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Abstract— The Noblesville meteorite is a genomict, regolith breccia (H6 clasts in H4 matrix). Mössbauer analysis confirms that Noblesville is unusually fresh, not surprising in view of its recovery immediately after its fall. It resembles “normal” H4–6 chondrites in its chemical composition and induced thermoluminescence (TL) levels. Thus, at least in its contents of volatile trace elements, Noblesville differs from other H chondrite, class A regolith breccias. Noblesville's small pre-atmospheric mass and fall near Solar maximum and/or its peculiar orbit (with perihelion <0.8 AU as shown by natural TL intensity) may partly explain its levels of cosmogenic radionuclides. Its cosmic ray exposure age of ~ 44 Ma, is long, is equalled or exceeded by <3% of all H chondrites, and also differs from the 33 ± 3 Ma mean exposure age peak of other H chondrite regolith breccias. One whole-rock aliquot has a high, but not unmatched, 129Xe/132Xe of 1.88. While Noblesville is now among the chondritic regolithic breccias richest in solar gases, elemental ratios indicate some loss, especially of He, perhaps b; impacts in the regolith that heated individual grains. While general shock-loading levels in Noblesville did not exceed 4 GPa, individual clasts record shock levels of 5–10 GPa, doubtless acquired prior to lithification of the whole-rock meteoroid.  相似文献   

Abstract— A 0.5 kg stony meteorite associated with a bright bolide seen over southeastern Michigan on 1994 October 20 has been recovered. The circumstances of the fall and recovery of this chondrite, named Coleman, are presented. The most likely trajectory from the observations of the event implies preatmospheric orbital parameters typical of meteorites. Gamma-ray spectrometry of the cosmogenic radionuclides showed that the recovered mass was an interior fragment of a larger body and revealed abnormally high 22Na and 26Al activity. Electron microprobe analysis yielded compositions of Fa24.1 and Fs20.3, which are consistent with an L-chondrite classification. Petrographically, the presence of chondrules, the observed mineralogy and the degree of chondrule-matrix integration suggests assignment to petrologic type 6.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrographic and chemical characteristics of a fresh Indian meteorite fall at Sabrum are described. Its mean mineral composition is defined by olivine (Fa31.4), orthopyroxene (Fs25.1,Wo2.0), clinopyroxene (Wo45En45.6Fs9.4) and plagioclase (An10.6Ab83.6Or5.8). The meteorite shows moderate shock features, which indicate that it belongs to the S4 category. Based on mineralogical and chemical criteria the meteorite is classified as an LL6 brecciated veined chondrite. Several cosmogenic radioisotopes (46Sc, 7Be, 54Mn, 22Na and 26Al), noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe), nitrogen isotopes, and particle tracks density have been measured. Concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar indicate that its cosmic‐ray exposure age is 24.8 Ma. Small amounts of trapped Kr and Xe, consistent with petrologic class 5/6, are present. The track density in olivines is found to be (1.3 ± 0.3) × 106/cm2. Activities of most of the short‐lived isotopes are lower than those expected from solar cycle variation. 22Na/26Al (1.12 ± 0.02) is found to be significantly anomalous, being ?25% lower than expected from the Climax neutron monitor data. These results indicate that the cosmic‐ray flux during the terminal segment of the meteoroid orbit was low. The activities of 26Al and 60Co and the track density indicate small meteoroid size with a radius ?15 cm.  相似文献   

The Mifflin meteorite fell on the night of April 14, 2010, in southwestern Wisconsin. A bright fireball was observed throughout a wide area of the midwestern United States. The petrography, mineral compositions, and oxygen isotope ratios indicate that the meteorite is a L5 chondrite fragmental breccia with light/dark structure. The meteorite shows a low shock stage of S2, although some shock‐melted veins are present. The U,Th‐He age is 0.7 Ga, and the K‐Ar age is 1.8 Ga, indicating that Mifflin might have been heated at the time of the 470 Ma L‐chondrite parent body breakup and that U, Th‐He, and K‐Ar ages were partially reset. The cosmogenic radionuclide data indicate that Mifflin was exposed to cosmic rays while its radius was 30–65 cm. Assuming this exposure geometry, a cosmic‐ray exposure age of 25 ± 3 Ma is calculated from cosmogenic noble gas concentrations. The low 22Ne/21Ne ratio may, however, indicate a two‐stage exposure with a longer first‐stage exposure at high shielding. Mifflin is unusual in having a low radiogenic gas content combined with a low shock stage and no evidence of late stage annealing; this inconsistency remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Abstract— A multiple fall of a stony meteorite occurred near the town of Dergaon in Assam, India, on March 2, 2001. Several fragments weighing <2 kg and a single large fragment weighing ~10 kg were recovered from the strewn field, which extended over several tens of square kilometers. Chemical, petrographic, and oxygen isotopic studies indicate it to be, in most aspects, a typical H5 chondrite, except the unusually low K content of ~340 ppm. A cosmic ray exposure of 9.7 Ma is inferred from the cosmogenic noble gas records. Activities of eleven cosmogenic radionuclides were measured. 26Al and 22Na activities as well as the 22Na/26Al activity ratio are close to the values expected on the basis of solar modulation of galactic cosmic rays. The low 60Co activity (<1 dpm/kg) is indicative of a small preatmospheric size of the meteorite. Cosmic ray heavy nuclei track densities in olivine grains range from ~106 cm?2 in samples from the largest fragment to approximately (4–9) × 105 cm?2 in one of the smaller fragments. The combined track, radionuclide, and noble gas data suggest a preatmospheric radius of ~20 cm for the Dergaon meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract— A search of active deflation basins near Jal, Lea County, New Mexico resulted in the discovery of two meteorites, Lea County 001 and 002. Lea County 001 has mean olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions of Fa19 and Fs17, respectively. These and all other mineralogical and petrological data collected indicate a classification of H5 for this stone. Lea County 002 has mean olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions of Fa2 and Fs4, and is unequilibrated. Although it is mineralogically most similar to Kakangari and chondritic clasts within Cumberland Falls, the high modal amount of forsterite makes Lea County a unique type 3 chondrite. Oxygen isotope data for Lea County 002 fall on an 16O-mixing line through those of the enstatite meteorites and IAB irons, a feature shared by Kakangari.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Carcote meteorite, detected in 1888 in the northern Chilean Andes, is a brecciated, weakly shocked H5 chondrite. It contains a few barred olivine chondrules and, even more rarely, fan-shaped or granular orthopyroxene chondrules. The chondrules are situated in a fine-grained matrix that consists predominantly of olivine and orthopyroxene with accessory clinopyroxene, troilite, chromite, merrillite, and plagioclase. The metal phase is mainly kamacite with subordinate taenite and traces of native Cu. In its bulk rock composition, Carcote compares well with other H5 chondrites so far analysed, except for a distinctly higher C content. Microprobe analyses revealed the following mineral compositions: olivine (Fa16.5–20), orthopyroxene (Fs14–17.5), diopsidic clinopyroxene (FS6–7), plagioclase (An15–20). Troilite is stoichimetric FeS with traces of Ni and Cr; chromite has Cr/(Cr + Al) of 0.86, Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) of 0.80-0.88 and contains considerable amounts of Ti, Mn, and Zn. Merrillite is close to the theoretical formula Ca18(Mg, Fe)2Na2(PO4)14, although with a Na deficiency not compensated for by excess Ca; the Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratio of the Carcote merrilite is 0.93-0.95. Kamacite and taenite have Ni contents of 5.6–7.2 and 17.1–23.4 wt%, respectively. Native Cu contains about 3.1–3.3 wt% Fe and 1.6 wt% Ni. Application of different geothermometers to the Carcote H5 chondrite yielded apparently inconsistent results. The highest temperature range of 850–950 °C (at 1 bar) is derived from the Ca-in-opx thermometer. From the cpx-opx solvus geothermometers and the two-pyroxene Fe-Mg exchange geothermometer, a lower temperature range of 750–840 °C is estimated, whereas lower and more variable temperatures of 630–770 °C are obtained from the Ca-in-olivine geothermometer. Recent calibrations of the olivine-spinel geothermometer yielded a still lower temperature range of 570–670 °C, which fits well to the temperature information derived from the Ni distribution between kamacite and taenite. Judging from crystal chemical considerations, we assume that these different temperatures reflect the closure of different exchange equilibria during cooling of the meteorite parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract We report a new chondrite that fell in Hashima City in central Japan sometime during the period 1868–1912. The chondrite weighs 1110.64 g and exhibits distinct chondritic structure. Chondrules occupy 24 vol% of the stone and consist of olivine (average Fa17,8), low-Ca pyroxene (average Fs15,8 Wo0.9), devitrified glass and lesser amounts of oligoclase (ca. Ab80Or4), kamacite, taenite, troilite and chromian spinel. Matrix occupying 76 vol% of the stone consists of olivine, low-Ca pyroxene, kamacite, taenite, troilite, cryptocrystalline minerals and lesser amounts of chromian spinel and chlorapatite. Matrix minerals have the same compositions as those in chondrules. Mineral chemistry, bulk chemistry and magnetic properties indicate that Hashima is an H-group chondrite. Well-defined chondrules, scarcely recrystallized oligoclase and relatively small variations of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions indicate that Hashima is of petrologic type 4.  相似文献   

Abstract— A stony meteorite fell at Itawa Bhopji, Rajasthan, India on 2000 May 30. This is the fifth recorded fall in a small area of Rajasthan during the past decade. The meteorite is an ordinary chondrite with light clasts in a dark matrix, consisting of a mixture of equilibrated (mainly type 5) and unequilibrated components. Olivine is Fa24–26 and pyroxene Fs20–22 but, within the unequilibrated components, olivine (Fa5–29) and low calcium pyroxene (Fs5–37) are highly variable. Based on petrographic studies and chemical analyses, it is classified as L(3–5) regolith breccia. Studies of various cosmogenic records, including several gamma‐emitting radionuclides varying in half‐life from 5.6 day 52Mn to 0.73 Ma 26Al, tracks and rare gases have been carried out. The exposure age of the meteorite is estimated from cosmogenic components of rare gases to be 19.6 Ma. The track density varies by a factor of ?3 (from 4 to 12 times 106/cm2) within the meteorite, indicating a preatmospheric body of ?9 cm radius (corresponding to a meteoroid mass of ?11 kg) and small ablation (1.5 to 3.6 cm). Trapped components in various rare gases are high and the solar component is present in the dark portion of the meteorite. Large excess of neutron‐produced 82Kr and 128Xe in both the light and the dark lithology but very low 60Co, indicating low neutron fluxes received by the meteoroid in the interplanetary space, are clear signatures of an additional irradiation on the parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— A new, large, ordinary chondrite has been recovered from near the strewn field of Gibeon iron meteorites in Namibia, and is designated Korra Korrabes, after the farm property on which the specimens were found in 1996–2000. A total of ~140 kg of related specimens were recovered, including a large stone of 22 kg, and hundreds of smaller objects between 2 g and several kilograms. Cut surfaces indicate that Korra Korrabes is a breccia, containing 10–20% of light grey‐brown clasts up to 3 cm across in a uniform, darker grey‐brown host that contains abundant round chondrules, and irregular grains of Fe‐Ni metal and troilite up to 1 cm across. The vast majority of the stone is unshocked, although some clasts show mild shock features (stage S2), and one chondrule fragment is moderately shocked (stage S3). Weathering grade varies between W1 and W2. Microprobe analyses indicate variable compositions of olivine (Fa13.8–27.2, n = 152, percent mean deviation = 7.82%) and low‐Ca pyroxene (multiply twinned clinobronzite, Fs8.4–27.8, n = 68). There is excellent preservation of magmatic textures and mineralogy within many chondrules, including normally zoned olivine (Fa13.8–18.9) and low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs0.2–20.9) phenocrysts, and abundant glass, some of whose compositions are unusually alkaline (Na2O + K2O = 13.6–16.3 wt%) and Ca‐deficient (CaO = 0‐0.75 wt%), seemingly out of magmatic equilibrium with associated clinoenstatite or high‐Al calcic clinopyroxene crystals. Textural and mineralogical features indicate that Korra Korrabes is an H3 chondrite breccia, which represents the largest and least equilibrated stony meteorite yet recovered from Namibia; it is now one of the four largest unequilibrated ordinary chondrites worldwide.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Leedey, Oklahoma, meteorite shower fell on 1943 November 25, following a fireball which was visible across much of southwestern Oklahoma and northcentral Texas. The shower produced 24 stones with a total mass of ~51.5 kg. The stones formed a strewnfield ~18 km in length in the same direction as the observed path of the meteor (N50°W). Leedey is classified as an L6(S3) ordinary chondrite. We report bulk major element chemical analyses from four separate laboratories. Leedey contains an unusual 6 by 8 mm composite Fe,Ni-FeS grain, which is composed of a 3 mm kamacite grain adjacent to a 5 mm troilite grain. A 50–100 μm rim of high-Ni (45–55 wt%) taenite (tetrataenite) occurs at the boundary between kamacite and troilite. A single, zoned pyrophanite grain is observed at the boundary between the inclusion troilite and host silicates. An origin as a foreign particle incorporated after metamorphism or during impact melting appears unlikely. This particle likely formed by a complex set of processes, including melting in the nebula, parent body metamorphism and reheating by later shock, mirroring the history of the host chondrite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The mineralogical and chemical characteristics of the Didwana‐Rajod chondrite are described. The mean mineral composition is found to be olivine (Fo83.2) and pyroxene (En83.5Wo0.7Fs15.8), and feldspar is mainly oligoclase. Oxygen isotopic analysis shows δ18O = +3.8%0 and δ17O = +2.59%0. The nitrogen content of Didwana‐Rajod is ~2 ppm with δ15N ? 3.4%0. Based on microscopic, chemical, isotopic and electron probe microanalysis, the meteorite is classified as an H5 chondrite. Cosmogenic tracks, radionuclides and the isotopic composition of rare gases were also measured in this meteorite. The track density in olivines varies in a narrow range with an average value of (6.5 ± 0.5) × 105/cm2 for four spot samples taken at the four corners of the stone. The cosmic‐ray exposure age based on neon and argon is 9.8 Ma. 22Na/26Al ? 0.94 is lower than the solar‐cycle average value of ~1.5 and is consistent with irradiation of the meteoroid to lower galactic cosmic‐ray fluxes as expected at the solar maximum. The track density, rare gas isotopic ratios, 60Co activity and other radionuclide data are consistent with a preatmospheric radius of ~15 cm, corresponding to a mass of ~50 kg. The cosmogenic properties are consistent with a simple exposure history in interplanetary space.  相似文献   

Abstract— Roosevelt County (RC) 075 was recovered in 1990 as a single 258-gram stone. Classification of this meteorite is complicated by its highly unequilibrated nature and its severe terrestrial weathering, but we favor H classification. This is supported by O isotopes and estimates of the original Fe, Ni metal content. The O isotopic composition is similar to that of a number of reduced ordinary chondrites (e.g., Cerro los Calvos, Willaroy), although RC 075 exhibits no evidence of reduced mineral compositions. Chondrule diameters are consistent with classification as an L chondrite, but large uncertainties in chondrule diameters of RC 075 and poorly constrained means of H, L and LL chondrites prevent use of this parameter for reliable classification. Other parameters are compromised by severe weathering (e.g., siderophile element abundances) or unsuitable for discrimination between unequilibrated H, L and LL chondrites (e.g., Co in kamacite, δ13C). Petrologic subtype 3.2± 0.1 is suggested by the degree of olivine heterogeneity, the compositions of chondrule olivines, the thermoluminescence sensitivity, the abundances and types of chondrules mapped on cathodoluminescence mosaics, and the amount of presolar SiC. The meteorite is very weakly shocked (S2), with some chondrules essentially unshocked and, thus, is classified as an H3.2(S2) chondrite. Weathering is evident by a LREE enrichment due to clay contamination, reduced levels of many siderophile elements, the almost total loss of Fe, Ni metal and troilite, and the reduced concentrations of noble gases. Some components of the meteorite (e.g., type IA chondrules, SiC) appear to preserve their nebular states, with little modification from thermal metamorphism. We conclude that RC 075 is the most unequilibrated H chondrite yet recovered and may provide additional insights into the origin of primitive materials in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

The problem of A.T.E.A.S. is treated, for the zonal perturbations, in its Hamiltonian form. The method consists in eliminating angular variables from the Hamiltonian function. Nearly identity canonical transformations are used, first to remove short periodic terms, second to remove long periodic terms. The general solution, up toJ 2 3 , is represented by the generators of the transformations and by the mean motions of averaged variables, known up toJ 2 4 . Open expressions in the eccentricity are avoided as far as possible. It permits to obtain a closed second order theory with closed third order mean motions.Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics held at Oberwolfach (West Germany) from 14 to 19 August, 1978.  相似文献   

Abstract— Age patterns observed in meteorite groups reflect the different thermal or impact histories experienced by their parent bodies. To assess the number of ordinary chondrite (OC) parent bodies rare-gas data in the Schultz and Kruse (1989) data base were used to calculate U,Th-He gas-retention ages. Most H- and LL-chondrite ages are high; ~81% are >2.2 Ga. In contrast, most L-chondrite ages are low; ~69% are ≤2.2 Ga, and ~35% are ≤0.9 Ga. The latter fraction is substantially lower than the value of 44% given by Heymann (1967). The difference is attributed to the preferential inclusion of shocked L chondrites in early studies. Broad age peaks in the H and LL groups near 3.4 Ga probably reflect thermal loss during metamorphism, but in the H distribution there is a hint of minor outgassing “events” near 1 Ga. The L/LL chondrites have chemical properties intermediate between and unresolvable from L and LL chondrites. The high ages of most L/LL chondrites are evidence against these originating on the L parent body; the L/LL age distribution is consistent with an origin on the LL parent body or on an independent body.  相似文献   

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