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Natural riparian forest wetlands are known to be effective in their ability to remove nitrate by denitrification and sediments with attached phosphorus via sedimentation. On the other hand, litter input and decomposition is a process of crucial importance in cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus in a forest ecosystem.In this study we investigated the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus entering the alder fen ecosystem through leaf litter and its decomposition and the removal capacity of nitrogen and phosphorus by measuring denitrification and sedimentation in the alder fen.We found an average input of leaf litter during fall 1998 of 226 g m−2 yr−1 DW with nutrient concentration of 0.17% P and 1.6% N. This means a yearly input of 0.4 g m−2 yr−1 P and 3.6 g m−2 yr−1 N. The decomposition of leaf litter using litter bags with small and large mesh size resulted in bags with macroinvertebrates (large mesh size) and without macroinvertebrates (small mesh size). After 57 days the litter bags with macroinvertebrates had a decomposition rate of 79%.Denitrification was measured in May and June of 1997 using the acetylene inhibition technique on intact soil cores and slurry-experiments. The average annual denitrification rate was 0.2 g m−2 yr−1 N using data from the core experiments. The denitrification rate was higher after addition of nitrate, indicating that denitrification in the riparian alder fen is mainly controlled by nitrate supply.The sedimentation rate in the investigated alder fen ranged from 0.47 kg m−2 yr−1 DW to 4.46 kg m−2 yr−1 DW in 1998 depending on the study site and method we used. Sedimentation rates were lower in newly designed plate traps than in cylinder traps. The alder fen also showed lower rates than the adjacent creek Briese. Average phosphorus removal rate was 0.33 g m−2 yr−1 P.Input sources for the surface water of the alder fen are sediment mineralization and decomposition of leaf litter; output sources are sedimentation and denitrification. This study showed that a nutrient input of 24.58 kg ha−1 yr−1 N, 8.8 kg ha−1 yr−1 P and 419 kg ha−1 yr−1 DOC into the surface water of the alder fen is possible. Alder fens cannot improve water quality of an adjacent river system. This is only true for a nearly pristine alder fen with the hydrology of 10 months flooded conditions and 2 months non-flooding conditions a year.  相似文献   

Tropical mobile mud belts represent a major class of biogeochemical and diagenetic systems characterized by extensive and frequent physical reworking of fine-grained, organic-rich deposits underlying oxygenated waters. Large regions of the Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea deltaic complex are dominated by such conditions. A reworked mud belt lies within the inner shelf between 10 and 20 m depth on a sedimentary clinoform derived from coalescing deltas. Deposits across the topset are typically suboxic, nonsulfidic over the upper 0.5–1 m, and have low to moderate maximum pore water concentrations of dissolved Fe(II) and Mn(II) (100–200, but up to 800 μM). Sediments are reactive, with surficial ΣCO2 production 0.1–0.3 mM d−1 and benthic O2 fluxes 23±15 mmol m−2 d−1 (upper 20 cm). The highest rates occur within inner topset deposits (10–20 m) and near the high accumulation rollover region of the topset–foreset beds (40–50 m). Lower rates are found inshore along intertidal channels—mangrove fringe and within scoured or exposed consolidated deposits of the middle topset region. Remineralization rate patterns are independent of relative dominance by terrestrial or marine carbon in sediments. Dissolved O2 usually penetrates 2–5 mm into surface sediments when macrofaunal burrows are absent. More than 75% of the highly reactive sedimentary Fe(III) pool (350–400 μmol g−1) is typically diagenetically reduced in the upper 0.5 m. Pore water can be measureably depleted at depths >0.5 m, but dissolved H2S generally remains below detection over the upper 1–2 m. As in other deltaic topset regions, concentration gradients often indicate that compared to many marine deposits of similar sediment accumulation rates, relatively refractory Corg is supplied to the SO4 reducing zone. Sedimentary C/S ratios are 4–6 within the suboxic topset regions but decrease to <3 in offshore foreset beds where sulfidic diagenesis dominates. Only 15–20% of the diagenetically reduced Fe(II) is pyritic and a maximum of 10–25% is carbonate, implying that most Fe(II) is associated with authigenic or lithogenic silicates or oxides. The dominance of suboxic, nonsulfidic diagenetic processes reflect coupling between delivery of oxide-rich terrestrial debris, remobilization and reoxidation of deposits, and repetitive entrainment/remineralization of both labile and refractory organics. Distinct sedimentary indicators of reactive, suboxic mobile mud belts within tropical climatic zones are: abundant total highly reactive Fe (ΣFeR )>300 μmol g−1; most reactive Fe is diagenetically reduced (ΣFe(II)/ΣFeR0.7–0.8); the proportion of diagenetically reduced Fe present as pyrite is low (Py–Fe(II)<0.2); C/S 4–8; and Corg/particle surface area <0.4 (mg C m−2). These depositional environments must be most common in tropical climates during high sea stand.  相似文献   

Inorganic particulate material uptake and release over an oyster reef during a tidal cycle was measured every 11.8 days for one year. There was a net uptake on the flooding tides and a net release on ebbing tides. Particulate uptake was highest in late summer reaching a maximum of 230 g m−2 h−1. Particulate release was also highest in late summer reaching a maximum of 94 g m−2 h−1. On an annual basis, 86.7 kg m−2 y−1 of inorganic particulate material was taken up on flooding tides and 56.5 kg m−2 y−1 was released on ebbing tides. The pattern of uptake on flooding tides and release on ebbing tides was hypothesized to be the result of higher water velocities on ebbing tides.  相似文献   

The 1975 sub-terminal activity was characterised by low effusion rates (0.3–0.5 m3 s−1) and the formation of a compound lava field composed of many thousands of flow units. Several boccas were active simultaneously and effusion rates from individual boccas varied from about 10−4 to 0.25 m3s−1. The morphology of lava flows was determined by effusion rate (E): aa flows with well-developed channels and levees formed when E > 2 × 10−3 m3 s−1, small pahoehoe flows formed when 2 × 10−3 m3 s−1 >E > 5 > 10−4 m3 s−1 and pahoehoe toes formed when E < 5 × 10−4 m3 s−1. There was very little variation with time in the effusion temperature, composition or phenocryst content of the lava.New boccas were commonly formed at the fronts of mature lava flows which had either ceased to flow or were moving slowly. These secondary boccas developed when fluid lava in the interior of mature aa flows either found a weakness in the flow front or was exposed by avalanching of the moving flow front. The resulting release of fluid lava was accompanied by either partial drainage of the mature flow or by the formation of a lava tube in the parent flow. The temperature of the lava forming the new bocca decreased with increasing distance from the source bocca (0.035°C m−1). It is demonstrated from the rate of temperature decrease and from theoretical considerations that many of the Etna lavas still contained a substantial proportion of uncooled material in their interior as they came to rest. The formation of secondary boccas is postulated to be one reason why direct measurements of effusion rates tend, in general, to overestimate the total effusion rates of sub-terminal Etna lava fields.  相似文献   

In order to study the sediment response to different addition of organic matter, we added cultures of the dinoflagellates Scrippsiella hangoei and Woloszynskia halophila and the diatom Pauliella taeniata to aquaria containing natural sediment. The biomass added was 1550–3260 mg C m−2, and in the control, no biomass was added (n=3). Oxygen profiles at the sediment–water interface and inorganic nutrients in the near bottom water were determined once a week. In the additions of P. taeniata and W. halophila the sediment quickly became anoxic, and subsequently there was a flux of >1 mmol PO43− m−2 d−1 out of the sediment in these treatments. The majority of the released P came from P stored in the sediment and not from the organic phosphorus added. The result was very different for the S. hangoei addition. This species underwent a life cycle change to form temporary cysts. During this process there was a net uptake of nutrients. After the formation of cysts the concentration of inorganic nutrient was similar to that of the control. Cysts generally survive for long periods in the sediment (months to years) before germinating, but can also be permanently buried in the sediment. The novel idea presented here is that the phytoplankton composition may directly affect sediment processes such as oxygen consumption and phosphorus release, through species-specific life cycle changes and yields of resting stages produced prior to sedimentation. This can be an important aspect of nutrient cycling in eutrophic waters, like the Baltic Sea, where there is large year-to-year difference in the amount of resting stages settling at the sea floor, mainly due to differences in abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellates during the spring bloom. If yields of resting stages change, e.g. due to changes in the phytoplankton community, it may lead to alterations in the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients.  相似文献   

The ANICE (Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs into the Coastal Ecosystem) project addressed the atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to the North Sea, with emphasis on coastal effects. ANICE focused on quantifying the deposition of inorganic nitrogen compounds to the North Sea and the governing processes. An overview of the results from modelling and experimental efforts is presented. They serve to identify the role of the atmosphere as a source of biologically essential chemical species to the marine biota. Data from the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory (UK) are used to evaluate the effect of short episodes with very high atmospheric nitrogen concentrations. One such episode resulted in an average deposition of 0.8 mmol N m−2 day−1, which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 5.3 mmol C m−2 day−1. This value is compared to long-term effects determined from model results. The total calculated atmospheric deposition to the North Sea in 1999 is 948 kg N km−1, i.e. 0.19 mmol N m−2 day−1 which has the potential to promote primary productivity of 1.2 mmol C m−2 day−1. Detailed results for August 1999 show strong gradients across the North Sea due to adjacent areas where emissions of NOx and NH3 are among the highest in Europe. The average atmospheric deposition to the southern part of the North Sea in August 1999 could potentially promote primary production of 2.0 mmol C m−2 day−1, i.e. 5.5% of the total production at this time of the year in this area of the North Sea. For the entire study area the atmospheric contribution to the primary production per m2 is about two-third of this value. Most of the deposition occurs during short periods with high atmospheric concentrations. This atmospheric nitrogen is almost entirely anthropogenic in origin and thus represents a human-induced perturbation of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

During July and August 1981 subsurface intrusion of upwelled nutrient-rich Gulf Stream water was the dominant process affecting temporal and spatial changes in phytoplankton biomass and productivity of the southeastern United States continental shelf between 29 and 32°N latitude. Intruded waters in the study area covered as much as 101 km including virtually all of the middle and outer shelf and approximately 50% of the inner shelf area.Within 2 weeks following a large intrusion event in late July, middle shelf primary production and Chl a reached 3 to 4 gC m d−1 and 75 mg m, respectively. At the peak of the bloom 80% of the water column primary production occurred below the surface mixed-layer, and new primary production (i.e., NO3-supported) exceeded 90% of the total. Chl a-normalized photosynthetic rates were very high as evidenced by high mean assimilation number (15.5 mg C mg Chl a−1 h−1), high mean α (14 mg C mg Chl a−1 Ein−1 m), and no photoinhibition. As a result of the high photosynthetic rates, mean light-utilization index (Ψ) was 2 to 3 times higher than reported for temperature sub-arctic and arctic waters.The results imply a seasonal (June to August) middle shelf production of 150 g C m−1, about 15% higher than previous estimates of annual production on the middle shelf. Intrusions of the scale we observed in 1981 may not occur every summer. However, when such events do occur, they are by far the most important processes controlling summer phytoplankton dynamics of the middle and outer shelf and of the inner shelf in the southern half of the study area.  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a seasonal study of the pelagic community at a station on the outer edge of the Cornwallis Estuary suggest that the seasonal variation in plankton community respiration (PCR) is related to organic inputs from nearby salt marshes. Annual phytoplankton production is low (<30 g C m−2 y−1) and exhibits a seasonal cycle very different from PCR. There is no indication that resuspension of benthic diatoms is an important energy input to the pelagic system. PCR, however, is quite high and exhibits a seasonal trend similar to the export of salt marsh detritus. Zooplankton densities (5–200 l−1) and biomass (<0.4 g m−3) appear to be much greater than could be supported by phytoplankton alone. The Cornwallis Estuary may be an estuarine system exhibiting a net export of organic matter to nearby offshore waters.  相似文献   

The flow of carbon and nitrogen in sediments of the far northern and northern sections of the Great Barrier Reef continental shelf was examined. Most of the organic carbon (81–94%) and total nitrogen (74–92%) depositing to the seabed was mineralized, with burial of carbon (6–19%) and nitrogen (8–20%) being proportionally less on this tropical shelf compared with other non-deltaic shelves. Differences in carbon and nitrogen mineralization among stations related best to water depth and proximity to river basins, with rates of mineralization based on net ∑CO2 production ranging from 17 to 39 ( mean=23) mmol C m−2 d−1. The overall ratio of O2:CO2 flux was 1.3, close to the Redfield ratio, implying that most organic matter mineralized was algal. Sulfate reduction was estimated to account for ≈30% (range: 6–62%), and denitrification for ≈5% (range: 2–13%), of total C mineralization; there was no measurable CH4 production. Discrepancies between ∑CO2 production across the sediment–water interface and sediment incubations suggest that as much as 5 mmol m−2 d−1 (≈25% of ∑CO2 flux) was involved in carbonate mineral formation. Most microbial activity was in the upper 20 cm of sediment. Rates of net NH4+ production ranged from 1.6 to 2.7 mmol N m−2 d−1, with highly variable N2 fixation rates contributing little to total N input. Ammonification and nitrification rates were sufficient to support rapid rates of denitrification (range: 0.1–12.4 mmol N m−2 d−1). On average, nearly 50% of total N input to the shelf sediment was denitrified. The average rates of sedimentation, mineralization, and burial of C and N were greater in the northern section of the shelf than in the far northern section, presumably due to higher rainfall and river discharge, as plankton production was similar between regions. The relative proportion of plankton primary production remineralized at the seafloor was in the range of 30–50% which is at the high end of the range found on other shelves. The highly reactive nature of these sediments is attributed to the deposition of high-quality organic material as well as to the shallowness of the shelf, warm temperatures year-round, and a variety of physical disturbances (cyclones, trawling) fostering physicochemical conditions favorable for maintaining rapid rates of microbial metabolism. The rapid and highly efficient recycling of nutrients on the inner and middle shelf may help to explain why the coral reefs on the outer shelf have remained unscathed from increased sediment delivery since European settlement.  相似文献   

The study of the fine structure of the phosphorus and silicon distribution in near-bottom layers and in the interstitial water of the sediments has been carried out in the different Baltic Sea regions (Gulf of Finland, Bornholm, Gotland). The data of this study are used to calculate the flows and effective transport coefficients for mineral phosphorus and silicon exchange processes between sediment and near-bottom layer. The values of nutrient flows varied depending on sediment type from 9.8 to 632 μg-at. m−2 year−1 for phosphorus and from 232.4 to 1881.1 μg-at. m−2 year−1 for silicon. The dependence of the effective transport coefficients versus the distance from the bottom (h) is expressed by empirically-derived equation: Keff = Ah−b. The values of constants “A” and “b” depend on the hydrochemical conditions, sediment type and hydrophysical conditions in the near-bottom layers. Calculated constants for regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Profiles of velocity turbulence in Monterey Canyon, made with a recently developed expendable probe, show the existence of a very turbulent bottom boundary layer. The turbulent flow is up to 170 m thick and has peak microscale shears of 1 m s−1 per meter. The rate of dissipation of kinetic energy, based on the observed shear variance, averaged over the depth of the turbulent boundary layer ranged from 70 to 500 × 10−6W m−3. Temperature measurements indicate that the flow was up canyon at a time of low tide. The upper bound for the vertical eddy viscosity is estimated to be17 × 10−4m2s−1 and for the vertical eddy diffusivity is estimated to be 15 × 10−4m2s−1. The large vertical scale and the intensity of the observed boundary layer suggest that the flow in Monterey Canyon may be important for the renewal and circulation of water over the continental shelf in the bay area.  相似文献   

We investigated the response of phytoplankton and zooplankton to experimental alteration of nitrate and phosphate levels in outdoor enclosures. Experiments were conducted in summer and winter and in the absence and presence of a layer of soil. The tubs (12 in all) except the two plain water controls were manured initially with a mixture of fresh cowdung (50g 1−1), mustard oil cake (25 g l−1) and poultry wastes (25 g l−1; mostly excreta), prior to enrichment. Water samples were collected from the experimental tubs twice a week to measure selected physico-chemical and biological variables. Water temperature in the summer experiments ranged from 20–30 °C and during the winter experiments from 11–15 °C. The pH values ranged from 8.0 to 9.5 and the dissolved oxygen levels from 8.2–10.0 mg l−1. The levels of soluble reactive phosphorus and nitrate nitrogen ranged from undetectable levels to 1800 μg l−1 and 6000 μg l−1, respectively. The increase in chlorophyll-a following enrichment was rapid (3–7 days) during summer, but slower in winter (7–14 days). The predominant phytoplankton species observed in the tubs belong to the genera Sphaerocystis, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cosmarium, Ulothrix, Zygnema, Gonium and Pandorina. The rotifer species observed were Brachionus calyciflorus, Rotaria neptunia, Lecane bulla, L. luna, L. unguitata, Euchlanis dilatata, Asplanchna intermedia, Pseudoharringia spp., Eosphora spp., Lepadella ovalis, Epiphanes brachionus, Hexarthra mira and Cephalodella gibba. The cladocerans observed were Macrothrix spp. and Alona spp.  相似文献   

Gulf Stream frontal disturbances cause nutrient-rich waters to frequently upwell and intrude onto the southeastern United States continental shelf between Cape Canaveral, Florida and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Phytoplankton response in upwelled waters was determined with three interdisciplinary studies conducted during April 1979 and 1980, and in summer 1978. The results show that when shelf waters are not stratified, upwelling causes productive phytoplankton (diatom) blooms on the outer shelf. Phytoplankton production averages about 2 g C m−2 d−1 during upwelling events, and ‘new’ production is 50% or more of the total. When shelf waters are stratified, upwelled waters penetrate well onto the shelf as a subsurface intrusion in which phytoplankton production averages about fives times higher than the nutrient-depleted overlying mixed layer. Phytoplankton within the intrusion deplete upwelled NO3 in about 7 to 10 days, at which point no further net increase in phytoplankton biomass occurs.Current meter records show that upwelling occurs roughly 50% of the time on the outer shelf during November to April (shelf not stratified), and we estimate that seasonal primary production in upwelled waters is 175 g C m−2 6 months−1 of which at least 50% is ‘new’ production. More than 90% of outer shelf primary and ‘new’ production occurs during upwelling and thus upwelling is the dominant process affecting primary productivity of the outer shelf. Our seasonal estimates of outer shelf primary and ‘new’ production are, respectively, three and ten times higher than previous estimates that did not account for upwelling.  相似文献   

In the present work, we built a mathematical model of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) bioaccumulation in Perna viridis, namely, a one-compartment model with a time dependent incorporation rate R (μg g−1 lipid per ppb water per day), with positive substrate cooperativity as the underlying physical mechanism. The temporal change of the PCB concentration Q (μg g−1 lipid) in the soft tissues of the mussel depends on the competition of the input rate RW and the output rate kQ, where W is the concentration of PCB in water (ppb water) and k is the elimination rate (per day). From our experimental data, k=0.181±0.017 d−1. The critical concentration in water Wc for positive substrate cooperativity was found to be 2.4 ppb. Below Wc, R is a constant. For a water concentration of 0.5 ppb Aroclor 1254, R=24.0±2.4 μg g−1 lipid ppb−1 d−1. Above Wc, positive substrate cooperativity comes into effect and R becomes a function of time and dependent on the concentration Q in a form RQ/(Q+δ). This is the case for a water concentration of 5 ppb Aroclor 1254, where γ=15.1 μg g−1 lipid ppb−1 d1 and δ≈200 μg g−1 lipid. From this model, the uptake is exponentially increasing when the PCB concentration in the mussel is small compared to 200 μg g−1 lipid, and hyperbolically increasing when the concentration is large compared to 200 μg g−1 lipid, which are consistent with the experimental data. The model is useful for understanding the true processes taking place during the bioaccumulation and for risk assessment with higher confidence. Future experimental data which challenge the present model are anticipated and in fact desirable for improvement and perfection of the model.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from Baffin Bay and surrounding areas in order to evaluate this region as a potential source of Nd from old continental material to Atlantic water. The isotopic data ranged from εNd(0) = −9.0 to −26 with most of the data around εNd(0) = −20 compared with values of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) with εNd(0) = −13.5. The concentration of Nd in Baffin Bay waters was as high as 6 × 10−12 g/g compared with 2.5 × 10−12 g/g for NADW. The combination of low εNd and high Nd concentration indicates that Baffin Bay may be a significant source of Nd from very old crustal material. A simple box model was used to evaluate the contribution to the Nd budget of NADW and it was concluded that a substantial fraction of the Nd from ancient crustal sources that is required to maintain the isotopic composition of NADW could be supplied by Baffin Bay outflow.  相似文献   

Heat flow values were calculated from direct measurements of temperature and thermal conductivity at thirteen sites in the Arkansas-Missouri Ozark Plateau region. These thirteen values are augmented by 101 estimates of heat flow, based on thermal conductivity measurements and temperature gradients extrapolated from bottom-hole temperatures. The regional heat flow profile ranges from 9 mW m−2 to over 80 mW m−2, but at least two distinct thermal regimes have been identified. Seven new heat flow determinations are combined with three previously published values for the St. Francois Mountains (SFM), a Precambrian exposure of granitic and rhyolitic basement rocks, average 47 mW m−2. Radioactive heat production of 76 samples of the exposed rocks in the SFM averages 2.4 μW m−2 and a typical continental basement contribution of 14 mW m−2 is implied. Conversely, the sedimentary rock sequence of the plateau is characterized by an anomalously low heat flow, averaging approximately 27 mW m−2. Groundwater transmissivity values that are based on data from 153 wells in deep regional aquifers demonstrate an inverse relationship to the observed heat flow patterns. The areas of high transmissivity that correspond to areas of low total heat flux suggest that the non-conservative vertical heat flow within the Ozark sedimentary sequence can be attributed to the effects of groundwater flow.  相似文献   

We present a new paleotemperature scale, based on the oxygen isotopic ratio of the non-exchangeable fraction of the oxygen from diatom silica. The equation t = 17.2 − 2.4 (δ18Osilica − δ18Owater − 40) − 0.2 (δ18Osilica − δ18Owater − 40)2 was derived using recent sediment samples from different oceanic areas, the temperature and isotopic composition of the local surface water. Comparison of our results with other relationships established for quartz-water or amorphous silica-water at higher temperature suggests no difference in isotopic fractionation between quartz-water and biogenic silica-water couples.  相似文献   

An intense but short-lived phytoplankton bloom develops in the low-salinity melt waters at the edge of the Bering Sea ice as the ice melts and retreats each spring. In spring 1988 we followed the development of this bloom by sampling every 3 h while following a freely drifting drogue in the marginal ice-edge zone for two four-day periods. The first period (29 April–3 May) was at an early stage of the bloom while the second period (10–13 May) was at the peak of the bloom. Early in the bloom, the phytoplankton consumed all the nitrate (400 mmoles m−2) initially present in the surface water producing large accumulations of particulate carbon (>1000 mmoles C m−2). By the time of peak chlorophyll concentrations (35 mg M−3), nitrate concentrations had been depleted so that the sustained high productivity depended on either recycled or imported nutrients. After this point, there was little net additional accumulation of biomass. From these data plus cruise data from previous years, we find that the Bering Sea ice-edge bloom typically begins in the last week of April and appears to precede blooms in the adjacent ice-free waters by days to weeks. The variability in bloom onset observed over several years is not linked very closely to the large scale climatic variations found in this region, but rather appears to be related to local weather during the end of April and the first part of May, with calm, sunny weather being required to initiate the blooms.  相似文献   

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