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The field of Very High Energy (VHE) gamma ray astronomy using the Atmospheric Cerenkov Technique has entered an interesting phase with detection of various galactic and extragalactic sources. Among galactic sources, only the Crab nebula has been established as a standard candle. Most observations on pulsars are in agreement as to the necessity for the GeV spectra to steepen at < 200 GeV. While the Imaging method for increase of sensitivity has been successful with many results, an alternate technique —Wavefront Sampling Technique- is also being used by an increasing number of experiments. The recently commissioned experiment at Pachmarhi (PACT) in India is presented as an example of this technique. Preliminary results from this experiment show detection of VHE γ-ray emission from (a) the Crab nebula at a high significance and (b) Crab and Geminga pulsars at > 1.5 TeV which could be the second component of the Outer Gap pulsar models.  相似文献   

We show that the relativistic wind of the Crab pulsar, which is commonly thought to be invisible in the region upstream of the termination shock at r r S∼0.1 pc, in fact could be directly observed through its inverse Compton (IC) γ -ray emission. This radiation is caused by illumination of the wind by low-frequency photons emitted by the pulsar, and consists of two, pulsed and unpulsed , components associated with the non-thermal (pulsed) and thermal (unpulsed) low-energy radiation of the pulsar, respectively. These two components of γ -radiation have distinct spectral characteristics, which depend essentially on the site of formation of the kinetic-energy-dominated wind, as well as on the Lorentz factor and the geometry of propagation of the wind. Thus, the search for such specific radiation components in the spectrum of the Crab Nebula can provide unique information about the unshocked pulsar wind that is not accessible at other wavelengths. In particular, we show that the comparison of the calculated flux of the unpulsed IC emission with the measured γ -ray flux of the Crab Nebula excludes the possibility of formation of a kinetic-energy-dominated wind within 5 light-cylinder radii of the pulsar, R w5 R L. The analysis of the pulsed IC emission, calculated under reasonable assumptions concerning the production site and angular distribution of the optical pulsed radiation, yields even tighter restrictions, namely R w30 R L.  相似文献   

We present results of a population synthesis study of radio-loud and radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars from the Galactic plane and the Gould Belt. The simulation includes the Parkes multibeam pulsar survey, realistic beam geometries for radio and γ-ray emission from neutron stars and the new electron density model of Cordes and Lazio. Normalizing to the number of radio pulsars observed by a set of nine radio surveys, the simulation suggests a neutron star birth rate of 1.4 neutron stars per century in the Galactic plane. In addition, the simulation predicts 19 radio-loud and 7 radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars from the plane that EGRET should have observed as point sources. Assuming that during the last 5 Myr the Gould Belt produced 100 neutron stars, only 10 of these would be observed as radio pulsars with three radio-loud and four radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars observed by EGRET. These results are in general agreement with the recent number of about 25 EGRET error boxes that contain Parkes radio pulsars. Since the Gould Belt pulsars are relatively close by, the selection of EGRET radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars strongly favors large impact angles, β, in the viewing geometry where the off-beam emission from curvature radiation provides the γ-ray flux. Therefore, the simulated EGRET radio-quiet γ-ray pulsars, being young and nearby, most closely reflect the current shape of the Gould Belt suggesting that such sources may significantly contribute to the EGRET unidentified γ-ray sources correlated with the Gould Belt.  相似文献   

It is shown that parameters of flashes, detected by multichannel image cameras of Cherenkov detectors with closed lids are close to those of Cherenkov flashes initiated by VHE gamma-quanta in the Earth atmosphere. Even after application of criteria for gamma-like events selection a considerable part of those flashes may be misclassified and accepted as gammas. Since the flashes of this kind are detected also during normal measurements with the opened lids of image cameras it just increases the background and, as a consequence, decreases the detector sensitivity even when one uses an anticoincidence scintillator shield around the camera (its efficiency is about 75 %). The use of detectors consisting of two (or more) sections no less than 20–30 m apart permits us to avoid the detection of both muon and local charged particles flashes in the course of observations.  相似文献   

Cygnus X-3, an X-ray binary with an orbital period 4.8 hr was seen to be emitting γ-rays with the same period at TeV energies by several groups. In addition the Durham group (Chadwicket al. 1985) published their observations on the existence of a pulsar in the Cyg X-3 system, emitting TeV γ-rays with a periodicity of approximately 12.6 ms. We observed this object during 1986 October-November and did not detect any pulsed emission of TeV γ-rays in the range of periods from 12.5850 to 12.5967 ms.  相似文献   

The induced Compton scattering of radio emission off the particles of the ultrarelativistic electron–positron plasma in the open field line tube of a pulsar is considered. We examine the scattering of a bright narrow radio beam into the background over a wide solid angle and specifically study the scattering in the transverse regime, which holds in a moderately strong magnetic field and gives rise to the scattered component nearly antiparallel to the streaming velocity of the scattering particles. Making use of the angular distribution of the scattered intensity and taking into account the effect of rotational aberration in the scattering region, we simulate the profiles of the backscattered components as applied to the Crab pulsar. It is suggested that the interpulse (IP), the high-frequency interpulse (IP') and the pair of so-called high-frequency components (HFC1 and HFC2) result from the backward scattering of the main pulse (MP), precursor (PR) and low-frequency component (LFC), respectively. The components of the high-frequency profiles, the IP' and HFCs, are interpreted for the first time. The HFC1 and HFC2 are argued to be a single component split by the rotational aberration close to the light cylinder. It is demonstrated that the observed spectral and polarization properties of the profile components of the Crab pulsar as well as the giant pulse phenomenon outside the MP can be explained in terms of our model.  相似文献   

We show that the proportionately spaced emission bands in the dynamic spectrum of the Crab pulsar fit the oscillations of the square of a Bessel function whose argument exceeds its order. This function has already been encountered in the analysis of the emission from a polarization current with a superluminal distribution pattern: a current whose distribution pattern rotates (with an angular frequency ω) and oscillates (with a frequency  Ω > ω  differing from an integral multiple of ω) at the same time. Using the results of our earlier analysis, we find that the dependence on frequency of the spacing and width of the observed emission bands can be quantitatively accounted for by an appropriate choice of the value of the single free parameter  Ω/ω  . In addition, the value of this parameter, thus implied by Hankins & Eilek's data, places the last peak in the amplitude of the oscillating Bessel function in question at a frequency  (∼Ω32)  that agrees with the position of the observed ultraviolet peak in the spectrum of the Crab pulsar. We also show how the suppression of the emission bands by the interference of the contributions from differing polarizations can account for the differences in the time and frequency signatures of the interpulse and the main pulse in the Crab pulsar. Finally, we put the emission bands in the context of the observed continuum spectrum of the Crab pulsar by fitting this broad-band spectrum (over 16 orders of magnitude of frequency) with that generated by an electric current with a superluminally rotating distribution pattern.  相似文献   

We have searched for very high energy (VHE) gamma rays from four blazars using the CANGAROO-III imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope. We report the results of the observations of H 2356-309, PKS 2155-304, PKS 0537-441, and 3C 279, performed from 2005 to 2009, applying a new analysis to suppress the effects of the position dependence of Cherenkov images in the field of view. No significant VHE gamma ray emission was detected from any of the four blazars. The GeV gamma-ray spectra of these objects were obtained by analyzing Fermi/LAT archival data. Wide range (radio to VHE gamma-ray bands) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) including CANGAROO-III upper limits, GeV gamma-ray spectra, and archival data, even though they are non-simultaneous, are discussed using a one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model in combination with a external Compton (EC) radiation. The HBLs (H 2356-309 and PKS 2155-304) can be explained by a simple SSC model, and PKS 0537-441 and 3C 279 are well modeled by a combination of SSC and EC model. We find a consistency with the blazar sequence in terms of strength of magnetic field and component size.  相似文献   

The linear polarization of the Crab pulsar and its close environment was derived from observations with the high-speed photopolarimeter Optical Pulsar TIMing Analyser at the 2.56-m Nordic Optical Telescope in the optical spectral range (400–750 nm). Time resolution as short as 11 μs, which corresponds to a phase interval of 1/3000 of the pulsar rotation, and high statistics allow the derivation of polarization details never achieved before. The degree of optical polarization and the position angle correlate in surprising details with the light curves at optical wavelengths and at radio frequencies of 610 and 1400 MHz. Our observations show that there exists a subtle connection between presumed non-coherent (optical) and coherent (radio) emissions. This finding supports previously detected correlations between the optical intensity of the Crab and the occurrence of giant radio pulses. Interpretation of our observations requires more elaborate theoretical models than those currently available in the literature.  相似文献   

We measured the frequency dependence of the pulsar pulse broadening by scattering over a wide frequency range, from 40 to 2228 MHz, based on direct measurements of this parameter using giant pulses from the pulsar PSR B0531+21 in the Crab Nebula. Our measurements were carried out at the following seven frequencies: 40, 60, and 111 MHz at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (Astrospace Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences), 406 MHz at the Medicina Observatory (Instituto di Radioastronomia, Italy), and 594, 1430, and 2228 MHz at the Kalyazin Radio Astronomy Observatory (Astrospace Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences). The measured frequency dependence of the pulse broadening by scattering τSC (υ) ? υγ, where γ=?3.8±0.2, agrees with a model Gaussian distribution of interstellar inhomogeneities (γ=?4) but falls outside the error limits of correspondence to a Kolmogorov model spectrum of inhomogeneities (γ=?4.4).  相似文献   

We have attempted to devise a scheme by which it may be possible to identify pulsars which are likely to be γ-ray pulsars. We apply this test to a representative population of pulsars and identify the likely candidates for γ emission. We also discuss some individual cases including the Crab and Vela pulsars.  相似文献   

We investigate the evolution of rotation period and spindown age of a pulsar whose surface magnetic field undergoes a phase of growth. Application of these results to the Crab pulsar strongly indicates that its parameters cannot be accounted for by the field growth theories.  相似文献   

An analysis of our observations of the Geminga object with the GT-48 ground-based gamma-ray telescope has shown that its very-high-energy gamma-ray flux is modulated with a 59-s period. The 59-s period and its time derivative previously inferred from satellite data have been confirmed. According to our data, the period was 61.94 s in 1997 at MSD=50573. The statistical significance of this result is (1?4.5)×10?4.  相似文献   

There are indications now that globular clusters contain a large number of low magnetic field millisecond pulsars. Since millisecond pulsars are expected to emit γ-rays due to curvature radiation, it is likely that globular clusters will themselves be sources of γ-rays bright enough to be detectable by present day instruments. Using the expression derived by Scharlemann, Arons & Fawley (1978) of the energy acquired by the electrons moving along the open magnetic field lines of the pulsars we have calculated the likely luminosity of γ-rays from globular clusters. We discuss our results in the light of the calculations reported in the literature based on some of the other models.  相似文献   

The overall dynamical evolution and radiation mechanism of γ-ray burst (GRB) jets are briefly introduced. Various interesting topics concerning beaming in GRBs are discussed, including jet structures, orphan afterglows and cylindrical jets. The possible connection between GRBs and neutron stars is also addressed.  相似文献   

We present the results of our simultaneous observations of giant pulses from the Crab pulsar B0531+21 at frequencies of 594 and 2228 MHz with a high (62.5 ns) time resolution. The pulse broadening by scattering was found to be 25 and 0.4 µs at 594 and 2228 MHz, respectively. We obtained the original giant-pulse profiles compensated for interstellar scattering. The measured profile widths at the two frequencies are approximately equal, ≈0.5 µs; i.e., the giant pulses are narrower than the integrated profile by a factor of about 1000. We detected an extremely high brightness temperature of radio emission, Tb≥1036 K radio emission, which is higher than the previous estimates of this parameter by five orders of magnitude. The decorrelation bandwidth of the radio-spectrum diffraction distortions has been determined for this pulsar for the first time: 10 kHz at 594 MHz and 300 kHz at 2228 MHz.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of strange-star (SS) radiation. The bare quark SS surface and electrons on the stellar surface generate an electric field that is strong enough for electron-positron pairs to be produced from a vacuum at a nonzero temperature. The luminosity in pairs is assumed to be within ?1049 erg s?1 from a surface with a characteristic radius of 10 km. We consider the energy transfer from pairs to photons by taking into account the well-studied reactions between e, e +, γ and obtain a change in the photon spectrum with luminosity. Our analysis is restricted to the spherically symmetric case. The magnetic field is disregarded. To solve the problem, we developed a new numerical method of integrating the Boltzmann kinetic equations for pairs and photons. This method is used to calculate the problem up to a luminosity of 1042 erg s?1 This region is difficult to investigate when the optical path for pairs or photons is considerably larger than unity but the two optical depths are not simultaneously much larger than unity (when hydrodynamics with heat conduction is applicable). It turns out that the mean photon energy is approximately equal to $\bar \in _\gamma \approx m_e c^2$ (the annihilation line for pairs) at a modest luminosity, L?1×1037 erg s?1, and decreases to ≈210 keV at L?1038 erg s?1. Hydrodynamic estimates point to an increase in the mean energy $\bar \in _\gamma$ to 1 MeV as the luminosity further increases to L?1049 erg s?1. Our calculations may prove to be useful in interpreting soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) and are of methodological interest.  相似文献   

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