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Overbank sedimentation rates were studied in former channels of three rivers in south-eastern France. Depth and spatial distribution of sediment, as well as geometry, hydrological connectivity and age of 39 lakes, were both measured and calculated. The mean sedimentation rate of lakes varied between 0 and 2·57 cm year−1. Sedimentation rates are linked to water depth and often undergo a decreasing gradient from the downstream outlet to the inner part of the lake. Multiple regression modelling demonstrates that sediment depth is essentially a function of overbank flow frequency. The greater the difference between upstream and downstream overbank flow frequency, the faster the sedimentation rate. These differences in sedimentation rates also correspond to different former channel geometry: the rates are slower in narrow and straight channels (former braided, and point-bar backwater channels), and faster in large and sinuous channels (exhibiting meanders, anastomosing channels and coves). The suspended sediment flux is variable from one reach to another, the middle reach of the Rhône conveying more sediment than the upper reaches, the Doubs or the Ain reaches. The suspended sediment flux does not explain a statistical difference in lake sedimentation rates between the reaches, which also provide clear evidence of the importance of local connectivity controls. Sedimentation patterns were also complicated by temporal changes in lake connectivity associated with geomorphological or anthropogenic changes operating within the main channel.  相似文献   

New data collected along the slopes of Little and Great Bahama Bank and the abyssal plain of the Bahama Escarpment provides new insights about contour current‐related erosive structures and associated deposits. The Bahamian slope shows abundant evidence of bottom current activity such as furrows, comet‐like structures, sediment waves and drifts. At a seismic scale, large erosion surfaces and main periods of drift growth resulted from current acceleration related to plate tectonic processes and progressive opening and closure of gateways and long‐term palaeoclimate evolution. At present‐day, erosion features and contourite drifts are either related to relatively shallow currents (<1000 m water depth) or to deep currents (>2500 m water depth). It appears that the carbonate nature of the drifts does not impact the drift morphology at the resolution addressed in the present study. Classical drift morphologies defined in siliciclastic environments are found, such as mounded, plastered and separated drifts. In core, contourite sequences show a bi‐gradational trend that resembles classical contourite sequences in siliciclastic deposits showing a direct relationship with a change in current velocity at the sea floor. However, in a carbonate system the peak in grain size is associated with increased winnowing rather than increased sediment supply as in siliciclastic environments. In addition, the carbonate contourite sequence is usually thinner than in siliciclastics because of lower sediment supply rates. Little Bahama Bank and Great Bahama Bank contourites contain open‐ocean input and slope‐derived debris from glacial episodes. Inner platform, platform edge and open ocean pelagic input characterize the classical periplatform ooze during interglacials. In all studied examples, the drift composition depends on the sea floor topography surrounding the drift location and the type of sediment supply. Carbonate particles are derived from either the slope or the platform in slope and toe of slope drifts, very deep contourites have distant siliciclastic sources of sediment supply. The recent discovery of the importance of a large downslope gravitary system along Bahamian slopes suggests frequent interactions between downslope and along‐slope (contour currents) processes. The interlayering of mass flow deposits and contourites at a seismic scale or the presence of surface structures associated with both contour currents and mass flow processes shows that both processes act at the same location. Finally, contour currents have an important impact on the repartition of deep‐water coral mounds. Currents can actively interact with mounds as a nutrient and oxygen supplier or have a passive interaction, with mounds solely being obstacles orienting erosion and deposition.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations in the rate of sedimentation and sediment resuspension in Lake Rehtijärvi (southern Finland) were studied by sediment traps deployed in the stratifying and non‐stratifying regions of the lake. Both the gross sedimentation rate and the resuspension rate recorded by near‐bottom traps were significantly higher in the stratifying region (>20 m depth) than in the shallow part of the lake (2 m depth). These rate changes were caused by temporarily elevated hypolimnetic resuspension rates exceeding 40 g dry weight m?2 day?1 in July 2005, whereas in the shallow station no such peak was observed and the resuspension rate remained below 30 g dry weight m?2 day?1 throughout the study. The elevated resuspension rate in the hypolimnion could not be attributed to surface wave action or sediment disturbance by fish, but was due to the occurrence of internal seiches. The seiche amplitude was on average the highest in July, although the wind velocities were low; this was because winds temporarily were blowing along the longitudinal axis of the lake. Due to the steep slopes, the sediments of Lake Rehtijärvi are prone to redistribution and sediment focusing towards the accumulation areas also affected trap catches in the deep stations.  相似文献   

Based on literature and our data, analysis of sedimentation rates during the last glacial/interglacial cycle (during the last 130 ka) is given for the Norwegian-Greenland Basin, the Arctic Ocean, Bering and Okhotsk seas, as well as a number of seas in the Southern Ocean. Sedimentation rates in the studied zone are controlled by the development of continental ice sheets, sea ice covers, and biogenic sedimentation, which, in turn, depends on climate variations.  相似文献   

Thirty two cores were collected from Lake Geneva sediments along one longitudinal and eight transverse profiles. Rates of sedimentation determined by137Cs vary from 0.01 to 1.86 g cm−2 y−1. The average deposition rates in coastal and slope areas amounts to 0.37 g cm−2 y−1 in the Upper Lake (Grand Lac) and 0.12 g cm−2 y−1 in the Lower Lake (Petit Lac). In the deep basins, average rates of 0.13 and 0.05 g cm−2 y−1 were found for the Grand Lac and Petit Lac, respectively. The estimated mass of sediment deposited yearly outside of the principal deltas and turbidity current depositional areas is about 1.0 million tons (about 13% of the estimated total river load). One turbidite is clearly identified in the deepest, central lake area. There is little variation of surface sediment texture (mean grain size about 8–9μm) with the exception of delta areas. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, both carbonate and organic matter have increased as a result of lake eutrophication.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variation in intertidal sedimentation rates   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sediment deposition and erosion rates are reported for an intertidal zone in the Burry Inlet, South Wales. Measured deposition rates over the salt marsh are compared with deposition rates calculated from observed suspended sediment concentrations. Notably, it is concluded that residual turbulence at slack water should not be discounted when calculating deposition rates. Grain-size distributions of suspended sediments over the marsh surface, during flood and ebb tides, contrast with the grain-size distribution of deposited marsh sediments, the latter being significantly coarser. These data in conjunction with mass budget calculations are used to relate total annual deposition and sediment supply by tidal action during settled meteorological periods. The analysis suggests that episodic storm-induced sediment transport is probably an important mechanism for introducing coarse sediment on to the marsh surface. Finally, it is noted that seasonal reworking of the sandy non-cohesive sediments may be related to variations in the intensity of wave-breaking throughout the year.  相似文献   

刘斯文  储国强  赖忠平 《地质学报》2016,90(8):2013-2022
巴丹吉林沙漠发育了世界上独一无二的丘间湖泊群,100多个永久性的丘间湖泊分布于沙漠的东南部。沙漠湖泊岩芯是干旱地区重要的气候、环境档案,然而受沙漠湖泊发育极端环境的影响,岩芯测年面临很大挑战。本文选择巴丹吉林的沙漠南缘的阿尔吉林和敦德吉林进行钻探,获取无扰动岩芯,利用核素(210Pb、137Cs)进行测年,并计算其沉积速率。结果表明:(1)核素(210Pb和137Cs)测年能够获取巴丹吉林沙漠丘间现代湖泊岩芯的可靠年代。(2)岩芯Ar-1的CRS测年结果为102±8a,沉积速率分布范围为0.13 ~ 0.33cma-1,岩芯Dd-1的CRS测年结果为123±2a,沉积速率分布范围为0.18 ~ 0.70cma-1。(3)沙漠岩心沉积速率空间分布具有自沙漠腹地向边缘递增的趋势,210Pbuns-CRS平均沉积速率分布范围为 0.16 ~ 0.57cma-1 ,137Cs沉积速率分布范围为0.05 ~ 0.6 cm a-1。未来对于沉积速率空间变化的可能影响因素,如高大沙山的围限阻挡效应、137Cs的分子扩散效应以及古地震等,应进行更深入研究。  相似文献   

Dissolution rates of sediments obtained from the Oued Cherf reservoir were measured in closed-system batch reactors at 25 °C in fluids sampled concurrently from the same locations as the sediments. The BET surface areas of the sediments ranged from 16 to 45 m2/g and consisted primarily of quartz, calcite, and clay minerals. After a brief initial period, release rates of Si, Mg, Ca, Cl, SO4, and NO3 from these sediments are approximately linear with time over the course of the experiments, which lasted from 3 to 5 months. BET surface area normalized Si release rates ranged from 10–17.4 to 10–18.4 mol/cm2/s. These release rates match closely Si release rates from quartz and clay minerals determined from laboratory dissolution rates reported in the literature. This coherence suggests that laboratory measured silicate dissolution rates can be used with confidence to predict the dissolution behavior of sediments in natural surface waters.  相似文献   

We present integrated mineralogical, geochemical, and palynological data for Late Pleistocene-Holocene bottom sediments of Lake Arakhlei located in the Beklemishev tectonic basin in the southern Vitim Plateau (central Transbaikalia). The sediment samples were studied by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, laser particle sizing, spore-pollen analysis, radiocarbon (14C AMS) dating, and XRF spectrometry. The cored 128 cm long section of lake sediments consists of two units: One is composed mainly of layered silicates (illite-smectite, illite, chlorite, chlorite-smectite, muscovite, and kaolinite) and organic matter (OM) but no carbonates from 0 to 80 cm and the other contains authigenic Ca-Mg carbonates (up to 30%) of Mg-calcite and excess-Ca dolomite from 80 to 128 cm. The sediments also contain a rare mineral weddellite CaC2O42H2O discovered for the first time in Transbaikalian lakes. The evolution of Lake Arakhlei and its drainage basin comprised four stages, with pollen zones that mark the Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate history of the Beklemishev basin. The reconstructed history of Lake Arakhlei for the past ~ 15,500 years followed general climatic changes in the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, integrated research, including detailed analysis of mineral components and spore-pollen assemblages in lake sediments, is a workable tool for studying climatic controls of continental sedimentation.  相似文献   

Bathymetric surveys during the 1991–2000 decade in two ice-contact, proglacial lakes on the eastern sector of Bering piedmont lobe captured the buildup effects of the 1993–1995 surge. Following ice-front advance of 1.0–1.5 km into Tsivat and Tsiu Lakes, the basins were significantly altered by surge-related sedimentation including the impact of a subglacial outburst into Tsivat Lake. The subsequent changes in basin shape, size, and morphology were monitored by six bathymetric surveys. Measured changes in water depth serve as a proxy for determining increments of sediment accumulation.

Upwelling, ice-front vents fed by subglacial tunnels transported suspended fine sediment directly into the lake system. The rate of suspension settling within both lakes varied from 0.6 to 1.2 m year−1 prior to the surge. Suspended load during surge years increased sixfold from 1.7 to 13.9 g l−1, accompanied by increased sediment accumulation of 2.2–3.1 m year−1. Vent-related aggradation and subsequent filling of Tsivat Lake caused sediment bypassing to Tsiu Lake, where encroachment by delta growth contributed to a postsurge rate of bottomset accumulation of 3.0 m year−1.

The total sediment influx from subglacial sources is represented by the sum of bathymetrically determined accumulation, plus an estimated volume of sediment that remained suspended, thus passing through the lake system. Total sediment flux along the eastern Bering piedmont lobe from 1991 to 2000 is approximately 227 million cubic meters.  相似文献   

A computer-based numerical model of turbidity current flow and sedimentation is presented that integrates geological observations with basic equations for fluid and sediment motion. The model quantifies those aspects of turbidity currents that make them different from better-understood fluvial processes, including water mixing across the upper flow boundary and the interactions between the suspended-sediment concentration and the flow dynamics and sedimentation. The model includes three numerical components: (1) a layer-averaged three-equation flow model for tracing downslope flow evolution using continuity and momentum equations, (2) a sedimentation/fluidization model for tracing sediment-size fractionation in sedimenting multicomponent suspensions and (3) a concentration-viscosity model for quantifying the changes in resistance of such suspensions toward fluid and sediment motion. The model traces the evolution of a model turbidity current in terms the layer-averaged flow velocity, flow thickness, sediment concentration distribution, and the rate of sedimentation and sediment size fractionation. It generates synthetic turbidites with downslope variations in thickness and grain-size structuring at each point along the flow path. This study represents an effort to evaluate quantitatively the effects of basin geometry, sediment supply and sediment properties on the mechanics of turbidity current flow and sedimentation and on the geometry and grain size characteristics of the resulting deposits.  相似文献   

We analyze both new and previously published paleomagnetic records of secular variation (PSV) from Lake Superior sediment cores and compare these records to correlated rhythmite (varve) thickness records to determine post-glacial sedimentation rates and to reassess the termination of glaciolacustrine varves in the basin. The results suggest that offshore sedimentation rates have exhibited considerable spatial variation over the past 8000 years, particularly during the mid-Holocene. We attribute offshore, mid-Holocene sedimentation changes to alterations in whole basin circulation, perhaps precipitated by a greater dominance of the Gulf of Mexico air mass during the summer season. Nearshore bays are characterized by high sedimentation rates for at least 1000 years after varve cessation and during a period between around 4500 and 2000 cal. BP. After 2000 cal. BP, sedimentation rates subsided to earlier rates. The increases between 4500 and 2000 cal. BP are probably due to lake level fall after the Nipissing II highstand.The older glaciolacustrine varve thickness records suggest that the influx of glacially derived sediment ended abruptly everywhere in the lake, except near the Lake Nipigon inlets. Multiple sediment cores reveal 36 anomalously thick varves, previously ascribed to the formation of the Nakina moraine, which were deposited just prior to varve cessation in the open lake. The PSV records support the observation that the cessation of these thick varves is a temporally correlative event, occurring at 9035±170 cal. BP (calibrated years before 1950, ca 7950–8250 14C BP). This date would correlate to the eastern diversion of Lake Agassiz and glacial meltwater into Lake Ojibway.  相似文献   

The Merouane Chott, located in southeastern Algeria, is an ideal natural system for studying mineral dissolution and precipitation rates because it (1) undergoes annual cycles of filling and complete evaporation, and (2) has a simple, well defined hydrology. The major element concentrations of Merouane Chott lake waters were measured weekly from January to June 2003. These concentrations are used together with estimates of the Chott lake volume and infiltration rates to calculate the temporal evolution of the total mass of these major elements. Element precipitation rates are generated by dividing the first derivative of total mass of each element with respect to time by the Chott surface area. Mass balance considerations yield precipitation rate estimates for halite, calcite, and gypsum during the complete evaporation of the lake. These rates are compared with the saturation indexes of these minerals to deduce the degree to which they are consistent with laboratory measured rates available in the literature.  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸全新世沉积速率对河流供给的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
渤海湾西岸由北向南获取了3个钻孔,以全新世海相岩心为研究对象,采用AMS14C(Accelerator Mass Spectrometry14C,加速器质谱14C)测年方法建立年代框架并计算平均沉积速率,结合沉积物粒度组成及沿岸古河流三角洲发育历史,探讨了沉积速率对沿岸河流供给变化的时空响应。结果表明,早全新世—中全新世初期(11~6ka),渤海湾西岸整体沉积速率偏低,仅0.03~0.07cm/a,沉积物粒度较粗;中全新世6.43~4.97ka cal BP期间,NP3孔平均沉积速率为0.60~0.93cm/a,高于同期沿岸南部的CH110孔和BT113孔。沉积物组成以粉砂为主,粘土含量低,向上逐渐变粗,具三角洲反粒序特征。该时段的高沉积速率系渤海湾西北岸对潮白河、永定河及滦河沉积物供给的响应;中全新世晚期3.68~2.67ka cal BP期间,BT113孔沉积速率为0.27~1.4cm/a,高于同期沿岸北部CH110孔和NP3孔,沉积物组成以粉砂为主,粘土含量较NP3孔高,向上逐渐变粗,具三角洲反粒序特征。该时段的高沉积速率系渤海湾西岸南部对黄河沉积物供给的响应;晚全新世2.29~0.24ka cal BP期间,沿岸中部CH110孔沉积速率为0.55~0.91cm/a,高于同期沿岸南部的BT113孔和北部的NP3孔,该高沉积速率为渤海湾西岸中部对黄河和海河供给沉积的先后响应。  相似文献   

Merouane Chott ephemeral lake is an ideal natural system for studying mineral dissolution and precipitation rates because (1) it undergoes annual cycles of filling and complete evaporation, and (2) it has a simple, well-defined hydrology. The major element concentrations of Merouane Chott lake waters have been measured weekly from January to June 2003. These concentrations are used together with estimates of the chott lake volume to calculate the temporal evolution of the total mass of these major elements. Dividing the first derivative of these masses with respect to time by the chott surface area yields precipitation rate estimates for halite, calcite, gypsum, and K–Mg salts during the complete evaporation of the lake. These rates are compared with the saturation indexes of these minerals to deduce the degree to which they are consistent with laboratory measured rates available in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of 210Pb and 137Cs radioactivity measurements to determine the rates of sedimentation in the Great Lakes. Cores from eight locations in Lake Michigan were chosen for examination to cover as wide as possible a range of sedimentation rates and representative sedimentary environments. The surficial 210Pb activity in the sediments varies between 7 and 23 pCi/g dry wt and its profile in each core shows the expected exponential decrease with depth consistent with the assumption of uniform sedimentation rate over the last hundred years and secular equilibrium between supported 210Pb and 226Ra (0.5-1.0 pCi/g dry wt). Companion measurements of 137Cs indicate that the coring technique satisfactorily recovered the uppermost levels of the deposit and that the mobility of both radionuclides within the sediment is probably small.Based on the limited number of cores analyzed to date, it appears that modern sedimentation rates are not very different from average rates for the last 7000 yr. The excess 210Pb appears to originate primarily from atmospheric fallout, but a further inventory of the 210Pb distribution over the lake bottom must be made to properly assess the significance of other sources. The spatial distributions of both 137Cs and 210Pb at certain stations suggest that the mode of transport of these radionuclides are comparable and involve attachment to settling particles. A mathematical model is developed which accounts for the observed limited mobility of both 210Pb and 137Cs in several of the cores in terms of post-depositional redistribution by physical or biological mixing processes.  相似文献   

We have determined the halogen and boron concentrations in the ice-covered lakes of Taylor Valley, Antarctica, to better establish the sources of salts and evolutionary histories of these unusual water bodies. In addition, we report on a series of 129I measurements that were compared with previous 36Cl data that also help constrain the source of solutes and histories of the lakes. The new data, when put into context of previous work on these systems over the past forty years, allow us to make the following conclusions. The primary source of solutes to Lake Hoare, the youngest of the lakes, is the dissolution of marine aerosols and aeolian salts and the chemical weathering of dust on the glaciers. The geochemistry of Lake Fryxell, the brackish water lake, is primarily dominated by the diffusion from a halite-saturated brine at the sediment-water interface and the recent infilling of the lake by glacier meltwater. These waters have chemical weathering and marine aerosols components. Lake Bonney has two distinct lobes whose hypersaline hypolimnia have different chemistries. Both of the lobes are remnants of ancient marine waters that have been modified by the input of weathering products. This lake has also been modified by periods of cryogenic concentration when solutes have been lost via mineral precipitation. Thus the geochemistry of Lake Bonney owes its unusual geochemistry, in part, to variations in the climate in the Taylor Valley over at least the past 300kyr. The 129I data from the Taylor Valley are similar to those from fracture fluids in crystalline rocks from the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

现阶段使用遥感数据监测湖冰物候特征已成为主要的技术手段.NPP-VIIRS是一个较新的卫星数据,它具有空间分辨率较高、波段数多、重访周期短等优点,使用该数据提取湖冰信息是对该领域的一个有益补充.基于NPP-VIIRS数据利用阈值法对拉昂错、玛旁雍错、佩枯错、普莫雍错等典型湖泊进行湖冰提取.获得四个湖泊逐日的冻结百分比,...  相似文献   

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