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本文在考虑磁光效应条件下,根据对斯托克斯参数转移方程组求得的数值解,计算了单极太阳黑子的线偏振讯号的单色像,并与美国马歇尔空间飞行中心的观测资料进行了对比,结果表明,径向黑子磁场模型给出与观测相似的单色像,而旋涡形模型导致与观测有显著差异的图像。因此可以认为径向模型更接近于实际情况。  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the same four-parameter function as Hathaway, Wilson, and Reichmann (1994) proposed and studied the temporal behavior of sunspot cycles 12–22. We used the monthly averages of sunspot areas and their 13-point smoothed data. Our results show the following. (1) The four-parameter function may reduce to a function of only two parameters. (2) As a cycle progresses, the two-parameter function can be accurately determined after 4–4.5 years from the start of the cycle. A good prediction can be made for the timing and size of the sunspot maximum and for the behavior of the remaining 5–10 years of the cycle. (3) The solar activity in the remaining and forthcoming years of cycle 23 is predicted. (4) The smoothed monthly sunspot areas are more suitable to be employed for prediction at the maximum and the descending period of a cycle, whereas at the early period of a cycle the (un-smoothed) monthly data are more suitable.  相似文献   

Sunspot activity is usually described by either sunspot numbers or sunspot areas. The smoothed monthly mean sunspot numbers (SNs) and the smoothed monthly mean areas (SAs) in the time interval from November 1874 to September 2007 are used to analyze their phase synchronization. Both the linear method (fast Fourier transform) and some nonlinear approaches (continuous wavelet transform, cross-wavelet transform, wavelet coherence, cross-recurrence plot, and line of synchronization) are utilized to show the phase relation between the two series. There is a high level of phase synchronization between SNs and SAs, but the phase synchronization is detected only in their low-frequency components, corresponding to time scales of about 7 to 12 years. Their high-frequency components show a noisy behavior with strong phase mixing. Coherent phase variables should exist only for a frequency band with periodicities around the dominating 11-year cycle for SNs and SAs. There are some small phase differences between them. SNs lag SAs during most of the considered time interval, and they are in general more asynchronous around the minimum and maximum times of a cycle than at the ascending and descending phases.  相似文献   

We examine the `Group' sunspot numbers constructed by Hoyt and Schatten to determine their utility in characterizing the solar activity cycle. We compare smoothed monthly Group sunspot numbers to Zürich (International) sunspot numbers, 10.7-cm radio flux, and total sunspot area. We find that the Zürich numbers follow the 10.7-cm radio flux and total sunspot area measurements only slightly better than the Group numbers. We examine several significant characteristics of the sunspot cycle using both Group numbers and Zürich numbers. We find that the `Waldmeier Effect' – the anti-correlation between cycle amplitude and the elapsed time between minimum and maximum of a cycle – is much more apparent in the Zürich numbers. The `Amplitude–Period Effect' – the anti-correlation between cycle amplitude and the length of the previous cycle from minimum to minimum – is also much more apparent in the Zürich numbers. The `Amplitude–Minimum Effect' – the correlation between cycle amplitude and the activity level at the previous (onset) minimum is equally apparent in both the Zürich numbers and the Group numbers. The `Even–Odd Effect' – in which odd-numbered cycles are larger than their even-numbered precursors – is somewhat stronger in the Group numbers but with a tighter relationship in the Zürich numbers. The `Secular Trend' – the increase in cycle amplitudes since the Maunder Minimum – is much stronger in Group numbers. After removing this trend we find little evidence for multi-cycle periodicities like the 80-year Gleissberg cycle or the two- and three-cycle periodicities. We also find little evidence for a correlation between the amplitude of a cycle and its period or for a bimodal distribution of cycle periods. We conclude that the Group numbers are most useful for extending the sunspot cycle data further back in time and thereby adding more cycles and improving the statistics. However, the Zürich numbers are slightly more useful for characterizing the on-going levels of solar activity.  相似文献   

本文用云南天文台在第22周太阳活动峰年期间拍摄到的大太阳黑子群照相资料,太阳黑子目视描述资料,以及Nimbus—7卫星上辐射计测量的太阳总辐照度,分别计算了太阳总辐射照度与大黑子群的本影视面积,大黑子群全群视面积和日面上全部黑子的总视面积的相关系数。结果表明,太阳总辐射照度与这三种视面积均存在强的负相关。其中与大黑子群本影视面积的相关最强,其次是与全群视面积的相关,最后是与日面上全部黑子的总视面积的相关。并对以上结果和其它有关结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

R. Getko 《Solar physics》2014,289(6):2269-2281
Sunspot-area fluctuations over an epoch of 12 solar cycles (12?–?23) are investigated in detail using wavelets. Getko (Universal Heliophysical Processes, IAU Symp. 257, 169, 2009) found three significant quasi-periodicities at 10, 17, and 23 solar rotations, but two longer periods could be treated as subharmonics of the ten-rotation quasi-periodicity. Therefore we focused the analysis on the occurrence of this quasi-periodicity during the low- and high-activity periods of each solar cycle. Because of the N?–?S asymmetry, each solar hemisphere was considered separately. The skewness of each fluctuation-probability distribution suggests that the positive and negative fluctuations could be examined separately. To avoid the problem that occurs when a few strong fluctuations create a wavelet peak, we applied fluctuation transformations for which the amplitudes at the high- and the low-activity periods are almost the same. The wavelet analyses show that the ten-rotation quasi-periodicity is mainly detected during the high-activity periods, but it also exists during a few low-activity periods. The division of each solar hemisphere into 30°-wide longitude bins and the wavelet calculations for the areas of sunspot clusters belonging to these 30° bins enable one to detect longitude zones in which the ten-rotation quasi-periodicity exists. These zones are present during the whole high-activity periods and dominate the integrated spectra.  相似文献   

We study the pattern and behavior of a rotating sunspot in Active Region 10930. The rotational angular speed has been extracted from the apparent motions of the sunspot determined by applying a new optical technique – called non-linear affine velocity estimator (NAVE) – to high-resolution G-band images taken by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard the Hinode satellite. The structure and dynamics of coronal loops in this active region have been examined using the images obtained by the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and the spectral data taken by the Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS), both also onboard Hinode. Our results are summarized as follows: i) The small sunspot of positive polarity rotated counterclockwise about its center by 540° during the period of five days. ii) Its angular velocity varied with the azimuth angle as well as the radial distance, being affected by the asymmetric shape of the umbra. iii) The angular velocity increased up to 8° h−1 until 13 December as the sunspot grew, and then decreased rapidly down to 3° h−1 on the next day as the sunspot decayed. iv) The coronal loops that connected the two sunspots became sigmoidal in shape. v) The coronal emissions from the regions around the rotating sunspot were blueshifted, which may indicate the expansion of the coronal loops. Our results suggest that the rotation of the sunspot may be closely related to the dynamic development of emerging twisted magnetic fields.  相似文献   

Sunspot nests     
For the period August 1959–December 1964 the Greenwich Photoheliographic Results were searched for sunspot nests. Such a nest is a sequence of sunspot groups that appear within a small area on the solar surface and that last for several months. The search procedure is described and data for 41 probable sunspot nests are given. At least three quarters of these nests appear to be real, and not chance clusters.The nests are the same type of activity sequences as the Fleckenherde discovered by Becker (1955) and the complexes of activity pointed out by Gaizauskas et al. (1983). The complexes of activity as defined by Bumba and Howard (1965) are different patterns, however; the relation between complexes and the nests is shown.Some properties of the nests are: (i) many nests appear as double structures; (ii) single nests and components of double nests are quite compact: the effective areas are comparable to those of medium-large sunspot groups; (iii) each nest rotates at its own steady rate about the Sun; (iv) the intrinsic scatter in the rotation rates is much larger than the trend in the differential rotation; (v) displacements in latitude are less than a few meters per second; (vi) many nests live for 6 to 15 Carrington rotation periods, the minimum lifetime is not yet determined; (vii) the fraction of the sunspot groups that are members of nests is large (at least 30%).  相似文献   

Three wavelet functions: the Morlet wavelet, the Paul wavelet, and the DOG wavelet have been respectively performed on both the monthly Wolf sunspot numbers (Rz) from January 1749 to May 2004 and the monthly group sunspot numbers (Rg) from June 1795 to December 1995 to study the evolution of the Gleissberg and Schwabe periods of solar activity. The main results obtained are (1) the two most obvious periods in both the Rz and Rg are the Schwabe and Gleissberg periods. The Schwabe period oscillated during the second half of the eighteenth century and was steady from the 1850s onward. No obvious drifting trend of the Schwabe period exists. (2) The Gleissberg period obviously drifts to longer periods the whole consideration time, and the drifting speed of the Gleissberg period is larger for Rz than for Rg. (3) Although the Schwabe-period values for Rz and Rg are about 10.7 years, the value for Rz seems slightly larger than that for Rg. The Schwabe period of Rz is highly significant after the 1820s, and the Schwabe period of Rg is highly significant over almost the whole consideration time except for about 20 years around the 1800s. The evolution of the Schwabe period for both Rz and Rg in time is similar to each other. (4) The Gleissberg period in Rz and Rg is highly significant during the whole consideration time, but this result is unreliable at the two ends of each of the time series of the data. The evolution of the Gleissberg period in Rz is similar to that in Rg.  相似文献   

Stokes profile inversion is very important to get the information on the vector magnetic field. Because the magnetic fields cannot be directly observed, adopting Stokes spectrum analysis to obtain vector magnetic field has become the major technique recently. Therefore, by Stokes profile inversion, we obtained vector magnetic fields of two layers based on the numerical solution (DELO solution, ReEs et al., 1989) to the polarized radiative transfer equation. We analyze the relationships of sunspot magnetic field strength with sunspot area, umbral area and penumbra-umbra radius ratio. By statistical research, it is found that the field strengths of the upper layer and the lower one decrease with the increasing penumbra-umbra radius ratio, and that the logarithmic expression is able to fit well the relationship between the maximum field strength of the upper layer and the sunspot area. Furthermore, we verify the result obtained by Ringnes and Jensen (1961) about the relationship between the maximum magnetic field strength and the umbral area, and the result obtained by Antalová (1991) of the relationship between the field strength and the penumbra-umbra radius ratio.  相似文献   

We used the flux-calibrated images from the Broad-band Filter Imager and Stokes Polarimeter data obtained with the Solar Optical Telescope onboard the Hinode spacecraft to study the properties of bright points in and around sunspots. The selected bright points are smaller in diameter than 150 km with contrasts exceeding about 3 % in the ratio of sunspot images obtained with the G-band (430.5 nm) and Ca ii H (396.85 nm) filters. The bright points are classified as umbral dot, peripheral umbral dot, penumbral grains, and G-band bright point depending on their location. The bright points are preferentially located around the penumbral boundary and in the fast decaying parts of the umbra. The color temperature of the bright points is in the range of 4600 K to 6600 K with cooler ones located in the central part of the umbra. The temperature increases as a function of distance from the center outward. The G-band, CN-band (388.35 nm), and Ca ii H fluxes of the bright points as a function of their blue-band (450.55 nm) brightness increase continuously in a nonlinear fashion unlike their red (668.4 nm) and green (555.05 nm) counterparts. This is consistent with a model in which the localized heating of the flux tube depletes the molecular concentration, resulting in the reduced opacity that leads to the exposition of deeper and hotter layers. The light curve of the bright points shows that the enhanced brightness at these locations lasts for about 15 to 60 min with the least contrast for the points outside the sunspot. The umbral dots near the penumbral boundary are associated with elongated filamentary structures. The spectropolarimeter observations show that the filling factor decreases as the G-band brightness increases. We discuss the results using the model in which the G-band bright points are produced in the cluster of flux tubes that a sunspot consists of.  相似文献   

黑子数用国际系统RI作标准,与云南天文台RY、国内联合RL比较,分别求出总平均值:q(Y)=0.93004±0.00472,q(L)=0.91409±0.00444。这是后者删除“偶然误差”次数多于前者的结果。对国内联合数据的处理,应以一个观测点为准,以此归算作补充的部分数据,才有可能使数据系列保持相对的稳定  相似文献   

We examine daily records of sunspot group areas (measured in millionths of a solar hemisphere or μHem) for the last 130 years to determine the rate of decay of sunspot group areas. We exclude observations of groups when they are more than 60° in longitude from the central meridian and only include data when at least three days of observations are available following the date of maximum area for a group’s disk passage. This leaves data for over 18 000 measurements of sunspot group decay. We find that the decay rate increases linearly from 28 μHem day−1 to about 140 μHem day−1 for groups with areas increasing from 35 μHem to 1000 μHem. The decay rate tends to level off for groups with areas larger than 1000 μHem. This behavior is very similar to the increase in the number of sunspots per group as the area of the group increases. Calculating the decay rate per individual sunspot gives a decay rate of about 3.65 μHem day−1 with little dependence upon the area of the group. This suggests that sunspots decay by a Fickian diffusion process with a diffusion coefficient of about 10 km2 s−1. Although the 18 000 decay rate measurements are lognormally distributed, this can be attributed to the lognormal distribution of sunspot group areas and the linear relationship between area and decay rate for the vast majority of groups. We find weak evidence for variations in decay rates from one solar cycle to another and for different phases of each sunspot cycle. However, the strongest evidence for variations is with latitude and the variations with cycle and phase of each cycle can be attributed to this variation. High latitude spots tend to decay faster than low latitude spots.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a study of various sunspot contrast parameters in broadband red (672.3 nm) Cartesian full-disk digital images taken at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) over eight years, 1997 – 2004, of the twenty-third sunspot cycle. A subset of over 2700 red sunspots was analyzed and values of average and maximum sunspot contrast as well as maximum umbral contrast were compared to various sunspot parameters. Average and maximum sunspot contrasts were found to be significantly correlated with sunspot area (r s=− 0.623 and r s=− 0.714, respectively). Maximum umbral contrast was found to be significantly correlated with umbral area (r s=− 0.535). These results are in agreement with the works of numerous other authors. No significant dependence was detected between average contrast, maximum contrast, or maximum umbral contrast during the rising phase of the solar cycle (r s=0.024, r s=0.033, and r s=0.064, respectively). During the decay phase, no significant correlation was found between average contrast or maximum contrast and time (r s=− 0.057 and r s=0.009, respectively), with a weak dependence seen between maximum umbral contrast and cycle (r s=0.102).  相似文献   

The Shape of The Sunspot Cycle: A One-Parameter Fit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We used two methods to investigate the periodic behavior of sunspot counts in four categories for the time period January 1986?–?October 2013. These categories include the counts from simple (A and B), medium (C), large (D, E, and F), and final (final-stage; H) sunspot groups. We used i) the multitaper method with red noise approximation, and ii) the Morlet wavelet transform for periodicity analysis. Our main findings are that 1) the solar rotation periodicity of about 25 to 37 days, which is of obvious significance, is found in all groups with at least a 95 % significance level; 2) the periodic behavior of a cycle is strongly related to its amplitude and group distribution during the cycle; 3) the appearance of periods follows the amplitude of the investigated solar cycles; and that 4) meaningful periods do not appear during the minimum phases of the investigated cycles. We would like to underline that the cyclic behavior of all categories is not exactly the same; there are some differences between these groups. This result can provide a clue for the better understanding of solar cycles.  相似文献   

根据太阳发电机理论中的ω-效应,在太阳对流层内将产生纬向磁场,它的磁浮力要促使流团上浮。在文[5]中讨论了在流团上浮过程中,流团表面的磁扩散率梯度将对纬向磁场产生扰动,这一扰动使纬向磁场集积在流团表面磁扩散率梯度大的地方,围绕流团表面形成了黑子磁环。 本文进一步从磁流力学方程组的小扰动方程出发探讨了太阳黑子磁环发展的不稳定性问题。结果表明:在扰动方程中存在着不稳定模式。这一不稳定性产生的原因是由于当温度(或者说磁扩散率)受到小扰动时,纬向磁场要集积在磁扩散率(或温度)梯度大的地方,而磁场的集积将导致磁压增强及气压减低。在绝热条件下,这将使温度减低,而温度的减低又加强了温度梯度的增大,这又进一步促使磁场在梯度大的地方集积。这种磁场与温度发展的相互促进关系可以称它为磁扩散不稳定性。本文认为太阳黑子磁环和它低温的形成正是由于这种不稳定性发展起来的。  相似文献   

分别应用太阳黑子视面积数和太阳黑子相对数代表太阳活动水平与天津夏季降水总量进行相关分析,结果表明黑子面积指标明显优于黑子数.  相似文献   

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