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An electron probe and chemical study of bulk phosphorite samples and separated constituents from various Negev deposits was carried out together with XRD, FTIR spectroscopy and textural analysis. The results allow a better understanding of the distribution of fluorine in these Upper Cretaceous phosphorite sequences and shed light on variations in the composition of the carbonate fluorapatite (CFA) phase during phosphogenesis. Two facies are recognized: (1) a pristine, microbially generated phosphorite facies; (2) a recycled, peloidal and biodetrital facies. Fluorine distribution in the Negev phosphorites is facies controlled: F/P2O5 is much lower in the pristine facies (0·090–0·107) than in the recycled facies (0·107–0·120). In addition, F/P2O5 varies considerably between the various constituents of the phosphate fraction; F‐poor francolites (F/P2O5 as low as 0·080) co‐exist with F‐rich francolites (F/P2O5 as high as 0·135) in the same phosphorite bulk sample. A lower F/P2O5 in francolite is associated with higher Cd and Zn concentrations in the phosphorite, an increase in Fe‐rich smectites in the clay fraction and the presence of structural OH in the francolite. The lower F/P2O5 ratios in the pristine facies are attributed to high organic deposition rates during the formation of these matted sediments, leading to rapid burial of the in situ‐forming CFA. This is possibly coupled with diffusion of F from sea water into bottom sediments being hampered by microbial mat coatings. These conditions resulted in O2‐depleted porefluids, inducing the precipitation of Cd‐rich Zn sulphides and the formation of Fe‐rich smectites. F‐enrichment probably takes place when the earlier formed F‐poor ‘primary’ CFA is relocated close to the sea floor and bathed with interstitial sea water solutions of higher F concentrations. Oxidation and removal of the sulphide‐bound Cd and Zn apparently occurred together with enrichment in F of the francolite. Combining chemical data with XRD and FTIR results suggests a multistage growth for the Negev phosphate constituents in shifting formational sites and porefluids of varying F concentrations. This multiphase growth is reflected in the patchy distribution of F in the Negev constituents and might explain the inverse correlation between mean CO2/F and F/P2O5 ratios of the analysed phosphorites in the two facies. It also suggests that CFA (or an amorphous precursor) initially formed with some OH groups in the apatite structure, which were subsequently substituted by F ions in recycled francolite through re‐equilibration with porefluids of higher F concentrations.  相似文献   

The Campeche Knolls in the Bay of Campeche, southern Gulf of Mexico, were investigated through detailed seafloor mapping, ROV surveys, and sediment and pore water sampling. The knolls are elongated, submarine hills created by salt tectonics with a positive relief of up to 800 m above the surrounding seafloor. Several of the knolls are associated with sea-surface oil slicks identified from satellite data, indicating the presence of hydrocarbon seeps on the seafloor. One of the knolls, named “Chapopote”, was studied in detail during two international research expeditions (SO174/2 and M67/2) and is characterized by extensive hydrocarbon seepage including large asphalt flows, oil and gas seeps, and seafloor gas hydrate deposits. Chemosymbiotic biological communities and authigenic carbonate deposits are associated with the seeps and are the result of both biogeochemical turnover and the interaction between downward-diffusing seawater and hydrocarbon-rich pore fluids at shallow sediment depth. Authigenic carbonates are characterized by aragonite, exhibit a porous texture, and are cemented by a matrix of microsparitic to sparitic aragonite. Macropores of the carbonates were completely filled with liquid oil. Carbonate microfabrics include peloidal or clotted fabrics that may indicate the existence of microenvironments resulting from microbial metabolism. Banded/botryoidal aragonite cements line the intra- and bioclasts and incompletely fill the pore spaces. The stable carbon isotopic composition of authigenic aragonite varies between − 28.6‰ and − 17.9‰ (PDB), identifying oil oxidation as the primary source of carbon to the DIC pool, while lipid biomarker data demonstrate the concurrent existence of microbial communities responsible for anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). These observations indicate the presence of additional, AOM-independent reactions responsible for carbon sequestration at hydrocarbon seeps and demonstrate the complexity of biogeochemical processes at seep sites in the Gulf of Mexico basin. Oxygen isotope data of authigenic aragonite vary from + 2.5‰ to + 3.8‰ (PDB), indicating carbonate precipitation in slight disequilibrium with the surrounding pore fluids.  相似文献   

刘嘉庆  李忠  韩银学  彭守涛 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3629-3640
上奥陶统良里塔格组碳酸盐岩是塔里木盆地塔中地区重要的油气储层。在碳酸盐岩岩石学、微相和测井曲线分析基础上,将塔中良里塔格组划分为5个四级层序、15个五级层序,建立了高频层序地层格架。显著的选择性溶蚀,悬垂型、新月型等大气水胶结物的发育,溶蚀孔壁较弱的阴极发光特征,粒内与粒间胶结物较低的Fe、Mn含量,亮晶颗粒灰岩的δ13C、δ18O与泥晶灰岩接近等特征表明,塔中地区Ⅰ号断裂带附近准同生期大气水溶蚀作用以及早期海水胶结作用普遍发育。对比分析显示大气淡水透镜体均发育于高频层序向上变浅旋回的顶部,即高频层序格架制约了早期成岩作用的形成分布。现在保存的早期成岩溶蚀孔面孔率可达到4%~5%,因此早期溶蚀孔的发育为晚期溶蚀改造提供了流体活动空间和条件,对碳酸盐岩有效储层的产出具有重要控制。综合分析提出,塔中Ⅰ号断裂坡折带TZ54-TZ826和TZ72-TZ62-TZ24井区等高陡型台缘是同生-准同生溶蚀孔发育的有利储层区。  相似文献   

Recent experimental determinations of the solubility products of common rare earth minerals such as monazite and xenotime and stability constants for chloride, sulfate, carbonate and hydroxide complexes provide a basis to model quantitatively the solubility, and therefore the mobility, of rare earth elements (REE) at near surface conditions. Data on the mobility of REE and stabilities of REE complexes at near-neutral conditions are of importance to safe nuclear waste disposal, and environmental monitoring. The aim of this study is to understand REE speciation and solubility of a given REE in natural environments. In this study, a series of formation constants for La aqueous complexes are recommended by using the specific interaction theory (SIT) for extrapolation to infinite dilution. Then, a thermodynamic model has been employed for calculation of the solubility and speciation of La in soil solutions reacted with the La end-member of mineral monazite (LaPO4), and other La-bearing solid phases including amorphous lanthanum hydroxide (La(OH)3, am) and different La carbonates, as a function of various inorganic and organic ligand concentrations. Calculations were carried out at near-neutral pH (pH 5.5–8.5) and 25 °C at atmospheric CO2 partial pressure. The model takes account of the species: La3+, LaCl2+, , , , , , , , , La(OH)2+, LaOx+, , LaAc2+ and (where Ox2− = oxalate and Ac = acetate).The calculations indicate that the La species that dominate at pH 5.5–8.5 in the baseline model soil solution (BMSS) include La3+, LaOx+, , and in order of increasing importance as pH rises. The solubility of monazite in the BMSS remains less than 3 × 10−9 M, exhibiting a minimum of 2 × 10−12 M at pH 7.5. The calculations quantitatively demonstrate that the concentrations of La controlled by the solubility of other La-bearing solid phases are many orders of magnitude higher than those controlled by monazite in the pH range from 5.5 to 8.5, suggesting that monazite is likely to be the solubility-controlling phase at this pH range. The calculations also suggest that significant mobility of La (and other REE) is unlikely because high water–rock ratios on the order of at least 104 (mass ratio) are required to move 50% of the La from a soil. An increase in concentration of oxalate by one order of magnitude from that of the baseline model solution results in the dominance of LaOx+ at pH 5.5–7.5. Similarly, the increase in concentration of by one order of magnitude makes the dominant species at pH 5.5–7.5. Above pH 7.5, carbonate complexes are important. The increase in oxalate or concentrations by one order of magnitude can enhance the solubility of monazite by a factor of up to about 6 below neutral pH, in comparison with that in the baseline model soil solution. From pH 7.0 to 8.5, the solubility of monazite in the soil solutions with higher concentrations of oxalate or is similar, or almost identical, to that in the BMSS.  相似文献   

The Middle Oxfordian of the eastern Paris Basin constitutes a remarkable example of the growth and demise of a carbonate platform. Fischer plots, sedimentary and diagenetic features allow the identification of four depositional cycles (S5 to S8) in the Transversarium Zone; they are inserted in a lower frequency cycle of increased/decreased accommodation space (SoIII). The long‐term period of accommodation creation occurred during the older S5 and S6 cycles, the maximum accommodation zone being located in the lower part of the S6 cycle. This high accommodation period was tectonically controlled and was coeval with local distensive activity of a Hercynian fault. A major minimum accommodation zone exists during the S8 cycle. At that time, the platform was isolated and presented both a windward and a leeward margin. The growth of the platform was favoured by a warm and arid climate, oligotrophic conditions and reduced siliciclastic input during a highstand in relative sea‐level. These palaeoenvironmental features favoured the proliferation of phototrophic organisms producing carbonate material. The death of the platform was generated by a reduction in the carbonate production surface during a lowstand in relative sea‐level and by the appearance of mesotrophic conditions induced by the increase in siliciclastic inputs at the beginning of a period with a cooler and more humid climate. In the eastern Paris Basin, during the Middle Oxfordian, the parasequences are ordered and present ‘greenhouse’ characteristics. In contrast, at the beginning of the S8 cycle, the randomness in the thickness of contiguous parasequences increased. Decreased carbonate production during the lowstand caused by a transition from photozoan to heterozoan benthic communities certainly favoured this randomness and the appearance of catch‐down parasequences.  相似文献   

The world-class Idrija mercury deposit (western Slovenia) is hosted by highly deformed Permocarboniferous to Middle Triassic sedimentary rocks within a complex tectonic structure at the transition between the External Dinarides and the Southern Alps. Concordant and discordant mineralization formed concomitant with Middle Triassic bimodal volcanism in an aborted rift. A multiple isotopic (C, O, S) investigation of host rocks and ore minerals was performed to put constraints on the source and composition of the fluid, and the hydrothermal alteration. The distributions of the 13C and 18O values of host and gangue carbonates are indicative of a fracture-controlled hydrothermal system, with locally high fluid-rock ratios. Quantitative modeling of the 13C and 18O covariation for host carbonates during temperature dependent fluid-rock interaction, and concomitant precipitation of void-filling dolomites points to a slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid (13C–4 and 18O+10), which most likely evolved during isotopic exchange with carbonates under low fluid/rock ratios. The 34S values of hydrothermal and sedimentary sulfur minerals were used to re-evaluate the previously proposed magmatic and evaporitic sulfur sources for the mineralization, and to assess the importance of other possible sulfur sources such as the contemporaneous seawater sulfate, sedimentary pyrite, and organic sulfur compounds. The 34S values of the sulfides show a large variation at deposit down to hand-specimen scale. They range for cinnabar and pyrite from –19.1 to +22.8, and from –22.4 to +59.6, respectively, suggesting mixing of sulfur from different sources. The peak of 34S values of cinnabar and pyrite close to 0 is compatible with ore sulfur derived dominantly from a magmatic fluid and/or from hydrothermal leaching of basement rocks. The similar stratigraphic trends of the 34S values of both cinnabar and pyrite suggest a minor contribution of sedimentary sulfur (pyrite and organic sulfur) to the ore formation. Some of the positive 34S values are probably derived from thermochemical reduction of evaporitic and contemporaneous seawater sulfates.Editorial handling: P. Lattanzi  相似文献   

Matrix-supported diamicton and uniform to laminated, silty, fine-grained sediment deposited from about 42,500 to 27,600 cal yr B.P. under slackwater conditions nearly filled two caves in southwestern Illinois. At some point, most of the sediment was flushed from the caves and from about 22,700 to 4000 cal yr B.P., floods deposited a drape of sandy and silty sediment on remnant slackwater successions, cobbly alluvium, and bedrock (especially from 7700 to 4000 cal yr B.P.). Clay mineral analyses of the slackwater cave sediment reveal a provenance of chiefly Petersburg Silt, a smectite- and illite-rich proglacial lacustrine unit present in the overlying Illinois Episode glacial succession. Today, remnants of the ancient subterranean slackwater deposits nearly fill several secondary passages and, in at least two locations, cover a cobble-mantled strath terrace 1.3 to 1.5 m above active stream channels. Slumping and sinkhole formation appear to have been important mechanisms for deposition of the ancient subterranean deposits. Slumping of these surficial deposits and associated vegetation can occur along the flanks of sinkholes (in addition to sinkhole formation) and enter caves; however, the finer organics, some of them comminuted during transport into the caves, become part of the cave alluvium. This finer organic fraction is the modern analog of the humified organic matter disseminated in slackwater sediment dated in this investigation by radiocarbon methods. Twenty-four 14C ages on humified organic matter provide chronologic control. The δ13C values of the organic matter reflect the proportion of C4-type to C3-type vegetation growing in and around swallets and sinkholes at the time of redeposition. Drought-tolerant C4-type vegetation was more prevalent relative to C3-type vegetation from 42,500 to 31,200 cal yr B.P. compared to conditions from 28,800 cal yr B.P. to the present. The δ13C values are consistent with the results from other investigations of speleothems and organic matter from loessial paleosols.  相似文献   

Continuous records of discharge, specific conductance, and temperature were collected through a series of storm pulses on two limestone springs at Fort Campbell, western Kentucky/Tennessee, USA. Water samples, collected at short time intervals across the same storm pulses, were analyzed for calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, total organic carbon, and pH. Chemographs of calcium, calcite saturation index, and carbon dioxide partial pressure were superimposed on the storm hydrographs. Calcium concentration and specific conductance track together and dip to a minimum either coincident with the peak of the hydrograph or lag slightly behind it. The CO2 pressure continues to rise on the recession limb of the hydrograph and, as a result, the saturation index decreases on the recession limb of the hydrograph. These results are interpreted as being due to dispersed infiltration through CO2-rich soils lagging the arrival of quickflow from sinkhole recharge in the transport of storm flow to the springs. Karst spring hydrographs reflect not only the changing mix of base flow and storm flow but also a shift in source of recharge water over the course of the storm.
Resumen Se ha registrado en continuo la descarga, conductancia específica y temperatura de una serie de episodios de tormenta en dos manantiales en calizas ubicados en Fort Campbell, en el oeste de Kentucky/Tennessee (Estados Unidos de América). Se ha analizado muestras de agua recogidas en breves intervalos de tiempo durante los episodios de tormenta, determinando el calcio, magnesio, bicarbonato, carbono orgánico total y pH. Se ha superpuesto quimiogramas de calcio, índice de saturación en calcita y presión parcial de dióxido de carbono en los hidrogramas de las tormentas. La concentración de calcio y la conductancia específica se comportan de forma similar y presentan un mínimo que coincide también con un pico del hidrograma o que se retrasa ligeramente con respecto a él. La presión de dióxido de carbono sigue aumentando en la rama de recesión del hidrograma y, como consecuencia, disminuye el índice de saturación de la rama de recesión del hidrograma. Se interpreta que estos resultados son debidos a la infiltración dispersa a través de suelos enriquecidos en dióxido de carbono que retrasan el flujo rápido desde la recarga en los sumideros hasta su afloramiento en los manantiales. Los hidrogramas en manantiales kársticos reflejan no sólo la mezcla cambiante del flujo de base y el de tormenta, sino también el cambio en el origen del agua de recarga durante el curso de la tormenta.

Résumé Lenregistrement en continu du débit, de la conductivité et de la température de leau a été réalisé au cours dune série de crues à deux sources émergeant de calcaires, à Fort Campbell (Kentucky occidental, Tennessee, États-Unis). Des échantillons deau, prélevés à de courts pas de temps lors de ces crues, ont été analysés pour le calcium, le magnésium, les bicarbonates, le carbone organique total et le pH. Les chimiogrammes de calcium, dindice de saturation de la calcite et de la pression partielle en CO2 ont été superposés aux hydrogrammes de crue. La concentration en calcium et la conductivité de leau se suivent bien et passent par un minimum correspondant au pic de lhydrogramme ou légèrement retardé. La pression partielle en CO2 continue de croître au cours de la récession de lhydrogramme de même que lindice de saturation de la calcite décroît. Ces résultats sont interprétés comme étant dus à linfiltration dispersée au travers de sols riches en CO2, décalée par rapport à larrivée de lécoulement rapide provenant de la recharge, à partir dune perte, de lécoulement de crue vers les sources. Les hydrogrammes de sources karstiques ne reflètent pas seulement le mélange variable de lécoulement de base et de lécoulement de crue, mais également un changement dorigine de leau de la recharge au cours de lépisode de crue.

随着研究的深入,逐渐认识到碳酸盐岩台地边缘带(简称台缘带)具有沉积结构和演化的差异性,其不但记录了古地理格局及其演化过程,同时也对相关油气储层的发育具有重要的影响。以四川盆地东北部早三叠世飞仙关期同期近平行的三排台缘带为研究对象,通过钻井、野外露头及地震等资料综合分析,揭示研究区早三叠世飞仙关早期台缘鲕粒滩带明显继承了晚二叠世长兴期台缘礁滩带的分布,并具有整体向东迁移的特点。不同台缘带之间具有明显差异,可识别出迁移型和加积型两种台缘结构样式,迁移型台缘带主要分布在元坝-龙岗-梁平台缘带(简称1号台缘带)、简池-鸡王洞-沙陀台缘带(简称3号台缘带),其具有台缘斜坡坡度缓、迁移明显,造成台缘带鲕粒滩整体分布宽但厚度薄、横向间互云化的特点;加积型台缘带主要分布在铁厂河-普光-罗家寨台缘带(简称2号台缘带),沉积结构总体上表现为加积特征,但晚期具有向东迁移特点,台缘带窄、台前滑塌普遍,鲕粒滩分布集中且厚度大、云化彻底。不同台缘带内部沉积和储层分布具有差异性,1号台缘带内部具有斜坡带陡缓相间,缓坡区台缘带鲕粒滩迁移明显,鲕粒滩累积厚度薄且云化弱或不发育,相对的陡坡区迁移幅度略小,鲕粒滩累计厚度略厚,且具有向上云化程度逐渐增强的特点;由于面对相对开阔的海域,3号台缘斜坡带风暴影响明显,具有横向上的云化间互及垂向云化增强特征明显,资料有限,横向地貌变化尚待进一步揭示;2号台缘带具有横向上的鲕粒滩厚薄变化,但加积和整体云化特征稳定。台缘沉积结构差异性明显受早期长兴期古地貌、海平面变化及古风向和沉积期差异沉降等因素的联合影响。研究建立了相关台缘带沉积和白云岩分布模式。  相似文献   

Sector-collapse structures ranging up to 27 km wide with up to 7.7 km bankward erosion (scalloped margins) and linear escarpments occur along the east-north-east-trending, south-facing margins of the Yangtze Platform and Great Bank of Guizhou. Exposure of one of the structures on the rotated limb of a syncline displays the geometry in profile view. Declivities range from 65° to 90° in the upper wall and decrease asymptotically to the toe. Catastrophic collapses of the margins in both platforms occurred during the late Ladinian as constrained by the ages of strata truncated along the margins and the siliciclastic turbidites that onlap collapse structures. Middle Triassic Anisian and Ladinian platform-edge reef facies and platform-interior facies were truncated along both the Yangtze and Great Bank of Guizhou margins. Lower Triassic facies were also truncated along the Great Bank of Guizhou margin. Gravity transport during the main episodes of collapse occurred as mud-rich debris-flows and as mud-free hyper-concentrated flows. Clasts, several to tens of metres and, exceptionally, hundreds of metres across, were transported to the basin. Following collapse, talus, carbonate turbidites and periplatform-mud accumulated at the toe of slope. Shedding of skeletal grains and carbonate mud indicates active carbonate factories at the margin. Preserved sections of the margins demonstrate that the platforms evolved high-relief, accretionary escarpments prior to collapse. High-relief, without buttressing by basin-filling sediments, predisposed the margins to collapse by development of tensile strain and fracturing within the margin due to the lack of confining stress. The linear geometry of margins and active tectonics in the region supports tectonic activity triggering the collapse. Collapse is thus interpreted to have been triggered by fault movement and seismic shock. Comparison with other systems indicates that evolution from high-relief accretion to tectonic collapse of largely lithified margins resulted in large sector-collapse structures and deposition of a coarse, generally mud-poor breccia apron.  相似文献   

Abstract. Inorganic chemical compositions are determined for a series of rocks crossing an Early Jurassic stratiform manganese ore deposit in a chert‐dominant sequence at Katsuyama, in the Mino Terrane of central Japan. The lithology in the vicinity of the manganese ore bed is classified into lower bedded chert, black shale, massive chert, manganese ore and upper bedded chert, in ascending order. The rocks surrounding the manganese deposit are anomalously high in certain elements: Pb (max. 29 ppm), Ni (1140) and Co (336) in the lower bedded chert, Mo (438), As (149), Tl (29) and U (12) in the black shales, V (210) and Cr (87) in the massive chert, and MnO and W (24) in the manganese ore. The aluminum‐normalized profiles reveal a distinct zonation of redox‐sensitive elements: Pb‐Zn, Ni‐Co‐Cu(‐Zn) and U‐Cr in the lower bedded chert, Mo‐As‐Tl in the black shale, V(‐Cr) in the massive chert, and Mn‐Fe‐Ba‐W in the manganese ore, in ascending order. The lower and upper bedded cherts and manganese ore generally exhibit flat rare earth element patterns with positive Ce anomalies, whereas the uppermost part of the lower bedded chert, the black shale and massive chert have flat patterns with weak or nonexistent negative Ce anomalies and weak positive Eu anomalies. The strong enrichment in Ni, Co, W, Tl and As detected in the Katsuyama section is not recognized in other sediments, including those of anoxic deposition origin, but is identified in modern ferromanganese nodules, suggesting that metal enrichment in the Katsuyama section is essentially due to the formation of ferromanganese nodules rather than to deposition in an anoxic environment. The observed elemental zonation is well explained by equilibrium calculations, reflecting early diagenetic formation and associated gradual reduction with depth. The concentration profiles in combination with litho‐ and biostratigraphical features suggest that formation of these bedded manganese deposits was triggered by an influx of warm, saline and oxic water into a stagnant deep ocean floor basin in Panthalassa at the end of the middle Early Jurassic. Paleoceanographic environmental controls thus appear to be important factors in the formation and preservation of this type of stratiform manganese deposit.  相似文献   

文中报道在实际储层温压条件下(150℃,40MPa,大约4km深度)成功合成了碳酸盐岩烃类包裹体。通过对合成烃类包裹体的显微观察、荧光分析和傅里叶变换红外光谱分析,证实合成了烃类包裹体,且与真实储层中的包裹体具有相似特征,探讨了油水不混溶条件下的流体包裹体捕获机制。实验研究给出4点重要启示:(1)油水不混溶是造成烃类包裹体和水溶液包裹体分带的主要原因;(2)油气快速成藏过程可以被流体包裹体记录;(3)实际储层温压条件下,合成烃类包裹体实验研究有望为储层包裹体分析提供依据和标准;(4)人工合成烃类包裹体为研究含油气条件下储层水-岩作用机理提供了一种有效手段。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Earth was shaped largely by the Grenvillian and Pan-African orogenies. Out of these, the Grenvillian orogeny has long been regarded to be of minor nature in terms of global-scale orogenic episodes, whereas the Pan-African orogeny has been widely recognized in many continental fragments, although not in major parts of Asia. Based on chronological information in zircons from major river mouths across several important terrains of the globe, we show here that the Grenvillian orogeny contributed significantly to the formation of the continental crust. The time period between 0.6 Ga and 0.8 Ga marked the climax at the dawn of the Pan-African orogeny. Continental crust formed in this period is concentrated in the Pan-African orogenic belts widely across the globe. These regions were widespread over the half hemisphere of the globe, and were subsequently reduced in size after they moved to form Laurasia. The normalized frequency distribution of zircon ages from river-mouth sand over the world clearly demonstrates that Neoproterozoic and (0.9–0.6 Ga) and Grenvillian (1.3–1.0 Ga) peaks define the largest population. This means that extensive subduction, and hence active plate tectonics, might have operated through these periods. The zircon study has also brought to light new regions of the Grenvillian orogenic belts, particularly in the continents which are now covered by thick Phanerozoic sedimentary basins. Based on the new locations of Grenvillian orogens identified in this study, and using the distribution patterns as a marker bed, we propose revised paleogeographic configurations of the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinents.Our results demonstrate that the Neoproterozoic was the most active period of crust formation in the Earth. The cold basins, formed right after the assembly of Rodinia, exhibit a basin chain fringing the northern periphery of Rodinia, which turned into sites of mantle upwellings and led to the rifting and separation of the supercontinental assembly. The continents then moved northwards after the formation of Gondwana at ca. 540 Ma, and enlarged the northern half of the supercontinent Pangea since 250 Ma.Based on the results, we also evaluate the role of supercontinents in the mechanism of generation of superplumes addressing the enigma that the coldest mantle right above the Core–Mantle Boundary turns to the hottest one over a period of several hundreds of million years. Slab graveyard formed by the Pan-African subduction can be imaged through P-wave tomography. We postulate that the high-velocity anomaly in the D” layer underneath Gondwana has now transformed to the low-V regions to generate the African superplume. The tectonic history of solid Earth in the Phanerozoic seems to be controlled by the slab graveyards formed by the Grenvillian orogeny ca. 1.0 Ga.  相似文献   

杨威  魏国齐  金惠  沈珏红 《岩石学报》2011,27(3):749-756
成岩相是研究成岩作用展布的重要方法和途径,其与沉积相不同,反映岩石在一定的成岩环境下发生的各种成岩作用的综合表现。在详细的成岩作用和成岩环境研究的基础上,划分了扬子地块北缘地区飞仙关组8类成岩相、7类成岩亚相,总结了各类成岩相(亚相)的识别标志,探索了成岩相与沉积相、测井相、地震相的关系,探索了成岩相在点、线、面上的分布,预测了有利成岩相区展布,取得了良好效果。形成了一套有效的成岩相研究方法,并将成岩相研究成果应用到勘探实践,具有较好的推广价值。  相似文献   

The study of biogeochemical processes at the water-sediment interface must be able to explain the relatively small content of organic carbon in the sediment, compared to the calculated carbon flux in the oceans. The input of an organic molecule at the marine sediment surface (Gulf of Lion, France) was simulated by the injection of a 14C labelled molecule in the water of a preserved interface. A glutamic acid [14C(U)] simulated marine organic matter, whereas a catechol [14C(U)] represented continental organic material. The separation by successive acid and basic extractions of the remaining initial compounds and the resulting products showed the relative importance of biological (respiration, assimilation) and geochemical (adsorption on argillaceous particles and condensation in geopolymers) processes occurring at the water-sediment interface. The evaluation was supported by the determination of the geochemical (humic substances), hydrological (conditions of temperature and degree of oxygénation) and sedimentological characteristics of the environment studied and by the estimation of the benthic activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The Tal y Fan Intrusion is a 110 m thick sub-concordant metabasite sheet intruded into volcaniclastic and pyroclastic rocks of Ordovician age in North Wales. Despite low grade metamorphism, primary textural zones resulting from initial cooling of the sheet are preserved and retain primary mineralogical and chemical variations which influenced the nature and extent of metamorphic recrystallization. This has resulted in a vertical sequence of secondary mineral assemblages through the intrusion. During early hydrothermal alteration K-feldspar replaced plagioclase micropheno-crysts in the marginal and contact zones, and olivine in the central zone was replaced by saponite. Subsequent regional metamorphism resulted in the development of (metastable) prehnite-pumpellyite-epidote assemblages in two sub-zones characterized by high Fe2O3. Elsewhere the assemblage prehnite-actinolite-epidote developed except in the contact and marginal zones where activity of CO2 suppressed both prehnite and pumpellyite. Both assemblages contain excess albite, quartz and chlorite and, on the basis of uniform mineral compositions over the area of an individual thin section, are considered to represent buffered equilibrium assemblages indicative of prehnite-pumpellyite and prehnite-actinolite facies conditions. A metamorphic temperature of 310° C at 1.85 kbar is obtained using the P-T-X grid of Liou, Maruyama & Cho (1985), which implies a field gradient of ~ 44° C km-1. Assuming that metamorphism relates to burial, an overburden thickness of ~ 7 km is indicated. Total maximum thicknesses, however, of Ordovician, Silurian and Lower Devonian strata, in the area, do not exceed 6 km indicating a field gradient of 52° C km-1. These relatively high gradients may possibly be related to concealed late Caledonian intrusions, or alternatively may result from high heat flow as a consequence of crustal thinning, rapid sedimentation and intense magmatic activity in a marginal basin setting.  相似文献   

Cenozoic lamprophyre dykes occur widely along the Ailao-Shan-Red-River (ASRR) shear zone related to the Indian–Eurasian collision. Two generations of lamprophyres have been found at the Daping gold deposit in the southern part of the ASRR shear zone and have been investigated by using phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar dating and whole-rock major and trace element as well as Sr and Nd isotope geochemical analyses. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of phlogopite from the two generations of lamprophyres bracket the emplacement of auriferous quartz veins in the Daping deposit between 36.8 ± 0.2 Ma and 29.6 ± 0.2 Ma, consistent with the timing of gold mineralization in other parts of the ASRR shear zone. Geochemical data suggest that these lamprophyres most likely originated from a subduction-modified mantle source consisting of phlogopite-bearing spinel lherzolite, which underwent partial melting with contributions from crust materials. In particular, the second generation lamprophyres are characterized by more primitive geochemical features than the first, suggesting that secular source evolution probably resulted from post-collisional slab break-off mantle convection and remelting from ascending asthenosphere after subducted lithosphere break-off. Widespread and episodic occurrences of lamprophyres and other potassic volcanism in the eastern Tibetan Plateau were probably related to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the ASRR shear zone during Oligocene. A genetic model involving transtensional tectonics has been proposed for lamprophyres and gold mineralization in the ASRR shear zone.  相似文献   

This paper reports new fieldwork at Warsash which clarifies the terrace stratigraphic framework of the Palaeolithic archaeology of the region. Sections were recorded in former gravel pits and at coastal locations, supplemented by the use of ground penetrating radar and luminescence dating techniques. The region’s extensive borehole archive was also analysed to produce a revised terrace stratigraphy at Warsash and for the Test valley as a whole. At Warsash, some of the sediments previously identified as the Mottisfont/Lower Warsash Terrace are reassigned to the Hamble, Belbin/Upper Warsash and Ganger Wood/Mallards Moor Terraces. A luminescence dating programme, using test procedures not utilised in earlier dating studies in the region, yielded age estimates for the Hamble and Mottisfont/Lower Warsash Terraces at Warsash and also highlighted the complicated nature of the fluvial sediments of the River Test, suggesting that published luminescence ages for these deposits should be treated with some caution. This study indicates that the data used to construct terrace stratigraphies also requires careful assessment. The use of bedrock height and sediment thickness data produces more coherent long profile correlations than those produced by terrace surface data alone. The revised terrace stratigraphy provides the framework for the Palaeolithic archaeology at Warsash and clarifies correlations within and between archaeologically important sediments of the Test Valley, enabling it to contribute to discussions on the Lower-Middle Pleistocene settlement history of southern Britain.  相似文献   

The early Cretaceous (Albian–Aptian) Sung Valley ultramafic–alkaline–carbonatite complex is one of several alkaline intrusions that occur in the Shillong Plateau, India. This complex comprises calcite carbonatite and closely associated ultramafic (serpentinized peridotite, pyroxenite and melilitolite) and alkaline rocks (ijolite and nepheline syenite). Field relationship and geochemical characteristics of these rocks do not support a genetic link between carbonatite and associated silicate rocks. There is geochemical evidence that pyroxenite, melilitolite and ijolite of the complex are genetically related. Stable (C and O) and radiogenic (Nd and Sr) isotope data clearly indicate a mantle origin for the carbonatite samples. The carbonatite Nd (+0.7 to +1.8) and Sr (+4.7 to +7.0) compositions overlap the field for Kerguelen ocean island basalts. One sample of ijolite has Nd and Sr isotopic compositions that also plot within the field for Kerguelen ocean island basalts, whereas the other silicate–carbonatite samples indicate involvement with an enriched component. These geochemical and isotopic data indicate that the rocks of the Sung Valley complex were derived from and interacted with an isotopically heterogeneous subcontinental mantle and is consistent with interaction of a mantle plume (e.g. Kerguelen plume) with lithosphere. A U–Pb perovskite age of 115.1±5.1 Ma obtained for a sample of Sung Valley ijolite also supports a temporal link to the Kerguelen plume. The observed geochemical characteristics of the carbonatite rocks indicate derivation by low-degree partial melting (0.1%) of carbonated mantle peridotite. This melt, containing a substantial amount of alkali elements, interacted with peridotite to form metasomatic clinopyroxene and olivine. This process could progressively metasomatize lherzolite to form alkaline wehrlite.  相似文献   

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