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Jane Robb 《Geology Today》2013,29(2):63-67
Rising fees are forcing higher education institutions to think critically about what students are offered for their money. In geology courses there appears to be a lack of guidance for alternative careers in academia or industry, and even a lack of education about wider social, political and economic impacts of the discipline. It is possible to detect a lack of high‐impact geoscience among the popular science communication communities, such as online multidisciplinary blogging platforms. In order to enhance the student experience and the impact of geoscience on the wider public, universities need to look inwards at what they can do to help inspire and educate students to have broader career horizons and bigger public impacts through their research.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
C. A. Fleming: The Geological History of New Zealand and its Life ,  相似文献   

Cumming  Gabriel  Campbell  Lisa  Norwood  Carla  Ranger  Sue  Richardson  Peter  Sanghera  Amdeep 《GeoJournal》2021,87(2):209-221

Stakeholders in natural resource management decisions are also multifaceted individuals and members of communities; as such, they bring complex histories, experiences, values, aspirations, and relationships to public participation processes. When these processes fail to take this social context into account, multiple problems can result, including a perceived lack of process trustworthiness; perceived focus on issues that seem immaterial or irrelevant; failure to equitably represent and take account of diverse voices; and failure to engage participants in productive dialogue. In this article we evaluate the Community Voice Method (CVM) as a way of addressing those problems by better situating public participation in place. CVM is a mixed-method approach to public participation in which stakeholders are interviewed and the interview data is presented through a film, which is then screened at public meetings to catalyze dialogue. We draw on 14 years of CVM projects addressing natural resource management issues in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Caribbean. Through an overview of nine projects and their results, and more in-depth consideration of three, we elucidate how this method fosters trustworthy, relevant, representative, and productive public participation that has resulted in community capacity-building, institutional capacity-building, and stakeholder-guided policymaking.


The Downton Bone Bed is a Konzentrat-Lagerstätte deposit located in the Welsh Borderlands, United Kingdom. The Downton Bone Bed is late Silurian, considered to be P?ídolí in age, and occurs within the Platyschisma Shale Member of the Downton Castle Sandstone Formation. The bone bed is exposed at Weir Quarry (Herefordshire), which this study proposes should become established as the type locality for this stratigraphic horizon, due to the destruction of other localities and lack of access to other sites. As Weir Quarry is one of the last remaining exposures of this unit, the objective of this study is to qualitatively describe the sedimentology, ichnology, and invertebrate palaeontology of the bone bed, to enhance the regional understanding of the palaeogeography, depositional environments and depositional processes of the Welsh Borderlands during the late Silurian. Parasequence thickness and frequency, and sedimentary structures such as hummocky cross stratification, observed within the Downton Castle Sandstone Formation, have traditionally been explained to have formed by sea-level oscillations. These are interpreted to have formed entirely by nearshore to shoreface, shallow marine autogenic sedimentary processes, such as storm events (tempestites) and tidal scour. It is interpreted that formation of the Downton Bone Bed occurred as a by-product of these autogenic sedimentary processes, through winnowing and erosion during storm-driven scour and reworking. The low diversity ichno- and invertebrate fauna observed within the Downton Bone Bed is consistent with a nearshore depositional environment and is indicative of a stressed ecosystem due to fluctuating salinity and oxygen levels.  相似文献   

Detailed analysis of the Late Cretaceous Vilquechico Group (formerly Vilquechico Formation) of the Southern Andes allows the recognition of three major sedimentary sequences, defining Lower, Middle and Upper Vilquechico lithologic formations (LVF, MVF and UVF respectively). Some of them (MVF and UVF) include in turn minor sedimentary sequences. In addition to dinosaur trackways, they contain a marine fauna (selachians, actinopterygians, molluscs) in their transgressive basal parts, and lacustrine fossils (charophytes, ostracods, gastropods) in their regressive continental upper parts. Two charophyte biozones characterize the MVF and the UVF respectively. The lithologic and sedimentary features of the major sequences, as well as their palaeontological contents allow large-scale correlations with other Andean series. Such correlations permit us to tentatively ascribe the unfossiliferous LVF to the Coniacian-early Santonian (?) time-span, and the MVF to the Santonian late Campanian interval. The UVF is of latest Campanian-late Maastrichtian age. As a consequence, the assumed correlations between the Vilquechico Group and some of the vertebrate-bearing Andean localities are revised.  相似文献   

To most modern-day students of palaeontology, the name Frederick M'Coys (c. 1823–1899) is familiar; to other Earth scientists it possibly won't be. Who was M'Coy and why is 1994 a significant year for palaeontologists and historians of the Earth sciences? This year marks the sesquicentenary of the publication of M'Coy's A Synopsis of the Characters of the Carboniferous Limestone Fossils of Ireland (1844). This monograph, together with that for Lower Palaeozoic fossils, A Synopsis of the Silurian Fossils of Ireland, published two years later, which describe the collections of Richard Griffith, remain highly important to palaeontologists working today.  相似文献   

The Pleistocene Knocknasilloge Member, an upward coarsening sequence of massive and laminated muds to cross-laminated fine sands and silts, was deposited in a series of shallow lacustrine basins formed at the retreating margin of the Late Devensian Irish Sea ice-sheet. Sedimentary successions mark increased proximity to a sediment input source and a shift from lake floor suspension sedimentation to bottom traction in low-angled prodelta foresets and distributary barmouth channels. The microfauna contained within the sequence is derived from preexisting climatic stages and there is no evidence to support either an in situ interglacial or glaciomarine origin, as previously proposed.  相似文献   

Pleistocene fluvial sediments of the Northmoor Member of the Upper Thames Formation exposed at Latton, Wiltshire, record episodic deposition close to the Churn–Thames confluence possibly spanning the interval from Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 7 to 2. The sequence is dominated by gravel facies, indicating deposition by a high‐energy, gravel‐bed river. A number of fine‐grained organic sediment bodies within the sequence have yielded palaeoenvironmental and biostratigraphical data from Mollusca, Coleoptera, vertebrates, pollen and plant macrofossils. The basal deposit (Facies Association A) contains faunal material indicating temperate conditions. Most of the palaeontological evidence including a distinctive small form of mammoth (Mammuthus cf. trogontherii), together with the U‐series age estimate of >147.4 ± 20 kyr suggest correlation with MIS 7. The overlying deposits (Facies Associations B and C) represent deposition under a range of climatic conditions. Two fine‐grained organic deposits occurred within Association B; one (Association Ba) in the northern part of the pit as a channel fill and the other (Association Bb) in its southern part as a scour‐fill deposit. The coleopteran assemblages from Ba, indicate that it accumulated under temperate oceanic conditions, while Bb, which also yielded a radiocarbon age estimate of 39 560 ± 780 14C yr BP, was formed under much colder and more continental climatic conditions. The sequence is considered to represent deposition within an alluvial fan formed at the Churn–Thames confluence; a depositional scenario which may account for the juxtaposition of sediments and fossils of widely differing age within the same altitudinal range. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Siberia contains several key reference sections for studies of biological and environmental evolution across the Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transition. The Platonovskaya Formation, exposed in the Turukhansk region of western Siberia, is an uppermost Proterozoic to Cambrian succession whose trace and body fossils place broad limits on the age of deposition, but do not permit detailed correlation with boundary successions elsewhere. In contrast, a striking negative carbon isotopic excursion in the lower part of the Platonovskaya Formation permits precise chemostratigraphic correlation with upper-most Yudomian successions in Siberia, and possibly worldwide. In addition to providing a tool for correlation, the isotopic excursion preserved in the Platonovskaya and contemporaneous successions documents a major biogeochemical event, likely involving the world ocean. The excursion coincides with the palaeontological breakpoint between Ediacaran- and Cambrian-style assemblages, suggesting a role for biogeochemical change in evolutionary events near the Proterozoic Cambrian boundary.  相似文献   

城市作为人类高度文明的产物,是一个区域政治、经济、文化、教育对外交流的中心,是信息产生、贮存、使用、交换和出售的集中地。数字城市有助于丰富城市政府日常自动化办公的内容和功能,提高办事效率和管理水平。数字城市的建设已经列入了政府的重要议事日程,作为推动城市信息化进程的一项主要工作。数字城市的建设需要数字测绘提供可靠的城市基础空间信息作保证。本文介绍了数字城市的概念、数字城市的应用前景、数字测绘与数字城市的关系以及数字测绘的有关问题。  相似文献   

David King 《Natural Hazards》2008,47(3):497-508
The concept of a natural hazard is a human construct. It is the interaction with human communities and settlements that defines a natural phenomenon as a natural hazard. Thus the end point of hazard mitigation and hazard vulnerability assessment must involve an attempt to reduce, or mitigate, the impact of the natural hazard on human communities. The responsibility to mitigate hazard impact falls primarily upon governments and closely connected non-government and private institutional agencies. In particular, it is most often local government that takes the responsibility for safeguarding its own communities, infrastructure and people. Hazard vulnerability of specific local communities is best assessed by the local government or council, which then faces the responsibility to translate that assessment into community education and infrastructural safeguards for hazard mitigation. This paper illustrates the process of local government engagement in hazard mitigation in Australia, through the Natural Disaster Risk Management Studies, as a first step towards natural disaster reduction.  相似文献   

Leslie W. Hepple 《Geoforum》2008,39(4):1530-1541
Geography has had only limited interchange with the American philosophical tradition of pragmatism. This paper claims that a closer engagement with pragmatism has much to offer to geography, not least in providing an arena within which very different types of geographical inquiry - qualitative and quantitative, human and physical - may find some common ground for useful conversation and debate. However, this will only be fully achieved if geography embarks on a threefold engagement with pragmatism: (1) studies that develop and deploy specific pragmatist ideas and concepts within particular geographical research; (2) studies that attempt to relate geographical research to the wider arena of the pragmatic tradition; (3) historical examination of early links between pragmatism, social science and geography. The history and contemporary revival of pragmatism is described, together with its impacts on social theory and social science. The existing literature on geographical engagement with pragmatism is then examined, and it is argued that there is a much broader relevance within both human and physical geography, not linked to particular styles of research. The question of the history of earlier influences of pragmatism on American geography is then raised, and some linkages charted. The philosopher Hilary Putnam has used the term ‘pragmatist enlightenment’ to describe what he sees as the promise of pragmatism, and the paper concludes by suggesting that this also promises an exciting and fruitful engagement for geography.  相似文献   

本文参阅了有关资料和文献 ,结合本职工作 ,就“数字地球”、“数字福建”和“数字地震”的概念以及它们之间的关系做了阐述。着重阐述了“数字地震”系统的建立和应用对地震预测、预报和防震减灾工作的意义。  相似文献   

This paper contemplates the relationship between the discipline of geography, and the making of public policy. It is particularly concerned with the compatibilities and incompatibilities of the nature of academic knowledge production and public policy development. As such, we contribute to an ongoing debate among geographers regarding whether and how they should engage with policy, and utilize examples from our involvement in the Metropolis Project, a Canadian initiative based on interdisciplinary research networks linked to government and public service agencies involved in immigrant settlement. We argue ultimately that geographers do need to engage politically with policymaking, but that the manner in which to do this is never straightforward, but rather takes place across institutional, ideological, and political landscapes that are perpetually shifting. Finally we suggest some helpful tools from feminist methodologies with which to approach policy-related issues.  相似文献   

Land, Sea and Human Effort was the central theme of the 28th IGU Congress in The Hague, The Netherlands. This volume contains the key-note addresses highlighting this central theme. Three major issues regarding low-land coasts came to the fore: land-use, environmental quality and safeguarding of the land. An interesting question is whether the concentration of human activities in large urban nodes will continue, or that such nodes and hierarchies will no longer structure our world, because of the ever-increasing importance of all means of communication and transport, as indicated by Johnston. Functions may disperse to specialised environments. A similar specialisation may be encountered in e.g. the development of tourism in the coastal zone. As Gormsen has elucidated, tourism has over time extended in a sequence of spatial peripheries. Consequently, phases in development may be identified with a growing impact and participation of local tourism interwoven with international growth. The environmental quality of coastal zones is seriously under threat, due to ever-increasing population pressure and human exploitation. The major problems are pollution and the availability of good quality water. Oudshoorn explored the worlds resources of drinking water, indicating the great need for political awareness of this huge problem. Cross-sectoral planning is advocated by Oudshoorn, even if water management often trespasses international boundaries and the harmonisation of the planning strategies is mostly difficult. The environmental quality of the coastal zone is also affected by the exploitation of oil and gas resources. Odell demonstrates that the conditions for this exploitation in the North Sea are unique, especially because of the great impact of an international agreement on offshore exploitation. Planning in sea areas is becoming an issue of increasing importance as it has to cope with the many, often conflicting interests, such as shipping, fishery, mining, waste disposal in relation to environmental and ecological constraints. The safeguarding of the land against river floods and sea side storm surges under the threat of a rising sea level is another important issue in coastal low-lands. Callander reviews the present state of human influence on climatic change and the associated sea level change. As indicated by Hesselman et al. new remote sensing and associated GIS techniques have recently been developed which are a great contribution in determining the fate of the coastal zones with respect to the threats induced by natural and human activities.  相似文献   

在数字勘查实践中,采用与数字化转型相适应的设计思路和解决方案,研发了多项具实际应用价值的关键技术,并提出构建数据链的设想.研究和实践结果表明,数字勘查与省域玻璃国土工程、历史勘查数据抢救工程和大数据成矿预测研究,是实现地矿勘查行业数字化转型及其与大数据深度融合的四项基础.未来发展还需要进一步考虑基于5G赋能的智慧化转型...  相似文献   

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