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Using data on the occurrence frequency of geomagnetic pulsations of different periods from three observatories in Central Europe, conclusions are drawn about the occurrence of field line resonances and pulsations directly driven by upstream waves at L-values below 3. It was found that both types occur during the interval studied (first 6 months of the year 1991), but both the occurrence frequency of the two types and the characteristic period of the field line resonance change significantly as compared to other intervals. During Northern winter, pulsation activity is severely damped in solar maximum years, including the year 1991. The decrease in the activity of the pulsations is more significant at shorter periods.  相似文献   

The influence of the finite ionospheric conductivity on the structure of dispersive, nonradiative field line resonances (FLRs) is investigated for the first four odd harmonics. The results are based on a linear, magnetically incompressible, reduced, two-fluid MHD model. The model includes effects of finite electron inertia (at low altitude) and finite electron pressure (at high altitude). The ionosphere is treated as a high-integrated conducting substrate. The results show that even very low ionospheric conductivity (P = 2 mho) is not sufficient to prevent the formation of a large-amplitude, small-scale, nonradiative FLR for the third and higher harmonics when the background transverse plasma inhomogeneity is strong enough. At the same time, the fundamental FLR is strongly affected by a state of low conductivity, and when P = 2 mho, this resonance forms only small-amplitude, relatively broad electromagnetic disturbance. The difference in conductivities of northern and southern ionospheres does not produce significant asymmetry in the distribution of electric and magnetic fields along the resonant field line. The transverse gradient of the background Alfven speed plays an important role in structure of the FLR when the ionospheric conductivity is finite. In cases where the transverse inhomogeneity of the plasma is not strong enough, the low ionospheric conductivity can prevent even higher-harmonic FLRs from contracting to small scales where dispersive effects are important. The application of these results to the formation and temporal evolution of small-scale, active auroral arc forms is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on a detailed study of Pc3 events at an array between L = 1.5 and 3 in Central Europe, the authors found quick changes between upstream waves (UW, i.e. pulsation directly driven by UW) and field line resonance (FLR, i.e. azimuthal oscillations of geomagnetic field lines). The alternation of the two types is especially characteristic (and the UW part stronger) if the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is highly variable. Events due to field line resonance may have a structure consisting of multiple lines with frequencies differing by about 10%, corresponding to neighbouring shells of field lines separated by about 100 km at the surface. This coincides with previous findings (about 10% at a meridional distance of 80 km). The frequency of the UW type is well correlated with the frequency of waves in the interplanetary medium. Additionally, there are signals of unidentified origin which also seem to be influenced by IMF.  相似文献   

The magnetic field generated by an acoustic wave, propagating in the oceanic wave guide, has been considered. It has been indicated that the induced field is most substantial at frequencies when only the first normal mode exists. The dependences of the induced field component on the depth, frequency, and direction of the geomagnetic field have been obtained in this frequency band. The possibility of determining coordinates of a strong underwater earthquake using the acoustic field magnetic field has been considered.  相似文献   

For more than two decades numerical models of the Earths magnetosphere have been used success- fully to study magnetospheric dynamic features such as the excitation of ULF pulsations and the mechanism of field line resonance. However, numerical formulations simplify important properties of the real system. For instance the Alfveén continuum becomes discrete because of a finite grid size. This discretization can be a possible source of numerical artifacts. Therefore a careful interpretation of any observed features is required. Examples of such artifacts are presented using results from a three dimensional dipole model of the magne tosphere, including an inhomogeneous distribution of the Alfveé n velocity.  相似文献   

Gareth Chisham, Gary Abel and Steve Milan report on the October 2003 RAS "G" discussion meeting "Identifying the open–closed field line boundary in magnetospheric and ionospheric data sets".  相似文献   

Between December 1997 and March 1998 Equator-S made a number of excursions into the dawn-side magnetosheath, over a range of local times between 6:00 and 10:40 LT. Clear mirror-like structures, characterised by compressive fluctuations in |B| on occasion lasting for up to 5 h, were observed during a significant fraction of these orbits. During most of these passes the satellite appeared to remain close to the magnetopause (within 1–2 Re), during sustained compressions of the magnetosphere, and so the characteristics of the mirror structures are used as a diagnostic of magnetosheath structure close to the magnetopause during these orbits. It is found that in the majority of cases mirror-like activity persists, undamped, to within a few minutes of the magnetopause, with no observable ramp in |B|, irrespective of the magnetic shear across the boundary. This suggests that any plasma depletion layer is typically of narrow extent or absent at the location of the satellite, at least during the subset of orbits containing strong magnetosheath mirror-mode signatures. Power spectra for the mirror signatures show predominately field aligned power, a well defined shoulder at around 3–10 × 10−2 Hz and decreasing power at higher frequencies. On occasions the fluctuations are more sinusoidal, leading to peaked spectra instead of a shoulder. In all cases mirror structures are found to lie approximately parallel to the observed magnetopause boundary. There is some indication that the amplitude of the compressional fluctuations tends to be greater closer to the magnetopause. This has not been previously reported in the Earth’s magnetosphere, but has been suggested in the case of other planets.  相似文献   

Nisong Pei  Wu  Yong  Su  Rui  Li  Jianfeng  Wang  Yongqian  Li  Xueling  Wu  Zhenghao 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2021,61(4):632-646
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - To explore the global-scale coupling characteristics between ionospheric disturbances and geomagnetic storms, and research the near-Earth space environment, the time...  相似文献   

The magnetic field generated by an acoustic wave propagating in the oceanic waveguide has been considered. The effect of the self-induction factor on the spatial structure of this field has been studied. It has been indicated that there exists a frequency range where it is necessary to take into consideration self-induction. It has been indicated that the induced field is most substantial at frequencies when only the first normal mode exists. The dependences of the induced field on the depth, frequency, and geomagnetic field direction have been obtained and analyzed for this frequency range.  相似文献   

首先以甚宽频带地震计为研究对象,分析垂直向的片簧系统理论模型,探讨气压变化对仪器的LP噪声影响;通过理论分析,得出垂直向的片簧系统受气压变化影响较大。根据片簧系统的理论模型,设计一种密封安装方法,通过实验探讨地震计噪声与环境耦合关系(气压、温度和底座变形的关系)。最后对实验数据进行功率谱噪声分析,结果显示抽真空后地震计三个分向的噪声均降低,其中在100 s处垂直向、东西和南北向分别降低了10 dB、5 dB和6 dB。  相似文献   

地球表层岩石是由不同尺度的岩石骨架、孔隙、以及孔隙中的流体物质相互作用形成的.研究含有孔隙和裂缝的复杂岩石介质中的地震波传播效应一直是石油地球物理勘探领域的热点.因此,许多学者对复杂岩石介质的渗流特征,和地震波的传播与衰减进行了大量的研究.本文在回顾孔隙介质的地震波的传播与衰减理论发展的基础上,首先介绍了孔弹介质的非局部Biot理论,并用它预测负频散现象,然后介绍了实验观测到的波的衰减与岩石物理性质(如孔隙度和渗透率)的关系,最后,给出了对渗流场和地震波的传播与衰减的认识,并对它们之间的相互关系做了一些展望.  相似文献   

Three techniques for locating field lines in the magnetosphere that contain standing ULF pulsations are compared using dynamic spectra. The first technique compares ratios of the H- and D-components of the magnetic field at a single site; the second examines the ratios of the H-components at neighboring sites along a magnetic meridian; and the third displays the phase difference between H-components at neighboring sites. We find that the H:D ratio at a single station appears to detect magnetospheric standing waves but not their precise location. In contrast, the dual station H-ratio technique is sensitive to resonances local to the stations and has advantages over the widely used phase-gradient technique. In contrast to the latter technique calculating the H-power ratio does not require precise timing and provides two resonant locations, not one. We also find that the stations used need not be strictly confined to a single magnetic meridian. Resonance signatures can be detected with stations up to 1300 km in east–west separation. In our initial data near L=2 multiple-harmonic structure is generally not observed. The resonant wave period, when assumed to be the fundamental of the standing Alfven wave, gives densities in the range 3000–8000 amu/cm3. These mass densities agree with in situ observations at earlier epochs. The equatorial mass density varies most during the day (by over a factor of two for the case studied) at L=1.86 and much less (20%) at L=2.2. This is consistent with a constant upward flux of ions over this latitude range flowing into a flux tube whose volume increases rapidly with increasing L-value.  相似文献   

The recently deglaciated environments in maritime permafrost regions are usually affected by very active paraglacial processes. Elephant Point is an ice‐free area of 1.16 km2 located in the SW of Livingston island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Between 1956–2010 the retreat of the ice cap covering most part of this island has exposed 17.3% of the land surface in this peninsula. Two geomorphological units were identified in this new ice‐free area: a moraine extending from the western to the eastern coastlines and a relatively flat proglacial surface. The glacier in 1956 sat in contact with the northern slope of the moraine, but its accelerated retreat ‐ in parallel to the warming trend recorded in the Antarctic Peninsula ‐ left these areas free of glacier ice. Subsequently, the postglacial evolution was controlled by the relaxation phase typical of paraglacial systems. The typology and intensity of geomorphological processes show a significantly different dynamics between the southern and northern slopes of the moraine. This pattern is related to the different stage of paraglacial adjustment in both slopes. In the southern side, on coarser sediments, pronival ramparts, debris flows and alluvial fans are distributed, with a low to moderate activity of slope processes. In the northern side, mass wasting processes are extremely active on fine‐grained unconsolidated sediments. Ice‐rich permafrost is being degraded by thermokarst processes. Landslides and mudflows transfer large amounts of sediments down‐slope. The surface affected by retrogressive‐thaw slumps in the moraine has been quantified in 24,172 m2, which accounts for 9.6% of its surface. The abundance of kettle‐lakes is also indicative of the degradation of the ground ice. Paraglacial processes are expected to continue in the moraine and proglacial area in the near future, although their intensity and duration will depend on the magnitude and rate of future climate trends in the northern Antarctic Peninsula. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on a layered rheological model of the lithosphere, the velocity and stress distributions in the lithosphere under horizontal drag underneath were calculated using viscoelastic finite element method of plain strain with finite deformation. In the simulation, different conditions of drag and blocking were assumed to study their influences on the stress distribution and the coupling between different layers. Blocking depth has little influence on the stress level in the whole area and the coupling between different layers, but influences the stress state in the area around the blocking. The area covered by the high stress anomaly becomes larger when the blocking depth becomes deeper, but the magnitude of the value of the maximum shear stress decreases. The greater the viscosity differences between different layers of the lithosphere, the greater the possibility of decoupling between them. Under the drag of normal mantle convection (the convection velocity is about 20 cm·a?1), a lithosphere with a rheological structure similar to that of North China could not have decoupling between different layers, while could have stress distribution with magnitude of several MPa to tens of MPa and could have anomalous areas with stress accumulation if the geological structure is complicated.  相似文献   

Based on a layered Theological model of the lithosphere, the velocity and stress distributions in the lithosphere under horizontal drag underneath were calculated using viscoelastic finite element method of plain strain with finite deformation. In the simulation, different conditions of drag and blocking were assumed to study their influences on the stress distribution and the coupling between different layers. Blocking depth has little influence on the stress level in the whole area and the coupling between different layers, but influences the stress state in the area around the blocking. The area covered by the high stress anomaly becomes larger when the blocking depth becomes deeper, but the magnitude of the value of the maximum shear stress decreases. The greater the viscosity differences between different layers of the lithosphere, the greater the possibility of decoupling between them. Under the drag of normal mantle convection (the convection velocity is about 20 cm · a?1), a lithosphere with a Theological structure similar to that of North China could not have decoupling between different layers, while could have stress distribution with magnitude of several MPa to tens of MPa and could have anomalous areas with stress accumulation if the geological structure is complicated.  相似文献   

天山造山带南北分别于塔里木盆地和准噶尔盆地相接,经历古生代时期超级大陆裂解、南北天山洋裂开、洋盆持续扩张、洋壳俯冲消减、陆陆碰撞缝合过程及中新生代陆内再造山构造调整,是现今世界上较为活跃的陆内造山带,成为国内外大陆动力学研究的热点地带.在综合分析地质学、地球物理(地震剖面、重力异常、地震层析)、地球化学、岩石学及天文学...  相似文献   

Summary The existence of a coupling, due to wave-particle resonance interaction, between magnetospheric radio emissions, i.e. auroral kilometric radiation (AKR), and auroral radio noise(AN), separated in an inhomogeneous magnetospheric plasma by an opacity barrier, is studied. It is proved that the ballistic process can only take place on the electrons of the superthermal component of the plasma, i.e. on particles of auroral electron fluxes of the inverted V type, due to finite width of the AKR spectral lines, which amounts to 1 kHz. Analyses indicate that its effectiveness is sufficient to explain radio emission coupling and that it increases with the degree of auroral activity.
¶rt;m n mu mau ¶rt; aumu a¶rt;uuuu — um uu u() u aau a¶rt;uau, a¶rt;u ¶rt;¶rt; aum na am namu, aumu u, ma mm mam a au¶rt;mu a-amua. aa, m u-a uu nma uu , ma mam 1 , aumuu n m mm m a ma a¶rt;mn nm na — a amua aa m nm muna nm V. u m mum, a naam u, aam ¶rt;mam ¶rt; u u a¶rt;uuu, nu a amam uu mnu aa amumu.

A weak active region (NOAA 11158) appeared on the solar disk near the eastern limb. This region increased rapidly and, having reached the magnetic flux higher than 1022 Mx, produced an X-class flare. Only weak field variations at individual points were observed during the flare. An analysis of data with a resolution of 45 s did not indicate any characteristic features in the photospheric field dynamics during the flare. When the flux became higher than 3 × 1022 Mx, active region NOAA 10720 produced six X-class flares. The field remained quiet during these flares. An increase in the magnetic flux above ~1022 Mx is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the appearance of powerful flares. Simple active regions do not produce flares. A flare originates only when the field distribution in an active region is complex and lines of polarity inversion have a complex shape. Singular lines of the magnetic field can exist only above such active regions. The current sheets, in the magnetic field of which the solar flare energy is accumulated, originate in the vicinity of these lines.  相似文献   

任意形状线电流源三维地电场研究   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用套管供电,通过地表观测视电阻率研究油田注水分布和剩余油分布近来在油田开发中得到了应用.由于现在的油井和水井有很多是倾斜的,因此,研究倾斜线电流源三维地电场是必要的.本文针对任意形状线电流源,从异常电位所满足的微分方程出发,利用有限差分方法实现了任意形状线电流源三维地电场正演.正演结果表明相同模型使用倾斜线源和直线源其地表响应有较大的差别,实际应用中不能将井斜较大的井当作垂直线源,而应以倾斜线源处理.  相似文献   

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