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We present the results of a photometric survey for variable stars in the central region of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397. Time-series photometry was obtained for 30 variable objects. The sample includes 12 new objects, of which six show periodic light curves and two are eclipsing binaries of unknown period. Six variables possess certain and three possess likely X-ray counterparts detected with the Chandra observatory. Among them, four are cataclysmic variables and one is a foreground eclipsing binary. The cataclysmic variable CV2 exhibited a likely dwarf nova type outburst in 2003 May. The cataclysmic variable CV3 was observed at  18.5 < V < 20.0  during five observing runs, but went into a low state in 2003 May when it reached   V > 22  . We have found that the light curve of the optical companion to the millisecond pulsar PSR J1740−5340 exhibits noticeable changes of its amplitude on a time-scale of a few months. A shallow eclipse with  Δ V = 0.03 mag  was detected in one of the cluster turn-off stars suggesting the presence of a large planet or brown dwarf in orbit.  相似文献   

An analysis of the UV oscillations in WZ Sge is presented, in which we obtain the oscillation amplitude spectra. We find a strong 27.9-s oscillation in our Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) UV and zeroth-order light curves as well as weaker oscillations at 28.4 s in the UV and 29.1 s in the zeroth order. We find that the main oscillation amplitude spectrum can be fitted with static white dwarf spectra of about 17 000 K, an accretion hotspot of only a few 100 K hotter than the underlying white dwarf temperature or a variety of cool (<14 500 K) white dwarf pulsation amplitude spectra. A pulsating white dwarf can also explain the very blue colour of oscillations of different periods previously found in the optical. Comparing our results with those of Welsh et al., we see that the amplitude spectra of the main oscillations in WZ Sge measured with different periods in data sets from different epochs are similar to each other. Our results raise questions about using the magnetically accreting rotating white dwarf model to explain the oscillations. We suggest that the pulsating white dwarf model is still a viable explanation for the oscillations in WZ Sge.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of the eccentric disc resonance in systems with mass ratios q ≳1/4, and demonstrate the effects that changes in the mass flux from the secondary star have upon the disc radius and structure. The addition of material with low specific angular momentum to the outer edge of a disc restricts that disc radially. Should the mass flux from the secondary be reduced, it is possible for the disc in a system with mass ratio as large as 1/3 to expand to the 3:1 eccentric inner Lindblad resonance and for superhumps to be excited.  相似文献   

From archived and recent high-speed photometry of VW Hyi we find dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs) occasionally present throughout outburst, evolving from a 14.06-s period at maximum to >40 s near the end of outburst. A relatively slow increase of period is followed by a rapid increase and a subsequent decrease.
Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are seen at periods of hundreds of seconds. For the first time, the evolution of a QPO period is seen, increasing steadily during the final decline of an outburst. The occasional presence of two DNOs, separated in frequency by the QPO frequency, suggests reprocessing of the rotating DNO beam by a 'wall' rotating progradely in the disc at the QPO period.  相似文献   

Large differences between the properties of the known sample of cataclysmic variable stars (CVs) and the predictions of the theory of binary star evolution have long been recognized. However, because all existing CV samples suffer from strong selection effects, observational biases must be taken into account before it is possible to tell whether there is an inconsistency. In order to address this problem, we have modelled the impact of selection effects on observed CV samples using a Monte Carlo approach. By simulating the selection criteria of the Palomar–Green (PG) Survey, we show that selection effects cannot reconcile the predictions of standard CV evolution theory with the observed sample. More generally, we illustrate the effect of the biases that are introduced by magnitude limits, selection cuts in U − B and restrictions in Galactic latitude.  相似文献   

We have detected coherent oscillations, at multiple frequencies, in the line and continuum emission of the eclipsing dwarf nova V2051 Ophiuchi using the 10-m Keck II telescope. Our own novel data acquisition system allowed us to obtain very fast spectroscopy using a continuous readout of the CCD on the LRIS spectrograph. This is the first time that dwarf nova oscillations have been detected and resolved in the emission lines. The accretion disc is highly asymmetric with a stronger contribution from the blueshifted side of the disc during our observations. The disc extends from close to the white dwarf out to the outer regions of the primary Roche lobe.
Continuum oscillations at 56.12 s and its first harmonic at 28.06 s are most likely to originate on the surface of a spinning white dwarf with the fundamental period corresponding to the spin period. Balmer and helium emission lines oscillate with a period of 29.77 s at a mean amplitude of 1.9 per cent. The line kinematics and the eclipse constraints indicate an origin in the accretion disc at a radius of 12±2 R wd. The amplitude of the emission-line oscillation modulates (0–4 per cent) at a period of 488 s, corresponding to the Kepler period at R =12 R wd. This modulation is caused by the beating between the white dwarf spin and the orbital motion in the disc.
The observed emission-line oscillations cannot be explained by a truncated disc as in the intermediate polars. The observations suggest a non-axisymmetric bulge in the disc, orbiting at 12 R wd, is required. The close correspondence between the location of the oscillations and the circularization radius of the system suggests that stream overflow effects may be of relevance.  相似文献   

AM Her variables – synchronized magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) – exhibit a different period distribution from other CVs across the period gap. We show that non-AM Her systems may infiltrate the longer-period end of the period gap if they are metal-deficient, but that the position and width of the gap in orbital period are otherwise insensitive to other binary parameters (except for the normalization of the braking rate). In AM Her binaries, magnetic braking is reduced as the wind from the secondary star may be trapped within the magnetosphere of the white dwarf primary. This reduced braking fills the period gap from its short-period end as the dipole magnetic moment of the white dwarf increases. The consistency of these models with the observed distribution of CVs, of both AM Her and non-AM Her type, provides compelling evidence supporting magnetic braking as the agent of angular momentum loss among long-period CVs, and its disruption as the explanation of the  2–3 h  period gap among non-magnetic CVs.  相似文献   

Simultaneous spectroscopic and photometric observations of the Z Cam type dwarf nova SY Cancri were used to obtain absolute flux calibrations. A comparison of the photometric calibration with a wide-slit spectrophotometric calibration showed that either method is equally satisfactory. A radial velocity study of the secondary star, made using the far-red Na  i doublet, yielded a semi-amplitude of   K 2= 127 ± 23 km s−1  . Taking the published value of  86 ± 9 km s−1  for K 1 gives a mass ratio of   q = M 2/ M 1= 0.68 ± 0.14  ; this is very different from the value of  1.13 ± 0.35  quoted in the literature. Using the new lower mass ratio, and constraining the mass of the white dwarf to be within reasonable limits, then leads to a mass for the secondary star that is substantially less than would be expected for its orbital period if it satisfied a main-sequence mass–radius relationship. We find a spectral type of M0 that is consistent with that expected for a main-sequence star of the low mass we have found. However, in order to fill its Roche lobe, the secondary must be significantly larger than a main-sequence star of that mass and spectral type. The secondary is definitely not a normal main-sequence star.  相似文献   

Variability on all time scales between seconds and decades is typical for cataclysmic variables (CVs). One of the brightest and best studied CVs is TT Ari, a nova‐like variable which belongs to the VY Scl subclass, characterized by occasional low states in their light curves. It is also known as a permanent superhumper at high state, revealing “positive” (PS > P0) as well as “negative” (PS < P0) superhumps, where PS is the period of the superhump and P0 the orbital period. TT Ari was observed by the Canadian space telescope MOST for about 230 hours nearly continuously in 2007, with a time resolution of 48 seconds. Here we analyze these data, obtaining a dominant “negative” superhump signal with a period PS = 0.1331 days and a mean amplitude of 0.09 mag. Strong flickering with amplitudes up to 0.2 mag and peak‐to‐peak time scales of 15–20 minutes is superimposed on the periodic variations. We found no indications for significant quasi‐periodic oscillations with periods around 15 minutes, reported by other authors. We discuss the known superhump behaviour of TTAri during the last five decades and conclude that our period value is at the upper limit of all hitherto determined “negative” superhump periods of TTAri, before and after the MOST run. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present observations of dwarf nova oscillations (DNOs), longer-period dwarf nova oscillations (lpDNOs), and quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in 13 cataclysmic variable stars. In the six systems, WW Cet, BP CrA, BR Lup, HP Nor, AG Hya and V1193 Ori, rapid, quasi-coherent oscillations are detected for the first time. For the remainder of the systems discussed, we have observed more classes of oscillations, in addition to the rapid oscillations they were already known to display, or previously unknown aspects of the behaviour of the oscillations. The period of a QPO in RU Peg is seen to change by 84 per cent over the 10 nights of the decline from outburst – the largest evolution of a QPO period observed to date. A period–luminosity relation similar to the relation that has long been known to apply to DNOs is found for lpDNOs in X Leo; this is the first clear case of the lpDNO frequency scaling with accretion luminosity. WX Hyi and V893 Sco are added to the small list of dwarf novae that have shown oscillations in quiescence.  相似文献   

We present charge-coupled device (CCD) photometry of WX Cet in quiescence. Apart from the flickering which is characteristic to cataclysmic binaries, our data also reveal the periodic modulation of the brightness of WX Cet with a period of 0.058 27±0.000 02, with further restrictions on it. This period is derived from our data alone, but it agrees, within errors, with the spectroscopic period of Thorstensen et al. Hence the most likely spectroscopic and photometric periods are identical and correspond to the orbital motion. Our data were obtained during two observational seasons in 1990 and 1998. In the former season we observed what appears to be the ordinary orbital hump. However, in 1998 we observed both single- and double-hump orbital modulation. Several authors have noted the similarities between WX Cet and WZ Sge: the occurrence of rare, large-amplitude, long-lasting superoutbursts with superhump modulation, and the slow rate of decline. Both stars have similar, extremely short orbital periods. We recorded further similarities: the orbital modulation of brightness, with switching between single- and double-hump light curves. Patterson noticed that superhump excesses in WX Cet and WZ Sge are different in that they may fall on different evolutionary branches (pre-period minimum versus post-period minimum). We demonstrate that the masses of their white dwarfs differ by a factor of two.  相似文献   

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