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In an earlier report, changes in bitumen prices at Hardesty, Alberta, Canada, were modeled as the responses to changes in monthly prices of Hardesty light/medium crude oil for the period 2000–2006 with a simple error correction econometric model. This note re-examines that price relationship for the period 2009–2014. Over the period 2006–2014, there was also rapid growth in North American light oil production from low-permeability carbonate, sandstone, and shale reservoirs. During that period, Canadian raw bitumen production grew by more than 12% per year and there was significant geographical diversification in its markets. Results of the statistical analysis showed that the change in the dynamic relationships between bitumen prices and Hardesty light oil prices probably reflected, in part, the maturation of bitumen markets and closer integration with North American light oil markets. The analysis also examines the dynamic relationships between bitumen prices and West Texas Intermediate and Brent international benchmark crude oil prices. Ideally, if bitumen prices are found to be closely related to a widely traded benchmark crude oil, the benchmark crude oil price forecasts could be used as a basis for predicting bitumen prices. However, neither of international benchmark crude oils tested had high explanatory power.  相似文献   

本文选取1994年1月到2011年12月的时间序列数据,从地缘政治视角研究国际石油供给的格局及石油价格波动主导权。首先通过ArcGIS分类来展现石油供给的地缘政治格局总体面貌;其次对国际石油价格波动主导权进行实证分析,结果显示石油存储量与石油价格之间并非简单的线性关系,且在金融危机时期呈现负相关关系,在地缘政治事件频发时期呈现正相关关系;进一步对主导权量化估算,结果表明,国际石油价格波动主导权更多的掌控在OECD需求方,即金融业主导国家。随着时间的推移,NonOECD需求方与石油供给方对国际石油价格主导权逐渐增加,同时,金融因素对国际油价波动的主导权不容忽视。  相似文献   

中国东盟石油合作新领域及前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油是当今世界最重要的能源,在未来很长的时期内,石油在全球能源消费结构中仍将保持较高比重,中国与东盟经济的高速增长将越来越依赖于石油供给。面对有限的石油储量及剧烈的国际原油价格,中国与东盟在石油领域的合作将越来越广泛,在传统合作领域基础上将出现一些新的领域,包括石油设备贸易,油路安全合作,共同开发石油。但是在看到双方广阔合作前景的同时不能忽视石油产量下降,需求增长等方面存在的困难,本文在文章的最后也提出了应对困难的相关对策。  相似文献   

This article examines the Hotelling model of optimal nonrenewable resource extraction in light of empirical evidence that petroleum and minerals prices have been trendless despite resource scarcity. In particular, we examine how endogenous technology-induced shifts in the cost function would have evolved over time if they were to maintain a constant market price for nonrenewable resources. We calibrate our model using empirical data on world oil, and find that, depending on the estimate of the initial stock of reserve, oil reserves will likely be depleted some time between the years 2040 and 2075.  相似文献   

越南石油生产和出口形势变化及其对中国的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张抗 《世界地理研究》2009,18(2):98-103,45
越南石油产量快速上升,在2006年达到峰值后而迅速下降。为改变油品几乎全靠进口的状况,着手大力兴建炼厂。因而石油进出口形势将发生逆转。预计2013年后就可成为原油净进口国(进口量可达3—5千万吨)且将大量出口油品。此前越南是中国的原油进口源国和油品(特别是轻质油)的出口目的地。越南石油形势的重大变化将对中国和东亚石油格局产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

This study employs (1) a simple econometric model to generate a time series of drilling footage to the year 2040 and (2) learning models to estimate the oil reserve additions from that drilling, given scenarios of oil price and projected U.S. population. Reserve additions are estimated separately for the lower 48 states and Alaska regions by estimating separate drilling footage and learning models for each region. Generally, the estimates of potential supply from undiscovered oil fields and from extensions of known fields are more optimistic than recent estimates by others. For a $1989 price of about $20/barrel (bbl), which is similar to recent prices, the potential supply of oil is estimated to be approximately 60.7 billion bbl, with 95-percent confidence bounds of 54.3 and 67.1 billion bbl. For a price of $25.50/bbl, potential supply is estimated to be approximately 82 billion bbl, with 95-percent confidence bounds of 74.5 and 89.5 billion bbl. Although estimates of potential oil supply for the entire United States are more optimistic than other recent estimates, the part of that supply estimated to be forthcoming from Alaska is smaller than other recent estimates: 2.3 and 3.3 billion bbl for prices of about $20 and $25.50 per barrel, respectively. Thus, reserve additions from the lower 48 states through development drilling and through improved recovery and production technologies will become increasingly important to future U.S. oil supply.  相似文献   

Spatial disparities in the price of residential heating fuel may have considerable impacts on social well-being. Dependence on relatively expensive fuels in off-gas grid contexts may be linked to high rates of fuel poverty, making it a key policy issue. However, fuel prices in the off-grid sector have received relatively little research attention. This study investigates pricing structures within the heating oil market in Northern Ireland, a region with high rates of fuel poverty, using applied spatial analysis. The results indicate significant spatial variations in the price of heating oil at local level. High prices occur in remote rural areas and urban areas with high rates of gas heating. Prices appear to arise from a complex set of interacting factors related to local market structures, supply costs, market competitiveness and socio-economic factors which affect demand. This study makes a significant contribution to the literature on off-gas residential heating. Although further research is needed, the results presented here suggest that policy responses such as price regulation may have only limited impacts on fuel poverty levels, emphasizing the importance of maximising access to more affordable fuels (e.g. mains gas or renewables) as part of a sustainable energy solution.  相似文献   

中国城市住宅价格的空间分异格局及影响因素   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王洋  王德利  王少剑 《地理科学》2013,33(10):1157-1165
分别研究2009年中国286个地级以上城市住宅均价和房价收入比的空间分异格局、总体趋势、空间异质性和相关性;根据供需理论和城市特征价格理论建立了影响中国城市住宅价格空间分异的初选因素,并根据半对数模型分析主要影响因素。结果表明:① 中国城市住宅价格空间分异显著,呈现出空间集聚性分异(东南沿海三大城市群与内陆城市之间)和行政等级性分异(省会与地级市之间)的双重格局;② 房价收入比较高的城市数量更多,分布范围更广,购房难度较大的城市已超过一半;③ 住宅均价的总体分异趋势和空间异质性都强于房价收入比;④ 城市居民收入与财富水平和城市区位与行政等级特征是住宅价格空间分异的两大核心影响因素。  相似文献   

方慧芬  陈江龙  袁丰  高金龙 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2426-2441
房价与人口的关系是人文经济地理学研究的热点领域,本文选取长江三角洲地区作为研究区域,利用区域内41个城市11年(2008—2018年)的数据,分别采用差分GMM模型及LSDVC法,从整体和分组的层面分析城市房价与生育率的关系。整体模拟结果表明,城市房价上涨的速度对于生育率有着显著的负向作用:房价上涨得越快,生育率下降得越快。同时,以房价收入比衡量的居民购房能力对生育率也有着显著的影响,居民购房能力下降得越快,生育率也下降得越快。分组研究的结果表明,不同房价水平的城市,生育率受购房能力影响程度不同,中等房价水平及较低房价水平的城市,其生育率更容易受到购房能力波动的影响。基于以上研究结果,提出严控房价涨幅速度、适当提高购房补贴、提高居民收入等政策建议,以期提高区域内居民整体生育意愿,促进人口增长。  相似文献   

Since oil and gas are non-renewable resources, it is important to identify the extent to which they have been depleted. Such information will contribute to the formulation and evaluation of appropriate sustainable development policies. This paper provides an assessment of the changes in the availability of oil and gas resources in Malaysia by first compiling the physical balance sheet for the period 2000–2007, and then assessing the monetary balance sheets for the said resource by using the Net Present Value method. Our findings show serious reduction in the value of oil reserves from 2001 to 2005, due to changes in crude oil prices, and thereafter the depletion rates decreased. In the context of sustainable development planning, albeit in the weak sustainability sense, it will be important to ascertain if sufficient reinvestments of the estimated resource rents in related or alternative capitals are being attempted by Malaysia. For the study period, the cumulative resource rents were to the tune of RM61 billion. Through a depletion or resource rents policy, the estimated quantum may guide the identification of a reinvestment threshold (after considering needed capital investment for future development of the industry) in light of ensuring the future productive capacity of the economy at the time when the resource is exhausted.  相似文献   

2018年6月美国针对伊朗启动了史上最严厉的石油禁运政策,要求所有国家于11月停止从伊朗进口石油,否则相关国家和企业都将面临美国的经济制裁,并无意给予任何国家豁免权。当前,中国、日本、韩国、印度和欧盟等世界重要的石油进口国已经做出回应,除中国明确拒绝美国的单边制裁继续保持与伊朗的石油贸易外,其他主要石油进口国都大量削减从伊朗的石油进口。沙特阿拉伯等石油生产国也承诺通过石油增产来维护全球能源市场的稳定,以支持美国对伊朗的制裁。在经济全球化的大趋势下,美国对伊朗的石油禁运,势必引发全球能源市场的动荡,改变全球石油政治格局以及相关利益方的石油权益。这些方面会涉及到全球油价的波动、不同国家的石油安全与应对政策、世界能源贸易稳定与地缘政治格局的变动等。长期关注能源地缘政治的专家学者围绕美国对伊朗的石油禁运可能产生的影响发表观点,专家们认为美国此举是战略两难的困境,短期内对将会引起世界石油短缺及油价波动,甚至可能导致OPEC减产协议崩溃,改变世界主要进口国的进口规模以及来源结构,但对世界石油市场的长期影响有限。伊朗将寻求打折出售原油、替代港口出口以及多元化出口3条生存路径,目前最大的隐患是伊朗或将封锁霍尔木兹海峡,但是此举目前可能性不大。伊朗石油禁运具有长期性和复杂性,对中国既是机遇也是挑战,中国在“一带一路”倡议下与伊朗保持正常的石油贸易是双赢的选择,但需要谨慎对待由此引发的能源地缘政治的风险,提升能源安全应对的措施。期待各方观点对伊朗石油禁运引发的能源地缘政治格局以及中国的能源安全的解析,能够为相关政策制定者提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

南京城区住宅售租价格时空分异与影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
住宅价格空间分异是中国城市地理学和经济地理学近年来关注的热点前沿课题。以南京4560个居住小区为研究总样本,采集2009-2017年间30个季度各小区平均住宅售价和租金,选取6个特征时段和小区分布相对集中的重点研究区,采用克里格插值法分析研究区内住宅售租价格的空间分异与演变特征,发现售价空间分异明显加剧,高值区渐显于河西新城、江心洲和鼓楼名校学区;租金空间则从城市中心向外围递减格局转变为整体更加均衡的新老城区多中心结构。在此基础上,重点围绕住宅“区位”属性,构建售租价格分异影响因素指标体系,通过逐步多元回归分析发现,中心位势变量对售租价格的解释度最高,而配套服务类区位因素对售租价格的解释力在降低。南京城市房价快速增长背景下,常规“区位”因素对房价分异的重要性持续减弱,学区、政策偏向等特殊“区位”因子对房价的决定性作用则逐步突显,而“售租比”全面快速增长则预示着城市房价风险程度的整体提高。  相似文献   

孙志红  王亚青 《干旱区地理》2015,38(5):1049-1060
农产品现货价格无论从短期还是长期影响期货价格的统计特征都是显著的,通过建立假设,利用VEC模型,选取农产品现货月度数据,根据期货市场日数据加权计算其月度数据,进一步探析了现货影响期货的程度及其机理。逐步控制模型中的其他变量,结果验证其经济意义是历史现货价格数据影响期货价格也是显著的,但是单个农产品现货和期货价格的影响程度是不一致的,有的影响方向是相反的。从单一品种农产品价格来看,现货市场与期货市场相关度极高,对于大豆、棉花、豆粕和强麦来说,现货价格上涨1%,期货价格上涨幅度则分别为0.948%、0.836%、0.873%和0.845%,对于小麦和大豆来说,现货价格上涨1%,期货价格上涨幅度接近1%;期货价格的变动一方面直接受到现货价格的影响,另一方面还受到影响现货价格变动的因素的间接影响。拆借利率、M2、进出口总值的估计系数均显著为正,证实了农产品供求因素(生产量、进口量、出口量、世界总产量、世界总出口量)、货币政策、货币供应量、利率和汇率等的变动,都直接影响到期货价格。农产品现货价格和期货价格是具有联动影响的,因此,适度且分类引导现货价格,建立单品种农产品价格预警机制,平抑农产品期货市场上大的波动,有利于我国农产品期货市场的健康发展;同时,因为期货市场具有价格发现功能,期货价格的稳定对当前的农产品现货也具有引导作用,会促进农产品现货市场的良性发展。  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - This paper presents a novel forecasting model for crude oil price which has the largest effect on economies and countries. The proposed method depends on improving the...  相似文献   

刘晓宇  辛良杰 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1637-1651
土地价格是城市综合发展水平的反映,厘清中国城市土地价格的时空演变特征及其成因,有助于从宏观上把握地区间的发展差异。本文以地级行政区为研究对象,系统分析2007—2019年中国332个城市综合土地价格和住宅、商服、工矿仓储用地价格的演变特征及驱动因素,主要结论如下:① 2007—2019年间中国城市综合地价呈现显著的上涨趋势,由2007年的392.34元/m2上升至2019年的1357.31元/m2,年均增长80.73元/m2;地价水平在空间上呈现“东南高,西北低”的格局。② 三种主要地类的价格及增速高低依次为:住宅用地>商服用地>工矿仓储用地,发展逐渐分化,差距不断扩大。③ 不同等级城市的土地价格逐渐分化为三类:高速增长型(一线城市)、平稳增长型(新一线城市和二线城市)和缓慢增长型(三线城市、四线城市和五线城市),呈现出明显的“马太效应”。④ 人均地区生产总值、人口密度和普通中小学学校数越高的城市,各类土地价格越高;本地人均地区生产总值、第二产业占比和第三产业占比越高的城市,其相邻城市的住宅和商服地价越高,工矿仓储地价越低。  相似文献   

扬州市住宅价格的空间分异与模式演变   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
王洋  方创琳  盛长元 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1082-1096
以2001-2012 年扬州中心城区各居住小区的住宅平均单价为基本数据,通过建立住宅价格总体分异测度指数(GDI) 计算其总体分异趋势及各住宅类型内部的分异趋势;采用核密度函数等方法探索住宅价格的分布形态和分异格局的演变规律;利用趋势面分析不同住宅类型价格的空间分异趋势;基于上述结果总结空间分异的演变模式,并分别探索空间分异与格局演变的驱动力。结果表明:① 2001 年以来扬州市住宅价格差距显著增大,分异趋势在波动中增强,与城市住宅均价的年增长率耦合;住宅价格呈现西高东低的空间分异格局,同档次价格小区由空间集聚转为相对分散,高、低价格住宅区分别沿固定扇面由中心向外围扩散。②不同住宅类型内的价格分异走势差别显著,各类型住宅间的价格趋势面差距明显,但其空间形态类似。③ 空间分异模式由2001 年西高东低的扇形同档次价格集聚式分异转变为2012 年扇形与圈层相结合的多档次价格混合式分异。④ 2001 年以来住宅价格总体分异的核心驱动力是城市居住空间的迅速扩展、居民收入差距的增大、房地产市场的繁荣和住宅类型的多元化,其住宅价格空间格局演变的驱动力为城市发展方向的确立与变化、特定住宅类型建设的区位指向和古城保护、旧城改造与新区建设。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the spatial patterns and driving forces of housing prices in China using a 2,872-county dataset of housing prices in 2014. Multiple theoretical perspectives on housing demand, supply, and market, are combined to establish a housing price model to explore the impact of land prices on housing prices. The relative impacts of land prices on housing prices at different administrative levels are then analyzed using the geographical detector technique. Finally, the influencing mechanism of land prices on housing prices is discussed. The main conclusions are as follows. (1) Housing prices have a pyramid- ranked distribution in China, where higher housing prices are linked to smaller urban populations. (2) Land prices are the primary driver of housing prices, and their impacts on housing prices vary over different administrative levels. To be specific, the effect of land prices is the strongest in the urban districts of provincial capital cities. (3) The internal influence mechanisms for land prices driving housing prices are: topographic factors, urban construction level, the agglomeration degree of high-quality public service resources, and the tertiary industrial development level. The urban land supply plan (supply policies) is the intrinsic driver that determines land prices in cities; through supply and demand, cost, and market mechanisms, land prices then impact housing prices.  相似文献   

This study identifies the spatial pattern of housing price changes and their determinants in Seoul and its neighbouring new towns. The results of a cluster analysis show that the spatial pattern of housing price change rates is nor correlated with housing prices. It is found that housing price change rates vary with the Chonse price index and money supply, building permit area, stock price index, and yield on 3 year corporate bonds. It is also shown that the more apartment units that are built in a region, the lower the housing price change rate.  相似文献   

Louisiana plays an important role in domestic oil and natural gas production, and in 2012 ranked sixth in oil production and third in gas production in the United States. Conventional oil and gas production in Louisiana has been declining steadily over the past four decades, while unconventional gas production has seen spectacular growth in recent years, effectively doubling the state’s natural gas output over three years. The structural changes impacting Louisiana’s oil and gas industry are complex and dynamic, and to better understand the relationships between activity drivers, a review of drilling and production data between 1980 and 2011 is performed and correlative relationships are developed. Drilling and completion trends, including completion and success rate statistics and drilled footage, are summarized by region. Correlative relationships are established between measured footage and the number of wells drilled, drilling activity, abandonments, and commodity price. We show that drilling activity in North Louisiana is highly responsive to changing oil prices, whereas in South Louisiana, activity is relatively inelastic. Well abandonments are shown to be negatively related to commodity prices. Horizontal, directional, active, idle, and orphaned well inventories are summarized.  相似文献   

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