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水物质对云雨区卫星微波观测模拟影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
受云和降水影响卫星资料在数值天气预报中的同化应用对于进一步改善数值预报效果具有重要作用, 这部分工作的开展要求快速辐射传输模式中能够较好地考虑各种水物质的辐射效应。使用美国卫星资料同化联合中心新近开发的快速辐射传输模式CRTM, 通过中尺度数值模式WRF的预报输出提供水物质输入, 分析水物质辐射效应对云雨区卫星微波观测模拟计算的影响。在WRF模式预报水物质的分布和天气系统配置合理并符合云物理基本特征的前提下, 水物质辐射效应的考虑极大改善了卫星观测模拟的效果。结合卫星各通道探测特性, 进一步分析各种水物质粒子对NOAA-16 AMSU A/B各通道卫星亮温模拟的影响和物理机理, 定量统计各类水物质对各卫星观测通道亮温计算偏差和偏差贡献的权重大小。分析结果表明:快速辐射传输模式中, 考虑水物质辐射效应为数值天气预报中云雨区卫星资料的同化应用提供了必需的基础条件。  相似文献   

福建古田人工降水试验区自然云雨特征的卫星云图分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用GMS-3的红外云图资料对古田地区4—6月份上空的自然云雨资源进行了统计分析。结果表明:锋面系统是最佳的播撒系统,最佳播撒时期在5月份,最佳播撒时段在深夜至清晨,最佳播撒对象是云顶温度介于-28℃~-12℃的云体。  相似文献   

吸湿性物质催化云雨的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
用氯化钙溶滴消暖雾已经70年了,后来细盐粒子或盐溶液也被用于催化暖云,希望它们在云中形成雨胚,启动或加速碰并过程以增加降水.20世纪60年代,飞机播撒盐粉、地面烧盐粉成为我国人工影响暖云的主要方法,普遍反映有增雨效果,由于当时条件限制,没有进行严格的科学验证;同时,因为实施中播撒剂量大,对飞机又有腐蚀而被搁置.十多年前南非在人工增雨中开发了产生吸湿性微粒的新型焰弹技术,用于暖性对流云催化,通过随机化试验取得了具有统计显著性的增雨效果,这一结果在墨西哥的试验中得到重复;另一方面,泰国一直使用粗吸湿性粒子催化暖积云,近年来的随机化试验也证明能增加降水,但是降水的增加是4 h后在被催化云的新生云中出现的.这些结果重新激起人们对暖云催化的兴趣,成为当前国际云雾物理和人工影响天气领域的热点问题之一.  相似文献   

每当我们进行气象科学研究和进行气象业务现代化建设的时候 ,都不应该忘记我国古代人民对气象的认识和贡献。早在殷代甲骨文中有许多是天气占卜 ,如问 (今天 )云下不下雨 ,这说明了他们已经知道雨是从云中降下来的。《吕氏春秋》中是这样记载了我国古人对云分类的最早认识 :“山云草莽 ,水云鱼鳞 ,旱云如烟 ,雨云如波” ,山云指的是晴天午后山区的朵朵积云 ,它的形象像草莽 ;鱼鳞云现代称为卷积云 ,往往会发展成降雨的坏天气 ;旱云指的是天上丝丝缕缕的卷云 ,这种云是不会降雨的 ;而雨云指的是可发展为持久阵雨的雨层云。关于云的形成原因 ,…  相似文献   

X波段双极化雷达的外场观测较少见,用成都市人工防雹降雨办公室1999年8、9两月双权化雷达的降水资料,对成都地区的对流云和层状云降水进行了水平剖面和垂直剖面的散射图分析,结果表明X波段Zh-Zdr平面散射与C波和S波段的散射图类似;在0度层上下的散射图变化清楚地反映了云中粒子的态相变化,这将为人工影响天气的科学作业和效果检验提供新的依据。  相似文献   

一、引言大气中云和降水所涉及的过程范围很广,从空间范围看,大到数千公里,小到几微米;从时间范围看,从几秒钟到几天、十几天。图1给出大气中各种过程所具有的水平空间尺度和时间尺度。传统的天  相似文献   

由于微波站地里位置特殊和设备的重要性,通信站的防雷是一项系统工程,应强调全方位综合治理。论文按照泄放、消峰、隔离、屏蔽、均压等电位的联合接地设计原理,系统地介绍了通信站的防雷措施。  相似文献   

1963—1978年,使用飞机,对河套低压的降水性层状云作了21架次的云雾物理探测,结合天气分析与统计计算发现: 1.系统各部位层状云云状不一,对应云层的宏观特征及降水强度也有差别。 2.系统的平均冰质点浓度在 10~(-2)个/升—10~2个/升之间,其各部位浓度、浓度的垂直分布及晶形出现频数都不一样。液态含水量在 0—0.77克/米~3之间,平均为 0.122克/米~3,各部位液态含水量虽有差别,但都是正温层较大,负温层较小,到-10℃层以上已很少见液态水存在。 3.系统层状云的降水强度和系统部位、云厚、正温层厚度、云底温度以及平均液态水含量相关较好,而和云顶温度、冰云厚度及冰质点平均浓度相关不好,可用—多元迴归方程来拟合  相似文献   

河套低压降水性层状云的云雨特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1963—1978年,使用飞机,对河套低压的降水性层状云作了21架次的云雾物理探测,结合天气分析与统计计算发现: 1.系统各部位层状云云状不一,对应云层的宏观特征及降水强度也有差别。 2.系统的平均冰质点浓度在 10~(-2)个/升—10~2个/升之间,其各部位浓度、浓度的垂直分布及晶形出现频数都不一样。液态含水量在 0—0.77克/米~3之间,平均为 0.122克/米~3,各部位液态含水量虽有差别,但都是正温层较大,负温层较小,到-10℃层以上已很少见液态水存在。 3.系统层状云的降水强度和系统部位、云厚、正温层厚度、云底温度以及平均液态水含量相关较好,而和云顶温度、冰云厚度及冰质点平均浓度相关不好,可用—多元迴归方程来拟合  相似文献   

Based on the two-dimensional slab-symmetric model of cumulus clouds established by the authors,thedevelopment of the cumulus cloud and its precipitation in environments with and without the stratiform cloudpresent has been simulated numerically in almost the same atmospheric stratification.Results show that thepresence of the stratiform cloud has a significant effect on the development of the cumulus cloud and theincreae of its precipitation.The rainfall may increase by scveral to tens of times.It is believed that theconvective-stratiform mixed cloud system may be important for producing heavy to torrential rain.This isin good agreement with what has been observed in the Meiyu frontal cloud system in recent investigations  相似文献   

利用我们已建立的二维积云降水模式,在相同的大气层结条件下,模拟了孤立积云和层状云中积云的发展和降水情况。结果表明,层状云的存在对积云的发展有显著的促进作用,降水量可加大到几到几十倍,从而认为积层混合云系可能是产生大雨和暴雨的一种重要机构,这与梅雨锋里锋区混合云系常产生暴雨的观测事实比较符合。  相似文献   

Cloud radiative and microphysical effects on the relation between spatial mean rain rate, rain intensity and fractional rainfall coverage are investigated in this study by conducting and analyzing a series of two-dimensional cloud resolving model sensitivity experiments of pre-summer torrential rainfall in June 2008. The analysis of time-mean data shows that the exclusion of radiative effects of liquid clouds reduces domain mean rain rate by decreasing convective rain rate mainly through the reduced convective-rainfall area associated with the strengthened hydrometeor gain in the presence of radiative effects of ice clouds, whereas it increases domain mean rain rate by enhancing convective rain rate mainly via the intensified convective rain intensity associated with the enhanced net condensation in the absence of radiative effects of ice clouds. The removal of radiative effects of ice clouds decreases domain mean rain rate by reducing stratiform rain rate through the suppressed stratiform rain intensity related to the suppressed net condensation in the presence of radiative effects of liquid clouds, whereas it increases domain mean rain rate by strengthening convective rain rate mainly via the enhanced convective rain intensity in response to the enhanced net condensation in the absence of radiative effects of liquid clouds. The elimination of microphysical effects of ice clouds suppresses domain mean rain rate by reducing stratiform rain rate through the reduced stratiform-rainfall area associated with severely reduced hydrometeor loss.  相似文献   

双线偏振雷达雨区衰减订正问题的模拟计算与讨论   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
刘黎平  徐宝祥 《高原气象》1992,11(3):235-240

景丽  陆汉城  朱民 《气象科学》2004,24(1):35-44
应用MM5V2数值模式输出的高分辨率资料对在复杂地形和锋面系统共同作用下台湾暴雨发生的水汽、垂直速度、低空急流等物理量场的中尺度特征进行了分析。表明地形是使锋面降水加强.最终形成暴雨的主要原因。在地形作用下,速度场、湿度场都具有比较稳定的局地特征,台湾岛迎风区保持着比背风区大的湿度场,流场表现为一个地形性中尺度环流。随着锋面系统的不断靠近,局地特征表现为加强和减弱两个阶段。发现迎风坡的低空急流主要是由地形引起的,它的南北向分布不均使空气发生了辐合上升运动,与地形和锋面引起的上升运动叠加,在地形迎风坡形成了一个垂直速度的大值区。有地形比无地形的降水明显加强。  相似文献   

Typhoon-induced heavy rains are mostly studied from the viewpoint of upper-level westerly troughs. It is worthwhile to probe into a case where the rain is caused by tropical cyclone system, which is much heavier. During August 3 ~ 5, 1996, an unusually heavy rainstorm happened in the southwest of Hebei province. It was caused by 3 mesoscale convective cloud clusters on the periphery of a tropical cyclone other than the direct effects of a westerly trough. Generating in a weak baroclinic environment that is unstable with high energy, the cloud clusters were triggered off for development by unstable ageostrophic gravity waves in the low-level southeast jet stream on the periphery of the typhoon. There was a vertical circulation cell with horizontal scale close to 1000 km between the rainstorm area and westerly trough in northeast China. As shown in a computation of the Q vector of frontogenesis function, the circulation cell forms a mechanism of transforming energy between the area of interest and the westerly trough system farther away in northeast China. Study of water vapor chart indicates that high-latitude troughs in the northeast portion of the rain migrate to the southeast to enhance anti-cyclonic divergence in upper-level convection over the area of heavy rain and cause rain clusters, short-lived otherwise, to develop vigorously. It is acting as an amplifier in this case of unusually strong process of rain.  相似文献   

实际雨滴谱微波辐射与衰减特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对500份不同雨型雨滴谱谱进行分析,建立了Z-I、kt-I、ka-I、L-I等20各雨滴谱微波辐射特征量与雨滴谱本身特征量之间的统计模式,得到了一些有意义的结果。它在大气、信息等学科中有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

云和气溶胶对温度影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Using radiosonde data and other related observations in the TOGA-COARE IOP(fromNovember 1,1992 to February 28,1993),the microwave attenuation of non-precipitating clouds isinvestigated based on microwave radiative transfer model(MRTM)at the specific frequencies of6.8,10.65,13.9,19.35,22.235,37.0,85.5 and 90.0 GHz.Besides,utilizing the data of theairborne radar and radiometer at 13.8 GHz in the IOP(Intensive Observation Period),verticalstructure models for different types of precipitating clouds are obtained,and also the microwaveattenuation of precipitating cloud is studied.Some statistical characteristics of 13.8 GHzmicrowave path integrated attenuation for stratiform and convective precipitating clouds arepresented.The results given here are valuable for the spaceborne microwave remote sensing ofprecipitation,and the cloud and precipitation attenuation corrections in the spaceborne microwaveremote sensing of earth surface over tropical ocean area.  相似文献   

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