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Magma mixing is a common process and yet the rates, kinematics and numbers of events are difficult to establish. One expression of mixing is the major, trace element, and isotopic zoning in crystals, which provides a sequential but non-monotonic record of the creation and dissipation of volumes of distinct chemical potential. We demonstrate a wavelet-based correlation (WBC) technique that uses this zoning for the recognition of the minimum number of mixing, or open-system events, and the criteria for identifying populations of crystals that have previously shared a mixing event. When combined with field observations of the spatial distribution of crystal populations, WBC provides a statistical link between the time-varying thermodynamic and fluid dynamic history of the magmatic system. WBC can also be used as a data mining utility to reveal open-system events where outcrop is sparse. An analysis of zoned plagioclase from the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite provides a proof of principle for WBC.  相似文献   

Increasing amount of crystals tends to reduce the mobility of magmas and modifies its elastic characteristics (e.g. [Caricchi, L. et al., 2007. Non-Newtonian rheology of crystal-bearing magmas and implications for magma ascent dynamics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 264: 402–419.; Bagdassarov, N., Dingwell, D.B. and Webb, S.L., 1994. Viscoelasticity of crystal- and bubble-bearing rhyolite melts. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 83: 83–99.]). To quantify the effect of crystals on the elastic properties of magmas the propagation speed of shear and compressional waves have been measured at pressure and temperatures relevant for natural magmatic reservoirs. The measurements have been performed in aggregates at variable particle fractions (? = 0–0.7). The measurements were carried out at 200 MPa confining pressure and temperatures between 300 K and 1273 K (i.e. across the glass transition temperature (Tg) from glass to melt). The specimens were mixtures of a haplogranitic melt containing 5.25 wt.% H2O and variable amounts of sub-spherical alumina particles. Additional experiments were carried out on a sample containing both, crystals and air bubbles. The temperature derivatives of the shear (dVs/dT) and compressional wave (dVp/dT) velocities for pure glass and samples with a crystal fraction of 0.5 are different below and above the glass transition temperature. For a crystal fraction 0.7, only dVp/dT changed above the Tg. In the presence of gas bubbles, Vp and Vs decrease constantly with increasing temperature. The bubble-bearing material yields a lower bulk modulus relative to its shear modulus. The propagation velocities of compressional and shear waves increase non-linearly with increasing crystal fraction with a prominent raise in the range 0.5 < ? < 0.7. The speed variations are only marginally related to the density increase due to the presence of crystals, but are dominantly related to the achievement of a continuous crystal framework. The experimental data set presented here can be utilized to estimate the relative proportions of crystals and melt present in a magmatic reservoir, which, in turn, is one of the fundamental parameters determining the mobility of magma and, consequently, exerting a prime control on the likelihood of an eruption from a sub-surficial magma reservoir.  相似文献   

The 1973 eruption of Eldfell volcano, Iceland, appears to have been a short, simple event, but textural and geochemical evidence suggest that it may have had three different magmatic components. The first-erupted fissure magmas were chemically evolved, rich in plagioclase (∼ 18%) and had shallow, straight crystal size distribution (CSD) curves. The early lavas were less evolved chemically, had lower plagioclase contents (∼ 13%) and steeper, slightly concave up CSDs. The late lavas were chemically similar to the early lavas, but even richer in plagioclase than the initial magmas (∼ 24%) and had the steepest CSDs. There was no chemical evidence for plagioclase fractionation, but compositional diversity could be produced by clinopyroxene fractionation which must have occurred at depth. We propose that the eruption started with old, coarsened (Ostwald ripened) magma left over from a previous eruption, possibly that which produced Surtsey Island ten years earlier. The early flows may be mixtures of small amounts of this old magma with a new, low crystallinity, uncoarsened magma or a completely new magma. The late flows are another new magma from depth, chemically similar to the early flows, but which has grown plagioclase under increasing saturation (undercooling) perhaps during its ascent. All three magmatic components may have originated from the same parent, but had varying degrees of clinopyroxene fractionation, plagioclase nucleation and growth, and coarsening.  相似文献   

Syrtis Major is an ancient basaltic shield volcano on Mars with a basal diameter of 1100 km. The free-air gravity anomaly is 126 mGal at spherical harmonic degree 50 and reaches its maximum amplitude over the 2 km deep topographic caldera. The observed gravity anomaly cannot be explained by flexurally supported surface topography and requires the presence of a buried, high-density load. The geologically most reasonable interpretation of this high-density load is that it represents the magma chamber of Syrtis Major, now solidified and filled at least in part by dense igneous cumulates. Pyroxene is likely to be the dominant cumulate mineral in this system, although olivine may also be present. Gravity models presented here define the structure of the buried load and in essence provide a look at the magmatic plumbing system of this volcano. The preferred model involves a buried load that is approximately 300×600 km across, roughly twice as large as the topographic caldera. Both the buried load and the caldera are elongated in the north-south direction. In the center of the buried load, the minimum thickness is 2.8 km for an olivine-dominated cumulate system or 3.9 km for a pyroxene-dominated system. The best terrestrial analog for this structure is the Bushveld Complex, an igneous cumulate body that is similar in size and thickness to the Syrtis Major structure. Assuming that the mean crustal density is 2600 kg m−3 due to impact brecciation, the elastic lithosphere at Syrtis Major was 10-15 km thick at the time when the topographic load was emplaced. This corresponds to a lithospheric thermal gradient of 28-52 K/km and a surface heat flux of 70-130 mW m−2. Higher resolution gravity data, such as that which is planned for the 2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, will permit further refinement of the dimensions of this structure.  相似文献   

大陆岩石圈流变研究进展与高温高压流变实验现状   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
大陆岩石圈类似于“三明治”的多层流变结构已经被广泛接受,并用于大陆动力学研究的各方面.然而近年来地震资料和高温高压流变实验结果表明,大陆岩石圈流变可能不是单一模式,流变结构具有多样性,而下地壳流变特性是其中最复杂的层次,这不仅受下地壳成分和结构本身的非均匀控制,而且与其含水程度相关.高温高压流变实验已经积累了大量的数据,但基性岩流变实验目前仍然处于数据积累阶段,缺乏系统性,特别是缺少含水基性岩的流变实验结果,因此,加强干的和含水的基性岩流变实验研究是深入认识下地壳岩石流变必不可少的手段和方法之一.  相似文献   

A core drilled within the northern part of the city of Napoli has offered the unique opportunity to observe in one single sequence the superposition of the four pyroclastic flow units emplaced during the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption. Such a stratigraphic succession has never been encountered before in natural or in man made exposures. Therefore the CI sequence was reconstructed only on the basis of stratigraphic correlations and compositional data (in literature). The occurrence of four superposed CI flows, together with all the data available (in literature) allowed us to better constrain the chemical stratigraphy of the deposit and the compositional structure of the CI magma chamber. The CI magma chamber includes two cogenetic magma layers, separated by a compositional gap. The upper magma layer was contaminated by interaction with radiogenic fluids. The two magma layers were extruded either individually or simultaneously during the course of the eruption. In the latter case they produced a hybrid magma. But no evidence of input of new geochemically and isotopically distinct magma batches just prior or during the eruption has been found. Comparison with the exposed CI deposits has permitted reconstruction of variable eruption phases and related magma withdrawal and caldera collapse episodes. The eruption was likely to have began with phreatomagmatic explosions followed by the formation of a sustained plinian eruption column fed by the simultaneous extraction from both magma layers. Towards the end of this phase the upward migration of the fragmentation surface and the decrease in magma eruption rate and/or activation of fractures formed an unstable pulsating column that was fed only by the most-evolved magma layer. This plinian phase was followed by the collapse of the eruption column and the beginning of caldera formation. At this stage expanded pyroclastic flows fed by the upper magma layer in the chamber generated. During the following major caldera collapse episode, the maximum mass discharge rate was reached and both magma layers were tapped, generating expanded pyroclastic flows. Towards the end of the eruption, only the deeper and less differentiated magma layer was tapped producing more concentrated pyroclastic flows that traveled short distances.  相似文献   

Intrusive degassing and recycling of degassed and dense magma at depth have been proposed for a long time at Stromboli. The brief explosive event that occurred at the summit craters on 9 January 2005 threw out bombs and lapilli that could be good candidates to illustrate recycling of shallow degassed magma at depth. We present an extensive data set on both the textures and the mineral, bulk rock and glassy matrix chemistry of the “9 Jan” products. The latter have the common shoshonitic–basaltic bulk composition of lavas and scoriae issued from typical strombolian activity. In contrast they differ by the heterogeneous chemistry of their matrix glasses and their crystal textures that testify to crystal dissolution event(s) just prior magma crystallization upon ascent and eruption. Comparison between mineral paragenesis of the natural products and experimental phase equilibria suggest water-induced magma re-equilibration. We propose that mineral dissolution is related to water enrichment of the recycled degassed magma, via differential gas bubble transfer and to some extents its physical mixing with volatile-rich magma blobs. However, all these features illustrate transient processes. Even though evidence of mineral dissolution is ubiquitous at Stromboli, its effect on the bulk magma chemistry is minor because of the subtle interplay between mineral dissolution and crystallization in magmas having comparable bulk chemistry.  相似文献   

The pattern of b-value of the frequency–magnitude relation, or mean magnitude, varies little in the Kaoiki-Hilea area of Hawaii, and the b-values are normal, with b=0.8 in the top 10 km and somewhat lower values below that depth. We interpret the Kaoiki-Hilea area as relatively stable, normal Hawaiian crust. In contrast, the b-values beneath Kilauea's South Flank are anomalously high (b=1.3–1.7) at depths between 4 and 8 km, with the highest values near the East Rift zone, but extending 5–8 km away from the rift. Also, the anomalously high b-values vary along strike, parallel to the rift zone. The highest b-values are observed near Hiiaka and Pauahi craters at the bend in the rift, the next highest are near Makaopuhi and also near Puu Kaliu. The mildest anomalies occur adjacent to the central section of the rift. The locations of the three major and two minor b-value anomalies correspond to places where shallow magma reservoirs have been proposed based on analyses of seismicity, geodetic data and differentiated lava chemistry. The existence of the magma reservoirs is also supported by magnetic anomalies, which may be areas of dike concentration, and self-potential anomalies, which are areas of thermal upwelling above a hot source. The simplest explanation of these anomalously high b-values is that they are due to the presence of active magma bodies beneath the East Rift zone at depths down to 8 km. In other volcanoes, anomalously high b-values correlate with volumes adjacent to active magma chambers. This supports a model of a magma body beneath the East Rift zone, which may widen and thin along strike, and which may reach 8 km depth and extend from Kilauea's summit to a distance of at least 40 km down rift. The anomalously high b-values at the center of the South Flank, several kilometers away from the rift, may be explained by unusually high pore pressure throughout the South Flank, or by anomalously strong heterogeneity due to extensive cracking, or by both phenomena. The major b-value anomalies are located SSE of their parent reservoirs, in the direction of motion of the flank, suggesting that magma reservoirs leave an imprint in the mobile flank. We hypothesize that the extensive cracking may have been acquired when the anomalous parts of the South Flank, now several kilometers distant from the rift zone, were generated at the rift zone near persistent reservoirs. Since their generation, these volumes may have moved seaward, away from the rift, but earthquakes occurring in them still use the preexisting complex crack distribution. Along the decollement plane at 10 km depth, the b-values are exceptionally low (b=0.5), suggesting faulting in a more homogeneous medium.  相似文献   


为了观测含碳酸盐地幔岩部分熔融过程中电导率的变化,厘清碳酸盐熔体在金伯利岩岩浆形成过程中所起的作用,并探讨Slave克拉通中部Lac de Gras地区约80~120 km深处的高导成因,我们利用DS 3600 t六面顶压机和Solartron 1260阻抗/增益-相位分析仪在1.0~3.0 GPa、673~1873 K温压条件下分别测量了含碳酸钠(Na2CO3)、碳酸钙(CaCO3)和大洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)的地幔岩样品的电导率.实验结果表明,地幔岩样品的电导率主要受到温度和组分的影响,而压力对其影响较小.在温度低于1023 K时,含Na2CO3地幔岩样品的电导率明显高于含同比重CaCO3和MORB的;温度达到1023 K时,含Na2CO3地幔岩样品开始熔融;但在之后的200 K温度区间内,该部分熔融样品的电导率随温度的增加几乎不发生变化.这一现象或许揭示:地幔深部的碳酸质岩浆在快速上升过程中会同化吸收岩石圈地幔中的斜方辉石(Opx),进而形成金伯利岩岩浆,期间岩浆的电导率几乎不发生变化.含CaCO3和MORB的地幔岩样品分别在1723 K和1423 K开始熔融,其部分熔融样品的电导率随温度的增加而快速增加.依据前人的研究结果和我们的实验结果,我们认为可以用含碳酸盐的部分熔融样品来解释Slave克拉通中部Lac de Gras地区约80~120 km深处的异常高导现象,并推测熔体中碳酸盐的熔体比例小于2 wt.%.


We have characterized pumice products belonging to the climactic phase of the 800-year-b.p. Quilotoa eruption. Bulk rock compositions, petrography, mineral, and glass chemistry and textural investigations were performed on the three end-member pumice types, namely white, gray, and mingled pumices. All the investigated pumice clasts are dacites characterized by the same bulk rock composition and mineralogical assemblage, but glass compositions and bulk textures change according to different pumice types. White pumice has higher crystallinity (~48 wt%), abundant euhedral pheno/microphenocrysts, no groundmass microlites, the most evolved glass compositions (74–78 wt% SiO2), and heterogeneous vesicle populations marked by deformed and highly coalesced vesicles with thin walls. Gray pumice exhibits lower crystallinity (29–36 wt%), abundant broken and/or resorbed crystals, ubiquitous groundmass phenocryst fragments and microlites, the widest range of glass compositions (69–78 wt% SiO2), and quite homogeneous poorly deformed and coalesced vesicles with thicker walls. Mingled pumices are characterized by the alternation of bands or patches with white and gray pumice compositional and textural characteristics. We attribute heterogeneities in glass compositions and crystal and vesicle textures to processes occurring within volcanic conduits as magma is ascending to the surface. In particular, the above observations and results are consistent with an origin of a gray magma by heating of the original white magma in a strongly sheared region of the conduit because of a mechanism of viscous dissipation and crystal grinding and resorption at the conduit walls. The less viscous gray magma, therefore, would enable the onset and preservation of a high mass flux of the eruption otherwise difficult to explain for highly viscous crystal-rich dacitic magmas.Editorial responsibility: D. Dingwell  相似文献   

The crystal structure of (Fe_4Cr_4Ni)_9C_4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Luobusha podiform chromite deposit occursin the Luobusha ophiolite exposed at the In-dus-Yarlung Zangbo suture[1]. The wall rocks of chro-mitites are harzburgites. Many mantle minerals werefound in chromitites and harzburgites. Among of them,there are 120 grains of diamond[2], many elementalmetals (mainly Au, Cu, Fe, Ni, Cr, Al, W, Zn, Pb, Sn,Os, Ir, Ru, C, etc.) and their intermetallic compounds.Besides diamond and graphite, the element C isalso combined with Fe, Cr, Ni, Ti and …  相似文献   

The recently developed first-order reversal curve (FORC) technique for rapidly examining magnetic domain state has great potential for paleomagnetic and environmental magnetic investigations. However, there are still some gaps in the basic understanding of FORC diagrams, in particular the behavior of pseudo-single-domain (PSD) grains and the contribution of magnetostatic interactions. In this paper we address some of these problems. We report the first FORC diagrams measurements on narrowly sized and well-characterized synthetic PSD through multidomain (MD) magnetite samples. The FORC diagrams evolve with grain size from single-domain (SD)-like to MD-like through the PSD grain size range. Since each sample contains grains of essentially a single size, individual PSD grains evidently contain contributions from both SD-like and MD-like magnetic moments, in proportions that vary with grain size; the evolving FORC diagrams cannot be due to physical mixtures of SD and MD grains of widely different sizes. The FORC diagrams were all asymmetric. Small PSD samples have FORC diagrams with a distinctive closed-contour structure. The distributions of the larger MD grains display no peak, and lie closer to the interaction-field axis. To assess the effect of magnetostatic interactions, we measured FORC diagrams between room temperature and the Curie temperature. On heating the FORC distributions contract without changing shape until ∼500°C. Above this temperature the diagrams become more MD-like, and in addition become more symmetric. The temperature dependence of the interaction-field parameter is proportional to that of the saturation magnetization, in accordance with Néel’s interpretation of the Preisach diagram. The decrease in asymmetry with heating suggests that the origin of the asymmetry lies in magnetostatic interactions. The magnetic hysteresis parameters as a function of temperature were determined from the FORC curves. As the grain size decreased the normalized coercive force was found to decrease more rapidly with temperature.  相似文献   

Mount Etna volcano was shaken during the summer 2001 by one of the most singular eruptive episodes of the last centuries. For about 3 weeks, several eruptive fractures developed, emitting lava flows and tephra that significantly modified the landscape of the southern flank of the volcano. This event stimulated the attention of the scientific community especially for the simultaneous emission of petrologically distinct magmas, recognized as coming from different segments of the plumbing system. A stratigraphically controlled sampling of tephra layers was performed at the most active vents of the eruption, in particular at the 2,100 m (CAL) and at the 2,550 m (LAG) scoria cones. Detailed scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (SEM-EDS) analyses performed on glasses found in tephra and comparison with lava whole rock compositions indicate an anomalous increase in Ti, Fe, P, and particularly of K and Cl in the upper layers of the LAG sequence. Mass balance and thermodynamic calculations have shown that this enrichment cannot be accounted for by “classical” differentiation processes, such as crystal fractionation and magma mixing. The analysis of petrological features of the magmas involved in the event, integrated with the volcanological evolution, has evidenced the role played by volatiles in controlling the magmatic evolution within the crustal portion of the plumbing system. Volatiles, constituted of H2O, CO2, and Cl-complexes, originated from a deeply seated magma body (DBM). Their upward migration occurred through a fracture network possibly developed by the seismic swarms during the period preceding the event. In the upper portion of the plumbing system, a shallower residing magma body (ABT) had chemical and physical conditions to receive migrating volatiles, which hence dissolved the mobilized elements producing the observed selective enrichment. This volatile-induced differentiation involved exclusively the lowest erupted portion of the ABT magma due to the low velocity of volatiles diffusion within a crystallizing magma body and/or to the short time between volatiles migration and the onset of the eruption. Furthermore, the increased amount of volatiles in this level of the chamber strongly affected the eruptive behavior. In fact, the emission of these products at the LAG vent, towards the end of the eruption, modified the eruptive style from classical strombolian to strongly explosive.  相似文献   

Effluents from brown coal mines are frequently rich in iron, the water being red-brown in colour and turbid. For several years a fish farm in the Lusatia (Brandenburg, Germany) has used such mine effluents for rearing rainbow trout. The total iron content of this water varies between 5 and 10 mg/l with pH ranging from 6.7 to 7.4. Water turbidity is high with a transparency of 10 to 40 cm at the most due to the substantial ferric hydroxide concentrations. Until 1989 trout have been reared in net cages within concrete settling basins destined for settling the ferric hydroxide mud. The cages were stocked with fingerlings in autumn, reaching portion size in the spring of the following year. Specific growth rate was 0.98% per day, comparable to that of trout in another farm unpolluted by iron but stocked at higher densities. The results show that fingerling rainbow trout may live in water containing more than 5 mg/l total iron but in the absence of Fe2+. These concentrations of water-borne iron seem to have only a limited detrimental effect on fish growth and feed conversion and do not prevent trout culture in principle.  相似文献   

The Alban Hills volcanic region (20 km south of Rome, in the Roman Province) emitted a large volume of potassic magmas (> 280 km3) during the Quaternary. Chemical interactions between ascending magmas and the ∼ 7000–8000-m-thick sedimentary carbonate basement are documented by abundant high temperature skarn xenoliths in the eruptive products and have been frequently corroborated by geochemical surveys. In this paper we characterize the effect of carbonate assimilation on phase relationships at 200 MPa and 1150–1050 °C by experimental petrology. Calcite and dolomite addition promotes the crystallization of Ca-rich pyroxene and Mg-rich olivine respectively, and addition of both carbonates results in the desilication of the melt. Furthermore, carbonate assimilation liberates a large quantity of CO2-rich fluid. A comparison of experimental versus natural mineral, glass and bulk rock compositions suggests large variations in the degree of carbonate assimilation for the different Alban Hills eruptions. A maximum of 15 wt.% assimilation is suggested by some melt inclusion and clinopyroxene compositions; however, most of the natural data indicate assimilation of between 3 and 12 wt.% carbonate. Current high CO2 emissions in this area most likely indicate that such an assimilation process still occurs at depth. We calculate that a magma intruding into the carbonate basement with a rate of ∼ 1 – 2 · 106 m3/year, estimated by geophysical studies, and assimilating 3–12 wt.% of host rocks would release an amount of CO2 matching the current yearly emissions at the Alban Hills. Our results strongly suggest that current CO2 emissions in this region are the shallow manifestation of hot mafic magma intrusion in the carbonate-hosted reservoir at 5–6 km depth, with important consequences for the present-day volcanic hazard evaluation in this densely populated and historical area.  相似文献   

Merapi Volcano (Central Java, Indonesia) has been frequently active during Middle to Late Holocene time producing basalts and basaltic andesites of medium-K composition in earlier stages of activity and high-K magmas from 1900 14C yr BP to the present. Radiocarbon dating of pyroclastic deposits indicates an almost continuous activity with periods of high eruption rates alternating with shorter time spans of distinctly reduced eruptive frequency since the first appearance of high-K volcanic rocks. Geochemical data of 28 well-dated, prehistoric pyroclastic flows of the Merapi high-K series indicate systematic cyclic variations. These medium-term compositional variations result from a complex interplay of several magmatic processes, which ultimately control the periodicity and frequency of eruptions at Merapi. Low eruption rates and the absence of new influxes of primitive magma from depth allow the generation of basaltic andesite magma (56–57 wt% SiO2) in a small-volume magma reservoir through fractional crystallisation from parental mafic magma (52–53 wt% SiO2) in periods of low eruptive frequency. Magmas of intermediate composition erupted during these stages provide evidence for periodic withdrawal of magma from a steadily fractionating magma chamber. Subsequent periods are characterised by high eruption rates that coincide with shifts of whole-rock compositions from basaltic andesite to basalt. This compositional variation is interpreted to originate from influxes of primitive magma into a continuously active magma chamber, triggering the eruption of evolved magma after periods of low eruptive frequency. Batches of primitive magma eventually mix with residual magma in the magmatic reservoir to decrease whole-rock SiO2 contents. Supply of primitive magma at Merapi appears to be sufficiently frequent that andesites or more differentiated rock types were not generated during the past 2000 years of activity. Cyclic variations also occurred during the recent eruptive period since AD 1883. The most recent eruptive episode of Merapi is characterised by essentially uniform magma compositions that may imply the existence of a continuously active magma reservoir, maintained in a quasi-steady state by magma recharge. The whole-rock compositions at the upper limit of the total SiO2 range of the Merapi suite could also indicate the beginning of another period of high eruption rates and shifts towards more mafic compositions.  相似文献   

A very large uplift (about 1.8 m) occurred in the period 1982–1984 at Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy, without culminating in an eruption. A still-standing controversy accompanies the interpretation of deformation and gravity changes recorded during the unrest, which were interpreted to result from the sub-surface magmatic reservoir by some authors and from the hydrothermal system or hybrid sources by others. Here for the first time we take into account crustal layering while inverting leveling, EDM, and gravity data using uniformly-pressurized sources, namely small vertical spheroids and finite horizontal penny-shaped sources. The weight of EDM data in the misfit function is chosen from a trade-off curve in order to balance the compromise between fitting the leveling and the EDM data well. Models using a homogeneous medium cannot give a good simultaneous fit to leveling and EDM deformation data of the 1982–1984 unrest, whereas incorporating a layered structure (determined from seismically derived estimates of the P wave speed for the crust, and not adjusted to improve the fit in any of the inversions) allows a significantly better fit. Also, layering affects the sub-surface mass redistribution effects on gravity changes, and we show that the retrieved intrusion density is in full agreement with densities for highly evolved magmas expected at the Campi Flegrei caldera for depths of 3 to 4 km, ruling out hydrothermal fluids as the primary cause of the 1982–1984 unrest. The source of the 1982–1984 CF unrest was probably a shallow (about 3-km deep) penny-shaped magma intrusion fed by a deeper magma chamber; source overpressure was few MPa.  相似文献   

(Fe4Cr4Ni)9C4 is a metal carbide mineral formed by combination of Fe, Cr and Ni with C. It occurs in a chromite deposit in the Luobusha ophiolite, Tibet. Based on the determination of its crystal structure, the empirical formula is (Fe4.12Cr3.84Ni0.96)8.92C3.70 and the simplified formula is (Fe4Cr4Ni)4C9. The mineral is hexagonal with a = 1.38392(2) nm, c = 0.44690(9) nm, pace group P63 m c, Z=6 and the calculated specific gravity Dx = 7.089 g/cm3. Fe, Cr and Ni occupy different crystallographic sites and their coordination numbers are approximately 12, forming an alternate stacking sequence of flat and puckered layers along the c axis. Some metallic atoms have a defect structure. The interatomic distances of Fe, Cr and Ni are 0.2525-0.2666 nm, and the distances between Fe, Cr, Ni and C are 0.1893-0.2169 nm. The coordination number of carbon is 6. It occurs in interstices of the metallic atoms Fe, Cr and Ni to form trigonalprismatically coordinated polyhedra. These coordination polyhedra are linked with each other via shared corners or shared edges into a new type of metal carbide structure.  相似文献   

The most abundant mineral on Earth has a perovskite crystal structure and a chemistry that is dominated by MgSiO3 with the next most abundant cations probably being aluminum and ferric iron. The dearth of experimental elasticity data for this chemically complex mineral limits our ability to calculate model seismic velocities for the lower mantle. We have calculated the single crystal elastic moduli (cij) for (Mg, Fe3 +)(Si, Al)O3 perovskite using density functional theory in order to investigate the effect of chemical variations and spin state transitions of the Fe3+ ions. Considering the favored coupled substitution of Mg2+-Si4 + by Fe3+-Al3+, we find that the effect of ferric iron on seismic properties is comparable with the same amount of ferrous iron. Ferric iron lowers the elastic moduli relative to the Al charge-coupled substitution. Substitution of Fe3+ for Al3+, giving rise to an Fe/Mg ratio of 6%, causes 1.8% lower longitudinal velocity and 2.5% lower shear velocity at ambient pressure and 1.1% lower longitudinal velocity and 1.8% lower shear velocity at 142 GPa. The spin state of the iron for this composition has a relatively small effect (< 0.5% variation) on both bulk modulus and shear modulus.  相似文献   

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