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Heavy metal concentrations in sediments off Bintulu, Malaysia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The effects of a giant offshore dyke, Saemangeum, have been of special interest on both scientific and environmental aspects. Without any rival worldwide with regard to the ample scale and estuarine setting, the Saemangeum dyke and its vicinity (Saemangeum Area) should be an unprecedented experimental site for monitoring the consequence of the estuarine developments with dykes. In order to unravel geologic changes caused by the Saemangeum dyke, we collected a number of surface sediment samples and bathymetric profiles from a full coverage of the Saemangeum Area, and compared topography and sediment phase on the inter-annual (2002–2006, post-construction) and decadal (1982–2002, between pre- and post-construction) timescales.  相似文献   

The Ordovician and Silurian Setul Limestone of the Langkawi Islands, northwest Peninsular Malaysia, has a mean magnetic vector ofD = 338°,I = 62° after cleaning and correction for tilt. This is equivalent to a palaeolatitude of 43°, and a palaeomagnetic pole at 46°N, 76°E. The Silurian part of the Setul limestone also shows a similar direction. The Ordovician results are equivalent to a palaeolatitude of 43°, N or S. Recent reconstructions, based on palaeontology, place Indochina and China in the northern hemisphere in the Ordovician; if this is correct, a palaeolatitide of 43° for Langkawi would imply that Malaya-Indochina was the most northerly continental fragment at that time.  相似文献   

Rapid industrialization and haze episodes in Malaysia ensure pollution remains a public health challenge. Atmospheric pollutants such as PM10 are typically variable in space and time. The increased vigilance of policy makers in monitoring pollutant levels has led to vast amounts of spatiotemporal data available for modelling and inference. The aim of this study is to model and predict the spatiotemporal daily PM10 levels across Peninsular Malaysia. A hierarchical autoregressive spatiotemporal model is applied to daily PM10 concentration levels from thirty-four monitoring stations in Peninsular Malaysia during January to December 2011. The model set in a three stage Bayesian hierarchical structure comprises data, process and parameter levels. The posterior estimates suggest moderate spatial correlation with effective range 157 km and a short term persistence of PM10 in atmosphere with temporal correlation parameter 0.78. Spatial predictions and temporal forecasts of the PM10 concentrations follow from the posterior and predictive distributions of the model parameters. Spatial predictions at the hold-out sites and one-step ahead PM10 forecasts are obtained. The predictions and forecasts are validated by computing the RMSE, MAE, R2 and MASE. For the spatial predictions and temporal forecasting, our results indicate a reasonable RMSE of 10.71 and 7.56, respectively for the spatiotemporal model compared to RMSE of 15.18 and 12.96, respectively from a simple linear regression model. Furthermore, the coverage probability of the 95% forecast intervals is 92.4% implying reasonable forecast results. We also present prediction maps of the one-step ahead forecasts for selected day at fine spatial scale.  相似文献   

Carbonate mineralogy of El Qasr reef sediments, north of Jeddah on the west coast of Saudi Arabia, was studied by X-ray analysis. Although the mineralogical composition varies only little, there are significant differences in the proportions of aragonite and high Mg-calcite between the environments. Lagoon sediments, which contain relatively more fine-grained material, are characterized by higher aragonite concentrations than the reef flat sediments. Decreasing grain size and increasing aragonite contents towards the centre of the lagoon suggest a transport of aragonitic mud from the shallow reef flat to the lagoon. The amount of fine fraction and occasionally the nature of the coarse fraction rather than the sand-sized skeletal material controls the aragonite concentrations in the reef sediments. Low Mg-calcite, which occurs in minor quantities and is erratically distributed in the reef sediments, is derived from the Pleistocene coral limestone in the coastal plain. Aragonite abundances in the sediments may be considered to delineate lagoon and reef flat environments in a coral reef complex.  相似文献   

We measured the fluxes of sensible and latent heat between a low‐land dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia and the atmosphere. No clear seasonal or interannual changes in latent heat flux were found from 2003 to 2005, while sensible heat flux sometimes fluctuated depending on the fluctuation of incoming radiation between wet and dry seasons. The evapotranspiration rates averaged for the period between 2003 and 2005 were 2·77 and 3·61 mm day?1 using eddy covariance data without and with an energy balance correction, respectively. Average precipitation was 4·74 mm day?1. Midday surface conductance decreased with an increasing atmospheric water vapour pressure deficit and thus restricted the excess water loss on sunny days in the dry season. However, the relationship between the surface conductance and vapour pressure deficit did not significantly decline with an increase in volumetric soil water content even during a period of extremely low rainfall. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary Current meter records from summer and late fall at three positions have been analyzed and related to sea level and wind data. Spectral analysis shows that the most energetic fluctuations are due to tides with an amplitude corresponding to 0.2 m/s. The variability is mainly in the alongshore direction for tidal and subtidal frequencies. The adjusted sea level, which is decreasing northwards, has the strongest response for winds from land in the wintertime. In the summer a balance between bottom friction and alongshore wind stress is found with a resistance coefficient of 0.1 cm/s, while a more complicated balance exists in the winter. The mean flow during summer is about 2 cm/s. For an estimated length scale of 170 km this corresponds to an alongshore transport of 0.15·106m3/s (=0.15 Sv).
Strömungsmessungen und-analysen entlang der Dänischen Westküste
Zusammenfassung Strömungsmessungen im Sommer und im Herbst an drei Positionen wurden analysiert und in Beziehung zum Wasserstand und Windfeld gesetzt. Wie die Spektralanalyse zeigt, sind die energiereichsten Fluktuationen gezeitenbedingt mit einer Amplitude von 0,2 m/s. Die Variabilität ist am größten bei den Gezeiten- und Subgezeitenfrequenzen längs der Küste. Der sich einstellende Wasserstand, welcher nach Norden hin abnimmt, reagiert am stärksten bei ablandigen Winden im Winter. Im Sommer findet man ein Gleichgewicht zwischen Bodenreibung und küstenparallelen Windschub mit einem Reibungskoeffizient von 0,1 cm/s. Im Winter hingegen ist die Situation wesentlich komplizierter. Die mittlere Strömungsgeschwindigkeit beträgt ca. 2 cm/s im Sommer, das entspricht einem Transport von 0,15·106 m3/s (=0,15 Sv) bei einer geschätzten Längenskala von 170 km.

Mesures et analyse de courants le long de la côte danoise occidentale
Résumé Des données obtenues par courantmètres durant l'été et fin automne à trois sites sont analysées et comparées au niveau de la mer et aux vents. Une analyse spectrale montre que les fluctuations les plus énergétiques, avec des amplitudes de l'ordre de 0,2 m/s, sont attribuables aux marées. Leur variabilité est concentrée dans la direction parallèle à la côte pour les fréquences de marées es au-dessous. Après ajustement, le niveau de la mer, qui decroît vers le nord, réagit le plus fortement aux vents d'hiver dirigés au large. Pendant l'été, un équilibre entre la friction sur le fond et le cisailement du vent le long de la côte est atteint pour un coefficient de résistance de 0,1 cm/s, alors qu'un équilibre plus compliqué s'établit durant l'hiver. Le courant moyen pendant l'été est de l'ordre de 2 cm/s. Avec une longueur d'échelle estimée à 170 km, ceci correspond à un transport de 0,15·106 m3/s (=0,15 Sv) le long de la côte.

Measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and diagnostic model simulations show that all types of logging road/trail in the 14·4 ha Bukit Tarek Experimental Catchment 3 (BTEC3) generate substantial Horton overland flow (HOF) during most storms, regardless of design and level of trafficking. Near‐surface Ks(0–0·05 m) on the main logging road, skid trails and newly constructed logging terraces was less than 1, 2 and 34 mm h?1, respectively. Near‐surface Ks on an abandoned skid trail in an adjacent basin was higher (62 mm h?1), owing to the development of a thin organic‐rich layer on the running surface over the past 40 years. Saturated hydraulic conductivity measured at 0·25 m below the surface of all roads was not different (all <6 mm h?1) and corresponded to the Ks of the adjacent hillslope subsoil, as most roads were excavated into the regolith more than 0·5–1 m. After 40 years, only limited recovery in near‐surface Ks occurred on the abandoned skid trail. This road generated HOF after the storage capacity of the upper near‐surface layer was exceeded during events larger than about 20 mm. Thus, excavation into low‐Ks substrate had a greater influence on the persistence of surface runoff production than did surface compaction by machinery during construction and subsequent use during logging operations. Overland flow on BTEC3 roads was also augmented by the interception of shallow subsurface flow traveling along the soil–saprolite/bedrock interface and return flow emerging from the cutbank through shallow biogenic pipes. The most feasible strategy for reducing long‐term road‐related impacts in BTEC3 is limiting the depth of excavation and designing a more efficient road network, including minimizing the length and connectivity of roads and skid trails. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The distribution of americium in surface intertidal sediments from a coastal environment near the Windscale nuclear fuel reprocessing plant has been investigated. The study includes data on the broadscale distribution of 241Am in Northwest England, but focuses on the sediments of the Ravenglass estuary 10 km south of Windscale. The results indicate that americium concentrations in the inner estuary sediments are up to seven times higher than those from the Irish Sea itself. Americium distribution on silt banks is rather constant on a small scale, but varies considerably between adjacent silt bank and salt marsh areas.  相似文献   


The seasonal distribution of metals (V, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, Al and Ti) in suspended and bottom sediments of four minor estuaries (Terekhol, Chapora, Sal and Talpona rivers) of Goa, India was investigated to understand the metal distribution process in the estuarine region. The highest particulate-metal concentrations were found in low-salinity regions of all the estuaries, in the wet season (e.g. in the Terekhol River, the averages in ppm were Co: 53, Ni: 197, Cu: 208, Zn: 212 and Pb: 65) compared to the dry season averages (Co: 27, Ni: 76, Cu: 105, Zn: 164 and Pb: 13 ppm). The estuarine-mixing diagrams showed non-conservative behaviour in both seasons. The Sal River had the highest particulate-metal concentration (Co: 106, Ni: 300 and Zn: 323 ppm), suggesting an anthropogenic input. The enrichment factor for suspended matter was higher than bottom sediments with extremely high enrichment for Mn (>10). The Geo-accumulation index displayed unpolluted to polluted class for all metals. The study highlights the important role played by small estuaries in seasonal metal release and accumulation along the coastal region.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are always under frequent threat from various natural processes and man-induced activities. Coastal erosion is recognized as the permanent loss of land along the shoreline resulting in the transformation of the coast. The current study focuses on long-term coastal erosion analysis of the entire Karnataka coast using Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Linear Regression Rate (LRR), and End Point Rate (EPR) techniques. Analysis of 26 (1990 to 2016) years of erosion using Landsat images by the use of the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) tool has been done. The results show a high erosion rate at Ullal during this period (LRR -1.3m/yr) and accretion at Devbagh (LRR 3.2 m/yr). The southern Karnataka coast faces severe erosion especially at Ullal, where the settlement is high. At Thanirbhavi, Mukka, Kota, and Om Beaches erosion also is noticed. Both anthropogenic activities like ports, seawalls, breakwaters, etc. and natural processes like long shore drift, seasonal variation, etc. are factors affecting the shoreline change along the Karnataka coast.  相似文献   

Forty-three sediment samples were collected from the beaches of Miri City, Sarawak, Malaysia to identify the enrichment of partially leached trace metals (PLTMs) from six different tourist beaches. The samples were analyzed for PLTMs Fe, Mn, Cr, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn. The concentration pattern suggest that the southern side of the study area is enriched with Fe (1821–6097 μg g−1), Mn (11.57–90.22 μg g−1), Cr (51.50–311 μg g−1), Ni (18–51 μg g−1), Pb (8.81–84.05 μg g−1), Sr (25.95–140.49 μg g−1) and Zn (12.46–35.04 μg g−1). Compared to the eco-toxicological values, Cr > Effects range low (ERL), Lowest effect level (LEL), Severe effect level (SEL); Cu > Unpolluted sediments, ERL, LEL; Pb > Unpolluted sediments and Ni > ERL and LEL. Comparative results with other regions indicate that Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn are higher, indicating an external input rather than natural process.  相似文献   

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