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We investigate the Holmberg effect of Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) pairs of the SDSS Data Release 4 (SDSS4). It is found that the Holmberg effect of LRG pairs has no statistical significance. According to types of the two components in each pair, we divide the isolated LRG pair sample into three subsamples: the early+early subsample, the late+late subsample and the early+late subsample. Further analyses show that all LRG pair subsamples do not exhibit statistically significant Holmberg effect. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this study, I attempt to apply for a new statistical method and investigate the environmental dependence of stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersion in the CMASS sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 9 (SDSS DR9). I divide the CMASS sample with redshifts 0.44 ≤ z ≤ 0.59 into many subsamples with a redshift binning size of Δz = 0.01, and analyze the environmental dependence of stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersion of subsamples in each redshift bin. It is found that stellar mass and stellar velocity dispersions of CMASS galaxies are very weakly correlated with the local environment. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have investigated the correlations among color, morphology and luminosity for all LRGs, cut I LRGs, cut II LRGs, and Main galaxies that are also classified as LRGs. It is found that the morphology of LRGs is tightly correlated with luminosity. The rest-frame u-g color of cut I LRGs and cut II LRGs is nearly independent of luminosity, but the color of Main galaxies is correlated with luminosity. For cut I LRGs and Main galaxies, the early type proportion apparently changes with color: at the rest-frame u-g < 1.3 it increases strongly with increasing color, while at the rest-frame u-g > 1.3 it decreases with increasing color. We also notice that the morphology of cut II LRGs is only a weak function of color. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 335–345 (August 2007).  相似文献   

I investigate the environmental dependence of galaxy colors in the CMASS sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 9(SDSS DR9).To decrease the radial selection effect,I divide the CMASS sample into subsamples with a redshift binning size of?z=0.01 and analyze the environmental dependence of the u-r,u-g,g-r,r-i and i-z colors for these subsamples in each redshift bin.Statistical analysis shows that all five colors weakly correlate with the local environment,which may mean that the environmental processes responsible for a galaxy’s properties proceed slowly over cosmic time.  相似文献   

Using the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 (SDSS DR7), we explore the environmental dependence of five photometric band concentration indexes of LRGs. It turns out that the trends for all the five band concentration indexes to change with the local density are the same: galaxies with higher concentration reside preferentially in overdense environments, while galaxies with lower concentration are located preferentially in underdense environments (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We analyse a   z < 0.1  galaxy sample from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey focusing on the variation in the galaxy colour bimodality with stellar mass     and projected neighbour density Σ, and on measurements of the galaxy stellar mass functions. The characteristic mass increases with environmental density from about  1010.6  to     (Kroupa initial mass function,   H 0= 70  ) for Σ in the range  0.1–10 Mpc−2  . The galaxy population naturally divides into a red and blue sequence with the locus of the sequences in colour–mass and colour–concentration indices not varying strongly with environment. The fraction of galaxies on the red sequence is determined in bins of 0.2 in  log Σ  and     bins). The red fraction   f r   generally increases continuously in both Σ and     such that there is a unified relation:     . Two simple functions are proposed which provide good fits to the data. These data are compared with analogous quantities in semi-analytical models based on the Millennium N -body simulation: the Bower et al. and Croton et al. models that incorporate active galactic nucleus feedback. Both models predict a strong dependence of the red fraction on stellar mass and environment that is qualitatively similar to the observations. However, a quantitative comparison shows that the Bower et al. model is a significantly better match; this appears to be due to the different treatment of feedback in central galaxies.  相似文献   

主并合星系对是研究星系同时受到本身与外部环境影响的绝佳实验对象,而星系恒星形成率的变化可以示踪这些影响产生的作用.星系的恒星质量、星系对之间的投影距离与相对倾角都是影响恒星形成率的几个重要因素.研究结果表明,更大恒星质量星系倾向于有更大的恒星形成率增幅,相对倾角接近平行的星系同样趋于有更大的恒星形成率增幅,而投影距离在研究范围内与恒星形成率没有相关性.  相似文献   

Major-mergeing pairs of galaxies are excellent experimental objects to study the simultaneous influences of galaxy itself and the external environment, which can be traced by the changes of star formation rates. These effects, including the stellar mass of galaxies, the projected distance, and the relative inclination of pairs of galaxies, are all important factors related to star formation rates. The results imply that the galaxies with the greater star formation rates tend to be caused by the greater stellar masses, and the galaxies with relative inclinations close to parallel also have greater increases about star formation. However, the projected distances have no correlation with the star formation rates in the scope of this study.  相似文献   

Using two volume‐limited Main galaxy samples of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6) above and below the value of M∗︁r, we have explored the environmental dependence of the AGN fraction. It is found that the fraction of AGNs declines substantially with increasing local density in the luminous volume‐limited sample, but in the faint volume‐limited sample this change is very weak. We also note that the presence of AGNs is not correlated with the stellar mass (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using the Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG) sample of the SDSS Data Release 6, we investigate the dependence of LRG properties on the local environment. For each LRG, the local three-dimensional density within the distance to the 5th nearest galaxy is calculated. It turns out that there is no strong local environmental dependence of LRG morphologies, and that other galaxy properties do not present significant dependence on the local environment. We further calculate the local three-dimensional galaxy density within the distance to the 10th nearest galaxy, and find that results are similar to those for local density within the distance to the 5th nearest galaxy. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 189–200 (May 2008).  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the fractions of different spiral galaxy types, especially bulgeless disks, from a complete and homogeneous sample of 15 127 edge‐on disk galaxies extracted from the sixth data release from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The sample is divided in broad morphological classes and sub types consisting of galaxies with bulges, intermediate types and galaxies which appear bulgeless. A small fraction of disky irregulars is also detected. The morphological separation is based on automated classification criteria which resemble the bulge sizes and the flatness of the disks. Each of these broad classes contains about 1/3 of the total sample. Using strict criteria for selecting pure bulgeless galaxies leads to a fraction of 15% of simple disk galaxies. We compare this fraction to other galaxy catalogs and find an excellent agreement of the observed frequency of bulgeless galaxies. Although the fraction of simple disk galaxies in this study does not represent a “cosmic” fraction of bulgeless galaxies, it shows that the relative abundance of pure disks is comparable to other studies and offers a profound value of the frequency of simple disks in the local Universe. This fraction of simple disks emphasizes the challenge for formation and evolution models of disk galaxies since these models are hard pressed to explain the observed frequency of these objects (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using two volume‐limited Main galaxy samples of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 (SDSS DR6) with the luminosity –20.0 ≤ Mr ≤ –18.5 and –22.40 ≤ Mr ≤–20.16, we have explored the environmental dependence of the fractions of red star‐forming and blue passive galaxies. It is found that the fractions of red star‐forming and blue passive galax‐ies decline mildly with increasing local density in the luminous volume‐limited sample, but in the faint volume‐limited sample these fractions rise slightly with increasing local density except that the fraction of red star‐forming decreases with density in the densest regime. Only according to statistical results of this study, it is difficult to reach the conclusion: there is an environmental dependence for color beyond that for star formation activities or for star formation activities beyond that for color. In this condition, we preferentially believe that star formation activities and color possiblely have equally strong environmental dependence. In the faint volume‐limited sample, we observe that the fraction of star‐forming galaxies‐the density relation has a “critical density” at the projected local density PLD ≈ 1 h–2 Mpc–2: below this density the fraction of star‐forming galaxies is high and nearly constant, while above this density this fraction drops rapidly. Thus, it is possible that in the densest regime of the faint volume‐limited sample, there is an environmental dependence for star formation activities beyond that for color, which leads to the fraction of red star‐forming decreasing with density in the densest regime of the faint volume‐limited sample (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We estimate the fraction of star-forming galaxies in a catalogue of groups, constructed from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey by Merchán & Zandivarez. We use the η spectral type parameter of galaxies and subdivide the sample of galaxies in groups into four types depending on the values of the η parameter following Madgwick et al. We obtain a strong correlation between the relative fraction of galaxies with high star formation and the parent group virial mass. We find that even in the environment of groups with low virial mass   M ∼1013 M  the star formation of their member galaxies is significantly suppressed. The relation between the fraction of early-type galaxies and the group virial mass obeys a simple power law spanning over three orders of magnitude in virial mass. Our results show quantitatively the way that the presence of galaxies with high star formation rates is inhibited in massive galaxy systems.  相似文献   

A comparison between published field galaxy stellar mass functions (GSMFs) shows that the cosmic stellar mass density is in the range 4–8 per cent of the baryon density (assuming  Ωb= 0.045  ). There remain significant sources of uncertainty for the dust correction and underlying stellar mass-to-light ratio even assuming a reasonable universal stellar initial mass function. We determine the   z < 0.05  GSMF using the New York University Value-Added Galaxy Catalog sample of 49 968 galaxies derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and various estimates of stellar mass. The GSMF shows clear evidence for a low-mass upturn and is fitted with a double Schechter function that has  α2≃−1.6  . At masses below  ∼108.5 M  , the GSMF may be significantly incomplete because of missing low-surface-brightness galaxies. One interpretation of the stellar mass–metallicity relation is that it is primarily caused by a lower fraction of available baryons converted to stars in low-mass galaxies. Using this principle, we determine a simple relationship between baryonic mass and stellar mass and present an 'implied baryonic mass function'. This function has a faint-end slope,  α2≃−1.9  . Thus, we find evidence that the slope of the low-mass end of the galaxy mass function could plausibly be as steep as the halo mass function. We illustrate the relationship between halo baryonic mass function → galaxy baryonic mass function → GSMF. This demonstrates the requirement for peak galaxy formation efficiency at baryonic masses  ∼1011 M  corresponding to a minimum in feedback effects. The baryonic-infall efficiency may have levelled off at lower masses.  相似文献   

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