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Pressure--Temperature--Time Paths of Regional Metamorphism I. Heat Transfer during the Evolution of Regions of Thickened Continental Crust 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The development of regional metamorphism in areas of thickenedcontinental crust is investigated in terms of the major controlson regional-scale thermal regimes. These are: the total radiogenicheat supply within the thickened crust, the supply of heat fromthe mantle, the thermal conductivity of the medium and the lengthand time scales of erosion of the continental crust. The orogenicepisode is regarded as consisting of a relatively rapid phaseof crustal thickening, during which little temperature changeoccurs in individual rocks, followed by a lengthier phase oferosion, at the end of which the crust is at its original thickness.The principal features of pressuretemperaturetime(PTt) paths followed by rocks in this environment are a periodof thermal relaxation, during which the temperature rises towardsthe higher geotherm that would be supported by the thickenedcrust, followed by a period of cooling as the rock approachesthe cold land surface. The temperature increase that occursis governed by the degree of thickening of the crust, its conductivityand the time that elapses before the rock is exhumed sufficientlyto be affected by the proximity of the cold upper boundary.For much of the parameter range considered, the heating phaseencompasses a considerable portion of the exhumation (decompression)part of the PTt path. In addition to the detailed calculationof PTt paths we present an idealized model of the thickeningand exhumation process, which may be used to make simple calculationsof the amount of heating to be expected during a given thickeningand exhumation episode and of the depth at which a rock willstart to cool on its ascent path. An important feature of thesePTt paths is that most of them lie within 50 °C of the maximumtemperature attained for one third or more of the total durationof their burial and uplift, and for a geologically plausiblerange of erosion rates the rocks do not begin to cool untilthey have completed 20 to 40 per cent of the total uplift theyexperience. Considerable melting of the continental crust isa likely consequence of thickening of crust with an averagecontinental geotherm. A companion paper discusses these resultsin the context of attempts to use metamorphic petrology datato give information on tectonic processes. 相似文献
The Proterozoic Lindås Nappe, part of the Caledonidesof western Norway, was affected by penetrative Sveconorwegiangranulite-facies metamorphism, followed by a fluid-driven eclogite-and amphibolite-facies Caledonian overprint, spatially restrictedalong fractures and shear zones. In mafic granulites and amphibolites,a luminescent anhedral zircon overgrowth, which gives an averageage of 924 ± 58 Ma (Th/U = 0·52; secondary ionmass spectrometry data), surrounds a magmatic zoned core withan age of 952 ± 32 Ma (Th/U = 1·27). In the granulites,a continuous rim of zircon or a discontinuous corona of 相似文献
Low, nearly continuous terraces of similar age are present along streams in drainage basins that range in size from Drift Creek (190 km2) to the Umpqua River (11,800 km2) in the Oregon Coast Range. Radiocarbon ages from near the bose of fluvial sediments underlying these terraces are clustered at about 9000-11,000 14C yr B.P. Beveled bedrock surfaces (straths) that underlie the fluvial sediments are 1-8 m above summer stream levels and are present along most of the nontidal reaches of the rivers that we studied. Where exposed, the bedrock straths are overlain by 2-11 m of fluvial sediment that consists of a bottom-stratum (channel) facies of sandy pebble-cobble gravel and a top-stratum (overbank) facies of sandy silt or silt. Eight radiocarbon ages from the fluvial sediments allow correlation of the lowest continuous terrace over a wide area and thus indicate that a regional aggradation episode occurred in Coast Range drainage basins during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. The cause of such widespread aggradation is unknown but may be related to climate-induced changes in the frequency of evacuation of colluvium from hollows, which are common in all drainage basins in the region. 相似文献
Greenschist facies metabasite sills enclosed within phyllitesand psammites of the Dalradian Supergroup of the SW ScottishHighlands have been used as quantitative sensors of fluid flow,from which fossil fluid flow-paths have been mapped.Infiltration of H2OCO2 fluid caused carbonation of themetabasite assemblage. Consequently, metabasite sills have developeda characteristic asymmetric zonation of reacted (carbonate-bearing)margins and unreacted (carbonate-absent) interiors. Reactionfront advection theory has been used to constrain the time-integratedfluid flux and flow direction in one dimension, for each sill,from the widths of the reacted margins. Three-dimensional fluxesand flow directions have been constrained from one-dimensionalfluxes by geometrical computation, and regional fluid flow patternshave been deduced. On a regional scale, fluid flow was channelled through phyllitesand focused towards the axial zone of major antiformal foldstructures. Fluid flow was channelled through the 6 km thickArdrishaig Phyllites, within which fluid fluxes were found toincrease exponentially with proximity to the axial surface ofthe Ardrishaig Anticline. Fluid flow through the psammites waslimited to narrow zones of intense deformation associated withmetabasic or phyllitic intercalations. Although time-integratedfluid fluxes were locally high (4 102 m3/m2), average fluxes(100 m1/m2) are compatible with availability of fluid from underlyingdevolatilizing rocks. Complete isotopic homogenization of phyllites,psammites and metabasites within the axial region of the ArdrishaigAnticline is predicted by these high measured fluxes. KEY WORDS: 3-D flow; Dalradian; SW Scotland; greenschist facies; metabasites
*Corresponding author. Telephone: 0131-650-5885 Fax: 0131-668-3184 E-mail: askelton{at}glg.ed.ac.uk 相似文献
The Adula Nappe is a slice of Pre-Mesozoic continental basementaffected by Early Alpine (Mesozoic or Lower Tertiary) high-pressuremetamorphism. Mineral compositions in mafic rocks containingomphacite + garnet + quartz record a continuous regional trendof increasing recrystalliza tion temperatures and pressuresthat can be ascribed to this regional high-pressure metamorphicevent. P-T estimates derived from mineral compositions gradefrom about 12 kb and 500 ?C or less in the north of the nappeto more than 20 kb/800 ?C in the south. The regional P-T trend is associated with a mineralogical transitionfrom assemblages containing additional albite and abundant amphiboles,epidote minerals, and white micas in the north (omphacite-garnetamphibolites) to kyanite eclogites containing smaller amountsof hornblende and zoi.site in the south. Textures and mineralcompositional data show that these hydrous and anhydrous silicatesassociated with omphacite + garnet + quartz arc primary partsof the high-pressure assem blages. Observed phase relationsbetween these primary silicates, theoretical Schreinemakersanalysis, and the thermobarometric results, together indicatethat the regional transition from omphacite amphibolites tokyanite eclogites can be described by two simplified reactions: alb+epi+hbl=omp+kya+qtz+par (H2O-conserving) (15) par+epi+hbl+qtz=omp+kya+H2O (dehydration) (12) which have the character of isograd reactions. Local variations of water activity (aH2O) as indicated by isofacialmineral assemblages, and the H2O character of the reaction (15),are interpreted to reflect largely H and predominantly fluid-absenthigh-pressure metamorphism within the northern part of the nappe.The omphacite amphibolites and paragonite eclogites in thisarea are thought to have formed by H2O reactions from Pre-Mesozoichigh-grade amphibolites, i.e. from protoliths of similar bulkH2O-countent. The second isograd (12) is interpreted to markthe regional transition from largely fluid-absent metamorphismin the north to fluid-present metamorphism in the south, wheremetamorphic pressures and temperatures in excess of 12-15kband 500-600?C were sufficient for prograde in-situ dehydrationof similar hydrous protoliths to kyanite eclogites. The observationof abundant veins, filled with quartz+kyanite+omphacite, suggeststhat a free fluid coexisted locally with the kyanite eclogitesof the southern Adula Nappe at some time during progressivedehydration. 相似文献
The Composition of Garnets from Pelitic Schists in relation to the Grade of Regional Metamorphism 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Analyses of garnets are presented from a wide variety of metamorphicterrains, in relation to which there appears to be a regularpattern of substitution of (FeO+MgO) for (CaO+MnO), the valuesof these components reflecting the metamorphic grade of thepelitic schists. This provides a method for indicating variationsin grade in metamorphic terrains and for comparing the variationsin different areas. In areas of repeated metamorphism this wouldappear to have a particular value in establishing the gradeof the various episodes of metamorphism. It is also demonstratedthat by the determination of selected physical propertics (unitcell edge a and refractive index) of garnets in the peliticschists, and evaluating the significance of their variations,it is possible to work out the local changes of metamorphicgrade within a particular area. 相似文献
A succession of metamorphic zones can be recognized along theMolong Geanticline, an ancient rise within the Tasman Geosynclineof Eastern Australia. In order of increasing grade, the zonesin the volcanogenic rocks are: (1) an albite-quartz zone, containingneither prehnite, pumpellyite, actinolite, nor biotite; (2)a prehnite zone; (3) a prehnite-pumpellyite zone; (4) an actinolitezone; and (5) a biotite zone. Zeolite associations are not developed.Zones 4 and 5 lie within the greenschist facies. The rocks alongthis geanticline are generally only slightly deformed, lackingcleavage. The grade of this metamorphism within the Molong Geanticlineincreases partly in accordance with increasing stratigraphicdepth and partly increases eastwards towards the adjacent HillEnd Trough. Within the Trough, rocks show metamorphic assemblagesakin to those of Zones 4 and 5 as defined within the MolongGeanticline, but deformation is more extreme and a regionalcleavage is characteristic. In the region about the Hill EndTrough and the adjacent geanticlines there is an apparent variationfrom essentially static burial metamorphism of the geanticlinesthrough transitional types to tectonic dynamothermal metamorphismof the trough. Both metamorphisms are envisaged as having arisenduring the same general period of metamorphism, but deformationof the geanticlines was much less than deformation in the interveningHill End Trough. 相似文献
Mineralogical assemblages developed in the non-calcareous manganiferoussediments in India and subjected to regional metamorphism underchlorite to sillimanite grade conditions have been studied indetail. Based on a series of idealized reactions compatiblewith the recorded assemblages in the system Mn-Fe-Si-O, formany of which there is unambiguous textural evidence in therocks, a combined schematic petrogenetic grid consistent withtopological and thermodynamic considerations has been constructed. The inferred petrogenetic grid, coupled with the mineralogicaland textural evidence present in the manganiferous assemblagesand the enclosing rock formations, can be reconciled with thefollowing: (1) The mineralogical reactions attending regionalmetamorphism of the manganiferous sediments buffered the compositionof the coexisting fluid phase. (2) Due to the closed natureof the system as a whole and also due to lack of communicationbetween the different parts thereof, local variations in theinitial proportions of the non-volatile to volatile phases andtheir compositions led to the development of contrasting sequencesof mineralogical reactions and, therefore, fo2-T gradients evenwithin the same metamorphic grade. (3) Rhodonite, developedas a prograde reaction product in the garnet to sillimanitegrade conditions, was converted to rhodonite-pyroxmangite mixture/intergrowthduring cooling. Compositional variance, resulting from the substitution of Mnby Fe and incorporation of components such as Mg, Ca in thephases, would tend to shift the univariant reaction curves inthe grid towards opposite directions and/or split them intomultivariant intervals in fo2-T space without altering the generalstyle of the topology or the principal deductions made therefrom. 相似文献
The St. Anthony Complex consists of the White Hills Peridotite(the ultramafic remnant of an ophiolite), and an underlyingmetamorphic aureole which grades from metagabbro and hornblendegranulite through amphibolite, epidote amphibolite, and greenschistinto undeformed volcanic rocks at the base of the sequence.The petrology and mineralogy of the complex show that the basalperidotite mylonites recrystallized at 900950 °C,the coronitic metagabbros at 850900 °C, two-pyroxeneamphibolites at 860 °C, marbles at 680 °C, epidote amphibolitesat 550650 °C, and greenschists at 350550 °C.The metamorphic pressures range from 710 kb at the peridotitecontact to 35 kb in the greenschists and amphibolites,and less than 2 kb in the volcanics. The geology suggests thatthe metamorphic rocks originally formed from a strip of turbidites,alkali basalts, tholeiites, and gabbros adjacent to a continentalmargin. This sequence was subjected to dynamothermal metamorphismresulting from a combination of conduction of heat from theoverlying ultramafic rocks and shear heating. The rocks weregradually accreted onto the base of the overriding ophiolitesheet, forming the composite metamorphic sequence now observed. 相似文献
The metabasites of Chadegan, including eclogite, garnet amphibolite and amphibolite, are forming a part of Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone. These rocks have formed during the subduction of the Neo–Tethys ocean crust under Iranian plate. This subduction resulted in a subduction metamorphism under high pressuremedium temperature of eclogite and amphibolites facies condition. Then the metamorphic rocks were exhumed during the continental collision between the Afro–Arabian continent and the Iranian microcontinent. In the metabasite rocks, with typical MORB composition, garnet preserved a compositional zoning occurred during metamorphism. The magnesium (XMg) gradually increases from core to rim of garnets, while the manganese (XMn) decreases towards the rim. Chondrite–normalized Rare Earth Element patterns for these garnets exhibit core–to–rim increases in Light Rare Earth Elements. The chondrite–normalized REE patterns of garnets, amphiboles and pyroxenes display positive trend from LREEs to Heavy Rare Earth Elements (especially in garnet), which suggests the role of these minerals as the major controller of HREE distribution. The geochemical features show that the studied eclogite and associated rocks have a MORB origin, and probably formed in a deep–seated subduction channel environment. The geothermometry estimation yields average pressure of ~22 kbar and temperature of 470–520°C for eclogite fomation. The thermobarometry results gave T = 650–700°C and P ≈ 10–11 kbar for amphibolite facies. 相似文献
Evidence of a Temperature-dependent 'Blueschist' to 'Eclogite' Transformation in High-pressure Metamorphism of Metabasic Rocks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Textures in the blueschist metabasic rocks of the island ofSyros, Greece, indicate a reaction forming omphacite and garnetfrom earlier glaucophane and epidote. A balanced wholerock reaction can be written using the phase compositionsand modal mineralogy of the products observed. This reactionis continuous in P-T space if Mg and Fe2+ are independent components.The available thermodynamic data suggest that the eclogite(garnet plus omphacite) assemblage is favoured by higher temperatures. It cannot, however, be conclusively shown that the rocks wentthrough an up-temperature interval of metamorphism. The reactionseen could be promoted by reduced silica, or water activity.The details of the reaction textures and mineral zonation patternsshow furthermore that chemical equilibrium was not maintainedthroughout the rock development. The reaction textures differin detail in different samples. In those samples in which thetextures are most consistent with maintained chemical equilibriumhowever, the mineral zonation patterns do imply up-temperaturemetamorphism. 相似文献
An Ordovician geanticlinal marine sequence is exposed in theCentral West of New South Wales, Australia. The sequence containingbasic lavas, labile sedimentary, and proclastic rocks, has undergoneextensive adjustment during regional burial metamorphism. Thebasic lavas have a patchy coloration due to the formation ofalternation minerals of the prehnite-pumpellyite facies whichapperar to have formed during the metamorphism. The hererogeneousappearance of the basic lavas reflects a pronouced chemicaland mineralogical departure from the original composition. Twodiverging trends result. One leads to the production of a Ca-enrichedlithology, the other, which by far dominates in area at eachouterop, leads to a spilitic lithology. The alterationdomains in many cases crosscut all primary textural featureand their chemical variation does not correspond to likely variationsin the original lava composition. 相似文献
含柯石英锆石的SHRIMP U-Pb定年:胶东印支期超高压变质作用的证据 总被引:34,自引:7,他引:34
苏鲁超高压变质带的形成时代究竟是印支期还是新元古代争议始终很大。对山东胶南地区超高压变质带中超镁铁岩和榴辉岩的锆石激光拉曼、阴极发光和离子探针原位定年的研究获得超高压变质作用发生的时代为印支期。其中超镁铁岩含柯石英锆石的年龄为221±12Ma,该深成岩侵位时代为新元古代(581±44Ma)。此外,锆石中另有约400Ma年龄记录,可能代表岩石形成后另有一期热事件。榴辉岩的下交点年龄为228±29 Ma,与超镁铁岩含柯石英锆石年龄一致,代表超高压变质时代;上交点为中元古代(1821±19Ma),代表原岩年龄,后者与其片麻岩围岩时代相一致,说明榴辉岩是原位俯冲。 相似文献
川东“侏罗山式”褶皱带形成时代:不整合面的证据 总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19
确定川东“侏罗山式”褶皱带的形成时代是了解上扬子地区这一重要板内变形带动力学机制的关键所在。详细的野外工作显示,该构造带中、上三叠统之间为平行不整合接触关系,说明其没有发生过印支期褶皱。区内上三叠统与下侏罗统,中、下侏罗统和中、上侏罗统之间的平行不整合接触又指示其褶皱变形发生在晚侏罗世之后。区内白垩纪盆地边缘下白垩统与下伏地层呈明显的角度不整合接触,较平缓的上白垩统地层也覆盖在下伏较陡立的不同时代地层之上,从而指示该构造带形成于早白垩世之前。综合分析后限定川东—湘鄂西北部的“侏罗山式”褶皱带的褶皱变形发生在晚侏罗世末至早白垩世初期间,而不是过去认为的印支期或早燕山期。 相似文献
ZHAO Guiping LIU Shuwen LIU Xiaohan Computational Geodynamics Laboratory Graduate School of Chinese Academyof Sciences Beijing School of Earth Space Sciences Peking University Beijing Institute of Geology Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 《《地质学报》英文版》2004,78(1):186-190
Although porphyroblast microstructures play an important role in structural and metamorphic studies, there are still controversies in the interpretation. The focus is how porphyroblasts grow during deformation and metamorphism. In this paper, we introduce a new approach, the Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence, to a hemi-quantitative interpretation of the growth mode of porphyroblasts. The analysis was done at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The specimens were sampled from metapelite of the Baoyintu Group, northern Urad Middle Banner, Inner Mongolia. The new method is successful for determining the microscopic distribution of trace elements in porphybroblasts. The results support the theory of deformation partition, which has been brought forth by Bell and his colleagues, and demonstrate the existence of porphyroblast growth phases and the growth mode of porphyroblasts by hemi-quantitative mineral chemical analysis. The porphyroblast grows stage by stage in the manner of the distribution 相似文献
The difference in pressure condition of progressive metamorphism established by Schreinemakers' analysis of mineral assemblages in metabasalts makes it possible for the low grade metamorphism of the Izu-Tanzawa-Fujigawadani collision zone to be divided into three types. Type I is characterized by prehnite + epidote + hematite, suggesting the lowest pressure type; whereas type II is defined by prehnite + epidote + actinolite—the intermediate pressure type, and finally the distinctive assemblage of type III is pumpellyite + epidote + actinolite—the higher pressure type. The pressure conditions estimated are about 1 kbar for type I, 1–2 kbar for type II and 2–3 kbar for type III. The metamorphic rocks of type III occur in the southwestern part of the Tanzawa Mountains, and the metamorphic rocks of type I occur in the central Izu Peninsula and the northeast Tanzawa Mountains. Therefore, the upward displacement of the accretion mass due to collision deformation is most significant at the southwest Tanzawa Mountains. This suggests that the accretion of the Tanzawa and Izu blocks is accompanied with large-scale tilting of the mass. 相似文献
Pressure--Temperature--Time Paths of Regional Metamorphism II. Their Inference and Interpretation using Mineral Assemblages in Metamorphic Rocks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A companion paper (England & Thompson, 1984a) investigatesthe pressure-temperature-time (PTt) paths followed by rocksundergoing burial metamorphism in continental thickening events.This paper discusses problems involved in inferring such pathsfrom the petrological data available in metamorphic rocks andoncesuch paths are determinedhow they may be interpretedin terms of the thermal budgets of metamorphism. Each of theprincipal facies series (glaucophane-jadeite, andalusite- sillimaniteand kyanite-sillimanite) may be encountered by rocks involvedin the thickening and erosion of continental crust in a regimeof average continental heat flow. The inference of a minimumthermal budget required for a given metamorphism depends stronglyon a knowledge of the PTt paths followed by rocks during themetamorphism. Discrimination between possible thermal regimesis greatly enhanced if portions of PTt paths, rather than singlePT points, are available, and additional constraint is possibleif these paths are supplemented by geochronological, structuraland heat flow data. 相似文献
YOUNG EDWARD D.; ANDERSON J. LAWFORD; CLARKE H. STEVE; THOMAS WARREN M. 《Journal of Petrology》1989,30(1):39-60
Proterozoic migmatitic paragneisses exposed in the McCulloughRange, southern Nevada, consist of cordierite+almanditic garnet+biotite+sillimanite+plagioclase+K-feldspar+quartz+ilmenite+hercynite.This assemblage is indicative of a low-pressure fades seriesat hornblende-granulite grade. Textures record a single metamorphicevent involving crystallization of cordierite at the expenseof biotite and sillimanite. Thermobarometry utilizing cation exchange between garnet, biotite,cordierite, hercynite, and plagioclase yields a preferred temperaturerange of 590750?C and a pressure range of 34 kb.Equilibrium among biotite, sillimanite, quartz, garnet, andK-feldspar records aH2O between 0?03 and 0?26. The low aH2Otogetherwith low fO2 (QFM) and optical properties of cordierite indicatemetamorphism under fluid-absent conditions. Preserved mineralcompositions are not consistent with equilibrium with a meltphase. Earlier limited partial melting was apparently extensiveenough to cause desiccation of the pelitic assemblage. The relatively low pressures attending high-grade metamorphismof the McCullough Range paragneisses allies this terrane withbiotite-cordierite-garnet granulites in other orogenic belts.aosure pressures and temperatures require a transient apparentthermal gradient ofat least 50?C/km during part of this Proterozoicevent in the southern Cordillera.
*Present address: Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1567 相似文献
PP3超镁铁岩主要岩石类型有纯橄岩和石榴石橄榄岩,两者为渐变,主要矿物为橄榄石、铬尖晶石、石榴石、单斜辉石和斜方辉石.铬尖晶石的Cr#[Cr/(Cr+Mg) ×100]从51~89变化,TiO2和MnO2值分别低于0.26%和0.46%.铬尖晶石矿物表现为4期次演化的特点,反映了从岩浆期、榴辉岩相、角闪岩相和绿片岩相演化特征.随着超镁铁岩的演化,铬尖晶石表现为Cr#不断增大,而Mg#[Mg×100/(Mg+Fe2+) ]不断减少、氧逸度不断增加的过程.PP3铬尖晶石反映了地幔来源,为大陆岩石圈超镁铁岩特征,后期随折返而演化.从石榴石与铬尖晶石相互转变过程看出,PP3超镁铁岩经历了深度加大的过程,超镁铁岩曾经到达100km以上的岩石圈地幔深处.在绿片岩相-绿片角闪岩相变质过程中,铬尖晶石中Cr、Mg和Al减少,Fe相对增加,产生富Cr尖晶石变质作用样式.晚期剪切变形等次生变化影响了铬尖晶石矿物成分. 相似文献