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Estimates of the rate of dissipation of turbulent energy,?v, were made on the continental shelf off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island throughout the diurnal tidal cycle at six stations. If turbulent mixing takes place away from boundaries, and a constant fraction of the energy supplied to turbulence is converted into potential energy, this dissipation rate per unit volume, ?v, is shown to be proportional to the rate of turbulent mass and nutrient flux across the isopycnals.

We compute these fluxes to determine the source of nutrients in the upper mixed layer on the shelf. It is found that tidal mixing on the shelf throughout the water column contributes less than 10% of the flux of nutrients supplied by the estuarine outflow out of Juan de Fuca Strait. Strong winds during upwelling events supply nutrients at rates greater than those due to tidal mixing, but at rates that are likely smaller than the Juan de Fuca source. Therefore, the nutrient‐rich waters observed in the euphotic zone in spring and summer on this shelf derive mainly from Juan de Fuca Strait. Nutrients in bottom water derive from upwelling along shelf‐break canyons.  相似文献   

Microstructure and hydrological profiles were collected along two cross-shelf sections from the deep slope to the shallow water in the north of Taiwan Island in the summer of 2006. While the tidal currents on the shelf were dominated by the barotropic tide with the current ellipse stretched across the shelf, significant internal tides were observed on the slope. The depth-mean turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) dissipation rate on the shelf was 10~(-6)W kg-1, corresponding to a diapycnal diffusivity of 10~(-2)m~2s~(-1). The depth-mean TKE dissipation rate on the slope was 1 × 10~(-7)W kg-1, with diapycnal diffusivity of 3.4 × 10~(-4)m~2s~(-1). The shear instability associated with internal tides largely contributed to the TKE dissipation rate on the slope from the surface to 150 m, while the enhanced turbulence on the shelf was dominated by tidal or residual current dissipations caused by friction in the thick bottom boundary layer(BBL). In the BBL, the Ekman currents associated with the northeastward Taiwan Warm Current were identified, showing a near-bottom velocity spiral, which agreed well with the analytical bottom Ekman solution.  相似文献   


The effect of an abrupt headland on a barotropic oceanic boundary current with variable bottom topography is investigated. The objective is to explore with a very simple model some of the observed features of flow past Brooks Peninsula, an obstacle to boundary currents on the west coast of Vancouver Island. It is shown that the seasonal variation in the background current field causes a large change in the response to the headland. The difference is both quantitative and qualitative and results from the ability of southward alongshore flows to support topographic Rossby lee waves.

As a result of the presence of the lee waves a strong offshore flow occurs just downstream of the Peninsula and this ejects water from the continental shelf into deep water producing features reminiscent of the so‐called “squirts” and “jets”.  相似文献   

The boundary currents over the Western Australian continental shelf and slope consist of the poleward flowing Leeuwin Current (LC) and the equatorward flowing Leeuwin Undercurrent (LUC). Key properties of the LC are its poleward strengthening, deepening to the south, and shelfbreak intensification. The alongshore flow reverses direction below about 300 m, forming the LUC at greater depths. To investigate the processes that cause these features, we obtain solutions to an idealized, regional ocean model of the South Indian Ocean. Solutions are forced by relaxing surface density to a prescribed, meridionally varying density profile ρ*(y) with a timescale of δt. In addition, vertical diffusion is intensified near the ocean surface. This diffusion establishes the minimum thickness over which density is well-mixed. We define this thickness as the “upper layer”. Solutions are obtained with and without a continental shelf and slope off Western Australia and for a range of values of δt and mixing parameters. Within this upper layer, there is a meridional density gradient that balances a near-surface, eastward geostrophic flow. The eastward current downwells near the eastern boundary, leading to westward flow at depth. The upper layer's meridional structure and zonal currents crucially depend on coastal processes, including the presence of topography near the eastern boundary. Kelvin waves inhibit the upper layer from deepening at the coast. Rossby waves propagate the coastal density structure offshore, hence modifying the interior currents. A comparison of the solutions with or without a continental shelf and slope demonstrate that topographic trapping of Rossby waves is a necessary process for maintaining realistic eastern boundary current speeds. Significant poleward speeds occur only onshore of where the upper layer intersects the slope, that is, at a grounding line. Its poleward transport increases when surface-enhanced vertical mixing is applied over a greater depth. When the timescale δt is sufficiently short, the poleward current is nearly barotropic. The current's spatial structure over the shelf is controlled by horizontal mixing, having the structure of a Munk layer. Increasing vertical diffusion deepens the upper layer thickness and strengthens the alongshore current speed. Bottom drag leads to an offshore flow along the bottom, reducing the net onshore transport and weakening the current's poleward acceleration. When δt is long, poleward advection of buoyancy forms a density front near the shelf break, intensifying poleward speeds near the surface. With bottom drag, a bottom Ekman flow advects density offshore, shifting the jet core offshore of the shelf break. The resulting cross-shelf density gradient reverses the meridional current's direction at depth, leading to an equatorward undercurrent.  相似文献   

An extended Lagrangian stochastic dispersion model that includes time variations of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate is proposed. The instantaneous dissipation rate is described by a log-normal distribution to account for rare and intense bursts of dissipation occurring over short durations. This behaviour of the instantaneous dissipation rate is consistent with field measurements inside a pine forest and with published dissipation rate measurements in the atmospheric surface layer. The extended model is also shown to satisfy the well-mixed condition even for the highly inhomogeneous case of canopy flow. Application of this model to atmospheric boundary-layer and canopy flows reveals two types of motion that cannot be predicted by conventional dispersion models: a strong sweeping motion of particles towards the ground, and strong intermittent ejections of particles from the surface or canopy layer, which allows these particles to escape low-velocity regions to a high-velocity zone in the free air above. This ejective phenomenon increases the probability of marked fluid particles to reach far regions, creating a heavy tail in the mean concentration far from the scalar source.  相似文献   

An attempt is made, for an anticyclonic stable situation in the atmospheric boundary layer during November 1978, to estimate the dissipation length. The turbulent dissipation and the turbulent kinetic energy, as measured on a 100 m high mast, exhibit large variability, due to the sporadic turbulent structure of the stable layer, and associated variability of the Richardson number. A comparison with different parameterizations of the turbulent dissipation rate allows a validation of these parameterizations.  相似文献   

The structure of turbulence in an inversion layer and in an homogeneous convective field of the planetary boundary layer is described. In the first part of the paper, we validate the sodar estimates of turbulent dissipation, by using measurements with an hot-wire anemometric system in situ. Limitations of an ε measurement technique using structure function calculations are given, taking account of atmospheric properties and acoustic Doppler instrumental effects. By comparison between isopleths of backscattering intensity and of turbulent dissipation rates, we observe that in the early morning, turbulence is advected by mechanical turbulence generated by wind shear. The same mechanism seems to be operating in the case of an inversion layer capping thermal instability, when the convective activity is not too greatly developed. A turbulent kinetic energy budget is examined using aircraft, sodar, and tower measurements. This indicates a constant turbulent dissipation profile through a deep convective layer.  相似文献   

An ocean circulation model for the British Columbia continental shelf is run with future initial conditions and forcing fields downscaled from the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program archive. Average seasonal sea surface temperatures for the period 2065 to 2078 are projected to increase by between 0.5° and 2.0°C with respect to analogous averages from 1995 to 2008. Seasonal sea surface salinities are projected to decrease by as much as 2.0 over the same period, though there are some regions where and periods when small increases are projected. Though stronger winter winds result in larger Haida Eddies, slightly stronger summer winds along the western Vancouver Island shelf do not result in appreciable changes to either the cross-shelf upwelling or to the magnitude of Juan de Fuca Eddies or the timing of their formation. However, increased flows are projected in some seasons for the Rose Spit, Middle Bank, and Goose Island Bank eddies. More precipitation over the watersheds emptying into coastal waters produces larger freshwater discharges and, in particular, a stronger estuarine flow in Juan de Fuca Strait and a stronger Vancouver Island Coastal Current. Generally increasing winds and decreasing density mean that the winter minus summer range of sea surface heights is projected to increase all along the coast.  相似文献   

This note reports on the influence of aircraft wake vortices on the estimation of the turbulent energy dissipation rate using sonic anemometer measurements near the runway threshold. The wake vortex traces, which are generated at a height of about 65 m and subsequently evolve in ground effect, are clearly visible in the velocity components and temperature. The observed temperature increase of 1 K appears related to the stably stratified atmospheric surface layer. The dissipation rate is estimated from the longitudinal velocity power spectrum for a sample in a nocturnal boundary layer with and without a wake vortex signal. In both cases an inertial subrange is found. For the analyzed sample the estimated dissipation rate is a factor of ten larger compared to the undisturbed sample. Implications for operational wake avoidance systems are discussed.  相似文献   

Aircraft, surface, upper air and satellite measurements have been used to observe the evolution and growth of the convective Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer (MABL) offshore of North Carolina in close proximity to the Gulf Stream, during the intense cold air outbreak of 28 January 1986 and the moderate event of 12 February 1986, as part of the Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment (GALE). Air mass modification processes, driven primarily by the ocean-atmosphere exchanges of surface turbulent sensible and latent heat fluxes, caused the overlying air mass to warm and moisten as it advected over the warmer waters of the eastern United States continental shelf. Maximum observed near-surface total heat fluxes were 1045 and 811 W·m–2 over the core of the Gulf Stream, for 28 January and 12 February 1986, respectively. The observed changes in the overlying air mass occurred almost instantaneously as the ambient flow traversed different underlying SST conditions.The turbulent structure showed a buoyancy-dominated MABL below approximately 0.8z/h. However, shear was also observed to be an important production term above 0.8z/h and below 0.1z/h for the 28 January 1986 event. Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy was the dominant destruction term in the budgets, but vertical transport of energy was a strong contributor below 0.5z/h, above which this term became a source of turbulent energy. Additionally, the normalized standard deviations of the horizontal velocity components showed a near-equal contribution to the turbulence, while the vertical velocity components displayed the characteristic mid-layer maximum profile observed for a convective, well-mixed boundary layer.  相似文献   

The circulation and transport of freshwater generated by an idealized buoyant source is studied using a three-dimensional primitive equation model. Freshwater enters the continental shelf, turns anticyclonically and moves downstream in the direction of Kelvin wave propagation. In the region close to the source, the flow reaches an equilibrium in the bottom boundary layer so that freshwater does not spread offshore any further. This offshore equilibrium distance increases as we move downstream until the freshwater is able to feel the presence of the shelfbreak. A shelfbreak front forms and the shelfbreak prevents any further offshore spreading of freshwater in the bottom boundary layer.Two complimentary mechanisms are responsible for the slow cross-shelf migration of freshwater and subsequent trapping of shelfbreak fronts: bottom stress and topographic changes. The shelfbreak creates an active, dynamic process preventing leakage from the continental shelf region to the slope region. However, the dynamical process that traps the front to the shelfbreak is still unclear.The location of the shelfbreak front depends on four dimensionless parameters: scaled inlet volume transport, scaled breadth, scaled “diffusivity” and scaled shelf width. We develop empirical relations for predicting the location of the frontal bottom intersection, given these parameters.  相似文献   

While the importance of baroclinicity in determining the structure of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) is well recognized, the actual effect of baroclinicity on the structure is not well understood. Results based on simulations obtained using the turbulent kinetic energy-dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy closure model of the turbulent flow in a neutral baroclinic PBL provide additional insight into the role of baroclinicity. The baroclinic PBL is characterized by significant shear production of turbulent kinetic energy throughout the complete boundary-layer depth. The turbulent mixing length is bounded by the presence of a stable temperature inversion layer indicating that the depth of the baroclinic PBL is determined by the inversion height. Significant turbulent shear stresses exist throughout the baroclinic PBL and the air is relatively well-mixed except in the surface layer.  相似文献   


The development of a tidal model for the west coast of Canada is described. The model is intermediate in resolution between coarse‐gridded global models and fine‐gridded local models; it provides a good representation of the main shelf regions and also includes a substantial area of the neighbouring ocean. The physical processes relevant to tides in both deep and shallow water are included. Calculations have been carried out for the M2 and K1 constituents and the model results were compared with extensive tide‐gauge observations and empirically based charts. For M2, the agreement between model results and observations is generally excellent, but for K1, which contains more small‐scale variability, the model results are not quite so good. The variability in K1 is associated with tidally generated continental shelf waves. Examination of the computed currents and energy fluxes suggests that shelf‐wave components are present in the model solution but, for the Vancouver Island shelf, their propagation is not reproduced accurately. This may be due to deficiencies in the model and/or to the influences of stratification and mean currents, which are neglected here. The model predicts that shelf‐wave components should also occur in diurnal tides on the Alaskan shelf.

The significance of the tide‐generating potential and advection are also examined and further work proposed.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical and observational investigations have shown that vertical plumes are formed in the high Rayleigh number convection field over heated horizontal surfaces and that these plumes become unsteady and turbulent when the Rayleigh number is higher than about 20 times its critical value R c. Based on these results, we conclude that the dissipation of kinetic energy takes place mainly in the surface boundary layer in high Rayleigh number laminar convection and mainly in the vertical plumes in turbulent convection, while the conversion of eddy potential energy into kinetic energy is accomplished mainly in the well-mixed main body of the fluid. On making use of these rather general conclusions concerning the kinetic energy generation and dissipation processes in the energy integrals, we are able to derive the well known 5/4 and 4/3 power laws of upward heat transfer by laminar and turbulent convections theoretically.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所北京325 m气象塔的风速和温度平均场观测资料和湍流资料,以及北京市气象台地面常规气象资料和逐日08:00和20:00(北京时间)的探空资料,分析了2002年3月18~22日沙尘暴过境前后北京城市边界层结构特征和湍流输送特征,结果表明:1)在沙尘暴爆发前,边界层中水平风速一直较小;气温较高,大气层结稳定,在边界层上部有强大的逆温层.随着冷锋过境,沙尘暴爆发,边界层中水平风速和平均湍流速度急剧增强;温度也突然变化,先迅速增强后又持续下降,逆温层迅速被破坏.2)沙尘暴初期,280 m上为系统性上升气流,而47和120 m则为系统性的下沉气流.随着沙尘暴爆发,湍流动能、向下传输的动量以及向上传输的感热也迅速增大,并且120 m高度的湍能、动量通量以及感热通量明显高于47和280 m,这与北京的局地环流有关.3)本次沙尘暴过程中,120和47 m层的摩擦速度都明显超过了北京的临界摩擦速度,表明局地起沙也是本次沙尘暴过程中北京沙尘的一个重要沙源.  相似文献   

A study of the surface energy balance with turbulent fluxes obtained by the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory and a comparison with results for resistance laws are presented for the strong baroclinic conditions in the vicinity of the Filchner/Ronne Ice Shelf front. The data are taken from a field experiment in the Antarctic summer season 1983/84. For the first time in the coastal Antarctic region, this data set comprises synchronous energy balance measurements over the polynya and the ice shelf together with soundings of the boundary layer, yielding vertical profiles of the wind velocity and temperature over the ice shelf, at the ice shelf front and over the polynya.Over the ice shelf, the radiation balance is the largest component of the energy fluxes and is mainly compensated by the subsurface energy flux and the turbulent heat flux in the daily mean. Over the polynya, turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat lead to large energy losses of the water surface in the night-time and in situations of very low air temperatures.Different parameterizations for boundary-layer height are compared using tethered sonde and energy balance measurements. With the height of the inversion base over the polynya and the height of the critical bulk Richardson number over the ice shelf, external parameters for the application of resistance laws were determined. The comparison of turbulent surface fluxes obtained by the energy balance measurements and by the resistance laws shows good agreement for the convective conditions over the polynya. For the stably stratified boundary layer over the ice shelf with small amounts of the turbulent heat flux, the deviation is large for the case of a cold air outflow with a superposed inertial oscillation.  相似文献   

Results are presented from two sets of laboratory model experiments on the effects of an isolated seamount upon the flow of an intermediate-water slope current along a continental shelf. The experimental results for initial ambient conditions of respectively two-layer and linearly stratified fluids show that the structure of such a boundary current depends primarily on the values of the appropriate set of dimensionless dynamical parameters (namely the Burger (Bu), Ekman (Ek) and Rossby (Ro) numbers), as well as the dimensionless lateral separation of the seamount and shelf and the proportional height of the seamount relative to the distance from the bottom at which the intermediate-water flows. Comparisons of the present results with those from a previous two-layer fluid study with no obstacle present reveals that the presence of the obstacle does not alter significantly the stability of the current even when situated close to the shelf. However, for such configurations, the density, velocity and vorticity fields in the local zone of interaction between the current and the obstacle are distorted significantly by the presence of the obstacle, provided that the summit of the obstacle penetrates the level of current flow. Measurements of density, velocity and vorticity fields show no significant dependence of the flow interaction upon the detailed bathymetry of the shelf-slope. For stable intermediate-water slope currents, the nature of the interaction with the obstacle is determined primarily by (i) the lateral separation of the obstacle and the shelf edge and (ii) the Ro of the flow. For sufficiently low values of the former and high values of the latter, the interaction results in a splitting of the incident flow around the obstacle, with cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy pairs being generated in the lee. Geostrophic equilibrium is seen to be maintained in the current, even in the near wake of the obstacle. For cases in which the summit of the seamount is below the initially-undisturbed intermediate water level, no Taylor column-like division of the slope current occurs and no significant distortion of the current structure (velocity and density) occurs for the parameter ranges investigated. For linearly stratified cases, measurements show that no significant local elevation or depression of the density interfaces is observed in the interaction zone. The distributions of the local buoyancy frequencies calculated from the density profiles reveal that the minimum value of the frequency upstream of the obstacle is smaller than that downstream, indicating that the flow interactions generate local mixing downstream, with consequent erosion of the density interfaces.  相似文献   

Aircraft measurements are presented of the Lagrangian evolution of a marine boundary layer over a 30‐h period during the ACE‐2 field campaign. At the start of the observational period, a 500‐m deep polluted marine internal boundary layer (MIBL) was overlain by the remnants of a polluted continental boundary layer extending to around 2 km below a clean, dry free troposphere. The MIBL grew rapidly to a thickness of 900–1000 m in response to increasing sea surface temperatures. No significant aerosol spectral evolution was observed in the boundary layer. Low concentrations of SO2 were observed in the MIBL suggesting that the air mass contained relatively aged aerosol. Aerosol spectra show a broad mode with a modal diameter of around 0.1μm. The polluted layer between the MIBL and the unpolluted free troposphere was only weakly and intermittently turbulent which prevented significant entrainment of clean air into the polluted layer from aloft. The polluted layer depth was thus controlled mainly by subsidence which as a result becomes shallower, decreasing from over 2000 m to around 1200 m during the observational period. The aerosol characteristics of the polluted layer were similar to those in the MIBL and so although the MIBL entrained considerable amounts of air from above the MIBL the aerosol characteristics underwent no significant change. This has important implications for the rate at which a polluted continental air mass is converted to a clean marine one. The dataset should prove useful in the validation of the modelling of continental pollution outbreaks.  相似文献   

High-resolution simulations with a mesoscale model are performed to estimate heat and moisture budgets of a well-mixed boundary layer. The model budgets are validated against energy budgets obtained from airborne measurements over heterogeneous terrain in Western Germany. Time rate of change, vertical divergence, and horizontal advection for an atmospheric column of air are estimated. Results show that the time trend of specific humidity exhibits some deficiencies, while the potential temperature trend is matched accurately. Furthermore, the simulated turbulent surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat are comparable to the measured fluxes, leading to similar values of the vertical divergence. The analysis of different horizontal model resolutions exhibits improved surface fluxes with increased resolution, a fact attributed to a reduced aggregation effect. Scale-interaction effects could be identified: while time trends and advection are strongly influenced by mesoscale forcing, the turbulent surface fluxes are mainly controlled by microscale processes.  相似文献   

A complete one-dimensional second-order closure model is used to simulate katabatic flows observed on glaciers and ice caps. The model is tested with two different closure assumptions for the viscous dissipation, one based on a prognostic equation for and the other on a diagnostic buoyant length scale. Both formulations give quite similar results. Model simulations are compared to observations made over sloping ice surfaces during periods dominated by katabatic flow. In general, good agreement is found for both mean wind and temperature profiles as well as eddy correlation measurements. It is also found that the turbulent transport terms play an important role in katabatic flows as opposed to the classical stable boundary layer where these terms are usually ignored. Even the turbulent transport of temperature variance, which leads to the well-known countergradient term in unstable boundary layers, is relatively important for modelling the observed temperature profiles. The effect of these terms on the flux-profile relationships, using observed and simulated profiles, is also discussed.  相似文献   

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