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We report on the detailed analysis of a set of 38 multiple type II radio bursts observed by Culgoora radio spectrograph from January 1997 to July 2003. These events were selected on the basis of the following criteria: (i) more than one type II were reported within 30 min interval, (ii) both fundamental and harmonic were identified for each of them. The X-ray flares and CMEs associated with these events are identified using GOES, Yohkoh SXT, SOHO/EIT, and SOHO/LASCO data. From the analysis of these events, the following physical characteristics are obtained: (i) In many cases, two type IIs with fundamental and harmonic were reported, and the time interval between the two type IIs is within 15 min; (ii) The mean values of starting frequency, drift rate, and shock speed of the first type II are significantly higher than those of the second type II; (iii) More than 90% of the events are associated with both X-ray flares and CMEs; (iv) Nearly 75% of the flares are stronger than M1 X-ray class and 50% of CMEs have their widths larger than 200^∘ or they are halo CMEs; (v) While most of the first type IIs started within the flare impulsive phase, 22 out of 38 second type IIs started after the flare impulsive phase. Weak correlations are found between the starting and ending frequencies of these type II events. On the other hand, there was no correlation between two shock speeds between the first and the second type II. Since most of the events are associated with both the flares and CMEs, and there are no events which are only associated with multiple impulsive flares or multiple mass ejections, we suggest that the flares and CMEs (front or flank) both be sources of multiple type IIs. Other possibilities on the origin of multiple type IIs are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed radio type IV bursts in the interplanetary (IP) space at decameter–hectometer (DH) wavelengths to determine their source origin and a reason for the observed directivity. We used radio dynamic spectra from the instruments on three different spacecraft, STEREO-A, Wind, and STEREO-B, which were located approximately 90 degrees apart from each other in 2011?–?2012, and thus gave a 360 degree view of the Sun. The radio data were compared to white-light and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations of flares, EUV waves, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in five solar events. We find that the reason that compact and intense DH type IV burst emission is observed from only one spacecraft at a time is the absorption of emission in one direction and that the emission is blocked by the solar disk and dense corona in the other direction. The geometry also makes it possible to observe metric type IV bursts in the low corona from a direction where the higher-located DH type IV emission is not detectable. In the absorbed direction we found streamers, and they were estimated to be the locations of type II bursts, caused by shocks at the CME flanks. The high-density plasma was therefore most probably formed by shock–streamer interaction. In some cases, the type II-emitting region was also capable of stopping later-accelerated electron beams, which were visible as type III bursts that ended near the type II burst lanes.  相似文献   

We report on the detailed analysis of i) differences between the properties of type IIs with various starting frequencies (high: ≥100 MHz; low: ≤50 MHz; mid: 50 MHz ≤f≤ 100 MHz) and ii) the properties of CMEs and flares associated with them. For this study, we considered a sample of type II radio bursts observed by Culgoora radio spectrograph from January 1998 to December 2000. The X-ray flares and CMEs associated with these events are identified using GOES and SOHO/LASCO data. The secondary aim is to study the frequency dependence on other properties of type IIs, flares, and CMEs. We found that the type IIs with high starting frequencies have larger drift rate, relative drift rate, and shock speed than the type IIs with low starting frequencies. The flares associated with high frequency type IIs are of impulsive in nature with shorter rise time, duration and delay between the flare start and type II start times than the low frequency type IIs. There is a distinct power – law relationship between the flare parameters and the starting frequencies of type II bursts, whereas the trend in the CME parameters shows low correlation. While the mean speed of CMEs is larger for the mid-frequency group, it is nearly the same for the high and low frequency groups. On the other hand, the percentage of CME association (90%) is larger for low frequency type IIs than for the high frequency type IIs (75%).  相似文献   

Wentzel  Donat G. 《Solar physics》1997,175(1):191-196
Circularly polarized radio radiation maintains its polarization even where the magnetic field reverses its sign relative to the ray (QT region) if the reversal is sufficiently abrupt (strong QT region). Bastian (1995) suggested that coronal turbulence scatters radiation, such as type I bursts, sufficiently to make the reversal abrupt where it would otherwise not be. However, the observed directivity of type I bursts sets an upper limit on the scattering. This limit implies that the turbulent scattering is not sufficient to maintain the circular polarization as in a strong QT region. The conclusion is strengthened by an analytical calculation of the polarization. Apparently, the fully polarized type I bursts, near disk center, encounter no horizontal magnetic fields, at least not until high enough in the corona that the QT region is strong anyway.  相似文献   

Robinson  P.A.  Benz  A.O. 《Solar physics》2000,194(2):345-369
Bidirectional coronal type III bursts are modeled by combining a model of coronal electron heating and beam generation via time-of-flight effects with semiquantitative estimates of quasilinear relaxation. Electromagnetic emissivities are estimated by extending the recently developed theory of interplanetary type III bursts to coronal emissions, including its features of stochastic Langmuir-wave growth and three-wave interactions. The results are investigated for heating on open and closed coronal field lines and are compared with observations of normal, reverse-slope, bidirectional, and inverted-J and -U coronal type III radio bursts. Harmonic emission is predicted to dominate at plasma frequencies above roughly 100 MHz where the efficiency of fundamental emission falls off steeply, while its free-free reabsorption rises. The model also explains the observed trends in the likelihood of occurrence of normal, reverse-slope, and bidirectional coronal type III bursts.  相似文献   

Tsap  Yu. T.  Isaeva  E. A.  Kopylova  Yu. G. 《Astronomy Letters》2020,46(2):144-148
Astronomy Letters - Based on an analysis of the dynamic spectra for solar flares in the meter wavelength range obtained with the ground-based Radio Solar Telescope Network, we consider the...  相似文献   

Large-scale, wave-like disturbances in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and type II radio bursts are often associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Both phenomena may signify shock waves driven by CMEs. Taking EUV full-disk images at an unprecedented cadence, the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory has observed the so-called EIT waves or large-scale coronal propagating fronts (LCPFs) from their early evolution, which coincides with the period when most metric type II bursts occur. This article discusses the relation of LCPFs as captured by AIA with metric type II bursts. We show examples of type II bursts without a clear LCPF and fast LCPFs without a type II burst. Part of the disconnect between the two phenomena may be due to the difficulty in identifying them objectively. Furthermore, it is possible that the individual LCPFs and type II bursts may reflect different physical processes and external factors. In particular, the type II bursts that start at low frequencies and high altitudes tend to accompany an extended arc-shaped feature, which probably represents the 3D structure of the CME and the shock wave around it, and not just its near-surface track, which has usually been identified with EIT waves. This feature expands and propagates toward and beyond the limb. These events may be characterized by stretching of field lines in the radial direction and may be distinct from other LCPFs, which may be explained in terms of sudden lateral expansion of the coronal volume. Neither LCPFs nor type II bursts by themselves serve as necessary conditions for coronal shock waves, but these phenomena may provide useful information on the early evolution of the shock waves in 3D when both are clearly identified in eruptive events.  相似文献   

We study the solar event on 27 September 2001 that consisted of three consecutive coronal mass ejections (CMEs) originating from the same active region, which were associated with several periods of radio type II burst emission at decameter–hectometer (DH) wavelengths. Our analysis shows that the first radio burst originated from a low-density environment, formed in the wake of the first, slow CME. The frequency-drift of the burst suggests a low-speed burst driver, or that the shock was not propagating along the large density gradient. There is also evidence of band-splitting within this emission lane. The origin of the first shock remains unclear, as several alternative scenarios exist. The second shock showed separate periods of enhanced radio emission. This shock could have originated from a CME bow shock, caused by the fast and accelerating second or third CME. However, a shock at CME flanks is also possible, as the density depletion caused by the three CMEs would have affected the emission frequencies and hence the radio source heights could have been lower than usual. The last type II burst period showed enhanced emission in a wider bandwidth, which was most probably due to the CME–CME interaction. Only one shock that could reliably be associated with the investigated CMEs was observed to arrive near Earth.  相似文献   

Shanmugaraju  A.  Moon  Y.-J.  Dryer  M.  Umapathy  S. 《Solar physics》2003,217(2):301-317
We present results from a study of sunspots and faculae on continuum and Caii K images taken at the San Fernando Observatory (SFO) during 1989–1992; a total of approximately 800 images in each bandpass were used. About 18000 red sunspots, 147000 red faculae, and 800000 Caii K faculae were identified based on their contrasts. In addition, we computed the contrasts of pixels on the red images cospatial with Caii K faculae. Sunspot contrasts show a strong dependence on size but no dependence on heliocentric angle. There are continuous but systematic differences among facular regions. We find that the contrast of Caii K faculae is relatively insensitive to heliocentric angle, but is a strong function of facular size, in the sense that larger Caii K faculae are always brighter. The contrast of red faculae is a function of both heliocentric angle and size: the contrast functions show that larger regions contain larger flux tubes, contain deeper flux tubes, and have larger filling factors than small facular regions. Comparisons of cospatial pixels on red and Caii K images show a tight correlation between the average contrast of a region in the continuum and its size and heliocentric angle in the Caii K images. The average contrast of all facular regions is positive everywhere on the disk, even though the largest regions contain flux tubes which appear dark at disk center.  相似文献   

V. G. Ledenev 《Solar physics》2008,253(1-2):191-198
If plasma waves propagate in the direction of the plasma density decrease, their spectrum shifts to large wave numbers (to small phase velocities). This means that the spectrum of plasma waves excited by an electron beam concentrates near the distribution function (“plateau”) border, which shifts in the region of low velocities in the process of quasilinear relaxation. As the spectrum of excited plasma waves shifts in the region of large wave numbers, their frequency grows in accordance with the dispersion equation, which describes these waves. When the growth of the plasma wave frequency exceeds the decrease of the frequency owing to the regular inhomogeneity in the corona, the branch with positive frequency drift appears on the dynamic spectrum of the radio emission. Our computations allow us to estimate the density and energy of electron beams generating type U bursts.  相似文献   

Wentzel  Donat G. 《Solar physics》1997,175(1):175-189
Solar Physics - What are the observational effects if type I bursts are deflected by lower-hybrid waves? The deflection creates an elliptical radio mirage, with the direct source at one end of the...  相似文献   

Kalaivani  P. Pappa  Prakash  O.  Shanmugaraju  A.  Feng  Li  Lu  Lei  Gan  Weigun  Michalek  G. 《Astrophysics》2021,64(3):327-344
Astrophysics - We analyze radio bursts observed in events with interacting/non-interacting CMEs that produced major SEPs (Ip > 10 MeV) from April 1997 to December 2014. We compare properties...  相似文献   

We perform a statistical analysis on 157 M-class soft X-ray flares observed during 1997?–?2014 with and without deca-hectometric (DH) type II radio bursts aiming at the reasons for the non-occurrence of DH type II bursts in certain events. All the selected events are associated with halo Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) detected by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) / Large Angle Spectrometric and COronograph (LASCO). Out of 157 events, 96 (61%; “Group I”) events are associated with a DH type II burst observed by the Radio and Plasma Wave (WAVES) experiment onboard the Wind spacecraft and 61 (39%; “Group II”) events occur without a DH type II burst. The mean CME speed of Group I is \(1022~\mbox{km}/\mbox{s}\) and that of Group II is \(647~\mbox{km}/\mbox{s}\). It is also found that the properties of the selected M-class flares such as flare intensity, rise time, duration and decay time are greater for the DH associated flares than the non-DH flares. Group I has a slightly larger number (56%) of western events than eastern events (44%), whereas Group II has a larger number of eastern events (62%) than western events (38%). We also compare this analysis with the previous study by Lawrance, Shanmugaraju, and Vr?nak (Solar Phys. 290, 3365L, 2015) concerning X-class flares and confirm that high-intensity flares (X-class and M-class) have the same trend in the CME and flare properties. Additionally we consider aspects like acceleration and the possibility of CME-streamer interaction. The average deceleration of CMEs with DH type II bursts is weaker (\(a = - 4.39\mbox{ m}/\mbox{s}^{2}\)) than that of CMEs without a type II burst (\(a = -12.21\mbox{ m}/\mbox{s}^{2}\)). We analyze the CME-streamer interactions for Group I events using the model proposed by Mancuso and Raymond (Astron. Astrophys. 413, 363, 2004) and find that the interaction regions are the most probable source regions for DH type II radio bursts.  相似文献   

A set of 27 continuous events that showed extension of metric Type-II radio bursts (m-Type IIs) into the deca–hectometric (DH) domain is considered. The coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with this type of continuous event supply more energy to produce space-weather effects than the CMEs that produce Type-II bursts in any one region. Since the heights of shock formation at the start of m-Type IIs were not available from observations, they were estimated using kinematic modeling in previous studies. In the present study, the heights of shock formation during metric and DH Type-II bursts are determined using two methods: i) the CME leading-edge method and ii) a method employing known electron-density models and start/end frequencies. In the first method, assuming that the shocks are generated by the associated CMEs at the leading edge, the height of the CME leading edge (LE) is calculated at the onset and end of m-Type IIs using the kinematic equation with constant acceleration or constant speed. The LE heights of CMEs that are assumed to be the heights of shock formation/end of nearly 79% of m-Type IIs are found to be within the acceptable range of \(1\,\mbox{--}\,3~\mbox{R}_{\odot}\). For other events, the heights are beyond this range, for which the shocks might either have been generated at the CME flanks/flare-blast waves, or the initial CME height might have been different. The CME/shock height at the onset and end of 17 DH Type IIs are found to be in the range of \(2\,\mbox{--}\,6~\mbox{R}_{\odot}\) and within \(30~\mbox{R}_{\odot}\), respectively. In addition, the CME LE heights from observations at the onset and end of metric/DH Type IIs are compared with the heights corresponding to the observed frequency that is determined using the known electron-density models, and they are in agreement with the model results. The heights are also estimated using the space speed available for 15 halo CMEs, and it is found that the difference is smaller at the m-Type II start/end (0.02 to \(0.66~\mbox{R}_{\odot}\)) and slightly greater at the DH Type II end (0.19 to \(1.94~\mbox{R}_{\odot}\)). Finally, the possibility of CME–streamer interactions at the start of DH Type IIs is checked, and it is found that many of the events with streamers have lower start frequencies. In addition, these results are discussed in comparison with the values reported in the literature. This study will be useful to find the source region of metric and DH Type IIs and to understand the CME-shock propagation.  相似文献   

从射电运动Ⅳ型爆发的特征和多频射电爆发开始时序的分析可以看出这个伴生的白光耀斑( W L F) 和射电爆发同是由低日冕的加速电子激活,可能通过非热电子沉降能量于色球层, 产生了色球层压缩波, 又经二步能量传输过程在上光球层导致 W L F。通过对共生事件的分析, 并与已知的二类 W L F的观测特征作了比较, 提出该 W L F 可能属于二类的混合型, 并提出 W L F 可能存在射电辐射的必要条件  相似文献   

Solar radio emission features a large number of fine structures demonstrating great variability in frequency and time. We present spatially resolved spectral radio observations of type IIIb bursts in the 30?–?80 MHz range made by the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). The bursts show well-defined fine frequency structuring called “stria” bursts. The spatial characteristics of the stria sources are determined by the propagation effects of radio waves; their movement and expansion speeds are in the range of \((0.1\,\mbox{--}\,0.6)c\). Analysis of the dynamic spectra reveals that both the spectral bandwidth and the frequency drift rate of the striae increase with an increase of their central frequency. The striae bandwidths are in the range of \({\approx}\,(20\,\mbox{--}\,100)\) kHz and the striae drift rates vary from zero to \({\approx}\,0.3~\mbox{MHz}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\). The observed spectral characteristics of the stria bursts are consistent with the model involving modulation of the type III burst emission mechanism by small-amplitude fluctuations of the plasma density along the electron beam path. We estimate that the relative amplitude of the density fluctuations is of \(\Delta n/n\sim10^{-3}\), their characteristic length scale is less than 1000 km, and the characteristic propagation speed is in the range of \(400\,\mbox{--}\,800~\mbox{km}\,\mbox{s}^{-1}\). These parameters indicate that the observed fine spectral structures could be produced by propagating magnetohydrodynamic waves.  相似文献   

It is well established that solar Type-II radio bursts are signatures of magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) shock waves propagating outward through the solar corona. Nevertheless, there are long-standing controversies about how these shocks are formed; solar flares and the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are considered to be the most likely drivers. We present the results of the analysis of four solar Type-II bursts recorded between 20 January 2010 and 17 November 2011 by the Compound Astronomical Low-frequency Low-cost Instrument for Spectroscopy in Transportable Observatories (CALLISTO-BR) (in Brazil), which operates in the frequency range of 45?–?870 MHz. For all four solar Type-II radio bursts, which consisted of one event without band splitting and three split-band variants, the outcomes are consistent with those reported in the literature. All four Type-II radio bursts were accompanied by both solar flares and CMEs, which are associated with the impulsive phase of the flares and, very likely, with the acceleration phase of the CMEs.  相似文献   

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