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地质公园作为一种新型的旅游产品,可以提高旅游者对地球科学史的认识,对旅游者进行环境保护知识和科学知识的教育,同时也为地方经济的发展创造了条件,加深了旅游的内涵,丰富了旅游的内容,提高了旅游的档次。但是,地质公园在建设和管理上都存在着缺乏规划、地质旅游的整体性差、对地质遗迹缺乏适当的保护措施以及从业导游人员缺乏专业培训等共同问题。以中国兴文世界地质公园为例,通过分析该公园旅游发展现状,总结发展中存在的问题,结合公园的资源优势,面临的机遇与挑战对公园的可持续发展提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

正旅游资源是旅游业发展的基础。自然界和人类社会凡能对旅游者产生吸引力,可以为旅游业开发利用,并可产生经济效益、社会效益和环境效益的各种事物现象和因素,均称为旅游资源~?。它包括一切可以利用于发展旅游业的自然资源(如地质地貌、气象气候、水文地理、生物等)和人文资源(如古迹建筑、文化艺术、风土人情等)。本文所述人文与地质旅游资源(以下简称旅游资源)包括的对象主要是联合国教科文组织  相似文献   

随着全球经济的快速增长、 交通可达性的改善、 大众休闲时间的增多, 以及旅游者多样的消费需求, 世界冰川旅游得以快速发展。然而, 伴随着全球气候变化, 冰川旅游可持续发展受到了不同程度的影响。越来越多学者开始关注气候变化、 冰川旅游、 当地社会生态环境和未来冰川旅游发展方向等一系列问题。为此,通过文献综述方法, 对当前世界冰川旅游发展进程进行了系统梳理。同时, 在已有研究基础上, 对冰川旅游与文化服务、 气候变化、 当地社会生态环境、 自然灾害、 风险管控以及空间规划等方面进行了综述。以上研究可为冰川旅游可持续发展提供科学的参考。2016年3月, 习近平总书记在十二届全国人大四次会议期间指出“绿水青山是金山银山,冰天雪地也是金山银山”的科学论断。这一理念的落地和发展, 必将吸引越来越多的国内外游客访问和体验中国西部冰川旅游目的地。  相似文献   

本文提出了旅游岩石资源——石景的概念及其命名原则,并从成因上对石景进行了分类,最后阐明了石景在自然风景中的地位。 旅游资源是指能满足旅游者游览观尝、度假疗养、探险猎奇、考察研究等精神和物质需要的一切物质对象,包括自然景观旅游资源和人文景观旅游资源两大类。自然景观旅游资源计有石景、气景、水景、生景等类型。本文就石景的形态、类型,在自然风景中的地位作一浅析。  相似文献   

一、地质旅游资源评价原则作为地质旅游资源的各种地质现象,应满足旅游者求新、求知、求乐的心理要求.如何评价这些旅游资源的开发利用价值,许多学者专家从不同角度提出了不同看法.我们认为应从地质效益与社会效益来评价地质旅游资源,以改善和提高人民生活质量与科学文化修养为主要目的,并以地质旅游资源的典型现象与配套程度评价其意义.具体要从下列几方面来考虑:  相似文献   

本文首先对黑龙江省旅游资源的气候、自然景观、地质、经济地理和历史文化条件进行分析,划分了旅游资源类型。在旅游资源区划中分为7个已建旅游风景区,10个正建旅游风景区和3个潜在旅游风景区。最后提出6条开发及保护意见。  相似文献   

王明伟 《云南地质》1992,11(1):94-96
(一)前言旅游业有“无烟工业”之美誉,其赖以发展的基础主要是旅游资源和旅游者。旅游资源丰富多彩、包罗万象,旅游地学资源占据着最为显赫的地位,它是地质营力的杰作。旅游地学资源的分类和评价研究,直接关系到旅游资源的开发保护以及旅游业综合效益的提高。 (二)旅游地学资源的分类就成因属性而言,旅游资源分为自然景观、人文景观及复合景观三大类型。自然景观系指纯自然条件及其作用的产物,如江河湖海、高山峡谷、冰峰雪岭、火山地热、石林溶洞、  相似文献   

提高教师的教育素质,是实施素质教育的关键所在。长期以来,我国实行的教育方式基本上都是“应试教育”。在一定的历史阶段有其科学性与合理性,但随着社会的发展,它又有着不可克服的片面性和狭隘性。“应试教育”大都采取比较简单的死记硬背、满堂灌、题海战术、加班加点的做法。应试教育把考试分数作为评价教育质量优劣的唯一标准,使中小学教育出现了考什么就教什么,考什么就学什么,不考什么就不学什么的倾向,忽略了其它方面的教育,扼杀了学生的个性发展。因此培养的学生素质得不到全面发展,有很多弱项。要克服这种状况,当务之急…  相似文献   

当前,我国地质矿产工作正处在大转折时期,应抓住时机,发挥优势,参与21世纪旅游业的大发展,我国旅游资源有待大力开发,我国西部旅游资源尤为雄厚神奇,对国风个旅游者有极大的吸引力,历史上经历了开发兴衰及再度兴起的过程。  相似文献   

旅游地的形象塑造是当今旅游地发展中的重要问题之一,兴文石海的形象塑造应以地貌景观特点为基础,按其塑造原理和技术要求,形成特色突出、符合市场需要的形象,以更好地吸引游客,促进旅游地的持续发展。依据RIS框架理念,兴文石海地质公园的旅游形象应从横向、纵向两维进行重塑。其旅游形象总体可以定位为"三绝喀斯特—僰苗风情绝"。为改变当前兴文石海旅游不景气的局面,应通过精心组织旅游线路,制定鲜明的旅游宣传口号,创新营销理念及方式,做好旅游形象的维护和拓展管理,把兴文石海优美的旅游形象根植于广大旅游者心里。  相似文献   

旅游地质资源环境是地理环境的一部分,但是它又有其自身的特点.归纳它的特点、规律,分析它与其他因素的关系,有利于环境的保护.本文在三江并流带旅游地质资源环境的基础上,尝试总结了旅游地质资源环境的几个特点,并以此为指导,提出了三江并流带旅游地质资源开发与环境保护的几点建议.  相似文献   

An increasing number of the people responsible for promoting tourism understand the necessity of landscape conservation and sustainable development. Sustainability and the maintenance of regional identity depend on the kind of tourism that takes account of the landscape and stops short of a blind modification of it, for instance through the installation of inappropriate large-scale tourist infrastructure. Since the 1970s South Tyrol, Italy’s most northern province (Autonome Provinz Bozen/Südtirol; Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano/Alto Adige), has engaged in tourism of outstanding quality, centreed on the existing landscape potential. Until today this has been the basis for successful tourism development. In the meantime however, there have been calls in South Tyrol for a quantitative expansion, founded on the implementation of an artificial touristic infrastructure and products. As is the case in many other alpine regions, this could be detrimental to the quality of the landscape. Supported by tourism research and based on the authors’ own long-standing experience, this article analyzes the development and trends of tourism in South Tyrol from a geographical perspective and takes a critical look at the various planning prospects and the problems which might evolve for the landscape and for tourism marketing.  相似文献   

玉龙雪山冰川退缩对丽江社会经济的可能影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
玉龙雪山分布有中国最南的海洋性温冰川,其独特的地理位置和冰川特性使其成为丽江旅游资源最重要的组成要素之一.但温冰川对气候变化极为敏感,玉龙雪山的冰川自20世纪以来,总体呈退缩趋势.通过综合分析历史资料与调查资料,认为冰川的退缩可能对当地社会经济尤其是丽江的旅游业和居民生活状态产生深远影响.  相似文献   

城市旅游开发规划研究进展评述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在总结国内旅游开发规划工作经验的基础上,从理论和实践两方面探讨了综合与整体规划、配套建设、滚动开发的操作模式以及当前旅游开发重点等,强调要突出旅游文化背景和旅游形象策划,并归纳了旅游开发规划需要研究的一系列问题。  相似文献   

根据国家开展地理国情监测工作的要求,结合上海规划和土地管理中的实际情况,阐述了对地理市情监测主要内容和技术方法的认识和思考,分析了上海地区开展此项工作的基础以及存在的主要难点。  相似文献   

王冰  王守沛 《安徽地质》2013,23(1):68-70
旅游地质资源是一种具有旅游价值的以地质内容为主的自然景观及一部分与地质有关的人文景观。淮南市旅游地质资源和特点是:内容丰富,种类繁多,,分布广泛,具有地方特色。  相似文献   

在总结国内旅游开发规划工作经验的基础上,从理论和实践两方面探讨了综合与整体规划,配套建设,滚动开发的操作模式以及当前旅游开发重点等,强调要突出旅游文化背景和旅游形象策划,并归纳了旅游开发规划需要研究的一系列问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the application of private governance through certification labels and industry initiatives in the tourism industry. These efforts are sold as a way to achieve decent working conditions for tourism workers who participate in global value chains in the global South. The question at hand is, are these mechanisms an effective way to support tourism labor? Specifically, this research documents two main findings. First, I evaluate the programs through a tourism global value chain approach and demonstrate how tour operators use language about sustainability and the certification of accommodation suppliers for brand product differentiation and marketing. My findings demonstrate that these programs do not support tourism workers. Second, even with certification and recommendations, the standards are limited and do not include measures to protect against precarious employment, gendered divisions of labor, and emotional labor demands. Thus, these initiatives do not fully protect tourism workers. Finally, I argue a new governance research approach focused on workers’ rights and empowerment provides insights into achieving a more equitable international tourism landscape. This has implications for a governance analysis focused on rights and ‘synergistic’ governance strategies.  相似文献   

旅游地学的研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内旅游地学的研究比西方国家晚了许多年,全面了解国外旅游地学的发展,对于国内相关研究有很大的借鉴意义。本文在回顾西方旅游地学研究历程的基础上,阐述了其研究方法、研究内客和研究新趋势。正是由于这门新兴边缘学科还不成熟,所以激励着广大学者投身到进一步的研究中来。  相似文献   

Harng Luh Sin 《Geoforum》2010,41(6):983-992
Existing studies have often suggested that volunteer tourism, with strong overtones of “social”, “justice” and “pro-poor” tourism, has the capacity to bring about positive impacts to local communities in host destinations. Wearing, for example, advocates volunteer tourism “as a development strategy leading to sustainable development and centering the convergence of natural resource qualities, locals and the visitors that all benefit from tourism activity” (Wearing, 2001: p. 12). Indeed, underlying assumptions in volunteer tourism suggest that it is a form of tourism that allows the empowering of locals in host-communities, and when compared to conventional modes of tourism, volunteer tourism allows cultural interaction and understanding to be developed between hosts and tourists in the longer period and more intimate form of contact. This, together with very direct and tangible outcomes of volunteer projects, appears to put in place a platform where locals and tourists both have the power to actively negotiate their identities and relations with each other.However, despite these deep-seated assumptions about the positive value in volunteer tourism, little empirical research has been conducted to assess the situation on the ground. Existing literature is largely centered on the volunteer tourist, with little works directly regarding the perspectives of host-communities. This places much uncertainty on whether the assumed benefits of volunteer tourism are indeed realized. Adopting a geographical approach, this paper begins with a review of existing discussions on the geographies of care and responsibility, and its intersections with literature on responsible tourism (of which volunteer tourism is often seen to be a part of). Opinions re-presented in this paper are based on interviews with 14 respondents in Cambodia (including local Cambodians, non-government organizations’ (NGO) and missionary workers that have previously hosted volunteer tourists in Cambodia. This paper thus explores both positive and negative opinions of volunteer tourism from the perspective of host-communities, and endeavors to contribute a balanced discussion to the limited literature regarding host-communities’ perspectives in tourism development.  相似文献   

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