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喀斯特山区火灾迹地自然与人工恢复效益   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对桂西北喀斯特山区森林火灾频繁、火灾迹地面积大,森林生态系统退化严重,选择该地区5种主要造林林种及造林方式和自然抛荒恢复模式,分析和评价了各种模式的生态系统结构和效益。结果表明,随着经营年限的增加,6种经营模式土壤肥力、生物生产力都明显提高;水土保持最好的是自然抛荒恢复,其次是人工竹林和人工油菜,较差的是人工马尾松和人工桉树;投资效益除自然抛荒模式外,最高的是人工油菜和人工木荷,其次为人工桉树和人工马尾松,较差的是人工竹林。  相似文献   

随着我国长江中下游地区淡水森林湿地面积的急剧减少,退化森林湿地的植被恢复对保障长江流域的生态安全至关重要。在我国安徽安庆市湿地生态脆弱区,根据该地区的土壤类型以及森林湿地木本植物资源,筛选出6种湿地适生树种,分别为枫香、美洲黑杨、中山杉、垂柳、金丝垂柳、池杉;建立了3种淡水森林湿地植被恢复多物种配置模式,取得了较好的生态、经济和社会效益,为全球变化背景下我国长江中下游地区退化淡水森林湿地植被恢复和重建提供了科学依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

非洲森林资源丰富,类型多样,分布不平衡,且退化较严重。非洲林业生产和贸易具有①在林产品结构上,薪炭材占绝对优势;②森林采伐受外国公司或外国资本控制,采伐方式具选择性、掠夺性;③森林采伐地区差异大,明显受运输条件的限制,林区开发状况很不平衡;④木材加工工业薄弱,原木出口比重大,林业贸易具有殖民地特色;⑤非洲对林产品消费量较大且具有明显的初级性等特点。非洲林业突出问题在于“出口原木,进口成品”的结构性矛盾。针对非洲目前林业特点及资源状况,在合理开采现有采伐区和积极开发新林区的基本保护措施基础上,提出了非洲林业可持续经营的新的理念和措施。  相似文献   

<正> 美国是世界上第四大林业国,现有森林资源3.2亿公顷,森林覆盖率约为33%。近100年来,美国林业经历了毁林造田-植被恢复-过度采伐-休养生息,恢复发展和建立稳定的生态  相似文献   

森林资源环境人口承载力初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
森林承载力研究是协调人口、环境保护、森林资源消耗与经济社会发展的关键。本文在探讨森林承载力概念、理论和方法的基础上,以山东沿海防护林森林资源为对象,以人均消耗木材、薪柴、水果、干果等四项实物指标作为经济指标,以人均占有森林面积多少作为环境指标,用现有的资料,综合地、动态地分析山东沿海地区的森林与人口、环境、经济社会发展的相关关系,预测山东沿海防护林不同时期、不同生活水平条件下的森林承载力,并探讨提高山东沿海地区森林资源人口承载力和森林环境人口承载力的对策。  相似文献   

汪晓帆  戴尔阜  郑度  吴卓 《地理学报》2021,76(1):223-234
在优化森林结构的同时保障其木材生产功能和生态功能,实现森林可持续经营,如何采取科学、合理的森林管理措施越来越受到人们的关注。本文选取采伐年龄、采伐斑块大小、采伐频率、采伐面积比例作为变量,以江西省泰和县为研究区,设定多种强度和方式的森林管理方案,耦合生态过程模型(PnET-II)和景观模型(LANDIS-II)模拟初始年(2009年)起,未来100年森林面积和生物量的动态变化情况。研究发现:① 森林对不同采伐变量的响应差异明显,采伐年龄对森林面积影响较小,采伐斑块面积仅对生物量有影响,采伐频率对面积和生物量均有较大影响,采伐面积比例是采伐变量中对森林影响最大的变量; ② 每10 a以20%的采伐面积比例,5 hm 2的采伐斑块,采伐21 a以上的杉木、26 a以上的松林、41 a以上的阔叶树种的采伐情景能够保证有林地的生物量较初始年有所增加,有效地保障红壤丘陵区人工林在木材生产的同时保持一定的生态功能。  相似文献   

祁连山北坡森林资源变迁   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
祁连山森林是祁连山水源涵养生态系统的主体,了解祁连山森林资源变化,对于制定森林保护政策法规,有效保护和合理利用祁连山森林资源具有重要意义。2010-2013年,应用"3S"技术和搜集以往调查研究资料,对比分析了祁连山北坡森林分布范围及面积变化,结果表明:地质时期,随着祁连山快速隆升,气候变得寒冷干旱,森林分布范围逐渐缩小;早全新世以后,祁连山区森林退缩至酒泉以东山区。历史时期,祁连山北坡森林遭到4次较大规模人为破环,森林面积日渐建少。新中国建立以来至20世纪80年代末,祁连山北坡林区经过3次较大的毁林开荒行动,森林再次遭到严重破坏。改革开放以来,特别是20世纪90年代以来,国家和甘肃省加大了祁连山森林保护,祁连山北坡森林得到逐步恢复与扩展。目前,人为活动对祁连山北坡森林的干扰影响仍然严重,森林质量呈退化趋势。针对存在的问题,提出了森林保护与恢复对策。  相似文献   

杉木人工林与米储次生促进林生产力和土壤肥力比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对常绿阔叶林采伐迹地进行人工促进天然更新的以米槠为主的次生林(人促落)和营造杉木人工林24a后的比较研究,结果显示人促群落乔木层组成树种为27种,灌木层种类为49种,而对照(杉木人工林)的则分别为12种、32种,人促群落树种组成和结构比对照的复杂。人促群落林分生产力(单位面积蓄积加316.912m2/hm2)亦比对照的(单位面积蓄积量283.288m3/hm2)高。与对照的相比,人促群落0cm~20cm土层土壤哮聚长、>0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量分别高3.17%、5.65%,而分散系数、结构体破坏率分别低11.94%、5.01%;土壤总孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度分别高7.12%、1.75%;土壤容重低14.97%;有机质含量高7.602g/kg;土壤酶活性较强,呼吸作用强度较大。这表明人促群落土壤结构性能、土壤保肥和供肥能力、土壤手化作用强度比对照均有较明显的提高。说明在常绿阔叶林采伐迹地上,采用人工促进天然更新是恢复常绿阔叶林,维持林地长期生产力较好的模式之一。  相似文献   

豫西黄土丘陵区植被恢复与重建的理论基础及技术体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对豫西黄土丘陵区林草植被现状和治理模式的实地调研,运用大量基础研究资料,借鉴生态学的基本理论,从理论和实践两方面开展了林草植被恢复与重建的理论基础及技术体系的研究;描述了退耕农田的自然演替过程,研究和分析了林草植被恢复与重建的机理;应用最佳平方逼近的数学方法,提出了林草植被恢复与重建的预测模型和时间表,构造了主要乡土先锋树种的生长预测模型;制定了林草植被恢复与重建的目标和程序,确定了适合本区的林草农田配置模式,提出了乔灌树种的配置方案和牧草的种植模式。其成果对整个黄土高原生态环境建设有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

贵州省长江流域天然林分区和主要树种结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张喜 《山地学报》2001,19(4):312-319
针对贵州省长江流域现有森林和植被分布中存在的问题,通过综述国内外森林和植被区划的成果,指出了天然森资源相应的分区原则和依据,并将省内长江流域天然林划分成2类森林区7类森林亚区12类森林小区,用于指导工程区内现有森林资源的保护、退耕还林、封山育林、飞播造林和人工造林等。最后讨论了省级分区、国家分区和县级分区的尺度对接、天然林分区与以天然林保护为主要内容的天然林保护工程分区关系等问题。  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的主体,在国家生态安全屏障保护与建设中发挥着重要的作用。我国大规模造林实践都依从年降雨量400 mm的阈值,在高于该降水阈值的地区造林。但针对西藏高原高海拔地区造林,无论是实践经验和理论探讨方面都很少涉及。在高海拔地区造林的最高海拔和树种选择需要遵循什么原则?以及以往高海拔地区造林的经验教训给我们什么启示?这些都是值得进一步思考的问题。本文从植被地带性分布规律出发,提出高海拔造林要遵从植被地带性分布原则和温度限制原则,指出植树造林要在森林分布区内、气候树线分布的海拔以下的区域才有可行性。以西藏高原东部森林分布格局和主要气候树线树种的分布海拔上限为例,论证了植树造林的潜在空间范围。从主要造林树种的生物学特性和气候生态位的角度,对可能用于造林的乡土树种及其造林立地条件进行了厘定,并指出了那曲造林存在的问题。总之,在西藏高海拔地区造林需要遵从地带性植被分布规律,重点考虑海拔上限和适宜树种选择问题,采用乡土树种,做到适地适树。  相似文献   

本区防护林体系的建设目标是:改善生态环境,发展山区经济。人口稠密区防护林体系建设成败的关健在于:能否掌握生态生产双重功能,是否具有生态社会经济三大效益。为此进行了防护林体系分类,提出了林种的生态功能指标和生产功能指标。防护林体系的生态经济分区要研究生态经济系绽的地域差异,有助于发挥各个林种的生态生产双重功能,是建设防护林体系的重要途径,为合理布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陕北黄土高原人工林下土壤干化原因与防治   总被引:39,自引:13,他引:26  
黄土高原的退耕还林是一项史无前例的宏伟工程,成功实施该项工程对恢复该区严重恶化了的生态环境和减少黄河下游水患具重大现实意义。当前植树造林面临的需要解决的重要问题是土壤干化。土壤干化导致人工林生长不良,甚至干枯死亡,查明土壤干化原因对在植树造林工作中采取合理对策有重要作用。野外调查和资料分析显示,陕北黄土高原土壤干化原因有两个方面:一是自然原因;二是人为原因。自然原因包括该区本来降水量较少,近50 a来降水减少和气温升高3个方面。人为原因包括植被破坏,人工林密度过大,在不适于森林发育的地带进行了造林和没有遵循植被演替规律进行了造林4个方面。根据黄土高原已经发生了变化的自然条件,本文建议在陕西延安以南至关中盆地南缘的落叶阔叶林带应采取植被的自然恢复或人工草灌和稀疏的植树相结合的措施恢复森林植被,在延安至长城之间的森林草原带应以人工发展优良草灌为主,配合大间距的植树恢复森林草原植被,在长城以北以种草为主。为提高乔木成活率和确保人工林正常生长,继续采取建造鱼鳞坑等集雨工程措施是很必要的。  相似文献   

本文通过对四川盆地森林水文效应的研究,对长江上游防护林体系的生态环境作用进行了初步预测,并提出水源林、水土保持林的分区原则,以及防护林作用的累积效应,对长江上游防护林的规划和评价具有参考意义。  相似文献   

人工林生态采运研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对如何推动人工林可持续经营,扼要归纳国内外在人工林生态采运理论及其相关技术的研究与应用现状,分析其存在问题,提出进一步探索适合我国人工林生态采运理论和作业技术的对策,展望我国今后人工林生态采运研究的前景。  相似文献   

As a typical representative of the herbivorous wild animals in Chang Tang Plateau, the number of Tibetan wild asses has increased significantly in recent years. Clarifying the distribution, population, and size of its habitats is conducive to formulating the protection plan for wild animals and managing the conflict between people and wild animals in Chang Tang Plateau. Based on the distribution probability of Tibetan wild ass habitats and environmental factors, the number of Tibetan wild asses in Gaize County of Chang Tang Plateau was calculated by using the belt transect method and random forest model, and due to the uncertainty of the calculations, the results were corrected and analyzed. The results show that the living environment of Tibetan wild asses in Gaize County of Chang Tang Plateau is at 4400-4600 m above sea level, 350-400 m away from the river, and the average temperature in the warmest season is 10-12 ℃. The vegetation types of habitats are generally temperate tufted dwarf grass, dwarf semi shrub desert grassland, alpine grass, Carex grassland, alpine cushion dwarf semi shrub desert, among others. On the basis of studying the environmental preferences of Tibetan wild asses, the random forest model was corrected by using the data of the second scientific survey sample line of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for three years. The approximate number of Tibetan wild asses in each of the different areas of Gaize County was obtained. The number of Tibetan wild asses in Gaize Town, Xianqian Township, Gumu Township, Chabu Township, Mami Township, Wuma Township and Dongcuo Township is 855, 3458, 2358, 1453, 743, 943 and 647, respectively. By studying the environmental preferences of Tibetan wild asses and analyzing the results of the belt transect survey, the random forest model can accurately estimate the number of Tibetan wild asses in Gaize County of Chang Tang Plateau.  相似文献   

As terrestrial ecosystem carbon (C) sinks, plantation ecosystems play essential roles in species diversity protection, resource supply and climate change. Artificial afforestation is of great important in improving the ecological condition, economic development and production in Tibet. Forests can improve soil property changes, yet the understanding of how plantations influence soil C and nutrient conditions in Tibet is still insufficient. This review combines with previous studies to explore the characteristics of soil nutrients, involving nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) on Tibetan poplar plantations. Generally, plantations have better abilities in improving the soil C and N cycles, and enhancing the soil stability. In this review, we further analyze the factors, including the modality of land-use, afforested period, tree species, climate factors and soil properties, which may affect the soil C and nutrients. (1) The patterns of land-use affect the accumulation of soil organic matter, thus influence the accumulation of soil C and nutrients; (2) Soil C and N increase with the years of artificial forests, while soil P is on the contrary; (3) The effects of different tree species on soil C and nutrients vary widely; (4) In terms of climate, the C sink of Tibetan plantation soil is most likely to be affected by precipitation, while the nutrient is more likely to be influenced by temperature; (5) Among soil properties, the most related factor to C is soil texture. Furthermore, our review pointed out that future research on soil ecological functions should be focused on soil microbes on Tibet plantation. At the end, we concluded three major challenges for the future research. Therefore, this review contributes to a better understand the effects of plantation on soil C and nutrients on the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

西南地区山地不同土地退化类型特征及调控途径   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4  
张建平 《地理科学》2001,21(3):236-241
土地退化不仅是目前全还需性的重大环境问题之一,而且也是重大的社会和经济问题之一,西南地区的土地退化是以水力侵蚀为主要动力形成的,文中简述了西南地区的土地退化状况,选择了4个(楚雄市、遂宁市,毕节地区及元谋县)山地不同土地退化类型进行分析,讨论了土 退化过程,提出了土地退化调控途径。  相似文献   


This article examines two key aspects of land-cover change in the south of the Chocó region. First, it assesses and compares the local impact on forest condition of labor-intensive and capital-intensive commercial logging. Second, it assesses the regional significance and permanency of these changes. Studies of land-cover change associated with commercial logging have focused almost exclusively on capital-intensive extraction and have assumed that after logging, degraded forests are transformed into agricultural cover. This study shows that both capital- and labor-intensive logging result in similar land-cover changes (i.e., forest degradation) if the timber sought is the same. However, labor-intensive loggers also seek timber species not sought by capital-intensive loggers, and this impact is statistically different from the impact of the extraction of the first group of species. Results also show that only a small fraction (20–30 percent) of the area logged is later converted to agricultural cover types. The persistence of logged forests means that up to 20 percent of the remaining forest cover could correspond to forests with significant and lasting levels of degradation. Furthermore, the different production requirements for each group of species also mean that there is a spatial differentiation in the impact of logging in the region. Logged forests are arranged into two consecutive corridors on each side of access routes (e.g., rivers). The first corridor corresponds to a narrow (approximately 1-km) band of high-intensity degradation. The second, broader (approximately 2-km) forest band, with lower levels of degradation, extends inland along first-tier corridors. A key factor determining the permanency of this land-cover pattern is the strong control local communities have over the land in the region. This limits the spread of patterns observed in other frontier areas, especially the conversion of logged forests into agricultural cover.  相似文献   

This article examines two key aspects of land‐cover change in the south of the Chocó region. First, it assesses and compares the local impact on forest condition of labor‐intensive and capital‐intensive commercial logging. Second, it assesses the regional significance and permanency of these changes. Studies of land‐cover change associated with commercial logging have focused almost exclusively on capital‐intensive extraction and have assumed that after logging, degraded forests are transformed into agricultural cover. This study shows that both capital‐ and labor‐intensive logging result in similar land‐cover changes (i.e., forest degradation) if the timber sought is the same. However, labor‐intensive loggers also seek timber species not sought by capital‐intensive loggers, and this impact is statistically different from the impact of the extraction of the first group of species. Results also show that only a small fraction (20–30 percent) of the area logged is later converted to agricultural cover types. The persistence of logged forests means that up to 20 percent of the remaining forest cover could correspond to forests with significant and lasting levels of degradation. Furthermore, the different production requirements for each group of species also mean that there is a spatial differentiation in the impact of logging in the region. Logged forests are arranged into two consecutive corridors on each side of access routes (e.g., rivers). The first corridor corresponds to a narrow (approximately 1‐km) band of high‐intensity degradation. The second, broader (approximately 2‐km) forest band, with lower levels of degradation, extends inland along first‐tier corridors. A key factor determining the permanency of this land‐cover pattern is the strong control local communities have over the land in the region. This limits the spread of patterns observed in other frontier areas, especially the conversion of logged forests into agricultural cover.  相似文献   

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