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Alexandre Faure Jonathan Tennyson 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,325(1):443-448
Molecular R -matrix calculations are performed to give rotational excitation rates for electron collisions with linear molecular ions. Results are presented for CO+ , HCO+ , NO+ and H2 + up to electron temperatures of 10 000 K. De-excitation rates and critical electron densities are also given. It is shown that the widely used Coulomb–Born approximation is valid for Δ j =1 transitions when the molecular ion has a dipole greater than about 2D, but otherwise is not reliable for studying electron-impact rotational excitation. In particular, transitions with Δ j >1 are found to have appreciable rates and are found to be entirely dominated by short-range effects. 相似文献
The effects of the production on dust grain surfaces of molecular hydrogen in excited states have been investigated. On the
assumption that all of the H2 formed on the surface of grains has a sufficient level of excitation too vercome the energy barriers in the formation reactions
for the important OH and CH+ radicals, we consider the likely abundances of excited H2 (H2
*), OH and CH+ in various situations. Two different models are employed; the first links the H2
* abundance directly to that of H2 using a steady-state approximation, whilst the second considers the time-dependence of H2
*. The second model is applied to gas that has been subjected to a strong isothermal shock (specifically, the shock-induced
collapse of a diffuse cloud), which results in an extreme (high density, high atomic hydrogen abundance) environment. In general,
it is found that the presence of the excited H2 has only marginal effects on the chemistry of interstellar clouds. However, in the isothermal shock model, the abundances
of CH+ are significantly enhanced, but only on short timescales, whilst the effects on the OH abundances are smaller, but last longer.
We conclude that other than in such exceptional environments there are no obvious chemical signatures of the formation of
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
使用BIMA的C位形混合波寻联结9元天线阵,对SgrB2(N)和SgrB2(M)观测了CH3CN分子振动激发态v8=1的6k-5k线系.仅在SgrB2(N)的10"×14"区域里探测到上述发射线.在8.5kpe的距离下,该区域的相应线尺寸是0.41pc×0.58pc.对于SgrB2(M)没有探测到高于均方根噪音的发射流量密度.经粗略地估计,SgrB2(N)区的振动激发温度约为300K.针对此线系的激发机制以及SgrB2(N)区和SgrB2(M)区物理条件之间的差别进行了讨论. 相似文献
Ararat G. Yeghikyan Serena Viti David A. Williams 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2001,326(1):313-316
Laboratory data on the conversion of solid methane into large hydrocarbons by particle radiation are used to estimate the fraction of interstellar carbon converted by this process into refractory form. We find that the maximum fraction of carbon that can be converted into refractory form during the life of a dense core within an interstellar cloud is in the range of 1–5 per cent. The implication of this result is that the conversion of enough carbon into refractory form to contribute significantly to interstellar extinction requires the frequent passage of material into and out of dense cores. If so, then interstellar clouds must exist for at least 10 Myr. However, these conclusions should be regarded as preliminary until confirmed by further laboratory studies of the particle irradiation of complex ice mixtures. 相似文献
E. Carretti S. Poppi W. Reich P. Reich E. Fürst G. Bernardi S. Cortiglioni C. Sbarra 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,367(1):132-138
Polarized diffuse emission observations at 1.4 GHz in a high Galactic latitude area of the Northern celestial hemisphere are presented. The 3.2 × 3.2 deg2 field, centred at RA = 10h 58m , Dec. =+42°18' (B1950) , has Galactic coordinates l ∼ 172°, b ∼+63° and is located in the region selected as northern target of the Balloon-borne Radiometers for Sky Polarization Observations experiment. Observations have been performed with the Effelsberg 100-m telescope. We find that the angular power spectra of the E and B modes have slopes of β E =−1.79 ± 0.13 and β B =−1.74 ± 0.12 , respectively. Because of the very high Galactic latitude and the smooth emission, a weak Faraday rotation action is expected, which allows both a fair extrapolation to cosmic microwave background polarization (CMBP) frequencies and an estimate of the contamination by the Galactic synchrotron emission. We extrapolate the E -mode spectrum up to 32 GHz and confirm the possibility to safely detect the CMBP E -mode signal in the Ka band found in another low-emission region. Extrapolated up to 90 GHz, the Galactic synchrotron B mode looks to compete with the cosmic signal only for models with a tensor-to-scalar perturbation power ratio T / S < 0.001 , which is even lower than the T / S value of 0.01 found to be accessible in the only other high Galactic latitude area investigated to date. This suggests that values as low as T / S = 0.01 might be accessed at high Galactic latitudes. Such low-emission values can allow a significant redshift of the best frequency to detect the CMBP B mode, also reducing the contamination by Galactic dust, and opening interesting perspectives to investigate inflation models. 相似文献
Alberto Franceschini Paola Andreani & Luigi Danese 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》1998,296(3):709-720
We exploit observations at 1.25 mm with the ESO–SEST telescope of a southern galaxy sample, selected from the IRAS PSC and complete to S 60 =2 Jy, to derive the FIR and mm luminosity functions and the conditional probability distributions of FIR and mm luminosity of galaxies. The reliability of these estimates is ensured by the good observed correlation of the far-infrared and mm emissions. This detailed knowledge of the millimetric properties of galaxies is used to simulate the extragalactic sub-mm sky (background intensity, small-scale anisotropy signals and discrete source statistics), which is the target of a variety of ground-based and space observatories. We find, in particular, that a recent tentative detection of a sub-mm background would require, if confirmed, strong evolution with cosmic time of the galaxy long-wavelength emissivity. We finally discuss ways to test such evolution with present and forthcoming facilities: while emphasizing the difficulty of achieving this with large mm telescopes on the ground (because of the poor atmospheric conditions of current sub-mm sites), we mention an interesting opportunity with the long-wavelength camera on ISO . Preliminary results of deep surveys, both from space and from the ground, seem indeed to require excess emission in the past by dusty galaxies with respect to no-evolution predictions. 相似文献
C. Scannapieco P. B. Tissera S. D. M. White V. Springel 《Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society》2006,371(3):1125-1139
We have developed a new scheme to treat a multiphase interstellar medium in smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of galaxy formation. This scheme can represent a co-spatial mixture of cold and hot ISM components, and is formulated without scale-dependent parameters. It is thus particularly suited to studies of cosmological structure formation where galaxies with a wide range of masses form simultaneously. We also present new algorithms for energy and heavy element injection by supernovae, and show that together these schemes can reproduce several important observed effects in galaxy evolution. Both in collapsing systems and in quiescent galaxies our codes can reproduce the Kennicutt relation between the surface densities of gas and of star formation. Strongly metal-enhanced winds are generated in both cases with ratios of mass-loss to star formation which are similar to those observed. This leads to a self-regulated cycle for star formation activity. The overall impact of feedback depends on galaxy mass. Star formation is suppressed at most by a factor of a few in massive galaxies, but in low-mass systems the effects can be much larger, giving star formation an episodic, bursty character. The larger the energy fraction assumed available in feedback, the more massive the outflows and the lower the final stellar masses. Winds from forming discs are collimated perpendicular to the disc plane, reach velocities up to ∼1000 km s−1 , and efficiently transport metals out of the galaxies. The asymptotically unbound baryon fraction drops from >95 per cent to ∼30 per cent from the least to the most massive of our idealized galaxies, but the fraction of all metals ejected with this component exceeds 60 per cent regardless of mass. Such winds could plausibly enrich the intergalactic medium to observed levels. 相似文献
The rates of rotational transitions for HCO+ , the most abundant ion in interstellar space, induced by collision with helium are obtained for temperatures ranging from 10 to 80 K. The calculations are based on a new potential energy surface for the He–HCO+ interaction and on a scattering matrix whose accuracy was checked by pressure broadening and shift measurements. The rates decrease for increasing values of j and Δ j , with a temperature trend depending on the energy involved in the transitions: if it is small, the rates are almost constant, while an increase with T is found for other cases. Comparison with previous and less accurate results shows an agreement within 50 per cent. Comparison between state-to-state and pressure broadening cross-sections allows us to discuss importance and influence of elastic and inelastic collisions. 相似文献
V. Tatischeff 《Astronomische Nachrichten》2012,333(4):361-364
Hadronic cosmic rays of energies below about 100 MeV nucleon–1 are thought to be an important component of the Galactic ecosystem. However, since these particles cannot be detected near Earth due to the solar modulation effect, their composition and flux in the interstellar medium are very uncertain. Atomic interactions of low‐energy cosmic rays with interstellar gas can produce a characteristic nonthermal X‐ray emission comprising very broad lines from de‐excitations in fast ions following charge exchange. We suggest that broad lines at ∼0.57 and ∼0.65 keV could be detected from a dark molecular cloud in the local interstellar medium. These lines would be produced by fast oxygen ions of kinetic energies around 1 MeV nucleon–1 (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
自触发射电阵列的设计是宇宙线大气簇射的射电探测所面临的机遇和难题之一, 例如由背景源产生高振幅的瞬时噪声会导致射电阵列的误触发, 而阵列设计需要避免由噪声导致的误触发. 大气簇射射电信号独有的偏振特征为解决阵列的误触发问题提供了解决方案, 而利用信号偏振特征解决阵列误触发的方法的前提是射电信号的电场重建. 由于背景噪声也会通过天线响应耦合到最终的观测数据中, 这对正确重建射电信号的电场构成不可忽视的挑战. 基于GRAND (Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection)验证阵列GP300 (GRAND-Proto 300)的样机, 结合模拟软件ZHAireS (ZHS AIR-shower Extended Simulations)模拟大气簇射产生的射电信号, 耦合三极化天线的真实响应并使用最小二乘法重建电场, 研究了射电信号的偏振特性, 最终统计了以偏振为基础的天线的触发效率. 相似文献