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The [C  ii ]  158-μm  line is an important emission-line diagnostic in photodissociation regions (PDRs), but this emission line can also emerge from ionized gas. This work calculates the contribution of [C  ii ] emission from ionized gas over a wide range of parameter space by considering the simplified case of an H+ region and PDR in pressure equilibrium. Additionally, these calculations also predict the strong correlation observed between [N  ii ]  205-μm  emission and [C  ii ] discussed by previous authors. Overall, the results of these calculations have wide-ranging applications to the interpretation of [C  ii ] emission in astrophysical environments.  相似文献   

The core of planetary nebula NGC 6302 is filled with high-excitation photoionized gas at low expansion velocities. It represents a unique astrophysical situation in which to search for hyperfine structure (HFS) in coronal emission lines from highly ionized species. HFS is otherwise blended by thermal or velocity broadening. Spectra containing  [Al  vi ] 3.66 μm 3P23P1  , obtained with Phoenix on Gemini South at resolving powers of up to 75 000, resolve the line into five hyperfine components separated by 20–60 km s−1 as a result of the coupling of the   I = 5/2  nuclear spin of 27Al with the total electronic angular momentum J . The isotope 26Al has a different nuclear spin of   I = 5  , and a different HFS, which allows us to place a 3σ upper limit on the 26Al/27Al abundance ratio of 1/33. We measure the HFS magnetic dipole coupling constants for [Al  vi ], and provide the first estimates of the electric quadrupole HFS coupling constants obtained through astronomical observations of an atomic transition.  相似文献   

The hydrogen Balmer‐α emission line spectrum of ten diffuse ionization sources in the Milk Way – NGC 40 (WC8), NGC 2022, NGC 6210, NGC 6618 (M17, Sh2‐45), NGC 6720 (M57), NGC 6781, NGC 6888 (Sh2‐105), NGC 6992 (Sh2‐103), NGC 7635 (Sh2‐162,) and IC 1848 (Sh2‐199) – has been investigated using a dual etalon Fabry‐Pérot optical spectrometer (DEFPOS) aatached to the 150 cm RTT150 telescope at TUBITAK National Observatory (TUG, Antalya, Turkey: 36° 51′ N; 30° 20′ E; elevation: 2547 m). All of our galactic Hα observations discussed in this paper were carried out during the nights of 2013 June 21–24 with exposure time of 3600 s. As main results the intensity, the full width at half maximum, and the radial velocity with respect to the LSR have been determined for each data set. The intensities, the radial velocities, and the line widths of the Hα emission line vary from 59.15 to 8923.44 R, –46.72 to +54.07 km s–1, and 31.4 to 48.01 km s–1, respectively. The radial velocities and the half‐widths of the Hii regions and planetary nebulae determined from our measurements are found tobe consistent with values given in literature, especially with those in Schneider et al. (1983) and Fich et al. (1990). (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We study the relation between nitrogen and oxygen abundances as a function of metallicity for a sample of emission-line objects for which a direct measurement of the metallicity has been possible. This sample is representative of the very different conditions in ionization and chemical enrichment that we can find in the Universe. We first construct the N/O versus O/H ratio diagram, and discuss its large dispersion at all metallicity regimes. Using the same sample and a large grid of photoionization models covering very different values of the N/O ratio, we then study the most widely used strong-line calibrators of metallicity based on [N  ii ] emission lines, such as N2 and O3N2. We demonstrate that these parameters underestimate the metallicity at low N/O ratios and vice versa. We also investigate the effect of the N/O ratio on different diagnostic diagrams used to discriminate narrow-line active galactic nuclei from star-forming regions, such as the [O  iii ]/Hβ versus [N  ii ]/Hα, and show that a large fraction of the galaxies catalogued as composite in this diagram can be, in fact, star-forming galaxies with a high value of the N/O ratio. Finally, using strong-line methods sensitive to the N/O abundance ratio, like N2O2 and N2S2, we investigate the relation between this ratio and the stellar mass for the galaxies of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find, as in the case of the mass–metallicity relation, a correlation between these two quantities and a flattening of the relation for the most massive galaxies, which could be a consequence of the enhancement of the dispersion of N/O ratio in the high-metallicity regime.  相似文献   

We report on the comparison of images of a region of the Galactic plane (centred on l =312°) as seen by the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX) at 8.3 μm and by the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) at 843 MHz in the radio continuum. We note that the survey from each telescope is without peer and occupies a niche in panoramic coverage with high spatial resolution. Using independent classification of sources in the selected region, a detailed comparison of the two surveys was made. The aim of the project was to seek global characteristics for different types of source, with a view to establishing predictive criteria for identification and hence emission mechanisms. Several strong trends were found. There is a complete absence in this field of any detected MSX counterparts to non-thermal radio sources. Almost every H  ii region in the radio image has its MSX counterpart, in the form of a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon halo in the neutral zone surrounding the ionized gas. Both surveys show large-scale 'braided' filamentary structures, extending over 1°, which appear to be produced by thermal processes. These filaments may be structures in the warm ionized phase of the interstellar medium or extended haloes around H  ii regions. The comparisons in this paper were made using both preliminary MSX 8.3-μm results with 46-arcsec resolution and final MSX images with the intrinsic 20-arcsec resolution of the instruments.  相似文献   

We present a picture of star formation around the H  ii region Sh2-235 (S235) based upon data on the spatial distribution of young stellar clusters and the distribution and kinematics of molecular gas around S235. We observed 13CO (1–0) and CS (2–1) emission toward S235 with the Onsala Space Observatory 20-m telescope and analysed the star density distribution with archival data from the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS). Dense molecular gas forms a shell-like structure at the southeastern part of S235. The young clusters found with 2MASS data are embedded in this shell. The positional relationship of the clusters, the molecular shell and the H  ii region indicates that expansion of S235 is responsible for the formation of the clusters. The gas distribution in the S235 molecular complex is clumpy, which hampers interpretation exclusively on the basis of the morphology of the star-forming region. We use data on kinematics of molecular gas to support the hypothesis of induced star formation, and distinguish three basic types of molecular gas components. The first type is primordial undisturbed gas of the giant molecular cloud, the second type is gas entrained in motion by expansion of the H  ii region (this is where the embedded clusters were formed) and the third type is a fast-moving gas, which might have been accelerated by winds from the newly formed clusters. The clumpy distribution of molecular gas and its kinematics around the H  ii region implies that the picture of triggered star formation around S235 can be a mixture of at least two possibilities: the 'collect-and-collapse' scenario and the compression of pre-existing dense clumps by the shock wave.  相似文献   

We study the nature of the [Ti  ii ] and [Ni  ii ] emission from the so-called strontium filament found in the ejecta of η Carinae. To this purpose, we employ multilevel models of the Ti  ii and Ni  ii systems, which are used to investigate the physical condition of the filament and the excitation mechanisms of the observed lines. For the Ti  ii ion, for which no atomic data were previously available, we carry out ab initio calculations of radiative transition rates and electron impact excitation rate coefficients. It is found that the observed spectrum is consistent with the lines being excited in a mostly neutral region with an electron density of the order of 107 cm−3 and a temperature around 6000 K. In analysing three observations with different slit orientations recorded between 2000 March and 2001 November, we find line ratios that change among various observations, in a way consistent with changes of up to an order of magnitude in the strength of the continuum radiation field. These changes result from different samplings of the extended filament due to the different slit orientations used for each observation, and yield clues on the spatial extent and optical depth of the filament. The observed emission indicates a large Ti/Ni abundance ratio relative to solar abundances. It is suggested that the observed high Ti/Ni ratio in gas is caused by dust–gas fractionation processes and does not reflect the absolute Ti/Ni ratio in the ejecta of η Carinae. We study the condensation chemistry of Ti, Ni and Fe within the filament and suggest that the observed gas phase overabundance of Ti is likely the result of selective photoevaporation of Ti-bearing grains. Some mechanisms for such a scenario are proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel experiment for the accurate estimation of pulsar dispersion measures (DMs) using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. This experiment was carried out for a sample of 12 pulsars, over a period of more than one year (2001 January to 2002 May) with observations about once every fortnight. At each epoch, the pulsar DMs were obtained from simultaneous dual-frequency observations, without requiring any absolute timing information. The DM estimates were obtained from both the single-pulse data streams and from the average profiles. The accuracy of the DM estimates at each epoch is ∼1 part in 104 or better, making the data set useful for many different kinds of studies.
The time-series of DMs shows significant variations on time-scales of weeks to months for most of the pulsars. An analysis of the mean DM values from these data shows significant deviations from catalogue values (as well as from other estimates in the literature) for some of the pulsars, with PSR B1642−03 showing the most notable differences. From our analysis results it appears that the constancy of pulsar DMs (at the level of 1 in 103 or better) cannot be taken for granted. For PSR B2217+47, we see evidence of a large-scale DM gradient over a 1-yr period, which is modelled as being due to a blob of enhanced electron density sampled by the line of sight. For some pulsars, including pulsars with fairly simple profiles such as PSR B1642−03, we find evidence for small changes in DM values for different frequency pairs of measurement, a result that needs to be investigated in detail. Another interesting result is that we find significant differences in DM values obtained from average profiles and single-pulse data.  相似文献   

New, more detailed calculations of the emission spectra of the He-like Kα complex of calcium, iron and nickel have been carried out using data from both distorted-wave and R-matrix calculations. The value of the GD ratio (an extended definition of the G ratio that accounts for the effect of resolved and unresolved satellite lines) is significantly enhanced at temperatures below the temperature of He-like maximum abundance. Furthermore, it is shown that satellite lines are important contributors to the GD ratio such that   GD / G > 1  at temperatures well above the temperature of maximum abundance. These new calculations demonstrate, with an improved treatment of the KLn     satellite lines, that Kα satellite lines need to be included in models of He-like spectra even at relatively high temperatures. The excellent agreement between spectra and line ratios calculated from R-matrix and distorted-wave data also confirms the validity of models based on distorted-wave data for highly charged systems, provided the effect of resonances is taken into account as independent processes.  相似文献   

The lifetimes of three short-lived levels belonging to the 4f96p configuration and of two long-lived levels of the 4f95d configuration of Dy  iii have been measured for the first time using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence techniques. They are in good agreement with theoretical values calculated within the framework of a pseudo-relativistic configuration interaction approximation. Using the experimental lifetimes and the theoretical branching fractions, a first set of transition probabilities of astrophysical interest has been obtained for Dy  iii .  相似文献   

Radiative parameters for transitions depopulating the levels belonging to the 4d85s2, 4d96s and 4d95d configurations of Ag  ii have been obtained from a combination of theoretical lifetimes and experimental branching fractions. On the experimental side, a laser-produced plasma was used as a source of Ag+ ions. The light emitted by the plasma was analysed by a grating monochromator coupled with a time-resolved optical multichannel analyser system. Spectral response calibration of the experimental system was performed using a deuterium lamp in the wavelength range from 200 to 400 nm, and a standard tungsten lamp in the range from 350 to 600 nm. The transition probabilities were obtained from measured branching ratios and theoretical radiative lifetimes of the corresponding states calculated with a relativistic Hartree–Fock approach including core-polarization effects and configuration interaction in an extensive way. Theoretical and experimental data have been compared and the new data have also been compared with the few previous results available in the literature.  相似文献   

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