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The confining curves in the general three-body problem are studied; the role of the integralc 2 h (angular momentum squared times energy) as bifurcation parameter is established in a very simple way by using symmetries and changes of scale. It is well known (Birkhoff, 1927) that the bifurcations of the level manifolds of the classical integrals occur at the Euler-Lagrange relative equilibrium configurations. For small values of the mass ratio ε=m 3/m 2 both the positions of the collinear equilibrium points and thec 2 h integral are expanded in power series of ε. In this way the relationship is found between the confining curves resulting from thec 2 h integral in the general problem, and the zero velocity curves given by the Jacobi integral in the corresponding restricted problem. For small values of ε the singular confining curves in the general and in the restricted problem are very similar, but they do not correspond to each other: the offset of the two bifurcation values is, in the usual, system of units of the restricted problem, about one half of the eccentricity squared of the orbits of the two larger bodies. This allows the definition of an approximate stability criterion, that applies to the systems with small ε, and quantifies the qualitatively well known destabilizing effect of the eccentricity of the binary on the third body. Because of this destabilizing effect the third body cannot be bounded by any topological criterion based on the classical integrals unless its mass is larger than a minimum value. As an example, the three-body systems formed by the Sun, Jupiter and one of the small planets Mercury, Mars, Pluto or anyone of the asteroids are found to be ‘unstable’, i.e. there is no way of proving, with the classical integrals, that they cannot cross the orbit of Jupiter. This can be reliably checked with the approximate stability criterion, that given for the most important three-body subsystems of the Solar System essentially the same information on ‘stability’ as the full computation of thec 2 h integral and of the bifurcation values.  相似文献   

Using the famous Sundman inequality, we have constructed for the first time the surfaces for the general three-body problem that we suggest calling Sundman surfaces. These surfaces are a generalization of the widely known Hill surfaces in the restricted circular three-body problem. The Sundman surfaces are constructed in a rectangular coordinate system that uses the mutual distances between the bodies as the Cartesian rectangular coordinates. The singular points of the family of these surfaces have been determined. The possible and impossible regions of motion of the bodies have been constructed in the space of mutual distances. We have shown the existence of Hill stable motions and established sufficient criteria for Hill stability of motions. Some of the astronomical applications are considered.  相似文献   

The angular momentum and the energy integral of the planar three-body problem are used to establish regions of the physical space where motion is allowed to take place. Although forbidden regions exist for both negative and positive values of the energy of the system, the known integrals of the motion always allow for at least one of the three bodies to escape.  相似文献   

The notion of Hill stability is extended from the circular restricted 3-body problem to the general three-body problem; it is even extended to systems of positive energy and the Hill's curves with their corresponding forbidden zones are generalized.Hill stable systems of negative energy present a hierarchy: they have a close binary that can be neither approached nor disrupted by the third body. This phenomenon becomes particularly clear with the distance curves presentation.The three limiting cases, restricted, planetary and lunar are analysed as well as some real stellar cases.  相似文献   

The boundaries of the domains of holomorphy of the coordinates of unperturbed elliptic motion with respect to the eccentricities of planetary orbits are determined for the cases when any of the five anomalies of one of the planets-eccentric, true, tangential, or one of two mutual anomalies suggested by M.F. Subbotin—is used as an independent variable. The resulting equations are a generalization of the known equations for the boundaries of the domains of the holomorphy of coordinates for the cases when the time is the independent variable and determine the bisymmetric ovals, whose size and shape depend on the eccentricities and on the ratio of the planetary mean motions. The largest domains of holomorphy are obtained when the tangential anomaly or one of the Subbotin mutual anomalies is used. A function was found that conformally maps the domain of holomorphy to the unit disk. It was demonstrated that the application of any anomaly of the outer planet as the independent variable can result in a significant shrinking of the domain of the holomorphy of the coordinates of the inner planet, so that the analytic continuation of the initial power series with the center at the origin of the coordinates of a complex plane becomes impossible.  相似文献   

A method is developed to study the stability of periodic motions of the three-body problem in a rotating frame of reference, based on the notion of surface of section. The method is linear and involves the computation of a 4×4 variational matrix by integrating numerically the differential equations for time intervals of the order of a period. Several properties of this matrix are proved and also it is shown that for a symmetric periodic motion it can be computed by integrating for half the period only.This linear stability analysis is used to study the stability of a family of periodic motions of three bodies with equal masses, in a rotating frame of reference. This family represents motion such that two bodies revolve around each other and the third body revolves around this binary system in the same direction to a distance which varies along the members of the family. It was found that a large part of the family, corresponding to the case where the distance of the third body from the binary system is larger than the dimensions of the binary system, represents stable motion. The nonlinear effects to the linear stability analysis are studied by computing the intersections of several perturbed orbits with the surface of sectiony 3=0. In some cases more than 1000 intersections are computed. These numerical results indicate that linear stability implies stability to all orders, and this is true for quite large perturbations.  相似文献   

Stability regions are identified in the neighborhood of periodic orbits. Features of motion in these regions are investigated. The structure of stability regions in the neighborhood of the Schubart, Moore, and Broucke orbits, the S-orbit, and the Ducati orbit is studied. The following features of motion are identified near these periodic orbits: libration, precession, symmetrization, centralization, bounce (a transition between types of trajectories), ejections, etc.  相似文献   

The surfaces of zero velocity of the restricted three-body problem when the more massive body is luminous, are studied. The properties of the function which determines these surfaces are given. It is found that the topological properties of the zero velocity surfaces while not affected by the variation of the mass parameter, are essentially varied when the radiation pressure parameter changes values. Closed regions where the motion can be trapped are described while periodic motions about the out of plane equilibrium points seem to be probable.  相似文献   

The relations between parameters of triple approaches and the lengths of subsequent ejections are analyzed for the general three-body problem with components of equal masses and zero initial velocities. A statistically significant correlation is shown to exist between the closeness of approaches and the lengths of subsequent ejections: closer approaches generally result in longer ejections. We have found several systems that evolve to a temporary quasi-stable chain-like configuration.  相似文献   

Strong three-body interactions play a decisive role in the course of the dynamical evolution of triple systems having positive as well as negative total energies. These interactions may produce qualitative changes in the relative motions of the components. In triple systems with positive or zero total energies the processes of formation, disruption or exchange of the components of binaries take place as the result of close approaches of the three single bodies or as the result of the passages of single bodies past wide or hard binaries. In the triple systems with negative energies, the strong triple interactions may result in an escape from the system as well as a formation of a hard final binary. This paper summarizes the general results of the studies of the strong three-body interactions in the triple systems with positive and negative energies. These studies were conducted at the Leningrad University Observatory by computer simulations during 1968–1989.  相似文献   

In the present paper, inequalities stronger than Sundman's and the best possible zero velocity surfaces of the spatial 3-body problem first obtained by Saari (1987) are deduced using a modified version of the transformation developed by Zare (1976). The notion of inertia ellipsoid is used to show the equivalence of the present authors' result to that of Saari's.  相似文献   

It is shown that the equations of the general three-body problem take on a very symmetric form when one considers only their relative positions, rather than position vectors relative to some given coordinate system. From these equations one quickly surmises some well known classical properties of the three-body problem such as the first integrals and the equilateral triangle solutions. Some new Lagrangians with relative coordinates are also obtained. Numerical integration of the new equations of motion is about 10 percent faster than with barycentric or heliocentric coordinates.  相似文献   

The non-linear stability of the triangular equilibrium point L 4 in the generalized restricted three-body problem has been examined. The problem is generalized in the sense that the infinitesimal body and one of the primaries have been taken as oblate spheroids. It is found that the triangular equilibrium point is stable in the range of linear stability except for three mass ratios.  相似文献   

By use of an inverse-square mass-model for the Galaxy, the range in eccentricies for the orbits of 57 globular clusters is computed. On the assumption that all clusters have the same apogalacticon distance, various values of this distance are considered. It is found that low eccentricities are possible for small apogalacticon distances.  相似文献   

Several families of planar planetary-type periodic orbits in the general three-body problem, in a rotating frame of reference, for the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn mass-ratio are found and their stability is studied. It is found that the configuration in which the orbit of the smaller planet is inside the orbit of the larger planet is, in general, more stable.We also develop a method to study the stability of a planar periodic motion with respect to vertical perturbations. Planetary periodic orbits with the orbits of the two planets not close to each other are found to be vertically stable. There are several periodic orbits that are stable in the plane but vertically unstable and vice versa. It is also shown that a vertical critical orbit in the plane can generate a monoparametric family of three-dimensional periodic orbits.  相似文献   

Continuing a work initiated in an earlier publication (Yamada et al. in Phys Rev D 91:124016, 2015), we reexamine the linear stability of the triangular solution in the relativistic three-body problem for general masses by the standard linear algebraic analysis. In this paper, we start with the Einstein–Infeld–Hoffmann form of equations of motion for N-body systems in the uniformly rotating frame. As an extension of the previous work, we consider general perturbations to the equilibrium, i.e., we take account of perturbations orthogonal to the orbital plane, as well as perturbations lying on it. It is found that the orthogonal perturbations depend on each other by the first post-Newtonian (1PN) three-body interactions, though these are independent of the lying ones likewise the Newtonian case. We also show that the orthogonal perturbations do not affect the condition of stability. This is because these do not grow with time, but always precess with two frequency modes, namely, the same with the orbital frequency and the slightly different one due to the 1PN effect. The condition of stability, which is identical to that obtained by the previous work (Yamada et al. 2015) and is valid for the general perturbations, is obtained from the lying perturbations.  相似文献   

《Chinese Astronomy》1979,3(1):1-23
This paper studies the topology of manifold M8 of the general three-body problem, by means of a more elementary and intuitive method than that of S.Smale [3] and R.W.Easton [4,6]. The following results are independently obtained.
  • 1.1. G.D. Birkhoff's judgement [1] that the topology of M8 can vary only when the energy constant E passes through the admissible values of Lagrange's particular solutions is strictly proved.
  • 2.2. The topologies of M8 when E lies in the five interals E>E0, E0>E>E1, E1>E>E2, E2>E>E3 and E<E3 are given completely, where E0 is the value corresponding to equilateral triangular solutions, whereas E1, E2 and E3 are values corresponding to collinear solutions.
  • 3.3. The result in the paper of Dong Jin-zhu [5] about the connectedness of M8 is strictly verified.The formulas (10) and (11) in this paper can be used to discuss the region of motion of the general three-body problem and some explicit results will be discussed in an other article.

We present some results about the continuation of doubly-symmetric horseshoe orbits in the general planar three-body problem. This is done by means of solving a boundary value problem with one free parameter which is the quotient of the masses of two bodies μ 3=m 3/m 1, keeping constant μ 2=m 2/m 1 (m 1 represents the mass of a big planet whereas m 2 and m 3 of minor bodies). For the numerical continuation of the horseshoe orbits we have considered m 2/m 1=3.5×10?4, and the variation of μ 3 from 3.5×10?4 to 9.7×10?5 or vice versa, depending on the orbit selected as “seed”. We discuss some issues related to the periodicity and symmetry of the orbits. We study the stability of some of them taking the limit μ 3→0. The numerical continuation was done using the software AUTO.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional general three-body problem is formulated suitably for the numerical determination of periodic orbits either directly or by continuation from the three-dimensional periodic orbits of the restricted problem. The symmetry properties of the equations of motion are established and the algorithms for the numerical determination of families of periodic orbits are outlined. A normalization scheme based on the concept of the invariable plane is introduced to simplify the process. All three types of symmetric orbit, as well as the general type of asymmetric orrbit, are considered. Many threedimmensional p periodic orbits are given.  相似文献   

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