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In identifying controls on rock slope form a distinction is made between: (1) rock slopes with joints which dip steeply out of a cliff and hence are subject to mass failure of the rock mass above a critical joint; and (2) rock slopes with inclinations which are either in equilibrium with the mass strength of their rocks, or have profiles which will develop towards strength equilibrium as cross joints open. In the first class of slope, stability results not just from the basic frictional resistance of the rock but also from the frictional roughness along the critical joint and from the normal stress acting across that joint. Stability may be reduced by weathering and loss of strength of the joint wall rock. As a result of normal stress variations with depth, induced by overburdens, high cliffs which are not undercut have a concave profile. The second group of slopes includes those with inclinations controlled at the scale of individual joint blocks, buttressed slopes and those on unjointed rock masses. Buttressed and unjointed rock masses develop towards a condition of mass strength equilibrium as cross joints open. Strength equilibrium slopes may be recognized by application of a rock mass strength classification proposed for geomorphic purposes. Eleven propositions are formulated which identify controls on rock slope development and some consequences of these controls.  相似文献   

The relative relief of adjacent plagioclase and pyroxene minerals was accurately measured on a recently-exhumed outcrop of gabbroic rocks in Leirdalen, southern Norway. Above the level of the former soil surface the feldspars protrude above the pyroxenes whereas below that level the pyroxenes are higher. Differential relief declines with increasing depth of burial down to 80 cm. On exposed surfaces the mean loss of pyroxene relative to feldspar is 103 cm3 m?2 of rock surface. With burial down to 50 cm in an arctic-alpine Brown Soil the mean loss of feldspar relative to pyroxene is 179 cm3 m?2. These figures represent minimum amounts of weathering over about 9000 years. The results confirm the importance of chemical weathering in arctic-alpine environments and the techniques may provide useful physical measures of degree of weathering for use in rate studies and relative-dating.  相似文献   

Deformation structures, within some Quaternary calcretes of Botswana and South Africa, have been classified into five types. Type 1 folds are small-scale (< 2 m wavelength) anticlines in shale or sheet calcrete, separated by wedges of calcrete, polygonal in plan. The anticlines have resulted from horizontal expansion and buckling caused by the disruptive growth of the calcrete wedges. Type 2(a) folds are medium-scale, strongly convoluted features in sheet calcrete and bedrock and are attributed to the introduction of calcrete along major vertical joint planes. Type 2(b) folds are large wavelength (> 20 m), but low amplitude (< 1 m), anticlines in hardpan calcrete; structural evidence suggests dominantly horizontal compression within the hardpan due either to an overall increase in volume of the calcrete, or to the disruptive formation of calcrete in joints in the synclinal areas. The mineralogy of the calcretes is dominated by low-Mg calcite which may have inverted from a high-Mg form; the deformation in type 1 and 2 folds was probably caused by the disruptive and displacive growth of calcite during calcretization. Type 3 folds are saucer-shaped depressions in hardpan calcrete and may be due to the removal of soluble salts below the folded layer during or after calcretization. Finally, type 4 folds are small, diapiric anticlines resulting from the upward injection of swelling clays into calcrete or calcretized shale.  相似文献   

The Southern Alps mountain chain, New Zealand, has formed as a consequence of late Cenozoic collision of the continental parts of the Pacific and Australia plates. Fission track analysis has yielded estimates of the amount, age of initiation, and rate of late Cenozoic rock uplift for 82 surface samples taken from transects across the Southern Alps. The mean surface, summit and valley elevations in the vicinity of each of the rock sample sites have also been measured. Regression of the geomorphic variables on the uplift variables has been used to establish quantitative relationships between uplift and geomorphology. There are strong and consistent linear associations between uplift and the elevations of the mean surface, summits and valleys. The preferred regression models have uniform slope but varying elevation response between transects. Substitution of space for time has allowed the evolution of landforms to be studied. To the east of the Main Divide, elevation and relief are proportional to, and closely related to, the age of initiation of rock uplift (‘uplift age’) and the amount of rock uplift (r2 > 0·8). Mean surface uplift was delayed for ~2 Ma after the start of rock uplift, a result of the stripping of a soft cover rock succession that, prior to rock uplift, overlaid the harder greywacke basement. Inter-transect variations in regression response and x-intercept are inferred, therefore, to reflect the variable preuplift thickness of cover rocks. However, the regular regression slope for the transects reflects the consistent nature of the interaction between uplift and the erodibility of greywacke basement. Uplift of the mean surface proceeded at 0·4 km/km and 0·4 km/Ma of rock uplift, while the rock uplift rate was 0·8 km/Ma. Summit elevations have increased at a rate of 0·6 km/Ma and valley elevations have increased at 0·2 km/Ma. Regression lines relating mean surface, summit and valley elevations to rock uplift and uplift age diverge from common intercepts; it is concluded, therefore, that the mountains east of the Main Divide have continued to increase in elevation and relief and change in form over time since the start of mean surface uplift. Mountain elevation has little relationship with late Cenozoic mean rock uplift rates of 0·8–1·0 km/Ma or inferred contemporary rock uplift rates (r2 ~ 0·3). In contrast, to the west of the Main Divide, elevation is shown to be closely related to rock uplift rate (r2 > 0·3). In contrast, to the west of the Main Divide, elevation is shown to be closely related to rock uplift rate (r2 > 0·8). Transects with higher rock uplift rates support higher topography. Landforms are therefore in a stable equilibrium with rock uplift rate, and the landscape contains no residual evidence of the total amount of rock uplift, or the age of uplift. Lithological variation appears to have no relationship with elevation.  相似文献   

Thermal contraction joints form in the upper and lower solidifying crusts of basaltic lava flows and grow toward the interior as the crusts thicken. Lava flows are thus divided by vertical joints that, by changes in joint spacing and form, define horizontal intraflow layers known as tiers. Entablatures are tiers with joint spacings less than about 40 cm, whereas colonnades have larger joint spacings. We use structural and petrographic methods to infer heat-transfer processes and to constrain environmental conditions that produce these contrasting tiers. Joint-surface morphology indicates overall joint-growth direction and thus identifies the level in a flow where the upper and lower crusts met. Rock texture provides information on relative cooling rates in the tiers of a flow. Lava flows without entablature have textures that develop by relatively slow cooling, and two joint sets that usually meet near their middles, which indicate mostly conductive cooling. Entablature-bearing flows have two main joint sets that meet well below their middles, and textures that indicate fast cooling of entablatures and slow cooling of colonnades. Entablatures always occur in the upper joint sets and sometimes alternate several times with colonnades. Solidification times of entablature-bearing flows, constrained by lower joint-set thicknesses, are much less than those predicted by a purely conductive cooling model. These results are best explained by a cooling model based on conductive heat transfer near a flow base and water-steam convection in the upper part of an entablature-bearing flow. Calculated solidification rates in the upper parts of such flows exceed that of the upper crust of Kilauea Iki lava lake, where water-steam convection is documented. Use of the solidification rates in an available model of water-steam convection yields permeability values that agree with measured values for fractured crystalline rock. We conclude, therefore, that an entablature forms when part of a flow cools very rapidly by water-steam convection. Flooding of the flow top by surface drainage most likely induces the convection. Colonnades form under conditions of slower cooling by conductive heat transfer in the absence of water.  相似文献   

We present contours of the largest horizontal and vertical recorded peak velocities of strong ground motion during the Northridge, California, earthquake. Above the fault, the horizontal peak velocities exceeded 100 cm/s. The vertical velocities were larger than 20 cm/s. We also present contours of peak horizontal and vertical strain factors. Through most of the San Fernando Valley and the Santa Susana Mountains, the horizontal surface strain factor was larger than 10−3. The largest horizontal strain factor computed was for the Rinaldi Receiving Station ∼10−2·2. The corresponding vertical strains were >10−3·25 and 10−13, respectively. Through most of the Los Angeles Basin the horizontal peak surface strain factors were between 10−3·75 and 10−3.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in exposed bedrock surfaces and alluvial sediment in the northern Flinders Ranges reveal surprisingly high erosion rates for a supposedly ancient and stable landscape. Bedrock erosion rates increase with decreasing elevation in the Yudnamutana Catchment, from summit surfaces (13·96 ± 1·29 and 14·38 ± 1·40 m Myr?1), to hillslopes (17·61 ± 2·21 to 29·24 ± 4·38 m Myr?1), to valley bottoms (53·19 ± 7·26 to 227·95 ± 21·39 m Myr?1), indicating late Quaternary increases to topographic relief. Minimum cliff retreat rates (9·30 ± 3·60 to 24·54 ± 8·53 m Myr?1) indicate that even the most resistant parts of cliff faces have undergone significant late Quaternary erosion. However, erosion rates from visibly weathered and varnished tors protruding from steep bedrock hillslopes (4·17 ± 0·42 to 14·00 ± 1·97 m Myr?1) indicate that bedrock may locally weather at rates equivalent to, or even slower than, summit surfaces. 10Be concentrations in contemporary alluvial sediment indicate catchment‐averaged erosion at a rate dominated by more rapid erosion (22·79 ± 2·78 m Myr?1), consistent with an average rate from individual hillslope point measurements. Late Cenozoic relief production in the Yudnamutana Catchment resulted from (1) tectonic uplift at rates of 30–160 m Myr?1 due to range‐front reverse faulting, which maintained steep river gradients and uplifted summit surfaces, and (2) climate change, which episodically increased both in situ bedrock weathering rates and frequency–magnitude distributions of large magnitude floods, leading to increased incision rates. These results provide quantitative evidence that the Australian landscape is, in places, considerably more dynamic than commonly perceived. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Development of a notch at the base of a cliff reduces cliff stability and often induces a collapse. Pleistocene limestone coastal cliffs of elevation 5?m in Kuro‐shima, Ryukyu Islands, have a prominent notch with a depth of 3–4?m at their bases. Around these coastal cliffs, collapses different from previous studies of cliff collapses in the Ryukyu Islands were found; collapses in Kuro‐shima have a horizontal failure surface. The horizontal failure surface, situated at the height of the failure surface corresponding to the retreat point of the notch, is bounded by vertical joints cutting the whole cliff and the reef flat in front of the cliff. Two types of horizontal failure surface were found, triangular and quadrangular; the distinction appears to depend on the angle between the vertical joints and the front face of the cliff. Prior to collapse, these cliffs appear to have been separated from the adjacent cliffs by the development of vertical joints. Consequently, a cliff that will collapse can be identified in advance; cliff instability is strongly dependent on the development of a notch. To study the effect of notch development on cliff collapse, the notch depth at which collapse occurs was calculated using stability analysis. Instability of a cliff increases with notch depth; collapse occurs at the horizontal failure surface when the ratio of the notch depth to the seaward length of the cliff is approximately 0·5–0·7 for a triangular failure surface, and 0·7–0·9 for a quadrangular failure surface. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain wetlands are common features of rivers in southern Africa, but they have been little studied from a geological or geomorphological perspective. Study of the upper Klip River, eastern Free State, South Africa, indicates strong geological controls on the formation of alluvial meanders and associated floodplain wetlands. Along this river, pronounced and abrupt changes in valley width are strongly linked to lithological variations. Where weakly cemented sandstone crops out, the Klip has laterally eroded bedrock and carved valleys up to 1500 m wide. In these valleys, the river meanders (sinuosity up to ~1·75) on moderate gradients (<0·001) within extensive floodplains marked by numerous oxbow lakes, backswamps and abandoned channels, many of which host substantial wetlands. In contrast, where highly resistant dolerite crops out, lateral erosion of bedrock is restricted, with the Klip tending instead to erode vertically along joints or fractures. Here, valleys are narrower (<200 m), channel‐bed gradients are steeper (>0·003), the river follows a much straighter course (sinuosity ~1·10–1·34), and floodplains are restricted in width. Long‐term landscape development in the Klip and numerous similar catchments depends on the interaction between fluvial processes in the sandstone and dolerite valleys. In the sandstone valleys, vertical erosion rates are controlled by erosion rates of the more resistant dolerites downstream. Hence, in the short‐ to medium‐term (decades to tens of thousands of years), lateral erosion dominates over vertical erosion, with the river concomitantly planing sandstone in the channel floor and reworking floodplain sediments. The thickness of alluvial fill in the sandstone valleys is limited (<4 m), but the resultant meanders are naturally dynamic, with processes such as point bar deposition, cutoff formation and channel avulsion resulting in an assemblage of fluvial landforms. In the longer term (greater than tens of thousands of years), however, vertical erosion will occur in the sandstone valleys as the downstream dolerites are lowered by erosion, resulting in channel incision, floodplain abandonment, and desiccation of the wetlands. Identification of the geological controls on meander and wetland formation provides information vital for the design of effective management guidelines for these ecologically rich habitats, and also contributes to a better understanding of rivers that are intermediate between fully alluvial and fully bedrock. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Absolute concentration of normal alkanes (n-alkanes) and aromatic hydrocarbons in bitumen extracted from source rocks in the period of thermodegradation from Turpan-Hami Basin suggests that aromatic hydrocarbons are dominant in coal and carbargilite while n-alkanes are dominant in mudstones. Bulkrock analysis and gas chromatograph/mass spectrum (GC-MS) of source rocks shows aromatic hydrocarbons are dominant in total ion chromatograms (TIC) of samples with poor perhydrous macerals while n-alkanes are dominant in TICs of samples with abundant perhydrous macerals. The identification of oil-prone and gas prone property based on GC-MS of bitumen “A” together with bulkrock analysis indicates that source rocks from Shengbei area are more oil-prone while source rocks from Qiudong and Xiaocaohu areas are more gas-prone, coinciding with the distribution of oil and gas reservoirs in Taibei Sag. Ratios used to identify oil-prone and gas-prone property for source rocks from Turpan Basin are proposed: n-alkanes >110 μg·mg?1, aromatics <15 μg·mg?1, and n-alkanes/aromatics >8 for oil-prone source rock bitumen while n-alkanes <82 μg·mg?1, aromatics >40 μg·mg?1, and n-alkanes/aromatics <1.5 for gas-prone source rock bitumen.  相似文献   

In situ measurements of electron density were made over Trivandrum (8.5°N, 76.9°E) during nighttime to study E-region plasma density irregularities. Irregularities, with vertical scale sizes from a few km to 15 cm, were detected during rocket ascent and descent. Electron density profiles during ascent and descent of an earlier nighttime rocket flight from Trivandrum are also presented. Some of the important results are as follows: (i) horizontal gradients in electron density exist in 110–120 km region with horizontal scale size of at least 40 km, (ii) based on the presence/absence of electron density structures during ascent and descent of both flights, the horizontal distance over which the gradient drift instability operates is found to be at least 80 km and 90 km, for both the flights, (iii) observed irregularities in regions of negative density gradient are suggested to be produced through the gradient drift instability (GDI) driven by vertical polarization electric field as well as by electric field produced through wind shears and those in positive gradient regions by wind driven GDI, (iv) largest irregularity amplitude (≈30%) was associated with steepest gradients and so was the presence of smallest vertical scale sizes (12 m to 15 cm), which were absent at other altitudes, (v) the spectral index of irregularities was in the range of ?2.2±0.2 for large scales (few kilometers>λ>50 m), ?3.25±0.25 for medium scales (50 m>λ>10 m) and ?2.6±0.1 for smaller scales (10 m>λ>1 m) and (vi) irregularities in large and medium scales are expected to be produced directly through GDI and the small and sum-meter scales through non-linear GDI.  相似文献   

Igneous rocks are fractured during cooling from magma to form cooling joints, which are typically columnar joints in volcanic rocks, while orthogonal joints are considered typical for plutonic rocks. We performed a 3D study of joint systems in a granitic batholith of the Okueyama granite in western Japan, which has its roof and its internal structures from the roof to 1000 m downward exposed. We used an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to observe the joints in outcrops from various angles. Based on our study, we propose a schematic model for joint systems in a granitic pluton. A granitic pluton has zones of rock columns below the roof and next to the wall. The rock column zone below the roof is as thick as 300 m, and its higher portions form steep cliffs, probably because of increased resistance to weathering. The axes of the rock columns are nearly vertical below the roof and gently plunge next to the walls, with high intersection angles with the wall. The distribution of columnar joints near only the roof and walls suggests that the granite cooled more rapidly near the roof and walls than in the core of the pluton. When the granite was jointed by parallel joints during cooling, the rock slabs between the parallel joints near the roof and the walls are subdivided into columns with polygonal cross-sections. This suggests that the granite was fractured by parallel joints at a temperature immediately below the solidus, after which the rock slabs were subdivided into rock columns during further cooling.  相似文献   

南海北部陆区岩石磁化率的矿物学研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于2517套现场测量资料,245块岩石样品的体积磁化率测量和详细的岩矿鉴定及硅酸盐全分析结果,结合单矿物磁化率特征及各岩石之间的对比研究,发现岩石磁化率主要受组成岩石的矿物磁化率控制.即岩石磁化率(κr)与组成岩石各个矿物磁化率(κ1)及其体积含量(C2)成正比.例如侵入岩磁化率,κr=-5.68×102Cq+2.8...  相似文献   

The summit cone of the Erebus volcano contains two craters. The Main crater is roughly circular (∼ 500 m diameter) and contains an active persistent phonolite lava lake ∼ 200 m below the summit rim. The Side Crater is adjacent to the southwestern rim of the Main Crater. It is a smaller spoon-shaped Crater (250–350 m diameter, 50–100 m deep) and is inactive. The floor of the Side Crater is covered by snow/ice, volcanic colluvium or weakly developed volcanic soil in geothermal areas (a.k.a. warm ground). But in several places the walls of the Side Crater provide extensive vertical exposure of rock which offers an insight into the recent eruptive history of Erebus. The deposits consist of lava flows with subordinate volcanoclastic lithologies. Four lithostratigraphic units are described: SC 1 is a compound lava with complex internal flow fabrics; SC 2 consists of interbedded vitric lavas, autoclastic and pyroclastic breccias; SC 3 is a thick sequence of thin lavas with minor autoclastic breccias; SC 4 is a pyroclastic fall deposit containing large scoriaceous lava bombs in a matrix composed primarily of juvenile lapilli-sized pyroclasts. Ash-sized pyroclasts from SC 4 consist of two morphologic types, spongy and blocky, indicating a mixed strombolian-phreatomagmatic origin. All of the deposits are phonolitic and contain anorthoclase feldspar.  相似文献   

Feasibility of recovering the magma chamber’s parameters by 3D Bayesian statistical inversion of magnetotelluric data is estimated for the simplified conductivity model of the Vesuvios volcano. The results indicate that in the lack of prior information and data, the most efficient approach may consist in successive estimation of the geometry and the depth of the anomaly followed by estimation of the electric conductivity distribution in it. The horizontal boundaries of the target could be outlined by the high gradients of the impedance determinant phase pseudosections determined by the upward analytical continuation of the anomalous electromagnetic fields from the relief surface to the artificial reference plane located above the summit of the volcano. The vertical boundaries and the target extension as well as the electric conductivity could be estimated successively by means of 3D Bayesian statistical inversion of the collected magnetotelluric data carried out in the domain delimited by the estimated horizontal boundaries.  相似文献   

Attenuations of the vertical and horizontal response spectra of the 17 October 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake are developed through analyses of the ground motion at 53 sites within a 100 km radius of the source. The analyses are performed on the spectral ordinates for 16 incremental periods ranging from 0.05 to 2.0 sec. The response spectra are modelled empirically for two different site conditions characterized by rock and stiff-soil geologies. Data analysis is performed by the application of a non-linear multivariate regression procedure allowing for distance and site factor as independent variables. Variation of the vertical-to-horizontal (V/H) spectral ratios with wave frequency and distance shows the same behaviour as observed previously in the widely separated geographic regions of northeastern Taiwan and east-central Iran. The predicted ratios at sites underlain by stiff soil are generally higher than the commonly used value of 2/3 at high frequencies ( > 5 Hz) in the near-source region (R < 30 km), but reduce to 1/2 or less at longer periods and farther distances. This behaviour is also observed at rock sites; however, it is somewhat less pronounced. With a faster attenuation of spectral ordinates at higher frequencies, the shape of the response spectrum is found to change with distance. As expected, the spectral attenuation with distance is generally higher for the vertical spectrum than for the horizontal spectrum. The difference is particularly significant at the higher-frequency end of spectrum. Site amplification factors for stiff soil with respect to rock geology varies between 1.17 and 1.72 for horizontal spectrum and 1.01 and 1.81 for vertical spectrum. Spectral amplifications at four sites underlain by soft soil and artificial fill, are also evaluated. This is done by a comparison of the observed spectra with those predicted for rock geology at corresponding distances. As expected, the resulting amplification factors at soft-soil sites show significant increase relative to those at sites underlain by rock.  相似文献   

Whole‐rock geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic data are presented for late Miocene volcanic rocks associated with the Chah Zard epithermal Au–Ag deposit in the Urumieh‐Dokhtar Magmatic Arc (UDMA), Iran, to investigate the magma source, petrogenesis and the geodynamic evolution of the study area. The Chah Zard andesitic to rhyolitic volcanic rocks are characterized by significant Large Ion Lithophile Element (LILE) and Light Rare Earth Element (LREE) enrichment coupled with High Field Strength Element (HFSE) depletion. Our geochemical data indicate an adakitic‐like signature for the volcanic rocks (e.g. SiO2 > 62 wt%, Al2O3 > 15 wt%, MgO < 1.5 wt%, Sr/Y > 70, La/Yb > 35, Yb < 1 ppm, and Y < 18 ppm, and no significant Eu anomalies), distinguishing them from the other volcanic rocks of the UDMA. The Chah Zard volcanic rocks have similar Sr and Nd isotopic compositions; the 87Sr/86Sr(i) ratios range from 0.704 902 to 0.705 093 and the εNd(i) values are from +2.33 to +2.70. However, the rhyolite porphyry represents the final stage of magmatism in the area and has a relatively high 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.705 811). Our data suggest that the andesitic magmas are from a heterogeneous source and likely to result from partial melting of a metasomatized mantle wedge associated with a mixture of subducted oceanic crust and sediment. These melts subsequently underwent fractional crystallization along with minor amounts of crustal assimilation. Our study is consistent with the model that the volcanic host rocks to epithermal gold mineralization in the UDMA are genetically related to late Miocene Neo‐Tethyan slab break‐off beneath Central Iran.  相似文献   

Wave‐induced fluid flow plays an important role in affecting the seismic dispersion and attenuation of fractured porous rocks. While numerous theoretical models have been proposed for the seismic dispersion and attenuation in fractured porous rocks, most of them neglect the wave‐induced fluid flow resulting from the background anisotropy (e.g. the interlayer fluid flow between different layers) that can be normal in real reservoirs. Here, according to the theories of poroelasticity, we present an approach to study the frequency‐dependent seismic properties of more realistic and complicated rocks, i.e. horizontally and periodically layered porous rock with horizontal and randomly orienting fractures, respectively, distributed in one of the two periodical layers. The approach accounts for the dual effects of the wave‐induced fluid flow between the fractures and the background pores and between different layers (the interlayer fluid flow). Because C33 (i.e., the modulus of the normally incident P‐wave) is directly related to the P‐wave velocity widely measured in the seismic exploration, and its comprehensive dispersion and attenuation are found to be most significant, we study mainly the effects of fracture properties and the stiffness contrast between the different layers on the seismic dispersion and attenuation of C33. The results show that the increasing stiffness contrast enhances the interlayer fluid flow of the layered porous rocks with both horizontal and randomly orienting fractures and weakens the wave‐induced fluid flow between the fractures and the background pores, especially for the layered porous rock with horizontal fractures. The modelling results also demonstrate that for the considered rock construction, the increasing fracture density reduces the interlayer fluid flow while improves the dispersion and attenuation in the fracture‐relevant frequency band. Increasing fracture aspect ratio is found to reduce the dispersion and attenuation in the fracture‐relevant frequency band only, especially for the layered porous rock with horizontal fractures.  相似文献   

Fluid pressure diffusion occurring on the microscopic scale is believed to be a significant source of intrinsic attenuation of mechanical waves propagating through fully saturated porous rocks. The so-called squirt flow arises from compressibility heterogeneities in the microstructure of the rocks. To study squirt flow experimentally at seismic frequencies the forced oscillation method is the most adequate, but such studies are still scarce. Here we present the results of forced hydrostatic and axial oscillation experiments on dry and glycerine-saturated Berea sandstone, from which we determine the dynamic stiffness moduli and attenuation at micro-seismic and seismic frequencies (0.004–30 Hz). We observe frequency-dependent attenuation and the associated moduli dispersion in response to the drained–undrained transition (∼0.1 Hz) and squirt flow (>3 Hz), which are in fairly good agreement with the results of the corresponding analytical solutions. The comparison with very similar experiments performed also on Berea sandstone in addition shows that squirt flow can potentially be a source of wave attenuation across a wide range of frequencies because of its sensitivity to small variations in the rock microstructure, especially in the aspect ratio of micro-cracks or grain contacts.  相似文献   

Early in the crystallization of many tholeiitic basaltic magmas, plagioclase crystals cluster together into a 3-D cellular network, which forms a passive marker capable of recording the deformation that accompanies compaction of crystal mush. Although irregular in detail, the overall network is initially isotropic and only becomes anisotropic as a result of compaction. We have developed four independent methods to quantify the 3-D textural anisotropy of a basalt sample using at least three non-parallel thin sections. Three of the methods are based on the geometrical properties of digitized maps of the feldspar chain networks. One approach focuses on the angular variation of the mean intercept along parallel traverses through the network, another examines the orientation and size distribution of individual links, and the third considers the average shape of interstitial regions outlined by the plagioclase network. The fourth technique approximates the textural anisotropy by the variogram anisotropy of a scanned thin section image. We illustrate the methods using five oriented non-parallel thin sections from a sample of diabase 146 m above the base of the 300-m-thick Palisades sill of New Jersey. Compaction of crystal mush in this sill has previously been postulated on the basis of chemical evidence. The 3-D feldspar network anisotropy based on the first three approaches suggests nearly uniaxial compaction on the order of 8.6% in a direction within 3° of the intersection of the columnar joints at the sample site. A rigorous statistical test based on the statistics of elliptically contoured non-normal multivariate distributions documents that the link-vector distribution in vertical sections are statistically anisotropic at a 95% confidence level and that the overall compaction is 7.9±2.6%. The orientation and magnitude of the 3-D textural anisotropy determined by the image variogram of the non-opaque minerals is almost identical to the mean feldspar network anisotropy; 8.5% compaction in a direction 10° from the columnar joint intersections. The major silicate textural and feldspar network anisotropy axes both plunge almost directly down dip of the sill. On the other hand, the major axis of the variogram anisotropy of the opaque minerals is approximately parallel to the strike of the sill and to the major axis of the anisotropic magnetic susceptibility. The anisotropy of the silicate mineral fabric may reflect down-dip flow of a deformable melt-rich crystal mush, whereas the AMS and opaque textural anisotropy reflects the influence of gravitational stresses during the growth of magnetite in the final stages of melt crystallization. Evidently the Palisades sill was not originally horizontal but was intruded in an orientation close to its present attitude.  相似文献   

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