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The Triassic of the western Gondwana (southern Brazil and northwestern Argentina) records the oldest dinosaurs. The Southern Brazilian Triassic fauna is subdivided into four assemblage zones (AZ's), recorded in alluvial (channel and floodplain) deposits, split into three third-order sequences that comprise the Santa Maria Supersequence. These deposits record dinosauriforms in three of these AZ's, mostly in near-channel environments (channel deposits, crevasse splays, distal floodplains) with different types of preservation (mostly partly articulated, with little carbonate deposition). There is faciological homogeneity within the Dinodontosaurus, Santacruzodon and Hyperodapedon AZ's, whereas change in fluvial style is recorded at the Riograndia AZ. So, further stratigraphic studies must include the recognition of post-depositional tectonism, in order to better understand the autogenic and allogenic mechanisms of deposition. It is suggested here that there is a lateral change on main channel deposition, with the areal restriction of the Santacruzodon AZ probably linked to reactivation on the Passo do Sobrado lineament and modification of the basin floor.  相似文献   

The Caturrita Formation is a lithostratigraphic unit that comprises the Ladinian–Eonorian sequence of the Paraná Basin. It has been interpreted as deposits of alluvial plains and meandering rivers. Purported fossil tracks found in this formation at Faxinal do Soturno County, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, are concave circular-shaped structures, with a laminar deformation. Some show digitiform projections, and at least three are aligned. They are interpreted as a disruption of the substrate homogeneity caused by bioturbation of tetrapods. In some of these there is a distinct color pattern — more reddish than the surrounding substrate. This is interpreted as a result of differential diagenesis. The features remain enigmatic tracks but were probably made by prosauropod dinosaurs, the dominant terrestrial herbivore group from the end of the Triassic in Gondwana strata.  相似文献   

右江盆地晚古生代-三叠纪盆地转换及其构造意义   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
右江盆地是在南华加里东造山带夷平的基础上经再次裂陷形成的,它的形成与金沙江—红河—马江洋盆关系密切,是该洋盆与扬子板块之间的大陆边缘盆地。早泥盆世晚期—石炭纪随着金沙江—红河—马江洋盆的形成,扬子板块南部边缘开始裂陷,形成特殊的台地与台间海槽相间的大陆边缘裂谷盆地。二叠纪—早三叠世初期随着该洋盆的俯冲消减,形成越北岛弧,右江盆地进入弧后(裂陷)盆地阶段。早三叠世晚期以后,随着该洋盆的闭合和碰撞造山,在红河—马江造山带与扬子板块之间形成以复理石为特征的弧后前陆盆地。因此右江盆地经历了大陆边缘裂谷盆地(早泥盆世晚期—石炭纪)、弧后盆地(二叠纪—早三叠世早期)、弧后前陆盆地(早三叠世晚期—中三叠世)的构造演化阶段。  相似文献   

The Guará and Botucatu formations comprise an 80 to 120 m thick continental succession that crops out on the western portion of the Rio Grande do Sul State (Southernmost Brazil). The Guará Formation (Upper Jurassic) displays a well-defined facies shift along its outcrop belt. On its northern portion it is characterised by coarse-grained to conglomeratic sandstones with trough and planar cross-bedding, as well as low-angle lamination, which are interpreted to represent braided river deposits. Southwards these fluvial facies thin out and interfinger with fine- to medium-grained sandstones with large-scale cross-stratification and horizontal lamination, interpreted as eolian dune and eolian sand sheets deposits, respectively. The Botucatu Formation is characterised by large-scale cross-strata formed by successive climbing of eolian dunes, without interdune and/or fluvial accumulation (dry eolian system). The contact between the Guará and the Botucatu formations is delineated by a basin-wide deflation surface (supersurface). The abrupt change in the depositional conditions that took place across this supersurface suggests a major climate change, from semi-arid (Upper Jurassic) to hyper-arid (Lower Cretaceous) conditions. A rearrangement of the Paraná Basin depocenters is contemporaneous to this climate change, which seems to have changed from a more restrict accumulation area in the Guará Formation to a wider sedimentary context in the Botucatu Formation.  相似文献   

晚古生代—中三叠世右江盆地的格局和转换   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
晚古生代—中三叠世右江盆地是在夷平的南华加里东造山带基础上再生裂陷的大陆边缘盆地,该盆地的形成与金沙江—哀牢山古特提斯洋盆关系密切,是一个具有台地与台间海槽相间结构的大陆边缘裂谷盆地。右江盆地自早泥盆世埃姆斯晚期开始裂陷,到石炭纪盆地与越北地块之间出现一个与古特提斯洋相关的局限小洋盆或深海盆。至二叠纪,该洋盆开始向西南俯冲于越北地块之下,形成活动大陆边缘。早三叠世晚期以后,随着该洋盆的闭合和碰撞造山,在凭祥、那坡等地出现同碰撞型的火山活动,右江盆地也于中三叠世转变为以复理石为特征的前陆盆地。因此右江盆地经历了裂谷盆地(早泥盆世晚期—晚泥盆世)、被动大陆边缘(早石炭世—早三叠世)、前陆盆地(中三叠世)的构造演化阶段。  相似文献   

Microscopic charcoal from varved Santa Barbara Basin sediments was used to reconstruct a 560-yr record (A.D. 1425 to 1985) of Santa Ana fires. Comparison of large (>3750 μm2) charcoal with documented fire records in the Santa Barbara Ranger District shows that high accumulations correspond to large fires (>20,000 ha) that occurred during Santa Ana conditions. The charcoal record reconstructed a minimum of 20 large fires in the Santa Barbara region during the study period. The average time between fires shows no distinct change across three different land use periods: the Chumash period, apparently characterized by frequent burning, the Spanish/Early American period with nominal fire control, and the 20th century with active fire suppression. Pollen data support the conclusion that the fire regime has not dramatically changed during the last 500 yr. Comparison of large charcoal particle accumulation rates and precipitation reconstructed from tree rings show a strong relationship between climate and fire history, with large fires consistently occurring at the end of wet periods and the beginning of droughts.  相似文献   

Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of the Upper Triassic sandstones in the western Ordos Basin were studied to provide insight into weathering characteristics, provenance, and tectonic implications. Petrographic features show that the sandstones are characterized by low-medium compositional maturity and textural maturity. The CIA and CIW values reveal weak and moderate weathering history in the source area. The geochemical characteristics together with palaeocurrent data show that the northwestern sediments were mainly derived from the Alxa Block with a typical recycled nature, while the provenance of the western and southwestern sediments were mainly from the Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt. The tectonic setting discrimination diagrams signify that the parent rocks of sandstones in the western and southern Ordos Basin were mainly developed from continental island arc, which is closely related to the evolution of the Qinling-Qilian Orogenic Belt. However, the sandstones in the northwestern Ordos Basin show complex features, which may be resulted from a typical recycling process. Overall evidence from petrography, geochemistry and sedimentology, together with previous researches suggest the Kongtongshan and Helanshan areas were the southwestern and northwestern boundary of the Ordos Basin, respectively, and there was no clear boundary between the Hexi Corridor Belt and Ordos Basin, where a large, uniform sediment dispersal system developed during the Late Triassic.  相似文献   

The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian Itararé Group is a thick glacial unit of the Paraná Basin. Five unconformity-bounded sequences have been defined in the eastern outcrop belt and recognized in well logs along 400 km across the central portion of the basin. Deglaciation sequences are present in the whole succession and represent the bulk of the stratigraphic record. The fining-upward vertical facies succession is characteristic of a retrogradational stacking pattern and corresponds to the stratigraphic record of major ice-retreat phases. Laterally discontinuous subglacial tillites and boulder beds occur at the base of the sequences. When these subglacial facies are absent, deglaciation sequences lie directly on the basal disconformities. Commonly present in the lowermost portions of the deglaciation sequences, polymictic conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones are generated in subaqueous proximal outwash fans in front of retreating glaciers. The overlying assemblage of diamictites, parallel-bedded and rippled sandstones, and Bouma-like facies sequences are interpreted as deposits of distal outwash fan lobes. The tops of the deglaciation sequences are positioned in clay-rich marine horizons that show little (fine-laminated facies with dropstones) or no evidence of glacial influence on the deposition and likely represent periods of maximum ice retreat.  相似文献   

Gondwana coals of the Rio Bonito Formation (Paraná Basin) in Southern Brazil have generally large ash yields, so they could be better called coaly siltstones than coal. In addition, hummocky cross stratification (HCS) was found in several coal beds of the Rio Bonito Formation throughout the basin. In this formation, the frequent and close relationship between facies involving rocks generated by subaqueous gravity flows (diamictites) and coal itself provides an excellent depositional model based on resedimentary processes acting during deposition, as well as a stratigraphic rearrangement of the present units.In the State of Rio Grande do Sul (southern part of Paraná Basin), coals are actually prodelta deposits related to delta-front diamictite and conglomeratic sandstone with sigmoidal bedding. Coal-forming organic sediments would come from trees plucked by the floods, as indicated by the wood logs floating in the diamictite, and reworking of previous peat accumulations. Every coal layer is covered generally by paleosoil siltstones, which represent colonization at the top of the catastrophic flood deposit, ending a sedimentary cycle.In case of Brazilian coal settings, several authors recognized deltas (fan deltas or braid deltas). Here is particularly considered the general environment as a salted interior sea (lago mare, Hsü et al. sense).The present study will refer to three important lithostratigraphic units in the Carboniferous–Early Triassic cycle: the Itararé Group, the Rio Bonito Formation, and the Palermo Formation.Although the preferential mode of occurrence of HCS in shallow marine environments indicates a genesis attributed to storm action, other causes, such as catastrophic flooding, have been advanced. Mutti et al. [Mem. Sci. Geol. 48 (1996) 233] described flood-dominated deltaic systems with thick conglomerate, sandstone, and pelitic deposits, derived from small- to medium-scale fluvial systems and mountain-bordered drainage basins adjacent to the sea. In such settings, seaward sediment flow can increase dramatically when weather conditions can supply water in such amounts to produce catastrophic floods. Thick and laterally extensive sandstone lobes with HCS are the fundamental depositional elements of fan deltas and other river-dominated delta systems.Diamictites and coal together could be a result from Jökullhlaups—an Icelandic term for glacial outburst flood—in case of catastrophic floods coming from a melting mountain glacier, similar to the Columbia River Valley Scablands (15,000 BP) and in modern Iceland examples.  相似文献   

河南留山盆地上三叠统沉积粒度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过留山盆地上三叠统概率累积曲线、粒度参数和C-M图解等分析,沉积物粒度特征主要反映了扇三角洲泥石流、水下分流河道和河口坝沉积。下部太山庙组显示了水流由强至弱,搬运能力逐渐减小的过程;上部太子山组显示出水流不稳,流速交替多变的特点。粒度特征也显示了紊流作用的强烈影响,而紊流作用的产生可能与快速水流以及较高的悬浮颗粒含量有关。  相似文献   

四川盆地三叠纪蒸发岩特征、盐盆迁移及其构造控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周家云  龚大兴  李萌 《地质学报》2015,89(11):1945-1952
四川盆地早、中三叠世共有六次成盐期,形成二十多个大小不等的盐盆。通过统计大量含盐钻井的盐岩层位、厚度、分布及含钾情况,圈定了各成盐期次盐盆的分布范围和成盐中心。盐盆范围与成盐中心清晰地显示:四川盆地早三叠世嘉陵江期末至中三叠世雷口坡期初(T1j5~T2l1-1),和中三叠世雷口坡期末(T2l4),分别在盆地东北部和西部,进入高盐度化成盐环境,具备成钾条件。盐盆的这一时空格局是印支运动江南古陆和龙门山之间差异性推覆、挤压下,补偿盆地的轴线不断向西方向迁移的结果,同时表明盆地迁移演化过程中,成钾环境发生于盐化旋回中嘉四段、嘉五段和雷四段等时段持续干旱的"气候窗"与潮坪上一些小"盐盆窗"的耦合。  相似文献   

宜洛盆地晚二叠世-三叠纪沉积充填演化是秦岭造山带与华北克拉通共同作用的结果,物源分析是揭示盆山耦合的重要手段之一。论文采用沉积地球化学分析的方法对宜洛盆地上二叠统-下三叠统泥质岩地球化学特征与物源进行了研究,结果表明:宜洛盆地泥质岩稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线显示轻稀土元素富集,重稀土亏损,为右倾式曲线,元素Eu中度负异常,元素Ce轻微亏损,符合上地壳稀土元素分布特征。泥质岩源区源岩属性判别图解显示,宜洛盆地物源以长英质岩为主,主要来自于上地壳,孙家沟组后期有少量古老基底杂岩混入。构造背景判别图解显示,研究区物源经历了被动大陆边缘为主(孙家沟组下段)-活动大陆边缘为主(孙家沟组上段和刘家沟组)-大陆岛弧为主(和尚沟组)的演化;华北克拉通和秦岭造山带是宜洛盆地重要物源区,华北地台北部内蒙古隆起可能提供了一定量的物源。孙家沟组早期以克拉通内部物源为主,孙家沟组土门段之后秦岭微地块物源供给明显,体现了华北克拉通南缘基底隆升,由被动大陆边缘向秦岭初始"弧-陆"碰撞隆升的构造演化过程。这对深入揭示南华北盆地与周围造山带之间的耦合关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In the last decade, even in areas that had been considered tectonically stable, a great amount of Cenozoic, including the Quaternary period, structural data have been collected throughout Brazil. The main goal of this study is to describe the Cenozoic structures and tectonic evolution of an area that is located at the border of the Paraná Basin in the state of São Paulo.The research methods consisted of the analysis of: (1) brittle structure data, mainly conjugate fractures and fault slip data; (2) lineaments traced on air photos and TM Landsat and radar images; and (3) a second-order base surface map.The study area, during the Cenozoic, has been affected by five strike–slip tectonic events, which generated mainly strike–slip faults, and secondarily normal and reverse ones. The events were named, from the oldest to the youngest, E1-NE, E2-EW, E3-NW, E4-NS, and E5-NNE; and the maximum principal stresses σ1 strike approximately NE–SW, E–W, NW–SE, N–S, and NNE–SSW, respectively. Event E2-EW seems to have been contemporaneous with the deposition of the Rio Claro Formation, the most important Cenozoic deposit of probable Neogenic age, and also to have controlled the distribution of its deposits. Event E3-NW was the strongest one in the area, as is pointed out by structural data, and the maximum principal stress σ1 of event E5-NNE is partially concordant with the orientation of σH-max of well break-out data in the Paraná Basin, suggesting a Neotectonic activity for this event. Finally, discontinuities parallel and correlated to the directions of strike–slip faults of the Cenozoic events seem to have actively controlled the sculpturing of the relief in the study area.  相似文献   

内蒙古二连盆地早三叠世地层及孢粉组合的发现   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
胡桂琴  徐晓峰 《地层学杂志》1999,23(4):263-269,T002
二连盆地曾被认为是缺失三叠纪沉积的地区。通过阿拉坦合力凹陷坦参1井的孢粉化石分析,首次证实了在二连盆地存在早三叠世地层。坦参1井的下三叠统的视厚度1 339m (井深558~1 897m ),以紫红色、棕红色的泥岩为主,夹灰绿色泥岩,向下岩性变粗,含砾泥岩、砂砾岩增加,与上覆侏罗系及下伏上二叠统皆呈不整合接触。井深700~1 896m 产以Lim atulasporites大量出现、Taeniaesporites具一定含量、出现Lundbladispora、Aratrisporites和Lueckisporites为主要特征的早三叠世孢粉化石组合。这一发现对重新认识二连盆地的地质发育历史颇有意义  相似文献   

本文从岩石地球化学特征微观角度,探索巴颜喀拉三叠纪沉积盆地物源区构造背景。据盆地东部阿坝若尔盖、小金马尔康及雅江次级盆地岩屑砂岩宏量、微量、稀土元素地球化学特征,巴颜喀拉三叠纪沉积盆地物源区的大地构造背景在不同时期表现为被动大陆边缘、大陆岛弧、活动大陆边缘和大洋岛弧等。盆地边缘与不同性质的洋壳、陆壳和过渡壳呈不同程度的接触,是造成沉积物多来源、成分复杂的根本原因  相似文献   

This paper presents the first SHRIMP zircon age data from bentonitic ash fall layers intercalated with the Irati sedimentary rocks, as well as palynofossils retrieved from the PETROBRAS-Six mine, Paraná State, southern Brazil. The Permian Irati Formation is one the most important oil source horizons within the Paraná Basin, and consists mainly of siltstones, gray claystones, as well as organic-rich claystones intercalated with limestones. Zircon morphology based on cathodoluminescence images includes two different populations: a dominant population of euhedral, prismatic, elongate to acicular grains which are most likely related to an ash fall volcanism; and a population of rounded to large prismatic grains, that were interpreted as detrital grains. SHRIMP analysis performed on the euhedral and prismatic grains revealed an age of ca. 278.4 ± 2.2 Ma (7 points with 95% confidence) interpreted as the crystallization age of the volcanic eruption. Based on this new dating, the Irati Formation should be placed on the Lower Permian (Cisuralian), Artinskian in age, modifying substantially the traditional ages previously attributed to this unit. The palynofossils from this level include key species of the Lueckisporites virkkiae Zone (such as L. virkkiae, L. densicorpus, L. stenotaeniatus, Weylandites lucifer, Alisporites splendens). Typical species of this zone also occur in African and other South American (Argentina) Permian strata, allowing stratigraphical correlations. The origin of the ash falls is not clearly defined. It may be related either to calc-alkaline arc magmatism associated to the Sanrafaelica Orogeny (275 and 250 Ma) or to bimodal volcanic events associated to an early intracontinental rift developed within southwestern Gondwana at ca. 278 My. The dating of this unit is significative to calibrate biostratigraphic schemes along the Paraná Basin, as well as equivalent zones in Gondwana areas, mainly in its Occidental portion.  相似文献   

四川盆地上三叠统小塘子组沉积特征及地质意义*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用四川盆地内750口单井资料和26条露头剖面资料,采用单因素编图、多因素综合分析的方法,重现了四川盆地小塘子组的岩相古地理,为正确评价其天然气资源状况和龙门山的演化过程奠定了基础。研究认为,川中和川南地区小塘子组发育障壁砂坝—潟湖沉积,川西坳陷北部和南部发育三角洲沉积,中部发育浅海陆棚沉积。晚三叠世早期,龙门山北段开始隆升,并为盆地提供物源,从而形成川西北部的三角洲沉积;川中和川南地区由于地势平缓,波浪和潮汐改造强烈,从而形成障壁砂坝—潟湖沉积;川西南部物源来自于康滇古陆。小塘子组烃源岩大面积分布,厚度较大,有机碳含量和成熟度均较高,以Ⅱ型至Ⅲ型干酪根为主,泥质烃源岩具有较高的成熟度且有机碳含量范围较宽,为小塘子组的大面积生烃提供了物质保障。  相似文献   

利用大量钻测井及地震资料,通过对邻近前缘隆起的隆后坳陷地层特征的分析以及与库车河露头的对比,探讨了塔里木盆地三叠纪前缘隆起的迁移演化规律。结果表明,三叠纪前缘隆起发生了3次往复迁移,隆后坳陷地区发育多期不整合面,且最大不整合面均发育于地层的底部。早三叠世,隆后坳陷地层南厚北薄,早期前缘隆起向天山方向迁移,隆后坳陷地层超覆其上,前陆坳陷变窄;晚期则向克拉通方向迁移隆升,邻近的隆后坳陷地层遭受强烈剥蚀。由于前缘隆起的遮挡作用,该时期前陆坳陷与隆后地区尚未贯通,山前发育冲积扇。中、晚三叠世前缘隆起又发生两次迁移,其迁移特征与早三叠世类似,但中三叠世前陆坳陷与隆后坳陷仍未相连,而晚三叠世两者相互连通。  相似文献   

<正>The western Sichuan Basin,which is located at the front of the Longmen Mountains in the west of Sichuan Province,China,is a foreland basin formed in the Late Triassic.The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation is a tight gas sandstone reservoir with low porosity and ultra-low permeability, whose gas accumulation and production are controlled by well-developed fracture zones.There are mainly three types of fractures developed in the Upper Triassic tight gas sandstones,namely tectonic fractures,diagenetic fractures and overpressure-related fractures,of which high-angle tectonic fractures are the most important.The tectonic fractures can be classified into four sets,i.e.,N-S-,NE-, E-W- and NW-striking fractures.In addition,there are a number of approximately horizontal shear fractures in some of the medium-grained sandstones and grit stones nearby the thrusts or slip layers. Tectonic fractures were mainly formed at the end of the Triassic,the end of the Cretaceous and the end of the Neogene-Early Pleistocene.The development degree of tectonic fractures was controlled by lithology,thickness,structure,stress and fluid pressure.Overpressure makes not only the rock shear strength decrease,but also the stress state change from compression to tension.Thus,tensional fractures can be formed in fold-thrust belts.Tectonic fractures are mainly developed along the NE- and N-S-striking structural belts,and are the important storage space and the principal flow channels in the tight gas sandstone.The porosity of fractures here is 28.4%of the gross reservoir porosity,and the permeability of fractures being two or three grades higher than that of the matrix pores.Four sets of high-angle tectonic fractures and horizontal shear fractures formed a good network system and controlled the distribution and production of gas in the tight sandstones.  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地环玛湖地区三叠系百口泉组物源分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对百口泉组重矿物特征研究、古流向分析、砾石成分特征研究及地层含砂率特征研究,讨论了环玛湖地区百口泉组沉积时期的物源方面和母岩性质。采用重矿物Q型聚类分析,结合重矿物ZTR等值线图以及地层倾角测井古流向分析,指出环玛湖地区百口泉组存在3大物源体系,分别为北部夏子街物源、西部黄羊泉物源以及东部夏盐物源;通过砾岩成分以及重矿物组合类型研究,认为北部物源和西部物源成分存在差异:北部夏子街物源及夏盐物源成分以凝灰岩和中酸性火山喷出岩为主;西部黄羊泉物源成分以凝灰岩、沉积岩和花岗岩为主。西部物源中花岗岩岩屑含量较高,致使储层刚性颗粒含量高、抗压实能力强,这是西部扇体储层物性普遍优于北部扇体储层物性的原因之一。各物源方向及物源体系与扇三角洲的推进方向具有较好的一致性,因此,利用多种方法结合来划分环玛湖地区百口泉组沉积时期物源是十分有效的。  相似文献   

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