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In memoriam Erik Flügel  相似文献   

The Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit is located in the Edong district, which represents the westernmost and largest region within the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt (YRMB), Eastern China. Skarn Fe–Cu mineralization is spatially associated with the Tieshan pluton, which intruded carbonates of the Lower Triassic Daye Formation. Ore bodies are predominantly located along the contact between the diorite or quartz diorite and marbles/dolomitic marbles. This study investigates the mineral chemistry of magnetite in different skarn ore bodies. The contrasting composition of magnetite obtained are used to suggest different mechanisms of formation for magnetite in the western and eastern part of the Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit. A total of 178 grains of magnetite from four magnetite ore samples are analyzed by LA–ICP–MS, indicating a wide range of trace element contents, such as V (13.61–542.36 ppm), Cr (0.003–383.96 ppm), Co (11.12–187.55 ppm) and Ni (0.19–147.41 ppm), etc. The Ti/V ratio of magnetite from the Xiangbishan (western part of the Tieshan deposit) and Jianshan ore body (eastern part of the Tieshan deposit) ranges from 1.32 to 5.24, and 1.31 to 10.34, respectively, indicating a relatively reduced depositional environment in the Xiangbishan ore body. Incorporation of Ti and Al in magnetite are temperature dependent, which hence propose that the temperature of hydrothermal fluid from the Jianshan ore body (Al = 3747–9648 ppm, with 6381 ppm as an average; Ti = 381.7–952.0 ppm, with 628.2 ppm as an average) was higher than the Xiangbishan ore body (Al = 2011–11122 ppm, with 5997 ppm as an average, Ti = 302.5–734.8, with 530.8 ppm as an average), indicating a down–temperature precipitation trend from the Jianshan ore body to the Xiangbishan ore body. In addition, in the Ca + Al + Mn versus Ti + V diagram, magnetite is plotted in the skarn field, consideration with the ternary diagram of TiO2–Al2O3–MgO, proposing that the magnetite ores are formed by replacement, instead of directly crystallized from iron oxide melts, which provide a better understanding regarding the composition of ore fluids and processes responsible for Fe mineralization in the Tieshan Fe–Cu deposit.  相似文献   

2022年,注定是不平凡的一年.今年,是"十四五"规划承上启下的重要一年,是党的二十大召开之年.随着世界百年未有之大变局加速演进,国际国内经济形势充满诸多不确定性,加之新冠肺炎疫情多地暴发,给我国经济社会发展蒙上了一层厚厚的阴影."黑天鹅""灰犀牛"事件频现,也给正在高质量发展道路上探索前行的勘察设计行业,带来了重重阻...  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The results of instrumental observations for meteoparameters, microbaric variations, and variations in an electric field are analyzed at the Mikhnevo Observatory and the...  相似文献   

Columbite–tantalite (Coltan) is the most important niobium (Nb)- and tantalum (Ta)-bearing economic mineral, commonly occurring in rare metal granite and pegmatite, alkaline granite, syenite and carbonatite. Its high U but low common Pb contents make it an ideal mineral for U–Pb isotopic dating of Nb–Ta mineralization. In order to establish a feasible coltan dating method by in situ laser-ablation (LA) ICP–MS, we determined the U–Pb ages of five coltan samples from different pegmatites and rare-metal granites in China. In order to evaluate the potential matrix effect between different minerals, a 91500 zircon was used as external standard during analyses. The results show that, compared to the recommended ages, approximately 7–15% younger ages were yielded for the analyzed coltan samples in both single spot and line raster scan analytical methods, indicating a significant matrix effect between coltan and zircon. However, by using a coltan standard from Namibia (Coltan139), the coltan sample from Dahe pegmatite (SNNT) has a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 363 ± 4 Ma (2σ, n = 25) and 357 ± 5 Ma (2σ, n = 20) in single spot and line raster scan analytical methods, respectively; the coltan samples from Altai No.3 pegmatite (713-79), Yichun topaz-lepidolite granite (Yi-1) and Huangshan albite granite (LS-15) have weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 218 ± 2 Ma (2σ, n = 20), 160 ± 1 Ma (2σ, n = 20) and 130 ± 1 Ma (2σ, n = 20), respectively, in single spot mode. These ages agree well with the previously published data, and hence support the reliability of our analytical method. Although the analyzed coltan minerals show a large variation of chemical compositions, no significant matrix effect was observed, which suggests that a coltan material should be used as an external standard for U–Pb dating of coltan by LA–ICP–MS. Using the established analytical protocol, we date the Nanping pegmatite (NP155), a main Nb–Ta deposit in China without known age, and obtain a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 391 ± 4 Ma (2σ, n = 20), which is considered as the best estimation of Nb–Ta mineralization time in the area.  相似文献   

The Maoduan Pb–Zn–Mo deposit is in hydrothermal veins with a pyrrhotite stage followed by a molybdenite and base metal stage. The Re–Os model ages of five molybdenite samples range from 138.6 ± 2.0 to 140.0 ± 1.9 Ma. Their isochron age is 137.7 ± 2.7 Ma. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon U–Pb dating of the nearby exposed Linggen granite porphyry gave a 206Pb/238U age of 152.2 ± 2.2 Ma and the hidden Maoduan monzogranite yielded a mean of 140.0 ± 1.6 Ma. These results suggest that the intrusion of the Maoduan monzogranite and Pb–Zn–Mo mineralization are contemporaneous. δ 34S values of sulfide minerals range from 3.4‰ to 4.8‰, similar to magmatic sulfur. Four sulfide samples have 206Pb/204Pb = 18.252–18.432, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.609–15.779, and 208Pb/204Pb = 38.640–39.431, similar to the age-corrected data of the Maoduan monzogranite. These isotope data support a genetic relationship between the Pb–Zn–Mo mineralization and the Maoduan monzogranite and probably indicate a common deep source. The Maoduan monzogranite has geochemical features similar to highly fractionated I-type granites, such as high SiO2 (73.7–75.2 wt.%) and alkalis (K2O + Na2O = 7.8–8.9 wt.%) and low FeOt (0.8–1.3 wt.%), MgO (~0.3 wt.%), P2O5 (~0.03 wt.%), and TiO2 (~0.2 wt.%). The granitic rocks are enriched in Rb, Th, and U but depleted in Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, P, and Ti. REE patterns are characterized by marked negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.2–0.4). The Maoduan monzogranite, having (87Sr/86Sr) t  = 0.7169 to 0.7170 and εNd(t) = −13.8 to −13.7, was probably derived from mixing of partial melts from enriched mantle and the Paleoproterozoic Badu group in an extensional tectonic setting.  相似文献   

日月其迈,岁律更新.时间的长河,浩浩荡荡穿过2021的崇山峻岭,向着2022奔涌而去,我们踏上了新的征程. 时间是历史的雕塑家,它镌刻着奋斗的年轮,勾勒出变迁的轨迹.刚刚过去的2021年,注定是中华民族历史上风云激荡的特殊年份.这一年,是中国共产党成立100周年,是"十四五"规划开局之年,也是第二个百年奋斗目标开启之年...  相似文献   

The Wittichen Co–Ag–Bi–U mining area (Schwarzwald ore district, SW Germany) hosts several unconformity-related vein-type mineralizations within Variscan leucogranite and Permian to Triassic redbeds. The multistage mineralization formed at the intersection of two fault systems in the last 250 Ma. A Permo-Triassic ore stage I with minor U–Bi–quartz–fluorite mineralization is followed by a Jurassic to Cretaceous ore stage II with the main Ag and Co mineralization consisting of several generations of gangue minerals that host the sub-stages of U–Bi, Bi–Ag, Ni–As–Bi and Co–As–Bi. Important ore minerals are native elements, Co and Ni arsenides, and pitchblende; sulphides are absent. The Miocene ore stage III comprises barite with the Cu–Bi sulfosalts emplectite, wittichenite and aikinite, and the sulphides anilite and djurleite besides native Bi, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena and tennantite. The mineral-forming fluid system changed from low salinity (<5 wt.% NaCl) at high temperature (around 300°C) in Permian to highly saline (around 25 wt.% NaCl + CaCl2) at lower temperatures (50–150°C) in Triassic to Cretaceous times. Thermodynamic calculations and comparison with similar mineralizations worldwide show that the Mesozoic ore-forming fluid was alkaline with redox conditions above the hematite–magnetite buffer. We suggest that the precipitation mechanism for native elements, pitchblende and arsenides is a decrease in pH during fluid mixing processes. REE patterns in fluorite and the occurrence of Bi in all stages suggest a granitic source of some ore-forming elements, whereas, e.g. Ag, Co and Ni probably have been leached from the redbeds. The greater importance of Cu and isotope data indicates that the Miocene ore stage III is more influenced by fluids from the overlying redbeds and limestones than the earlier mineralization stages.  相似文献   

A large number of Paleoproterozoic borate deposits are hosted by the lower units of a volcanic-sedimentary sequence in Liaoning Province, northeastern China, and are a major source of boron in China. The ore-bearing wall rocks in the deposits are serpentinized ultrabasic rocks and carbonates, with layered leptynites, leptites, amphibolites, and migmatites adjacent to the ore. Both the borate ores and country rocks contain tourmaline, although the country rocks have much lower abundances of the mineral. Based on in situ boron isotope measurements using laser ablation–multi-collector–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–MC–ICP–MS), boron isotope data show that: (1) δ11B values of borate ores range from + 6.8‰ to + 13.9‰ (mean + 10.8‰); (2) tourmalines from the borate ores have δ11B values from + 9.5‰ to + 12.7‰; and (3) the wall rocks within the borate ores yield slightly lower δ11B values ranging from + 5.7‰ to + 7.6‰, and those outside the deposits from − 9.9‰ to − 5.9‰. Positive δ11B values in borates as well as in tourmalines inside the mining area indicate that boron in these Paleoproterozoic borate deposits was derived from marine evaporites. δ34SV-CDT (where V-CDT is Vienna Canyon Diablo Troilite) values of borate ores, serpentinized marbles, and anhydrites range from + 16.1‰ to + 24.7‰, whereas δ13CV-PDB (where V-PDB is Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite) values of marbles range from + 3.2‰ to + 5.9‰. These isotopic characteristics are interpreted to reflect formation in a marine evaporative environment. LA–MC–ICP–MS zircon weighted207Pb/206Pb ages of leptite and serpentinized olivine basalt from the hanging wall of the borate deposits are 2139 ± 13 Ma and 2130 ± 19 Ma, respectively. Therefore, the (~ 2.2 Ga) borate deposits may have originated from marine evaporative boron-bearing sediments, which were interbedded within bimodal volcanic rocks during the early stages of development of the Liaoji rift.  相似文献   

In the Pyrenees, in association with the rotation of the Iberian plate around Europe during the Mid-Cretaceous, a Na–Ca metasomatism is recognized as a complementary record of the hydrothermal activity that led to Na-metasomatism (albitization) and talc–chlorite mineralization. It affected metasedimentary rocks as well as Hercynian granites. In situ laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb analyses of titanite grains formed in albitites during metasomatism date the Na–Ca metasomatism between 110 and 92 Ma. The temperature of the Na–Ca metasomatism is estimated to be approximately 550 °C. Both the time constraints and temperature estimates suggest that the Na–Ca metasomatism is related to the low-P high-T North Pyrenean metamorphism.  相似文献   

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