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何文英  陈洪滨  李军 《地球物理学报》2020,63(10):3573-3584



何文英  陈洪滨  李军 《地球物理学报》1954,63(10):3573-3584
复杂多变的陆地表微波比辐射率,造成陆面上星载微波观测反演大气参数较为困难,也使得许多卫星微波资料不易同化应用到数值模式,因此迫切需要提供准确可靠的陆面微波地表比辐射率信息.随着卫星观测技术的迅速发展,利用丰富的星载被动微波观测直接反演陆面微波比辐射率成为一种主要手段.国外针对星载微波成像仪和微波垂直探测器开展较为系统的陆面微波比辐射率研究,建立不同类型的地表比辐射率反演方法,开发地表比辐射率参数化方法并应用于辐射资料同化.对于卫星观测反演陆面微波比辐射率存在的问题,开展了评估分析和方法订正.国内利用卫星观测也开展了一些陆面微波比辐射率研究工作,尚需要系统、综合的提炼.对于地表特征复杂的中国地区,还需要评估认识不同陆面微波比辐射率反演方法在我国适用情况,需要增强陆面微波比辐射率数据质量的认识以及业务应用.  相似文献   

利用地表辐射 (亮温 )求取地面温度需要通过岩石比辐射率进行换算。地球上的岩石千差万别 ,即使岩石学上分类一致的岩石 ,比辐射率也可以显著不同 ,需要大量的比辐射率时 ,现有测量方法显得过于复杂或环境要求过高 ,发展简便的比辐射率测量方法十分必要。实际上 ,在室温情况下 ,比辐射率为常数 ,可以通过测量一系列的温度和相应的辐射值 ,仪器本身的辐射和环境辐射可直接当作未知量参加反演 ,最终利用最小二乘法拟合获得比辐射率 ,大大降低了测量的难度。文中测量了1 6种岩石标本的比辐射率 ,方差一般保持在 0 .0 1左右 ,大多数 <0 .0 1 ;线性拟合的相关系数均 >0 99  相似文献   

运用非线性系统加卸载响应比理论,研究了潮汐应变观测的响应比特征,解决了响应比理论应用中的两个基础问题:加、卸载荷的计算和潮汐前兆观测中加卸载响应比的计算模型选择潮汐应变观测中的一些潮汐和非潮汐的以及与孕震力学过程有关的信息为响应参量,在不同的加、卸载方式下对各种响应比的震兆变化及特征进行研究,研究结果表明,加卸载响应比只在非线性系统的输入与系统的失稳密切相关时,才显示出失稳的前兆特征,且主要表现为短临前兆。  相似文献   

地表潮汐应变观测的响应比及特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用非线性系统加卸载响应比理论,研究了潮汐应变观测的响应比特征,解决了响应比理论应用中的两个基础问题:加、卸载荷的计算和潮汐前兆观测中加卸载响应比的计算模型选择潮汐应变观测中的一些潮汐和非潮汐的以及与孕震力学过程有关的信息为响应参量,在不同的加、卸载方式下对各种响应比的震兆变化及特征进行研究,研究结果表明,加卸载响应比只在非线性系统的输入与系统的失稳密切相关时,才显示出失稳的前兆特征,且主要表现为短临前兆。  相似文献   

本文研究发展利用GMS 5/VISSR每小时卫星观测资料反演地表温度的方法,首先利用时空判断法进行云检测寻找晴空像元,然后从辐射传输方程出发,由实时探空资料求取大气上行、下行辐射率及大气透过率,根据由AVHRR NDVI导出的地表比辐射率,用单时相双光谱分裂窗法反演得到地表温度.比较反演结果与54511站及其他中国基准站2000年地面0cm地表温度实测值,相对于国际上其他经验公式而言,本文算法在精度上有所提高.敏感性分析试验着重于大气衰减的影响.基于本文算法,给出了内蒙中东部地区地表温度连续4天的变化实例以及东亚部分陆地“纯晴天”地表温度图.  相似文献   

地表发射率是地表的固有属性,也是反演地表信息和大气温湿度廓线的重要参数.为了获取准确且具有具体物理含义的沙漠地区微波地表发射率,首先选取塔克拉玛干沙漠部分地区为反演区域,根据二元函数泰勒定理,推导了该地区的微波地表发射率与地表温度、地表湿度的线性、非线性函数关系.其次,利用最优控制原理,结合FY-3C微波成像仪的观测亮温资料与辐射传输模式(CRTM)模拟亮温数据,构建了沙漠地区微波地表发射率的线性与非线性反演模型.通过对比发现,利用线性和非线性反演模型得到的地表发射率不仅提高了反演区域亮温的模拟精度,而且模拟亮温的变化趋势也与观测更吻合.最后,对地表发射率的线性和非线性反演模型进行了不同时间与空间上的独立性检验,结果表明:除了反演区域外,在整个塔克拉玛干沙漠地区,两种模型反演的地表发射率仍比原地表发射率模拟亮温更接近观测.总的来说,线性和非线性反演模型对沙漠地区的微波地表发射率反演均具有一定的有效性和普适性,且非线性反演模型优于线性反演模型.  相似文献   


获取与卫星观测同步的地表温度是全地形卫星近地面微波探测数据同化成功的关键所在.为了进一步提高在复杂下垫面上先进技术微波探测仪(Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder,ATMS)近地面通道正演模拟精度,针对ATMS原始数据(Sensor Data Record,SDR)与可见光/红外辐射计(Visible and Infra-Red Radiometer,VIRR)反演产品数据不能同步获取的问题,本文基于像元匹配技术实现了卫星序列间观测数据的交叉配对,利用跨光谱的反演地表温度作为正演ATMS陆面近地面通道的观测辐射的下边界参数,进而对正演辐射、基于ECMWF全球气候第五代大气再分析产品(the Fifth Generation ECMWF Reanalysis for the Global Climate and Weather,ERA5)地表温度的模拟值与典型下垫面探测数据开展了误差分析与验证,为下一步的ATMS陆面近地面通道的同化提供技术支撑.在FY-3D的红外高光谱大气垂直探测仪(Hyperspectral Infrared Atmospheric Sounder,HIRAS)像元与中分辨率光谱成像仪Ⅱ型(Medium Resolution Spectral Imager-Ⅱ,MERSI-Ⅱ)像元的匹配中,卷积可以使HIRAS通道加权平均的观测辐射与MERSI-Ⅱ辐射的偏差减小,平均误差约为0.28 K左右.昼间与夜间HIRAS卷积亮温与MERSI-Ⅱ通道亮温平均偏差和STD的时间演变趋势相当.FY-3D MERSI-Ⅱ像元与NOAA-20交叉轨道红外测深仪(Cross-track Infrared Sounder,CrIS)像元匹配时,中纬度极轨卫星序列间的像元匹配精度与全球天基相互校准系统(Global Space-based Inter-Calibration Sytem,GSICS)中极轨卫星与静止卫星在中低纬的匹配精度相当,匹配后窗区亮温的偏差都在0.1 K左右.表明GSICS中卫星间的像元匹配方法可以在更广泛的条件下使用.相对于ERA5地表温度,在沙漠区域MERSI-Ⅱ反演的地表温度与测站地表温度的偏差更小.MERSI-Ⅱ反演的地表温度模拟的亮温更能展示ATMS通道5亮温的真实情况.尽管基于红外观测反演的地表温度与基于微波观测反演的地表温度代表了不同深度的土壤温度,当二者误差小于一定阈值时认为两种地表温度可以相互替代,并对卫星微波近地面探测通道的正演模拟不会带来大的影响.此时可以认为基于红外观测反演的地表温度是微波光谱的地表温度在一定误差水平下的体现.


植被覆盖状况影响中国地表气温变化的观测事实   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用NOAA/AVHRR归一化植被指数(NDVI)及观测气温与再分析地表气温的差值(Observation Minus Reanalysis, OMR)分析了植被覆盖状况对中国地表气温变化的影响.结果表明,地表气温OMR趋势值与NDVI在空间上呈现出显著的负相关关系,植被覆盖状况差(NDVI小于0.1)的区域地表升温较为显著,气温OMR趋势值超过0.2℃/10a,而植被覆盖度高(NDVI大于0.5)的区域气温OMR趋势值则变化不大,甚至出现降温.气温OMR趋势值对植被的季节变化还有着敏感的响应.不同区域植被覆盖状况的差异可能导致中国地表气温变化对全球变暖的响应不同,预测中国未来气候变化需要考虑植被覆盖状况及其动态变化的影响.  相似文献   

钻井-地表电极联合电阻率观测装置的异常特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用有限单元法对多种钻井-地表电极联合电阻率观测装置在球体、直立板和水平板体等典型地质体模型上的异常响应进行正演计算,并分析其异常特征和分布规律.计算结果表明利用井中和地表电极的联合观测方式进行地下介质探测,可在兼顾地质体的水平分辨能力的同时,提高电阻率测深在垂向上分辨率.就水平分辨率而言,四极(偶极)装置对地质体的水平定位能力最强,井-地三极装置次之,地-井三极的分辨能力最差.就垂向分辨能力来说,各种观测装置的分辨率相差不大.  相似文献   

Synchronous retrieval of land surface temperature and emissivity   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
This is an old topic for more than ten years to retrieve land surface temperature (LST) from satellite data, but it has not been solved yet. At first, people tried to transplant traditional split window method of sea surface temperature (SST) to the retrieval of LST, but it was found that the emissivities of land surface (εi) must be involved in atmospheric correction. Then many different formulas appeared with assumption of emissivities known. In fact, emissivities of land surface with pixel size cannot be known beforehand because of various reasons, so in recent years the focus of attention has been transferred to retrieving emissivities (εi) and LST at the same time. Therefore, we have to solve missing equations problem. For this some people try to introduce middle infrared information, but new problems will be brought in which means that it is very difficult to describe middle infrared BRDF of targets with high accuracy and the scattering of atmospheric aerosol cannot be ignored. Therefore a different way is offered to solve this problem only using two thermo-infrared bands data based on three assumptions, constant emissivities in two measurements, and the same atmospheric parameters for neighbouring pixels and the difference of emissivity (Δε) of two channels can be known beforehand. Results of digital simulations show that it is possible to retrieve LST with its root mean square (RMS) of errors less than 1 K and RMS of relative error of ground radiance at 7% if the error of atmospheric temperature at ± 2°C and the relative error of atmospheric water vapor at ± 10% can be satisfied. Results have been confirmed by initial field test. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49471056) and China’s National Key Basic Research Plan.  相似文献   

Summary An experimental investigation was conducted over 6 widely different types of soil in order to gain some reliable information on the wave propagation properties relevant to seismic prospecting. The elastic constants of the surface layers were also found from the compressional and Rayleigh wave velocities. While the predominant frequencies of the compressional and Rayleigh waves both decrease with distance from the source, they are in most cases of the same order of magnitude. The amplitude of the particle velocity for the compressional wave was found to decrease inversely as the square of the distance, while that for the Rayleigh wave decreased more slowly; wide variations occur between different localities. The significance of these results to seismic prospecting instrumentation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The microwave emissivity of relatively low-loss media such as snow, ice, frozen ground, and lunar soil is strongly influenced by fine-scale layering and by internal scattering. Radiometric data, however, are commonly interpreted using a model of emission from a homogeneous, dielectric halfspace whose emissivity derives exclusively from dielectric properties. Conclusions based upon these simple interpretations can be erroneous. Examples are presented showing that the emission from fresh or hardpacked snow over either frozen or moist soil is governed dominantly by the size distribution of ice grains in the snowpack. Similarly, the thickness of seasonally frozen soil and the concentration of rock clasts in lunar soil noticeably affect, respectively, the emissivities of northern latitude soils in winter and of the lunar regolith. Petrophysical data accumulated in support of the geophysical interpretation of microwave data must include measurements of not only dielectric properties, but also of geometric factors such as finescale layering and size distributions of grains, inclusions, and voids.  相似文献   

Forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle and have a potential impact on global climatic change.Monitoring forest biomass is of considerable importance in understanding the hydrological cycle.Because of the problem of dense forest cover,no reliable method with which to retrieve soil moisture in forest areas from the microwave emission signature has been established.All of these issues relate to the microwave emissivity and transmissivity characteristics of a forest.The microwave emission contribution received by a sensor above a forest canopy comes from both the soil surface and the vegetation layer.To analyze the relationship of forest biomass and forest emission and transmissivity,a high-order emission model,the matrix-doubling model,which consists of both soil and vegetation models,was developed and then validated for a young deciduous forest stand in a field experiment.To simulate the emissivity and transmissivity of a deciduous forest in the L and X bands using the matrix-doubling model,the parameters of components of deciduous trees when the leaf area index varies from 1 to10 were generated by an L-system and a forest growth model.The emissivity and transmissivity of a forest and the relationships of these parameters to forest biomass are presented and analyzed in this paper.Emissivity in the L band when the leaf area index is less than 6 and at viewing angles less than 40°,and transmissivity in the L band are the most sensitive parameters in deciduous forest biomass estimation.  相似文献   

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