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Hourly foF2 data from over 100 ionosonde stations during 1967–89 are examined to quantify F-region ionospheric variability, and to assess to what degree the observed variability may be attributed to various sources, i.e., solar ionizing flux, meteorological influences, and changing solar wind conditions. Our findings are as follows. Under quiet geomagnetic conditions (Kp<1), the 1-σ (σ is the standard deviation) variability of Nmax about the mean is approx. ±25–35% at ‘high frequencies’ (periods of a few hours to 1–2 days) and approx. ±15–20% at ‘low frequencies’ (periods approx. 2–30 days), at all latitudes. These values provide a reasonable average estimate of ionospheric variability mainly due to “meteorological influences” at these frequencies. Changes in Nmax due to variations in solar photon flux, are, on the average, small in comparison at these frequencies. Under quiet conditions for high-frequency oscillations, Nmax is most variable at anomaly peak latitudes. This may reflect the sensitivity of anomaly peak densities to day-to-day variations in F-region winds and electric fields driven by the E-region wind dynamo. Ionospheric variability increases with magnetic activity at all latitudes and for both low and high frequency ranges, and the slopes of all curves increase with latitude. Thus, the responsiveness of the ionosphere to increased magnetic activity increases as one progresses from lower to higher latitudes. For the 25% most disturbed conditions (Kp>4), the average 1-σ variability of Nmax about the mean ranges from approx. ±35% (equator) to approx. ±45% (anomaly peak) to approx. ±55% (high-latitudes) for high frequencies, and from approx. ±25% (equator) to approx. ±45% (high-latitudes) at low frequencies. Some estimates are also provided on Nmax variability connected with annual, semiannual and 11-year solar cycle variations.  相似文献   

The relation of the long-period variations in the midnight and noon values of the critical frequency of the ionospheric F 2 layer at three midlatitude stations (Irkutsk, Moscow, and Boulder) to the daily mean index of geomagnetic activity in years of different solar activity has been studied. It has been found that the correlation coefficients between the above parameters depend on time of day, season, and solar activity level. The correlation coefficients are higher at night than in the daytime, especially at low solar activity. The highest absolute values of the correlation coefficient most often appear during equinoxes: April–May and September–October. It has been shown that the variability of the critical frequencies of the midlatitude ionospheric F 2 layer depends not only on geomagnetic activity but also (to a considerable degree) on the effect of the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

We apply detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) on fluxgate and search-coil data in ULF range (scales 10–90 s or 0.1–0.011 Hz) for the months January–April 2009 available from the South European GeoMagnetic Array stations: Castello Tesino (CST), Ranchio (RNC), and L’Aquila (AQU) in Italy; Nagycenk (NCK) in Hungary; and Panagyuriste (PAG) in Bulgaria. DFA is a data processing method that allows for the detection of scaling behaviors in observational time series even in the presence of non-stationarities. The H and Z magnetic field components at night hours (00-03 UT, 01–04 LT) and their variations at the stations CST, AQU, NCK, and PAG have been examined and their scaling characteristics are analyzed depending on geomagnetic and local conditions. As expected, the scaling exponents are found to increase when the K p index increases, indicating a good correlation with geomagnetic activity. The scaling exponent reveals also local changes (at L’Aquila), which include an increase for the Z (vertical) component, followed by a considerable decrease for the X (horizontal) component in the midst of February 2009. Attempts are made to explain this unique feature with artificial and/or natural sources including the enhanced earthquake activity in the months January–April 2009 at the L’Aquila district.  相似文献   

Based on satellite observation data, using dynamics equation, the ionospheric O+ ion’s distribution in the synchronous altitude region for different geomagnetic activity indexK p is studied by theoretical modeling and numerical analyzing, and semi-empirical models for the O+ ion’s density and flux versus longitude in the synchronous altitude region for differentK p are given. The main results show that in the synchronous altitude region: (i) The O+ ion’s density and flux in day-side are larger than those in nightside. (ii) With longitude changing, the higher the geomagnetic activity indexK p is, the higher the O+ ion’s density and flux, and their variation amplitude will be. The O+ ion’s density and flux whenK p 6 will be about ten times as great as that whenK p = 0. (iii) WhenK p = 0 orK p 6, the O+ ion’s density reaches maximum at longitudes 120° and 240° respectively, and minimum in the magnetotail. WhenK p = 3−5, the O+ ion’s density gets to maximum at longitude 0°, and minimum in the magnetotail. However, the O+ ion’s flux reaches maximum at longitude 120° and 240° respectively, and minimum in the magnetotail for anyK p value.  相似文献   

Based on the DMSP F6 and F7 satellite observations, the characteristics of precipitating particles in different auroral precipitation regions of the dayside sector have been studied depending on the solar wind plasma density. Under quiet geomagnetic conditions (|AL| < 100 nT and B z > 0), a considerable increase in the fluxes of precipitating ions is observed in the zones of structured auroral oval precipitation (AOP) and soft diffuse precipitation (SDP). A decrease in the mean energy of precipitating ions is observed simultaneously with the flux growth in these regions. The global pattern of variations in the fluxes of precipitating ions, which shows the regions of effective penetration of solar wind particles into the magnetosphere at a change in the solar wind density from 2 to 20 cm?3, has been constructed. The maximal flux variation (ΔJ i = 1.8 · 107 cm?2 s?1, i.e., 3.5% of an increase in the solar wind particle flux) is observed in the SDP region on the dayside of the Earth. The dependence of precipitating ion fluxes in the low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL), dayside polar cusp, and mantle on the solar wind density at positive and negative values of the IMF B z component has been studied. In the cusp region, an increase in the precipitating ion flux is approximately 17% of an increase in the solar wind density. The IMF southward turning does not result in an appreciable increase in the ion precipitation fluxes either in the cusp or in the mantle. This fact can indicate that the reconnection of the geomagnetic field with southward IMF is not the most effective mechanism for penetration of solar wind particles into these regions.  相似文献   

We have used the TOPEX data sets available from JPL to create a customizeddatabase of the TOPEX TEC measurements that contain data from 1992 through part of 1996.Thedata base includes time, geographic and geomagnetic coordinates of themeasurement,geomagnetic indices (Kp, previous Kp, HemisphericPower, andintegral of hemispheric power over the previous 36 h), solar index (F 10.7),andInternational Reference Ionosphere (IRI) results corresponding to the TOPEX measurements.Inthis paper we present global maps of TEC for low solar activity conditions (F 10.7 ⩽ 120) for quiet (integral of hemispheric power less than 800 GWh, roughly correspondingto Kp = 2), moderately disturbed (integral of hemispheric power greaterthan 800GWh but less than 1200 GWh, roughly corresponding to Kp = 3),anddisturbed (integral of hemispheric power greater than 1200 GWh, roughly corresponding to Kp = 4) geomagnetic conditions, derived by binning all appropriateTOPEX TECdata from 1992 to 1996. The analysis is performed in a Magnetic-Local-Time,Magnetic-Latitudecoordinate system. The most prominent feature of the global TEC maps is thefeaturecorresponding to the equatorial anomaly. The feature becomes wider in magnetic latitudeandmore pronounced in amplitude as the activity level increases. The equatorward shift of thecrests,with increased magnetic activity, can produce apparent decreases in TEC at their quiettimelocation for individual storms as evident in the conflicting conclusions of TECgeomagneticdependence studies of the 1960s. For the same activity level, TEC values in theequatorialanomaly are higher during equinox compared to solstice.  相似文献   

The GPS-derived total electron content (TEC) and NmF2 are measured at the Chung-Li ionosonde station (24.9°N, 121°E) in order to study the variations in slab thickness (τ) of the ionosphere at low-latitudes ionosphere during 1996–1999, corresponding to half of the 23rd solar cycle. This study presents the diurnal, seasonal, and solar flux variations in τ for different solar phases. The seasonal variations show that the average daily value is greater during summer and the reverse is true during equinox in the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) region. Moreover, the τ values are greater during the daytime (0800–1600 LT) and nighttime (2000–0400 LT) for summer and winter, respectively. The diurnal variation shows two abnormal peaks that appear during the pre-sunrise and post-sunset hours. The peak values decrease as the sunspot number increases particularly for the pre-sunrise peak. Furthermore, the variation in the F-peak height (hpF2) indicates that a thermospheric wind toward the equator leads to an increase in hpF2 and an enhancement in τ during the pre-sunrise period. Furthermore, the study shows the variations of τ values for different geophysical conditions such as the geomagnetic storm and earthquake. A comprehensive discussion about the relation between τ and the geophysical events is provided in the paper.  相似文献   

The presence and persistence of an 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionospheric electron density variations were studied. The data of lower ionosphere (radio-wave absorption at equivalent frequency near 1 MHz), middle and upper ionosphere (critical frequencies f0E and f0F2) for the period 1970–1990 have been used in the analysis. Also, solar and geomagnetic activity data (the sunspot numbers Rz and solar radio flux F10.7 cm, and aN index respectively) were used to compare the time variations of the ionospheric with the solar and geomagnetic activity data. Periodogram, complex demodulation, auto- and cross-correlation analysis have been used. It was found that 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation exists and persists in the temporal variations of the ionospheric parameters under study with high level of correlation and mean period of 18–19 days. The time variation of the amplitude of the 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionosphere seems to be modulated by the long-term solar cycle variations. Such oscillations exist in some solar and geomagnetic parameters and in the planetary wave activity of the middle atmosphere. The high similarities in the amplitude modulation, long-term amplitude variation, period range between the oscillation of investigated parameters and the global activity of oscillation suggests a possible solar influence on the 18-day quasi-periodic oscillation in the ionosphere.  相似文献   

This paper studies the ionospheric and geomagnetic response to an X6.2 solar flare recorded at 14:30 UT on December 13, 2001, in quiet geomagnetic conditions which allow the variations in the geomagnetic field and ionosphere measurements to be easily related to the solar flare radiation.By using measurements from the global positioning system (GPS) and geomagnetic observatories, the temporal evolution of ionospheric total electron content variation, vTECV, and geomagnetic field variations, δB, as well as their rates of variation, were obtained around the subsolar point at different solar zenith angles. The enhancement of both parameters was recorded one to three minutes later than the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) programme recording; such delay tends to depend on the latitude, longitude, and solar zenith angle of the observatory's observations.The vTECV is related to the local time and the δB to the intensity and position of the ionospheric currents.The vTECV′s maximum value is always recorded later than the maximum values reached by δB and the X-ray intensity. The maximum δB is larger in the local morning than in the afternoon.The rates of vTECV and δB have two maximum values at the same time as the maximum values recorded by Hα (for each ribbon).This work shows the quantitative and qualitative relations between a solar flare and the ionospheric and geomagnetic variations that it produces.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from the TIME-GCM-CCM3 thermosphere–ionosphere–lower atmosphere flux-coupled model, and investigates how well the model simulates known F2-layer day/night and seasonal behaviour and patterns of day-to-day variability at seven ionosonde stations. Of the many possible contributors to F2-layer variability, the present work includes only the influence of ‘meteorological’ disturbances transmitted from lower levels in the atmosphere, solar and geomagnetic conditions being held at constant levels throughout a model year.In comparison to ionosonde data, TIME-GCM-CCM3 models the peak electron density (NmF2) quite well, except for overemphasizing the daytime summer/winter anomaly in both hemispheres and seriously underestimating night NmF2 in summer. The peak height hmF2 is satisfactorily modelled by day, except that the model does not reproduce its observed semiannual variation. Nighttime values of hmF2 are much too low, thus causing low model values of night NmF2. Comparison of the variations of NmF2 and the neutral [O/N2] ratio supports the idea that both annual and semiannual variations of F2-layer electron density are largely caused by changes of neutral composition, which in turn are driven by the global thermospheric circulation.Finally, the paper describes and discusses the characteristics of the F2-layer response to the imposed ‘meteorological’ disturbances. The ionospheric response is evaluated as the standard deviations of five ionospheric parameters for each station within 11-day blocks of data. At any one station, the patterns of variability show some coherence between different parameters, such as peak electron density and the neutral atomic/molecular ratio. Coherence between stations is found only between the closest pairs, some 2500 km apart, which is presumably related to the scale size of the ‘meteorological’ disturbances. The F2-layer day-to-day variability appears to be related more to variations in winds than to variations of thermospheric composition.  相似文献   

In the present study, the deterministic chaotic behaviour of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) under various geomagnetic conditions of low and high solar active periods was analyzed, using the time series of IMF |B| and Bz, by employing chaotic quantifiers like, Lyapunov exponent, Tsallis entropy, correlation dimension, and non-linear prediction error. We have investigated whether the chaotic behaviour of interplanetary magnetic field would modify, when it produces major geomagnetic storms, and how it depends on the phase of solar activity. The yearly average values of Lyapunov exponent for the time series of IMF |B| and Bz, show solar flux dependence, whereas those values of entropy, correlation dimension and non-linear prediction error had no significant solar flux dependence. The yearly average values of entropy for quiet periods are higher compared to those values for major storm periods belonging to low/high solar active conditions, for both the time series |B| and Bz.  相似文献   

The time variations in the CR geomagnetic cutoff rigidity and their relation to the interplanetary parameters and the Dst index during a strong magnetic storm of November 18–24, 2003, have been analyzed. The Tsyganenko (Ts03) model of a strongly disturbed magnetosphere [Tsyganenko, 2002a, 2002b; Tsyganenko et al., 2003] have been used to calculate effective geomagnetic thresholds with the help of the method for tracing CR particle trajectories in the magnetospheric magnetic field. The geomagnetic thresholds have been calculated using the method of global spectrographic survey (GSS), based on the data from the global network of CR stations, and the results have been compared with the effective geomagnetic cutoff rigidities. The daily anisotropy of effective geomagnetic thresholds during the Dst variation minimum have been estimated. The relation of the theoretical and experimental geomagnetic thresholds, obtained using the GSS method, to the interplanetary parameters and Dst variation is analyzed. The Dst variations, IMF B z , and solar wind density are most clearly defined in the geomagnetic thresholds during this storm. The correlation between B y and experimental geomagnetic thresholds is higher than such a correlation between this parameter and theoretical thresholds by a factor 2–3, which suggests that a real dawn-dusk asymmetry during this storm was stronger than such an asymmetry represented by the Ts03 model.  相似文献   

Measurements with a HF Doppler sounder at Kodaikanal (10.2°N, 77.5°E, geomagnetic latitude 0.8°N) showed conspicuous quasi-periodic fluctuations (period 25/35 min) in F region vertical plasma drift, Vz in the interval 0047/0210 IST on the night of 23/24 December, 1991 (Ap = 14, Kp < 4). The fluctuations in F region vertical drift are found to be coherent with variations in Bz (north-south) component of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), in geomagnetic H/X components at high-mid latitude locations both in the sunlit and dark hemispheres and near the dayside dip equator, suggestive of DP2 origin. But the polarity of the electric field fluctuations at the midnight dip equator (eastward) is the same as the dayside equator inferred from magnetic variations, contrary to what is expected of equatorial DP2. The origin of the coherent occurrence of equatorial electric field fluctuations in the DP2 range of the same sign in the day and night hemispheres is unclear and merits further investigations.  相似文献   

Disturbances in the solar wind density, geomagnetic field, and magnetospheric plasma density and fluxes are analyzed. The disturbances have the same sign and are close to each other in time. They accompany the process of amplitude modulation of Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations during the recovery phase of the moderate magnetic storm of April 10–11, 1997. The magnetospheric disturbances were recorded by ground-based observatories and on spacecraft in all local time sectors with insignificant time delays. It is concluded that in this case variations in the geomagnetic field and magnetospheric plasma density are primary, whereas the amplitude modulation of Pc1, 2 is a secondary manifestation of fast magnetosonic (FMS) waves that are generated during the interaction between the magnetosphere and solar wind density irregularities.  相似文献   

Data on the amplitude of variations in the direction of the geomagnetic field and the frequency of reversals in the Vendian-Cambrian are presented. It has been established from these data that (a) distributions of variations in the direction of the geomagnetic field S p are bimodal (modes 9° and 11°); (b) the maximum of the average amplitude S p takes place by 5–10 Myr later than the Vendian-Cambrian boundary; (c) S p tends to increase as plume epicenters are approached; and (d) the plume formation is more often confined to intervals with different frequencies of geomagnetic reversals than to the interval of a stable state of the geomagnetic field without reversals (Vendian hyperchron). The listed features of the geomagnetic field behavior are repeated near all boundaries of geological eras of the Phanerozoic.  相似文献   

The observations of spread F during the nighttime hours (0000–0500 LT) have been statistically analyzed based on data of Tokyo, Akita, Wakkanai, and Yamagawa Japan vertical ionospheric sounding stations for the time intervals a month before and a month after an earthquake. The disturbances in the probability of spread F appearance before an earthquake are revealed against a background of the variations depending on season, solar activity cycle, geomagnetic and solar disturbances. The days with increased solar (Wolf number W > 100) and geomagnetic (ΣK > 30) activity are excluded from the analysis. The spread F effects are considered for more than a hundred earthquakes with magnitude M > 5 and epicenter depth h < 80 km at distances of R < 1000 km from epicenters to the vertical sounding station. An average decrease in the spread F occurrence probability one-two weeks before an earthquake has been revealed using the superposed epoch method (the probability was minimal approximately ten days before the event and then increased until the earthquake onset). Similar results are obtained for all four stations. The reliability of the effect has been estimated. The dependence of the detected effect on the magnitude and distance has been studied.  相似文献   

The variability of diurnal, day-to-day, and monthly average rates of the 557.7-nm atmospheric emission (I 557.7) is considered. We use 1997–2010 airglow observation data obtained for the upper atmosphere over Eastern Siberia (52°N, 103°E). The variation coefficient KV of corresponding quantities is taken as the variability index. For the 23rd solar cycle, we examine the resulting seasonal variation of KV of monthly averaged I 557.7, the dependence of monthly averaged I 557.7 on solar activity for each month, the variation coefficient of diurnal values of I 557.7 for different seasons of the year, the variability of I 557.7 during some geophysical events, and the correlation of I 557.7 variations with global climatic indices.  相似文献   

Ionospheric electron content (IEC) observed at Delhi (geographic co-ordinates: 28.63°N, 77.22°E; geomagnetic co-ordinates: 19.08°N, 148.91E; dip Latitude 24.8°N), India, for the period 1975/80 and 1986/89 belonging to an ascending phase of solar activity during first halves of solar cycles 21 and 22 respectively have been used to study the diurnal, seasonal, solar and magnetic activity variations. The diurnal variation of seasonal mean of IEC on quiet days shows a secondary peak comparable to the daytime peak in equinox and winter in high solar activity. IECmax (daytime maximum value of IEC, one per day) shows winter anomaly only during high solar activity at Delhi. Further, IECmax shows positive correlation with F10.7 up to about 200 flux units at equinox and 240 units both in winter and summer; for greater F10.7 values, IECmax is substantially constant in all the seasons. IECmax and magnetic activity (Ap) are found to be positively correlated in summer in high solar activity. Winter IECmax shows positive correlation with Ap in low solar activity and negative correlation in high solar activity in both the solar cycles. In equinox IECmax is independent of Ap in both solar cycles in low solar activity. A study of day-to-day variations in IECmax shows single day and alternate day abnormalities, semi-annual and annual variations controlled by the equatorial electrojet strength, and 27-day periodicity attributable to the solar rotation.  相似文献   

The results of three series of rocket measurements of mesospheric electric fields carried out under different geomagnetic conditions at polar and high middle latitudes are analysed. The measurements show a clear dependence of the vertical electric fields on geomagnetic activity at polar and high middle latitudes. The vertical electric fields in the lower mesosphere increase with the increase of geomagnetic indexes Kp and Kp. The simultaneous increase of the vertical electric field strength and ion conductivity was observed in the mesosphere during geomagnetic disturbances. This striking phenomenon was displayed most clearly during the solar proton events of October, 1989 accompanied by very strong geomagnetic storm (Kp = 8+). A possible mechanism of generation of the vertical electric fields in the mesosphere caused by gravitational sedimentation of charged aerosol particles is discussed. Simultaneous existence in the mesosphere of both the negative and positive multiply charged aerosol particles of different sizes is assumed for explanation of the observed V/m vertical electric fields and their behaviour under geomagnetically disturbed conditions.Paper Presented at the Second IAGA/ICMA (IAMAS) Workshop on Solar Activity Forcing of the Middle Atmosphere, Prague, August 1997  相似文献   

We examine the geomagnetic field and space plasma disturbances developing simultaneously in the solar wind, in the inner and outer magnetosphere, and on the ground from 0730 to 2030 UT on April 11, 1997 during the recovery phase of a moderate magnetic storm. The fluctuations of the solar wind density, H-component of the geomagnetic field, and power of Pc1–2 (0.1–5 Hz) waves at middle and low latitudes evolve nearly simultaneously. These fluctuations also match very well with variations of density and flux of the magnetospheric plasma at the geosynchronous orbit, and of the geomagnetic field at the geosynchronous orbit and northern polar cap. The time delay between the occurrence of disturbances in different magnetosphere regions matches the time of fast mode propagation. These disturbances are accompanied by the generation of Pc1–2 waves at mid- and high-latitude observatories in nearly the same frequency range. A scenario of the evolution of wave phenomena in different magnetospheric domains is proposed.  相似文献   

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