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Abstract— Opaque minerals in the Qingzhen (EH3) and MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88136 (EL3) enstatite chondrites were studied and compared with other EH and EL chondrites. All opaque minerals usually occur in multi‐sulfide‐metal clasts and nodules in the matrix between chondrules (El Goresy et al., 1988). The higher abundance of opaque minerals, the occurrence of niningerite and various alkali‐sulfides (e.g., caswellsilverite, phases A and B, djerfisherite) are diagnostic criteria for EH chondrites, while alabandite is characteristic for EL chondrites. In addition, EH chondrites are characterized by enrichments of Si in both kamacite and perryite, and alkali elements in sphalerite and chalcopyrite. The Mn contents of daubreelite and sphalerite are lower in EH than in EL chondrites. These are consistent with lower oxygen fugacity and higher H2S fugacity of EH than EL chondrites. In contrast, the discovery of sphalerite and Zn‐rich daubreelite in MAC 88136 indicates that their absence in EL6 chondrites is probably related to thermal metamorphism in the parent body. Schreibersite microspherules are commonly enclosed in most sulfides in Qingzhen, but are absent in MAC 88136. They were once molten, and probably predated all sulfide host phases. The petrographic setting and chemical compositions of the sulfide hosts of the schreibersite microspherules in EH3 chondrites are consistent with formation by condensation. The earliest sulfide condensates oldhamite and niningerite occupy the interiors of the clasts and nodules, whereas the rims consist of troilite and djerfisherite. In addition, in Qingzhen, some other troilite, djerfisherite and sphalerite assemblages coexist with perryite. They were produced by sulfurization of metallic Fe‐Ni in the nebula. In MAC 88136, sulfurization of Si‐bearing Fe‐Ni metal is less pronounced, and it produced troilite, schreibersite and less abundant perryite. Two kinds of normal zoning and a reverse zoning trends of niningerite, and both normal and reverse zoning of sphalerite were found in clasts and nodules in Qingzhen. The coexistence of normal and reverse zoning profiles in niningerite grains in the same meteorite strongly suggests that they formed before accretion in the parent body, because an asteroidal metamorphic or an impact event in the parent body would have erased these contrasting profiles and destroyed the textural settings. In contrast, alabandite in MAC 88136 shows only normal zoning, with the FeS content decreasing to 9.3 mol% toward troilite, indicating very slow cooling at low temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Sm-Nd systematics of whole-rock and mineral separate samples from nakhlite Governador Valadares define a good 147Sm-143Nd mineral isochron age of 1.37 ± 0.02 Ga. This age is in excellent agreement with the 39Ar-40Ar and Rb-Sr ages obtained previously for this meteorite. However, the Rb-Sr isotopic data for our sample show that the isotopic system is disturbed. The lack of isotopic equilibrium is probably caused by the weathering of the sample as indicated by the presence of secondary alteration phases. The whole-rock and acid-washed mineral data yield a Rb-Sr age of 1.20 ± 0.05 Ga, which probably represents a lower limit to the crystallization age of the rock. The petrographic evidence indicates that this meteorite is a clinopyroxene cumulate that probably crystallized in a subsurface sill (McSween, 1994). Thus, the Sm-Nd isotopic age probably represents the age of such a magmatic event. The initial ε143Nd value determined for the rock at 1.37 Ga is +17 ± 1, indicating that the parent magma of the rock came from a light-rare-earth-element-depleted source of 147Sm/144Nd = ~0.237 based on a simple two-stage evolution model. Results of the same model calculation for the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the rock suggest that its source material was depleted in 87Rb/86Sr by ~50% relative to the estimated martian value at 1.37 Ga. Both the high Sm/Nd and low Rb/Sr values support a clinopyroxene-rich cumulate source for the genesis of the nakhlite Governador Valadares. Furthermore, our Sm-Nd age and ε143Nd data and the previously published ε142Nd datum for the rock (Harper et al., 1995) are consistent with early differentiation of the parent planet, formation of cumulate sources ~4.56 Ga ago, and late melting of the sources and formation of the rock ~1.37 Ga ago. The good agreement of isotopic ages and petrographic features among Governador Valadares, Nakhla, and Lafayette strongly suggests that all three nakhlites have undergone similar evolutionary histories. The nakhlite age data suggest that isotopic heterogeneity in the martian mantle sources existed up to ~1.37 Ga ago and early mantle structures probably have not been disturbed for a significant portion of martian history.  相似文献   

Abstract– Compared with ordinary chondrites, there is a relative paucity of chronological and other data to define the early thermal histories of enstatite parent bodies. In this study, we report 39Ar‐40Ar dating results for five EL chondrites: Khairpur, Pillistfer, Hvittis, Blithfield, and Forrest; five EH chondrites: Parsa, Saint Marks, Indarch, Bethune, and Reckling Peak 80259; three igneous‐textured enstatite meteorites that represent impact melts on enstatite chondrite parent bodies: Zaklodzie, Queen Alexandra Range 97348, and Queen Alexandra Range 97289; and three aubrites, Norton County, Bishopville, and Cumberland Falls Several Ar‐Ar age spectra show unusual 39Ar recoil effects, possibly the result of some of the K residing in unusual sulfide minerals, such as djerfisherite and rodderite, and other age spectra show 40Ar diffusion loss. Few additional Ar‐Ar ages for enstatite meteorites are available in the literature. When all available Ar‐Ar data on enstatite meteorites are considered, preferred ages of nine chondrites and one aubrite show a range of 4.50–4.54 Ga, whereas five other meteorites show only lower age limits over 4.35–4.46 Ga. Ar‐Ar ages of several enstatite chondrites are as old or older as the oldest Ar‐Ar ages of ordinary chondrites, which suggests that enstatite chondrites may have derived from somewhat smaller parent bodies, or were metamorphosed to lower temperatures compared to other chondrite types. Many enstatite meteorites are brecciated and/or shocked, and some of the younger Ar‐Ar ages may record these impact events. Although impact heating of ordinary chondrites within the last 1 Ga is relatively common for ordinary chondrites, only Bethune gives any significant evidence for such a young event.  相似文献   

Ar‐Ar isochron ages of EL chondrites suggest closure of the K‐Ar system at 4.49 ± 0.01 Ga for EL5 and 6 chondrites, and 4.45 ± 0.01 Ga for EL3 MAC 88136. The high‐temperature release regimes contain a mixture of radiogenic 40Ar* and trapped primordial argon (solar or Q‐type) with 40Ar/36ArTR ~ 0 , which does not affect the 40Ar budget. The low‐temperature extractions show evidence of an excess 40Ar component. The 40Ar/36Ar is 180–270; it is defined by intercept values of isochron regression. Excess 40Ar is only detectable in petrologic types >4/5. These lost most of their primordial 36Ar from low‐temperature phases during metamorphism and retrapped excess 40Ar. The origin of this excess 40Ar component is probably related to metamorphic Ar mobilization, homogenization of primordial and in situ radiogenic Ar, and trapping of Ar by distinct low‐temperature phases. Ar‐Ar ages of EH chondrites are more variable and show clear evidence of a major impact‐induced partial resetting at about 2.2 Ga ago or alternatively, prolonged metamorphic decomposition of major K carrier phases. EH impact melt LAP 02225 displayed the highest Ar‐Ar isochron age of 4.53 ± 0.01 Ga. This age sets a limit of about 25–45 Ma for the age bias between the K‐Ar and U‐Pb decay systems.  相似文献   

Abstract— Enstatite chondrites are classified into EH and EL groups, and some of them were melted once. In this paper, we report petrography and mineral chemistry of five new Antarctic enstatite chondrites. Yamato 793225 is characterized by intermediate properties between the EH and EL groups and probably represents a new grouplet of enstatite chondrites. The three paired meteorites (Y-8404, Y-8414 and Y-86004) may have cooled rapidly near the surface of the parent body as impact EH melt rocks. Yamato 82189 is also classified as EH melt rock, but it experienced slow cooling as did Y-793225. Yamato 82189 contains the first occurrence of phlogopite in enstatite meteorites.  相似文献   

Mineral inventories of enstatite chondrites; (EH and EL) are strictly dictated by combined parameters mainly very low dual oxygen (fO2) and sulfur (fS2) fugacities. They are best preserved in the Almahata Sitta MS‐17, MS‐177 fragments, and the ALHA 77295 and MAC 88136 Antarctic meteorites. These conditions induce a stark change of the geochemical behavior of nominally lithophile elements to chalcophile or even siderophile and changes in the elemental partitioning thus leading to formation of unusual mineral assemblages with high abundance of exotic sulfide species and enrichment in the metallic alloys, for example, silicides and phosphides. Origin and mode of formation of these exotic chondrites, and their parental source regions could be best scrutinized by multitask research experiments of the most primitive members covering mineralogical, petrological, cosmochemical, and indispensably short‐lived isotopic chronology. The magnitude of temperature and pressure prevailed during their formation in their source regions could eventually be reasonably estimated: pre‐ and postaccretionary could eventually be deduced. The dual low fugacities are regulated by the carbon to oxygen ratios estimated to be >0.83 and <1.03. These parameters not only induce unusual geochemical behavior of the elements inverting many nominally lithophile elements to chalcophile or even siderophile or anthracophile. Structure and mineral inventories in EL3 and EH3 chondrites are fundamentally different. Yet EH3 and EL3 members store crucial information relevant to eventual source regions and importantly possible variation in C/O ratio in the course of their evolution. EL3 and EH3 chondrites contain trichotomous lithologies (1) chondrules and their fragments, (2) polygonal enstatite‐dominated objects, and (3) multiphase metal‐rich nodules. Mineralogical and cosmochemical inventories of lithologies in the same EL3 indicate not only similarities (REE inventory and anomalies in oldhamite) but also distinct differences (sinoite‐enstatite‐graphite relationship). Oldhamite in chondrules and polygonal fragments in EL3 depict negative Eu anomaly attesting a common cosmochemical source. Metal‐dominated nodules in both EL3 and EH3 are conglomerates of metal clasts and sulfide fragments in EH3 and concentrically zoned C‐bearing metal micropebbles (≥25 μm ≤50 μm) in EL3 thus manifesting a frozen in unique primordial accretionary metal texture and composition. Sinoite‐enstatite‐diopside‐graphite textures reveal a nucleation and growth strongly suggestive of fluctuating C/O ratio during their nucleation and growth in the source regions. Mineral inventories, sulfide phase relations, sinoite‐enstatite‐graphite intergrowth, carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of graphite, spatial nitrogen abundance in graphite in metal nodules, and last but not least 129I/129Xe and 53Mn/53Cr systematics negate any previously suggested melting episode, pre‐accretionary or dynamic, in parental asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ca isotopic compositions of 32 oldhamite (CaS) grains from the Qingzhen (EH3), MAC88136 (EL3), and Indarch (EH4) enstatite chondrites were determined by ion microprobe mass spectrometry. Also measured were the S isotopic compositions of eight oldhamite, two niningerite (MgS), and seven troilite (FeS) grains. The S isotopic compositions of all minerals are normal, but oldhamite grains of the first two meteorites exhibit apparent small 48Ca excesses and deficits that are correlated with isotopic mass fractionation as determined from the 40Ca-44Ca pair. The interpretation of these results is complicated by the fact that none of the established mass fractionation laws can account for the data in the Norton County oldhamite standard. The method of analysis is carefully scrutinized for experimental artifacts. Neither interferences nor any known mass fractionation effect can satisfactorily explain the observed small deviations from normal isotopic composition. If these are truly isotopic anomalies, they are much smaller than those observed in hibonite. The nucleosynthetic origin of Ca isotopes is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Oxygen‐isotopic compositions were determined for a suite of enstatite chondrites and aubrites. In agreement with previous work (Clayton et al., 1984), most samples have O‐isotopic compositions close to the terrestrial fractionation line (TFL), and there appear to be no significant differences in O‐isotopic compositions between individual EH and EL chondrites and aubrites. Five enstatite meteorites have O‐isotopic compositions that are significantly different from the other samples and >0.2% away from the TFL. Two of these have petrographic evidence of brecciation and interaction between other meteorite types; for the other three, similar scenarios are suggested. There appears to be a systematic increase in δ18O from enstatite chondrites (both EH and EL) of petrologic type 3 to those of type 6. There is also good evidence that the EH meteorites do not fall along a mass fractionation line but along a line slope 0.66. At the present time, detailed understanding of the origin of these O‐isotopic systematics remain elusive but clearly point to a complex accretion history, parent‐body evolution, or both.  相似文献   

Abstract— U, Th, and Pb isotopes and rare earth elements (REEs) in individual phosphate grains from martian meteorites Lafayette and Yamato‐000593/000749 were measured using a sensitive high‐resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP). Observed U‐Pb data of 12 apatite grains from Yamato (Y‐) 000593/000749 are well represented by linear regressions in both “conventional” 2D isochron plots and the 3D U‐Pb plot (total Pb/U isochron), indicating that the formation age of this meteorite is 1.53 ± 0.46 Ga (2σ). On the other hand, the data of nine apatite grains from Lafayette are well represented by planar regression rather than linear regression, indicating that its formation age is 1.15 ± 0.34 Ga (2σ) and that a secondary alteration process slightly disturbed its U‐Pb systematics as discussed in the literature regarding Nakhla. The observed REE abundance patterns of the apatites in Lafayette and Yamato‐000749, normalized to CI chondrites, are characterized by a progressive depletion of heavy REEs (HREEs), a negative Eu anomaly, similarity to each other, and consistency with previously reported data for Nakhla. Considering the extensive data from other radiometric systems such as Sm‐Nd, Rb‐Sr, Ar‐Ar, and trace elements, our results suggest that the parent magmas of the nakhlites, including the newly found Y‐000593/000749, are similar and that their crystallization ages are ?1.3 Ga.  相似文献   

Abstract— Isotopic ages of meteorites that indicate chronometer resetting due to impact heating are summarized. Most of the ages were obtained by the 39Ar-40Ar technique, but several Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd ages also suggest some degree of impact resetting. Considerations of experimental data on element diffusion in silicates suggest that various isotopic chronometers ought to differ in their ease of resetting during shock heating in the order K-Ar (easiest), Rb-Sr, Pb-Pb, and Sm-Nd, which is approximately the order observed in meteorites. Partial rather than total chronometer resetting by impacts appears to be the norm; consequently, interpretation of the event age is not always straightforward. Essentially all 39Ar-40Ar ages of eucrites and howardites indicate partial to total resetting in the relatively narrow time interval of 3.4–4.1 Ga ago (1 Ga = 109 years). Several disturbed Rb-Sr ages appear consistent with this age distribution. This grouping of ages and the brecciated nature of many eucrites and all howardites argues for a large-scale impact bombardment of the HED parent body during the same time period that the Moon received its cataclysmic bombardment. Other meteorite parent bodies such as those of mesosiderites, some chondrites, and IIE irons also may have experienced this bombardment. These data suggest that the early bombardment was not lunar specific but involved much of the inner Solar System, and may have been caused by breakup of a larger planetismal. Although a few chondrites show evidence of age resetting ~3.5–3.9 Ga ago, most impact ages of chondrites tend to fall below 1.3 Ga in age. A minimum of ~4 impact events, including events at 0.3, 0.5, 1.2, and possibly 0.9 Ga appear to be required to explain the younger ages of H, L, and LL chondrites, although additional events are possible. Most L chondrites show evidence of shock, and the majority of 39Ar-40Ar ages of L chondrites fall near 0.5 Ga. The L chondrite parent body apparently experienced a major impact at this time, which may have disrupted it. The observations (1) that lunar highland rocks experienced major impact resetting of various isotopic chronometers ~3.7–4.1 Ga ago; (2) that the HED parent body experienced widespread impact resetting of the K-Ar chronometer but only modest disturbance of other isotopic systems, during a similar time period; (3) that ordinary chondrite parent bodies show much more recent and less extensive impact resetting; and (4) that impacts, which initiated cosmic-ray exposure of most stone meteorites almost never reset isotopic chronometers, may all be a consequence of relative parent body size. Greater degrees of isotopic chronometer resetting occur in larger and warmer impact ejecta deposits that cool slowly. The relatively greater size of bodies like the Moon and Vesta (assumed to be the parent asteroid of HED meteorites) both permit such favorable ejecta deposits to occur more easily compared to smaller parent bodies (generally assumed for chondrites) and also protect parent objects from collisional disruption. Thus, impacts on larger bodies would tend to more easily reset chronometers, consistent with the observed relative ease of resetting of Moon (easiest), HED, chondrites and of K-Ar (easiest), Rb-Sr, other chronometers. In contrast, the more recent impact ages of chondrites are postulated to represent collisional disruption of smaller parent objects whose fragments are more readily removed from the meteorite source reservoirs. Impacts that initiate cosmic-ray exposure are mostly small in scale and produce little heating.  相似文献   

Abstract— Neodymium, strontium, and chromium isotopic studies of the LEW86010 angrite established its absolute age and the formation interval between its crystallization and condensation of Allende CAIs from the solar nebula. Pyroxene and phosphate were found to contain ~98% of its Sm and Nd inventory. A conventional 147Sm-143Nd isochron yielded an age of 4.53 ± 0.04 Ga (2 σ) and ?143 Nd = 0.45 ± 1.1. An 146Sm-142Nd isochron gives initial 146Sm/144Sm = 0.0076 ± 0.0009 and ?143 Nd = ?2.5 ± 0.4. The Rb-Sr analyses give initial 87Sr/86Sr (I87Sr) = 0.698972 ± 8 and 0.698970 ± 18 for LEW and ADOR, respectively, relative to 87Sr/86Sr = 0.71025 for NBS987. The difference, ΔI87Sr, between I87Sr for the angrites and literature values for Allende CAIs, corresponds to ~9 Ma of growth in a solar nebula with a CI chondrite value of 87Rb/86Sr = 0.91, or ~5 Ma in a nebula with solar photospheric 87Rb/86Sr = 1.51. Excess 53Cr from extinct 53Mn (t1/2 = 3.7 Ma) in LEW86010 corresponds to initial 53Mn/55Mn = 1.44 ± 0.07 × 10?6 and closure to Cr isotopic homogenization 18.2 ± 1.7 Ma after formation of Allende inclusions, assuming initial 53Mn/55Mn = 4.4 ± 1.0 × 10?5 for the inclusions as previously reported by the Paris group (Birck and Allegre, 1988). The 146Sm/144Sm value found for LEW86010 corresponds to solar system initial (146Sm/144Sm)o = 0.0080 ± 0.0009 for crystallization 8 Ma after Allende, the difference between Pb-Pb ages of angrites and Allende, or 0.0086 ± 0.0009 for crystallization 18 Ma after Allende, using the Mn-Cr formation interval. The isotopic data are discussed in the context of a model in which an undifferentiated “chondritic” parent body formed from the solar nebula ~2 Ma after Allende CAIs and subsequently underwent differentiation accompanied by loss of volatiles. Parent bodies with Rb/Sr similar to that of CI, CM, or CO chondrites could satisfy the Cr and Sr isotopic systematics. If the angrite parent body had Rb/Sr similar to that of CV meteorites, it would have to form slightly later, ~2.6 Ma after the CAIs, to satisfy the Sr and Cr isotopic systematics.  相似文献   

Abstract— The relative abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSE) Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Rh, and Pd in relatively pristine lherzolites differ from solar abundance ratios and are several orders of magnitude higher than predicted for equilibrium distribution between metal/silicate (core‐mantle). The samples are characterized by a mean Ca/Al ratio of 1.18 ± 0.09 σM and a mean Ca/Si ratio of 0.10 ± 0.01 σM, overlapping with a mean Ca/Al of 1.069 ± 0.044 σM and a mean Ca/Si of 0.081 ± 0.023 σM found in chondrites (Wasson and Kallemeyn 1988). Interestingly, the CI‐normalized abundance pattern shows decreasing solar system normalized abundances with increasing condensation temperatures. The abundance of the moderately volatile element Pd is about 2x higher than those in the most refractory siderophiles Ir and Os. Thus, the HSE systematics of upper mantle samples suggest that the late bombardment, which added these elements to the accreting Earth, more closely resembles materials of highly reduced EH or EL chondrites than carbonaceous chondrites. In fact, the HSE in the Earth mantle are even more fractionated than the enstatite chondrites—an indication that some inner solar system materials were more highly fractionated than the latter.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper surveys the experimental material on the Rb-Sr systematics of eucrites accumulated in the literature for the last two decades. Among the meteorites studied, those representatives have been chosen for which the absence of disturbances of isotope systems seems reliably fixed (according to evidence from Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, and U-Pb isotope data). These data have been subjected to joint statistical treatment. For ordinary eucrites the age has been estimated as T = 4.548 ± 0.058 Ga, and initial Sr isotope ratio, Iord = 0.698925 ± 14. For cumulate eucrites, the initial Sr isotope ratio has been estimated as Icum = 0.698872 ± 14. The substantial difference in initial Sr isotope composition suggests that those two eucrite groups originate from distinct parent bodies. Joint treatment of the available Rb-Sr data for angrites has been carried out for comparison, and the angrites initial Sr ratio has been estimated. On the basis of the estimates obtained formation intervals for the corresponding parent bodies have been calculated.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have determined initial 129I/127I ratios for mineral concentrates of four enstatite meteorites and a eucrite. In the case of the enstatite meteorites the inferred ages are associated with the pyroxene‐rich separates giving pyroxene closure ages relative to the Shallowater standard of Indarch (EH4, 0.04 ± 0.67 Ma), Khairpur (EL6, ?4.22 ± 0.67 Ma), Khor Temiki (aubrite, ?0.06 Ma), and Itqiy (enstatite achondrite, ?2.6 ± 2.6 Ma), negative ages indicate closure after Shallowater. No separate from the cumulate eucrite Asuka (A?) 881394 yielded a consistent ratio, though excess 129Xe was observed in a feldspar separate, suggesting disturbance by thermal metamorphism within 25 Ma of closure in Shallowater. Iodine‐129 ages are mapped to the absolute Pb‐Pb time scale using the calibration proposed by Gilmour et al. (2006) who place the closure age of Shallowater at 4563.3 ± 0.4 Ma. Comparison of the combined 129I‐Pb data with associated 53Mn ages, for objects that have been dated by both systems, indicates that all three chronometers evolved concordantly in the early solar system. The enstatite chondrites are offset from the linear array described by asteroid‐belt objects when 53Mn ages are plotted against combined 129I‐Pb data, supporting the suggestion that 53Mn was radially heterogeneous in the early solar system.  相似文献   

Abstract— 40Ar‐39Ar data are presented for the unbrecciated lunar basaltic meteorites Asuka (A‐) 881757, Yamato (Y‐) 793169, Miller Range (MIL) 05035, LaPaz Icefield (LAP) 02205, Northwest Africa (NWA) 479 (paired with NWA 032), and basaltic fragmental breccia Elephant Moraine (EET) 96008. Stepped heating 40Ar‐39Ar analyses of several bulk fragments of related meteorites A‐881757, Y‐793169 and MIL 05035 give crystallization ages of 3.763 ± 0.046 Ga, 3.811 ± 0.098 Ga and 3.845 ± 0.014 Ga, which are comparable with previous age determinations by Sm‐Nd, U‐Pb Th‐Pb, Pb‐Pb, and Rb‐Sr methods. These three meteorites differ in the degree of secondary 40Ar loss with Y‐793169 showing relatively high Ar loss probably during an impact event ?200 Ma ago, lower Ar loss in MIL 05035 and no loss in A‐881757. Bulk and impact melt glass‐bearing samples of LAP 02205 gave similar ages (2.985 ± 0.016 Ga and 2.874 ± 0.056 Ga) and are consistent with ages previously determined using other isotope pairs. The basaltic portion of EET 96008 gives an age of 2.650 ± 0.086 Ga which is considered to be the crystallization age of the basalt in this meteorite. The Ar release for fragmental basaltic breccia EET 96008 shows evidence of an impact event at 631 ± 20 Ma. The crystallization age of 2.721 ± 0.040 Ga determined for NWA 479 is indistinguishable from the weighted mean age obtained from three samples of NWA 032 supporting the proposal that these meteorites are paired. The similarity of 40Ar‐39Ar ages with ages determined by other isotopic systems for multiple meteorites suggests that the K‐Ar isotopic system is robust for meteorites that have experienced a significant shock event and not a prolonged heating regime.  相似文献   

Abstract— To test whether aubrites can be formed by melting of enstatite chondrites and to understand igneous processes at very low O fugacities, we have conducted partial melting experiments on the Indarch (EH4) chondrite at 1000–1500 °C. Silicate melting begins at 1000 °C, and Indarch is completely melted by 1500 °C. The metal-sulfide component melts completely at 1000 °C. Substantial melt migration occurs at 1300–1400 °C, and metal migrates out of the silicate charge at 1450 °C and ~50% silicate partial melting. As a group, our experiments contain three immiscible metallic melts (Si-, P-, and C-rich), two immiscible sulfide melts (Fe- and FeMgMnCa-rich), and silicate melt. Our partial melting experiments on the Indarch (EH4) enstatite chondrite suggest that igneous processes at low fO2 exhibit several unique features. The complete melting of sulfides at 1000 °C suggests that aubritic sulfides are not relics. Aubritic oldhamite may have crystallized from Ca and S complexed in the silicate melt. Significant metal-sulfide melt migration might occur at relatively low degrees of silicate partial melting. Substantial elemental exchange occurred between different melts (e.g., S between sulfide and silicate, Si between silicate and metal), a feature not observed during experiments at higher fO2. This exchange may help explain the formation of aubrites from known enstatite chondrites.  相似文献   

The Qingzhen (EH3) chondrite contains a population of spheroidal metal-sulfide nodules, which display textural evidence of reheating and melting. Evidence of metal sulfuration is also present, suggesting replacement of metal by sulfide during melting. This process has led to the nucleation of perryite along metal-sulfide interfaces. Gallium-bearing sphalerite and a Cu-sulfide of composition intermediate between chalcopyrite and cubanite occur as inclusions within the metal of some nodules. Other phases present are: kamacite, troilite, Ga-free sphalerite, niningerite, perryite, schreibersite, oldhamite, Cr-sulfide (minerals A and B), djerfisherite, SiO2, albite and enstatite. The Ga-bearing sphalerite may have formed by injection of molten sulfide droplets into the metal followed by subsolidus diffusion of Ga from the metal into the sulfide. The latter may occur because of Ga supersaturation in the metal during progressive sulfuration and its decreased affinity for the metal phase during cooling below the taenite-kamacite transition point.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured with a secondary ion mass spectrometer Mn/Cr ratios and Cr isotopes in individual grains of Mn-bearing sulfides (i.e., sphalerites, ZnS; alabandites, MnS; and niningerites, MgS) in nine unequilibrated enstatite chondrites (UECs). The goals were to determine whether live 53Mn (half-life ~3.7 Ma) was incorporated in these objects at the time of their isotopic closure and to establish whether Mn-Cr systematics in sulfides in UECs can be used as a high-resolution chronometer to constrain formation time differences between these meteorites. Sulfide grains analysed in four of these UECs, MAC 88136 (EL3), MAC 88184 (EL3), MAC 88180 (EL3), and Indarch (EH4), have clear 53Cr excesses. These 53Cr excesses can be very large (δ53Cr/52Cr ranges up to ~18,400%, the largest 53Cr excess measured so far) and, in some grains, are well correlated with the Mn/Cr ratios. Thus, they were most likely produced by the in situ decay of 53Mn in the meteorite samples. In the remaining five meteorites, no detectable excesses of 53Cr were found, and only upper limits on the initial 53Mn/55Mn ratios could be established. The four meteorites with 53Cr excesses show variations in the inferred 53Mn/55Mn ratios in various sulfide grains of the same meteorite. The Mn-Cr systematics in these sulfides were disturbed (during and/or after the decay of 53Mn) by varying degrees of reequilibration. Provided 53Mn was homogeneously distributed in the region of the early solar system where these objects formed, the data suggest that the time of the last isotopic equilibration of sulfides in EL chondrites occurred at least 3 Ma after a similar episode in EH chondrites.  相似文献   

Data obtained from Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr isotopic measurements of lunar highlands’ samples are renormalized to common standard values and then used to define ages with a common isochron regression algorithm. The reliability of these ages is evaluated using five criteria that include whether: (1) the ages are defined by multiple isotopic systems, (2) the data demonstrate limited scatter outside uncertainty, (3) initial isotopic compositions are consistent with the petrogenesis of the samples, (4) the ages are defined by an isotopic system that is resistant to disturbance by impact metamorphism, and (5) the rare‐earth element abundances determined by isotope dilution of bulk of mineral fractions match those measured by in situ analyses. From this analysis, it is apparent that the oldest highlands’ rock ages are some of the least reliable, and that there is little support for crustal ages older than approximately 4.40 Ga. A model age for ur‐KREEP formation calculated using the most reliable Mg‐suite Sm‐Nd isotopic systematics, in conjunction with Sm‐Nd analyses of KREEP basalts, is 4389 ± 45 Ma. This age is a good match to the Lu‐Hf model age of 4353 ± 37 Ma determined using a subset of this sample suite, the average model age of 4353 ± 25 Ma determined on mare basalts with the 146Sm‐142Nd isotopic system, with a peak in Pb‐Pb ages observed in lunar zircons of approximately 4340 ± 20 Ma, and the oldest terrestrial zircon age of 4374 ± 6 Ma. The preponderance of ages between 4.34 and 4.37 Ga reflect either primordial solidification of a lunar magma ocean or a widespread secondary magmatic event on the lunar nearside. The first scenario is not consistent with the oldest ages reported for lunar zircons, whereas the second scenario does not account for concordance between ages of crustal rocks and mantle reservoirs.  相似文献   

Abstract— In order to explore the thermal history of enstatite chondrites, we examined the cathodoluminescence (CL) and thermoluminescence (TL) properties of 15 EH chondrites and 21 EL chondrites, including all available petrographic types, both textural types 3–6 and mineralogical types α–δ. The CL properties of EL3α and EH3α chondrites are similar. Enstatite grains high in Mn and other transition metals display red CL, while enstatite with low concentrations of these elements show blue CL. A few enstatite grains with >5 wt% FeO display no CL. In contrast, the luminescent properties of the metamorphosed EH chondrites are very different from those of metamorphosed EL chondrites. While the enstatites in metamorphosed EH chondrites display predominantly blue CL, the enstatites in metamorphosed EL chondrites display a distinctive magenta CL with blue and red peaks of approximately equal intensity in their spectra. The TL sensitivities of the enstatite chondrites correlate with the intensity of the blue CL and, unlike other meteorite classes, are not simply related to metamorphism. The different luminescent properties of metamorphosed EH and EL chondrites cannot readily be attributed to compositional differences. But x-ray diffraction data suggests that the enstatite in EH5γ,δ chondrites is predominantly disordered orthopyroxene, while enstatite in EL6β chondrites is predominantly ordered orthopyroxene. The difference in thermal history of metamorphosed EL and EH chondrites is so marked that the use of single “petrographic” types is misleading, and separate textural and mineralogical types are preferable. Our data confirm earlier suggestions that metamorphosed EH chondrites underwent relatively rapid cooling, and the metamorphosed EL chondrites cooled more slowly and experienced prolonged heating in the orthopyroxene field.  相似文献   

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