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Hatton Bank (northwest U.K.) continental margin structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The continent-ocean transition near Hatton Bank was studied using a dense grid of single-ship and two-ship multichannel seismic (mcs) profiles. Extensive oceanward dipping reflectors in a sequence of igneous rocks are developed in the upper crust across the entire margin. At the landward (shallowest) end the dipping reflectors overlie continental crust, while at the seaward end they are formed above oceanic crust. Beneath the central and lower part of the margin is a mid-crustal layer approximately 5 km thick that could be either stretched and thinned continental crust or maybe newly formed igneous crust generated at the same time as the dipping reflector sequence. Beneath this mid-crustal layer and above a well defined seismic Moho which rises from 27 km (continental end) to 15 km (oceanic end) across the margin, the present lower crust comprises a 10–15 km thick lens of material with a seismic velocity of 7.3 to 7.4 km/s. We interpret the present lower crustal lens as underplated igneous rocks left after extraction of the extruded basaltic lavas, A considerable quantity of new material has been added to the crust under the rifted margin. The present Moho is a new boundary formed during creation of the margin and cannot, therefore, be used to determine the amount of thinning.  相似文献   

Summary. Closely spaced refraction profiling across the Whipple Mountains metamorphic core complex in southeastern California yields a complex picture of crustal structure in this region of large continental extension. A NE-directed profile, parallel to the extension direction, reveals a high-velocity mid-crustal layer (6.6–6.8 km s−1) at 16-18 km depth, bounded above and below by laterally discontinuous low-velocity zones (<6.0 km s−1). In marked contrast, a NW-directed profile shows a more uniform 6.0 km s−1 crust down to the crust-mantle boundary. The apparent contrast between these two perpendicular profiles may be related not only to a more complex geologic structure in the NW-SE direction, but also to velocity anisotropy associated with mid-crustal mylonites. Despite the differences between the two refraction profiles, both define a flat Moho at 26-27 km depth with an associated upper mantle-velocity of 7.8 km s−1. This observation is significant as it suggests that, although the amount of extension has been highly variable regionally, the crust is no thinner beneath the Whipple Mountains (where extension has been extreme) than the surrounding mountain ranges. Such an observation requires either that the crust was considerably thicker prior to extension, or that lateral flow in the lower crust and/or inflation of the crust via magmatism occurred contemporaneous with extension.  相似文献   

Summary. The stretching and thinning of the continental crust, which occurs during the formation of passive continental margins, may cause important changes in the velocity structure of such crust. Further, crust attenuated to a few kilometres' thickness, can be found underlying 'oceanic' water depths. This paper poses the question of whether thinned continental crust can be distinguished seismically from normal oceanic crust of about the same thickness. A single seismic refraction line shot over thinned continental crust as part of the North Biscay margin transect in 1979 was studied in detail. Tau— p inversion suggested that there are differences between oceanic and continental crust in the lower crustal structure. This was confirmed when synthetic seismograms were calculated. The thinned continental crust (β± 7.0) exhibits a two-gradient structure in the non-sedimentary crust with velocities between 5.9 and 7.4 km s−1; an upper 0.8 s−1 layer overlies a 0.4 s−1 layer. No layer comparable to oceanic layer 3 was detected. The uppermost mantle also contains a low-velocity zone.  相似文献   

Summary. Using the techniques of linear and quadratic programming, it can be shown that the isostatic response function for the continental United States, computed by Lewis & Dorman (1970), is incompatible with any local compensation model that involves only negative density contrasts beneath topographic loads. We interpret the need for positive densities as indicating that compensation is regional rather than local. The regional compensation model that we investigate treats the outer shell of the Earth as a thin elastic plate, floating on the surface of a liquid. The response of such a model can be inverted to yield the absolute density gradient in the plate, provided the flexural rigidity of the plate and the density contrast between mantle and topography are specified.
If only positive density gradients are allowed, such a regional model fits the United States response data provided the flexural rigidity of the plate lies between 1021 and 1022 N m. The fit of the model is insensitive to the mantle/ load density contrast, but certain bounds on the density structure can be established if the model is assumed correct. In particular, the maximum density increase within the plate at depths greater than 34 kin must not exceed 470 kg m−3; this can be regarded as an upper bound on the density contrast at the Mohorovicic discontinuity.
The permitted values of the flexural rigidity correspond to plate thicknesses in the range 5–10 km, yet deformations at depths greater than 20 km are indicated by other geophysical data. We conclude that the plate cannot be perfectly elastic; its effective elastic moduli must be much smaller than the seismically determined values. Estimates of the stress-differences produced in the earth by topographic loads, that use the elastic plate model, together with seismically determined elastic parameters, will be too large by a factor of four or more.  相似文献   

The rifting history of the Atlantic continental margin of Newfoundland is very complex and so far has been investigated at the crustal scale primarily with the use of 2-D seismic surveys. While informative, the results generated from these surveys cannot easily be interpreted in a regional sense due to their sparse sampling of the margin. A 3-D gravity inversion of the free air data over the Newfoundland margin allows us to generate a 3-D density anomaly model that can be compared with the seismic results and used to gain insight into regions lacking seismic coverage. Results of the gravity inversion show good correspondence with Moho depths from seismic results. A shallowing of the Moho to 12 km depth is resolved on the shelf at the northern edge of the Grand Banks, in a region poorly sampled by other methods. Comparisons between sediment thickness and crustal thickness show deviations from local isostatic compensation in locations which correlate with faults and rifting trends. Such insights must act as constraints for future palaeoreconstructions of North Atlantic rifting.  相似文献   

利用象海豹CTD观测到的2012年3—10月南极樊尚湾海域的温盐剖面数据,研究结冰期该海域陆架区变性绕极深层水(mCDW)入侵影响下的水体结构演变过程.结果显示,从湾口到湾最内侧的深层都存在显著的mCDW入侵.结冰过程中来自海表的冷却和析盐作用从上方向海洋内部延伸,而到6月中旬湾最内侧的400 dbar以深层结依然没被...  相似文献   

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