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The Taupo Volcanic Zone forms part of the Taupo-Hikurangi subduction system, and comprises five volcanic centres: Tongariro, Taupo, Maroa, Okataina and Rotorua. Tongariro Volcanic Centre is formed almost entirely of andesite while the other four centres contain predominantly rhyolitic volcanics and later fissure eruptions of high-Al basalt. Estimated total volume of each lava type are as follows: 2 km3 of high-Al basalt (< 0.1%); 260 km3 of andesite (< 2.5%); 5 km3 of dacite (< 0.1%); > 10,000 km3 of rhyolite and ignimbrite (> 97.4%).The location of the andesites and vent alignments suggest a source from a subduction zone underlying the area. However, the lavas differ chemically from island-arc andesites such as those of Tonga; in particular by having higher contents of the alkali elements, light REE and Sr and Pb isotopes. This suggests some crustal contamination, and it is considered that this may occur beneath the wide accretionary prism of the subduction system. Amphibolite of the subduction zone will break down between 80 and 100 km and a partial melt will rise. A multi-stage process of magma genesis is then likely to occur. High-Al basalts are thought to be derived from partial melting of a garnet-free peridotite near the top of the mantle wedge overlying the subduction zone, locations of the vents controlled largely by faults within the crust. Rhyolites and ignimbrites were probably derived from partial melting of Mesozoic greywacke and argillite under the Taupo Volcanic Zone. Initial partial melting may have been due to hydration of the base of the crust; the “water” having come from dehydration of the downgoing slab. The partial melts would rise to form granodiorite plutons and final release of the magma to form rhyolites and ignimbrites was allowed because of extension within the Taupo graben.Dacites of the Bay of Plenty probably resulted from mixing of andesitic magma with small amounts of rhyolitic magma, but those on the eastern side of the Rotorua-Taupo area were more likely formed by a higher degree of partial melting of the Mesozoic greywacke-argillite basement. This may be due to intrusion of andesite magma on this side of the Taupo volcanic zone.  相似文献   

Tauhara dacites have petrographic, geochemical and isotopic characteristics which indicate an origin by magma mixing between andesite and rhyolite. Phenocrysts typically exhibit strong zoning near their rims, are resorbed or display fusion textures. Assemblages are not in equilibrium with host lavas and compositions are bimodal: plagioclase An23–43 and An66–91; orthopyroxene En44–51 and En69–79. Chemical and isotopic trends pass through the bulk compositions of high-alumina andresite and rhyolite which crop out in the vicinity of the dacite domes. Least squares mixing models indicate 40–75% of a rhyolite endmember mixed with andesite can generate the full range of dacite compositions. Subtle geochemical differences between domes suggest that magma mixing may have proceeded as three or more general episodes, each punctuated by several events. These episodes may have catalyzed some of the larger pyroclastic flow eruptions of Taupo Volcanic Zone in the past 50,000 years.  相似文献   

Major element, Rb, Sr, Ba, Cr and V analyses as well as 13 new rare earth element (REE) analyses are presented for the greywacke basement surrounding the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ). On this basis the basement rocks are divided into a Western Basement of approximately andesitic composition ( 62% SiO2) and an Eastern Basement of approximately granodiorite composition ( 75% SiO2). These analyses, 5 new REE analyses for the rhyolites, and published data for the volcanic rocks of TVZ are used to investigate the petrogenesis of rhyolitic rocks in the area.Least-squares mixing calculations for major elements show that 88% fractional crystallisation of high-alumina basalt produces a liquid of rhyolitic bulk composition, but Rayleigh fractionation models show that the trace element concentrations of the rhyolites are inconsistent with basalt fractionation. 57% fractionation of the assemblage plagioclase (35.6%), orthopyroxene (9.7%), clinopyroxene (7.8%), ilmenite (0.6%) and magnetite (3.4%) from a plagioclase-pyroxene andesite can produce liquids of rhyolitic bulk composition. REE concentrations produced by this model are consistent with those observed in the rhyolites but predicted Ba and Rb values are lower and V concentrations are higher than those in the rhyolites. Andesite fractionation also produces an unrealistic fractionation of the Cr/V ratio.A non-modal melting model involving 35% melting of a granulitic assemblage (plagioclase + quartz + clinopyroxene + orthopyroxene + biotite + magnetite + cordierite) with a bulk composition equivalent to the Western Basement can reproduce the REE pattern of the rhyolites as well as the concentrations of Rb and Ba. Sr values remain anomalously high, but the Cr/V ratio does not indicate fractionation. Absolute values of Cr and V are within the uncertainties of published crystal—liquid partition coefficients. The rhyolites have relatively flat REE patterns (La/Yb 7.5), as do the greywackes (La/Yb 8.2), so it is therefore unlikely that the rhyolites equilibrated with a garnet or amphibole-bearing assemblage.  相似文献   

Abundant dunite and harzbugite xenoliths are preserved in Early Cretaceous high-Mg# [63–67, where Mg# = molar 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fetot)] diorite intrusions from western Shandong in the North China Craton (NCC). Dunite and some harzburgite xenoliths typically preserve areas of orthopyroxenite (sometimes accompanied by phlogopite) either as veins or as zones surrounding chromite grains. Harzburgite is chiefly composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, minor clinopyroxene and chromian-spinel. High Mg#'s (averaging 91.4) and depletions in Al2O3 and CaO (averaging 0.52 wt.% and 0.29 wt.%, respectively) in harzburgite and dunite xenoliths suggest that they are residues formed by large degrees of polybaric melting. However, olivines and orthopyroxenes from dunite xenoliths spatially associated with orthopyroxenite display lower Mg#'s (i.e., 82–87 and 83–89, respectively), suggesting that an adakitic melt–peridotite reaction has taken place. This is consistent with the production of veined orthopyroxene or orthopyroxene + phlogopite in dunite and some harzburgite xenoliths in response to the introduction of adakitic melt into the previously depleted lithospheric mantle (i.e., harzburgite and dunite xenoliths). The presence of orthopyroxene in veins or as a zones surrounding chromite in peridotite xenoliths is thought to be representative of adakitic melt metasomatism. The dunite and harzbugite xenoliths are relatively rich in light rare earth elements (LREEs) and large ion lithophile elements (LILEs), poor in heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) and high field strength elements (HFSEs), and lack Eu anomalies on chondrite normalized trace element diagrams. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and εNd(t) values for the xenoliths range from 0.7058 to 0.7212 and + 0.18 to ? 19.59, respectively. Taken together, these features, combined with the strong depletion in HFSE and the existence of Archean inherited zircons in the host rocks, suggest that the adakitic melt was derived from the partial melting of early Mesozoic delaminated lower continental crust. The interaction of the adakitic melt with peridotite is responsible for the high-Mg# character of the early Cretaceous diorites in western Shandong.  相似文献   

Dacites form a relatively small proportion of lavas in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand (5km3), and occur mainly on the eastern side. In this paper their origin is considered in terms of three processes: (a) partial melting of crustal rocks; (b) fractional crystallisation of basalt and andesite; and (c) sub-surface mixing of basic and acid magma. Modelling techniques are used to calculate the most acceptable degree of fractional crystallisation and magma mixing to fit major-element data, and these values are used to compare calculated and observed trace-element values. The success or failure of the model is determined by the closeness of the two sets of values. For partial-melt models, trace-element values alone are calculated by the batch-melting equation.Results indicate that White Island dacite can best be modelled by fractional crystallisation; Manawahe by fractional crystallisation plus limited crustal contamination; Maungaongaonga by partial melting of Western Basement greywacke, and Tauhara by partial melting of this greywacke together with minor mixing with a more basic magma. Results from Parekauau and Horohoro indicate that these lavas are unlikely to have formed by any of the processes examined.  相似文献   

A suite of ultramafic xenoliths 2–10 cm in size occurs in basanite near Papeete, Tahiti, and consists of spinel lherzolites with minor dunites and wehrlites. Petrographic examination of xenoliths reveals that they are typically coarse grained with well-developed annealed textures. Microprobe analyses of constituent minerals in 11 xenoliths indicate that bulk compositions of xenoliths are magnesian but with significant variability from xenolith to xenolith especially in Fe/Mg and Cr/Al ratios and in absolute amounts of Al2O3 and Cr2O3. Within any single xenolith, however, coexisting minerals are homogeneous and appear to be compositionally equilibrated. Geothermometry of coexisting orthopyroxene and augite indicates temperatures of equilibration of about 1100°C but there is considerable uncertainty in this estimate due to significant non-quadrilateral pyroxene substitutions. There is no accurate way to determine pressures, but the ubiquity of Cr-poor spinel and absence of garnet imply pressures less than about 15–20 kbar.The margins of most xenoliths show significant alteration through reaction with enclosing alkaline magma. Principal reaction features include zoning of spinels and olivines toward compositions in equilibrium with the magma, and reaction-melting of orthopyroxene to a symplectite of olivine plus silica-rich glass. Glass composition profiles across the symplectites indicate that alkalis, titanium and aluminum diffused into the symplectite from the magma and that silica diffused into the magma. All glass analyses show very low iron, magnesium and calcium.Xenolith mineral assemblages and chemistry indicate their origin in the upper mantle at relatively shallow depths. They are therefore not related genetically to the enclosing basanite magma which came from deeper in the mantle, but rather are accidental fragments of country rock picked up by magma on its way to the surface. The details of the reaction features strongly imply that the magma had partially crystallized by the time it reacted with xenoliths, possibly while still in the mantle.  相似文献   

Taupo volcanic centre is one of two active rhyolite centres in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), and has been sporadically active over the past ca. 300 ka. At least four large-scale ignimbrites have erupted from the centre, including the well documented 26.5 ka Oruanui ignimbrite and 1.8 ka Taupo ignimbrite. Because stratigraphy of earlier ignimbrites and their sources are masked by later volcanism, disrupted by regional tectonics and obscured by poor exposure, indirect methods must be applied in order to determine their source regions. In this paper detailed componentry, density and petrology of lithic fragments from three ignimbrites (Rangatira Point, Oruanui, Taupo) are used to reveal aspects of the sub-Taupo caldera geology, including the evolution of the Taupo volcanic centre, to assist in ignimbrite correlation and to evaluate structures within the Taupo caldera complex. Lithic fragments identify a complex subsurface geology. The Rangatira Point ignimbrite sampled dominantly rhyolite lavas, plus a variety of welded ignimbrites, rare high-silica dacites and a single dolerite. Most lithic fragments in the Oruanui ignimbrite are andesite with minor rhyolite, welded ignimbrite, dacite and rounded greywacke, while in the Taupo ignimbrite, rhyolite is again the dominant lithic component with subordinate welded ignimbrites, andesite, and greywacke. The densities of lithic fragments indicate similar ranges of values for all lava types, and thus density is a poor indicator of lithology. Care must, therefore, be taken before interpreting subcrustal stratigraphy using density as the sole criterion. The petrography and geochemistry of lithic types are more specific, and the variation can be used to identify sources for the ignimbrites. Both pumice chemistry and rhyolite lithic fragments from the Rangatira Point ignimbrite are comparable to domes exposed at the southern end of the Western Dome Complex and, combined with limited outcrop information, suggest the most likely source for this unit is in the northern part of the Taupo caldera complex. The dominance of andesite lithic fragments in the Oruanui ignimbrite suggests a major andesite cone existed beneath the source area, and the different lithic suites between Oruanui and Taupo ignimbrites suggest these ignimbrites came, at least in part, from mutually exclusive collapse structures. We believe that the Oruanui caldera is sited principally in the northwestern part of present-day Lake Taupo and the Taupo caldera in the northeastern part. Identification of abundant ignimbrite lithics in the Taupo ignimbrite, which are considered to represent an intracaldera facies of an earlier ignimbrite, that is not exposed at the surface, suggest there was a further (pre-Oruanui) ignimbrite caldera in the Taupo ignimbrite eruptive vent region.  相似文献   

For regionally widespread Holocene tephra layers in southernmost Patagonia, correlations based on both chemical and chronological data indicate their derivation from five large-volume (>1 km3) explosive eruptions of four different volcanoes in the southernmost Andes. Bulk-tephra and tephra-glass major and trace-element chemistry and Sr isotopic ratios unambiguously distinguish different source volcanoes, and imply that two of the regionally widespread tephra (MB1 and MB2) were derived from Mt. Burney (52°S), one (R1) from Reclus (51°S), one (A1) from Aguilera (50°S) and one (H1) from Hudson volcano (46°S). The H1 tephra derived from the Hudson volcano, which is located at the southern end of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ; 33–46°S), contains distinctive greenish andesitic glass with FeO > 4.5 wt.% and TiO2 > 1.2 wt.%. In contrast, rhyolitic glass in tephra derived from the eruptions of Mt. Burney, Reclus and Aguilera volcanoes, which are located in the Andean Austral Volcanic Zone (AVZ; 49–55°S), is clear and transparent and has significantly lower FeO and TiO2. Tephra derived from these three AVZ volcanoes all contain plagioclase, orthopyroxene, minor clinopyroxene and amphibole. Biotite occurs only in the Aguilera A1 tephra, which also has the highest bulk-tephra and tephra-glass K2O and Rb contents. Averages of new and published 14C ages determined on organic material in soil and sediment samples above and below these tephra constrain the uncalibrated 14C age of the R1 eruption of Reclus volcano to 12,685 ± 260 years BP, the MB1 and MB2 eruptions of Mt. Burney to 8,425 ± 500 and 3,830 ± 390 years BP, the Hudson H1 eruption to 6,850 ± 160 years BP, and the A1 eruption of Aguilera volcano to 3,000 ± 100 years BP. The volume of the largest of these eruptions, H1 of the Hudson volcano, is estimated as >18 km3. The volume of the Reclus R1 eruption is estimated at >10 km3, the Aguilera A1 eruption at between 4 and 9 km3, and the younger Mt. Burney MB2 eruption at ≥2.8 km3. The volume of the older MB1 Mt. Burney eruption is the least well constrained, but must have been larger than the younger MB2 eruption. The data indicate that the frequency of explosive activity of volcanic centers in the AVZ is lower than in the southern SVZ.  相似文献   

The Mt Somers Volcanics are part of a suite of mid-Cretaceous (89 ± 2 Ma) intermediate to silicic volcanics, erupted onto an eroded surface of Torlesse sediments. Rock types vary from basaltic andesite to high-silica rhyolite. Andesites are medium- to high-K with phenocrysts of plagioclase, orthopyroxene and pigeonite. Dacites are peraluminous and commonly contain granulite facies xenoliths and garnet xenocrysts. Equilibrium mineral assemblages indicate metamorphic pressures of close to 6 kbar at 800°C. Rhyolites are peraluminous with phenocrysts of quartz, sanidine, plagioclase, biotite, garnet and orthopyroxene. The ferromagnesian phases show textural evidence of magmatic crystallization and are chemically distinct from xenocryst phases in dacites. Equilibrium assemblages indicate that early magmatic crystallization occurred at close to 7 kbar (20 km depth) at above 850°C, with melt-water contents of less than 3.5%. Major-element contents, trace-element contents and an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7085 indicate that the rhyolites formed by partial melting of dominantly quartzo-feldspathic Torlesse sediments, leaving a granulite-facies residue. The chemical variation displayed by the rhyolites is best explained by fractional crystallization of the observed high-pressure phenocryst assemblage. Most elements show a compositional gap between rhyolite and dacite. The major-element, trace-element and Sr isotope compositions of the intermediate lavas are best explained by assimilation of lower crustal material combined with fractional crystallization in mantle-derived tholeiitic magmas. Magmatism was the result of heat and magma flux from the mantle, during the change from compressive to extensional tectonics after the culmination of the Rangitata Orogeny.  相似文献   

Mayor Island is a peralkaline rhyolitic caldera volcano characterised by numerous, sector-confined pyroclastic deposits, together with lavas forming at least five composite shields. Correlation of sequences between sectors is difficult because of the scarcity of island-wide marker beds. However, eight distal calc-alkaline fall tephras (ca. 7.3 14C ka to 64 ka) from Okataina and Taupo volcanic centres in the nearby Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) have been identified on the island. These “foreign” TVZ tephras provide marker planes to correlate activity in different sectors of Mayor Island volcano, and refine an eruptive chronology. At least seventeen pyroclastic eruptions and fourteen lava-producing events (including multiple, shield-forming events) have occurred in the past ca. 64 ka. Age controls provided by the calc-alkaline tephras confirm the extremely local dispersal characteristics of many of the Mayor Island eruptives and show that K/Ar ages as young as 25–33 ka on obsidians with 4.2–4.4% K2O are reliable.  相似文献   

A picrite lava (22 wt% MgO; 35 vol.% ol) along the western shore of the1.3–1.4 Ma Kahoolawe tholeiitic shield, Hawaii, contains small xenoliths of harzburgite, lherzolite, norite, and wehrlite. The various rock types have textures where either orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, or plagioclase is in a poikilitic relationship with olivine. The Mg#s of the olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene in this xenolith suite range between 86 and 82; spinel Mg#s range from 60 to 49, and plagioclase is An75–80. A 87Sr/86Sr ratio for one ol-norite xenolith is 0.70444. In comparison, the host picrite has olivine phenocrysts with an average Mg# of 86.2 (range 87.5–84.5), and a whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70426. Textural and isotopic information together with mineral compositions indicate that the xenoliths are related to Kahoolawe tholeiitic magmatism, but are not crystallization products of the magma represented by their host picrite. Rather, the xenoliths are crystalline products of earlier primitive liquids (FeO/MgO ranging 1 to 1.3) at 5–9 kbar in the cumulate environment of a magma reservoir or conduit system. The presence of ultramafic xenoliths in picrite but not in typical Kahoolawe tholeiitic lava (6–9 wt% MgO) is consistent with replenishment of reservoirs by dense Mg-rich magma emplaced beneath resident, less dense tholeiitic magma. Mg-rich magmas have proximity to reservoir cumulate zones and are therefore more likely than fractionated residual liquids to entrain fragments of cumulate rock.  相似文献   

A suite of highly depleted peridotite xenoliths in East Serbian Palaeogene basanites represents the lithospheric mantle beneath the Balkan Peninsula. The xenoliths are harzburgites, clinopyroxene-poor lherzolites and rare dunites. They contain mostly <5 vol.% of modal clinopyroxene and are characterized by high Mg# in silicates (>91), high Cr# in spinel (mostly 0.5–0.7), and by distinctively low Al2O3 contents in orthopyroxene (mostly 1–2 wt.%). They have experienced some mantle metasomatism which has slightly obscured their original composition. Nevertheless, the general characteristics of the xenoliths imply a composition which is significantly more depleted than most non-cratonic sub-continental mantle xenolith suites, as well as orogenic peridotites and abyssal peridotites. Geological and compositional evidence suggests that the xenoliths do not represent Archean mantle. The existence of Proterozoic mantle cannot be entirely excluded, although it is in disagreement with geological evidence. On the other hand, the studied xenoliths are compositionally very similar to peridotites of modern oceanic sub-arc settings. The existence of such a depleted lithospheric mantle segment is also inferred from the presence of rare orthopyroxene-rich xenoliths in the same suite. These are interpreted to have originated as lithospheric precipitates of high-Mg, SiO2-saturated magmas that require a highly depleted mantle source. Such source is typically required by boninitic-like magmas of intraoceanic suprasubduction settings. A proposed geodynamic model to explain these observations involves accretion or underplating of the lower parts of the Tethyan oceanic lithosphere during the Upper Jurassic closure of the eastern branch of the Vardar ocean.  相似文献   

Volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) and the Kermadec arc-Havre Trough (KAHT) is related to westward subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Indo-Australian Plate. The tectonic setting of the TVZ is continental whereas in KAHT it is oceanic and in these two settings the relative volumes of basalt differ markedly. In TVZ, basalts form a minor proportion (< 1%) of a dominant rhyolite (97%)-andesite association while in KAHT, basalts and basaltic andesites are the major rock types. Neither the convergence rate between the Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates nor the extension rates in the back-arc region or the dip of the Pacific Plate Wadati-Benioff zone differ appreciably between the oceanic and continental segments. The distance between the volcanic front and the axis of the back-arc basin decreases from the Kermadec arc to TVZ and the distance between trench and volcanic front increases from around 200 km in the Kermadec arc to 280 km in TVZ. These factors may prove significant in determining the extent to which arc and backarc volcanism in subduction settings are coupled.All basalts from the Kermadec arc are porphyritic (up to 60% phenocrysts) with assemblages generally dominated by plagioclase but with olivine, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene. A single dredge sample from the Havre Trough back arc contains olivine and plagioclase microphenocrysts in glassy pillow rind and is mildly alkaline (< 1% normative nepheline) contrasting with the tholeiitic nature of the other basalts. Basalts from the TVZ contain phenocryst assemblages of olivine + plagioclase ± clinopyroxene; orthopyroxene phenocrysts occur only in the most evolved basalts and basaltic andesites from both TVZ and the Kermadec Arc.Sparsely porphyritic primitive compositions (Mg/(Mg+Fe2) > 70) are high in Al2O3 (>16.5%), and project in the olivine volume of the basalt tetrahedron. They contain olivine (Fo87) phenocrysts and plagioclase (> An60) microphenocrysts. These magmas have ratios of CaO/Al2O3, A12O3/TiO2 and CaO/TiO2 in the range of MORB and MORB picrites and can evolve to the low-pressure MORB cotectic by crystallisation of olivine±plagiociase. Such rocks may be the parents of other magmas whose evolutionary pathways are complicated by interaction of crystal fractionation, crystal accumulation and mixing processes and the filtering action of crust of variable density and thickness. The interplay of these processes likely accounts for the scatter of data about the cotectic. More evolved rocks from both TVZ and KAHT contain clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene phenocrysts and their compositions merge with basaltic andesites and andesites. Stepwise least-squares modelling using phenocryst assemblages in proportions observed in the rocks suggest that crystal fractionation and accumulation processes can account for much of the diversity observed in the major-element compositions of all lavas.We conclude that the parental basaltic magmas for volcanism in the TVZ and KAHT segments are similar thereby implying grossly similar source mineralogy. We attribute the diversity to secondary processes influencing liquids as they ascended through complex plumbing systems in the sub arc mantle and cross.  相似文献   

An extensive study of a big number of gneiss specimens with various shock features from the suevite allowed unravelling of the shock behavior of almandite garnets.Almandites in shocked metamorphic rocks show with increasing dynamic pressures strong irregular fracturing. differently oriented sets of planar fractures or elements, brown turbidity and nucleation of minute crystals of an unknown phase in solid garnets. At higher peak pressures garnet was found to break down to (1) orthopyroxene + spinel + glass, and to (2) spinel + glass due to fast shock-melting.Extensive quantitative electron microprobe studies of almandite garnets and their breakdown products were carried out. The breakdown products within the original grain boundaries of the garnets consist of an alumina-rich orthopyroxene (with up to 10 wt. % Al2O3), hercynite to pleonaste spinels and a silica and calcium-rich glass matrix. The chemical zonation of magnesium and manganese of the former garnets is inherited in the composition of the newly formed orthopyroxenes.Petrographic evidence and chemical composition suggest a fast breakdown of the almandite garnets after passing of shock waves at rapidly falling pressures and very high post-shock temperatures within the ejected gneissic rock material.  相似文献   

Ion and electron microprobe analyses of twenty-one CrAl-spinel harzburgite xenoliths from southern African kimberlites show two chemical groups. Orthopyroxenes from “fertile” harzburgites have higher CaO (mean of 11, 0.95 wt.%), Al2O3 (3.05 wt.%), Cr2O3 (0.85 wt.%) and Li (0.8 ppmw) than those from “barren” harzburgites (mean of 10, CaO 0.24 wt.%, Al2O3 1.10 wt.%, Cr2O3 0.35 wt.%, Li 0.3 ppmw). Olivines from all harzburgites have similar chemistry except that mean values of Li and Na are higher for barren than fertile harzburgites (Li 0.9 vs. 0.4 ppmw; Na2O 16 vs. 7 ppmw). Orthopyroxenes from fertile harzburgites are chemically distinct from those in garne lherzolites from southern Africa and spinel lherzolites from southwest U.S.A., but orthopyroxenes from barren harzburgites are indistinguishable from those in many coarse garnet lherzolites.Chromium, Ca, Ni, Na and Li in coexisting olivines and orthopyroxenes from the above rock types show complex patterns, which for Ca, Cr and Ni can be related to pressure and temperature. Temperatures from an empirically calibrated thermometer based on Ni-Mg exchange between olivine and orthopyroxene, measured modes of harzburgites (fertile, mean of 10: ol 68, opx 31, spinel-silicate intergrowth <0.5; barren, mean of 8: ol 76, opx 23, spinel and spinel-silicate intergrowth 1), and high-pressure experimental studies suggest (a) that harzburgites are residues of partial melting, (b) that barren harzburgites were melted to a greater extent at a higher temperature (though probably at a similar depth) than fertile harzburgites, and (c) that incomplete reequilibration during retrograde metamorphism has led to development of complex inter- and intragranular textures, probably in the range ~700–900°C.  相似文献   

Gabbro xenoliths in a tholeiitic lava of Kahoolawe Island, Hawaii, a 1.3–1.4 Ma shield volcano, are 1–3 cm in size and comprised of plagioclase, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene. Gabbro textures — while intergranular and in part subophitic-are open due to 28–48 vol.% of vesicular basalt occupying xenolith space. Vesicles in and around the xenoliths are lined or filled with rhyolitic glass (segregation vesicles). The host is evolved tholeiite (MgO 6.1 wt%) with phenocrysts, microphenocrysts, and glomerocrysts of olivine, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase, and megacrysts (1 cm) of plagioclase. The Sr-isotope ratio of one xenolith is 0.70489; the host basalt ratio is 0.70460. Xenolith isotope composition, grain resorption, and clinopyroxene (Fs12.5–15Wo38–35.5), orthopyroxene (Fs19.5–24Wo4.1), and plagioclase (An68–65Or0.8–1.2) compositions suggest that these gabbros crystallized from Kahoolawe tholeiitic magma of essentially the same composition as the host basalt, but pre-dating the magma represented by the host. Based on the absence of intergranular Fe–Ti oxide phases from the pl+cpx+opx assemblages, and the open, vuggy textures, we envision crystallization on a reservoir roof at temperatures >1100°C. Entrainment of gabbro assemblages and plagioclase megacrysts from a roof mush/suspension zone occurred during convection associated with replenishment of the magma reservoir. These open-textured gabbro xenoliths are therefore not fragments of preexisting coarse-grained bodies such as sills or segregation veins. Rhyolitic glass in vesicles represents a gas-effervescence filtration process that forced fractionated residual liquids from the groundmass into voids associated with the xenoliths.Sirrine Environmental Consultants, Fremont, CA 94538  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is one of a number of gaseous species associated with geothermal activity in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand. The city of Rotorua is located within Rotorua Caldera in the TVZ and is one of the few urban areas in the world where a large population (>60,000 people) is frequently exposed to geothermal emissions. In order to evaluate the health hazard from long-term exposure to H2S being emitted from the Rotorua geothermal field, a passive sampler has been developed to measure concentrations of H2S at many locations across the city simultaneously. In contrast to other passive or pump-based samplers, the sampler is inexpensive, easily mass-manufactured, and involves the reaction of H2S with silver halide contained in treated photographic paper. H2S-exposed paper shows a distinct colour change from white to dark brown as H2S concentrations increase and is sensitive to concentrations between ≪30 and around 1000 ppb. Rotorua city can be divided into three regions—an area of low H2S concentration in the west, a ‘corridor’ of high concentrations running north–south through the city centre where H2S is being emitted, and an area of medium concentration to the east which is influenced by the prevailing wind direction, creating a plume from the central corridor. The data give new insight into the subsurface routes of degassing in the Rotorua geothermal field, by showing the surface expression of the main upflow zone and the direction of the conjectured faulting below.  相似文献   

Abundant fluid inclusions in olivine of dunite xenoliths (~1–3 cm) in basalt dredged from the young Loihi Seamount, 30 km southeast of Hawaii, are evidence for three coexisting immiscible fluid phases—silicate melt (now glass), sulfide melt (now solid), and dense supercritical CO2 (now liquid + gas)—during growth and later fracturing of some of these olivine crystals. Some olivine xenocrysts, probably from disaggregation of xenoliths, contain similar inclusions.Most of the inclusions (2–10 μm) are on secondary planes, trapped during healing of fractures after the original crystal growth. Some such planes end abruptly within single crystals and are termed pseudosecondary, because they formed during the growth of the host olivine crystals. The “vapor” bubble in a few large (20–60 μm), isolated, and hence primary, silicate melt inclusions is too large to be the result of simple differential shrinkage. Under correct viewing conditions, these bubbles are seen to consist of CO2 liquid and gas, with an aggregate ? = ~ 0.5–0.75 g cm?3, and represent trapped globules of dense supercritical CO2 (i.e., incipient “vesiculation” at depth). Some spinel crystals enclosed within olivine have attached CO2 blebs. Spherical sulfide blebs having widely variable volume ratios to CO2 and silicate glass are found in both primary and pseudosecondary inclusions, demonstrating that an immiscible sulfide melt was also present.Assuming olivine growth at ~ 1200°C and hydrostatic pressure from a liquid lava column, extrapolation of CO2P-V-T data indicates that the primary inclusions were trapped at ~ 220–470 MPa (2200–4700 bars), or ~ 8–17 km depth in basalt magma of ? = 2.7 g cm?3. Because the temperature cannot change much during the rise to eruption, the range of CO2 densities reveals the change in pressure from that during original olivine growth to later deformation and rise to eruption on the sea floor. The presence of numerous decrepitated inclusions indicates that the inclusion sample studied is biased by the loss of higher-density inclusions and suggests that some part of these olivine xenoliths formed at greater depths.  相似文献   

Grain-specific analyses of Fe–Ti oxides and estimates of eruption temperature (T) and oxygen fugacity (fO2) have been used to fingerprint rhyolitic fall and flow deposits that are important for tephrostratigraphic studies in and around the Taupo volcanic zone of North Island, New Zealand. The analysed Fe–Ti oxides commonly occur in the rims of orthopyroxene crystals and appear to reflect equilibrium immediately prior to eruption because of geochemical correlation with the co-existing glass phase. The composition of the spinel phase is particularly diagnostic of eruptive centre for post-65 ka events and can be used to distinguish many tephra beds from the same volcano. The 29 different units examined were erupted over a wide range in T (690–990°C) and Δ log fO2 (–0.1 to 2.0). These parameters are closely related to the mafic mineral assemblage, with hydrous mineral-bearing units displaying higher fO2. Such trends are superimposed on larger differences in fO2 that are related to eruptive centre. At any given temperature, all post-65 ka Okataina centre tephra have higher fO2 values than post-65 ka Taupo centre tephra. This provides a useful criterion for identifying the volcanic source. There are no temporal T and fO2 trends in the tephra record; over intervals >20 ka, however, tephra sequences from Taupo centre form characteristic T-fO2 buffer trends mirroring the glass chemistry. Individual eruptive events display uniform spinel and rhombohedral phase compositions and thus narrow ranges in T (± <20°C) and log fO2 (± <0.5), allowing these features to identify individual magma batches. These criteria can help distinguish tephra deposits of similar bulk or glass composition that originated from the same volcano. Distal fall deposits record the same T-fO2 conditions as the proximal ignimbrite and enable distal–proximal correlation. Lateral and vertical compositional and T-fO2 variability displayed in large volume (>100 km3) ignimbrites, such as the Oruanui, Rotoiti and Ongatiti, is similar to that found in a single pumice clast and thus mainly reflects analytical error; however, thermal gradients of ca. 50°C may occur in some units. Received: 6 April 1998 / Accepted: 16 June 1998  相似文献   

We report REE and minor element distributions for perovskites from seven kimberlites (South Africa and U.S.A.). The REE (1.6–6.3 oxides wt.%) are always strongly light REE enriched, often with Ce > La (chondrite-normalized), and show an expected close correlation with whole-rock analyses. Where examined, perovskite contains far more REE than coexisting apatite, by about an order of magnitude. Calculations indicate that iron is mostly present as Fe3+ and is low (1.0–2.9 wt.% Fe2O3) compared with perovskite from carbonatite complexes such as Oka (4.4 wt.% FeO [3]). In addition to established Nb (0.3–1.7 oxide wt.%), geochemically interesting elements encountered include Zr (up to 1.5 oxide wt.%), Ba and Sr (up to 0.2, 0.4 oxide wt.% respectively). Specific geological applications suggest a possible genetic link between Wesselton pipe and Benfontein Sills kimberlites, and that carbonate-rich dikes in the Premier mine were derived from kimberlites. The overall similarities with incompatible element-rich titanates in veined mantle peridotites suggest a more direct link between kimberlite magmatism and mantle metasomatism.  相似文献   

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