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The rocky desert in a karst area directly causes the lack of soil, water and forest, hence leading to the poverty there. In 1990, the villagers from the Muzhe Village in Benggu Township, Xichou County, Yunnan declared a war against rocky desert in an attempt to ask the fields for more yields. They invented a distinctive land rehabilitation and sustainable use pattern called "transforming heaven and earth" that had been practiced in Southwest China's karst areas. The key mechanism of the pattern was to develop terraced fields with well conserved soil, water and fertility by exploding rocks in the fields, building stone walls, gathering more soil, and improving soil quality and productivity for the fields in combination with building of irrigation facilities and roads, as well as with forestation and agriculture structure adjustment. The purpose of the pattern was to alleviate poverty in the karst areas by improving soil productivity and promoting agricultural development. A typical area was studied with the help of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and the pattern was carried out there for fifteen years, have produced excellent ecological benefits and good economic benefits. Its application in the area approved that it was a sustainable land use pattern for rocky desert areas.  相似文献   

Adjusting and optimizing land use structure is one of the essential approaches to solve the conflict between land supply and demand. In this study,an uncertain interval multi-objective linear programming model was established and applied to analyzing the suitability of land use structure in Pi County of Sichuan Province. An adjustment scheme for optimizing land use structure was proposed on the basis of development planning drawn up by the local government. The results are summarized as follows: 1) the opti...  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in karst geo-ecological environment. Therefore, it is vital to identify how human forces work on this degraded environment. Based on the soil erosion information in 2000 and remote sensing images of Guanling County collected in 2000 and 2007, four grades of karst rocky desertification data in 14 villa...  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONIn the 1980s and 1990s, there was widespread belief a-mong environmentalists that uncontrolled population growth would be responsible for environment degrada-tion of all types. This neo-Malthusian belief originally surfaced in the publication of ThePopulationBombin the late 1960s. In ensuing years this belief, combined with work on environment carrying capacity and a growing environmental movement, led to the seeming-ly commonsense conclusion that high population growth and …  相似文献   

With a subtropical climate, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has a typical karst landscape. Rocky desertification has become a serious environmental issue due to its high vulnerability caused by the joint effect of natural settings and human activities, because of which its eco- environment has been deteriorated in recent years, and farmland has been disappearing sharply at the same time. This, in turn, has exacerbated the poverty level in the rural areas of the region. In this study, we monitored the spatial distribution of rocky land desertification and its temporal evolution using Landsat TM/ETM images of 1985, 1995, 2000 and 2005. We also analyzed the driving forces of the desertification and its expansion. Through constructing regression models by using all the relevant variables and considering the lagged effects as well as fixed effects, we quantified the exact role of different factors causing rocky land desertification in the study area with some new findings. The new findings in this study are greatly helpful for preserving, restoring and reconstructing the degraded mountain environment in Guangxi and other karst areas in Southwest China, and also for alleviating poverty in the rural areas in the future.  相似文献   

Xichou County of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in southeast Yunnan is one of the karst mountainous areas in southwest China showing typical rock desertification. During this study, we set up three soil erosion contrast test spots at Muzhe Village, Benggu Township, Xichou County, which was the birthplace of the Xichou rock-desertified land consolidation mode. The three spots included the terrace land spot (already consolidated land), sloping land spot (unconsolidated sloping land under rock desertification), and standard runoff spot (bare land spot). In 2007, a whole-year complete observation was conducted during the rainy season and "rainfall-erosion" data were obtained for 32 times. Our analysis showed that during the entire observation period, the number of the rainfalls that led to soil erosion accounted for 34.04% of the number of all rainfalls and the amount of the rainfalls that led to soil erosion accounted for 84.17% of the total amount of all rainfalls. The average erosive rainfall standard in the three test spots was 11.0 mm, slightly higher than the 10 mm standard that has been adopted all over China, but lower than the 12.7 mm standard of the US and the 13.0 mm standard of Japan. According to single-factor analysis, the soil loss in the sloping land spot (L2) and that in the bare land spot (L3) are correlated to certain extent to many other factors, including the single precipitation (P), rainfall intensity during the maximum ten minutes (I10), rainfall intensity during the maximum 20 minutes (I20), rainfall intensity during the maximum 30 minutes (I30), rainfall intensity during the maximum 40 minutes (I40), and rainfall intensity during the maximum 60 minutes (I60). Among these factors, they are of the highest relativity with I60. According to double-factor analysis, both L2 and L3 are of good relativity with P and I60. According to multi-factor analysis, L2 and L3 are also of good relativity with seven rainfall indexes, namely, P, Ia (average rainfall intensity), I10, I20, I30, I40, and I60, with their related coefficient R reaching 0.906 and 0.914, respectively. The annual soil losses in the three test spots are widely different: 1030.70 t/km2·a in the terrace land spot, which indicates a low-level erosion; 12913.22 t/km2·a in the sloping land spot (unconsolidated spot), some 12.5 times than that in the terrace land spot, which indicates an ultra-high-level erosion; and 19511.67 t/km2·a in the bare land spot, some 18.9 times than that in terrace land spot, indicating an acute erosion. These figures fully show that the Xichou rock-desertified land consolidation mode plays a significant role in soil conservation.  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is one of the major ecological and environmental problems that threaten the sustainable development of southwestern China. It is caused by irrational and intensive land-use patterns in karst geo-ecological environment. Therefore, it is vital to identify how human forces work on this degraded environment. Based on the soil erosion information in 2000 and remote sensing images of Guanling County collected in 2000 and 2007, four grades of karst rocky desertification data in 14 villages of Guanling County were extracted. Impacts of population, affluence, and other human forces on karst rocky desertification were analyzed using STIRPAT model. The results show that: 1) Factors of population and affluence had strong influence on karst rocky desertification. In the STIRPAT model analysis, the population and affluence coefficients were positive, indicating that the increase in population and affluence would lead to more serious desertification. 2) Factors of farmer correlated with karst rocky desertification negatively, especially the way of viewing the relationship between people and nature, and the level of knowledge about rocky desertification. Government behavior was not a significant factor in this analysis. 3) The findings provide evidence that STIRPAT model can be used to analyze the relationship between human driving forces and rocky desertification.  相似文献   

2011年以来,中国地质调查局在沂蒙山区组织实施了1∶5万标准图幅水文地质调查4万余km2,并在严重缺水村镇开展了大量的找水打井示范工作,获得了较为丰富的地质数据,对断陷盆地地下水流系统取得了新认识。受中新生代构造影响,沂蒙山区发生断裂褶皱、伸展滑脱及岩浆侵入活动,形成一系列“南超覆北断陷”的地堑—半地堑盆地,并最终形成现今典型的“盆—山”岩溶水文地质结构,及以盆地为单元的相对独立的岩溶地下水流系统。为研究沂蒙山区地下水流系统发育特征,选择莱芜盆地为典型研究区,基于野外地质调查,通过综合分析盆地南北两侧地貌单元、含水岩组立体空间分布及地下水水位、水化学及同位素结果等,探讨了沂蒙山区典型“盆—山”结构塑造的多级岩溶地下水流系统特征。结果表明,莱芜盆地岩溶地下水由盆地外围向盆地中心呈“向心式”径流;受人类活动影响、地质构造控制和含水层分布制约,盆地南北两侧地下水流系统特征存在差异:盆地南部发育中间和局部两级地下水流系统;盆地北部则仅发育单一的局部地下水流系统,但占有已勘查论证的近1/2的地下水水源地。此外,研究发现在大汶河最低侵蚀基准面,区域滑脱构造及热液混合作用拆离...  相似文献   

人工示踪试验是岩溶水文地质领域的重要研究手段,分别在基流期和降水条件下对苍蒲凹地下河实施了多源示踪试验,以探究其岩溶管道的展布特征。试验结果显示,基流期和降水条件下均检测到来自水箐、黄连村及廖家坡3个落水洞的示踪剂,降水条件下的示踪剂回收率分别为88.12%,90.01%,84.01%,表明苍蒲凹地下河为多源单汇型地下河。基流期及降水条件下示踪剂运移特征均表明,水箐至苍蒲凹的流动路径曲率最大,黄连村至苍蒲凹的流动路径为主岩溶管道,廖家坡至苍蒲凹的流动路径上存在双通道,且在靠近地下河出口处存在溶潭,据此建立了苍蒲凹地下河管道结构的概念模型。研究成果可为复杂岩溶地下河的水资源调查及开发利用提供依据。  相似文献   

在各级水利与自然资源部门地下水监测数据共享机制逐步完善背景下,针对日益凸显的原有监测系统中存在的监测井布局不合理问题以及岩溶含水系统具有的非均质性和各向异性特征,选取徐州市丁楼-茅村和七里沟2个典型水源地,分别采用互信息-距离(T-D)和最大信息最小冗余(MIMR)模型对研究区监测网信息冗余性和最优监测井组合进行了研究。结果显示:丁楼-茅村水源地水位监测数据离散程度、信息熵、信息传递量和信息衰减速率均大于七里沟水源地,2个水源地在ε取10-1时的水位信息有效传递距离分别为4.7,4.8 km,指示出两地相似的岩溶发育程度和水力传导性能。通过对比监测井控制范围的实际值和理论值发现2个水源地监测井之间均存在信息冗余。现有监测条件下,丁楼-茅村水源地最优监测井数为6眼,最优监测井组合为D1-D2-D4-D5-D7-D9;七里沟水源地最优监测井数量为5眼,最优组合为Q1-Q3-Q4-Q5-Q7。将优化结果与原监测网相比,2个水源地监测井数量均减少3眼,分别能提供原监测网信息总量的98.5%,94.9%,监测网控制范围分别下降0.4%,1.2%,信息冗余量分别减少49.0%...  相似文献   

This paper evaluated the impacts of mounds created by the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) on the vege- tation composition, structure, and species diversity of an alpine Kobresia steppe meadow in Nagqu County, Tibet Autonomous Region, China. Based on mound height or the depth of erosion pit, we defined five stages of erosion and compared the floristic features of communities at these stages with those in undisturbed sites. In the study area, the mounds and pits covered up to 7% of the total area. Lancea tibetica, Lamiophlomis rotata, and Potentilla bifurca were the dominant species in erosion pits, and Kobresia pygmaea, the dominant species in undisturbed sites, became a com- panion species in eroded areas. In the process of erosion, the original vegetation was covered by soil ejected by the pika, then the mounds were gradually eroded by wind and rain, and finally erosion pits formed. The vegetation coverage in- creased with increasing erosion stages but remained significantly lower than that in undisturbed sites. Improved coverage eventually reduced soil erosion, and pit depth eventually stabilized at around 20cm. Aboveground biomass increased with increasing erosion stage, but the proportion of low-quality forage reached more than 94%. The richness index and Shannon-Wiener index increased significantly with increasing erosion stage, but the richness index in mound and pit areas was significantly lower than that in undisturbed sites.  相似文献   

不同的易发性评价模型可以得到有差异的滑坡空间预测结果,选取最优模型甚至综合各模型的优势是提高易发性评价精度的有效方法。为检验模型融合思路的有效性,以鄂西地区五峰县渔洋关镇为研究区,提取坡度、地层、断层、河流、公路等7个滑坡成因条件,分别采用信息量模型、证据权模型和频率比模型进行滑坡易发性评价;并将3种模型分别进行归一化、主成分分析(PCA,Principal component analysis)和优势融合,得到了6幅易发性分区图。结果表明:优势耦合模型精度最高(90.3%),频率比模型次之(89.7%),归一化融合模型和PCA融合模型分别为89.3%和89.1%,以上4种结果的精度均高于证据权模型(87.7%)和信息量模型(87.6%);6幅预测图对应的评价结论与历史滑坡空间分布的实际情况相符。空间一致性对比结论表明,主成分融合模型与优势耦合模型的同格率高达68%,其预测结果避免了单个模型预测结论带来的偶然性和片面性,说明多模型融合方法与优势耦合模型在提高滑坡易发性预测精度上是可行性的,该思路对其他地区滑坡灾害易发性评价具有借鉴意义。   相似文献   

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