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The surface of each mare is not a homogeneous geomorphological unit, but displays a variety of geomorphologies. The interpretation of this phenomenon depends on the assumptions one is willing to accept. If the filling of the mare basins occurred relatively slowly, then the geomorphologies are a time function and indicate a time span of not less than three quarters of a billion years between the beginning and the end of the mare filling activity. If, on the other hand, the maria were filled by lava immediately after the basin formation and remained liquid for a relatively long time during which the extensive bombardment stopped, then the different morphologies indicate vagaries in the final stages of the bombardment and of the cooling history.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.Research conducted at the Lunar Science Institute which is operated by the Universities Space Research Association under Contract No. NSR 09-051-001 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This paper is Lunar Science Institute Contribution No. 109.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dhofar 287 (Dho 287) is a new lunar meteorite, found in Oman on January 14, 2001. The main portion of this meteorite (Dho 287A) consists of a mare basalt, while a smaller portion of breccia (Dho 287B) is attached on the side. Dho 287A is only the fourth crystalline mare basalt meteorite found on Earth to date and is the subject of the present study. The basalt consists mainly of phenocrysts of olivine and pyroxene set in a finer‐grained matrix, which is composed of elongated pyroxene and plagioclase crystals radiating from a common nucleii. The majority of olivine and pyroxene grains are zoned, from core to rim, in terms of Fe and Mg. Accessory minerals include ilmenite, chromite, ulvöspinel, troilite, and FeNi metal. Chromite is invariably mantled by ulvöspinel. This rock is unusually rich in late‐stage mesostasis, composed largely of fayalite, Si‐K‐Ba‐rich glass, fluorapatite, and whitlockite. In texture and mineralogy, Dho 287A is a low‐Ti mare basalt, with similarities to Apollo 12 (A‐12) and Apollo 15 (A‐15) basalts. However, all plagioclase is now present as maskelynite, and its composition is atypical for known low‐Ti mare basalts. The Fe to Mn ratios of olivine and pyroxene, the presence of FeNi metal, and the bulk‐rock oxygen isotopic ratios, along with several other petrological features, are evidence for the lunar origin for this meteorite. Whole‐rock composition further confirms the similarity of Dho 287A with A‐12 and A‐15 samples but requires possible KREEP assimilation to account for its rare‐earth‐element (REE) contents. Cooling‐rate estimates, based on Fo zonation in olivine, yield values of 0.2–0.8°C/hr for the lava, typical for the center of a 10–20 m thick flow. The recalculated major‐element concentrations, after removing 10–15% modal olivine, are comparable to typical A‐15 mare basalts. Crystallization modeling of the recalculated Dho 287A bulk‐composition yields a reasonable fit between predicted and observed mineral abundances and compositions.  相似文献   

Lunar near-terminator and high-resolution panoramic camera photographs were searched for flow fronts, the edges of flow units in mare areas. Data for twenty areas, including fifteen previously unmeasured areas, are summarized. Height measurements of flow scarps present on the Moon range from 1 to 96 m. More than half (57%) of all flow fronts measured are less than 15 m thick. These observations agree well with other photogeological and experimental observations of flow unit thicknesses on the Moon.  相似文献   

In this work we analyze data for lunar meteorites with emphasis on the spatial and temporal distribution of lunar mare basalts. The data are mostly from the Lunar Meteorite Compendium (http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/antmet/lmc/contents.cfm cited hereafter as Compendium) compiled by Kevin Righter, NASA Johnson Space Center, and from the associated literature. Analysis of the data showed that (i) a significant part of the lunar meteorite source craters are not larger than hundreds of meters in diameter; (ii) cryptomaria seem to be rather abundant in lunar highlands; (iii) the ratios of lunar meteorites belonging to three broad petrologic groups (mare basalt/gabbro, feldspatic highland breccias, and mingled breccias which are a mixture of mare and highland components) seem to be roughly proportional to the areal distribution of these rocks on the lunar surface; and (iv) the meteorite mare basalt ages show a range from ~2.5 to 4.3 Ga and fill the gaps in the Apollo/Luna basalt age distribution. The ages of mare basalt clasts from mingled breccias seem to be systematically higher than those of “normal” mare basalts, which supports the suggestion that mingled breccias originated mostly from cryptomaria.  相似文献   

The titanium contents of lunar mare basalts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Lunar mare basalt sample data suggest that there is a bimodal distribution of TiO2 concentrations. Using a refined technique for remote determination of TiO2, we find that the maria actually vary continuously from low to high values. The reason for the discrepancy is that the nine lunar sample return missions were not situated near intermediate basalt regions. Moreover, maria with 2–4 wt% TiO2 are most abundant, and abundance decreases with increasing TiO2. Maria surfaces with TiO2 >5 wt% constitute only 20% of the maria. Although impact mixing of basalts with differing Ti concentrations may smear out the distribution and decrease the abundance of high‐Ti basalts, the distribution of basalt Ti contents probably reflects both the relative abundances of ilmenite‐free and ilmenite‐bearing mantle sources. This distribution is consistent with models of the formation of mare source regions as cumulates from the lunar magma ocean.  相似文献   

Mare material is asymmetrically distributed on the Moon. The Earth-facing hemisphere, where the crust is believed to be 26 km thinner than on the farside, contains substantially more basaltic mare material. Using Lunar Topographic Orthophoto Maps, we calculated the thickness of the mare material in three farside craters, Aitken (0.59 km), Isaev (1.0 km), and Tsiolkovskiy (1.75 km). We also studied crater frequency distribution in five farside mare units (Aitken, Isaev, Lacus Solitudinis, Langemak, and Tsiolkovskiy) and one light plains unit (in Mendeleev). Nearly 10 000 farside craters were counted. Analysis of the crater frequency on the light plains unit gives an age of 4.3 billion yr. Crater frequency distributions on the mare units indicate ages of 3.7 and 3.8 billion yr, suggesting that the units are distributed over a narrow time period of approximately 100 million yr. Returned lunar samples from nearside maria give dates as young as 3.1 billion yr. The results of this study suggest that mare basalt emplacement on the far side ceased before it did on the near side.  相似文献   

The principal minor element (including Ti) characteristics of mare basalts which must be explained by an acceptable theory of petrogenesis are reviewed. Thes include: (i) Theabsolute abundances of incompatible elements vary over a twentyfold range yet therelative abundances within this group rarely deviate by more than a factor of two from the chondritic relative abundances. (ii) The sizes of the europium and strontium anomalies show a general trend to decrease as the absolute abundances of incompatible elements decrease. This trend is also one of increasing degree of partial melting and implies that the source region did not possess intrinsic Eu or Sr anomalies. (iii) Titanium seems to behave largely as an incompatible element. (iv) Many mare basalts have Rb/Sr model ages of about 4.5 b.y. whereas their crystallization ages are 3.2–3.8 b.y.Recent hypotheses have proposed that mare basalts formed by equilibrium partial melting of pyroxene-rich cumulates which underlay and were complementary to the anorthositic crust. According to a variant of this category, the residual liquid resulting from fractional crystallization of the highlands and their complementary cumulates segregated to form an intermediate layer between the highlands and the underlying primary cumulates. This highly fractionated residual liquid crystallized to form a pyroxene-olivine-ilmenite assemblage. High-Ti mare basalts subsequently formed by partial melting of this layer, whereas low-Ti basalts formed by partial melting of the underlying cumulates. These hypotheses are examined in detail and are rejected on several grounds.A new hypothesis based upon partial melting under conditions of surface or local equilibrium is proposed. It is assumed that the moon accreted from material which had ultimately formed by fractional condensation from a gas phase of appropriate composition. The essential members of the condensation sequence with falling temperature were perovskite, melilite, spinel, fassaite, forsterite, enstatite, alkali felspar. As the gas cooled over an extended period (>100 yr) large megacrysts (> 1 m) were formed. Trace elements were partitioned into these phases according to equilibrium condensation and crystal chemical relationships. Trivalent rare earths and other incompatible elements mainly entered perovskite, most of the Eu and Sr entered melilite whilst Rb entered alkali felspar. Radiogenic87Sr thus produced remained within the alkali felspar. The moon accreted from a mixture of these condensates to form a disequilibrium mineral assemblagewith a bulk composition similar to that of the pyroxenite source region of mare basalts as derived from experimental petrological considerations. After heating deep in the lunar interior, solid state reaction occurred around megacryst boundaries to form an equilibrium pyroxenite containing large unreacted cores of refractory melilite and perovskite. The latter mineral readily forms low melting point liquids when in contact with pyroxenes whereas melilite remains relatively inert. As partial melting commenced, all the perovskite and other low-melting accessory minerals (eg. alk. felspar) entered the first batch of liquid which thereby received most of the incompatible elements and87Sr (but not Eu and common Sr) present in the source region. Further melting of the pyroxenite matrix occurred under conditions of surface equilibrium. As the degree of partial melting increased, the first batch of incompatible-element-rich liquid was diluted by major elements from the pyroxenite matrix whilst refractory melilite cores were gradually consumed, thereby supplying relatively constant amounts of Eu and Sr to liquids so produced. It is considered that this model is capable of explaining the principal minor element characteristics of mare basalts and is consistent with interpretations of the major element chemistry of their source region based upon experimental petrology.  相似文献   

Abstract— Miller Range (MIL) 05035 is a low‐Ti mare basalt that consists predominantly of pyroxene (62.3 vol%) and plagioclase (26.4 vol%). Pyroxenes are strongly shocked and complexly zoned from augite (Wo33) and pigeonite (Wo17) cores with Mg# = 50–54 to hedenbergite rims. Coexisting pyroxene core compositions reflect crystallization temperatures of 1000 to 1100 °C. Plagioclase has been completely converted to maskelynite with signs of recrystallization. Maskelynite is relatively uniform in composition (An94Ab6–An91Ab9), except at contacts with late‐stage mesostasis areas (elevated K contents, An82Ab15Or3). Symplectites (intergrowth of Fe‐augite, fayalite, and silica) of different textures and bulk compositions in MIL 05035 suggest formation by decomposition of ferro‐pyroxene during shock‐induced heating, which is supported by the total maskelynitization of plagioclase, melt pockets, and the presence of a relict pyroxferroite grain. Petrography and mineral chemistry imply that crystallization of MIL 05035 occurred in the sequence of Fe‐poor pyroxenes (Mg# = 50–54), followed by plagioclase and Fe‐rich pyroxenes (Mg# = 20–50), and finally hedenbergite, Fe‐Ti oxides, and minor late‐stage phases. Petrography, bulk chemistry, mineral compositions, and the age of MIL 05035 suggest it is possibly source crater‐paired with Asuka (A‐) 881757 and Yamato (Y‐) 793169, and may also be launch‐paired with Meteorite Hills (MET) 01210. MIL 05035 represents an old (?3.8–3.9 Ga), incompatible element‐depleted low‐Ti basalt that was not sampled during the Apollo or Luna missions. The light‐REE depleted nature and lack of Eu anomalies for this meteorite are consistent with an origin distant from the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, and genesis from an early cumulate mantle‐source region generated by extensive differentiation of the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract— Five basaltic meteorites from the LaPaz ice field are paired on the basis of their mineralogy and texture, and represent a unique basalt type distinct from those in the Apollo or Luna sample collections. LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02205, LAP 02224, LAP 02226, LAP 02436 and LAP 03632 all contain plagioclase, pyroxene, ilmenite, spinel, olivine, and minor troilite, metal, phosphate, baddeleyite and silica (cristobalite). Brown glassy melt veins are ubiquitous and cross the primary igneous texture. Plagioclase, the major mineral and occurring as laths in a subophitic texture, is of narrow compositional range, from An85–89. Pyroxene, also a major mineral, is strongly zoned, from augite and pigeonite cores to very iron‐rich rims. Ilmenite laths comprise approximately 3–5% of the basalts. Spinels show a large compositional range, comparable to that documented in Apollo 15 basalts, indicating an early chromite‐rich stage followed by an intermediate to late stage with Cr‐rich ulvöspinel. Relatively large, subhedral to skeletal olivine crystals (Fo46–62) are sparse, and are too Forich to be in equilibrium with the bulk rock, indicating that these are xenocrysts rather than phenocrysts. The presence of melt veins with a similar composition to the bulk rock, maskelynitized plagioclase feldspar, and metastable cristobalite indicate that these rocks underwent significant shock, between 30 and 50 GPa. Calculated oxygen fugacity, using spinel‐ilmenite‐iron metal equilibria, is within the range defined by previous studies of lunar materials. The bulk composition (low MgO) and low calculated temperatures, together with modelling calculations, indicate an origin by fractional crystallization of a more primitive low TiO2 parent liquid similar to Apollo 12 olivine basalt.  相似文献   

Abstract— We studied crystallization trends of pyroxene and spinel in four Antarctic meteorites known to be derived from mare regions of the Moon: Y-793169 and A-881757 (YA meteorites) are unbrecciated igneous basalts, EET 87521 is a fragmental breccia, and Y-793274 is a regolith breccia. All have relatively low bulkrock TiO2 content, and the YA meteorites are uncommonly ancient. Our electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) data indicate that the YA meteorites and the dominant mare components of Y-793274 and EET 87521 conform to a general trend for Ti-poor (low-Ti and very low-Ti) mare basalts. Their pyroxenes show a strong correlation between Fe/(Fe + Mg) (Fe#) and Ti/(Ti + Cr) (Ti#), both ratios typically increasing from core to rim. These trends presumably reflect local crystallization differentiation of interstitial melt. Previous studies (M. J. Drake and coworkers) have suggested that the detailed configurations of such Fe# vs. Ti# trends may reflect the bulk TiO2 contents of the parent magmas (basalts). As a more systematic approach to this problem, we plot bulk-rock TiO2 as a function of the Fe# = 0.50 intercept of each rock's pyroxene Fe# vs. Ti# trend. We call this intercept the Fe#-normalized Ti#. Based on our data for EET 87521, the YA meteorites, and Apollo 12 basalts 12031 and 12064, plus literature data for several other Ti-poor mare basalts, we find a strong correlation between Fe#-normalized Ti# and the bulk TiO2 content of the parent basalt. This correlation confirms that fragmental breccia EET 87521 is nearly pure very low-Ti (VLT) basalt and that the YA meteorites, for which bulk-rock TiO2 results scatter due to unusually coarse grain size (A-881757) or scarcity of available sample (Y-793169), are pieces of an uncommonly Ti-poor, but not quite VLT, variety of low-Ti mare basalt. Extrapolating from this correlation, the dominant mare component of regolith breccia Y-793274 is probably of VLT affinity. Besides the normal mare pyroxene trend of strong correlation between Fe# and Ti#, Y-793274 includes two additional pyroxene compositional trends, both showing a wide range of Ti# despite relatively constant (and low, by mare standards) Fe#. The most magnesian of these trends consists of a single clast with a mode of orthopyroxene + MgO-rich ilmenite. These two trends are of uncertain origin. Possibly one or both represents the highland component of this regolith breccia, although, unlike most highland pyroxenes, these appear relatively unaltered by impact brecciation and metamorphism. Compositions of spinels in the coarse-grained A-881757 show an extraordinary distribution: chromite and ulvöspinel components vary among grains but are nearly constant within grains. Despite its old age and unusually coarse grain sizes, mineralogical evidence (i.e., heterogeneity within both pyroxene and spinel; typical pyroxene exsolution scale very coarse by mare standards but exceeded by the pyroxenes of EET 87521 and Y-793274) indicates that A-881757 was cooled only slightly more slowly than typical mare basalts and may have formed near the center of an uncommonly thick lava flow. Both of the VLT basaltic lunar meteorite breccias, EET 87521 and Y-793274, are composed dominantly of pyroxenes with exsolution coarser than normal for mare basalts. Possibly VLT basalt flows tend to be systematically thicker, and thus more slowly cooled, than more Ti-rich flows.  相似文献   

We explore a simple model for the representation of the observed distributions of the motions, and the characteristic ages of the local population of pulsars. The principal difference from earlier models is the introduction of a unique value,S, for the kick velocity with which pulsars are born. We consider separately the proper motion components in galactic longitude and latitude, and find that the distributions of the velocity components parallel and perpendicular to the galactic plane are represented satisfactorily byS = 200 km/sec, and leave no room for a significant fraction of much higher velocities. The successful proposition of a unique value for the kick velocity may provide an interesting tool in attempts to understand the physical process leading to the expulsion of the neutron star. This paper is an extended analysis of the talk presented by A. Blaauw at the Raman Research Institute on 20th February, 1996.  相似文献   

A study of the variation of the spectral relative ratios of reflectivity of selected mare lunar grounds between wavelengths 4000 and 8000 Å is given in comparison with lunar craters. The intensities at different wavelengths of each lunar region are corrected for the angles of illumination and viewing, and they are scaled to unity at =5538Å. Distinct variety in the spectral reflectivity values of mare grounds at short wavelengths are confirmed. The Mare Tranquillitatis type grounds (similar to Apollo-11 site), have relative ratio of reflectivity at short wavelength at =4035 Å; larger than or equal to 1.03 in addition to a bigger difference in reflectivity between the short and the long wavelength. The Mare Serenitatis type grounds (similar to Apollo-12) are characterized to give relative ratio of reflectivity less than 1.03 at =4035 Å, and smaller difference in reflectivity between short and long wavelengths. This is due to the variation in the colour of the Mare Tranquillitatis and Mare Serenitatis type ground due to compositional differences. The mare type grounds are generally different in shape than that of lunar craters grounds.Presented at the IAU-COSPAR Julian Schmidt Symposium on 100 Years of Lunar Mapping held at Lagonissi, Greece, 25–27 May, 1978.  相似文献   

Mare basalts provide insights into the composition and thermal history of the lunar mantle. The ages of mare basalts suggest a first peak of magma activity at 3.2–3.8 Ga and a second peak at ~2 Ga. In this study, we reassess the correlation between the titanium contents and the eruption ages of mare basalt units using the compositional and chronological data updated by SELENE (Kaguya). Using morphological and geological criteria, we calculated the titanium content of 261 mare units across a representative area of each mare unit. In the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, where the latest eruptions are located, an increase in the mean titanium content is observed during the Eratosthenian period, as reported by previous studies. We found that the increase in the mean titanium content occurred within a relatively short period near approximately 2.3 Ga, suggesting that the magma source of the mare basalts changed at this particular age. Moreover, the high‐titanium basaltic eruptions are correlated with a second peak in volcanic activity near ~2 Ga. The high‐titanium basaltic eruptions occurring during the last volcanic activity period can be explained by the three possible scenarios (1) the ilmenite‐bearing cumulate rich layer in the core‐mantle boundary formed after the mantle overturn, (2) the basaltic material layers beneath the lunar crust formed through upwelling magmas, and (3) ilmenite‐bearing cumulate blocks remained in the upper mantle after the mantle overturn.  相似文献   

Abstract— We survey the magnetic fields of lunar multi‐ring impact basins using data from the electron reflectometer instrument on the Lunar Prospector spacecraft. As for smaller lunar craters, the primary signature is a magnetic low that extends to ?1.5–2 basin radii, suggesting shock demagnetization of relatively soft crustal magnetization. A secondary signature, as for large terrestrial basins, is the presence of central magnetic anomalies, which may be due to thermal remanence in impact melt rocks and/or shock remanence in the central uplift. The radial extent of the anomalies may argue for the former possibility, but the latter or a combination of the two are also possible. Central anomaly fields are absent for the oldest pre‐Nectarian basins, increase to a peak in early Nectarian basins, and decrease to a low level for Imbrian basins. If basin‐associated anomalies provide a good indication of ambient magnetic fields when the basins formed, this suggests the existence of a “magnetic era” (possibly due to a lunar core dynamo) similar to that implied by paleointensity results from returned lunar samples. However, the central basin anomalies suggest that the fields peaked in early Nectarian times and were low in Imbrian times, while samples provide evidence for high fields in Nectarian and early Imbrian times.  相似文献   

Laser pulses of a finely focused beam were used to simulate micrometeorite impacts on lunar rocks and in lunar soil. The electron microscope pictures show the detailed effects so caused; it is possible to derive an estimate of the comparative amounts of erosion a given micrometeorite flux would cause in lunar rocks and lunar soil.  相似文献   

Abstract— Thirteen glasses from Apollo 17 regolith 71501,262 have been chemically analyzed by electron microprobe and isotopically dated with the 40Ar/39Ar dating method. We report here the first isotopic age obtained for the Apollo 17 very low titanium (VLT) volcanic glasses, 3630 ± 40 Ma. Twelve impact glasses that span a wide compositional range have been found to record ages ranging from 102 ± 20 Ma to 3740 ± 50 Ma. The compositions of these impact glasses show that some have been produced by impact events within the Apollo 17 region, whereas others appear to be exotic to the landing site. As the data sets that include compositions and ages of lunar impact glasses increase, the impact history in the Earth‐Moon system will become better constrained.  相似文献   

A set of twenty-one point masses gravitationally equivalent to the L1 lunar potential model is presented. By construction, the equivalence is valid only in a region of space sampled by Apollo spacecraft. That region is taken to be a finite, torus-shaped shell. When used in place of the L1 model for Apollo 12 lunar orbit determination, the solution set gives spacecraft positions identical to within about 100 m.The solution is developed in two steps: first the L1 potential is examined to determine favorable mass locations, and then the mass values are computed to force an optimum matching of the L1 potential. Therefore the solution set is artificial. It is related to the Moon's actual mass distribution only in its similar gravitational effects in a limited region of space.  相似文献   

The satellite impact interpretation of the surface distribution of lunar maria is presented according to Barricelli and Metcalfe (1969). It is emphasized that the formation of molten rock (lava) which, according to the Apollo 11 findings, seems to have been the origin of the material of which maria are composed, can be the result of heat developed by the impacts which created the respective maria (Gilbert 1893) and does not necessarily imply a volcanic or internal origin of this material.The distribution of mascons and some of its possible interpretations are discussed.Present address: Oslo Universitet, Dept. of Mathematics, Blindern, Norway.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the spectral and morphometric properties of the four important lunar mare dome fields near Cauchy, Arago, Hortensius, and Milichius. We utilize Clementine UV-vis multispectral data to examine the soil composition of the mare domes while employing telescopic CCD imagery to compute digital elevation maps in order to determine their morphometric properties, especially flank slope, height, and edifice volume. After reviewing previous attempts to determine topographic data for lunar domes, we propose an image-based 3D reconstruction approach which is based on a combination of photoclinometry and shape from shading. Accordingly, we devise a classification scheme for lunar mare domes which is based on a principal component analysis of the determined spectral and morphometric features. For the effusive mare domes of the examined fields we establish four classes, two of which are further divided into two subclasses, respectively, where each class represents distinct combinations of spectral and morphometric dome properties. As a general trend, shallow and steep domes formed out of low-TiO2 basalts are observed in the Hortensius and Milichius dome fields, while the domes near Cauchy and Arago that consist of high-TiO2 basalts are all very shallow. The intrusive domes of our data set cover a wide continuous range of spectral and morphometric quantities, generally characterized by larger diameters and shallower flank slopes than effusive domes. A comparison to effusive and intrusive mare domes in other lunar regions, highland domes, and lunar cones has shown that the examined four mare dome fields display such a richness in spectral properties and 3D dome shape that the established representation remains valid in a more global context. Furthermore, we estimate the physical parameters of dome formation for the examined domes based on a rheologic model. Each class of effusive domes defined in terms of spectral and morphometric properties is characterized by its specific range of values for lava viscosity, effusion rate, and duration of the effusion process. For our data set we report lava viscosities between about 102 and , effusion rates between 25 and , and durations of the effusion process between three weeks and 18 years. Lava viscosity decreases with increasing R415/R750 spectral ratio and thus TiO2 content; however, the correlation is not strong, implying an important influence of further parameters like effusion temperature on lava viscosity.  相似文献   

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