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钱迈平  段政  马雪 《江苏地质》2021,45(2):138-142
伤齿龙类(troodontids)与其他恐龙不同,生蛋时将蛋竖直插入巢穴内松软泥沙里。此窝产自中国浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组地层的恐龙蛋化石,显示该种恐龙每次产2枚蛋,从巢穴中心开始,向外依次螺旋排列,每窝可超过20枚。暗示雌性伤齿龙类与雌性盗蛋龙类一样,有1对均具输卵功能的输卵管,一次又一次地在一个固定巢穴生蛋,并时常照看这些蛋。此外,伤齿龙类恐龙的蛋壳像某些现代鸟类的蛋壳一样坚固,足以承受其插入泥沙时的压力。而其他一些恐龙的蛋壳更像某些现代爬行类的蛋壳,是韧性的,在重力作用下往往呈扁球形。  相似文献   

伤齿龙类(troodontids)与其他恐龙不同,生蛋时将蛋竖直插入巢穴内松软泥沙里。此窝产自中国浙江天台盆地上白垩统赤城山组地层的恐龙蛋化石,显示该种恐龙每次产2枚蛋,从巢穴中心开始,向外依次螺旋排列,每窝可超过20枚。暗示雌性伤齿龙类与雌性盗蛋龙类一样,有1对均具输卵功能的输卵管,一次又一次地在一个固定巢穴生蛋,并时常照看这些蛋。此外,伤齿龙类恐龙的蛋壳像某些现代鸟类的蛋壳一样坚固,足以承受其插入泥沙时的压力。而其他一些恐龙的蛋壳更像某些现代爬行类的蛋壳,是韧性的,在重力作用下往往呈扁球形。  相似文献   

南非Karoo盆地湖泊古冲积扇中的铀矿化已被圈定出。铀矿化位于地面以25M深处最底部的砂岩层中,矿化砂岩大多数夹在不可渗透的泥岩中,并局部有较细的粉砂岩夹层,过去对Karoo盆地铀矿床应用常规的勘探方法,提供的结果大部分不能令人满意和缺乏确定性,假定白蚁丘能穿透矿化,并且将矿化带到地面,则可利用白蚁丘堆进行总量铀和可淋滤铀分析,异常同已知铀矿化走向非常吻合,这说明白蚁丘堆可作为发现Karoo岩体中  相似文献   

河北省秦皇岛灵仙洞发现了一批最后斑鬣狗化石,标本达上千件,至少代表了30个不同个体,包括3具骨架(其中骨架Ⅰ是世界上迄今所发现最完整的1具),还发现了一些其他哺乳动物化石,共计26属27种.根据动物群组成、地质地貌以及堆积物的综合分析判断,它的时代可能属于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期.动物群的生态组合反映当时处于一个温热偏干、半封闭或开阔的山间草原而周边山上有树林的生态环境.标本(尤其是完整骨架)的保存为典型的原地埋藏,死后未受到包括斑鬣狗自身在内的动物干扰和破坏.斑鬣狗在动物群中占绝对优势以及幼年个体和粪化石的发现,表明灵仙洞是一处斑鬣狗族群的巢穴.与其他斑鬣狗巢穴不同的是:斑鬣狗的猎物稀少,鲜见斑鬣狗的活动痕迹,尤其是幼年斑鬣狗啃咬形成的特定产物“nibbling sticks”,这说明灵仙洞既非用于猎物遗骸的储藏,也非用于幼崽的抚养,而是一处共用巢穴,同时也表明灵仙洞的骨骼聚集与埋藏有着特定的成因和机理.  相似文献   

著译者:全国白蚁防治中心等,32开本,59页,平装,定价:11元,出版单位:中国建筑工业出版社,版次:第一版,出版时间:2012年9月,标准书号:15112·21867,征订号:21867。  相似文献   

浙江白垩纪恐龙化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
浙江白垩系朝川组、中戴组、金华组、赖家组和赤城山组等地层中,已发现了数以千计保存完好的蛋化石,而恐龙骨骼化石却很少而且大多很残破。其中,目前能鉴别的恐龙有暴龙类(tyrannosaurs)、伤齿龙类(troodontids)、盗蛋龙类(oviraptorids)、鸭嘴龙类(hadrosaurs)、慢龙类(segnosaurs)、泰坦巨龙类(titanosaurs)、甲龙类(ankylosaurs)和结节龙类(nodosaurs)等,分布在天台、永康、东阳、丽水、缙云、金华和江山等广大区域,说明当时浙江存在过种类繁多的恐龙动物群。根据化石埋藏和沉积特征,在白垩纪时期浙江有诸多气候炎热、四面环山的大小盆地,恐龙多沿湖泊、河流筑巢生息,季节性的暴雨导致山洪泛滥,淹没了恐龙巢穴,因泥沙的快速掩埋封闭,巢穴里的蛋形成化石后保存较好。而恐龙或逃离,或尸骨被洪水搬运散落,所以、迄今除了已发现的4具不完整的骨架化石外,绝大多数是零散的骨骼。  相似文献   

郭伟 《物探与化探》1985,9(1):69-70
土蚁是农林业的主要害虫,严重的是蚁巢造在堤坝内,往往造成水库漏水,塌方。1977年3月,我们协助南昌市白蚁防治研究所先后在永修、进贤两个县用电法寻找土蚁巢。见巢率达60%左右,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

地质雷达在探测南方岩溶地区堤坝隐患中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对广东、湖南等省5个溶岩地区堤坝隐患地质雷达探测及其影像特征研究,指出:在我国南方岩溶地区堤坝隐患探测中,地质雷达可以解决坝体白蚁巢、溶洞、土洞隐患探测;坝体岩体性界面划分;坝体断裂探测;水库坝体浸润线和库底防渗土工膜完整性检测等问题。  相似文献   

利用动物、植物找寻隐伏矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物一植物找矿法是近来比较推崇的一种找寻隐伏矿床(体)的方法。它主要利用动物灵敏的器官(如狗的鼻、鹰的限等)和生活中的遗迹(如白蚁、蚯蚓翻上来的土壤、碎屑等);利用植物的特有吸收土壤中某些成矿元素的能力等。它可作为寻找浅隐伏矿的辅助方法之一。  相似文献   

近年来,岩矿芯保管仍存在不少问题.南方某些省可能问题更多一些,松木岩芯箱用不了几年就会白蚁蛀蚀,使原本整齐的岩芯箱垛东歪西倒,岩矿芯混杂;矿区岩芯库许多是竹木结构,建筑质量差,房漏墙洞甚至墙倒房坍也不少见;当勘查结束,地质队离开矿区后,往往有村民趁机拆房取木料和偷岩芯箱的现象发生,当看库人员制止时,甚至遭  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2003,22(10-13):1273-1278
Here we report on investigations into optical dating of fossil mud-wasp nests as a means of constraining the ages of overlying and underlying rock paintings in northern Australia. We describe the application of a ‘dual-signal’ regenerative-dose approach, using the easy-to-bleach (‘fast’) and hard-to-bleach (‘slow’) components of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) emitted by individual sand-sized grains of quartz extracted from two nests: a modern nest (<2 yr old) and a nest dated by 14C to about 30,000 calendar years (∼30 ka). For the modern nest, most of the palaeodoses obtained from both the fast and slow components are consistent with a zero age, while the 14C-dated nest yielded an age of 27.1±1.5 ka from those grains that yielded concordant palaeodoses from the fast and slow components (as measured by linearly modulated OSL). Our findings indicate that a dual-signal approach permits grains that were fully bleached by sunlight at the time of nest construction, and that have since remained concealed in the light-safe ‘core’ of a nest, to be distinguished from (a) grains that were incompletely bleached before nest construction, and (b) grains embedded in the continuously light-exposed, exterior portion of a nest. We conclude that reliable optical ages for small mud-wasp nests associated with ancient rock art may be obtained using the dual-signal approach and the light-safe grains.  相似文献   

We used the local seismicity for the period of 1993 to 2001, in the northeast of Colombia to show the existence of two slabs in the north and south of the Bucaramanga nest. The northern slab has a dip angle of about 25° and the southern slab has a 50° dip angle, while the dip in the Bucaramanga nest is about 29°. In order to explain the nature of the Bucaramanga nest, we proposed the scenario of collision between these two slabs. Using a 3D Finite Element Model (FEM) we show that collision can concentrate, modify and perturb the stress field. The active process of dehydration embrittlement at intermediate depths and the concentrated stress field in the collision zone may explain the high rate of seismic activity inside the Bucaramanga nest. The perturbed and modified stress field resulting from the simultaneous effect of collision between two subducted slabs and subduction of the lithosphere under its own weight can explain the variation in the focal mechanism of micro-earthquakes and the complexity in the source of the moderate size earthquakes in the Bucaramanga nest.  相似文献   

废弃采石场岩质边坡绿化技术及废弃地开发利用探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着我国经济实力的增强和土地资源的利用,人们对废弃采石场岩质边坡绿化及其废弃土地开发整理越来越重视。在本土飘台法、鱼鳞穴法、燕巢法、阶梯台阶法及钢筋混凝土框格悬梁等绿化技术应用的基础上,作者引进了客土喷播法、液压喷播法、三维网喷混植生法、喷混植生法等国外边坡防护绿化新方法,并重视废弃地的开发利用,不仅挖掘出废弃地的土地资源和旅游资源等潜力,而且产生巨大的社会、经济和生态环境效益。文章从废弃采石场环境治理需要解决的岩质边坡绿化及废弃地利用两方面,探讨了绿化技术的适宜性及废弃地开发利用的最佳方式。  相似文献   

ROBERT METZ 《Sedimentology》1985,32(4):613-614
Sieve size analysis, using a Ro-Tap shaking machine, for horizontal and non-horizontal sieve screen nests are compared. The non-horizontal sieve condition results in more sediment being retained on the topmost sieve, with less sediment reaching certain sieves within the nest. It is thus essential to maintain the nest of sieves perfectly horizontal.  相似文献   

河南西峡盆地恐龙蛋化石及略论恐龙绝灭问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
西峡盆地晚白垩世红色陆相碎屑岩系地层中(包括高沟组、马家村组、寺沟组),产有类型多、数量大、成窝性好的恐龙蛋化石。已发现有7科8属10种。自下而上,恐龙蛋的种类、数量、含蛋层数、蛋窝均大幅度地减少,由高沟组内5科67种,约10层含蛋层,至寺沟组内仅存1科1属2种,含蛋层为2层。恐龙绝灭原因的研究,已有30种以上的学说或观点,但这些观点都不能圆满地解释恐龙的绝灭问题。恐龙的绝灭应该是多因素的,既有地外的灾变,又有地内,生物本身生理的因素。在内、外因等诸因素的共同作用下,恐龙才有可能绝灭。  相似文献   

Here we report on the taphonomy and paleoecological implications of the first record of a small madtsoiid snake (Nidophis insularis) closely associated with a megaloolithid dinosaur egg nest. Taphonomic and sedimentologic evidence suggest that the snake was buried autochthonously within or nearby the egg nest, with at least partially articulated skeleton. Count of growth rings on the vertebral zygapophyses indicates that the holotype of Nidophis belonged to an adult individual approaching the limit of its maximum body size of about 1 m length. The presence of layers of arrested growth on the zygapophyses, together with other independent data (e.g., paleomagnetic data, sedimentology, paleosol development stage, stable isotope geochemistry) indicates that Nidophis lived under a semi-arid, seasonally variable subtropical climate, having alternative periods of active feeding. The trunk vertebrae with relatively low neural spines and without prezygapophyseal accessory processes indicate a relatively heavy-bodied, slowly-moving animal, one that probably had a semifossorial habit and was an active forager, but definitively not a dinosaur nest raider as suggested for certain large madtsoiid snakes (the Indian Sanajeh). Potential prey items, available around the dinosaur nesting area, probably ranged from small squamate eggs to various small vertebrates. Finally, one anterior trunk vertebra of the holotype displays distinct bite marks left by a small-sized and pointed-toothed predator, most probably a crocodyliform or a theropod, thus documenting that madtsoiids were also preyed upon.  相似文献   

Paul J. Richards   《Earth》2009,96(1-2):92-106
Australian ants belonging to the genus Aphaenogaster excavate dense and frequently relocated nest systems in topsoil and deposit ephemeral, highly erodible (type-I) mounds at their funnel-shaped nest entrances. Rates of mounding are generally higher for this genus than for other Australian ant species, and are amongst the highest rates recorded for ant mounding anywhere in the world. Furthermore, tentative analysis of subsurface mixing suggests that overall rates of Aphaenogaster bioturbation are higher than indicated by mounding alone. This bioturbation has pronounced implications for soil and landscape processes, particularly in modifying soil fabric and texture and in impacting on soil hydrology and erosion. Aphaenogaster bioturbation may also be viewed as a form of ecosystem engineering, and affects the distribution of soil nutrients and the dispersal of seeds. This can lead to localized increases in soil fertility, although Aphaenogaster are notorious as a nuisance in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The non‐destructive nature of X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometers is a principal reason for an increase in their use in archaeological science over the last 15 years, especially for analyzing museum‐curated artifacts and in situ site fabrics. Here, we show that low‐power XRF spectrometry can be detrimental for luminescence dating (surface applications such as mud‐wasp nest dating in particular). We investigated the effects of irradiation by X‐rays emitted from handheld and benchtop spectrometers on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signals. Measurements were taken using a portable OSL (pOSL) unit on the following unprepared archaeological materials: sedimentary quartz grains, pottery, a mud‐wasp nest, stone tools, and a rock flake with anthropogenically applied pigment and natural pigmentation (iron oxides). We observed an increase in luminescence compared to initial background counts for all materials tested, which could lead to overestimation of age determinations in some situations. Our experiment provides a reminder of the potential effects of X‐ray radiation, and the need for thorough documentation of all recording and analytical techniques applied to archaeological materials.  相似文献   

Hydraulic in situ measurement of rock mass permeability by packer (Lugeon) testing is an inherent and integral element of many engineering, hydrogeological and mining investigation. This paper describes and discusses geotechnical testing in the design process from a consulting practitioner’s perspective. This study focuses on the Packer testing planning, procedure, results & interpretation. Packer test system is an optimum method for obtaining values of hydraulic conductivity in wells that are difficult to analyse using conventional slug test systems. Packer tests are carried out to assess the variability of a borehole as it intersects various hydrogeological units. It gives vertical distribution of hydraulic properties and water quality in the aquifer and usually cheaper than a nest of wells and gives more continuous record and this knowledge can often be essential for a proper design. The role, objectives, types and interpretation of testing, limitations and recommended good practices as part of the geotechnical design process are outlined through the examination of test data from a case record.  相似文献   

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