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The spatial distributions of the most recently discovered ultra-faint dwarf satellites around the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are compared to the previously reported discs-of-satellites (DoS) of their host galaxies. In our investigation, we pay special attention to the selection bias introduced due to the limited sky coverage of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the new Milky Way satellite galaxies follow closely the DoS defined by the more luminous dwarfs, thereby further emphasizing the statistical significance of this feature in the Galactic halo. We also note a deficit of satellite galaxies with Galactocentric distances larger than  100 kpc  that are away from the DoS of the Milky Way. In the case of Andromeda, we obtain similar results, naturally complementing our previous finding and strengthening the notion that the DoS are optical manifestations of a phase-space correlation of satellite galaxies.  相似文献   

We apply the optimal filter technique to Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometry around Segue 1 and find that the outer parts of the cluster are distorted. There is strong evidence for  ∼1°  elongations of extra-tidal stars, extending both eastwards and southwestwards of the cluster. The extensions have similar differential Hess diagrams to Segue 1. A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test suggests a high probability that both come from the same parent distribution. The location of Segue 1 is close to crossings of the tidal wraps of the Sagittarius stream. By extracting blue horizontal branch stars from Sloan's spectral data base, two kinematic features are isolated and identified with different wraps of the Sagittarius stream. We show that Segue 1 is moving with a velocity that is close to one of the wraps. At this location, we estimate that there are enough Sagittarius stars, indistinguishable from Segue 1 stars, to inflate the velocity dispersion and hence the mass-to-light ratio. All the available evidence is consistent with the interpretation that Segue 1 is a star cluster, originally from the Sagittarius galaxy, and now dissolving in the Milky Way.  相似文献   

We present a search for  CO(1 → 0)  emission in three Local Group dwarf irregular galaxies: IC 5152, the Phoenix dwarf and UGCA 438, using the ATNF Mopra radio telescope. Our scans largely cover the optical extent of the galaxies and the stripped H  i cloud west of the Phoenix dwarf. Apart from a tentative but non-significant emission peak at one position in the Phoenix dwarf, no significant emission was detected in the CO spectra of these galaxies. For a velocity width of 6 km s−1, we derive 4σ upper limits of 0.03, 0.04 and 0.06 K km s−1 for IC 5152, the Phoenix dwarf and UGCA 438, respectively. This is an improvement of over a factor of 10 compared with previous observations of IC 5152; the other two galaxies had not yet been observed at millimetre wavelengths. Assuming a Galactic CO-to-H2 conversion factor, we derive upper limits on the molecular gas mass of  6.2 × 104, 3.7 × 103  and  1.4 × 105 M  for IC 5152, the Phoenix dwarf and UGCA 438, respectively. We investigate two possible causes for the lack of CO emission in these galaxies. On the one hand, there may be a genuine lack of molecular gas in these systems, in spite of the presence of large amounts of neutral gas. However, in the case of IC 5152 which is actively forming stars, molecular gas is at least expected to be present in the star-forming regions. On the other hand, there may be a large increase in the CO-to-H2 conversion factor in very low-metallicity dwarfs  (−2 ≤[Fe/H]≤−1)  , making CO a poor tracer of the molecular gas content in dwarf galaxies.  相似文献   

The Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy has a giant branch with a significant spread in colour, symptomatic of an intrinsic age–metallicity spread. We present here a detailed study of the Sculptor giant branch and horizontal branch (HB) morphology, combining new near-infrared photometry from the Cambridge Infrared Survey Instrument (CIRSI), with optical data from the European Southern Observatory Wide Field Imager. For a Sculptor-like old and generally metal-poor system, the position of red giant branch (RGB) and asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars on the colour–magnitude diagram (CMD) is mainly metallicity dependent. The advantage of using optical–near-infrared colours is that the position of the RGB locus is much more sensitive to metallicity than with optical colours alone. In contrast the HB morphology is strongly dependent on both metallicity and age. Therefore a detailed study of both the RGB in optical–near-infrared colours and the HB can help break the age–metallicity degeneracy. Our measured photometric width of the Sculptor giant branch corresponds to a range in metallicity of 0.75 dex. We detect the RGB and AGB bumps in both the near-infrared and the optical luminosity functions, and derive from them a mean metallicity of  [M/H]=−1.3 ± 0.1  . From isochrone fitting we derive a mean metallicity of  [Fe/H]=−1.42  with a dispersion of 0.2 dex. These photometric estimators are for the first time consistent with individual metallicity measurements derived from spectroscopic observations. No spatial gradient is detected in the RGB morphology within a radius of 13 arcmin, twice the core radius. On the other hand, a significant gradient is observed in the HB morphology index, confirming the 'second parameter problem' present in this galaxy. These observations are consistent with an early extended period of star formation continuing in time for a few Gyr.  相似文献   

We present an improved analytic calculation for the tidal radius of satellites and test our results against N -body simulations.
The tidal radius in general depends upon four factors: the potential of the host galaxy, the potential of the satellite, the orbit of the satellite and the orbit of the star within the satellite . We demonstrate that this last point is critical and suggest using three tidal radii to cover the range of orbits of stars within the satellite. In this way we show explicitly that prograde star orbits will be more easily stripped than radial orbits; while radial orbits are more easily stripped than retrograde ones. This result has previously been established by several authors numerically, but can now be understood analytically. For point mass, power-law (which includes the isothermal sphere), and a restricted class of split power-law potentials our solution is fully analytic. For more general potentials, we provide an equation which may be rapidly solved numerically.
Over short times (≲1–2 Gyr ∼1 satellite orbit), we find excellent agreement between our analytic and numerical models. Over longer times, star orbits within the satellite are transformed by the tidal field of the host galaxy. In a Hubble time, this causes a convergence of the three limiting tidal radii towards the prograde stripping radius. Beyond the prograde stripping radius, the velocity dispersion will be tangentially anisotropic.  相似文献   

We present deep V - and I -band CCD photometry of the globular cluster Terzan 8, recently found to be a member of the globular cluster system of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We accurately estimate the metallicity of Terzan 8, and provide the first direct determination of the colour excess toward this cluster. Our robust age estimate confirms that this cluster is indeed coeval with typical Galactic globulars of comparable metal content, and thus it is probably significantly older than at least two other Sagittarius clusters, Terzan 7 and Arp 2. The implications of this result on the star formation history of the Sagittarius galaxy are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the density profile in the central region of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy. A strong density enhancement of Sgr stars is observed. The position of the peak of the detected cusp is indistinguishable from the centre of M54. The photometric properties of the cusp are fully compatible with those observed in the nuclei of dwarf elliptical galaxies, indicating that the Sgr dSph would appear as a nucleated galaxy independently of the presence of M54 at its centre.  相似文献   

We present the results of a Very Large Telescope observing programme carried out in service mode using fors 1 on ANTU (UT1) in long slit mode to determine the optical velocities of nearby low surface brightness galaxies. Outlying Local Group galaxies are of paramount importance in placing constraints on the dynamics and thus on both the age and the total mass of the Local Group. Optical velocities are also necessary to determine if the observations of H  i gas in and around these systems are the result of gas associated with these galaxies or a chance superposition with high-velocity H  i clouds or the Magellanic Stream. The data were of a sufficient signal-to-noise ration to enable us to obtain a reliable result in one of the galaxies we observed – Antlia – for which we have found an optical heliocentric radial velocity of 351±15 km s−1.  相似文献   

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