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The ophiolite-bearing Bangong-Nujiang zone (BNZ) traversing central Tibet from east to west separates the Qiangtang block in the north from the Lhasa block in the south. The Cretaceous of the area includes Chuanba Formation (K1c), Duoba Formation (K1d), Langshan Formation (K1l) and Jiangba Formation (K2j). The K1c is composed of black shale,sandy pelite, siltstone, sandstone, coal beds and volcanic rocks, of shallow marine facies. The K1d consists of terrestrial siliciclastics intercalated with some calcareous sandstone beds bearing Orbitolina sp. indicating marine influence. The K1j is carbonate platform deposits of shallow marine and lagoon. The K2j is characterized by terrestrial thick massive red conglomerate. An active margin related to B-subduction zone is considered to be the geological setting of the Cretaceous sedimentation.  相似文献   

阐述了地物化综合剖面法在西藏藏东地区某航磁异常查证的效果,首先从区域上分析了航磁异常所处的地质背景及其地球物理特征,然后利用地质、物探以及化探综合方法对异常进行了查证,发现了具有一定规模的地表出露铜矿点1处,经定性解释与定量计算,该矿点地物化对应较好且物化探异常明显,表明地物化综合剖面法在该区航磁异常查证中具有良好的找矿效果。  相似文献   

Present article is on Russian Far East carnivorous dinosaur paleoecology.Described summary is based on detailed study and comparison of isolated shed teeth morphology.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲高效生态经济区是具有国家战略地位的重要生态经济区,该地区的海岸带地处海陆交接地带,属于陆缘海海岸带,生态环境脆弱,区域海岸带地形地貌系统性阐述甚少。在开展该区域生态地质环境调查的基础上,结合实际调查情况及以往文献的研读,对该地区海岸带地形地貌、岸滩地貌类型及特征进行了系统性归纳总结。整个黄河三角洲高效生态经济区的海岸带地貌分黄河三角洲粉砂淤泥质海岸、莱州湾南岸潍北平原区粉砂淤泥质海岸、莱州砂质海岸3个部分。岸滩类型分为黄河三角洲岸段冲淤平衡潮滩、侵蚀潮滩、淤积潮滩3种及莱州湾岸段侵蚀潮滩及侵蚀砂质海滩2种。  相似文献   

重庆市主城区1986-2007年用地时空演化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以重庆市主城区为例,通过GIS构建城市用地变化模型对重庆市城市用地20年来的时空演变规律进行了分析,分别对其城市用地利用程度、城市用地多样性和城市用地重心变化进行了评价,并考虑入口和海拔因素,讨论了重庆市城市用地发展的主要特点.结果表明;(1)重庆市主城区城市用地中耕地面积最多,其次是林地,城市景观所占比例较轻.2...  相似文献   

A modern research approach and working techniques in hitherto unexamined areas, produced the following results: 1). The tongues of decakilometre long Karakorum glaciers belong to temperate ice-streams with an annual meltwateroutput. The short Aghil glaciers on the contrary are continental, arid and cold. 2). The present-day oscillations of the Karakorum glaciers are related to their own mass, and are contrary to and independent of the actual climate. Only the short glaciers, with steep tongue fronts, show a present-day positive balance. 3). ^14C- dated Late Glacial moraines indicate a 400-800 m thick valley glacier at the former confluence point of the K2-, Sarpo Laggo- and Skamri glaciers. 4). From the evidence of transfluence passes with roches moutonn6es, striae and the limits of glacial polishing, as well as moraines and erratics, a High Glacial at least 12oo m thick ice-stream network between the Karakorums and the Kuen Lun north slopes was reconstructed. The Shaksgam and Yarkand valleys were occupied by glaciers coming from west Tibet. The lowest-lying moraines are to be found in the foreland down to 2000 m, indicating a depression of the High Glacial (LGM) snowline (ELA) by 13oo m.5). The approximately 10,000 measurements of the radiation balance at up to heights of 5500 m on K2 indicate that with incoming energy near the solar constant the reflection from snow- covered ice is up to 70% greater than from rock and rock waste surfaces.6).These results confirm for the very dry western margins of Tibet an almost complete ice sheet cover in an area with subtropical energy balance, conforming with the Ice Age hypothesis of the author which is based upon the presence of a 2.4 million km^2 Tibetan inland ice sheet. This inland ice developed for the first time when Tibet was uplifted over the snowline during the early Pleistocene. As the measured subtropical radiation balance shows, it was able to trigger the Quaternary Ice Ages.  相似文献   

Ataxonomic survey of benthic marine animals from coastal regions of Hainan Island, South China Sea, revealed specimens of a new species of Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicida: Eunicidae), Eunice uschakovi n. sp., collected from the intertidal zone. The species belongs to the group of Eunice that has yellow tridentate subacicular hooks and branchiae scattered over an extensive region of the body. It resembles E. miurai and E. havaica in having both bidentate and tridentate falcigers, but can be readily distinguished by branchial features. Comparisons between E. uschakovi and the two related species are presented.  相似文献   

Mountain lakes represent essential stages for aquatic species on their way colonizing habitats of more elevated regions. Despite extensive biological and chemical study, only little has been reported about the species number and density of freshwater molluscs in these waters. The article presented here elucidates the dispersal of aquatic gastropods and bivalves in 12 mountain lakes that are commonly situated in the Eastern Alps, Austria. Molluscs were recorded at 120 sample points, where a total of 13 species (8 gastropods and 5 bivalves) could be determined. Species distribution data as well as results from contemporarily conducted physico-chemical factor recording were subject to weighted average analysis. In addition, a global marginality coefficient indicating the particularity of a habitat inhabited by a focal species as well as a global tolerance coefficient expressing the width of a niche occupied by this species were computed. Species-environment relationships exhibited that species number and specific density decrease with increasing geographic altitude, declining water temperature, and decreasing amount of submerged vegetation. Whilst waters of the montane altitude level are partly charcterized by high number of mollusc species (> 10), lakes of the subalpine altitude level commonly bear 1 or 2 species with <<1 ind./m2. As proposed by the results of statistics, 9 of the 13 mollusc species are characterized by a pronounced behaviour as specialists with respect to most environmental factors. The four remaining species, Pisidium casertanum, Galba truncatula, Radix labiata, and Radix balthica, act as generalists which increases their pioneering role in the long-term occupation of the Central-alpine region.  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical studies in the Balkans are crucial for fostering sustainable rural development in the region and also for investigating the dynamics of change of Traditional Ecological Knowledge(TEK),which has broad-sweeping implications for future biodiversity conservation efforts.A survey of local botanical and medical knowledge and practices was conducted in four mountainous villages of the Peshkopia region in northeast Albania,near the Macedonian border.Snowball sampling techniques were employed to recruit 32 informants for participation in semi-structured interviews regarding the use of the local flora for food,medicinal,veterinary and ritual purposes.The uses of 84 botanical taxa were recorded as well as a number of other folk remedies for the treatment of both humans and livestock.Comparison of the collected data with another ethnobotanical field study recently conducted among Albanians living on the Macedonian side of Mount Korab shows a remarkable divergence in medicinal plant uses,thus confirming the crucial role played by the history of the last century in transforming TEK.Most noteworthy,as a legacy of the Communist period,a relevant number of wild medicinal taxa are still gathered only for trade rather than personal/familial use.This may lead to unsustainable exploitation of certain taxa(i.e.Orchis and Gentiana spp.) and presents some important conservation challenges.Appropriate development and environmental educational frameworks should aim to reconnect local people to the perception of limitation and renewability of botanical resources.  相似文献   

Psilorhynchus homaloptera mainly inhabits turbulent waters in the lower reach of the Yarlung Zangbo River,Tibet,China,and it is the only species of Psilorhynchus in China.However,many important aspects of its biology remain poorly documented,which hinders the conservation efforts.Therefore,we studied its reproduction using 801 specimens from the Motuo sector of the lower Yarlung Zangbo River from December 2015 to November 2016.The sex ratio was 0.68:1(male:female) for the overall population.Females reached a larger total length and weight(134 mm and 18.6 g) than males did(113 mm and 12.2 g).Lengths at maturity were estimated 80.0 mm for males and 93.1 mm for females.Our analyses of gonad development and the size distribution of oocytes suggest that P.homaloptera is a single spawner with the peak spawning period between September and October.Furthermore,the estimated mean absolute fecundity was 557±204 eggs per fish and mean relative fecundity was 50.9±10.9 eggs per g of female weight.The fecundity of P.homaloptera increased linearly with increasing total length,total weight,ovary weight,and age.This study on the reproductive biology of P.homaloptera demonstrate s that the fish was in a vulnerable state due to the increasing anthropogenic activities in the lower Yarlung Zangbo River.  相似文献   

在野外地质调查基础上,对江南断裂带宣城敬亭山剖面上采集的3件断层泥样品中的石英颗粒进行透射扫描电镜(SEM)微形貌观察与统计。结果显示,江南断裂带为活动断裂,在新近纪和第四纪时期具明显的活动性,活动始于中新世,晚更新世达到高峰,活动方式以蠕滑为主;至全新世,断裂以粘滑方式持续活动;沿断裂带的地震记录表明,至近现代断裂仍处于活动状态。这些结论对于正确评价江南断裂带在第四纪的活动规律及该区自然灾害预防等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Since the late 1950’s, many Chinese scientists have explored the remains of the Quaternary glaciation in the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau and its surrounding mountains. In the main, 3–4 glaciations have been recognized. The largest one occurred in the Late Middle Pleistocene with piedmont glaciers, ice caps and trellis valley glaciers in many high peak regions. But here is no evidence of a unified ice sheet covering the whole plateau as described by M. Kuhle. Due to the further uplifting of the Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang Plateau the climate became progressively driver, diminishing the extension of glaciers during the Late Pleistocene. The elevation of the snow line during the Last Glaciation was about 4,000 m on the south, east and northeast edges of the plateau and ascended to 5500 m on the hinder northwest of the plateau. The thermal effect of the big plateau massif, the sharp increase of aridity from the southeast rim to the northwest inland area and the abrupt decrease of precipitation during the Ice Age largely account for the distribution of the Quaternary glaciers in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. The neglect of Chinese literature may be one of the causes accounting for M. Kuhle’s misinterpretation on the environment of the Quaternary glaciations in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau.  相似文献   

The association of scyphomedusae with invertebrates has been long known in the literature; especially with hyperiidsamphipods.The association of echinoderms with jellyfish is not common and rarely recorded.We reported the association of theophiuroid Ophiocnemis marmorata with the rhizostome scyphomedusa Rhopilema hispidum collected in Vellar estuary (on thesoutheast coast of India).O.marmorata is supposed to be a filter feeding ophiuroid,quite common in soft bottom of shallow waters.The brittle stars possibly seek for food supply,shelter and protection through the association.  相似文献   

湖泊(特别是内陆湖)作为全球气候变化的敏感区域,是气候变化与环境变异的指示器,其面积变化在一定程度上可反映区域的气候变化。因此,精确监测湖泊面积的时空变化,对分析区域生态环境变化具有重要的意义。本文基于ESTARFM时空数据融合模型,利用MODIS数据模拟了2000年后无法得到的Landsat数据;利用NDWI和MNDWI 2种水体指数并辅以DEM数据分析了1976-2014年西藏色林错湖湖面面积的时空变化;综合湖区周围6个气象站点的气象数据(1970-2014年),探究了湖面面积变化的原因及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:(1)利用ESTARFM时空融合模型得到的Landsat-Like数据与真实的Landsat数据在水体信息提取方面具有较高的相关性,R2可达0.93,时空数据融合的结果可用于湖泊水体的信息提取;(2)近40年来(1976-2014年),色林错湖处于持续扩张状态,面积呈较显著的增长趋势,增加了近711.652 km2,增幅为42.36%,年平均增长速率约为18.728 km2a-1,增长最快时可达55.954 km2a-1;湖面面积变化先后经历了平稳变化-迅速变化-平稳变化3个阶段;北部湖区在40年间变化最为明显,向北扩展了约22.812 km;2003-2005年,南部湖区已与雅根错湖连为一体,随后二者共同扩张;(3)气温的持续升高造成的冰雪融水补给增加可能是导致湖泊面积扩张的主要因素,风速的降低为次要因素,湖面的面积变化与降水量、日照时数的变化相关性不明显。  相似文献   

Morphology of the spermatozoon of Octopus ocellatus was studied by light, scanning electron, and transmission electron microscopes. Sperm are 600–700 μm long, with a large number of granules in diameter about 130 nm. Each spermatozoon is composed of a head, neck, and tail. The head is made up of an acrosomal complex anterior to the nucleus. The spiral acrosomal complex consists of an electron-lucent vesicle, lacuna, and an electron-dense acrosomal vesicle. Additionally, the spiral acrosomal vesicle has numerous equidistant striations, and is surrounded by many small granules (20 nm diameter). A long straight nucleus, which is electron-densed, has a deep posterior concavity, the nuclear vacuole. At the terminal end of the nucleus is a sleeve-like structure with a concave posterior nuclear fossa (PNF). The neck is short connecting the PNF. The basal body is located in the PNF and gives rise to the axoneme. This structure connects the head, neck, and tail. The tail is divided into a middle piece and a principal piece. The middle piece, having a 9+9+2 arrangement, is surrounded by a mitochondrial sheath and terminates by an electron-dense fibrous sheath. The principal piece is the longest part of the sperm with coarse fibers tapering posteriorly. The results of this study shall provide some useful information for artificial breeding of this species.  相似文献   

The family Nassariidae includes a number of species that are distributed throughout the world. Each species has a characteristic shell shape, tooth shape, and behavior. However, the classification of species in this family of the Rhachiglossa is controversial. We describe the radulae of 22 species from China in detail using optical and scanning electron microscopy. These species are considered to be representatives of two subfamilies, two genera, and 10 subgenera. Our results suggest that the morphology of the central tooth and the pair of lateral teeth and the presence or absence of a pair of intermediate accessory lateral teeth could be used to distinguish among species. We found no support for the subgeneric differentiation of the species. However, the presence or absence of the intermediate lateral accessory plate was characteristic of species divisions. We noted sexual dimorphism in the shape of the teeth in some species, and considerable variability of the shape of teeth within a single species. Based on our results, the genus Nassarius cannot be split into subgenera using radula morphology.  相似文献   

The prime function of the Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms (PNCM), being the national repository of microbial strains, is to collect and preserve strains for their continued viability and availability for future use. To date, a total of 2144 strains of bacteria (1357), yeasts (250), filamentous, fungi (377), algae (14), and strains still to be identified (146) are maintained at the PNCM. These are preserved and maintained using various methods which include modified liquid drying (lyophilization), ultra-low temperature (−70°C) storage in 10% glycerol, storage in sterile soil, distilled water and overlaying with mineral oil. Periodic viability testing is done to assess the stability of these preserved cultures under storage. Aside from preservation and maintenance of cultures, the PNCM is also involved in several research activities. One of these is the isolation, characterization and identification of some Vibrio isolates from the Philippines. Details on this particular study is presented in this report.  相似文献   

Based on the principle of conservative matter removal in estuary,a new method is proposed for estimating the ratio of sediment resuspension in estuaries with fine suspended sediments in the turbidity maximum zone(TMZ) of the Changjiang(Yangtze) estuary during 2005.Results show that there was a range of 18.7%±27.9% to 73.9%±22.5% per annum of total suspended particulate matter(SPM),with an average of 49.2%.Nearly half of the particulate matter in the TMZ originates from sediment resuspension.This indicates that sediment resuspension is one of the major mechanisms involved in formation of the TMZ.Compared with traditional method for calculating these ratios in the estuary,this new method evaluates the dynamic variation of SPM content carried by river runoff from the river mouth to the ocean.The new method produced more reliable results than the traditional one and could produce a better estimation of resuspension flux for particulate matter in estuaries.  相似文献   

This paper reports for the first time a species of polychaetous family Paraonidae, Paraonella platybranchia (Hartman, 1961), a rare species found previously only in the coast near the boundary between the United States and Mexico, and it was recently discovered in the samples collected in 1982 from Chinese side of the Yellow Sea. This is the first record of the species in China as well as in the Northwest Pacific.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes(δ13C and δ15N) have been widely used to track cephalopod habitat, migration and trophic structure. In this study, we analyzed the δ13C and δ15N values in 245 Dosidicus gigas beaks collected during 2009–2010 and in 2013 off Peruvian Exclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) waters. High individual variation in beak stable isotopes was shown with values ranging from-19.4‰ to-15.8‰ for δ13C and from 5.0‰ to 15.1‰ for δ15N. A generalized additive model(GAM) showed that latitude, mantle length and distance to shelf break significantly described the isotope variation with deviance ranging from 16.6% in δ13C to 36.3% in δ15N. Large variability in beak δ13C values for a given size and sampling station indicated that D. gigas off the Peruvian EEZ waters migrate in different ways when they occupy a large range of habitats for their ontogeny. Low baseline δ15N values suggested that spatial changes in diet trophic level may be the main determinative factor in beak δ15N variation. We conclude that high variability in beak δ15N values for a given set of explanatory variables indicated that D. gigas is an opportunistic predator with highly diverse dietary habitats. This study further develops our knowledge of the life history of D. gigas in such a highly dynamic region.  相似文献   

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