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Abstract— Opaque minerals in the Qingzhen (EH3) and MacAlpine Hills (MAC) 88136 (EL3) enstatite chondrites were studied and compared with other EH and EL chondrites. All opaque minerals usually occur in multi‐sulfide‐metal clasts and nodules in the matrix between chondrules (El Goresy et al., 1988). The higher abundance of opaque minerals, the occurrence of niningerite and various alkali‐sulfides (e.g., caswellsilverite, phases A and B, djerfisherite) are diagnostic criteria for EH chondrites, while alabandite is characteristic for EL chondrites. In addition, EH chondrites are characterized by enrichments of Si in both kamacite and perryite, and alkali elements in sphalerite and chalcopyrite. The Mn contents of daubreelite and sphalerite are lower in EH than in EL chondrites. These are consistent with lower oxygen fugacity and higher H2S fugacity of EH than EL chondrites. In contrast, the discovery of sphalerite and Zn‐rich daubreelite in MAC 88136 indicates that their absence in EL6 chondrites is probably related to thermal metamorphism in the parent body. Schreibersite microspherules are commonly enclosed in most sulfides in Qingzhen, but are absent in MAC 88136. They were once molten, and probably predated all sulfide host phases. The petrographic setting and chemical compositions of the sulfide hosts of the schreibersite microspherules in EH3 chondrites are consistent with formation by condensation. The earliest sulfide condensates oldhamite and niningerite occupy the interiors of the clasts and nodules, whereas the rims consist of troilite and djerfisherite. In addition, in Qingzhen, some other troilite, djerfisherite and sphalerite assemblages coexist with perryite. They were produced by sulfurization of metallic Fe‐Ni in the nebula. In MAC 88136, sulfurization of Si‐bearing Fe‐Ni metal is less pronounced, and it produced troilite, schreibersite and less abundant perryite. Two kinds of normal zoning and a reverse zoning trends of niningerite, and both normal and reverse zoning of sphalerite were found in clasts and nodules in Qingzhen. The coexistence of normal and reverse zoning profiles in niningerite grains in the same meteorite strongly suggests that they formed before accretion in the parent body, because an asteroidal metamorphic or an impact event in the parent body would have erased these contrasting profiles and destroyed the textural settings. In contrast, alabandite in MAC 88136 shows only normal zoning, with the FeS content decreasing to 9.3 mol% toward troilite, indicating very slow cooling at low temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract— FeO-rich (Fs6–34) pyroxene lacking cathodoluminescence (CL), hereafter black pyroxene, is a major constituent of some of the chondrules and fragments in unequilibrated (type 3) enstatite chondrites (UECs). It contains structurally oriented zones of Cr-, Mn-, V-rich, FeO-poor enstatite with red CL, associated with mm-sized blebs of low-Ni, Fe-metal and, in some cases, silica. These occurrences represent clear evidence of pyroxene reduction. The black pyroxene is nearly always rimmed by minor element (Cr, Mn, V)-poor enstatite having a blue CL. More commonly, red and blue enstatites, unassociated with black pyroxene, occur as larger grains in chondrules and fragments, and these constitute the major silicate phases in UECs. The REE abundance patterns of the black pyroxene are LREE-depleted. The blue enstatite rims, however, have a near-flat to LREE-enriched pattern, ~0.5–4x chondritic. The petrologic and trace element data indicate that the black pyroxene is from an earlier generation of chondrules that formed in a nebular region that was more oxidizing than that of the enstatite chondrites. Following solidification, these chondrules experienced a more reducing nebular environment and underwent reduction. Some, perhaps most, of the red enstatite that is common throughout the UECs may be the product of solid-state reduction of black pyroxene. The blue enstatite rims grew onto the surfaces of the black pyroxene and red enstatite as a result of condensation from a nebular gas. The evolutionary history of some of the enstatite and chondrules in enstatite chondrites can be expressed in a four-stage model that includes: Stage 1. Formation of chondrules in an oxidizing nebular environment Stage 2. Solid-state reduction of the more oxidized chondrules and fragments to red enstatite in a more reducing nebular environment Stage 3. Formation of blue enstatite rims on the black pyroxene as well as on the red enstatite. Stage 4. Reprocessing, by various degrees of melting, of many of the earlier-formed materials.  相似文献   

Abstract— The study of chondrules provides information about processes occurring in the early solar system. In order to ascertain to what extent these processes played a role in determining the properties of the enstatite chondrites, the physical and chemical properties of chondrules from three EL3 chondrites and three EH3 chondrites have been examined by optical, cathodoluminescence (CL), and electron microprobe techniques. Properties examined include size, texture, CL, and composition of both individual phases and bulk chondrules. The textures, distribution of textures, and composition of silicates of the EL3 chondrules resemble those of EH3 chondrules. However, the chondrules from the two classes differ in that (1) the size distribution of the EL chondrules is skewed to larger values than EH chondrules, (2) the enstatite in EL chondrules displays varying shades of red CL due to the presence of fine‐grained sulfides and metal in the silicates, and (3) the mesostasis of EH chondrules is enriched in Na relative to that of EL chondrules. The similarities between the chondrules of the two classes suggest similar precursor materials, while the differences suggest that there was not a single reservoir of meteoritic chondrules, but that their origin was fairly local. The differences in the size distribution of chondrules in EH and EL chondrites may be explained by aerodynamic and gravitational sorting during accumulation of the meteoric material, while differences in CL and mesostasis properties may reflect differences in formation conditions and cooling rate following chondrule formation. We argue that our observations are consistent with the formation of enstatite chondrites in a thick dynamic regolith on their parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Ca isotopic compositions of 32 oldhamite (CaS) grains from the Qingzhen (EH3), MAC88136 (EL3), and Indarch (EH4) enstatite chondrites were determined by ion microprobe mass spectrometry. Also measured were the S isotopic compositions of eight oldhamite, two niningerite (MgS), and seven troilite (FeS) grains. The S isotopic compositions of all minerals are normal, but oldhamite grains of the first two meteorites exhibit apparent small 48Ca excesses and deficits that are correlated with isotopic mass fractionation as determined from the 40Ca-44Ca pair. The interpretation of these results is complicated by the fact that none of the established mass fractionation laws can account for the data in the Norton County oldhamite standard. The method of analysis is carefully scrutinized for experimental artifacts. Neither interferences nor any known mass fractionation effect can satisfactorily explain the observed small deviations from normal isotopic composition. If these are truly isotopic anomalies, they are much smaller than those observed in hibonite. The nucleosynthetic origin of Ca isotopes is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Sixteen texturally different (porphyritic, barred, radial, cryptocrystalline) FeO‐rich chondrules from the unequilibrated ordinary chondrites Brownfield, Frontier Mountain (FRO) 90003 and FRO 90032 were characterized by optical and scanning electron microscopy and then thoroughly studied by transmission and analytical electron microscopy. Nanotextural and nanochemical data indicate similar thermal evolution for chondrules of the same textural groups; minor, yet meaningful differences occur among the different groups. Olivine is the earliest phase formed and crystallizes between 1500 and 1400 °C. Protoenstatite crystallizes at temperatures higher than 1350–1200 °C; it later inverts to clinoenstatite in the 1250–1200 °C range. Enstatite is surrounded by pigeonitic or (less frequently) augitic rims; the minimal crystallization temperature for the rims is 1000 °C; high pigeonite later inverts to low pigeonite, between 935 and 845 °C. The outer pigeonitic or augitic rims are constantly exsolved, producing sigmoidal augite or enstatite precipitates; sigmoidal precipitates record exsolution temperatures between 1000 and 640 °C. Cooling rate (determined using the speedometer based upon ortho‐clinoenstatite intergrowth) was in the order of 50–3000 °C/h at the clinoenstatite‐orthoenstatite transition temperature (close to 1250–1200 °C), but decreased to 5–10 °C/h or slower at the exsolution temperature (between 1000 and 650 °C), thus revealing nonlinear cooling paths. Nanoscale observations indicate that the individual chondrules formed and cooled separately from 1500 °C down to at least 650 °C. Accretion into chondritic parent body occurred at temperatures lower than 650 °C.  相似文献   

Abstract— It appears that the mineralogy and chemical properties of type 3 enstatite chondrites could have been established by fractionation processes (removal of a refractory component, and depletion of water) in the solar nebula, and by equilibration with nebular gas at low‐to‐intermediate temperatures (approximately 700–950 K). We describe a model for the origin of type 3 enstatite chondrites that for the first time can simultaneously account for the mineral abundances, bulk‐chemistry, and phase compositions of these chondrites by the operation of plausible processes in the solar nebula. This model, which assumes a representative nebular gas pressure of 10?5 bar, entails three steps: (1) initial removal of 56% of the equilibrium condensed phases in a system of solar composition at 1270 K; (2) an average loss of 80–85% water vapor in the remaining gas; and (3) two different closure temperatures for the condensed phases. The first step involves a “refractory element fractionation” and is needed to account for the overall major element composition of enstatite chondrites, assuming an initial system with a solar composition. The second step, water‐vapor depletion, is needed to stabilize Si‐bearing metal, oldhamite, and niningerite, which are characteristic minerals of the enstatite chondrites. Variations in closure temperatures are suggested by the way in which the bulk chemistry and mineral assemblages of predicted condensates change with temperature, and how these parameters correlate with the observations of enstatite chondrites. In general, most phases in type 3 enstatite chondrites appear to have ceased equilibrating with nebular gas at approximately 900–950 K, except for Fe‐metal, which continued to partially react with nebular gas to temperatures as low as ~700 K.  相似文献   

We report in situ LA‐ICP‐MS trace element analyses of silicate phases in olivine‐bearing chondrules in the Sahara 97096 (EH3) enstatite chondrite. Most olivine and enstatite present rare earth element (REE) patterns comparable to their counterparts in type I chondrules in ordinary chondrites. They thus likely share a similar igneous origin, likely under similar redox conditions. The mesostasis however frequently shows negative Eu and/or Yb (and more rarely Sm) anomalies, evidently out of equilibrium with olivine and enstatite. We suggest that this reflects crystallization of oldhamite during a sulfidation event, already inferred by others, during which the mesostasis was molten, where the complementary positive Eu and Yb anomalies exhibited by oldhamite would have possibly arisen due to a divalent state of these elements. Much of this igneous oldhamite would have been expelled from the chondrules, presumably by inertial acceleration or surface tension effects, and would have contributed to the high abundance of opaque nodules found outside them in EH chondrites. In two chondrules, olivine and enstatite exhibit negatively sloped REE patterns, which may be an extreme manifestation of a general phenomenon (possibly linked to near‐liquidus partitioning) underlying the overabundance of light REE observed in most chondrule silicates relative to equilibrium predictions. The silicate phases in one of these two chondrules show complementary Eu, Yb, and Sm anomalies providing direct evidence for the postulated occurrence of the divalent state for these elements at some stage in the formation reservoir of enstatite chondrites. Our work supports the idea that the peculiarities of enstatite chondrites may not require a condensation sequence at high C/O ratios as has long been believed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Nierite (Si3N4) is a new mineral that has been found in perchloric acid-resistant residues of three ordinary chondrites (Adrar 003 [LL3.2], Inman [L3.4] and Tieschitz [H3.6]) and one enstatite chondrite (Indarch [EH4]). This mineral occurs as very small (~2 × 0.4 μm) lath-shaped grains, which have been characterised by transmission electron microscopy. The d-spacings of nierite are, within errors, comparable to those of synthetic α-Si3N4, which has trigonal symmetry (P31c, a = 0.7758 nm, c = 0.5623 nm, V = 0.2931 nm3 Z = 4). Energy-dispersive x-ray analyses confirm that nierite is a Si- and N-rich mineral. A few nierite crystals in the Indarch, Inman and Tieschitz residues are intergrown with whiskers of another nitride. Only two crystals of this additional nitride were found that were of sufficient size to give electron diffraction patterns uncontaminated by nierite reflections. The d-spacings of this second nitride are comparable to those of β-Si3N4, the hexagonal polymorph of synthetic Si3N4. The majority of nierite crystals in Indarch are interpreted to have formed by exsolution of Si and N from kamacite, perryite and schreibersite during parent-body metamorphism. Some grains have evidence for two discrete episodes of nierite crystallization. The origin of nierite in Adrar 003, Inman and Tieschitz is not known, but formation during exsolution is again possible. The petrographic relationships between nierite and β-Si3N4 in Indarch, Inman and Tieschitz suggests that the β-Si3N4 whiskers predated nierite and acted as a seed on which nierite crystals later nucleated. The nierite/β-Si3N4 ratio in ordinary chondrites is controlled by their metamorphic grade and possibly also their oxidation state.  相似文献   

Abstract– The insoluble organic matter (IOM) of an unequilibrated enstatite chondrite Sahara (SAH) 97096 has been investigated using a battery of analytical techniques. As the enstatite chondrites are thought to have formed in a reduced environment at higher temperatures than carbonaceous chondrites, they constitute an interesting comparative material to test the heterogeneities of the IOM in the solar system and to constrain the processes that could affect IOM during solar system evolution. The SAH 97096 IOM is found in situ: as submicrometer grains in the network of fine‐grained matrix occurring mostly around chondrules and as inclusions in metallic nodules, where the carbonaceous matter appears to be more graphitized. IOM in these two settings has very similar δ15N and δ13C; this supports the idea that graphitized inclusions in metal could be formed by metal catalytic graphitization of matrix IOM. A detailed comparison between the IOM extracted from a fresh part and a terrestrially weathered part of SAH 97096 shows the similarity between both IOM samples in spite of the high degree of mineral alteration in the latter. The isolated IOM exhibits a heterogeneous polyaromatic macromolecular structure, sometimes highly graphitized, without any detectable free radicals and deuterium‐heterogeneity and having mean H‐ and N‐isotopic compositions in the range of values observed for carbonaceous chondrites. It contains some submicrometer‐sized areas highly enriched in 15N (δ15N up to 1600‰). These observations reinforce the idea that the IOM found in carbonaceous chondrites is a common component widespread in the solar system. Most of the features of SAH 97096 IOM could be explained by the thermal modification of this main component.  相似文献   

Mineral inventories of enstatite chondrites; (EH and EL) are strictly dictated by combined parameters mainly very low dual oxygen (fO2) and sulfur (fS2) fugacities. They are best preserved in the Almahata Sitta MS‐17, MS‐177 fragments, and the ALHA 77295 and MAC 88136 Antarctic meteorites. These conditions induce a stark change of the geochemical behavior of nominally lithophile elements to chalcophile or even siderophile and changes in the elemental partitioning thus leading to formation of unusual mineral assemblages with high abundance of exotic sulfide species and enrichment in the metallic alloys, for example, silicides and phosphides. Origin and mode of formation of these exotic chondrites, and their parental source regions could be best scrutinized by multitask research experiments of the most primitive members covering mineralogical, petrological, cosmochemical, and indispensably short‐lived isotopic chronology. The magnitude of temperature and pressure prevailed during their formation in their source regions could eventually be reasonably estimated: pre‐ and postaccretionary could eventually be deduced. The dual low fugacities are regulated by the carbon to oxygen ratios estimated to be >0.83 and <1.03. These parameters not only induce unusual geochemical behavior of the elements inverting many nominally lithophile elements to chalcophile or even siderophile or anthracophile. Structure and mineral inventories in EL3 and EH3 chondrites are fundamentally different. Yet EH3 and EL3 members store crucial information relevant to eventual source regions and importantly possible variation in C/O ratio in the course of their evolution. EL3 and EH3 chondrites contain trichotomous lithologies (1) chondrules and their fragments, (2) polygonal enstatite‐dominated objects, and (3) multiphase metal‐rich nodules. Mineralogical and cosmochemical inventories of lithologies in the same EL3 indicate not only similarities (REE inventory and anomalies in oldhamite) but also distinct differences (sinoite‐enstatite‐graphite relationship). Oldhamite in chondrules and polygonal fragments in EL3 depict negative Eu anomaly attesting a common cosmochemical source. Metal‐dominated nodules in both EL3 and EH3 are conglomerates of metal clasts and sulfide fragments in EH3 and concentrically zoned C‐bearing metal micropebbles (≥25 μm ≤50 μm) in EL3 thus manifesting a frozen in unique primordial accretionary metal texture and composition. Sinoite‐enstatite‐diopside‐graphite textures reveal a nucleation and growth strongly suggestive of fluctuating C/O ratio during their nucleation and growth in the source regions. Mineral inventories, sulfide phase relations, sinoite‐enstatite‐graphite intergrowth, carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of graphite, spatial nitrogen abundance in graphite in metal nodules, and last but not least 129I/129Xe and 53Mn/53Cr systematics negate any previously suggested melting episode, pre‐accretionary or dynamic, in parental asteroids.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions of FeO‐rich silicates in the Sahara 97159 EH3 chondrite. This component is referred to as FeO‐rich because it contains substantially more FeO than the characteristic FeO‐poor silicates in the highly reduced enstatite meteorites. These FeO‐rich silicates are mostly low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs5–35) and their compositions suggest an origin under more oxidizing conditions, like those for the ordinary chondrites. However, the mafic silicates in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites are dominantly olivine, and the FeO‐rich silicates in the E chondrites are less commonly olivine. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the FeO‐rich silicates are indistinguishable from those of FeO‐poor silicates in Sahara 97159. These observations suggest that both the FeO‐rich silicates and the FeO‐poor silicates in EH chondrites formed from the same oxygen reservoir where redox conditions varied widely.  相似文献   

Abstract– Perryite [(Fe,Ni)x(Si,P)y], schreibersite [(Fe,Ni)3P], and kamacite (αFeNi) are constituent minerals of the metal‐sulfide nodules in the Sahara 97072 (EH3) enstatite chondrite meteorite. We have measured concentrations of Ni, Cu, Ga, Au, Ir, Ru, and Pd in these minerals with laser ablation, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). We also measured their Fe, Ni, P, Si, and Co concentrations with electron microprobe. In kamacite, ratios of Ru/Ir, Pd/Ir, and Pd/Ru cluster around their respective CI values and all elements analyzed plot near the intersection of the equilibrium condensation trajectory versus Ni and the respective CI ratios. In schreibersite, the Pd/Ru ratio is near the CI value and perryite contains significant Cu, Ga, and Pd. We propose that schreibersite and perryite formed separately near the condensation temperatures of P and Si in a reduced gas and were incorporated into Fe‐Ni alloy. Upon further cooling, sulfidation of Fe in kamacite resulted in the formation of additional perryite at the sulfide interface. Still later, transient heating re‐melted this perryite near the Fe‐FeS eutectic temperature during partial melting of the metal‐sulfide nodules. The metal‐sulfide nodules are pre‐accretionary objects that retain CI ratios of most siderophile elements, although they have experienced transient heating events.  相似文献   

Mean bulk chemical data of recently found H5 and L6 ordinary chondrites from the deserts of Oman generally reflect isochemical features which are consistent with the progressive thermal metamorphism of a common, unequilibrated starting material. Relative differences in abundances range from 0.5–10% in REE (Eu = 14%), 6–13% in siderophile elements (Co = 48%), and >10% in lithophile elements (exceptions are Ba, Sr, Zr, Hf, U = >30%) between H5 and L6 groups. These differences may have accounted for variable temperature conditions during metamorphism on their parent bodies. The CI/Mg‐normalized mean abundances of refractory lithophile elements (Al, Ca, Sm, Yb, Lu, V) show no resolvable differences between H5 and L6 suggesting that both groups have experienced the same fractionation. The REE diagram shows subtle enrichment in LREE with a flat HREE pattern. Furthermore, overall mean REE abundances are ~0.6 × CI with enriched La abundance (~0.9 × CI) in both groups. Precise oxygen isotope compositions demonstrate the attainment of isotopic equilibrium by progressive thermal metamorphism following a mass‐dependent isotope fractionation trend. Both groups show a ~slope‐1/2 line on a three‐isotope plot with subtle negative deviation in ?17O associated with δ18O enrichment relative to δ17O. These deviations are interpreted as the result of liberation of water from phyllosilicates and evaporation of a fraction of the water during thermal metamorphism. The resultant isotope fractionations caused by the water loss are analogous to those occurring between silicate melt and gas phase during CAI and chondrule formation in chondrites and are controlled by cooling rates and exchange efficiency.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review induced thermoluminescence (TL) data for 102 unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs), many data just published in abstracts, in order to identify particularly primitive UOCs and further explore TL systematics that may have implications for the history of the chondrites and their parent body. We have identified 11 UOCs of petrologic types 3.0–3.1: Adrar 003, Elephant Moraine (EET) 90066, EET 90161, Grosvenor Mountains (GRO) 95502, Lewis Cliff (LEW) 88477, Meteorite Hills (MET) 96503, Yamato (Y)‐790787, Y‐791324, Y‐791558, Y‐793565, and Y‐793596. These samples represent an important new resource for researchers interested in the nature of primitive solar system materials. Previously reported trends in which TL sensitivity increases with TL peak temperature and TL peak width, which we interpret in terms of crystallization of feldspar in the ordered or disordered forms during metamorphism, are confirmed by the new data. Importantly, the present data strengthen the trend described earlier in which the mean level of metamorphism experienced by UOCs increases along the series LL, L and H. This suggests either different burial depths for the UOCs from each class, or formation at similar depths in regoliths of different thickness.  相似文献   

Abstract— The magnetic properties of the Millbillillie eucrite have been intensively studied using mutually oriented samples. The magnetic carrier has been identified as single domain/pseudo-single domain kamacite. It is believed that due to clast-rich/clast-poor layering, the rock has been subjected to minimum shock since formation. This is supported by the presence of a stable, unidirectional remanence. Three separate palaeointensity tests (IRM/NRM, ARM-NRM, and Thellier heating) have been used to determine the strength of the palaeofield. The criteria for the suitability of samples to be used in such tests are discussed, as are the three methods; IRM/NRM is deemed the least accurate. The results obtained (IRM/NRM: 6 μT and 25 μT; ARM-NRM: 31 μT, 28 μT, and 15 μT; Thellier: 30 μT, 37 μT, 15 μT) indicate that the rock cooled in a strong magnetic field. Modes of formation, given that Millbillillie has a layered structure, and the nature of the HED parent body, are discussed. A volcanic genesis is preferred over formation in an impact melt. An internal dynamo field is favoured for dynamical reasons, and calculations based on the assumption that 4 Vesta is a possible HED parent body indicate that an iron core may be present in such a body.  相似文献   

Abstract— An analytical transmission electron microscopy (ATEM) study was undertaken in order to better understand the formation conditions of dusty olivines (i.e., olivines containing abundant tiny inclusions of Fe‐Ni metal) in primitive meteorites. Dusty olivines from type I chondrules in the Bishunpur chondrite (LL3.1) and from synthetic samples obtained by reduction of San Carlos olivines were examined. In both natural and experimental samples, micron size metal blebs observed in the dusty region often show preferential alignments along crystallographic directions of the olivine grains, have low Ni contents (typically <2 wt%), and are frequently surrounded by a silica‐rich glass layer. These features suggest that dusty olivines are formed by a sub‐solidus reduction of initially fayalitic olivines according to the following reaction: Some volatilization of SiOgas may account for the apparent excess of metal relative to silica‐rich glass observed in both experimental and natural samples. Comparison with experimentally produced dusty olivines suggests that time scales of the order of minutes usually inferred for chondrule formation are also adequate for the formation of dusty olivines. These observations are in agreement with the hypothesis that at least part of the metal phase in chondrites originated from reduction during chondrule formation.  相似文献   

We present 1D numerical simulations of the very late thermal pulse (VLTP) scenario for a wide range of remnant masses. We show that by taking into account the different possible remnant masses, the observed evolution of V4334 Sgr (a.k.a. Sakurai's object) can be reproduced within the standard 1D mixing length theory (MLT) stellar evolutionary models without the inclusion of any ad hoc reduced mixing efficiency. Our simulations hint at a consistent picture with present observations of V4334 Sgr. From energetics, and within the standard MLT approach, we show that low-mass remnants  ( M ≲ 0.6 M)  are expected to behave markedly differently from higher mass remnants  ( M ≳ 0.6 M)  in the sense that the latter remnants are not expected to expand significantly as a result of the violent H-burning that takes place during the VLTP. We also assess the discrepancy in the born-again times obtained by different authors by comparing the energy that can be liberated by H-burning during the VLTP event.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present a method that combines Mössbauer spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction to quantify the modal mineralogy of unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs). Despite being a fundamental tool in the interpretation of geological systems, there are no modal mineralogical data available for these meteorites. This is due to their fine‐grained nature, highly heterogeneous silicate mineralogy, and the presence of poorly characterized phases. Consequently, it has not been possible to obtain accurate modal mineralogy by conventional techniques such as point counting. Here we use Mössbauer spectroscopy as a preliminary identification technique and X‐ray diffraction provides the quantification for a suite of recent UOC falls. We find the most primitive UOCs to contain a significant amount of phyllosilicate material that was converted during metamorphism to form ferromagnesian silicates. A complete suite of Antarctic samples is analyzed by each method to observe mineralogical trends and these are compared with trends shown by recent falls. The fact that mineralogical relationships shown by finds and falls are in agreement allows us to be confident that we are observing the products of pre‐terrestrial alteration. Mössbauer spectroscopy reveals evidence of steadily increasing reduction with metamorphism in the UOCs. Because this technique allows comparisons to be made between UOCs and EOCs, our reduction sequence can be combined with other evidence showing progressive oxidation in the EOCs. This yields an integrated model of changing redox conditions on equilibrating ordinary chondrite parent bodies.  相似文献   

Abstract— We measured cosmogenic radionuclides (10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl) and noble gases (He, Ne, and Ar) in 10 specimens of the Mocs L6 chondrite to determine the exposure history and preatmospheric relationship among fragments from known locations in the strewn field. Cosmogenic noble gas contents alone are consistent with a simple irradiation exposure of 15.2 Ma. However, Mocs has very low 22Ne/21Ne ratios indicative of deep burial in a large meteoroid, but radionuclide levels at saturation values typical for much smaller meteoroids: this paradox suggests a possible complex exposure. For the latter case, we propose a two‐stage exposure history in which Mocs initially was deeply buried in a large object for 110 Ma, followed by exposure in a 65 cm object for 10.5 Ma. Relative shielding was inferred from the measured 22Ne/21Ne ratios assuming constant 22Ne/21Ne production for all samples during the first stage. These shielding levels, which are supported by estimates based on 36Cl production by neutron capture, indicate a possible relationship between depth of samples in the Mocs meteoroid and fall location in the strewn field.  相似文献   

As part of an integrated consortium study, we have undertaken O, Cd, Cr, Si, Te, Ti, and Zn whole rock isotopic measurements of the Winchcombe CM2 meteorite. δ66Zn values determined for two Winchcombe aliquots are +0.29 ± 0.05‰ (2SD) and +0.45 ± 0.05‰ (2SD). The difference between these analyses likely reflects sample heterogeneity. Zn isotope compositions for Winchcombe show excellent agreement with published CM2 data. δ114Cd for a single Winchcombe aliquot is +0.29 ± 0.04‰ (2SD), which is close to a previous result for Murchison. δ130Te values for three aliquots gave indistinguishable results, with a mean value of +0.62 ± 0.01‰ (2SD) and are essentially identical to published values for CM2s. ε53Cr and ε54Cr for Winchcombe are 0.319 ± 0.029 (2SE) and 0.775 ± 0.067 (2SE), respectively. Based on its Cr isotopic composition, Winchcombe plots close to other CM2 chondrites. ε50Ti and ε46Ti values for Winchcombe are 3.21 ± 0.09 (2SE) and 0.46 ± 0.08 (2SE), respectively, and are in line with recently published data for CM2s. The δ30Si composition of Winchcombe is −0.50 ± 0.06‰ (2SD, n = 11) and is essentially indistinguishable from measurements obtained on other CM2 chondrites. In conformity with petrographic observations, oxygen isotope analyses of both bulk and micromilled fractions from Winchcombe clearly demonstrate that its parent body experienced extensive aqueous alteration. The style of alteration exhibited by Winchcombe is consistent with relatively closed system processes. Analysis of different fractions within Winchcombe broadly support the view that, while different lithologies within an individual CM2 meteorite can be highly variable, each meteorite is characterized by a predominant alteration type. Mixing of different lithologies within a regolith environment to form cataclastic matrix is supported by oxygen isotope analysis of micromilled fractions from Winchcombe. Previously unpublished bulk oxygen isotope data for 12 CM2 chondrites, when combined with published data, define a well-constrained regression line with a slope of 0.77. Winchcombe analyses define a more limited linear trend at the isotopically heavy, more aqueously altered, end of the slope 0.77 CM2 array. The CM2 slope 0.77 array intersects the oxygen isotope field of CO3 falls, indicating that the unaltered precursor material to the CMs was essentially identical in oxygen isotope composition to the CO3 falls. Our data are consistent with earlier suggestions that the main differences between the CO3s and CM2s reflect differing amounts of water ice that co-accreted into their respective parent bodies, being high in the case of CM2s and low in the case of CO3s. The small difference in Si isotope compositions between the CM and CO meteorites can be explained by different proportions of matrix versus refractory silicates. CMs and COs may also be indistinguishable with respect to Ti and Cr isotopes; however, further analysis is required to test this possibility. The close relationship between CO3 and CM2 chondrites revealed by our data supports the emerging view that the snow line within protoplanetary disks marks an important zone of planetesimal accretion.  相似文献   

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