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西班牙北部发育的La Florida碳酸盐岩台地受与早Aptian古大洋缺氧事件(OAE 1a)有关的全球环境变化影响非常显著。这一事件(OAE 1a)以强烈的温室条件为特征,导致大洋和大气圈温度增加、富有机质堆积、C(碳)循环紊乱和大陆风化、侵蚀作用加强。  相似文献   

无人船是一种新型的无人多功能海洋监测平台,能够以遥控或自动方式完成连续性海洋参数测量。针对湖泊和近海的海洋环境监测,自主研发了一种双体双推进式无人船系统"USBV"。利用该无人船系统,搭载信标差分GPS、单波束测深仪和CTD(温盐深仪),于2014-10-11在连云港当路水库和连岛海域,开展了水深、温度和盐度的自动航行监测。通过分析无人船的自动航行性能和深度、温度与盐度的测量结果,验证了无人船"USBV"用于海洋环境监测的自动性和可行性。  相似文献   

末次冰期在20~10kaBP间到来并结束,这一时间跨度被一系列的突变气候序列所中断,特别是北大西洋从Heinrich1冷期向波令/阿勒罗德(B/A)暖期的快速转换,以及在南极具有极为相似的冷期转换已引起研究者的高度关注。在间冰期,劳伦和芬诺斯堪的亚冰盖融化的大量融溶水注入北大西洋,这种融溶水持续以大约0.1 Sv有规律的释放,已对位于北大西洋大洋传输带循环的“Achmes Heel”构成了威胁。早期数据和模拟工作表明,冰期时,温盐环流(THC)较间冰期弱,依据冰期传输带能量低的证据,自然就要涉及大洋循环的“飞轮”问题,  相似文献   

Methane, ethane, ethene, propane, and propene are common hydrocarbon gases in near-surface sediment from offshore areas in the southern Pacific Ocean near Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Tonga, New Zealand, and Antarctica. Sea floor sites for sampling of sediment were selected on the basis of anomalies in marine seismic records, and the samples were intentionally biased toward finding possible thermogenic hydrocarbon gases. In none of the areas, however, were thermogenic hydrocarbons clearly identified. The hydrocarbon gases that were found appear to be mainly the products ofin situ microbial processes.  相似文献   

海洋-大气二氧化碳通量的观测技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
大范围稳定地获取海洋-大气系统中二氧化碳的精确数据,是海洋科学、大气科学以及全球变化科学和可持续发展科学计划中的重要任务.准确评估海-气CO2通量需要对海洋和大气中相关参数的同步精确连续观测,需要发展和建立海-气CO2通量的立体观测平台.该观测平台包括岸基、船基、航空、卫星和浮标等系统,主要技术包括走航大气和海水观测技术、浮标海-气CO2通量观测技术、极区海洋-大气CO2通量的观测技术和遥感海洋-大气CO2通量观测和评估技术.  相似文献   

利用耦合了平板海洋模型的全球气候模式进行了大量的格林函数实验,以探究两极地区对于施加在中低纬度海域的热强迫的气候响应。结果表明,北极地区的气候不仅受到距离较近的北太平洋与北大西洋的影响,远离北极的热带太平洋以及南太平洋也对其气候有显著的影响,南极地区的气候则主要是受到邻近的南大洋的影响。通过经验正交函数法的进一步分析发现,北极响应最显著的区域包括波弗特海(Beaufort Sea)、拉普捷夫海(Laptev Sea)以及北极中心区附近;南极地区的响应主要集中在别林斯高晋海(Bellinsgauzen Sea)区域。另外,利用温度归因法对辐射反馈过程和大气能量输运分解发现,北极地区表面温度的响应主要是受到了反照率反馈以及垂直递减率反馈的影响,而南极地区的响应则主要是反照率反馈发挥了作用。  相似文献   

近22年西北太平洋海表风速变化趋势及空间分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用来自ESE(NASA Earth Science Enterprise)的1988-2009年CCMP(Cross-Calibrated,Multi-Platform)风场资料,对西北太平洋海域的海表风速进行研究,发现在1988-2009年期间,西北太平洋大部分海域的海表风速呈显著的逐年线性递增趋势,近岸海表风速的...  相似文献   

一种新的海量海洋环境数据库组织结构的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对海洋环境数据量大访问效率低的问题,提出了1种新的数据库组织结构及其数据操作算法.表结构设计类似数据采集的实际地理经纬度网格,除了时间,纬度,将所有的经度直接作为属性列,每个经度列的值是1个结构,存放该点的所有海洋环境属性数据.根据该结构设计了相应的操作算法,实现了元数据管理,数据载入以及数据查询等操作.最后通过实验进行验证.实验表明,该结构及其操作算法降低数据存储冗余,提高查询性能,并降低数据的网络传输量.  相似文献   

The results obtained from an Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM), the Modular Ocean Model 2.2, forced with the National Center for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research reanalysis data, and observational data have been utilized to document the climatological seasonal cycle of the upper ocean response in the Tropical Indian Ocean. We address the various roles played by the net surface heat flux and the local and remote ocean dynamics for the seasonal variation of near-surface heat budget in the Tropical Indian Ocean. The investigation is based in seven selected boxes in the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and the Equatorial Indian Ocean. The changes of basin-wide heat budget of ocean process in the Arabian Sea and the Western Equatorial Indian Ocean show an annual cycle, whereas those in the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern Equatorial Indian Ocean show a semi-annual cycle. The time tendency of heat budget in the Arabian Sea depends on both the net surface heat flux and ocean dynamics while on the other hand, that in the Bay of Bengal depends mainly on the net surface flux. However, it has been found that the changes of heat budget are very different between western and eastern regional sea areas in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, respectively. This difference depends on seasonal variations of the different local wind forcing and the different ocean dynamics associated with ocean eddies and Kelvin and Rossby waves in each regional sea areas. We also discuss the comparison and the connection for the seasonal variation of near-surface heat budget among their regional sea areas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The fluxes of planktonic foraminifera (calcareous shell producing zooplankton) were examined in order to clarify temporal and regional variations in production in the upper ocean in relation to hydrographic conditions. Three time-series sediment traps were deployed in the central North Pacific along 175°E for about one year, beginning in June 1993. Trap sites were located in the subarctic, the transition, and the subtropical water masses, from north to south. The southernmost site was under the influence of the transition zone in January to May. Both temporal and regional fluxes of planktonic foraminifera showed large variations during the experiment. In the subarctic water mass, high total foraminiferal fluxes (TFFs) and high organic matter fluxes (OMFs) were observed during summer to fall, suggesting that food availability is the most important factor for the production of planktonic foraminifera. Furthermore, low TFFs during winter were ascribed to low food availability and low temperatures. The OMFs and TFFs correlated well and increased rapidly after the disruption of the seasonal thermocline during winter, peaking in late February to early March in the transition zone. In the subtropical water mass, both OMFs and TFFs remained low due to lower productivity under oligotrophic conditions. In general, TFFs show a positive correlation with OMFs during the trap experiment, suggesting that food availability is one of the factors controlling the production of planktonic foraminifera in the central North Pacific. Relatively low TFFs during summer to fall in the subtropical water mass may be caused by the thermal structure of the upper ocean. Low SST possibly reduces the production of foraminifera during winter in the subarctic region.  相似文献   

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