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Glacial Lake Benson formed in west-central Minnesota as the Des Moines lobe of the Laurentide ice sheet retreated north of a small moraine in the Minnesota River lowland. Although previous research has constrained the timing of glacial Lake Agassiz immediately to the north, little age control is available for the formation of glacial Lake Benson and ice-marginal positions to the south. In order to constrain the age of glacial Lake Benson and test the application of single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to ice-marginal deposits, seven OSL samples were collected from a variety of depositional settings. These included deltaic deposits linked to specific lake levels, pro-glacial fluvial, ice-contact and supra-glacial deposits. Single-grain OSL results indicate evidence for incomplete resetting (partial bleaching) of the luminescence signal, as expected for glacial environments, and therefore ages were calculated using a minimum age model. OSL results constrain the timing of ice-margin retreat and lake formation to 14.4–14.8 ka. Analysis of single-grain equivalent dose distributions indicates that deposits created by glacial-dominated processes typically had higher over-dispersion (>50%) and greater positive skew (>0.9) than deposits originating from fluvial processes. These results suggest that water-lain deposits should be targeted for OSL sampling over those created by glacial processes when dating ice-proximal settings.  相似文献   

The timing of glacial advances, periglacial phenomena, and the ages of two marker tephras in northern Hokkaido were estimated by OSL dating. It appears that the glacier of Yamunai 2 stage on Rishiri Island expanded between 24 and 15 ka. In northern Hokkaido, OSL ages indicate ice wedge formation during the period 24–18 ka. These results indicate that both the glacial advance and the development of ice wedges were synchronous phenomena relating to the Last Glacial Maximum.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the spatial and temporal variations in Alpine glaciations is essential for reconstructing the regional and global timing of ice ages. This study investigates glacial deposits at the mouth of the Muksu catchment in the northern Pamir using 10Be surface-exposure age dating. We sampled boulders from the furthest downstream recessional moraine (20 samples) and five lateral moraines (41 samples) near the former terminus of the Fedchenko Glacier, the longest (∼72 km) present-day Alpine glacier of the Pamir. After the identification of outliers, the boulder population of the recessional moraine yielded a mean exposure age of 17.5 ± 1.9 ka. The maximum exposure age of the lateral moraines, collected ∼5 km up-valley of the recessional moraine, is 18.2 ± 1.7 ka. The boulder ages reflect glacial deposition during the Last Glacial Maximum (Marine Isotope Stage 2) in the region; they are in accordance with published glacial deposition ages in the western Tian Shan.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is increasingly used to estimate the age of fluvial deposits. A significant limitation, however, has been that conventional techniques of sampling and dose rate estimation are suitable only for thick (>60 cm) layers consisting of sand size or finer grains. Application of OSL dating to deposits lacking such layers remains a significant challenge. Alluvial fans along the western front of the Lost River Range in east-central Idaho, USA are one example. Deposits are typically pebble to cobble sheetflood gravels with a sandy matrix but thin to absent sand lenses. As a result, the majority of samples for this project were collected by excavating matrix material from gravelly deposits under light-safe tarps or at night. To examine the contributions of different grain-size fractions to calculated dose-rates, multiple grain-size fractions were analyzed using ICP–MS, high resolution gamma spectrometry and XRF. Dose rates from bulk sediment samples were 0.4–40% (mean of 18%) lower than dose-rate estimates from the sand-size fractions alone, illustrating the importance of representative sampling for dose rate determination. We attribute the difference to the low dose-rate contribution from radio-nuclide poor carbonate pebbles and cobbles that occur disproportionately in clast sizes larger than sand. Where possible, dose rates were based on bulk sediment samples since they integrate the dose-rate contribution from all grain sizes. Equivalent dose distributions showed little evidence for partial bleaching. However, many samples had significant kurtosis and/or overdispersion, possibly due to grain-size related microdosimetry effects, accumulation of pedogenic carbonate or post-depositional sediment mixing. Our OSL age estimates range from 4 to 120 ka, preserve stratigraphic and geomorphic order, and show good agreement with independent ages from tephra correlation and U-series dating of pedogenic carbonate. Furthermore, multiple samples from the same deposit produced ages in good agreement. This study demonstrates that with modified sampling methods and careful consideration of the dose rate, OSL dating can be successfully applied to coarse-grained deposits of climatic and tectonic significance that may be difficult to date by other methods.  相似文献   

Little work has been undertaken on combined dating of sedimentary quartz grains using electron spin resonance (ESR) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques in Australia. This study aims to assess the suitability of a combined ESR and OSL dating approach for establishing improved chronologies of Middle-Late Pleistocene deposits within the Naracoorte Cave Complex (NCC), South Australia. Here, we apply ESR and OSL dating in tandem to a series of samples collected from three different NCC sites: Whale Bone, Specimen and Alexandra cave. ESR quartz dating focuses on the multi-centre (MC) approach, which involves comparative evaluations of Al and Ti centre signals, while paired luminescence dating focuses on single-grain OSL analysis and includes examination of multi-grain averaging effects. The comparative ESR-OSL dating results exhibit broad agreement for deposits spanning 50–150 thousand years, with either the Ti–H or Al centre ages overlapping with paired OSL ages at 2σ in nearly all cases. MC ESR evaluations (Al v Ti–Li v Ti–H age assessments) indicate incomplete resetting of the bleachable Al centre signal for a small number of samples. Two-thirds of samples exhibit Ti–Li ages that are significantly older than corresponding Al centre ages, which is unexpected from a bleaching kinetics perspective and may indicate a broader reliability issue for Ti–Li palaeodose evaluation with these particular samples. Our findings: (i) support the applicability of both palaeodosimetric dating methods in this depositional setting; (ii) highlight the merits of applying combined ESR-OSL analyses in tandem, and; (iii) provide one of the first reliable evaluations of quartz ESR MC dating for samples with natural dose ranges as low as only a few tens of Gy. These results show that the Whale Bone, Specimen and Alexandra cave sites are temporally related and can be used to derive multi-site reconstructions of faunal assemblages and palaeoenvironmental history.  相似文献   

Debris flows in the mountainous regions south west of Beijing, China occur frequently and often result in considerable mass movements with disastrous consequences for human life, infrastructure and agriculture. Obtaining chronological information on such events is important for the prediction of the return frequency of these debris flows, risk assessment and climate change research. In this project, we use quartz single-grain optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) methods to determine the burial ages of five debris flow samples from the Zhai Tang region ∼60 km west of Beijing. OSL characteristics were found to be acceptable despite the low inherent brightness of quartz extracted from these samples. Single-grain thermal transfer was determined to be negligible and beta dose recovery experiments were satisfactory. The quartz single-grain dose distributions strongly indicate that the samples were poorly bleached prior to deposition; relative over-dispersions are larger than 60%. Minimum age modelling indicates that all five samples were deposited within the past few hundred years, indicating that catastrophic debris flows are occurring under the historically-recent land-use pattern.  相似文献   

古气候定量化是古全球变化研究的核心目标之一.重建末次冰盛期时段((18±2)ka14C)气候变化特征,对理解冰期-间冰期地球气候演化规律具有重要的意义.以往古气候要素定量重建,主要基于现代气候条件下孢粉-气候的统计学方法,因难以有效区分过去气候季节性变化和大气CO2浓度降低对植物生长的影响,导致重建结果可能存在不确定性.本研究基于植物生理过程、新一代古气候定量重建的植被反演方法,考虑上述环境因子对植物生长的影响,利用新完善的中国第四纪孢粉数据库,重建了古气候的空间格局.结果表明,在末次冰盛期,大气CO2浓度降低对中国古气候要素重建结果影响不显著;全国年均温比现在低约(5.6±0.8)℃,最冷月温度和最热月温度分别降低约(11.0±1.6)℃和(2.6±0.9)℃,且中国南方降温幅度达到约(5.5±0.5)℃,接近平均值的水平,年均温变化主要归因于冬季温度的降低;全国年降水量比现在低约(46.3±17.8)mm,其中北方降水减少约(51.2±21.4)mm,年降水变化主要源于夏季降水的减少.与古气候模拟结果的对比揭示,虽然现有模式能较好模拟年均气候模态,但是在季节性变化上与重建结果还有较大的差距,指示未来在提高古气候重建精度的同时需进一步加强古气候模式的季节性气候模拟能力.  相似文献   

Sediments deposited by the AD 869 Jogan tsunami offer an opportunity to test the reliability of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of relatively old historical tsunami deposits. We collected a geoslicer sample from sand deposited on the Sendai Plain, northeastern Japan, by the Jogan tsunami and applied quartz OSL dating to it. We then compared the OSL ages with the known age of the tsunami event. In ascending order, the sedimentary sequence in the geoslicer sample consists of the beach–dune sand, lower peat, Jogan tsunami deposit, upper peat, pre-2011 paddy soil, and the 2011 tsunami deposit. To obtain equivalent dose (De,bulk), a standard single-aliquot renegerative-dose (SAR) protocol was applied to large aliquots of the 180–250 μm fraction of two samples from the beach–dune sand, and four samples from differing levels of the Jogan tsunami deposit. The OSL decay curves were dominated by the medium component; thus, for two samples from the Jogan deposit the fast-component OSL signal was isolated and used to determine the equivalent dose (De,fast). Using De,bulk, OSL ages of the tsunami deposit were underestimated by ∼40%, and even the beach–dune sand was dated younger than AD 869. In contrast, De,fast provided a robust age estimate with only slight underestimation. A pulse annealing test showed that the bulk and medium-component OSL signals were thermally unstable. The medium component in the natural OSL was clearly truncated in comparison to the regenerated OSL; the medium component is thus considered to be the main cause of the underestimated ages. Similar effects of a dominant medium-component OSL have been reported in tectonically active regions, which are also prone to tsunamis. The effect of this dominance should be carefully considered in quartz OSL dating of tsunami deposits.  相似文献   

OSL dating of paleoshorelines at Lagkor Tso, western Tibet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lagkor Tso, a saline lake located south of Gertse in western Tibet exhibits spectacular flights of paleoshorelines. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating on quartz using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol from five paleoshoreline deposits shows that the lake level was 130 m higher than the present lake surface 5.2 ka ago. The lake level dropped rapidly by 25 m between 5.2 ka and 3.7 ka ago. Lake shrinkage further accelerated between 3.7 ka and 3.2 ka ago, when the lake level was just 74 m above the present lake surface. Luminescence characteristics and problematic samples are discussed.  相似文献   

The electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of tills using germanium-doped (Ge) paramagnetic centers in quartz has advantages over other dating techniques, as quartz is common, processing is easy, and the technique has the potential for dating features several hundreds of thousands years old. ESR dating of moraines is based on the supposition that either subglacial comminution or exposure to sunlight resets the signal. However, actual dating suggests that a signal that is initially present cannot be bleached to zero by grinding alone. We found that grinding coarse samples (0.5–1 mm in diameter) to the mean grain size of fine sand (0.125–0.193 mm) reduced the signal intensity to 53–69% of its original value. From the value of the signal difference, one can devise a correction factor for ESR ages of subglacial sediment. Polymineralic grains are commonly present in till. Exposure of them to sunlight for several days can reduce the signal intensity to 7–8% of its original value within 1–2 mm thick of the sediment surface. However, within 5–8 mm of the sediment surface, exposure to sunlight for over one week only reduced the signal intensity to mean plateau values of 42–50% of the initial value. Mixing upper and lower layers of the samples during exposure to sunlight changed the signal intensity. This suggests that the amount of bleaching varies spatially. Sediments initially deposited at the margins of ice caps or ice sheets and subsequently overridden may have been sufficiently exposed to sunlight to allow ESR dating of moraines. The purity of the quartz and the grain size have significant impacts on signal intensity; intensive purification and the use of a uniform fine sand fraction are thus recommended.  相似文献   

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) forms the basis for the chronology of Weichselian ice advances in Arctic Eurasia developed over the last few years. There is almost no age control on this chronology before 40 ka, except for some marine sediments correlated with marine isotope stage (MIS) 5e on the basis of their palaeofauna. Results from more southern latitudes have shown that dose estimates based on quartz OSL and the single aliquot regenerative (SAR) dose procedure may underestimate the age of MIS 5e deposits. Here we use the same method to date well-described marine sediments, thought to have been deposited during the very beginning of the Eemian interglacial at 130 ka, and exposed in two sections on the river Sula in northern Russia. Various quality-control checks are used to show that the OSL behaviour is satisfactory; the mean of 16 ages is 112±2 ka (σ=9 ka). This represents an underestimate of 14% compared to the expected age, a discrepancy similar to that reported elsewhere. In contrast to SAR, the single aliquot regeneration and added (SARA) dose procedure corrects for any change in sensitivity during the first OSL measurement. The SARA results are shown to be 10% older than those from SAR, confirming the geological age estimate and suggesting that SAR ages may underestimate older ages (larger doses), despite their good performance in the younger age range.  相似文献   

Rapid sample preparation and measurement protocols for optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating have been investigated as a method of increasing the throughput of samples (e.g. Roberts et al. 2009). Here, we investigate the potential of dating samples treated using only hydrochloric acid (HCl) for providing accurate range-finder ages for quartz. The equivalent dose (De) is underestimated for older samples using a standard single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol, but measurement of the post-IR OSL signal (e.g. Roberts and Wintle, 2003) provides De estimates within 15% of the ‘target fully prepared De’ for two-thirds of samples. The application of a standardised growth curve (SGC) is also investigated. For these dune samples, the most efficient preparation and measurement procedure from which accurate De estimates can be obtained is treatment with HCl-only, measurement of the natural and regenerative post-IR OSL signal, and calculation using a region-independent SGC. A slightly longer protocol incorporating an additional preparation stage of heavy liquid density separation can be used to improve De estimates in samples where feldspar-contamination is thought to be particularly problematic. In practice, these time savings of days to weeks in the preparation and measurement protocols mean that a large number of samples can first be rapidly treated with HCl, the post-IR blue OSL signal measured using a shortened double-SAR protocol, and De calculated by applying an independent SGC before then deciding which samples require full preparation and measurement, rather than the inefficiency of committing time and resources to all samples if this is unnecessary for the context of a particular suite of samples. The potential of this rapid preparation and measurement protocol is discussed in relation to sand dune dating studies.  相似文献   

The range of relative sea level rise in the northwestern South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum was over 100 m. As a result, lowland regions including the Northeast Vietnam coast, Beibu Gulf, and South China coast experienced an evolution from land to sea. Based on the principle of reconstructing paleogeography and using recent digital elevation model, relative sea level curves, and sediment accumulation data, this paper presents a series of paleogeographic scenarios back to 20 cal. ka BP for the northwestern South China Sea. The scenarios demonstrate the entire process of coastline changes for the area of interest. During the late glacial period from 20 to 15 cal. ka BP, coastline slowly retreated, causing a land loss of only 1×104 km2, and thus the land-sea distribution remained nearly unchanged. Later in 15–10 cal. ka BP coastline rapidly retreated and area of land loss was up to 24×104km2, causing lowlands around Northeast Vietnam and South China soon to be underwater. Coastline retreat continued quite rapidly during the early Holocene. From 10 to 6 cal. ka BP land area had decreased by 9×104km2, and during that process the Qiongzhou Strait completely opened up. Since the mid Holocene, main controls on coastline change are from vertical crustal movements and sedimentation. Transgression was surpassed by regression, resulting in a land accretion of about 10×104km2. Supported by Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. MSGL0711), the Guangdong Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 04001309) and Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. MGE2007KG04)  相似文献   

Quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating has been applied to sandy beach ridge systems from the Magdalen Islands in the center of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Quebec, Canada) to provide the first chronological framework for these features. Nineteen beach ridges (22 samples) from four different sites throughout the archipelago were investigated. At one of the sites, samples were taken at 9 m and 7.5 m depth using a vibracore. The quartz is dominated by the fast OSL component and a single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was used to measure the equivalent doses; a low preheat (180°C/10 s) was chosen to avoid the influence of thermal transfer. The average dose recovery ratio of all samples is 1.02 ± 0.02 (n = 130) suggesting that the SAR protocol works satisfactorily on this material. The OSL ages are internally consistent and supported by independent age control (radiocarbon). The OSL ages indicate that the ridges were built between 2.6 ± 0.2 ka and 0.40 ± 0.10 ka, i.e. during a period of sea level rise. This rise eroded adjacent sandstone cliffs, which contributed a significant sediment supply to the littoral drift and beaches. Some low-lying coasts in the archipelago are still prograding, despite a relative sea level increase of ∼1.6 mm/a over the last 600 years. The late Holocene ages obtained in this study indicate that these processes have been active for at least the past two thousand years. This study demonstrates for the first time that OSL dating using quartz has great potential in this area, and is an appropriate method for establishing precise chronologies for coastal sediments in this region of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.  相似文献   

Fluvial terraces along the middle reaches of many Japanese rivers were formed during the last glacial period as a result of changes in sediment discharge related to cooler temperatures and/or reduced water discharge because of lower precipitation. The influence of climate change on these fluvial terraces is not yet fully understood because most previous studies lacked detailed reconstructions of the chronology of terrace development. This study provides a detailed luminescence chronology of fluvial terrace deposits along the Ani River, northeastern Honshu, Japan, and compares that chronology to paleoclimatic records. Eight samples for luminescence dating were obtained from an outcrop of terrace deposits (∼10 m thick) in the Ani River valley. The fading-corrected infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages are consistent with the fading-corrected post-IR IRSL ages for some samples, which suggests that fading corrections were effective despite the higher fading rates of the IRSL signal. However, for the other samples, the post-IR IRSL ages are significantly older than the fading-corrected IRSL ages due to incomplete bleaching. The pulsed IRSL signals are close to field saturation for older samples, which might have resulted in a greater variation of the ages. Fading-corrected IRSL ages demonstrate periods of rapid aggradation during 105–90 ka and 75–60 ka. Comparison of terrace development with paleoclimatic records indicates that the two periods of fluvial deposition correspond to decreases in precipitation caused by weakened East Asian summer monsoon precipitation and possibly decreases in temperature. The results of this study show that the Ani River responded rapidly to climate change on a time scale of a few tens of thousands of years during the last glacial period.  相似文献   

The Bohai Sea is a semi-enclosed continental shelf sea in northern China. Three transgression layers have been identified from the Late Quaternary strata in the western Bohai Sea and the coastal regions, which provide critical information on Late Quaternary sea-level fluctuations and landscape development. The three transgression layers were previously assigned to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 1 (transgression 1, T1), MIS 3 (T2) and MIS 5 (T3), respectively, mainly based on 14C dating. However, this chronological framework aroused an enigma that the regional sea level in MIS 3 was even higher than that of MIS 5, conflicting with the context of global sea-level pattern. In order to clarify this issue, here quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating (four samples) was used to constrain the T2 chronology of borehole TJC-1 from the western Bohai Sea. Radiocarbon samples (eight) of peaty sediments were also measured for reference and comparison. All the four OSL samples showed saturation ages of >80 ka, suggesting that the T2 layer should have formed at least in MIS 5, instead of in MIS 3. Radiocarbon ages in T2 should have been severely underestimated, with a saturation age range of 22–30 cal ka BP, similar to all the previous published radiocarbon ages. The renewed OSL chronological framework for Late Quaternary transgressions in the western Bohai Sea is in better compliance with the history of global sea-level change.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study a low energy fluvial system response to natural and anthropogenic forcing during the last two millennia. In contrast with longer timescales (Holocene to Quaternary), historical sedimentary archives are sparse in such systems which are typically characterized by the predominance of erosion compared with aggradation. We studied three main sections in the Moselle valley (northeastern France) by a multi‐proxy approach combining morphology, sedimentology, archaeological evidence, historical archives, and dating. The geochronological framework was based on Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and validated by independent age control. The exposed sediments were allocated to different historical periods from Roman period to present. The first results show that, in contrast with many other fluvial systems, the Moselle and its tributaries did not experience major changes during historical periods. Climatic changes such as the Little Ice Age had a minor influence on floodplain aggradation (e.g. in grain size or sedimentation rates) in the Moselle valley and were only able to affect the fluvial style. This provides evidence that the reworking of sediments is the main fluvial process at short timescales in the valley floors of the Moselle catchment. In contrast, anthropogenic forcing seems important not only during recent centuries but also since Roman times. This is suggested by the case‐study of the Metz‐Mazelle section where significant headward erosion and sedimentation were recognized, and may be related to human occupation. The results therefore point to a need for increasing geoarchaeological and geochronological research in the Moselle catchment and similar low energy fluvial systems. Such research is actually essential to improve the knowledge of the fluvial response to environmental changes during the historical periods and to recognize the respective influence of natural variability and human forcing. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Loess deposits surrounding the high mountainous regions of arid central Asia (ACA) play an important role in understanding environmental changes in Eurasia on orbital and sub-orbital time scales. However, problems with dating loess in ACA have limited the interpretation of climatic and environmental data, especially Holocene data. We selected a typical loess/paleosol sequence (LJW10) on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains in ACA consisting of 280 cm of loess with multiple paleosols formed in the upper 170 cm of the section. We applied quartz OSL dating to coarse-grained (63–90 μm) fractions, and newly developed K-feldspar pIRIR dating protocols to both coarse-grained and medium-grained (38–63 μm) fractions of the samples from LJW10 section. Internal checks of the quartz OSL dating indicate that the single-aliquot regenerative-dose protocol on large aliquots (5 mm) is appropriate for equivalent dose (De) determinations and that the quartz ages of the loess samples are likely to be reliable. Luminescence characteristics and internal checks of the pIRIR dating indicate the pIRIR signal at a 170 °C stimulation temperature with a 200 °C preheat can be used for both coarse-grained and medium-grained De determinations. Anomalous fading tests for the pIRIR 170 °C signal indicate the pIRIR signals are stable and the anomalous fading of the pIRIR 170 °C signal can be ignored. Sunlight bleaching tests of the loess indicate the residual dose for the pIRIR 170 °C signal can also be ignored as it corresponds to only ∼9 years for the medium-grained K-feldspar and ∼85 years for the coarse-grained K-feldspar. The pIRIR ages of five medium-grained and coarse-grained K-feldspar samples are consistent with coarse-grained quartz OSL ages, and both the medium-grained and coarse-grained ages increase uniformly with depth, indicating these pIRIR ages are reliable. Based on the coarse-grained quartz OSL ages, and on coarse-grained and medium-grained K-feldspar pIRIR ages, an age-depth model for the paleosol-loess sequence was established by using a Bacon age-depth model. This model suggests eolian loess deposition began by at least ∼16 ka ago and that paleosol development on these eolian loess deposits began ∼5.5 ka, continuing to the present, with periods of high effective moisture at 5.5–4.9, 4.6–4.1, and 3.4–3.1 ka. This sequence suggests overall relative aridity during the early Holocene and an increase in effective moisture beginning ∼5.5 ka during the mid-late Holocene in ACA.  相似文献   

The palaeo-shorelines around the lakes on the Tibetan Plateau can be used to reconstruct water level variations, which serve as sensitive indicators of hydroclimate change. Extensive studies have been carried out to constrain the Holocene lake level fluctuations by dating shorelines with a variety of methods (e.g., luminescence, 14C, 10Be and U–Th series). In comparison, the timing of the lake level variations during the last glacial and subsequent deglaciation periods has been rarely studied. The driving factors of such changes, therefore, remain elusive. In this study, we performed a detailed luminescence dating investigation on six samples taken from a nearshore sedimentary outcrop in the south of Selin Co basin. The post-IR IRSL signals measured at 225 °C (pIRIR225) on sand-sized K-feldspar grains demonstrated a generally good behavior and yielded reliable chronologies, while the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals of quartz showed systematical age underestimation, which was attributed to anomalous fading. Six pIRIR225 ages ranging from 15 to 10 ka suggested that the lake level of Selin Co during the last deglaciation reached up to 40–45 m high above the modern lake level. In view of the regional precipitation and temperature proxy records, we consider that the glacier meltwater supply has likely been the primary contributor to the lake highstands during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating is now commonly used to estimate the depositional age of Quaternary landforms along the southern Cape coast of South Africa. Due to the early onset of dose saturation in the quartz-rich sediments from this region, determining the age of deposits much older than the last three glacio-eustatic sea-level high stands has been a challenge. In this study, we explored the feasibility of using the thermally-transferred OSL (TT-OSL) dating method to obtain ages for aeolian and shallow marine deposits at three different localities that hold promise to further illuminate the long and complex Late Quaternary sea-level history of this region. The bleachability and behaviour of both the recuperated OSL (ReOSL) and the basic-transferred OSL (BT-OSL) signals were investigated, and used as independent chronometers to infer (a) the degree of bleaching of the sediments and (b) the stability of the ReOSL signal for dating of older samples. We examined the sensitivity of both signals to varying preheat temperatures and further developed the single-aliquot regenerative-dose procedure for TT-OSL dating of our samples. To verify our procedures, and to understand some of the underlying mechanisms responsible for the problems we observed, modern analogues and known-age Marine Isotope Sub-stage (MIS) 5e samples from the same localities were also measured. The Middle Pleistocene deposits investigated in this study produced statistically consistent ReOSL and BT-OSL ages compatible with sea-level high stands during Marine Isotope Stage 11. This result is of considerable significance, as it may yield new insights into maximum sea-level heights during this period, which is widely considered an appropriate analogue for future environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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