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Summary A novel form of ionic mobility spectrometer is described, based on the intrinsic properties of the construction of thePollak-Nolan nucleus counter. It is used for the size-frequency analysis of an artificial aerosol of Aitken nuclei at various stages in its decay. The first, construction of the instrument has been found to perform quite satisfactorily; suggestions for its improvement are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Es wird ein neues Modell für ein Spektrometer zur Bestimmung der Ionenbeweglichkeit beschrieben, das auf den wesentlichen Konstruktionseigenschaften des Kernzählers vonPollak undNolan beruht. Es wird zur Analyse der Größenverteilung eines künstlichen Aerosols von Aitken-Kernen in verschiedenen Zerfallstadien benützt. Das Instrument hat sich in seiner ersten Ausführung als recht befriedigend erwiesen, und es werden Anregungen für seine Verbesserung diskutiert.

Résumé L'auteur présente un nouveau modèle de spectromètre pour la mesure de la mobilité des ions. Cet appareil est basé sur les propriétés de conception du compteur de noyaux dePollak etNolan. Il s'emploie pour analyser la répartition des grandeurs d'un aérosole artificiel comprenant des noyaux de Aitken à différents stades de décomposition. L'instrument est tout à fait satisfaisant dans sa forme originale et l'on présente différentes suggestions pour l'améliorer encore.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

基于集合预报产品的降尺度降水预报试验   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
利用降水距平百分率的降尺度预报方法和1951-2008 NCEP资料及我国降水资料,建立了降水距平百分率的预报模型,基于T106L19模式的月动力延伸集合预报结果,进行了2007-2009年3 a的预报试验和效果检验.结果表明,基于集合预报产品的统计降尺度方法对降水距平百分率的预报技巧高于模式降水的预报技巧;500 hPa月平均高度场的预报技巧直接影响到降水距平百分率的预报技巧,平均环流的预报技巧越高,降水距平百分率的预报技巧越高;无论集合成员数为多少,集合预报的结果都明显优于控制预报,随着集合成员数的增多,预报技巧呈增大的趋势;我国降水具有显著的季节性和区域性,以江淮地区的降水距平百分率预报技巧最高,华南地区的预报技巧其次.  相似文献   

The rainwater composition in the vicinity of Mainz, FRG, has been investigated with special emphasis on insoluble constituents. The number size distribution was determined in the range from 0.1 m up to 100 m radius. For particles with r>0.5 m radius the shape of the size distribution of insoluble particles in rain follows the shape of the average urban and rural aerosol. In this particular size range no major size selective removal processes could be seen. For r<0.5 m the number size distribution tends to flatten compared to the average aerosol. This might be the indication of a size selective removal process (Greenfield Gap).  相似文献   

ParalelComputingofaClimateModelontheDawn1000byDomainDecompositionMethod①BiXunqiang(毕训强)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseA...  相似文献   

Continuous weekly monitoring on the concentration of gases and aerosols in urban ambient air by a four-stage filter-pack method was carried out for 7 years in order to study not only the acid-base balance of acid-related (HNO3, NO3 , and non-sea-salt-(nss-)SO4 2−) and alkali-related (NH3, NH4 +, and nss-Ca2+) chemical species but also its influence on the acidification of precipitation. The concentrations of the total nitrate (= NO3 + HNO3) and nss-SO42− showed a similar seasonal variation: high in the summer and low in the winter. The total nitrate and nss-SO42− accounted for 0.43 and 0.57 of the acid-related species, respectively, on an equivalent basis. The total ammonium (= NH3 + NH4+) accounted for more than 0.9 of the alkali-related species, except for a springtime nss-Ca2+ episodic peak. The alkali-related species were generally overabundant compared with the acid-related species in the HNO3-NO3-nss-SO42−-NH3-NH4+-nss-Ca2+ system. The alkali-rich distribution was especially pronounced in the winter, but the acid-related species was comparable to the alkali-related species in the summer, which was attributed to the larger H+ deposition by precipitation in the summer. This study can provide a methodology to associate survey results obtained by a filter-pack method with those of precipitation.  相似文献   

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