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任子翔 《探矿工程》2007,34(10):12-12
《探矿工程》杂志是1957年在我国大规模经济建设、地质勘探事业大发展的时期创建的。当时作为地质探矿主要手段之一的探矿工程发展很快,以地质系统为例,施工队伍从1952年建部初期的2000多人到1957年就发展到40000多人,开动钻机由1952年的100多台增加到1957年的2000多台,并从手把式钻机向自动式油压钻机迈进,在生产、技术管理方面也积累了一些经验,初步建立了一套规章制度,生产效率、质量显著提高。以地质系统为例,钻探台月效率从1952年的几十米到1957年平均达到200多米,高的达千米以上。[第  相似文献   

耿瑞伦 《探矿工程》2007,34(10):15-16
绪言:《探矿工程》杂志1957年创刊迄今已50年。伴随着共和国成长,刊物及其编者、作者、读者与人民国家同呼吸、共命运,经受多少风雨和不平凡的路程。有创刊开始一段时期和1979年迄今28年来的晴天阳光;经受过50年代末期“大跃进”、“人民公社”运动和60—70年代“文化大革命”的痛苦和灾难。我珍藏有创刊以来全部《探矿工程》杂志,是读者也是作者,任过杂志编委、副主任委员和主编及顾问,对杂志感情良深,也从阅读中吸取知识受益菲浅。[第一段]  相似文献   

王德崇 《探矿工程》2007,34(10):17-17
当今,人们普遍认为,材料、能源和信息是人类文明的三大支柱。我国提出“以信息化带动工业化,以工业化促进信息化”,走新型工业化道路。可见信息在社会中的重要地位,而作为十大情报信息源之一的科技期刊已经发挥并将进一步发挥重要作用。同样,《探矿工程》杂志也是如此,必将日益发挥更大作用。[第一段]  相似文献   

刘广志 《探矿工程》2007,34(10):14-14
2007年的金秋十月,《探矿工程》杂志迎来了她创刊50周年的大喜日子,这是探矿工程界的一件大喜事,值得纪念和庆祝!《探矿工程》风风雨雨50年,但坚持不懈,已成为全国探工、岩土界之左膀右臂,誉满全国,走向国际,功勋卓著。50年来,她坚持着正确的办刊方针,宣传探矿工程和岩土钻掘工程的新成就、新成果,促进我国钻探、掘进、勘探机械的技术进步。[第一段]  相似文献   

半个世纪,《探矿工程》与时代同行,见证了探矿工程技术的发展历程,推动了钻探、坑探(掘进)、钻掘设备的技术进步,交流了岩土钻掘工程的施工经验。50年来,虽经历了几度停刊、几度复刊、几度更名,但几代探工志士仁人锲而不合,共同谱写下了这部记载着探矿工程50年发展历史的巨著。五十年风云际会,五十年沧海桑田。今天,一些《探矿工程》的亲历者和见证者们怀着无比自豪的心情,回顾这50年曲折而辉煌的刊史,抒发对这本杂志深深的情谊。[第一段]  相似文献   

“庆祝《探矿工程》杂志创刊50周年纪念大会”2007年10月29日在北京隆重举行。会议由中国地质科学院勘探技术研究所所长、《探矿工程》杂志第六届编委会副主任委员甘行平教授主持。国土资源部国际合作与科技司司长彭齐鸣,国土资源部办公厅新闻处毛东林,中国地质调查局副局长王学龙,中国工程院资深院士刘广志,原地质部探矿司司长任子翔,  相似文献   

亲爱的读者,您现在翻开的这期杂志,是《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》杂志具有特殊历史意义的一期——总第300期。 总第300期,到底意味着什么? 也许可以从下面这组数字中寻找些许答案: 300:创刊至今共出版发行了300期《探矿工程》(2004年更名为《探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程)》)杂志(不含停刊期间出版的《探工零讯》和《勘探技术》);  相似文献   

结合当前科研单位改制、健全完善中国地质调查局、地质队伍野战军建设等形势,论述了探矿工程在国家地质调查工作中的重要地位,总结了探矿工程为国家经济建设和社会发展取得的成绩、面临的困难,提出了探矿工程应争当地质工作服务于经济建设和社会发展的排头兵。  相似文献   

赵国隆 《探矿工程》2007,34(10):18-18
在我国处于工业化的快速起飞阶段这一新的历史时期、在我国经济社会和科技事业发展的重要战略机遇期,迎来了《探矿工程》创刊50周年,值此谨致以最衷心的祝贺![第一段]  相似文献   

李世忠 《探矿工程》2007,34(10):13-13
《探矿工程》专业期刊(后加注“岩土钻掘工程”,下文略),自从1957年创刊以来至今已经50年了!在这半个世纪之中,虽然经历了风风雨雨,但经各方努力,本刊终于成为一本专业人员爱读、常读、具有相当权威性的专业主流期刊,并成为全国优秀科技期刊之一,这是值得我们全体探工专业人员衷心祝贺和倍感欣慰的。[第一段]  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国加入WTO以后,随着竞争主体多元化格局的形成,建筑设计企业必须突破传统束缚,走质量发展之路的观点。  相似文献   

黄茂桓 《冰川冻土》2015,37(1):271-274
<正>1良友1964年春,中国登山队计划攀登喜马拉雅山的希夏邦马峰,组织了一个庞大的队伍,包括一个科学考察队.考察队员的指标下达到室(即当时的中国科学院地理研究所冰川冻土室),室里决定由施雅风、郑本兴、谢自楚、米德生、季子修和我参加,还有一名司机.离校前,在清华大学听过一次中国登山队史占春队长的报告.他的口才好极了,极富煽动性,给年轻的我很大的触动.要是我能和勇敢者为伍,去  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Long-range sound propagation in the deep ocean is considered. Attention is concentrated on the procedure of acoustic wavefield refocusing by means of the wavefront...  相似文献   

We developed a food web model of central Puget Sound to provide science-based support for ecosystem-based management and to refine our understanding of bottom-up and top-down trophic forcing. Phytoplankton accounted for a large fraction of total biomass, total throughput, and caused considerable bottom-up effects in most functional groups in a dynamic simulation fit to time series data from 1981 to 2000. Top-down control was most apparent in the case of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), which exhibited keystone tendencies and appeared capable of causing trophic cascades. Increasing top-down control in several predator–prey relationships improved model fits to time series data from 1981 to 2000, but not as much as introducing non-equilibrium dynamics (biomass accumulation terms) to several key vertebrates. Fishing had little effect on system dynamics. Our model appears well-suited for addressing strategic, scenario-based questions of how the community as a whole will respond to management actions.  相似文献   

We synthesized existing data on chemical contaminants in Long Island Sound (LIS) from published reports and unpublished databases. We found several cases of systematic differences between data sources, which complicated the tasks of understanding the health of LIS and of identifying trends over time. Of the three media examined—water, sediment, and biota—sediment (especially in western LIS) most often exhibited pollutant concentrations that were high relative to guidelines and to other estuaries. These high sediment concentrations did not appear to be efficiently transmitted to biota. With the exception of Cd, median pollutant levels in embayment sediments were not higher than in open-water sediments, but the highest levels found in embayments were much higher than at open-water sites, especially for Ag and Hg. Trends over time in contaminant levels were mixed. We identify the most problematic contaminants in LIS and recommend adding Ag to the LIS Study’s List of Contaminants of Concern.  相似文献   

Sea level variability in Long Island Sound is examined at both tidal and subtidal frequencies over a 1-yr period. The sound is found to be decoupled effectively from the lower Hudson Estuary at tidal frequencies. The predominantly semidiurnal tides in the sound are forced by the oceanic tides transmitted from the mouth. There is a near fourfold amplification of the semi-diurnal tides within the sound due to resonance. Diurnal tides are much weaker in the sound, and there is also no evidence of significant amplification in the interior. At subtidal frequencies, the pressure-adjusted sea level in the interior of the sound is forced by a combination of co-oscillation with coastal sea level at the mouth and direct setup induced by local wind forcing over the surface of the sound. Because the longitudinal axis of Long Island Sound is roughly aligned with the open coast from Montauk Point to Sandy Hook, these two mechanisms work in concert to produce larger subtidal sea level fluctuations in the western sound relative to those in the eastern sound. A linearized, frequency-dependent analytical model is developed to aid the interpretation of field observations.  相似文献   

The correlations of sound wave velocities and physical properties of quartz sand with different grain size were investigated through laboratory tests. Emphases were put on studying the relationship between density, water content and longitudinal and shear wave velocities. The equations which show the correlation of density, void ratio and longitudinal and shear wave velocities, and with water content as a parameter are given in this paper. In addition, the monotonic relations of density, void ratio and sound wave velocities for sands with different water content are also presented.  相似文献   

Estimated pollutant loadings to Long Island Sound (LIS) are presented and discussed in the context of current information on population trends and land-use characteristics within the drainage basin of the sound. For the conventional pollutants (BOD, N, and P) and for most of the metals examined, the fluxes to LIS from wastewater treatment plants approach or exceed the fluxes from riverine sources. Urban runoff is a significant source for only a few contaiminants, such as lead and petroleum hydrocarbons. Atmospheric flux estimates made for other are s are extrapolated to LIS, and this source appears to be significant for lead, zinc, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and chlorinated pesticides. Continued population growth is projected through 2010, both in the urban centers of the western sound and in the coastal counties surrounding the central and eastern portions of LIS. This growth will place increased pollution pressure on the sound and increased demands on already scarce coastal and estuarine land-use categories. Close interaction between environmental planners, managers, and scientists is required to identify effective control strategies for reducing existing pollutant stress to the sound and for minimizing the effects of future development.  相似文献   

本文叙述了不同粒径的石英砂粒的物理力学特性与声速关系的室内试验研究,着重探讨了容重、含水量与纵波波速、横波波速之间的关系,给出了以含水量为参数的容重与纵横波速度间的关系式,以及空隙比与纵横波速度之间的关系式。此外分析了在各种不同含水量时,容重、空隙比与波速的单调变化关系,并给出了相应的表达式。  相似文献   

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