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中晚全新世科尔沁沙地沉积物化学特征及其气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘冰  靳鹤龄  孙忠 《沉积学报》2012,30(3):536-546
科尔沁沙地位于我国沙漠-黄土边界带和北方农牧交错带,深受东亚季风的影响,对全球气候变化反应非常敏感,是研究全球气候变化的理想区域。TL剖面磁化率、粒度和地球化学元素氧化物及其比值变化分析表明:中晚全新世研究区气候极不稳定,可以大致划分为:① 6.0~4.2 ka BP,气候暖湿,夏季风逐渐增强,并占据主导,冬季风较弱,与全新世大暖期对应,但存在百年尺度的气候波动,其中:6.0~5.6 ka BP,5.5~5.4 ka BP,4.9~4.7 ka BP,4.5~4.2 ka BP气候暖湿;5.6~5.5 ka BP,5.4~4.9 ka BP,4.7~4.5 ka BP气候相对冷干。② 4.2~1.3 ka BP,气候相对暖湿,与上一阶段相比夏季风有所减弱,其间也存在次一级波动,4.2~3.63 ka BP,3.57~3.4 ka BP气候相对干冷;3.63~3.57 ka BP,3.4~1.3 ka BP,气候相对暖湿。③ 1.3~0.65 ka BP以来,气候波动频繁,后期有向暖湿发展的趋势。这些气候变化与区域和全球变化具有良好的对应关系,反映该区气候变化与全球气候变化具有高度一致性。  相似文献   

泸沽湖地区受人类活动影响较小、对气候变化较为敏感,是开展古气候研究的理想区域。本文以孢粉为重要研究手段,对采自泸沽湖草海地区103cm的浅钻沉积物开展研究,采样间距2cm,共取得52块样品用于孢粉分析。沉积物年龄采用AMS-~(14)C测定,经校正之后钻孔底部年龄为3455cal.a BP。经实验分析之后,所有样品均含有丰富的孢粉类群,反映的植被组成主要以松(Pinus)林为主,铁杉(Tsuga)也较为常见,被子植物中则以栎属(Quercus)占绝对优势,栗属(Castanea)和木犀科(Oleaceae)植物也频繁出现,而草本植物则以禾本科(Gramineae)为主,蓼科(Polygonaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物也是重要的组成成分,林下生长有大量的蕨类的植物,主要以紫萁属(Osmunda)、石松属(Lycopodium)和膜蕨科(Hymenophyllaceae)等为主,另外,采样点草海为季节性湿地,水生植物主要以香蒲属(Typha)和藻类植物中的双星藻(Zygnema)和水绵(Spirogyra)最为常见。为了获得该地区晚全新世以来的气候变化曲线,本研究采用共存分析法分别对划分的四个孢粉带进行了古气候的定量重建,年均温和年均降水量分别为:3455cal.a BP至2585cal.a BP,MAT(mean annual temperature)=11.5~18.6℃,MAP(mean annual precipitation)=797.5~1484.3mm;2585cal.a BP至1699cal.a BP,MAT=11.7~18.6℃,MAP=617.9~1523.1mm;1699cal.a BP至595cal.a BP,MAT=8.5~18.6℃,MAP=797.5~1484.3mm;595cal.a BP至今,MAT=5.7~18.6℃,MAP=617.9~1484.3mm。结果显示该地区3455cal.a BP以来气候经历了略微变暖-变凉-持续变凉-回暖四个阶段。本研究还将变化曲线与其他地区同时代的研究结果进行了对比分析,显示年均温的变化趋势与格陵兰冰芯δ~(18)O以及祁连山敦德冰芯所反映的温度变化趋势基本一致,并可观察到中世纪暖期、晚全新世小冰期及现代温暖期。  相似文献   

郭超  马玉贞  李金凤 《第四纪研究》2022,42(4):1058-1077

文章对中国及周边地区中晚全新世的气候序列展开综述,系统研究了该地区中晚全新世湿度演化的时空差异,并探讨了气候变化的联系及可能机制。基于构建代用指标、沉积连续性、年代控制点以及样品分辨率的评价条件,对中国及周边地区(包括东亚季风区、印度季风区、西风环流区和青藏高原区)的古气候序列进行筛选。最终筛选出59个高质量的中晚全新世气候序列并进行系统研究,使用区域加权平均法获得东亚季风区、印度季风区和西风环流区的区域平均湿度指数序列,并试图探讨其联系和响应机制。结果表明:1)东亚季风区中晚全新世湿度变化呈持续下降趋势,可能主要受制于热带西太平洋表层海温和厄尔尼诺强度变化;2)印度季风区在约4800 cal.a B.P.湿度开始剧烈下降,其湿度演化历史是整个印度洋区域气候变化的一部分,印度洋暖季海温和洋面蒸发可能主导该区的湿度变化;3)西风环流区中全新世以来湿度呈持续增加趋势,可能与北大西洋和欧洲地区温度下降有关,温度下降导致西风环流的南移和增强致使该地区湿度增加;4)青藏高原东北缘中晚全新世的湿度演化与东亚季风区较为一致,而高原内部基本呈南北向梯度变化。另外,中晚全新世典型气候突变事件,如4.2 ka和2.8 ka气候事件,在中国及周边地区普遍出现,具体表现为低纬度季风区出现干旱特征,中纬度西风带部分地区出现湿润特征。


Records from South America show that modern ENSO (El Nino-Southern Oscillation) did not exist 7000 cal yr B.P. and has developed progressively since then. There has been little information available on oceanic conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) to constrain explanations for ENSO onset. We report quantitative observations on thermocline and mixed-layer conditions in the EEP during ENSO start up. We found important changes in both the thermocline and the mixed layer, indicating increased upwelling of cooler waters since 7000 cal yr B.P. This resulted from change in the source and/or properties of waters supplying the Equatorial Undercurrent, which feeds upwelling along the equator and the Peru margin. Modeling shows that ENSO is sensitive to subsurface conditions in the eastern equatorial Pacific and that the changes in the thermocline we observed were driven by extratropical processes, giving these a role in conditioning the development of ENSO. This is in contrast to models that call for control of equatorial Pacific oceanography by tropical processes only. These infer stronger upwelling and cooler surface waters for the EEP during the mid-Holocene, which is not supported by our results.  相似文献   

冰芯与其它记录所揭示的中国全新世大暖期变化特征   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
冰芯,孢粉,黄土,湖泊和海平面变化记录揭示出,在全新世时,我国曾发生过多次气候冷暖波动事件,其中最重在的事件是全新世大暖期,由于青藏高原在存在。造成了中亚地区大气环流的改变。形成了中国大陆复杂的气候条件和独特的季风气候,从而导致全国各地大暖期在起讫时间,变化幅度和持续时间上都存在着较大的差异。中国西部高海拔地区大暖期起讫时间较早,持续时间较短。变化幅度较大;反之,在中国东部,大暖期起讫时间较晚,持续时间较长。变化幅度较小,反映出西部高海拔区域对气候变化的响应度和敏感度都比东部低海拔区域强,此外,不同区域的冰芯记录也有差异。古里雅冰芯记录反映了全球气候变化的趋势,而敦德冰芯记录则与我国季风气候变化的趋势比较接近。  相似文献   

自格陵兰冰芯的氧同位索曲线发表以来,有关“轨道”以下尺度(即千年级)气候变化历史的研究工作,在全球范围内已做了许多。这些工作较为一致地证明,尽管不同区域内短尺度气候变化的特点不一定相互一致,但冰期气候不稳定性现象还是普遍存在的。但是,迄今为止,有关这方面的研究工作主要集中在末次冰期,因此,气候不稳定性是否存在于第四纪的其它冰期尚不得而知。最近,我们对会宁李家源剖面黄土沉积的S2~L2段落做了详细的采样和粒度分析,样品间距为2cm,粒度分析结果如图l。会宁李家源剖面位于黄土高原西部,S2~S2的总厚度为45m。其中L2的厚度约17m,与L1的厚度大致相当。L2堆积期为倒数第二个冰期,从深海和其它地质  相似文献   

A high‐resolution palaeorecord (06SD) from Lake Shudu, Yunnan Province, southwestern China indicates a broad trend towards catchment stability, enhanced organic productivity and regional forest‐cover expansion during the early to mid Holocene. These changes are congruent with a shift to warm, wet climatic conditions, probably driven by orbitally forced Asian summer monsoon strengthening. Intriguingly, however, during the very early Holocene (c. 10.7 to 10.1 cal. ka BP), there is a prominent reversal in this trend, suggesting a weakening Asian summer monsoon. The precise cause and extent of this event remain unclear but demonstrate the urgent need for more comprehensive dating of records from across the region to test for synchroneity and examine climatic forcing mechanisms.  相似文献   

The paper summarises materials on the mammal remains in northeastern Europe, dated by radiocarbon. Altogether, 23 local faunas of small mammals and 47 local faunas of large mammals were analysed. Multidimensional statistical analysis shows a strong correlation between changes in small mammal fauna composition and climate changes throughout time. The correlations with the spatial gradients, however, are less pronounced. The faunas are classified into three groups: (1) faunas of Holocene age; (2) Late Pleistocene ‘stadial’ assemblages; and (3) Late Pleistocene ‘interstadial’ assemblages. In some cases, changes in species abundance are better understood in terms of biotic interrelations rather than of climatic effects. The most pronounced change in small mammal fauna composition and structure occurred at the Preboreal/Boreal boundary, and a less conspicuous alteration took place at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. The most noticeable transformation in the large mammal fauna composition is dated to the early Holocene. Less significant changes are observed at the Middle Weichselian/LGM transition and at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. It is safely concluded that variations in the faunas of small and large mammals recorded in NE Europe during the last 35 000 years occurred synchronously and unidirectionally.  相似文献   

宁晋泊地区全新世温暖期以来气候与环境变化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
宁晋泊沉积物的环境指标高分辨率分析,揭示了作新世温暖期以来气候变化规律和湖泊演化过程。全新世温暖期早期,气候温暖,降水丰沛,环境稳定,湖泊水草茂美;其中在5500-6000aBP有一个短暂的降温过程;温暖期晚期,气候波动明显。全新世晚期,气候呈规律性波动,与华北地区文史资料一致,具有良好的可比性。  相似文献   

选取位于中亚干旱区东部新疆天山地区的两个典型黄土沉积剖面,通过磁学参数(XARM/SIRM)、亮度(L*)、有机碳/氮同位素(δ13Corg和δ15N)等记录,对研究区内全新世以来的气候环境进行重建.结果表明:早全新世,XARM/SIRM、L*指示黄土成壤较弱、有机质含量低,δ13Corg记录表明区域降水较少,共同反映...  相似文献   

The nonlinear evolution of the collisional gravitation induced RayleighTaylor (R-T) instability in the equatorialF region is investigated taking into account the finite larmor radius (FLR) effects and the complete ion inertial term in ion equation of motion. A special class of coherent weakly nonlinear modes as solutions to the wave equation describing R-T instability driven modes is obtained. The leading nonlinear effects in the wave equation are found to appear throughV l, the ion diamagnetic drift which essentially gives the FLR corrections. It is shown that the R-T modes in the equatorialF region can evolve into coherent, nonlinear, almost sinusoidal, stationary wave structures. These structures are found to travel with a constant phase velocity and to have slightly distorted sinusoidal shapes. These results seem to have a good agreement with many of the recent rocket and satellite observations of the equatorial spreadF irregularities.  相似文献   


考古证据揭示在8500~7000 cal.a B.P.左右的全新世大暖期,蒙古高原东部的呼伦贝尔、西辽河上游、阴山东北麓地区曾一度出现过定居化的生活迹象。各地区依托适应于本土环境的经济基础,发展出定居化程度有所差别的社会生活模式。本研究综合分析3个地区代表性遗址的聚落、房址形态、陶器、石器工具组合、动、植物遗存,对其所展现的定居模式、定居程度和定居经济基础进行分析与对比,研究表明呼伦比尔地区定居化生活的经济基础侧重于对多重生态区域内的中小型动物资源的利用,其中水生资源占有较大比重;而西辽河上游和阴山东北麓则采取狩猎采集与原始农业相结合的生业经济,动植物资源利用并重。西辽河上游和阴山东北麓发展出有一定社群规模的村落式定居社会,其中西辽河流域先民的定居化程度高于阴山东北麓和呼伦贝尔地区。全新世大暖期的气候变化,改善了高原地区的水热条件,增强了草原地带的生态多样性,为先民集约化利用栖居地周围的多种动植物资源并在气候条件许可的地带发展农业生产提供了有利契机,对多样性资源的集约利用,奠定了定居化生活的经济基础。但定居化的发展趋势伴随着大暖期的结束而终止,体现出草原地带的史前先民在环境变迁背景下灵活弹性的适应策略。


Located at the interface between the temperate westerly and sub-tropical climate systems, South Africa's winter rainfall zone (WRZ) is a key location in understanding Late Quaternary atmospheric circulation dynamics. Inactive eolian deposits in the WRZ, comprising pan-fringing lunette and coastal dunes, were investigated to establish their depositional ages and utility as paleoenvironmental indicators. The resulting optical luminescence chronology reveals episodic lunette accretion at 60,000-45,000 yr, 12,000-13,000 yr, 2800-2600 yr, 1200 yr, and <1000 yr, with coastal dune ages clustering at 4100-4700 yr.Episodes of lunette and coastal dune accretion on the Agulhas Plain are temporally distinct, reflecting differing fundamental controls on their activity. Comparisons to previously published data also reveal that the lunettes differ in age from more ancient coastal eolianites. Lunette deposition is asynchronous between locations, reflecting the topographic and hydrological setting of the individual pans. In near-coastal settings, with limited surface recharge, lunette accretion appears to be at least partially controlled by sea level induced changes in groundwater levels. Those pans with more significant surface recharge (particularly from fluvial systems) may produce less ambiguous paleoenvironmental records, with pan status more strongly reflecting regional hydrological conditions. Lunette orientation is indicative of strong westerly winds during both the Pleistocene and Holocene. Lunette accretion would have been promoted by reduced on-shore moisture transport during the summer months, enhancing rainfall seasonality. Such conditions would have been promoted by increased continentality as the Agulhas Bank was exposed during low sea level stands.  相似文献   

Pollen and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages from core GeoB 9503-5 retrieved from the mud-belt ( 50 m water depth) off the Senegal River mouth have been analyzed to reconstruct short-term palaeoceanographic and palaeoenvironmental changes in subtropical NW Africa during the time interval from ca. 4200 to 1200 cal yr BP. Our study emphasizes significant coeval changes in continental and oceanic environments in and off Senegal and shows that initial dry conditions were followed by a strong and rapid increase in humidity between ca. 2900 and 2500 cal yr BP. After ca. 2500 cal yr BP, the environment slowly became drier again as indicated by slight increases in Sahelian savannah and desert elements in the pollen record. Around ca. 2200 cal yr BP, this relatively dry period ended with periodic pulses of high terrigenous contributions and strong fluctuations in fern spore and river plume dinoflagellate cyst percentages as well as in the fluxes of pollen, dinoflagellate cysts, fresh-water algae and plant cuticles, suggesting “episodic flash flood” events of the Senegal River. The driest phase developed after about 2100 cal yr BP.  相似文献   

The course of Irish sea levels during the late-Holocene is not well-known, yet it is an understanding of this period that will prove crucial in the definition and management of future sea-level changes. The coastline of Ireland embraces wide environmental and glacio-isostatic contrasts, which serve and, to some extent, control sea-level events at both local and regional scales, making definitive resolution of relative sea-level changes difficult. In the southwest, the picture is of inexorable relative sea-level rise. Studies in Co. Kerry show a gradual submergence of terrestrial facies, by estuarine and, in places, marine materials. Pollen and diatom studies, together with 14C dates, suggest a decreasing rate of relative sea-level rise in the last 2500 years, often associated with geomorphological changes. Sites on the south coast of Ireland confirm the evidence from the southwest. In Cork Harbour, recent relative sea-level rise since 2100 BP was responsible for marginal land submergence, while elsewhere rising water levels appear to have caused rapid barrier migrations and coast erosion. Palaeoenvironmental evidence from this region suggests a distinctive pattern of sea-level change, associated with sedimentary and/or crustal dynamics, which is not encountered elsewhere in northwest Europe. The overall rate of relative sea-level change on the south and southwest coasts falls between 0.6 and 1.1 mm/year over the last 5000 years. In the north, there is a clear east to west variation in relative sea-level trends, following an isostatically-controlled peak (+3 to ?1 m OD) between 6500 BP (east) and 3500 BP (west). Falling sea levels from 3500 to 1500 BP have been followed by a general slow rise, although there are still local anomalies to this pattern, most noticeably at Malin Head, where sea level is currently falling at 2.4mm/year. Relative sea-level signatures in Ireland differ markedly between the north and south coasts. Furthermore geomorphological and ecological contexts of this rise vary from east to west, providing a complex all-Ireland framework for future investigations.  相似文献   

中国季风沙区晚更新世以来环境及其变化   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
本文以对毛乌素沙漠萨拉乌苏河流域米浪沟湾地层剖面晚更新世-全新世砂丘与河湖相、古土壤互为叠覆的高分辨率的气候地层记录的认识出发,同时基于对中国北方现代冬春季节风沙、尘霾活动发生的区域性气候-地质过程的理解,将今释古,反演了该时期中国季风区沙漠沙地曾经历的27个沙漠扩缩的周期性变化,并认为该剖面风砂沉积是过去地质时代季风沙区乃至整个中国沙区类似由现代这种冬春季西伯利亚-蒙古反气旋风系好冬季风向南伸展导致的若干风沙风尘动态过程的结果,而河湖相和古土壤的发育则主要与季风沙区受惠于东亚夏季风的影响有关。  相似文献   

Foraminiferal assemblages and the sedimentology of two cores (POR20 and POR21) from eastern Disko Bugt, west Greenland, are used to identify environmental changes in the area over the past c. 2200 years. Changes in the sediment flux supplied to the core sites from Jakobshavn Isbrae are used to assess the relative position of the calving margin. An Atlantic water influence as strong as, or slightly stronger than, present prevailed at c. 2200 cal. yr BP. A trend of increasing Atlantic water influence then culminated in peak warm and saline hydrographic conditions c. 1664-474 cal. yr BP encompassing the 'Medieval Warm Period'. This period was marked by a retreat of the calving front of Jakobshavn Isbrae and was followed by a marked cooling in hydrographic conditions relating to an increase in the influence of the East Greenland Current in the West Greenland Current corresponding to the climatic episode the 'Little Ice Age'. A rise in sedimentation rate over this period relates to the well-documented advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae. The record from Disko Bugt shows good agreement with the temperature record from the Greenland ice cores and other climatic and oceanographic reconstructions in the region.  相似文献   

Fourteen lake basins on and west of Mt. Billingen have been analysed with respect to different stratigraphic methods: pollen, diatoms, other microfossils, 14C datings, lithology, grain-size distribution and chemical characteristics. The aim has been to establish a well-dated pollen stratigraphy for the area in order to date when lakes west of Mt. Billingen were raised above sea level. Previous studies and results from the area have also been included in the study. Distance diagrams, with different tilting directions, have been constructed. A shore displacement curve from c . 11,300 to c . 9,300 B.P., based on the most probable tilting direction, shows a complex uplift picture. A rather low regression gradient (3–4 m/100 years) during c . 1,000 years was, at c . 10,200 B.P., followed by a distinctly increasing gradient (8–9 m/100 years) followed by a marked gradient decrease at c . 9,500 B.P. The latter was possibly caused by a distinct sea level transgression on the Swedish West Coast. Indications of a short transgression around 10,000 B.P. as well as the possibly complicated course of isolation of Lake Vänern from the sea are also discussed. Finally the shore displacement is related to the deglaciation of the area and the supposed two drainages of the Baltic Ice Lake.  相似文献   

Core A9-EB2 from the eastern Bransfield Basin, Antarctic Peninsula, consists of pelagic (diatom ooze-clay couplets and bioturbated diatom ooze) and hemipelagic (bioturbated mud) sediments interbedded with turbidites (homogeneous mud and silt–clay couplets). The cyclic and laminated nature of these pelagic sediments represents alternation between the deposition of diatom-rich biogenic sediments and of terrigenous sediments. Sediment properties and geochemical data explain the contrasting lamination, with light layers being finer-grained and relatively rich in total organic carbon and biogenic silica content. Also, the high-resolution magnetic susceptibility (MS) variations highlight distinct features: high MS values coincide with clastic-rich sections and low MS values correspond to biogenic sections. The chronology developed for core A9-EB2 accounts for anomalous ages associated with turbidites and shows a linear sedimentation rate of approximately 87 cm/103 yr, which is supported by an accumulation rate of 80 cm/103 yr calculated from 210Pb activity. The late Holocene records clearly identify Neoglacial events of the Little Ice Age (LIA) and Medieval Warm Period (MWP). Other unexplained climatic events comparable in duration and amplitude to the LIA and MWP events also appear in the MS record, suggesting intrinsically unstable climatic conditions during the late Holocene in the Bransfield Basin of Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   

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