investigation showed that hybrid treatment methods that include absorption and absorption by nano-filtration can play an effective role in improving treated wastewater quality. Moreover, advanced treatments such as ion exchange systems can improve wastewater quality to the extent that it can be recycled to the production processes for second usage.  相似文献   

The northern part of the auriferous Bendigo Zone is obscured by thick Cenozoic sediments of the Murray Basin, and as such remains poorly explored. Consequently, in addition to the 2006 deep seismic line obtained in Central Victoria, a magnetotelluric (MT) survey was completed to provide a signature for the major structures previously defined in the Bendigo area. Based on these correlations a second MT line, which we present here, was completed some 50 km to the north of the original line in an attempt to trace the deep structural trends extending north to the Victorian/NSW border. Extending some 155 km across the central north of the state, data were collected at 52 sites along an east–west profile. The new electrical conductivity model generated correlates well with the results from the southern transect; it confirms previously identified structural trends to the north and identifies additional unknown deep structures, thus adding to the understanding of the geology of the covered region and to its gold-bearing potential.  相似文献   

Non-steady flows are ubiquitous in nature. Not only do imposed boundary conditions vary with time and rock rheology change during the course of deformation but also deformation is generally heterogeneous and all of these conditions lead to non-steady flow histories.In modern kinematic analysis, flow apophyses, the instantaneous stretching axes and the vorticity vector, collectively referred to as the `eigen directions' of deformation, are used in place of Bruno Sander's kinematic axes. For deformation with a steady flow history, this practice is well justified and has led to great advances in structural geology. But for non-steady flow histories, the geometrical relationships among eigen directions (flow pattern) vary with time. This makes it inappropriate to correlate an association of structures and fabrics with certain `time-invariant' flow patterns and hence raises the question: How should we interpret geological structures and fabrics kinematically, without the assumption of homogeneous and steady deformation? We suggest that the answer lies primarily in forward-modeling of deformation, based on a knowledge of rock properties.  相似文献   

汤克轩  赵楠 《中国岩溶》2019,38(4):578-583
为查明某水利枢纽工程区域岩溶发育特征,对云南省某水利工程测区开展了以瞬变电磁法和微动探测为主的物探测试工作。测试结果表明:岩溶作用会造成可溶岩地层物性分布的不均匀性;工程区域岩溶发育受岩体结构面和岩性分布影响显著,且在垂向上表现出成层性;强风化带和构造破碎带附近往往会伴随岩溶的发育,出现大范围或者离散状的低电阻率和低波速异常,裂隙性溶蚀可能极大程度改变岩体电性参数特征,但对岩体弹性参数特征影响相对较小;岩体电性和弹性参数的离散系数可用来表征岩体的抗溶蚀风化能力及岩溶的发育程度,结合其物性参数大小和分布特征,可有效分析岩溶发育情况及其充填物性质。   相似文献   

专题地图是展示物探研究成果最为直观的表现形式之一,而一张成果图的定稿需经多次的修改完善.根据地质解释图的制图特点和要求,以电磁法中的断面解释图为例,利用Python语言中丰富的第三方库,设计编写了自动化制图程序.文中对不整合线(波浪线)的绘制、微短线删除、多边形化、颜色填充等主要环节进行较为详尽的阐述,并提供了关键代码.  相似文献   

地质环境承载能力评价是国土空间规划的基础依据。在综合研究中国区域构造稳定性、地质灾害易发程度、土地荒漠化敏感性、土壤质量地球化学背景等地质环境特征与问题的基础上,结合地质环境分区,构建了差异化评价指标体系,运用基于层次分析的图层叠置法,开展全国地质环境承载能力综合评价,将地质环境承载能力分为高、较高、中等、较低、低5个等级,面积分别占国土面积的15.44%、22.43%、26.13%、11.34%、24.66%。揭示了区域地质环境限制性因素及其限制程度的差异。评价成果表明,地质环境承载能力高的地区主要分布在中国东北平原、华中地区、四川盆地等。  相似文献   

A consistent pattern has been observed in the results obtained for Au in three soil and two porphyry copper ore samples serving as control reference standards in geochemical analyses. The mean reported by wet chemical methods (regardless of the measurement technique) was less than the mean by fire assay-based methods which, in turn, was less than the mean reported by laboratories using direct instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). These data have been obtained from 16 laboratories, some employing more than one method. Compared to INAA, values obtained for Au (at the 30–300 ppb level) using aqua regia (AR) dissolution were low by 24–42%, while those reported by fire assay-based methods were low by 14–26%.Studies of these samples and 32 rocks of widely varying composition revealed that the amount of Au remaining in the residue after AR attack ranged from 4% to 59% of the total. Gold dissolved by AR was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after extraction into MIBK (methyl isobutyl ketone), whereas Au remaining in the residue was determined by INAA. The slope of the line obtained by plotting Au by INAA vs. the sum of Au by AR/GFAAS and Au in the residue was not significantly different from 1.0.Modifications to the AR procedure such as prior attack by HCl or HF did not improve the recovery of Au in the three reference soils. However, reduction of sample size from 10 g to 1 g while maintaining the volume of AR at about 30 ml did increase results for Au. Furthermore, addition of HF in the attack on 1-g samples yielded results virtually identical to those obtained by INAA. It is thought that the poor extraction efficiency by AR is due to non-wetting of the larger sized sample, a lack of intimate, prolonged contact between the grains of the sample and the acid mixture and the presence of insoluble gangue surrounding Au particles. Constant agitation of the sample during evaporation with AR is desirable.The mean values obtained for Au in the soils by fire assay methods were not significantly different from the results by INAA (low by 14–19%); this was not the case for the two copper ore samples (low by 26%). This probably reflects the difficulties encountered in fire assay by high concentrations of Cu which hinder effective collection and separation of Au into the Pb button. However, the accuracy of the INAA method has not been established and is dependent upon measurement procedures and the degree of certainty associated with the Au values assumed for the reference materials employed for calibration. While estimation of precision does not present a problem, accuracy is difficult to assess in the absence of certified reference materials for Au at concentrations in the 10–300 ppb range. However, it is concluded that methods based upon AR dissolution can lead to low results, the magnitude being dependent upon the sample matrix and the mineralogical association of the Au present.  相似文献   

宁芜盆地位于长江中下游成矿带东部,但对其北段深部地质结构的研究尚显薄弱。综合利用音频大地电磁及重力测量方法,对研究区深部构造、地层展布、隐伏岩体分布形态及埋深、火山岩基底埋深情况进行综合解译。结果显示,宁芜盆地内北段电阻率自西向东呈西低东高、自南向北呈南高北低的特征;岩浆活动强烈,深部具有较好的成矿潜力,白垩系火山岩地层底界最大埋深可能在-1 400 m左右,部分岩体侵入火山岩基底附近或三叠系地层中,相关层位可作为找矿靶区,应进行进一步的找矿勘探工作。  相似文献   

咸水层CO2地质封存技术是我国实现碳中和目标的重要支撑技术,也是一项深部地下空间开发利用技术。咸水层CO2地质封存工程利用的深部地下空间,需要在确定CO2羽流、扰动边界和经济因素“三级边界”的基础上进行综合评估。以我国唯一的深部咸水层CO2地质封存项目——国家能源集团鄂尔多斯碳捕集与封存(Carbon Capture and Storage, CCS)示范工程为实例,基于封存场地储层CO2羽流监测以及扰动边界的推断预测结果综合评估,认为示范工程平面上4个1'×1'经纬度范围可作为地下利用空间平面边界,垂向上以纸坊组顶界(深度约958 m)为地下封存体顶部边界,以深度2 800 m为底板封隔层底界。提出的咸水层CO2地质封存地下利用空间评估方法,能够为未来封存工程地下利用空间审批与监管提供一定参考,但也需要进一步结合已有法律法规及规模化封存工程实践完善提升。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence methods in geological forecasting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of applications of expert systems to geological forecasting is to use heuristic knowledge of experienced geologists, as well as their intuition and facility for drawing the right forecast conclusions based on incomplete data. At the same time, considerable experience is accumulated in geological forecasting with formal mathematical models that generalize the setting of some forecast problem classes. Thus, the bottom-up heuristic approach and the more formal top-down methods are aspiring to the same aim, so they supplement and strengthen each other. A forecast expert system called GENESIS that allows both approaches to be used has been produced. The heuristic part of GENESIS is the empty expert system, which consists of the knowledge definition language, destined for an expert geologist, the knowledge base used for forecast models storing, then forming knowledge base facilities, relational database for storing user's data and forecast specimen, components that organize the certain inference and its explanation.  相似文献   

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