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Structural specific features of the sedimentary succession on the continental margin of the South Crimea in the Black Sea have been examined in the Yalta Area using geomorphologic, acoustic, and lithologic methods. Alternation of regressive and transgressive sequences has been ascertained in sediment sections formed on the shelf and in the Yalta deep-sea fan due to Quaternary oscillations of the basin level. The analysis of sediment sections resulted in revealing a leading role of sedimentary material transference from upper hypsometric levels to lower ones in the sediment accumulation.  相似文献   

Several high-resolution “SES 2000 deep” seismic profiles and a core of bottom sediments were obtained in cruises 33, 35, and 37 of the R/V Akademik Ioffe in the area of the Columbia channel (continental rise of Brazil, South America). The analysis of seismic facies and direct correlation of acoustic and lithological data indicates that sedimentation in this area is mostly controlled by the contour current of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). The gravity flows from seamounts and continental slope only episodically contributed coarser material to the deposition of the muddy contourites. The mixed gravitite-contourite systems consisting of accumulative bodies (drifts) and erosion channels are the results of interaction of these sedimentation processes.  相似文献   

Integrated analyses of magnetic, geochemical and textural data on six cores from the northwestern Iberian continental shelf allowed the reconstruction of the paleoenvironmental evolution of this area since the last glacial maximum (LGM). Four sedimentary units were identified, representing a succession from fluvial and subaerial settings to high and finally low-energy marine deposits subsequent to the post-LGM sea-level rise. The uppermost unit was deposited during the Holocene and its magnetic properties were controlled by the interplay between detrital input and early diagenetic reductive dissolution of magnetic minerals. Identification of a primary steady-state early diagenetic signal allowed the recognition of periods of increased detrital input, bounded by intervals of lower detrital input and intensified reductive diagenesis related to intensified upwelling in the area. These paleoenvironmental alternations are consistent with the climatic evolution of the late Holocene. During the Roman Warm Period and Medieval Warm Period, the combined effect of greater humidity and intense agricultural and mining activities led to a greater erosion and transport of detrital sediments to the shelf. In contrast, enhanced diagenetic reduction intervals, caused by upwelling intensification, were roughly coincident with the colder Dark Ages and the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Mineralogic and textural data suggest that glacial ice derived from the region of the present day Cook Ice Shelf extended to the edge of the d'Urville Sea continental shelf. As part of this glacial maximum, basal tills and glacial marine sediments were deposited over an irregular subglacial surface. Extensive redeposition of eroded material took place in the middle and outer portions of the continental shelf. Retreat of glacial ice was relatively rapid and was associated with widespread deposition of a thin residual glacial marine unit and turbidity current deposits in the far western and eastern parts of the region. Today, sedimentation on the continental shelf of the d'Urville Sea is controlled by biogenic and physical oceanographic processes. Deposition of ice-rafted detritus from icebergs undoubtedly occurs but is relatively insignificant. Glacial advances along this periphery of East Antarctica appear to the regulated by adjacent outlet glaciers rather than direct advance of the grounded ice sheet.  相似文献   

It is well established that orbital scale sea-level changes generated larger transport of sediments into the deep-sea during the last glacial maximum than the Holocene. However, the response of sedimentary processes to abrupt millennial-scale climate variability is rather unknown. Frequency of distal turbidites and amounts of advected detrital carbonate are estimated off the Lisbon–Setúbal canyons (core MD03-2698, at 4602 mwd), within a chronostratigraphy based on radiometric ages, oxygen isotopes and paleomagnetic key global anomalies. We found that: 1) higher frequency of turbidites concurred with Northern Hemisphere coldest temperatures (Greenland Stadials [GS], including Heinrich [H] events). But more than that, an escalating frequency of turbidites starts with the onset of global sea-level rising (and warming in Antarctica) and culminates during H events, at the time when rising is still in its early-mid stage, and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is re-starting. This short time span coincides with maximum gradients of ocean surface and bottom temperatures between GS and Antarctic warmings (Antarctic Isotope Maximum; AIM 17, 14, 12, 8, 4, 2) and rapid sea-level rises. 2) Trigger of turbidity currents is not the only sedimentary process responding to millennial variability; land-detrital carbonate (with a very negative bulk δ18O signature) enters the deep-sea by density-driven slope lateral advection, accordingly during GS. 3) Possible mechanisms to create slope instability on the Portuguese continental margin are sea-level variations as small as 20 m, and slope friction by rapid deep and intermediate re-accommodation of water masses circulation. 4) Common forcing mechanisms appear to drive slope instability at both millennial and orbital scales.  相似文献   

运用地体和地体活动论观点,提出青藏高原结构划分的新方案;强调青藏高原的形成经历了新元古代以来长期活动的过程,青藏高原是一个“非原地”诸多地体会聚、拼合以及经历复合碰撞造山的“造山的高原”;大型走滑断裂在青藏高原形成中起着地体相对位移、侧向挤出、移置及使高原几何形态扭曲的作用。提出青藏高原隆升的“南缘超深俯冲(>600km)、北缘陆内俯冲、腹地深部热结构及岩石圈范围内的向NE右旋隆升”的多元驱动力机制。  相似文献   

研究目的】在末次冰期,全球气候变化以千年尺度的快速、大幅度温度波动旋回为特征,这种波动变化在两极冰芯、深海沉积、中国黄土和洞穴石笋等诸多地质样品中均有记录。黑海位于北大西洋与东亚季风区过渡带,具有极有代表性的沉积记录。本文旨在通过对黑海沉积序列的研究,建立起其区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系。【研究方法】研究对取自黑海西北部罗马尼亚陆坡区多瑙河峡谷北侧GAS-CS12钻孔的长22.0 m的岩芯样品,进行了粒度、矿物成分、主量元素、有机碳、总氮及碳氮同位素等分析。【研究结果】揭示出该段岩芯沉积于末次冰期中后期“Neoeuxine”湖相阶段,可划分为5个沉积单元,对应于北大西洋H4、H3、H1气候变化事件、末次冰盛期(LGM)及Bolling-Allerod气候变暖事件。【结论】建立起了其沉积序列及区域环境变化与北大西洋及东亚季风气候域气候变化的联系,印证了末次冰期千年尺度的气候变化事件在北大西洋、东亚季风区及两者过渡带上具有高度的一致性。创新点:建立了黑海西北沉积序列与区域环境变化的关系;补充了北大西洋与东亚季风区两者过渡带上气候波动事件的可靠时标。  相似文献   

The late Quaternary development of part of the lower continental rise off Western Sahara has been determined from an investigation of short (< 2 m) gravity cores collected from a deep-sea channel, the interchannel areas and an abyssal hill, between 30 and 33°N. Stratigraphic analysis is based on systematic variations in abundances of particular coccolith species and pelagic sediment types, referenced to the oxygen isotope time-scale. During the last 73 000 years deposition in the channel has included volcaniclastic sand/silt turbidites and minor marl turbidites as well as pelagic sediments. The interchannel area has fewer turbidites, and the sands present were probably deposited from turbidity currents which spilt over the channel sides. The last‘event’ to give rise to sands in the channel and interchannel area occurred about 45 000 years ago. Although the channel has been inactive as an area of turbidity current deposition for the last 20 000 years, sands were deposited elsewhere on the lower rise, indicating that turbidity current transport routes have varied in time. Turbidity current deposition on the abyssal plain and low-lying continental rise appears to be related to distinct sliding events involving transport of material from various sources. Thin marl turbidites are interbedded with pelagic sediments in the area of sediment drape. There is a strong correlation between these and the thick marl turbidites on the abyssal plain, suggesting that the same turbidity current‘events’, occurring about once every 25 000 years, gave rise to both sets of deposits. The thinner units probably represent deposition from the outer parts or tails of the large turbidity flows. The turbidites occur at glacial/interglacial transitions, suggesting that the slides that created them were triggered by mechanisms related to climatic change. Several volcaniclastic sand/silt units within the channel and in interchannel areas occupy mid-stage stratigraphic positions, perhaps indicating a different triggering mechanism for slides around volcanic islands. A debris flow deposit (debrite), between 30°N, 21°W and 31°N, 24°W, is related to the Saharan Sediment Slide, a major mass movement feature on the continental slope over 1000 km to the southeast. Stratigraphic correlations indicate that this slide produced a large turbidity current as well as a debris flow.  相似文献   

The Mississippi River system ranks among the world's top 10 rivers in freshwater and sediment inputs to the coastal ocean. The river contributes 90% of the freshwater loading to the Gulf of Mexico, and terminates amidst one of the United States' most productive fisheries regions and the location of the largest zone of hypoxia, in the western Atlantic Ocean. Significant increases in riverine nutrient concentrations and loadings of nitrate and phosphorus and decreases in silicate have occurred this century, and have accelerated since 1950. Consequently, major alterations have occurred in the probable nutrient limitation and overall stoichiometric nutrient balance in the adjacent continental shelf system. Changes in the nutrient balances and reduction in riverine silica loading to, the continental shelf appear to have led to phytoplankton species shifts offshore and to an increase in primary production. The phytoplankton community response, as indicated by long-term changes in biological uptake of silicate and accumulation of biologically bound silica in sediments, has shown how the system has responded to changes in riverine nutrient loadings. Indeed, the accumulation of biologically bound silica in sediments beneath the Mississippi River plume increased during the past two decades, presumably in response to, increased nitrogen loading. The duration, size, and severity of hypoxia has probably increased as a consequence of the increased primary production. Management alternatives directed at water pollution issues within the Mississippi River watershed may have unintended and contrasting impacts on the coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

横穿南极大陆中部的横贯南极山脉是早古生代时期古太平洋向东冈瓦纳活动大陆边缘俯冲形成的罗斯造山带,该阶段的地层沉积、变形变质以及花岗质岩浆侵入代表了罗斯运动的演化过程。由于岩浆活动与沉积地层和变形变质在时代上存在明显差异,罗斯运动的时代仍缺乏精确的限定。通过采集北维多利亚地难言岛地区冰碛物和海岸沉积物中的松散砂砾石样品,并进行碎屑锆石U-Pb测年得出:4件不同粒径的冰碛物和海岸沉积样品中的碎屑锆石年龄峰谱具有单一峰谱的特征,年龄区间为2443~323 Ma,主要集中于530~450 Ma之间,峰值年龄约为485 Ma;锆石Th/U比值均大于0.1,而且以>0.4为主,其CL图像也具有明显的振荡环带,稀土元素特征主体具有岩浆锆石的特征,反映了样品物源区岩浆活动的时代特征。碎屑锆石年龄组成与周缘地区岩浆活动和陆内变形以及沉积地层时代基本一致,表明北维多利亚地及其周缘地区在罗斯运动晚期陆内变形阶段的岩浆活动应持续至450 Ma,这可能代表了罗斯运动结束的时代,该结果为冈瓦纳大陆边缘罗斯运动的构造演化过程提供了新的约束。   相似文献   

The Gulf of Corinth in central Greece is an active normal fault zone with particularly clear evidence of isostatic footwall uplift, constrained by Quaternary marine terraces, and hanging-wall subsidence and sedimentation. It is bounded to the south by a Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sedimentary basin, which is now eroding into the Gulf. Previous work has suggested that the relief across this region has increased dramatically since the Early Pleistocene, due to the isostatic response to increased rates of footwall erosion and hanging-wall sedimentation. It is indeed assumed here that incision accompanying the draw-down of global sea-level at 0.9 Ma, during the first major Pleistocene glaciation, initiated the erosion of the basin south of the Gulf of Corinth and so abruptly increased the sedimentation rate in the Gulf. The resulting transient thermal and isostatic response to these changes is modelled, with the subsiding depocentre and eroding sediment source coupled by flow in the lower continental crust. The subsequent enhancement of relief, involving an increase in bathymetry from near zero to 900 m and 500 m of uplift of the eroding land surface in the sediment source, is shown to be a direct consequence of this change. The model is sensitive to the effective viscosity of the lower crust, and can thus resolve this parameter by matching observations. A value of 6×1019 Pa s is indicated, suggesting a viscosity at the Moho no greater than 1018 Pa s. Similar transient topographic effects caused by increased rates of sedimentation and erosion are likely to be widespread within the geological record, suggesting that this coupling process involving flow in the weak lower crust may be of major geological and geomorphological importance.  相似文献   

目前水体驳岸设计只注重景观性与生态性,缺乏水位动态变化对驳岸渗流场及稳定性影响的研究。以澧水河2007-2012年水文地质资料为基础,从驳岸水位动态变化速度、岸坡安全系数两个角度,研究不同水位升降速度的驳岸稳定性变化规律。研究表明:水位动态变化对驳岸渗流场有明显影响,水位变化速度快,驳岸自由水面变化滞后越明显;驳岸水位上升时,其安全系数由大变小再到稳定;随着水位逐渐下降,驳岸安全系数先减小,当水位达到一定高度(此时安全系数最小)时,安全系数逐渐回升。研究结论用以指导水体驳岸设计,对水体驳岸在水位动态变化条件下安全运行具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Striberger, J., Björck, S., Ingólfsson, Ó., Kjær, K. H., Snowball, I. & Uvo, C. B. 2010: Climate variability and glacial processes in eastern Iceland during the past 700 years based on varved lake sediments. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00153.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Properties of varved sediments from Lake Lögurinn in eastern Iceland and their link to climate and glacial processes of Eyjabakkajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull icecap, were examined. A varve chronology, which covers the period AD 1262–2005, was constructed from visual observations, high‐resolution images, X‐ray density and geochemical properties determined from X‐radiography and X‐ray fluorescence scanning. Independent dating provided by 137Cs analysis and eight historical tephras verify the varve chronology. The thickness of dark‐coloured seasonal laminae, formed mainly of coarser suspended matter from the non‐glacial river Grímsá, is positively correlated (r=0.70) with winter precipitation, and our 743‐year‐long varve series indicates that precipitation was higher and more varied during the later part of the Little Ice Age. Light‐coloured laminae thickness, controlled mainly by the amount of finer suspended matter from the glacial river Jökulsáí Fljótsdal, increased significantly during the AD 1972 surge of Eyjabakkajökull. As a consequence of the surge, the ice‐dammed Lake Háöldulón formed and recurrently drained and delivered significant amounts of rock flour to Lake Lögurinn. Based on these observations, and the recurring cyclic pattern of periods of thicker light‐coloured laminae in the sediment record, we suggest that Eyjabakkajökull has surged repeatedly during the past 743 years, but with an increased frequency during the later part of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

An assemblage of land snails from an aeolianite deposit on the coast of the southern Greek island of Andikithira is shown to date to 16 000 yr BP and thus represents the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM; Oxygen Isotope Stage 2). The assemblage has no modern analogue. Five of the ten species are extinct on the island and some of these now live only at high elevations (> 950 m). Significantly cooler temperatures, some 5-8°C below present, and slightly drier moisture conditions (lower rainfall, partially offset by reduced evapotranspiration at the lower temperature) are inferred. The large temperature depression at the LGM, well documented in northern and central Europe, extended also to the Mediterranean climate of southern Europe. Late Quaternary climatic changes had a considerable impact on the fauna of this isolated island.  相似文献   

A mechanism responsible for the “range-basin” topography is suggested, on the assumption of a high (fluid)viscosity of the asthenosphere, and hence a significant difference between the densities on either side of the Benioff surface sufficient for a development of the vertical component of the pressure against the lithosphere.– V. P. Sokoloff.  相似文献   

Land subsidence due to decline in head in confined aquifers, related to municipal and industrial water pumpage, is widespread in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Although not a major engineering problem, subsidence greatly complicates adjustment of precise leveling and distorts prediction of future sea-level rise. When preconsolidation stress equivalent to about 20 m of head decline is exceeded compaction of fine-grained sediments of the aquifer system begins, and continues until a new head equilibrium is attained between fine and coarse units. The ratio subsidence/head decline is quite consistent, ranging from 0.0064 in southeastern Virginia to 0.0018 at Dover, Delaware and Atlantic City, New Jersey. Higher values are related to the occurrence of montmorillonite as the predominant clay mineral present. Review of tide gauge records indicates that gauges not affected by land subsidence or other local secular effects have been sinking relative to sea level since 1940 at rates averaging about 2.5 mm/yr, of which 0.6 mm/yr is ascribed to glacio-isostatic adjustment to unloading of North America resulting from melting of late Pleistocene glaciers, and about 0.9 mm/yr is ascribed to steric sea-level rise related to ocean warming. The residual 1 mm/yr of relative sea-level rise is not well understood, but may be related to regional tectonic subsidence of the Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

黄土地区暴雨型泥石流的动力学特征及其成因机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从泥石流起动条件、形成过程、固体物质起动方式、相的划分及搬运方式、阵发性和龙头等方面对黄土地区暴雨型泥石流的动力学特征进行了研究,并对其成因机制进行了探讨,认为:泥石流的形成须有一定厚度的饱和土层和一定深度的地表径流,对于干旱、半干旱的黄土地区,由于土壤较干燥,须有大量水分下渗才能形成一定厚度的饱和土层,因此该区泥石流对1h降雨量较为敏感;该地区泥石流固体物质起动方式较为复杂,部分按纯粘性土规律起动,部分按粘性土夹砂和无粘性砂规律起动;该区泥石流液相往往包括粘粒、细砂和粉砂等成分,所占比例较大,而固相所占比例较小;由于黄土地区多烯性泥石流,且沟壑密度大,流域支沟发育,经叠加作用后,在主沟内往往不具阵发性,其过程曲线近似洪水的单峰过程曲线;另外,由于该区泥石流往往不具阵发性或阵发性不明显,沟道内卵石之类的大颗粒数量有限,所以一般不具有形成龙头的能力。  相似文献   

Core U1359 collected from the continental rise off Wilkes Land, east Antarctica, is analyzed for the clay mineralogy and carbon content. The temporal variation of the clay mineralogical data shows a dominance of illite with chlorite, smectite and kaolinite in decreasing concentration. Clay mineral illite is negatively correlated with smectite which shows enrichment during 6.2–6.8, 5.5–5.8, 4.5 and 2.5 Ma. The mineralogical analyses on the silt size fraction (2–53 μm) of some selected samples were also carried out. The combined result of both the size fractions shows the presence of chlorite and illite in both size fractions, smectite and kaolinite only in clay size fraction (<2 μm) and similarity in the crystallinity and chemistry of illite in both fractions. Similar nature of illite in both fractions suggests negligible role of sorting probably due to the deposition from the waxing ice sheet. During times of ice growth, nearby cratonic east Antarctica shield provided biotite-rich sediments to the depositional site. On the other hand, the presence of smectite, only in the clay size fraction, suggests the effective role of sorting probably due to the deposition from distal source in ice retreat condition. During times of ice retreat, smectite-rich sediment derived from Ross Orogen is transported to the core site through surface or bottom water currents. Poor crystallinity of illite due to degradation further corroborates the ice retreat condition. The ice sheet proximal sediments of U1359 show that in the eastern part of Wilkes Land, the ‘warming’ was initiated during late Miocene.  相似文献   

沁水煤层气田枣园区块煤层气开采井产出的水具有高盐度、高矿化度的特点,直接排放可能会造成生态环境的破坏。通过连续跟踪采集枣园区块煤层气井产出水样品,并进行了25项物理化学参数的系统测试,分析了矿化度及各种阴、阳离子的动态变化规律。发现其矿化度、氯离子、钠离子浓度均呈现先高后低的变化趋势,而碳酸氢根离子的变化规律相反,呈现先低后高的特点。水化学类型呈现由Cl-Na型向Cl·HCO3-Na型和HCO3·Cl-Na型变化的规律。产出水中阳离子以K++Na+离子为主,阴离子HCO3-和Cl-值较为接近,不存在明显占绝对优势的离子。依据产出水中各离子的变化特点,依据国家Ⅱ类地表水标准,采用回归分析方法,建立了氯离子浓度排采动态变化模型。研究成果为煤层气井产出水处理技术提供了依据。   相似文献   

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