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在华北克拉通北缘阴山地块东部固阳地区发现了假白榴石粗面玄武岩和钾质粗面岩两种高钾准铝质碱性火山岩。地质年代学数据显示,假白榴石粗面玄武岩的磷灰石U-Pb年龄为322±14Ma,钾质粗面岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为315.6±7.5Ma,说明其形成时代均为晚石炭世。岩石地球化学特征显示,二者均富Al、Fe,贫Mg;富集大离子亲石元素(如Rb、Ba和K),相对亏损高场强元素(如Ta、Nb和Ti),轻重稀土分异明显,富集轻稀土,相对亏损重稀土,Eu异常不明显;高(87Sr/86Sr)i比值(0.710028~0.714745),低εNd(t)值(-9.0~-17.2),表现出相似的交代岩石圈地幔源区和地壳混染特征。将该碱性火山岩与兴蒙造山带晚石炭世-早二叠世中基性火山岩和阴山地块白垩纪中基性火山岩进行岩石类型对比,发现华北克拉通北缘产出的火山岩多为高钾碱性系列,而兴蒙造山带中产出的火山岩则多为钙碱性系列;与兴蒙造山带晚石炭世-早二叠世中基性火山岩进行岩石成因对比,发现它们的岩浆源区和混染程度并不相同,即固阳地区碱性火山岩为受到早古生代俯冲沉积物交代的岩石圈地幔部分熔融所形成的岩浆在上升过程中混染华北克拉通TTG片麻岩后喷发的产物,而兴蒙造山带中火山岩的产出则多为亏损地幔部分熔融所形成的岩浆在上升过程中轻度混染地壳物质后喷发的结果。在固阳地区发现晚石炭世碱性火山岩,代表着古亚洲洋在该时期的后造山伸展作用范围已延伸至华北克拉通北缘。  相似文献   

Metasedimentary and sedimentary rocks that represent the allochthonous Bolkardagi Unit crop out in the Central Taurus Belt. Devonian units include mainly slate, metadolomite, metadolomitic limestone, and metasandstone. Slates with slaty cleavage and chlorite-mica stacks are characterized by phyllosilicate, quartz, calcite, dolomite, feldspar, and goethite. Phyllosilicates consist of 2M1 and lesser amounts of 1M muscovite, IIb chlorite, pyrophyllite, paragonite. PM, C-V, C-S. rectorite, and dickite, and reflect conditions of the low epizone-anchizone. In the Carboniferous-Triassic units, limestone, clayey limestone, dolomitic limestone, marl, shale, and sandstone retaining primary textures are composed of calcite, dolomite, quartz,1Md illite, chlorite, and I-S, and locally smaller quantities of 2M1 muscovite, PM, paragonite, pyrophyllite, and rectorite. In contrast, the Triassic formation is made up of calcite, 1Md illite, I-S, kaolinite, smectite, chlorite, C-S, C-V, dolomite, and quartz. Textural and mineralogical data indicate that development of the diagenetic-metamorphic grade in the Central Taurus was related to sedimentary burial and thrusting; moreover, the metasedimentary rocks were metamorphosed in a typical anticlockwise P-T-t pathway in an extensional setting.  相似文献   

This study observes groundwater hydrochemical characteristics during mixing between geothermal and non-geothermal fluids in Germencik–Nazilli area in the Büyük Menderes Basin (SW Turkey). Hydrogeochemical features of 32 non-geothermal, geothermal and surface samples were studied. The mean temperatures of the geothermal reservoirs are calculated to be 150–240 °C in Germencik field, based on Na-K-Mg geothermometry. Hydrochemical characteristics of Germencik geothermal fluid differ from non-geothermal fluids, mainly Na-Cl-HCO3-type geothermal fluid, while non-geothermal fluid is mostly Ca-Mg-HCO3-SO4 type. High contents of some minor elements in geothermal fluids are most likely sourced from prolonged water-rock interaction, reflecting the signals of flow paths and residence times. A mass-balance approach was used to calculate mixing ratios between geothermal and non-geothermal fluids based on B, Cl and Na concentrations. Germencik field is considerably characterised by rising geothermal fluids and overlying non-geothermal fluids. The amount of water stored in the Quaternary aquifer evolved from a deep thermal source is low in Germencik (.5–40% geothermal fluid in non-geothermal wells). Mixing between geothermal and non-geothermal fluids has been caused by groundwater utilisation practices and is increased close to active faults. Irrigation of the shallow groundwater composition is considered as influx of low-temperature geothermal fluid.  相似文献   

In the Pötürge (Malatya, Turkey) area pyrophyllite occurrences are common in the shear zones, mostly in the form of lenses along faults. Mineralogical investigations (XRD, FTIR and SEM) revealed that pyrophyllite, kaolinite (dickite) and quartz are present in the form of major phases and muscovite (sericite), kyanite, chlorite, and alunite are only present in the form of minor phases. This study revealed that the existence of the kyanite phase points out to high pressure and temperature conditions which the rocks were underwent. On the other hand, the minerals such as pyrophyllite, kaolinite, and alunite are products of a low degree metamorphism (retrograde). The mineral paragenesis in the pyrophyllite deposits suggests that the formation of minerals took place in two ways: (1) the transformation of kyanite into pyrophyllite and quartz through retrograde metamorphism by a high degree temperature, (2) then pyrophyllite and probably muscovite were transformed into kaolinite and alunite through reactions with relatively low temperature hydrothermal fluids. The geochemical data indicate that during the retrograde metamorphism the elements K, Rb, Sr, Ba, S, and Fe were mobile, the elements Si, Al, P moderately mobile to immobile and the HPS elements (Zr, Ti, and Nb) were immobile. It was shown that the formation of pyrophyllite, kaolinite and alunite was associated with depletion in alkalis, Mg, Fe and enrichment of elements including Sr, Ba, and S. Mineralogical and geochemical data suggest that parent rocks (pre-metamorphism) of the Pötürge pyrophyllite were probably kaolinite, Al-rich clays or bauxites.  相似文献   

Ammonitico Rosso type sediments (ARTS) form the bottom level of the ?enköy Formation in the Gümü?hane area. The formation accumulated in the rift-related basins triggered by extensional tectonic regimes in the Early Jurassic times. Six different sections were studied in this area in order to interpret the lithostratigraphy, facies, and deposition environments of the ARTS. Two basic lithofacies were distinguished, nodular-marly and nodular-calcareous. These facies provide useful information regarding depositional conditions in the area and environmental energy. These factors were mainly related to the relative sea-level that in turn was controlled by tectonic and eustasy conditions. In addition, seven different types of microfacies were recognized and described as a result of the detailed analysis of the sections. The results of the analysis show that these sediments in the Gümü?hane area were developed in transgressive phases/events. These sediments share characteristics with other peri-Mediterranean regions and sea-level curves, and show a similarity to the major transgressive pulse during the Pliensbachian stage. Deposition of ARTS was controlled by syn-depositional extensional movements, leading to their accumulation on top of tilted blocks, slopes and horsts in an open marine environment. The ARTS were developed during the rifting of the continental margins pointing up the phases of the Tethys opening. Neptunian dykes verifying this opening developed at different levels of the ARTS and were filled with overlying sediments. These results support the hypothesis that the ARTS were formed in tectonically active environments where extensional tectonic movements were continuously improved during the deposition of the ARTS.  相似文献   

钪(Sc)是世界各国竞相争夺的关键金属矿产资源之一。滇中牟定大弯山变质玄武岩厚度>36.5m,出露面积0.5km^(2),形成时代为新元古代南华纪(781.3±1.9Ma)。本文对该变质玄武岩开展了全岩地球化学分析、全自动矿物分析(TESCAN TIMA)观测、NPPM薄片区域面扫和单矿物原位LA-ICPMS分析等研究,结果显示变质玄武岩全岩Sc含量为47.0×10^(-6)~97.9×10^(-6),平均含量为69.1×10^(-6),钪氧化物(Sc_(2)O_(3))平均含量为106×10^(-6),变质玄武岩空间Sc矿化特征稳定,具有形成钪矿资源的潜力。同时,变质玄武岩共伴生有钛和铁矿化,全岩TiO_(2)含量为2.57×10^(-2)~6.13×10^(-2),平均为4.25×10^(-2);TFe含量为13.3×10^(-2)~23.7×10^(-2),平均为17.7×10^(-2)。Sc可能存在类质同象和离子相两种赋存形式,类质同象形式Sc主要赋存于钛铁矿和金红石矿物中,钛铁矿中Sc含量为70.0×10^(-6)~168×10^(-6),平均值为108×10^(-6);金红石中Sc含量高达297×10^(-6);而磁铁矿、黑云母等矿物中Sc含量较低,均低于全岩Sc含量,对全岩Sc矿化贡献较小。牟定大弯山Sc矿化与以往报道侵入岩及其风化壳中Sc矿化在富集特征、赋存岩性和载体矿物等方面不同,是变质火山岩中新发现的Sc矿化信息,显示了较好的找矿潜力,对Sc资源勘查和研究具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

In the present study, Al Ji’lani layered intrusion was subjected to integrated field, petrographic, processing of ASTER data, and geophysical investigations to delineate its subsurface extension and to determine the chronological order of the exposed rocks. The intrusion is surrounded by foliated granodiorite and both were intruded by younger granite. Processing of ASTER data revealed that the intrusion incorporated foliated granodiorite masses along its NE corner indicating its younger age (postorogenic) setting contrary to what have been proposed by previous authors. Also, this is further confirmed by the presence of an offshoot from the intrusion in the South-East corner as well as freshness and undeformed nature of the gabbroic rocks. Petrographically, the gabbroic rocks are characterized by the presence of kelyphytic coronas around olivine in contact with plagioclase, magnetite-orthopyroxene symplectites after olivine, and symplectites between plagioclase and magnetite/ilmenite. These textures are explained in terms of interaction with late deuteric magmatic fluids and not to metamorphism as believed before. The extensive geophysical analyses of the Al Ji’lani prospect using aeromagnetic data suggest complicated combination of magnetic bodies composed mainly of gabbroic rocks intruding the foliated granodiorite with variable magnetic susceptibilities. Gradient analysis, tilt angle and edge detection techniques extracted the shallow subsurface magnetic boundaries and a probable multiple bodies in the subsurface are detected. The 3-dimensional constraint inversion using parametrized trust region algorithm revealed the deep subsurface distribution of magnetic susceptibilities of the bodies. Two resolved bodies are clear, a northern more shallow body, and a southern, deeper and laterally extend to the south and southwest. The calculated volume from the inverted model representing the Al Ji’lani layered intrusion is approximately 518.7 km3 as calculated to 6.0 km depth. The body could be extended to a deeper depth if a different proposed model geometry is adjusted. The surface area of the exposed body is only 42.39 km2. Several magnetic anomalies are defined within the intrusion and are considered potential sites of mineralization. The south east corner of the gabbroic intrusion is traversed by a shear zone trending ENE-WSW which hosts sulfide-bearing quartz veins with high silver content (Samrah Prospect) associated with an offshoot from the layered gabbro. The shear zone should be followed to the west where the intrusion extends for a distance of about 10 km in the subsurface to the southwest of the exposed part of the intrusion.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks from the Gümü?hane area in the southern part of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey) consist mainly of andesitic lava flows associated with tuffs, and rare basaltic dykes. The K-Ar whole-rock dating of these rocks range from 37.62?±?3.33 Ma (Middle Eocene) to 30.02?±?2.84 Ma (Early Oligocene) for the andesitic lava flows, but are 15.80?±?1.71 Ma (Middle Miocene) for the basaltic dykes. Petrochemically, the volcanic rocks are dominantly medium-K calc-alkaline in composition and show enrichment of large ion lithophile elements, as well as depletion of high field strength elements, thus revealing that volcanic rocks evolved from a parental magmas derived from an enriched mantle source. Chondrite-normalized rare-earth element patterns of the volcanic rocks are concave upwards with low- to-medium enrichment (LaCN/LuCN?=?3.39 to 12.56), thereby revealing clinopyroxene- and hornblende-dominated fractionations for andesitic-basaltic rocks and tuffs, respectively. The volcanic rocks have low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70464 to 0.70494) and εNd(i) values (+1.11 to +3.08), with Nd-model ages (TDM) of 0.68 to 1.02 Ga, suggesting an enriched lithospheric mantle source of Proterozoic age. Trace element and isotopic data, as well as the modelling results, show that fractional crystallization and minor assimilation played an important role in the evolution of the volcanic rocks studied. The Eocene to Miocene volcanism in the region has resulted from lithospheric delamination and the associated convective thinning of the mantle, which led to the partial melting of the subduction-metasomatized lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Oligocene–Miocene strata in the Subei and Xiaobiegai basins of the Subei area, located in the eastern Altyn Tagh fault (ATF), northern Tibetan Plateau, record important characteristics of the ATF evolution. Detrital zircons laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) U–Pb ages from two samples, together with paleocurrent directions and clastic composition in the Xishuigou section demonstrate that sediments in the Subei basin originated from the Danghenanshan range along its southern margin. Detrital zircons U–Pb ages from three samples in the Xiaobiegai basin, together with paleocurrent directions and clastic composition, indicate that sediments in the Xiaobiegai basin may partly originate from terranes along the northeastern margin of the basin in addition to the Danghenanshan range. Our results, combined with regional evolution, suggest that the Xiaobiegai and the Subei basins was a combined basin in Oligocene–early Miocene. This basin was folded, tilted, and dislocated at ca. 8 Ma by rapid uplift of the northern Tibetan plateau and rapid strike-slip of the ATF. As a result, the Subei basin became a thrust–fold belt of the Danghenanshan range front, and the Xiaobiegai basin grew into an intermontane basin in the northeastern part of the Danghenanshan range. Thus, the Subei area gradually acquired its present morphotectonic patterns.  相似文献   

The fossil forest in the Çaml?dere-Çeltikçi-Güdül region of the province of Ankara in Turkey has a large number of petrified coniferous and oak tree remains. Petrification occurred in volcanic ashes and tuffs with permineralization, and Fe, Mg, Ca and Ni ions played important roles in the substitution of Si for C. However, the petrified wood samples are heterogeneous in colouration, weight, toughness, and durability, despite being obtained from the same source. Those features are very important for end-users because petrified woods, if cut and polished, are used widely as both decorative indoor tiles and gemstone objects, but heterogeneous materials suffer large wastage while they are being worked and used.Chemical analyses, specific gravity measurements, polarizing microscope studies, X-ray diffraction patterns, and scanning electron image evaluations were performed to classify and identify the homogenous material of the petrified woods relating to its physical and mineralogical characteristics.The different characteristics of the petrified wood samples are due to their varying inner structures, which depend on the replacement silica-building phases and their ratios, and silica particle sizes. Thin sections and XRD patterns revealed that petrified woods in the region were silicified by replacement with both chalcedonic quartz components, including chalcedony (length-fast quartz), moganite and orthorhombic-silica (length-slow quartz), and opalline quartz components including opal-CT and opal-C (length-slow quartz). The scanning electron microscope images were shown that the internal structures of the petrified woods consist of mostly submicron-sized (100–800 nm), and partially nano-sized (60–120 nm) silica-building particles.So, the petrified wood samples can be firstly classified into five main-groups based on their colourations and specific gravity values, then, into three sub-groups based on the principal chalcedonic and opalline quartz silica-building phases and related particle sizes, and also weighing, toughness, and durability. In the first group (samples 1, 2, and 3), the crystallinity gradation of the petrified woods can be classified as quasi-coarse crystalline because they include mainly chalcedony and moganite phases with 800–200 nm ranging in particle size. They are heavy, tough, and resistance as a material, as shown by specific gravity values of 2.60, 2.56, and 2.54, respectively. In the second group (sample 4), the crystallinity gradation of the petrified wood can be classified as quasi-fine crystalline because it includes mainly o-silica and moganite phases with 400–100 nm ranging in particle size. It is medium-heavy, semi-tough and quasi-resistance as a material, as shown by a specific gravity value of 2.42. In the third group (sample 5), the crystallinity gradation of the petrified wood can be classified as quasi-nano-crystalline because it includes mainly opal-CT and opal-C phases with 120–60 nm ranging in particle size. The material is slight, brittle, and weak as a material, as shown by a specific gravity value of 2.18.Ultimately, in the petrified wood found in the Çaml?dere-Çeltikçi-Güdül region of Ankara province in Turkey, it is revealed that samples 1, 2, and 3 represent flint and chalcedony quartz mineral species, samples 4 and 5 represent chalcedony and opal quartz mineral species.  相似文献   

Up until now, it has been assumed that oil in the Palaeozoic reservoirs of the Tazhong Uplift was derived from Upper Ordovician source rocks. Oils recently produced from the Middle and Lower Cambrian in wells ZS1 and ZS5 provide clues concerning the source rocks of the oils in the Tazhong Uplift, Tarim Basin, China. For this study, molecular composition, bulk and individual n-alkane δ13C and individual alkyl-dibenzothiophene δ34S values were determined for the potential source rocks and for oils from Cambrian and Ordovician reservoirs to determine the sources of the oils and to address whether δ13C and δ34S values can be used effectively for oil–source rock correlation purposes. The ZS1 and ZS5 Cambrian oils, and six other oils from Ordovician reservoirs, were not significantly altered by TSR. The ZS1 oils and most of the other oils, have a “V” shape in the distribution of C27–C29 steranes, bulk and individual n-alkane δ13C values predominantly between −31‰ to −35‰ VPDB, and bulk and individual alkyldibenzothiophene δ34S values between 15‰ to 23‰ VCDT. These characteristics are similar to those for some Cambrian source rocks with kerogen δ13C values between −34.1‰ and −35.3‰ and δ34S values between 10.4‰ and 21.6‰. The oil produced from the Lower Ordovician in well YM2 has similar features to the ZS1 Cambrian oils. These new lines of evidence indicate that most of the oils in the Tazhong Uplift, contrary to previous interpretations, were probably derived from the Cambrian source rocks, and not from the Upper Ordovician. Conversely, the δ13C and δ34S values of ZS1C Cambrian oils have been shown to shift to more positive values due to thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR). Thus, δ13C and δ34S values can be used as effective tools to demonstrate oil–source rock correlation, but only because there has been little or no TSR in this part of the section.  相似文献   

With a cratonic nucleus, the North China Craton (NCC) experienced a complex tectonic evolution with multiphase compressional and extensional events during Mesozoic times. Along the northern part of the NCC, the Yinshan–Yanshan fold and thrust belt was a typical intraplate orogen. Jurassic and Cretaceous continental sedimentation, magmatism, widespread intraplate characterize the Yinshan–Yanshan orogenic belt. The geodynamic significance of these tectonic events is still in dispute. In the western part of the Liaoning province, the Yiwulüshan massif crops out at the eastern end of the Yinshan–Yanshan orogenic belt. The Yiwulüshan massif presents an elliptical domal shape with a NE–SW striking long axis. The structural evolution of this massif brings new insights for the understanding of the Mesozoic plutonic–tectonic history of the NCC. A multidisciplinary study involving structural geology, geochronology, Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility (AMS) and gravity modeling have been carried out. The presentation of the new results splits into two parts. Part I (this paper) deals with field and laboratory structural observations, and presents the main geochronological results. The AMS, gravity modeling data will be provided in a companion paper (Part II). The early compressional deformation (D1) corresponds to a Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous southward thrusting. The subsequent deformation is related to the Early Cretaceous exhumation of the Yiwulüshan massif. A detailed structural analysis allows us to distinguish several deformation events (D2, D3, and D4). The Cretaceous extensional structures, such as syntectonic plutons bounded by ductile normal faults, metamorphic core complexes, and half-graben basins are recognized in many places in East Asia. These new data from the Yiwulüshan massif constitute a link between Transbaikalia, Mongolia, North China and South China, indicating that NW–SE extensional Mesozoic tectonics occurred throughout the entire region.  相似文献   

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