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The detailed study of the possible presence of four [Niii] lines in solar absorption leads to an abundanceA ni = logN ni = 6.30±0.30 (in the usual scale where logN H = 12.00), in agreement with the coronal and meteoritic values.On leave from Institut d'Astrophysique, Université de Liège.  相似文献   

Coronal spectra during the total solar eclipse of 1980 February 16, were obtained in the 6374Å [Fex] line using a multislit spectrograph. These spectra have a dispersion of 2.5 Å mm-1. The observed line profiles from 1.1 to 1.7 R with a spatial resolution of 10 × 22 arcsec2, give half-widths that vary between 0.6 Å and 2.4Å. A large number of locations have half-widths around 1.3 Å corresponding to a temperature of 4.6 × 106 K. If temperature of the order of 1.3 × 106 K are typical of the regions that emit [Fex], then turbulent velocities of ~ 30 km s-1 need to be invoked for the enhanced line broadening. The line-of-sight velocities measured range between +14 km s-1 to -17 km s-1. Most of the locations have velocities less than ±5 km s-1. From these observations we conclude that corona does not show any localized differential mass motion and that it co-rotates with the photospheric layers deeper down.  相似文献   

The solar longitude dependence of proton event delay time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationship between heliographic longitude and the delay between flare occurrence and solar proton observation is studied using results obtained aboard HEOS A1 during 1969. The result obtained differs from previous findings. We ascribe this to the formation of a long-lived magnetic field configuration close to the Sun associated with a particular group of active regions.CNRS.  相似文献   

We study the relation between nitrogen and oxygen abundances as a function of metallicity for a sample of emission-line objects for which a direct measurement of the metallicity has been possible. This sample is representative of the very different conditions in ionization and chemical enrichment that we can find in the Universe. We first construct the N/O versus O/H ratio diagram, and discuss its large dispersion at all metallicity regimes. Using the same sample and a large grid of photoionization models covering very different values of the N/O ratio, we then study the most widely used strong-line calibrators of metallicity based on [N  ii ] emission lines, such as N2 and O3N2. We demonstrate that these parameters underestimate the metallicity at low N/O ratios and vice versa. We also investigate the effect of the N/O ratio on different diagnostic diagrams used to discriminate narrow-line active galactic nuclei from star-forming regions, such as the [O  iii ]/Hβ versus [N  ii ]/Hα, and show that a large fraction of the galaxies catalogued as composite in this diagram can be, in fact, star-forming galaxies with a high value of the N/O ratio. Finally, using strong-line methods sensitive to the N/O abundance ratio, like N2O2 and N2S2, we investigate the relation between this ratio and the stellar mass for the galaxies of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find, as in the case of the mass–metallicity relation, a correlation between these two quantities and a flattening of the relation for the most massive galaxies, which could be a consequence of the enhancement of the dispersion of N/O ratio in the high-metallicity regime.  相似文献   

The relative intensities of the Zeeman components of molecular spectral lines are not necessarily symmetric in a strong magnetic field. This leads to non-zero net polarization for molecular lines formed in sunspots. The effect is particularly striking for lines of the (0, 0) band of the red system of CN.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Moderate dispersion (25–35 Å mm–1) spectra were obtained from two carbon stars, LW Cyg and Y Tau, in a wide range of wavelengths ( 3400–6800 Å) with the 6 m echellespectrometer ZEBRA and two dimensional photon-counting system. Spectral feature identification was carried out from 3800 to 6300 Å. Most of the bands are due to C2, CN, and SiC2, however, atomic lines of the iron peak and s-process element also are represented. LW Cyg have intense isotopic carbon bands. The wavelengths and band-intensity were estimated.  相似文献   

We present a Monte Carlo (MC) model of [OI] 6300 Å and [SII] 6716 Å emission from Io entering eclipse. The simulation accounts for the 3-D distribution of SO2, O, SO, S, and O2 in Io’s atmosphere, several volcanic plumes, and the magnetic field around Io. Thermal electrons from the jovian plasma torus are input along the simulation domain boundaries and move along the magnetic field lines distorted by Io, occasionally participating in collisions with neutrals. We find that the atmospheric asymmetry resulting from varying degrees of atmospheric collapse across Io (due to eclipse ingress) and the presence of volcanoes contributes significantly to the unique morphology of the [OI] 6300 Å emission. The [OI] radiation lifetime of ∼134 s limits the emission to regions that have a sufficiently low neutral density so that intermolecular collisions are rare. We find that at low altitudes (typically <40 km) and in volcanic plumes (Pele, Prometheus, etc.) the number density is large enough (>4 × 109 cm−3) to collisionally quench nearly all (>95%) of the excited oxygen for reasonable quenching efficiencies. Upstream (relative to the plasma flow), Io’s perturbation of the jovian magnetic field mirrors electrons with high pitch angles, while downstream collisions can trap the electrons. This magnetic field perturbation is one of the main physical mechanisms that results in the upstream/downstream brightness asymmetry in [OI] emission seen in the observation by Trauger et al. (Trauger, J.T., Stapelfeldt, K.R., Ballester, G.E., Clarke, J.I., 1997. HST observations of [OI] emissions from Io in eclipse. AAS-DPS Abstract (1997DPS29.1802T)). There are two other main causes for the observed brightness asymmetry. First, the observation’s viewing geometry of the wake spot crosses the dayside atmosphere and therefore the wake’s observational field of view includes higher oxygen column density than the upstream side. Second, the phased entry into eclipse results in less atmospheric collapse and thus higher collisional quenching on the upstream side relative to the wake. We compute a location (both in altitude and latitude) for the intense wake emission feature that agrees reasonably well with this observation. Furthermore, the peak intensity of the simulated wake feature is less than that observed by a factor of ∼3, most likely because our model does not include direct dissociation-excitation of SO2 and SO. We find that the latitudinal location of the emission feature depends not so much on the tilt of the magnetic field as on the relative north/south flux tube depletion that occurs due to Io’s changing magnetic latitude in the plasma torus. From 1-D simulations, we also find that the intensity of [SII] 6716 and 6731 Å emission is much weaker than that of [OI] even if the [SII] excitation cross section is 103 times larger than excitation to [OI]. This is because the density of S+ is much less than that of O and because the Einstein-A coefficient of the [SII] emission is a factor of ∼10 smaller than that of [OI].  相似文献   

The absolute limb effect is presented for Fei lines 3767 and 3969; for five Tii lines of multiplet 42 near 4535 and one Tiii line at 4534; two lines of Mgi, 4571 and 5172; two lines of Baii at 5854 and 6497. The scattered light of the McMath solar telescope is illustrated by several figures but not applied to the limb-effect observations. It is suggested that the supergravity shift at the limb is the result of scattering of the atoms in anisotropic velocity field.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The disk populations' metal abundance degeneracy is shown to be considerably relaxed in a two-dimensional presentation of their chemical properties. Assuch, the metallicities of a sample of nearby F- and G-stars aregiven in terms of magnesium abundances along the abscissa andiron-to-magnesium abundance ratios perpendicular to that. Incombination with stellar age estimates and kinematics the disk populationsturn out to be fairly well separable in this abundance plane,which in turn allows to address a number of important issues on theMilky Way's history. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The [SI] lines are due to transitions within the 3s23p4 ground configuration of neutral sulphur. The results are presented from a search for the [Si] lines in the Fraunhofer spectrum. Two identifications are proposed with faint features in the Fraunhofer spectrum: 1D2-1S0 at = 7725.02 Å and 3P2-1D2 at = 10821.23 Å. Their measured equivalent widths are shown to confirm the value for the solar abundance of sulphur, logN S = 7.21 (in the scale logN H = 12.00), which is derived from the permitted high-excitation lines. These lines give the first convincing identification of [Si] lines in an astrophysical source.  相似文献   

Formation paradigms for massive galaxies have long centered around two antipodal hypotheses – the monolithic-collapse and the accretion/merger scenarios. Empirical data on the stellar contents of galaxy halos is crucial in order to develop galaxy formation and assembly scenarios which have their root in observations, rather than in numerical simulations. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) has enabled us to study directly individual stars in the nearby E/S0 galaxies Cen A, NGC 3115, NGC 5102, and NGC 404. We here present and discuss HST single-star photometry in V and I bands. Using color-magnitude diagrams and stellar luminosity functions, we gauge the galaxies' stellar contents. This can be done at more than one position in the halo, but data with deeper limiting magnitudes are desired to quantify the variation of metallicity with galactocentric radius. We here compare the color distributions of red giant stars with stellar isochrones, and we intercompare the galaxies' halo populations, noting that their total absolute V magnitudes cover the range from about –21.5 to –17.5. In the future, we plan to model the stellar metallicity distributions with the aim to constrain chemical enrichment scenarios, a step towards unravelling the evolutionary history of elliptical and lenticular galaxies. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We present the theoretical analysis of the Al I line formation in the spectra of late-type stars ignoring the assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). The calculations were based on the 39-level aluminum atom model for one-dimensional hydrostatic stellar atmosphere models with the parameters: T eff from 4000 to 9000 K, log g = 0.0–4.5, and metallicity [A] = 0.0;–1.0;–2.0;–3.0;–4.0. The aluminum atom model and the method of calculations were tested by the study of line profiles in the solar spectrum. We refined the oscillator strengths and Van-der-Vaals broadening constants C 6 of the investigated transitions. We conclude that the Al I atom is in the overionization state: the 3p level is underpopulated in the line formation region. This leads to the line weakening, as compared with the LTE results. The overionization effect becomes more pronounced with increasing temperature and decreasing metallicity. We show that the use of various atomic data (ionization cross-sections) for the low levels of Al I does not change the behavior of non-LTE deviations, whereas the value of these deviations varies essentially. For nine selected Al I lines we calculated the grids of theoretical non-LTE corrections (ΔX NLTE = logɛ NLTE − log ɛ LTE) to the Al abundances determinedwith the LTE assumption. The non-LTE corrections are positive and significant for the stars with temperatures T eff > 6000 K. These corrections weakly depend on log g, and increase with declining stellar metallicity.  相似文献   

Magnetospheric physics owes its beginnings to the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century scientists who were fascinated by one of the most spectacular natural phenomena, the aurora. In the first section, a brief historical account of the growth of magnetospheric physics and solar-terrestrial physics is given.The main part of the paper reviews recent progress in magnetospheric physics, in particular, in understanding the magnetospheric substorm. A number of magnetospheric phenomena can now be understood by viewing the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction as an MHD dynamo; auroral phenomena are powered by the dynamo. We have also succeeded in identifying magnetospheric responses to variations of the north-south and east-west components of the interplanetary magnetic field.The magnetospheric substorm is entirely different from the responses of the magnetosphere to the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field. It may be associated with the formation of a neutral line within the plasma sheet and with an enhanced reconnection along the line. A number of substorm-associated phenomena can be understood by noting that the new neutral line formation is caused by a short-circuiting of a part of the magnetotail current.  相似文献   

A number of late [WC] stars have unique infrared properties, not foundamong the non-[WC] planetary nebulae, and together define a class of IR-[WC]stars. They have unusual IRAS colours, resembling stars in theearliest post-AGB evolution and possibly related to PAH formation.Most or all show a double chemistry, with both a neutral (molecular)oxygen-rich and an inner carbon-rich region. Their dense nebulae indicaterecent evolution from the AGB, suggesting a fatal-thermal-pulse (FTP)scenario. Although both the colours and the stellar characteristicspredict fast evolution, it is shown that this phase must last for104 yr. The morphologies of the nebulae are discussed. Forone object in Sgr, the progenitor mass (1.3 M) is known.The stellar temperatures of the IR-[WC] stars appear much higher inlow metallicity systems (LMC, Sgr). This may be indicative of anextended `pseudo' photosphere. It is proposed that re-accretion ofejected gas may slow down the post-AGB evolution and so extend the lifetime of the IR-[WC] stars.  相似文献   

Expressions for the interplanetary radar time delay in the one-body problem of an arbitrary gravitational theory are deduced. The structure of the theory enters the result through two functions of one variable,f(r) andq(r), always connected by an identity.  相似文献   

Se i resonance lines have been measured in absorption to an accuracy of a few milliång-stroms by using the flash photolysis technique. As a result it was found that the 4p 3nl levels and the ionization limit given by Morillon and Vergès should be increased by 0.23 ± 0.02 cm–1. Calculated wavelengths are given for Se i lines which may be searched for in the solar spectrum in order to find selenium in the Sun.  相似文献   

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