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中国大陆地壳运动的GPS观测及相关动力学研究   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
现代空载大地测量技术的发展极大地改变了传统大地测量学的观测手段、研究内容和范围,促进了地球动力学领域的研究.本文回顾过去近二十年来在中国大陆进行的全国及区域性GPS观测和取得的成果,重点评述在GPS相关动力学领域的研究进展和存在的问题,对我国GPS观测及动力学研究今后的发展提出初步见解.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the correlation between the electrical conductivity and temperature in the upper crust of the Bishkek geodynamic research area (the Northern Tien Shan). Electrical conductivity profiles constructed from magnetotelluric data and thermograms from the boreholes near magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) points are used for estimations. The correlation analysis of conductivity and temperature profiles to depths of 3–4 km showed that, first, the correlation coefficients do not depend on the distance between the borehole and the nearest MTS point; second, the good correlation between the conductivity and temperature observed for the majority of borehole-MTS point pairs is accounted for by the fact that the study parameters vary with depth in a manner normal for laminated sedimentary rocks; and, third, a low correlation is due to specific features of the geological structure between the borehole and MTS point under consideration.  相似文献   

Site response analysis plays an important role in seismic hazard and risk assessment, and in defining the optimal engineering design for civil structures. However, due to increasing urbanization, target areas are often too vast to be covered by standard approaches, resulting in large uncertainties in the spatial variability of the expected ground motion. Here, we propose a method to improve the spatial resolution of ground motion variability in terms of Standard Spectral Ratios (SSRs), using earthquakes recorded at a few selected sites for a relatively short amount of time, and seismic noise data collected over a denser grid, taking advantage of clustering and correlation analysis. The method is applied to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Using the K-means clustering algorithm, three clusters of site response types have been identified, based on their similarity of SSRs. The cluster’s site responses were adopted for sites where only single station noise measurements were carried out, based on the results of correlation analysis. The spatial variability of the site response correlates well with the main geological features in the area. In particular, variability is noted from south to north, consistent with both the changes in the thickness of the sedimentary cover over the basin and in the Quaternary material outcropping at the surface. This method has therefore the potential to improve the estimation of site effects at the local scale in the future.  相似文献   

The spatial-temporal dynamics of surface crustal movements revealed from GPS data is compared with seismicity in the Bishkek geodynamic test area documented in the regional KNET catalog. The geological information system (GIS) GeoTaim 2.0 is substantially improved, which allowed variations in seismicity and deformation fields to be analyzed in the 3D raster. It is shown that seismicity and surface deformations are correlative in the test area. The periods with extreme values of contraction and the extension rates of the Earth’s surface areas are accompanied by enhanced seismicity and strong earthquakes. The increase in the spatial gradient of surface crustal movements coincides with changes in the azimuths of compression axes indicated by mechanisms of earthquakes that occurred at depths of up to 25 km. For a better geological—geophysical interpretation of interactions between deformation and seismicity fields in the Bishkek geodynamic test area, the spatial system GPS stations and measurement frequency need substantial improvement.  相似文献   

The Pannonian Basin, which includes Hungary, tectonically belongs to the Eurasian Plate and is considered to be relatively quiet. Detailed geological studies revealed four main tectonic units in this area—the Tisza, Pelso, Austro-Alpine and Vepor units. All of these can be genetically related to tectonic processes in the Mediterranean and Alpine-Adria region.In 1989 the Satellite Geodetic Observatory (SGO) in cooperation with several institutions has initiated the establishment of a geodynamic global positioning system (GPS) Reference Network (HGRN) for three-dimensional deformation studies in Hungary. The HGRN consists of 13 primary sites which were selected according to geological and geophysical considerations and satisfied international standards for tectonic studies with the GPS technique. Particular care was devoted to the point marks concerning mechanical stability and the repeatability of antenna set-ups at the HGRN sites, therefore a point mark and a mechanical adapter to mount the GPS antenna had been developed at the SGO for this purpose. This point mark has been used at all HGRN sites. A GPS Datum Point was also established for Hungary in 1990 at the Satellite Geodetic Observatory; here quasi continuous observations are foreseen. The Penc station has been accepted as a fiducial station of the International GPS Geodynamic Service (IGS).The zero epoch measurements were completed in fall 1991 and monitoring is planned every second year at least for the next 10 years.Preliminary processing of the data has been carried out in the SGO, Penc and at the Lustbühel Observatory at Graz, using the TRIMVEC PLUS and BERNESE V3.2 programs respectively  相似文献   

本文选取由国际GPS服务中心(IGS)提供的北美中纬度地区GPS网TEC观测数据,通过多通道最大熵频谱分析方法研究了2005年(太阳活动低年)地磁活动平静期间日出和日落时由于日夜交替线的移动而激发的中尺度电离层扰动(MSTID),并统计分析其季节变化特性.结果表明:(1) 日出或日落期间,在中纬度地区经常观测到由日夜交替线移动激发的中尺度电离层扰动.扰动主要沿日夜交替线运动方向传播,平均持续时间约2~3 h;振幅在0.2~0.8 TECU之间,水平波长,水平相速度和周期分别为300±150 km,150±80 m/s和25±15 min;(2) 由日夜交替线移动激发的中尺度电离层扰动在春秋分出现率较少;在夏季,扰动在黄昏时出现率达最大值,在日出后少量出现;而冬季则日出后的扰动效应更为明显.分析表明,在中纬地区,这种扰动出现率随季节的变化与不同季节的日出日落时刻太阳EUV辐射通量变化过程的快慢,以及电离层中离子损失过程快慢有关.  相似文献   

This paper presents an example of the application of error monitoring techniques to the results of a pseudodynamic test performed at variable testing speeds. For the faster testing speeds, the control errors increased and the test reliability was lost in terms of accuracy and stability, as observed by the evolution of the monitoring parameters. The applied monitoring methods were the spatial model identification of frequency and damping distortions and the error energy, which have been proposed in previous publications. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On the accuracy of the ground force estimated in vibroseis acquisition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For a linear elastic Earth the time derivative of the ground force is considered proportional to the far-field wavelet. Under the assumption that the baseplate is stiff and the bending forces of the baseplate are negligible, the ground force is also approximated by the sum of the accelerations of the baseplate and the reaction mass weighted by the respective masses. Combining these two assumptions, the time derivative of the weighted sum is considered proportional to the far-field wavelet. This result, often referred to as the far-field wavelet assumption, although convenient and most often employed is not always valid. We explore its validity using the spectral harmonic ratios of recorded data, which are used extensively in data filtering and analysis of vibratory data. We show that the far-field wavelet assumption fails particularly for harmonic components of even order. More compact soil after repeated shots further invalidates this assumption. Non-linear modelling of the ground under the vibrator point may provide a direction towards solving this discrepancy. Finally, we describe a method for the estimation of the harmonic spectral ratios.  相似文献   

A continuous GPS array across the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone recorded the deformation during the process of the Lushan MS7.0 earthquake that occurred on April 20, 2013. Such data can provide meaningful information regarding the dynamic evolution of crustal deformation in the seismogenic zone. Our studies have shown that the occurrence of the Wenchuan earthquake led to the loading of compressive and sinistral shearing strain on the southern segment of the Maoxian-Wenchuan fault, whereby the extrusion strain accumulated at a greater rate than before the Wenchuan earthquake. The strain time series in the seismogenic zone revealed that the principal compression strain rates decreased from west to east in the direction of N30°–45°W. Furthermore, the area to the east of Beichuan-Yingxiu fault behaved as a zone of compressive deformation with obvious sinistral shearing deformation. The surface strain and the first shearing strain time series decreased with time, while the area to the west of the Beichuan-Yingxiu fault behaved as a zone of dextral shear deformation that increased with time. Furthermore, the regional deformation field before the Lushan earthquake showed that the rate of extrusion strain accumulation in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone was obviously larger than before the Wenchuan earthquake. Moreover, the sinistral shearing strain accumulated in the area of the southern segment of the Maoxian-Wenchuan fault. Based on the above analysis, we consider that the eastward movement of the Bayan Har block increased considerably following the Wenchuan earthquake, which enhanced the accumulation of compression strain in the southern segment of the Longmenshan fault zone.  相似文献   

本文通过一个简单的示意性算例,对近断层强地面运动影响场显式有限元数值模拟的主要环节作了概要说明,给出了算例的主要计算结果并对其作了定性和初步的讨论分析。主要观点和结论是:本文的计算结果较好地定性反映和印证了人们对近断层强地面运动特征(如上盘效应、竖向效应、Fling Step效应和速度大脉冲现象)的现有认识水平,验证了采用的计算模型和计算方法的可行性和科学性。本文关于位移峰值场的计算结果对于估算近断层地表破裂带的位置、长度和宽度具有重要参考价值,应进一步深入研究二者之间的相关性。  相似文献   

山基GPS掩星观测实验及其反演原理   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
分别在湖北省药姑山和九宫山的山头上开展GPS掩星观测实验,成功获取山基掩星观测数据,对掩星事件进行了分析和统计.给出利用山基掩星观测数据反演大气折射指数剖面和电波弯曲角的原理和算法.利用山基GPS掩星观测模拟数据,对反演方法进行试算和检验,结果表明反演方法准确可行.将该反演方法应用于观测数据的反演,获得了观测点高度以下的大气折射率剖面,以及电波弯曲角.实验结果和原理研究表明,山基掩星观测技术是一种潜在的低层大气环境监测新技术.  相似文献   

2001年以来,智利及其邻区发生了3次7.1—7.7级和4次8级以上大地震,其震中附近至少有一个甚至多个GPS连续观测站观测到地震前后的地壳运动。从http://geodesy.unr.edu网站可获得GeoffreyBlewitt教授用GIPSY软件处理得到的南美大量GPS连续观测站南美板块(SA)区域参考框架位移时间序列,获得的这些大地震同震、震前位移积累和震后位移,特别是同震水平位移和震前水平位移积累,为探索地震预测,增添了更多有意义的震例。研究表明,这些大地震的同震水平位移也是震前水平位移积累的回跳或弹性回跳,同样也证明了震前存在前兆地壳形变;这些大地震前震中及其附近也无明显的垂直位移积累,由此证明了板块运动或地壳水平运动就是地震成因。尽管东日本和智利近海大地震的构造环境不同,日本2011年9级和智利2010年8.8级巨大地震前的地壳运动都清楚显示太平洋海底扩张。这些地震的同震水平位移回跳或弹性回跳的规律一致,地震成因都是水平挤压。智利多次大地震GPS观测到的最特殊现象是,在2015年8.3级地震震中以北,2010年8.8级地震的同震水平位移量值偏小,且方向异常一致向北,可认为是8.3级地震的前兆形变现象。临近智利的南美地区应是全球最利于地震预测探索的地区之一。   相似文献   

2015年4月25日,在尼泊尔中部发生了Mw7.8地震.本文利用ALOS-2和SENTINEL-1A宽幅数据获取了该地震大范围的同震形变场,并反演了该地震断层破裂的几何特征及运动机制,继而以此为约束资料反演地震强地面运动.InSAR结果显示本次地震造成了巨大的地表形变,LOS向最大抬升量达到1.3 m,最大下沉量达到0.7 m.震源机制反演得到的最优的滑动分布模型表明,断层的走向为291°,倾角为7.6°,倾滑主要分布在深度为12~18 km范围,主倾滑分布范围在长度上达到了140 km,该范围内的平均倾滑角为95°.本次地震最大倾滑量达到5.3 m,位于深度15 km处.累计释放地震矩达 6.5×1020N·m,约合矩震级Mw7.8.该地震发生在印度与欧亚板块俯冲逆冲界面之间,发震构造推断为主喜马拉雅逆冲断裂,属于典型的喜马拉雅型——低角度逆断层型强震.以该滑动分布模型参数为基础利用随机振动的有限断层模型进行尼泊尔地震的强地面运动模拟,结果显示最大地震烈度为Ⅸ度,烈度分布的范围及烈度等级与USGS模型结果对比具有很高的符合度.  相似文献   

Ground tilt signals observed at three different test sites in Germany confirm earlier observations of surface deformation occurences caused by the withdrawal of ground water from nearby wells. The strength of the signals presented here ranges from a few μrad to 230 μrad, whereby ground tilt was measured in shallow boreholes, at depths between 2 and 4 m. Analysis of the tilt signals suggests that local inhomogeneities in the subsoil can have significant impact on several signal parameters, namely its maximum amplitude, its variation in time, and its strike with respect to the direction of the productive well. The observed data emphasize the likelihood of various causes for deviations from the ‘normal’ tilt response that holds for an isotropic poroelastic half-space. In particular, at one site, a reverse well level change, also known as ‘Noordbergum effect’ in hydrogeology, is seen together with a respective response in the tilt signal. The study concludes that near surface deformation in the vicinity of pumped wells bears a wealth of information that may be useful to constrain the conditions of fluid flow at depth; and that there is a need for model calculations to fully understand the involved phenomena.  相似文献   

Dual-frequency global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) observations provide most of the input data for development of global ionosphere map (GIM) of vertical total electron content (VTEC). The international GNSS service (IGS) develops different ionosphere products. The IGS tracking network stations are not homogeneously distributed around the world. The large gaps of this network in Middle East, e.g., Iran plateau, reduce the accuracy of the IGS GIMs over this region. Empirical ionosphere models, such as international reference ionosphere (IRI), also provide coarse forecasts of the VTEC values. This paper presents a new regional VTEC model based on the IRI 2007 and global positioning system (GPS) observations from Iranian Permanent GPS Network. The model consists of a given reference part from IRI model and an unknown correction term. Compactly supported base functions are more appropriate than spherical harmonics in regional ionosphere modeling. Therefore, an unknown correction term was expanded in terms of B-spline functions. The obtained results are validated through comparison with the observed VTEC derived from GPS observations.  相似文献   

GPS data from Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC) are used to derive far-field co-seismic displacements induced by the Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake. Significant horizontal displacements about 30 mm, 10 mm, and 20 mm were caused by this large event in northeast China, north China, and on the Korean peninsula respectively. Vectors of relatively large horizontal displacements with dominant east components pointed to the epicenter of this earthquake. The east components show an exponential decay with the longitude, which is characteristic of the decay of the co-seismic horizontal displacements associated with earthquakes of thrust rupture. The exponential fit of the east components shows that the influence of the co-seismic displacements can be detected by GPS at a distance of about 3200 km from the epicenter of the earthquake. By considering the capability of the far field displacements for constraining the inversion of the fault slip model of the earthquake, we use spherically stratified Earth models to simulate the co-seismic displacements induced by this event. Using computations and comparisons, we discuss the effects of parameters of layered Earth models on the results of dislocation modeling. Comparisons of the modeled and observed displacements show that far field GPS observations are effective for constraining the fault slip model. The far field horizontal displacements observed by GPS are used to modify the slips and seismic moments of fault slip models. The result of this work is applicable as a reference for other researchers to study seismic source rupture and crustal deformation.  相似文献   

The measurements of contemporary deformations in Asia in the region of active seismic processes stretching from Northern Tien Shan through Altai and Sayan Mountains to Lake Baikal have been carried out for a few decades by strainmeters and tiltmeters. Recently, these works were expanded by the network measurements by the methods of space geodesy. Studying the contemporary displacements and deformations of the Earth’s crust is necessary for solving various problems on a wide range of spatial and time scales from exploring the contemporary deformations of the tectonic plates and present-day seismicity to estimating the man-made loads on the geological medium. The measurements of the deformations are conducted by different methods with short and long baselines, on the surface and at different depths. Based on the obtained data, it is possible to analyze the strain rates at different frequencies and to compare them with the level of seismic activity in the region. In recent decades, the seismic zone located in the south of the Siberian platforms experienced a few strong (M = 6.3–7.5) earthquakes, during which the deformation and displacement fields were captured. South of this region, the displacement fields during the earthquakes with the magnitude above 8 were recorded by the space geodetic methods in China. By excluding the coseismic effects, one can estimate the tectonic component of the displacements and deformations.  相似文献   

The Haiyuan-Liupanshan fault,an active tectonic feature at the Tibetan Plateau's northeastern boundary,was ruptured by two MS earthquakes(1920 and 1927)bracketing an unbroken section(the Tianzhu seismic gap).A high seismic hazard is expected along the gap.To monitor deformation characteristics and do a seismic risk assessment,we made measurements at two newly built campaign-mode Global Positioning System(GPS) stations and 13 pre-existing stations in 2013 and 2014.Adding existing data from 1999 to 2014,we derived a new velocity field.Based on the horizontal velocity,we used three block models to invert the deformation of four crustal blocks.The results suggest non-uniform deformation in the interior of the Lanzhou block,the Ordos block and the Alaxan block,but uniform deformation in the Qilian block.Fault slip rates derived from block models show a decreasing trend from west to east,(2.0-3.2 mm/a on the Haiyuan fault to 0.9-1.5 mm/a on the Liupanshan fault).The Haiyuan fault evidences sinistral striking-slip movement,while the Liupanshan fault is primarily thrusting due to transformation of the displacement between the strike-slip and crustal shortening.The locking depth of each segment along the Haiyuan fault obtained by fitting the fault parallel velocities varies drastically from west to east(21.8-7.1 km).The moment accumulation rate,calculated using the slip rate and locking depth,is positively correlated with the locking depth.Given the paucity of large seismic events during the previous millennium,the Tuolaishan segment and the Maomaoshan segment have higher likelihood of nucleation for a future event.  相似文献   

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