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In recent years, the necessity of constructing new geomagnetic observatories in Iran has been discussed from various aspects. Improper site selection of such important data centres can significantly affect the quality of their recorded data. In this research, site selection studies were performed to find the most favourable location to construct a geomagnetic observatory in Kerman Province, southeast of Iran. Having defined 11 site selection criteria for geomagnetic observatories, all the data layers were prepared for the whole province. After detection of seven promising regions using analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy logic method in geographical information system, Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution was used for ranking of the suitable areas. The most favourable region was finally detected southwest of Kerman Province, located between the cities of Baft and Sirjan. Detailed land surveys can be focused in this region to decide on the optimum area for the construction of the geomagnetic observatory.  相似文献   

Petroleum products spill and leakage have become two major environmental challenges in Iran. Sampling was performed in the petroleum reservoir waste water of Tehran and Kerman Provinces of Iran. Alkane degrading bacteria were isolated by enrichment in a Bushnel–Hass medium, with hexadecane as sole source of carbon and energy. The isolated strains were identified by amplification of 16S rDNA gene and sequencing. Specific primers were used for identification of alkane hydroxylase gene. Fifteen alkane degrading bacteria were isolated and 8 strains were selected as powerful degradative bacteria. These 8 strains relate to Rhodococcus jostii, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Achromobacter piechaudii, Tsukamurella tyrosinosolvens, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Rhodococcus erythropolis, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa genera. The optimum concentration of hexadecane that allowed high growth was 2.5%. Gas chromatography results show that all strains can degrade approximately half of hexadecane in one week of incubation. All of the strains have alkane hydroxylase gene which are important for biodegradation. As a result, this study indicates that there is a high diversity of degradative bacteria in petroleum reservoir waste water in Iran.  相似文献   

In this paper, a numerical model was presented for interpreting the movement feature of an active fault zone. This model was based on the analytic solution, given by Crouch (Crouch, 1976), for the problem of displacement discontinuity in an infinite elastic solid, making full use of geodetic and geological data and it was constructed by the boundary element method. A numerous test computation shows that if you want to catch the possible seismic precursor from the displacement’s vector, you have to associate the computation with geological survey in a deep going way, otherwise you would fail in your propose. This method is valid for analysing the zone of strike-slip fault and it has some values for dealing with other analogous problems. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 153–158, 1993.  相似文献   

采用流动采样、定点观测分析方法,对滇西北地区部分典型活动断裂带上天然出露的温泉,进行水汞背景值(本底值)调查和观测研究,得出各点位温泉中水汞的正常变化范围、空间分布特征,以及与活动构造的关系,用于滇西北地区地震短临跟踪加密观测,以及强震现场周围的前兆异常监视工作。  相似文献   

太湖藻类的卫星遥感监测   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
利用卫星遥感监测和计算机图像处理技术,调查了太湖梅染湖区灌空间分布和影响范围,并根据提取的遥感信息对藻华现象的气象成因作为实步分析。  相似文献   

横波地震勘查技术在长春市活断层探测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以解决长春市区活断层的浅层地质问题为前提,阐述了活断层概念和横波的物理特征;从理论和实验的角度分析横波的分辨率和观测系统参数选取的原则.在试验的基础上,确定横波的观测系统,给出研究区的波组特征、断层分布和第四系的埋深情况.  相似文献   

本文利用实测地质剖面建立了活断层上覆盖层中氡迁移的地质-物理模型,根据氡的迁移机理建立了活断层上氡迁移的数学模型,采用有限差分方法求解氡迁移的二维微分方程的数值解,得到了直立活断层,倾斜活断层,地堑活断层,活动断裂带或破碎带上覆盖层中氡浓度的二维断面等值图和横切断层的剖面曲线,分析了氡浓度分布的二维断面特征和剖面曲线特征,它们与氡的迁移机制及活断层调查的实测剖面曲线相符,这些为活断层的调查和进一步反演奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

叶昕  王俊  秦其明 《地震学报》2016,4(3):477-485
在高分辨率遥感图像中, 不同震害损毁程度的建筑物呈现不同的图像特征, 鉴于此本文提出一种利用遥感图像多特征分析建筑物损毁程度的检测方法. 以2015年尼泊尔MS8.1地震为例, 结合震后高分一号卫星全色遥感图像和城市道路矢量数据提供的街区信息, 以建筑物街区为单元进行图像纹理提取和局部空间统计等多类别图像特征参数分析, 并构建多特征分类模型, 将震后建筑物街区划分为基本完好、 部分损毁和严重损毁等3个类别. 试验结果表明, 本文提取的参数能够有效地表征损毁建筑物的图像特征, 而且建筑物震害损毁检测精度较高. 该方法可用于建筑物震害损毁信息的快速提取, 为震后应急救援提供指导; 同时还可为我国自主研发高分卫星遥感数据在地震灾害信息提取中的应用提供技术参考与方法借鉴.  相似文献   

By contrasting and analyzing the characteristics of gravity field nearby some important active faults in the continent of China, it can be found that the crust blocks where Bouguer anomalies are regionally positive (or relatively positive) are moving towards the terrestrial poles and the blocks where Bouguer anomalies in a tremendous area are negative (or relatively negative) are moving towards the equator. By analysis of mechanics and mathematics calculation and based on lots of practical data, the authors hold that the change in density of a crust block is a decisive factor that causes the horizontal movement of the continental crust, while magma activity is an important factor that leads to the change in density of a crust block.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe earlier concept of the characteristic earthquakes means those earthquakes recurring along the same portion of active fault zones, and having nearly the same size, displacement and rupture scale (Schwartz, Coppersmith, 1984). However, more and more evidences have suggested that the rupture(s scale of earthquakes recurred on an individual fault portion has variability (Thatcher, 1990). For instance, the rupture of the 1906 San Francisco, California, earthquake with magnitude 8.…  相似文献   

穿越活断层铰链式衬砌隧道减震措施动力响应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
鉴于穿越地震活动带逆断层的铁路山岭隧道易受逆断层滑动的影响,且目前铁路隧道穿越多条活动性断层可供借鉴经验较少的现状.文章采用数值分析方法,对活动逆断层错动下的铰链式衬砌隧道在地震荷载作用下围岩加固方式、超挖设计结构的动力响应进行对比分析.结果表明逆断层错动时,对浅部地层变形的影响范围大于深部,但最大附加变形出现在深部断...  相似文献   

Bathymetric maps produced from remotely sensed imagery are increasingly common. However, when this method is applied to fluvial environments, changing scenes and illumination variations severely hinder the application of well established empirical calibration methods used to obtain predictive depth–colour relationships. In this paper, illumination variations are corrected with feature based image processing, which is used to identify areas in an image with a near‐zero water depth. This information can then be included in the depth–colour calibration process, which results in an improved prediction quality. The end product is an automated bathymetric mapping method capable of a 4 m2 spatial resolution with a precision of ±15 cm, which allows for a more widespread application of bathymetric mapping. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake coseismic deformation field is inferred from the coseismic dislocation data based on a 3-D geometric model of the active faults in Sichuan-Yunnan region. Then the potential dislocation displacement is inverted from the deformation field in the 3-D geometric model. While the faults' slip velocities are inverted from GPS and leveling data, which can be used as the long-term slip vector. After the potential dislocation displacements are projected to long-term slip direction, we have got the influence of Wenchuan earthquake on active faults in Sichuan-Yunnan region. The results show that the northwestern segment of Longmenshan fault, the southern segments of Xianshuihe fault, Anninghe fault, Zemuhe fault, northern and southern segments of Daliangshan fault, Mabian fault got earthquake risks advanced of 305, 19, 12, 9.1 and 18, 51 years respectively in the eastern part of Sichuan and Yunnan. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe fault, Nujiang fault, Longling-Lancang fault, Nantinghe fault and Zhongdian fault also got earthquake risks advanced in the western part of Sichuan-Yunnan region. Whereas the northwestern segment of Xianshuihe fault and Xiaojiang fault got earthquake risks reduced after the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   

利用NOAA卫星夜间第五通道红外影像和数字高程资料,以青藏高原北部的东昆仑断裂、阿尔金断裂和祁连山-海原断裂为例,定量分析了在地震活动相对平静的年份内活动断裂的地形地貌差异与红外辐射的动态变化.研究结果表明,断裂两盘的垂直升降差异是导致活动断裂红外亮温差异的主要原因,地形与红外亮温保持了良好的负相关性,并且这种负相关性与气温垂直递减率基本统一,这说明提取震前红外辐射异常时首先应考虑剔除区域气候的影响.此外断裂两侧的岩性差异、水系分布以及人文环境等地形地貌因素对断裂带的红外亮温也产生一定作用.对活动断裂进行红外辐射亮温年变形态的研究,能为有效提取震前红外辐射异常积累一些有意义的经验和认识.  相似文献   

刘放  程万正  但尚铭 《地震研究》2003,26(2):120-125
对利用气象卫星遥感热辐射信息进行地震监测预报时必须考虑的不同星号、不同通道、不同时段及不同分辨率等问题进行了讨论,并为此进行了多种应用方法的计算和比较,介绍了相应的气象卫星遥感热辐射信息资料处理方法及研制的计算软件。在此基础上,对200l年10月27日云南水胜6.0级地震前的卫星遥感热辐射信息及其异常的时空分布特征进行了分析和研究。研究表明:地震前一个月左右,从计算结果中可以发现明显的高频次异常图像;同时,在空间分布上呈现出“大范围减温异常一大范围增温异常-地震”这样一个过程。  相似文献   

榆木山北缘断裂的构造地貌特征与断层活动性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
构造地貌能反映断裂的结构变形特征和断层的活动强度。便如断层陡坎的高度、长度和坡度以及断层陡坎的连续程度。在这篇文章中,讨论了断层段内每个段落断层陡坎的F(C),F(D),F(LR),F(SR)值的特征。在这篇文章结尾,还讨论了冲洪积扇特征对以活动强度的反映。从地貌统计结果来看,发现在榆木山断裂的中间部位冲洪积扇体坡度最大,从中间向两侧中洪积扇扇体坡度呈减弱趋势。文中还给出了断层陡无坎变形的测量结果,冲洪积扇扇顶热释光年龄和断层滑动速度。从分析结果来看,榆木山北缘断裂可以细分为三段,东段(梨园小口子-排路口)、中段(排路口-芦泉河)和西段(芦泉河-李家山子)。  相似文献   


本文利用跨郯庐断裂带明光段东边界一条密集测线的波形数据, 计算了该测线133个台站的HVSR曲线, 获得了剖面的峰值频率.基于计算的HVSR曲线, 我们采用粒子群算法反演了浅层地壳的S波速度结构, 并通过地质构造、钻孔资料、浅层地震反射剖面和频散曲线反演结果等验证其可靠性, 进而对郯庐断裂带明光段的沉积格局、东界两条主干断裂的空间展布和活动性特征进行分析讨论, 得出如下结论: (1)测线下方HVSR剖面呈现复杂的双峰、多峰形态, 其场地分类均为Ⅱ类中硬土, 但峰值频率变化较大, 应关注西侧凹陷区对强地面震动的放大效应; (2)HVSR反演S波速度结构揭示的土石界面与钻孔结果较为一致, 其分布形态、趋势与浅层地震反射剖面结果高度吻合, 且刻画了主动源未能刻画的风化基岩-未风化基岩界面; (3)HVSR反演S波速度结构刻画的郯庐断裂带东界两条断裂的空间展布、活动性等特征与钻孔、浅层地震、频散反演和地质构造等结果较为一致, 并揭示池河—太湖断裂的活动性强于嘉山—庐江断裂, 可能为活动断裂.上述研究结果表明HVSR方法可以应用于城市场地响应特征、浅层沉积结构和隐伏活断层探测等.


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